ssttaattiissttiikk llaahhaann · pdf fileluas lahan sawah menurut kabupaten/kota di provinsi...

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Pusat Data dan Sistem Informasi Pertanian Sekretariat Jenderal - Kementerian Pertanian

Center for Agricultural Data and Information System

Secretariate General - Ministry of Agriculture

SSTTAATTIISSTTIIKK LLAAHHAANN PPEERRTTAANNIIAANN STATISTICS OF AGRICULTURAL LAND, 2013 Ukuran Buku / Book Size : 20,5 CM x 29 CM Jumlah halaman / Number of pages : 224 halaman / pages Naskah / Manuscript : Pusat Data dan Sistem Informasi Pertanian/ Center for Agricultural Data and Information System Kementerian Pertanian / Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Indonesia Penasehat / Advisor : Ir. M.Tassim Billah, MSc Penyunting / Senior Editor : Ir. Dewa Ngakan Cakrabawa, MM DR. M. Luthful Hakim Ir. Rumonang Gultom Staf Penyunting / Editorial Staffs : Ir. Rumonang Gultom M. Ade Supriyatna Dra. Laelatul Hasanah, M.Si Mokhamad Subehi Mohamad Arief Heruwati Kartika Indah Handayani, SE Aulia Azhar Abdurachman, S.Si Gambar / Figures: Aulia Azhar Abdurachman, S.Si Mokhamad Subehi Diterbitkan oleh / Published by : Pusat Data dan Sistem Informasi Pertanian Sekretariat Jenderal - Kementerian Pertanian Center for Agricultural Data and Information System Secretariate General - Ministry of Agriculture

Boleh dikutip dengan menyebut sumbernya May be cited with reference to the source


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013


Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas berkat rahmat-Nya, buku

Statistik Lahan Pertanian dapat diselesaikan. Buku Statistik ini berisi tentang data luas lahan

pertanian Indonesia lima tahun terakhir (2008-2012) yaitu: 1) luas lahan sawah menurut provinsi

dan menurut kabupaten, 2) luas lahan sawah irigasi menurut provinsi dan menurut kabupaten, 3)

luas lahan sawah non irigasi menurut provinsi dan menurut kabupaten, 4) luas lahan tegal/kebun

menurut provinsi dan menurut kabupaten, 5) luas lahan ladang/huma menurut provinsi dan

menurut kabupaten, dan 6) luas lahan kering sementara tidak diusahakan menurut provinsi dan

menurut kabupaten.

Terima kasih kami ucapkan kepada tim dan semua pihak yang terlibat dalam penyusunan

buku statistik ini. Kami menyadari bahwa buku statistik ini memiliki keterbatasan, oleh sebab itu

kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran yang membangun, guna penyempurnaan dan perbaikan di

masa mendatang. Semoga buku ini bermanfaat bagi para pengambil kebijakan dan pengguna data.

Jakarta, Desember 2013

Kepala Pusat Data dan Sistem Informasi


Ir. M. Tassim Billah, MSc.

NIP. 19570725.198203.1.002


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013


Center for Agricultural Data and Information System has completed this Statistical Book of

Agricultural Land to fulfill the requirement of many users on the data of agricultural land for the last

5 (five) years data series. The data which covered in this book are: 1) area of wetland by provinces

and districts, 2) area of irrigated wetland by provinces and districts, 3) area of non- irrigated

wetland by provinces and districts, 4) area of dryland or garden by provinces and districts, 5) area of

shifting cultivation land by provinces and districts, and 6) area of temporarily unused land by

provinces and districts.

To all those who have helped in this publication, we thank you very much. This book, such

as other statistical books has many limitations. Therefore, we kindly expect the criticism and

suggestion for future improvement. Hopefully this book could be useful for decision-makers and all


Jakarta, December 2013

Director of Center for Agricultural Data

and Information System,

Ir. M. Tassim Billah, MSc.


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013


Kata Pengantar Preface ................................................................................................................................................... i Daftar Isi Contens ................................................................................................................................................. iii Daftar Gambar List of Figures ........................................................................................................................................ iv Daftar Tabel List of Tables .......................................................................................................................................... v 1. LAHAN SAWAH / WETLAND ........................................................................................................... 1 2. LAHAN SAWAH IRIGASI / IRRIGATED WETLAND .......................................................................... 39

3. LAHAN SAWAH NON IRIGASI / NON IRRIGATED WETLAND ......................................................... 75

4. LAHAN TEGAL/KEBUN / DRY FIELD/GARDEN ............................................................................. 111

5. LAHAN LADANG/HUMA / SHIFTING CULTIVATION LAND .......................................................... 149

6. LAHAN YANG SEMENTARA TIDAK DIUSAHAKAN / TEMPORARILY UNUSED LAND ........................................................................................................................................... 187


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013


Gambar 1. Luas Lahan Pertanian di Indonesia Figure 1. Area of Agricultural Land in Indonesia ...................................................................................... 3 Gambar 2. Luas Lahan Sawah di Indonesia Figure 2. Area of Wetland in Indonesia .................................................................................................... 3 Gambar 3. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun di Indonesia, 2008-2012 Figure 3. Area of Dry Field/Garden in Indonesia, 2008-2012 ............................................................... 113 Gambar 4. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun di Indonesia, 2008-2012 Figure 4. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land in Indonesia, 2008-2012 .................................................. 151 Gambar 5. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara tidak Diusahakan di Indonesia, 2008-2012 Figure 5. Area of Temporary Unused Land in Indonesia, 2008-2012 .................................................. 189


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013


Tabel 1. Luas Penggunaan Lahan di Indonesia, 2008-2012 Table 1. Land Area by Utilization in Indonesia, 2008-2012 ............................................................. 4

Tabel 2. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Provinsi di Indonesia, 2008-2012 Table 2. Area of Wetland by Province in Indonesia, 2008-2012 ..................................................... 5

Tabel 2.1. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Aceh, 2008-2012 Table 2.1. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Aceh Province, 2008-2012 ........................... 6

Tabel 2.2. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, 2008-2012

Table 2.2. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sumatera Utara Province, 2008-2012.......................................................................................................................... 7

Tabel 2.3. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, 2008-2012

Table 2.3. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sumatera Barat Province, 2008-2012.......................................................................................................................... 8

Tabel 2.4. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Riau, 2008-2012

Table 2.4. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Riau Province, 2008-2012 ............................ 9

Tabel 2.5. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi, 2008-2012

Table 2.5. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Jambi Province, 2008-2012 ....................... 10

Tabel 2.6. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 2.6. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sumatera Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 11

Tabel 2.7. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bengkulu, 2008-2012

Table 2.7. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Bengkulu Province, 2008-2012 ................................................................................................................................. 12

Tabel 2.8. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Lampung, 2008-2012

Table 2.8. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Lampung Province, 2008-2012 ................................................................................................................................. 13

Tabel 2.9. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bangka Belitung, 2008-2012

Table 2.9. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Bangka Belitung Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 14

Tabel 2.10. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, 2008-2012

Table 2.10. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Riau Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 15


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.11. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, 2008-2012

Table 2.11. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in DKI Jakarta Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 16

Tabel 2.12. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat, 2008-2012

Table 2.12. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Barat Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 17

Tabel 2.13. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 2.13. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Tengah Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 18

Tabel 2.14. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta, 2008-2012

Table 2.14. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in D.I. Yogyakarta Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 19

Tabel 2.15. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Timur, 2008-2012

Table 2.15. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Timur Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 20

Tabel 2.16. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Banten, 2008-2012

Table 2.16. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Banten Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 21

Tabel 2.17. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bali, 2008-2012

Table 2.17. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Bali Province, 2008-2012 ........................... 22

Tabel 2.18. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, 2008-2012

Table 2.18. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 23

Tabel 2.19. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, 2008-2012

Table 2.19. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 24

Tabel 2.20. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, 2008-2012

Table 2.21. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Barat Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 25

Tabel 2.21. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 2.21. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 26

Tabel 2.22. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 2.22. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 27


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.23. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, 2008-2012

Table 2.23. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Timur Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 28

Tabel 2.24. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, 2008-2012

Table 2.24. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Utara Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 29

Tabel 2.25. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 2.25. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tengah Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 30

Tabel 2.26. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 2.26. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Selatan Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 31

Tabel 2.27. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, 2008-2012

Table 2.27. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tenggara Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 32

Tabel 2.28. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Gorontalo, 2008-2012

Table 2.28. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Gorontalo Province, 2008-2012 ................................................................................................................................. 33

Tabel 2.29. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, 2008-2012

Table 2.29. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Barat Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 34

Tabel 2.30. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku, 2008-2012

Table 2.30. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Maluku Province, 2008-2012 ................................................................................................................................. 35

Tabel 2.31. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku Utara, 2008-2012

Table 2.31. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Maluku Utara Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 36

Tabel 2.32. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua Barat, 2008-2012

Table 2.32. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Papua Barat Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 37

Tabel 2.33. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2008-2012

Table 2.33. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Papua Province, 2008-2012 ................................................................................................................................. 38


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Provinsi di Indonesia, 2008-2012 Table 3. Area of Irrigated Wetland by Province in Indonesia, 2008-2012 .................................... 41

Tabel 3.1. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Aceh, 2008-2012 Table 3.1. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Aceh Province,

2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 42

Tabel 3.2. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, 2008-2012

Table 3.2. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sumatera Utara Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 43

Tabel 3.3. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, 2008-2012

Table 3.3. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Barat Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 44

Tabel 3.4. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Riau, 2008-2012

Table 3.4. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Riau Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 45

Tabel 3.5. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi, 2008-2012

Table 3.5. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jambi Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 46

Tabel 3.6. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 3.6. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sumatera Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 47

Tabel 3.7. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bengkulu, 2008-2012

Table 3.7. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Bengkulu Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 48

Tabel 3.8. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Lampung, 2008-2012

Table 3.8. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Lampung Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 49

Tabel 3.9. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bangka Belitung, 2008-2012

Table 3.9. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Bangka Belitung Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 50

Tabel 3.10. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, 2008-2012

Table 3.10. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Riau Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 51

Tabel 3.11. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, 2008-2012


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Table 3.11. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in DKI Jakarta Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 52

Tabel 3.12. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat, 2008-2012

Table 3.12. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Barat Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 53

Tabel 3.13. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 3.13. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 54

Tabel 3.14. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta, 2008-2012

Table 3.14. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in D.I. Yogyakarta Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 55

Tabel 3.15. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Timur, 2008-2012

Table 3.15. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Timur Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 56

Tabel 3.16. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Banten, 2008-2012

Table 3.16. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Banten Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 57

Tabel 3.17. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bali, 2008-2012

Table 3.17. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Bali Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 58

Tabel 3.18. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, 2008-2012

Table 3.18. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, 2008-2012 .............................................................................................. 59

Tabel 3.19. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, 2008-2012

Table 3.19. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................. 60

Tabel 3.20. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, 2008-2012

Table 3.21. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Barat Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 61

Tabel 3.21. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 3.21. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................... 62

Tabel 3.22. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 3.22. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................... 63


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.23. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, 2008-2012

Table 3.23. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Timur Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 64

Tabel 3.24. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, 2008-2012

Table 3.24. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Utara Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 65

Tabel 3.25. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 3.25. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 66

Tabel 3.26. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 3.26. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 67

Tabel 3.27. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, 2008-2012

Table 3.27. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tenggara Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................ 68

Tabel 3.28. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Gorontalo, 2008-2012

Table 3.28. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Gorontalo Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 69

Tabel 3.29. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, 2008-2012

Table 3.29. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Barat Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 70

Tabel 3.30. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku, 2008-2012

Table 3.30. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Maluku Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 71

Tabel 3.31. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku Utara, 2008-2012

Table 3.31. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Maluku Utara Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 72

Tabel 3.32. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua Barat, 2008-2012

Table 3.32. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Papua Barat Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 73

Tabel 3.33. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2008-2012

Table 3.33. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Papua Province, 2008-2012........................................................................................................................ 74


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Provinsi di Indonesia, 2008-2012

Table 4. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by Province in Indonesia, 2008-2012 ............................. 77

Tabel 4.1. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Aceh, 2008-2012

Table 4.1. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Aceh Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 78

Tabel 4.2. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, 2008-2012

Table 4.2. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sumatera Utara Province, 2008-2012 .............................................................................................. 79

Tabel 4.4. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, 2008-2012

Table 4.4. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Barat Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 80

Tabel 4.4. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Riau, 2008-2012

Table 4.4. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Riau Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 81

Tabel 4.5. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi, 2008-2012

Table 4.5. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jambi Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 82

Tabel 4.6. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 4.6. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sumatera Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................... 83

Tabel 4.7. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bengkulu, 2008-2012

Table 4.7. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Bengkulu Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 84

Tabel 4.8. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Lampung, 2008-2012

Table 4.8. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Lampung Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 85

Tabel 4.9. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bangka Belitung, 2008-2012

Table 4.9. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Bangka Belitung Province, 2008-2012 .......................................................................................... 86

Tabel 4.10. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, 2008-2012

Table 4.10. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Riau Province, 2008-2012 ................................................................................................ 87

Tabel 4.11. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, 2008-2012

Table 4.11. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in DKI Jakarta Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 88


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.12. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat, 2008-2012

Table 4.12. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Barat Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 89

Tabel 4.13. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 4.13. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 90

Tabel 4.14. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta, 2008-2012

Table 4.14. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in D.I. Yogyakarta Province, 2008-2012 .................................................................................... 91

Tabel 4.15. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Timur, 2008-2012

Table 4.15. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Timur Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 92

Tabel 4.16. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Banten, 2008-2012

Table 4.16. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Banten Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 93

Tabel 4.17. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bali, 2008-2012

Table 4.17. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Bali Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................................ 94

Tabel 4.18. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, 2008-2012

Table 4.18. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, 2008-2012 .............................................................................. 95

Tabel 4.19. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, 2008-2012

Table 4.19. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................ 96

Tabel 4.20. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, 2008-2012

Table 4.21. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Barat Province, 2008-2012 .............................................................................................. 97

Tabel 4.21. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 4.21. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................... 98

Tabel 4.22. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 4.22. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................... 99

Tabel 4.23. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, 2008-2012


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Table 4.23. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Timur Province, 2008-2012............................................................................................ 100

Tabel 4.24. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, 2008-2012

Table 4.24. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Utara Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................ 101

Tabel 4.25. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 4.25. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ......................................................................................... 102

Tabel 4.26. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 4.26. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................ 103

Tabel 4.27. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, 2008-2012

Table 4.27. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tenggara Province, 2008-2012...................................................................................... 104

Tabel 4.28. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Gorontalo, 2008-2012

Table 4.28. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Gorontalo Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 105

Tabel 4.29. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, 2008-2012

Table 4.29. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Barat Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................ 106

Tabel 4.30. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku, 2008-2012

Table 4.30. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Maluku Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 107

Tabel 4.31. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku Utara, 2008-2012

Table 4.31. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Maluku Utara Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................ 108

Tabel 4.32. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua Barat, 2008-2012

Table 4.32. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Papua Barat Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 109

Tabel 4.33. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2008-2012

Table 4.33. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Papua Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 110


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Provinsi di Indonesia, 2008-2012 Table 5. Area of Dry Field/Garden by Province in Indonesia, 2008-2012 ................................... 114

Tabel 5.1. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Aceh, 2008-2012 Table 5.1. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Aceh Province,

2008-2012...................................................................................................................... 115

Tabel 5.2. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, 2008-2012

Table 5.2. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Sumatera Utara Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 116

Tabel 5.3. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, 2008-2012

Table 5.3. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Barat Province, 2008-2012...................................................................................................................... 117

Tabel 5.4. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Riau, 2008-2012

Table 5.4. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Riau Province, 2008-2012...................................................................................................................... 118

Tabel 5.5. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi, 2008-2012

Table 5.5. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Jambi Province, 2008-2012...................................................................................................................... 119

Tabel 5.6. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 5.6. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Sumatera Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 120

Tabel 5.7. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bengkulu, 2008-2012

Table 5.7. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Bengkulu Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 121

Tabel 5.8. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Lampung, 2008-2012

Table 5.8. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Lampung Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 122

Tabel 5.9. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bangka Belitung, 2008-2012

Table 5.9. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Bangka Belitung Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 123

Tabel 5.10. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, 2008-2012

Table 5.10. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Riau Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 124

Tabel 5.11. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, 2008-2012

Table 5.11. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in DKI Jakarta Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 125


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.12. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat, 2008-2012

Table 5.12. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Jawa Barat Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 126

Tabel 5.13. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 5.13. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Jawa Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 127

Tabel 5.14. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta, 2008-2012

Table 5.14. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in D.I. Yogyakarta Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 128

Tabel 5.15. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Timur, 2008-2012

Table 5.15. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Jawa Timur Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 129

Tabel 5.16. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Banten, 2008-2012

Table 5.16. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Banten Province, 2008-2012...................................................................................................................... 130

Tabel 5.17. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bali, 2008-2012

Table 5.17. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Bali Province, 2008-2012...................................................................................................................... 131

Tabel 5.18. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, 2008-2012

Table 5.18. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................ 132

Tabel 5.19. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, 2008-2012

Table 5.19. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................... 133

Tabel 5.20. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, 2008-2012

Table 5.21. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Barat Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 134

Tabel 5.21. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 5.21. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ......................................................................................... 135

Tabel 5.22. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 5.22. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ......................................................................................... 136

Tabel 5.23. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, 2008-2012


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Table 5.23. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Timur Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 137

Tabel 5.24. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, 2008-2012

Table 5.24. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Utara Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 138

Tabel 5.25. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 5.25. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 139

Tabel 5.26. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 5.26. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 140

Tabel 5.27. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, 2008-2012

Table 5.27. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tenggara Province, 2008-2012...................................................................................... 141

Tabel 5.28. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Gorontalo, 2008-2012

Table 5.28. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Gorontalo Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 142

Tabel 5.29. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, 2008-2012

Table 5.29. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Barat Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 143

Tabel 5.30. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku, 2008-2012

Table 5.30. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Maluku Province, 2008-2012...................................................................................................................... 144

Tabel 5.31. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku Utara, 2008-2012

Table 5.31. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Maluku Utara Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 145

Tabel 5.32. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua Barat, 2008-2012

Table 5.32. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Papua Barat Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 146

Tabel 5.33. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2008-2012

Table 5.33. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Papua Province, 2008-2012...................................................................................................................... 147


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Provinsi di Indonesia, 2008-2012 Table 6. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by Province in Indonesia, 2008-2012 ....................... 152

Tabel 6.1. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Aceh, 2008-2012 Table 6.1. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Aceh

Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 153

Tabel 6.2. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, 2008-2012

Table 6.2. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Sumatera Utara Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................ 154

Tabel 6.3. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, 2008-2012

Table 6.3. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Barat Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 155

Tabel 6.4. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Riau, 2008-2012

Table 6.4. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Riau Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 156

Tabel 6.5. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi, 2008-2012

Table 6.5. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Jambi Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 157

Tabel 6.6. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 6.6. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Sumatera Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ......................................................................................... 158

Tabel 6.7. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bengkulu, 2008-2012

Table 6.7. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Bengkulu Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 159

Tabel 6.8. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Lampung, 2008-2012

Table 6.8. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Lampung Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 160

Tabel 6.9. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bangka Belitung, 2008-2012

Table 6.9. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Bangka Belitung Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................ 161

Tabel 6.10. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, 2008-2012

Table 6.10. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Riau Province, 2008-2012 .............................................................................................. 162

Tabel 6.11. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, 2008-2012

Table 6.11. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in DKI Jakarta Province, 2008-2012 ......................................................................................... 163


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.12. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat, 2008-2012

Table 6.12. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Jawa Barat Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................ 164

Tabel 6.13. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 6.13. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Jawa Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ......................................................................................... 165

Tabel 6.14. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta, 2008-2012

Table 6.14. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in D.I. Yogyakarta Province, 2008-2012 .................................................................................. 166

Tabel 6.15. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Timur, 2008-2012

Table 6.15. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Jawa Timur Province, 2008-2012............................................................................................ 167

Tabel 6.16. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Banten, 2008-2012

Table 6.16. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Banten Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 168

Tabel 6.17. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bali, 2008-2012

Table 6.17. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Bali Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 169

Tabel 6.18. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, 2008-2012

Table 6.18. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................ 170

Tabel 6.19. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, 2008-2012

Table 6.19. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, 2008-2012 .......................................................................... 171

Tabel 6.20. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, 2008-2012

Table 6.21. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Barat Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................ 172

Tabel 6.21. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 6.21. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ..................................................................... 173

Tabel 6.22. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 6.22. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ..................................................................... 174

Tabel 6.23. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, 2008-2012


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Table 6.23. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Timur Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................ 175

Tabel 6.24. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, 2008-2012

Table 6.24. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Utara Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................ 176

Tabel 6.25. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 6.25. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ......................................................................................... 177

Tabel 6.26. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 6.26. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................ 178

Tabel 6.27. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, 2008-2012

Table 6.27. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tenggara Province, 2008-2012...................................................................................... 179

Tabel 6.28. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Gorontalo, 2008-2012

Table 6.28. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Gorontalo Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 180

Tabel 6.29. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, 2008-2012

Table 6.29. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Barat Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................ 181

Tabel 6.30. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku, 2008-2012

Table 6.30. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Maluku Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 182

Tabel 6.31. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku Utara, 2008-2012

Table 6.31. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Maluku Utara Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................ 183

Tabel 6.32. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua Barat, 2008-2012

Table 6.32. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Papua Barat Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................ 184

Tabel 6.33. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2008-2012

Table 6.33. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Papua Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 185


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Provinsi di Indonesia, 2008-2012 Table 7. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by Province in Indonesia, 2008-2012 ..................... 190

Tabel 7.1. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Aceh, 2008-2012 Table 7.1. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Aceh

Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 191

Tabel 7.2. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, 2008-2012

Table 7.2. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sumatera Utara Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................... 192

Tabel 7.3. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, 2008-2012

Table 7.3. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sumatera Barat Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................... 193

Tabel 7.4. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Riau, 2008-2012

Table 7.4. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Riau Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 194

Tabel 7.5. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi, 2008-2012

Table 7.5. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Jambi Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 195

Tabel 7.6. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 7.6. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sumatera Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................ 196

Tabel 7.7. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bengkulu, 2008-2012

Table 7.7. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Bengkulu Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 197

Tabel 7.8. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Lampung, 2008-2012

Table 7.8. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Lampung Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 198

Tabel 7.9. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bangka Belitung, 2008-2012

Table 7.9. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Bangka Belitung Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................ 199

Tabel 7.10. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, 2008-2012

Table 7.10. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Riau Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................ 200

Tabel 7.11. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, 2008-2012

Table 7.11. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in DKI Jakarta Province, 2008-2012 ......................................................................................... 201


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.12. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat, 2008-2012

Table 7.12. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Jawa Barat Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................ 202

Tabel 7.13. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 7.13. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Jawa Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ......................................................................................... 203

Tabel 7.14. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta, 2008-2012

Table 7.14. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in D.I. Yogyakarta Province, 2008-2012 .................................................................................. 204

Tabel 7.15. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Timur, 2008-2012

Table 7.15. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Jawa Timur Province, 2008-2012............................................................................................ 205

Tabel 7.16. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Banten, 2008-2012

Table 7.16. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Banten Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 206

Tabel 7.17. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bali, 2008-2012

Table 7.17. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Bali Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 207

Tabel 7.18. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, 2008-2012

Table 7.18. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................ 208

Tabel 7.19. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, 2008-2012

Table 7.19. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, 2008-2012 .......................................................................... 209

Tabel 7.20. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, 2008-2012

Table 7.21. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Barat Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................ 210

Tabel 7.21. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 7.21. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ..................................................................... 211

Tabel 7.22. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 7.22. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ..................................................................... 212

Tabel 7.23. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, 2008-2012


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Table 7.23. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Timur Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................ 213

Tabel 7.24. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, 2008-2012

Table 7.24. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Utara Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................ 214

Tabel 7.25. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 7.25. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tengah Province, 2008-2012 ......................................................................................... 215

Tabel 7.26. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 7.26. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Selatan Province, 2008-2012 ........................................................................................ 216

Tabel 7.27. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, 2008-2012

Table 7.27. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tenggara Province, 2008-2012...................................................................................... 217

Tabel 7.28. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Gorontalo, 2008-2012

Table 7.28. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Gorontalo Province, 2008-2012 ..................................................................................... 218

Tabel 7.29. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, 2008-2012

Table 7.29. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Barat Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................ 219

Tabel 7.30. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku, 2008-2012

Table 7.30. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Maluku Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 220

Tabel 7.31. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku Utara, 2008-2012

Table 7.31. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Maluku Utara Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................ 221

Tabel 7.32. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua Barat, 2008-2012

Table 7.32. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Papua Barat Province, 2008-2012 ............................................................................................ 222

Tabel 7.33. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2008-2012

Table 7.33. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Papua Province, 2008-2012 ...................................................................................................... 223


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013




Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

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Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Gambar 1. Luas Lahan Pertanian di Indonesia

Figure 1. Area of Agricultural Land in Indonesia

Gambar 2. Luas Lahan Sawah di Indonesia

Figure 2. Area of Wetland in Indonesia


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 1. Luas Penggunaan Lahan di Indonesia, 2008-2012

Table 1. Land Area by Utilization in Indonesia, 2008 - 2012

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1. Sawah/Wetland 7.991.564,00 8.068.427,00 8.002.552,00 8.094.862,00 8.132.345,91

a. Sawah Irigasi/Irrigated Wetland 4.828.476,00 4.905.107,00 4.893.128,00 4.924.172,00 4.417.581,92

b. Sawah Non Irigasi/Non Irrigated Wetland 3.162.988,00 3.163.220,00 3.109.424,00 3.170.690,00 3.714.763,99

2. Tegal/Kebun/Dry Field/Garden 11.707.380,00 11.782.332,00 11.877.777,00 11.626.219,00 11.949.727,00

3. Ladang/Huma/Shifting Cultivation 5.328.863,00 5.428.689,00 5.334.545,00 5.697.171,00 5.260.081,00

4. Lahan yang Sementara Tidak 15.003.359,00 14.880.526,00 14.754.249,00 14.378.586,00 14.252.383,00

Diusahakan/Temporarily Unused Land

Jumlah (1+2+3+4) 40.031.166,00 40.159.974,00 39.969.123,00 39.796.838,00 39.594.536,91

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

Jenis Lahan/Land TypeTahun/Year



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Provinsi di Indonesia, 2008-2012

Table 2. Area of Wetland by Province in Indonesia, 2008-2012


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Aceh 323.010,00 359.751,00 313.649,00 307.556,00 297.336,38

2 Sumatera Utara 478.521,00 464.256,00 468.724,00 468.442,00 423.190,32

3 Sumatera Barat 225.623,00 228.176,00 229.693,00 231.463,00 229.368,35

4 Riau 122.255,00 122.738,00 115.961,00 115.897,00 110.166,39

5 Jambi 116.212,00 117.336,00 112.434,00 113.757,00 112.174,02

6 Sumatera Selatan 577.821,00 611.072,00 611.386,00 629.355,00 617.916,20

7 Bengkulu 89.244,00 89.614,00 92.976,00 90.217,00 82.116,48

8 Lampung 348.732,00 349.144,00 345.437,00 348.435,00 342.778,36

9 Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 3.506,00 5.017,00 4.056,00 5.932,00 8.564,95

10 Kepulauan Riau 133,00 238,00 442,00 393,00 1.220,35

11 DKI Jakarta 1.200,00 1.215,00 1.312,00 1.312,00 1.103,17

12 Jawa Barat 945.544,00 937.373,00 930.268,00 930.507,00 925.565,19

13 Jawa Tengah 963.984,00 960.768,00 962.471,00 960.970,00 1.101.851,06

14 D.I. Yogyakarta 55.332,00 55.325,00 55.523,00 55.291,00 71.868,41

15 Jawa Timur 1.108.578,00 1.100.517,00 1.107.276,00 1.106.449,00 1.152.874,71

16 Banten 195.583,00 195.809,00 196.744,00 197.165,00 191.020,00

17 Bali 80.873,00 79.185,00 81.425,00 80.060,00 80.466,56

18 Nusa Tenggara Barat 230.986,00 236.420,00 238.619,00 240.180,00 236.033,83

19 Nusa Tenggara Timur 124.416,00 139.943,00 142.479,00 144.574,00 146.185,98

20 Kalimantan Barat 292.687,00 300.906,00 307.016,00 318.581,00 305.695,89

21 Kalimantan Tengah 157.406,00 171.428,00 175.633,00 202.237,00 188.079,48

22 Kalimantan Selatan 477.336,00 464.581,00 436.318,00 457.155,00 453.044,36

23 Kalimantan Timur 84.235,00 88.308,00 82.796,00 90.518,00 85.297,71

24 Sulawesi Utara 61.133,00 61.134,00 52.789,00 56.181,00 52.235,39

25 Sulawesi Tengah 129.016,00 130.879,00 136.241,00 137.786,00 119.702,57

26 Sulawesi Selatan 567.520,00 565.601,00 572.089,00 576.559,00 586.131,05

27 Sulawesi Tenggara 82.806,00 89.601,00 83.356,00 85.585,00 83.269,90

28 Gorontalo 31.327,00 29.062,00 29.566,00 28.707,00 29.088,19

29 Sulawesi Barat 53.220,00 56.056,00 59.476,00 55.016,00 49.535,08

30 Maluku 11.461,00 11.281,00 11.451,00 14.085,00 13.739,03

31 Maluku Utara 13.730,00 8.990,00 9.478,00 9.093,00 9.043,24

32 Papua Barat 9.116,00 9.249,00 7.711,00 7.648,00 4.220,15

33 Papua 29.018,00 27.454,00 27.757,00 27.756,00 21.463,16

Indonesia 7.991.564,00 8.068.427,00 8.002.552,00 8.094.862,00 8.132.345,91

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No. Provinsi/ProvinceTahun/Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.1. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Aceh,2008-2012

Table 2.1. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Aceh Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Simeulue 6.391,00 4.278,00 4.577,00 5.442,00 7.390,68

2 Kab. Aceh Singkil 5.719,00 5.710,00 2.091,00 2.556,00 2.431,11

3 Kab. Aceh Selatan 22.052,00 18.239,00 16.512,00 15.886,00 17.778,57

4 Kab. Aceh Tenggara 23.576,00 16.615,00 15.540,00 15.611,00 15.695,44

5 Kab. Aceh Timur 30.694,00 38.272,00 30.537,00 34.109,00 31.861,43

6 Kab. Aceh Tengah 8.642,00 7.376,00 6.282,00 6.532,00 5.952,68

7 Kab. Aceh Barat 16.785,00 15.727,00 16.348,00 11.859,00 11.885,90

8 Kab. Aceh Besar 29.384,00 32.077,00 32.747,00 29.493,00 25.784,87

9 Kab. Pidie 32.787,00 29.679,00 28.962,00 28.936,00 29.162,92

10 Kab. Bireuen 22.885,00 23.271,00 21.399,00 22.594,00 17.827,41

11 Kab. Aceh Utara 40.334,00 39.574,00 43.014,00 39.731,00 41.320,00

12 Kab. Aceh Barat Daya 15.746,00 16.678,00 21.970,00 21.854,00 18.718,83

13 Kab. Gayo Lues 8.832,00 12.025,00 8.376,00 8.093,00 4.758,50

14 Kab. Aceh Tamiang 17.743,00 18.626,00 18.449,00 18.479,00 17.878,06

15 Kab. Nagan Raya 22.126,00 48.604,00 19.746,00 18.549,00 18.517,06

16 Kab. Aceh Jaya 8.490,00 10.427,00 10.729,00 10.426,00 12.669,96

17 Kab. Bener Meriah 3.507,00 3.307,00 2.602,00 3.823,00 3.910,67

18 Kab. Pidie Jaya - 8.844,00 8.419,00 8.045,00 8.761,82

19 Kota Banda Aceh 153,00 200,00 80,00 71,00 56,12

20 Kota Sabang - - - - -

21 Kota Langsa 2.123,00 1.224,00 1.790,00 1.807,00 1.668,72

22 Kota Lhokseumawe 5.041,00 6.399,00 1.607,00 1.561,00 1.489,64

23 Kota Subulussalam - 2.599,00 1.872,00 2.099,00 1.815,99

Aceh 323.010,00 359.751,00 313.649,00 307.556,00 297.336,38

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.2. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, 2008-2012

Table 2.2. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sumatera Utara Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. N i a s 15.594,00 8.468,00 11.081,00 11.017,00 8.895,31

2 Kab. Mandailing Natal 19.799,00 19.949,00 20.179,00 20.779,00 19.547,43

3 Kab. Tapanuli Selatan 17.285,00 17.285,00 17.285,00 17.343,00 17.339,74

4 Tapanuli Tengah 15.956,00 16.005,00 16.029,00 15.949,00 15.892,89

5 Kab. Tapanuli Utara 19.012,00 19.013,00 19.021,00 18.953,00 19.016,23

6 Kab. Toba Samosir 17.999,00 18.957,00 19.009,00 19.400,00 18.522,43

7 Kab. Labuhan Batu 58.185,00 24.320,00 24.281,00 24.281,00 20.707,87

8 Kab. Asahan 9.998,00 9.998,00 10.254,00 9.700,00 9.652,93

9 Kab. Simalungun 40.172,00 42.344,00 42.344,00 42.344,00 35.254,72

10 Kab. Dairi 10.225,00 10.225,00 10.125,00 10.125,00 10.114,13

11 Kab. K a r o 10.943,00 10.959,00 10.987,00 10.987,00 12.730,44

12 Kab. Deli Serdang 43.098,00 45.172,00 45.156,00 45.214,00 35.750,48

13 Kab. Langkat 45.691,00 43.552,00 42.732,00 41.592,00 38.379,28

14 Kab. Nias Selatan 36.199,00 14.348,00 15.339,00 15.677,00 14.924,28

15 Kab. Humbang Hasundutan 13.143,00 13.638,00 13.638,00 13.617,00 13.761,42

16 Kab. Pakpak Bharat 1.438,00 1.438,00 1.542,00 1.635,00 1.646,51

17 Kab. Samosir 6.127,00 5.574,00 6.177,00 6.531,00 6.361,11

18 Kab. Serdang Bedagai 41.481,00 41.481,00 40.583,00 39.189,00 34.896,27

19 Kab. Batu Bara 19.101,00 18.660,00 18.987,00 18.497,00 14.108,31

20 Kab. Padang Lawas Utara 12.015,00 16.695,00 16.628,00 18.014,00 17.886,94

21 Kab. Padang Lawas 13.168,00 13.022,00 13.414,00 15.967,00 13.053,33

22 Kab. Labuhan Batu Selatan - 1.557,00 399,00 429,00 359,78

23 Kab. Labuhan Batu Utara - 32.308,00 32.408,00 30.248,00 22.799,61

24 Kab. Nias Utara - 4.364,00 4.929,00 4.929,00 9.097,25

25 Kab. Nias Barat - 1.290,00 2.053,00 2.176,00 2.236,86

26 Kota Sibolga - - - - -

27 Kota Tanjung Balai 294,00 280,00 255,00 167,00 165,97

28 Kota Pematang Siantar 2.280,00 2.382,00 2.317,00 2.209,00 2.141,49

29 Kota Tebing Tinggi 595,00 595,00 595,00 500,00 444,71

30 Kota Medan 2.387,00 2.251,00 2.054,00 2.062,00 860,30

31 Kota Binjai 2.291,00 2.291,00 2.291,00 2.212,00 1.753,49

32 Kota Padang Sidempuan 4.045,00 4.045,00 4.015,00 4.015,00 3.166,35

33 Kota Gunungsitoli - 1.790,00 2.617,00 2.684,00 1.722,46

Sumatera Utara 478.521,00 464.256,00 468.724,00 468.442,00 423.190,32

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.3. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, 2008-2012

Table 2.3. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sumatera Barat Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kep. Mentawai 592,00 630,00 630,00 446,00 447,96

2 Kab. Pesisir Selatan 29.540,00 30.129,00 30.129,00 30.361,00 30.343,39

3 Kab. Solok 23.409,00 23.415,00 23.439,00 23.449,00 23.427,77

4 Kab. Sawahlunto/Sijunjung 11.797,00 11.197,00 11.306,00 11.422,00 11.390,34

5 Tanah Datar 23.025,00 22.760,00 22.904,00 22.892,00 22.259,98

6 Kab. Padang Pariaman 23.628,00 23.609,00 23.679,00 23.625,00 22.856,23

7 Kab. A g a m 27.111,00 27.096,00 27.548,00 28.632,00 27.148,01

8 Kab. Lima Puluh Koto 22.204,00 22.188,00 22.202,00 22.214,00 23.771,28

9 Kab. Pasaman 21.031,00 21.895,00 22.088,00 21.958,00 21.822,36

10 Kab. Solok Selatan 8.482,00 9.270,00 9.270,00 9.490,00 9.489,91

11 Kab. Dharmasraya 5.580,00 6.641,00 7.162,00 8.020,00 7.977,38

12 Kab. Pasaman Barat 13.144,00 13.198,00 13.173,00 13.194,00 13.105,23

13 Kota Padang 6.654,00 6.515,00 6.917,00 6.623,00 6.587,56

14 Kota Solok 1.252,00 1.252,00 874,00 874,00 876,48

15 Kota Sawahlunto 1.734,00 1.738,00 1.705,00 1.597,00 1.561,86

16 Kota Padang Panjang 690,00 690,00 690,00 690,00 629,25

17 Kota Bukit Tinggi 398,00 398,00 398,00 398,00 399,15

18 Kota Payakumbuh 2.760,00 2.759,00 2.761,00 2.760,00 2.751,41

19 Kota Pariaman 2.592,00 2.796,00 2.818,00 2.818,00 2.522,80

Sumatera Barat 225.623,00 228.176,00 229.693,00 231.463,00 229.368,35

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.4. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Riau, 2008-2012

Table 2.4. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Riau Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kuantan Senggigi 9.779,00 9.866,00 9.343,00 10.198,00 9.696,86

2 Kab. Indragiri Hulu 4.065,00 4.226,00 4.866,00 4.866,00 3.486,66

3 Kab. Indragiri Hilir 30.396,00 30.957,00 30.422,00 28.008,00 26.997,01

4 Kab. Pelalawan 11.654,00 10.934,00 10.803,00 11.010,00 9.102,81

5 Kab. Siak 4.819,00 4.885,00 4.809,00 4.420,00 4.744,31

6 Kab. Kampar 6.151,00 6.818,00 7.476,00 7.727,00 8.056,38

7 Kab. Rokan Hulu 3.197,00 3.493,00 3.333,00 3.387,00 3.845,80

8 Kab. Bengkalis 9.810,00 6.841,00 6.754,00 6.617,00 6.434,60

9 Kab. Rokan Hilir 37.122,00 37.980,00 33.965,00 33.012,00 32.998,38

10 Kab. Kepulauan Meranti - 3.165,00 2.024,00 3.825,00 2.473,03

11 Kota Pekan Baru - 2,00 11,00 21,00 13,95

12 Kota Dumai 5.262,00 3.571,00 2.155,00 2.806,00 2.316,60

Riau 122.255,00 122.738,00 115.961,00 115.897,00 110.166,39

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.5. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi, 2008-2012

Table 2.5. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Jambi Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kerinci 18.182,00 15.737,00 16.204,00 16.105,00 16.063,06

2 Kab. Merangin 8.946,00 10.115,00 9.281,00 11.628,00 11.034,43

3 Kab. Sarolangun 5.111,00 5.439,00 4.972,00 4.937,00 4.918,04

4 Kab. Batang Hari 7.984,00 8.296,00 9.517,00 8.351,00 8.256,50

5 Muaro Jambi 10.913,00 8.930,00 9.047,00 9.250,00 9.502,93

6 Kab. Tjg Jabung Timur 33.769,00 32.586,00 29.863,00 29.710,00 28.523,33

7 Kab. Tjg Jabung Barat 18.284,00 19.858,00 18.573,00 19.215,00 19.196,99

8 Kab. T e b o 5.608,00 5.224,00 4.867,00 4.406,00 4.394,09

9 Kab. Bungo 6.310,00 6.488,00 5.289,00 5.289,00 5.396,03

10 Kota Jambi 1.105,00 1.200,00 1.029,00 1.100,00 1.168,01

11 Kota Sungai Penuh 3.463,00 3.792,00 3.766,00 3.720,61

Jambi 116.212,00 117.336,00 112.434,00 113.757,00 112.174,02

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.6. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 2.6. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sumatera Selatan Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Ogan Komering Ulu 4.245,00 4.613,00 4.368,00 4.918,00 5.017,93

2 Kab. Ogan Komering Ilir 104.189,00 121.462,00 121.462,00 129.337,00 125.295,56

3 Kab. Muara Enim 28.972,00 28.864,00 28.389,00 29.447,00 28.475,45

4 Kab. Lahat 18.331,00 17.129,00 16.789,00 17.212,00 15.999,88

5 Musi Rawas 30.770,00 29.949,00 27.810,00 28.869,00 29.330,97

6 Kab. Musi Banyuasin 52.634,00 52.744,00 54.450,00 52.744,00 51.760,46

7 Kab. Banyuasin 177.899,00 188.771,00 188.771,00 198.066,00 194.346,68

8 Kab. OKU Selatan 12.299,00 14.235,00 14.978,00 15.392,00 18.162,00

9 Kab. OKU Timur 74.625,00 76.407,00 78.899,00 81.029,00 80.175,46

10 Kab. Ogan Ilir 47.944,00 52.416,00 50.865,00 47.973,00 44.856,81

11 Kab. Empat Lawang 12.940,00 12.010,00 12.010,00 13.266,00 12.380,82

12 Kota Palembang 6.678,00 6.650,00 6.728,00 5.208,00 6.240,66

13 Kota Prabumulih 878,00 528,00 473,00 468,00 474,14

14 Kota Pagar Alam 3.400,00 3.400,00 3.500,00 3.449,00 3.440,29

15 Kota Lubuk Linggau 2.017,00 1.894,00 1.894,00 1.977,00 1.959,09

Sumatera Selatan 577.821,00 611.072,00 611.386,00 629.355,00 617.916,20

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.7. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bengkulu, 2008-2012

Table 2.7. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Bengkulu Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bengkulu Selatan 10.273,00 10.311,00 10.531,00 10.098,00 11.667,33

2 Kab. Rejang Lebong 8.844,00 8.825,00 8.863,00 8.882,00 10.037,62

3 Kab. Bengkulu Utara 19.364,00 13.662,00 13.885,00 13.745,00 12.003,92

4 Kab. K a u r 8.036,00 8.036,00 8.270,00 7.846,00 8.211,41

5 Seluma 18.070,00 18.141,00 19.130,00 17.263,00 12.265,24

6 Kab. Muko Muko 8.242,00 8.242,00 7.720,00 6.923,00 4.747,34

7 Kab. Lebong 10.150,00 10.224,00 10.224,00 11.290,00 8.919,85

8 Kab. Kepahiang 4.082,00 4.072,00 4.931,00 4.772,00 4.917,82

9 Bengkulu Tengah - 5.905,00 6.913,00 6.989,00 6.935,31

10 Kota Bengkulu 2.183,00 2.196,00 2.509,00 2.409,00 2.410,64

Bengkulu 89.244,00 89.614,00 92.976,00 90.217,00 82.116,48

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.8. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Lampung, 2008-2012

Table 2.8. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Lampung Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Lampung Barat 19.770,00 19.761,00 16.222,00 20.701,00 17.345,18

2 Kab. Tanggamus 32.606,00 31.388,00 18.388,00 20.643,00 18.980,15

3 Kab. Lampung Selatan 44.151,00 44.757,00 41.097,00 45.535,00 44.731,50

4 Kab. Lampung Timur 56.323,00 56.985,00 57.558,00 58.395,00 58.101,45

5 Kab. Lampung Tengah 72.797,00 71.312,00 74.992,00 75.118,00 75.332,10

6 Kab. Lampung Utara 15.805,00 15.799,00 16.313,00 17.415,00 16.857,34

7 Kab. Way Kanan 17.751,00 17.879,00 18.084,00 18.393,00 17.980,32

8 Kab. Tulang Bawang 72.892,00 74.185,00 34.535,00 27.858,00 28.622,21

9 Kab. Pesawaran 13.041,00 13.041,00 14.974,00 13.060,00 13.858,61

10 Kab. Pringsewu - - 13.681,00 13.528,00 13.522,97

11 Kab. Mesuji - - 23.132,00 22.748,00 22.562,47

12 Kab. Tulangbawang Barat - - 12.481,00 11.082,00 10.907,00

13 Kota Bandar Lampung 1.034,00 1.024,00 1.001,00 984,00 986,67

14 Kota Metro 2.562,00 3.013,00 2.979,00 2.975,00 2.990,39

Lampung 348.732,00 349.144,00 345.437,00 348.435,00 342.778,36

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.9. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, 2008-2012

Table 2.9. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bangka 219,00 398,00 220,00 365,00 786,47

2 Kab. Belitung 146,00 120,00 156,00 190,00 615,49

3 Kab. Bangka Barat - 64,00 64,00 172,00 642,59

4 Kab. Bangka Tengah - 1,00 69,00 54,00 63,95

5 Bangka Selatan 2.831,00 3.860,00 2.936,00 4.558,00 5.525,44

6 Kab. Belitung Timur 310,00 574,00 611,00 593,00 931,01

7 Kota Pangkal Pinang - - - - -

Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 3.506,00 5.017,00 4.056,00 5.932,00 8.564,95

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.10. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau,2008-2012

Table 2.10. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Riau Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Karimun - 82,00 129,00 60,00 175,97

2 Kab. Bintan 11,00 54,00 72,00 62,00 75,06

3 Kab. Natuna 100,00 78,00 204,00 203,00 434,77

4 Kab. Lingga - - - - 149,38

5 Kab. Kepulauan Anambas 21,00 23,00 35,00 65,00 383,85

6 Kota Batam - - - - -

7 Kota Tanjung Pinang 1,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 1,32

Kepulauan Riau 133,00 238,00 442,00 393,00 1.220,35

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.11. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, 2008-2012

Table 2.11. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in DKI Jakarta Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kepulauan Seribu - - - - -

2 Kota Jakarta Selatan - - - - -

3 Kota Jakarta Timur 325,00 325,00 425,00 425,00 367,49

4 Kota Jakarta Pusat - - - - -

5 Kota Jakarta Barat 282,00 297,00 294,00 294,00 245,32

6 Kota Jakarta Utara 593,00 593,00 593,00 593,00 490,36

DKI Jakarta 1.200,00 1.215,00 1.312,00 1.312,00 1.103,17

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.12. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat, 2008-2012

Table 2.12. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Barat Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bogor 48.321,00 45.431,00 45.740,00 44.587,00 40.008,11

2 Kab. Sukabumi 69.239,00 67.352,00 63.261,00 65.055,00 55.338,06

3 Kab. Cianjur 65.483,00 65.803,00 65.460,00 65.907,00 66.232,87

4 Kab. Bandung 36.464,00 35.563,00 35.140,00 35.447,00 32.075,31

5 Kab. Garut 50.127,00 50.273,00 50.270,00 50.176,00 45.842,56

6 Kab. Tasikmalaya 49.507,00 49.460,00 49.515,00 49.428,00 43.940,96

7 Kab. Ciamis 51.870,00 52.217,00 51.853,00 51.898,00 47.854,89

8 Kab. Kuningan 29.078,00 28.960,00 28.952,00 28.949,00 29.103,06

9 Kab. Cirebon 54.279,00 51.804,00 51.677,00 50.491,00 54.271,95

10 Kab. Majalengka 51.137,00 51.404,00 51.438,00 51.438,00 50.961,85

11 Kab. Sumedang 33.277,00 32.878,00 32.626,00 33.152,00 30.358,00

12 Kab. Indramayu 119.752,00 116.039,00 116.001,00 114.048,00 118.767,22

13 Kab. Subang 84.637,00 85.302,00 84.869,00 85.575,00 91.991,49

14 Kab. Purwakarta 16.566,00 16.566,00 16.588,00 16.573,00 19.848,01

15 Kab. Karawang 94.311,00 97.472,00 97.472,00 98.358,00 104.216,80

16 Kab. Bekasi 55.074,00 54.117,00 53.889,00 53.524,00 62.901,55

17 Kab. Bandung Barat 19.985,00 20.654,00 20.333,00 20.791,00 16.481,02

18 Kota Bogor 1.006,00 960,00 960,00 1.061,00 631,68

19 Kota Sukabumi 1.859,00 1.912,00 1.741,00 1.725,00 1.618,45

20 Kota Bandung 1.727,00 1.990,00 1.425,00 1.354,00 1.869,87

21 Kota Cirebon 333,00 333,00 307,00 273,00 241,95

22 Kota Bekasi 667,00 521,00 469,00 469,00 709,60

23 Kota Depok 973,00 596,00 589,00 565,00 246,01

24 Kota Cimahi 293,00 293,00 293,00 275,00 180,43

25 Kota Tasikmalaya 6.269,00 6.155,00 6.082,00 6.070,00 6.819,83

26 Kota Banjar 3.310,00 3.318,00 3.318,00 3.318,00 3.053,68

Jawa Barat 945.544,00 937.373,00 930.268,00 930.507,00 925.565,19

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.13. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 2.13. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Tengah Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Cilacap 62.443,00 62.898,00 62.950,00 63.702,00 65.507,45

2 Kab. Banyumas 31.911,00 31.971,00 31.969,00 32.011,00 30.646,53

3 Kab. Purbalingga 20.417,00 19.802,00 19.684,00 20.268,00 18.274,44

4 Kab. Banjarnegara 14.333,00 14.462,00 14.272,00 14.478,00 12.094,50

5 Kab. Kebumen 39.444,00 39.580,00 39.500,00 39.639,00 42.119,00

6 Kab. Purworejo 29.309,00 29.303,00 29.390,00 29.335,00 29.794,24

7 Kab. Wonosobo 17.041,00 16.791,00 16.791,00 16.013,00 19.001,32

8 Kab. Magelang 35.366,00 35.374,00 35.988,00 35.651,00 36.800,45

9 Kab. Boyolali 22.694,00 22.818,00 22.742,00 22.715,00 36.776,97

10 Kab. Klaten 33.199,00 33.352,00 33.324,00 33.277,00 32.800,01

11 Kab. Sukoharjo 21.070,00 21.192,00 21.191,00 20.966,00 24.185,34

12 Kab. Wonogiri 30.925,00 31.414,00 30.767,00 33.261,00 49.695,83

13 Kab. Karanganyar 21.909,00 22.233,00 21.759,00 21.636,00 26.789,94

14 Kab. Sragen 40.198,00 39.508,00 39.512,00 39.512,00 48.583,00

15 Kab. Grobogan 63.871,00 63.897,00 64.781,00 64.522,00 90.929,08

16 Kab. Blora 46.486,00 47.272,00 46.570,00 45.846,00 71.174,85

17 Kab. Rembang 28.624,00 28.700,00 28.461,00 28.362,00 40.304,63

18 Kab. P a t i 55.804,00 56.336,00 55.947,00 55.962,00 69.026,31

19 Kab. Kudus 17.682,00 17.252,00 17.274,00 15.514,00 22.197,26

20 Kab. Jepara 25.619,00 25.611,00 25.315,00 25.952,00 26.726,37

21 Kab. Demak 49.001,00 48.110,00 49.809,00 48.965,00 60.207,04

22 Kab. Semarang 24.071,00 23.578,00 24.079,00 23.076,00 23.911,00

23 Kab. Temanggung 19.926,00 19.427,00 19.748,00 19.991,00 17.012,95

24 Kab. Kendal 26.094,00 26.117,00 26.117,00 25.812,00 26.177,29

25 Kab. Batang 18.383,00 18.172,00 18.955,00 18.817,00 19.384,49

26 Kab. Pekalongan 24.412,00 24.404,00 24.080,00 24.323,00 23.131,49

27 Kab. Pemalang 38.018,00 36.392,00 36.392,00 37.283,00 32.109,53

28 Kab. Tegal 37.095,00 37.744,00 37.695,00 38.827,00 39.814,74

29 Kab. Brebes 61.715,00 60.130,00 60.644,00 59.274,00 60.827,79

30 Kota Magelang 212,00 212,00 211,00 211,00 212,73

31 Kota Surakarta 101,00 120,00 100,00 95,00 182,22

32 Kota Salatiga 770,00 772,00 765,00 760,00 631,29

33 Kota Semarang 3.765,00 3.765,00 3.789,00 3.196,00 3.280,57

34 Kota Pekalongan 1.181,00 1.164,00 1.107,00 1.046,00 787,56

35 Kota Tegal 895,00 895,00 793,00 672,00 752,85

Jawa Tengah 963.984,00 960.768,00 962.471,00 960.970,00 1.101.851,06

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.14. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta, 2008-2012

Table 2.14. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in D.I. Yogyakarta Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kulon Progo 10.241,00 10.228,00 10.279,00 10.285,00 9.950,37

2 Kab. Bantul 14.291,00 14.386,00 14.599,00 14.400,00 14.427,84

3 Kab. Gunung Kidul 7.865,00 7.828,00 7.855,00 7.850,00 28.071,11

4 Kab. Sleman 22.855,00 22.803,00 22.708,00 22.675,00 19.330,59

5 Kota Yogyakarta 80,00 80,00 82,00 81,00 88,51

D.I. Yogyakarta 55.332,00 55.325,00 55.523,00 55.291,00 71.868,41

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.15. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Timur, 2008-2012

Table 2.15. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Timur Province,2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pacitan 13.016,00 13.024,00 13.040,00 12.945,00 19.515,63

2 Kab. Ponorogo 34.800,00 34.800,00 34.800,00 34.800,00 33.816,43

3 Kab. Trenggalek 11.523,00 11.583,00 11.782,00 11.938,00 9.629,54

4 Kab. Tulungagung 25.206,00 25.363,00 25.368,00 25.201,00 24.612,86

5 Kab. Blitar 30.860,00 30.990,00 31.048,00 31.108,00 25.273,50

6 Kab. Kediri 41.807,00 38.956,00 39.415,00 40.951,00 38.928,83

7 Kab. Malang 44.656,00 43.426,00 43.855,00 43.812,00 45.523,93

8 Kab. Lumajang 33.280,00 34.056,00 34.581,00 34.607,00 31.929,34

9 Kab. Jember 80.501,00 80.520,00 81.286,00 79.643,00 69.341,91

10 Kab. Banyuwangi 61.806,00 62.132,00 62.132,00 61.752,00 50.336,64

11 Kab. Bondowoso 32.385,00 32.682,00 33.264,00 33.257,00 42.485,24

12 Kab. Situbondo 29.700,00 33.295,00 31.531,00 32.131,00 37.170,84

13 Kab. Probolinggo 36.017,00 36.150,00 36.273,00 36.131,00 48.784,57

14 Kab. Pasuruan 38.701,00 39.216,00 39.177,00 39.641,00 37.008,27

15 Kab. Sidoarjo 22.822,00 22.845,00 22.701,00 21.736,00 25.444,50

16 Kab. Mojokerto 30.135,00 30.017,00 29.590,00 29.421,00 29.709,79

17 Kab. Jombang 42.813,00 42.828,00 42.665,00 42.938,00 42.897,07

18 Kab. Nganjuk 41.904,00 41.647,00 41.859,00 41.859,00 41.214,61

19 Kab. Madiun 31.044,00 31.477,00 30.312,00 30.591,00 30.369,60

20 Kab. Magetan 21.823,00 23.045,00 22.617,00 22.576,00 21.626,80

21 Kab. Ngawi 47.796,00 47.806,00 47.802,00 47.464,00 46.029,58

22 Kab. Bojonegoro 76.406,00 76.125,00 76.601,00 75.659,00 77.390,76

23 Kab. Tuban 55.117,00 52.063,00 54.912,00 55.103,00 52.814,69

24 Kab. Lamongan 87.729,00 83.742,00 82.826,00 83.144,00 84.734,66

25 Kab. Gresik 37.055,00 36.767,00 37.381,00 36.683,00 36.195,70

26 Kab. Bangkalan 28.710,00 28.971,00 29.380,00 29.378,00 43.062,98

27 Kab. Sampang 18.385,00 16.410,00 20.506,00 20.090,00 45.779,81

28 Kab. Pamekasan 13.632,00 13.617,00 14.118,00 15.725,00 26.003,37

29 Kab. Sumenep 27.373,00 25.088,00 24.312,00 24.312,00 20.649,69

30 Kota Kediri 1.284,00 1.376,00 1.338,00 1.328,00 1.733,06

31 Kota Blitar 1.144,00 1.141,00 1.141,00 1.134,00 797,35

32 Kota Malang 1.130,00 1.098,00 1.070,00 1.070,00 1.638,93

33 Kota Probolinggo 1.963,00 1.963,00 1.866,00 1.865,00 2.797,55

34 Kota Pasuruan 1.210,00 1.210,00 1.167,00 1.153,00 1.335,93

35 Kota Mojokerto 604,00 601,00 601,00 591,00 375,62

36 Kota Madiun 1.101,00 1.098,00 1.098,00 1.098,00 816,08

37 Kota Surabaya 1.497,00 1.746,00 1.754,00 1.642,00 2.210,26

38 Kota Batu 1.643,00 1.643,00 2.107,00 1.972,00 2.888,82

Jawa Timur 1.108.578,00 1.100.517,00 1.107.276,00 1.106.449,00 1.152.874,71

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.16. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Banten, 2008-2012

Table 2.16. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Banten Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pandeglang 53.581,00 54.640,00 54.447,00 55.145,00 47.153,00

2 Kab. Lebak 44.554,00 44.418,00 44.839,00 45.388,00 40.150,00

3 Kab. Tangerang 40.685,00 39.803,00 40.595,00 40.512,00 42.702,00

4 Kab. Serang 44.970,00 45.533,00 45.519,00 45.193,00 49.543,00

5 Kota Tangerang 996,00 897,00 742,00 663,00 1.310,00

6 Kota Cilegon 2.160,00 2.085,00 2.096,00 1.753,00 1.965,00

7 Kota Serang 8.525,00 8.321,00 8.321,00 8.321,00 8.197,00

8 Kota Tangerang Selatan 112,00 112,00 185,00 190,00 -

Banten 195.583,00 195.809,00 196.744,00 197.165,00 191.020,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.17. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bali, 2008-2012

Table 2.17. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Bali Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Jembrana 6.430,00 5.522,00 6.769,00 6.705,00 7.057,29

2 Kab. Tabanan 22.278,00 22.465,00 22.315,00 21.480,00 21.432,43

3 Kab. Badung 10.174,00 9.312,00 10.115,00 10.184,00 10.178,16

4 Kab. Gianyar 14.747,00 14.722,00 14.785,00 14.547,00 14.539,70

5 Kab. Klungkung 3.875,00 3.876,00 3.876,00 3.771,00 4.002,80

6 Kab. Bangli 2.882,00 2.853,00 2.834,00 2.900,00 2.753,51

7 Kab. Karang Asem 6.939,00 6.730,00 7.091,00 6.949,00 7.114,64

8 Kab. Buleleng 10.831,00 11.012,00 11.008,00 10.927,00 10.930,45

9 Kota Denpasar 2.717,00 2.693,00 2.632,00 2.597,00 2.457,58

Bali 80.873,00 79.185,00 81.425,00 80.060,00 80.466,56

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.18. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, 2008-2012

Table 2.18. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Lombok Barat 24.855,00 24.949,00 16.742,00 16.742,00 16.169,07

2 Kab. Lombok Tengah 51.189,00 53.453,00 54.562,00 54.562,00 52.742,07

3 Kab. Lombok Timur 45.094,00 45.318,00 45.466,00 45.442,00 43.944,75

4 Kab. Sumbawa 46.819,00 48.140,00 48.437,00 49.270,00 50.681,47

5 Kab. Dompu 19.243,00 19.243,00 19.194,00 19.369,00 18.872,06

6 Kab. B i m a 30.593,00 31.697,00 32.168,00 32.319,00 32.289,03

7 Kab. Sumbawa Barat 9.090,00 9.090,00 9.405,00 9.705,00 9.141,07

8 Kab. Lombok Utara - - 8.117,00 8.289,00 7.873,21

9 Kota Mataram 1.850,00 2.275,00 2.275,00 2.231,00 2.151,03

10 Kota Bima 2.253,00 2.255,00 2.253,00 2.251,00 2.170,07

Nusa Tenggara Barat 230.986,00 236.420,00 238.619,00 240.180,00 236.033,83

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.19. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, 2008-2012

Table 2.19. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Sumba Barat 8.032,00 8.706,00 8.726,00 8.726,00 8.747,75

2 Kab. Sumba Timur 11.949,00 15.356,00 15.490,00 15.490,00 16.206,86

3 Kab. Kupang 13.163,00 13.460,00 12.558,00 12.538,00 11.642,59

4 Kab. Timor Tengah Selatan 3.449,00 3.821,00 4.038,00 4.037,00 3.547,45

5 Kab. Timor Tengah Utara 6.365,00 7.319,00 7.365,00 7.365,00 6.953,21

6 Kab. B e l u 7.585,00 7.407,00 7.285,00 7.282,00 8.514,13

7 Kab. A l o r 520,00 1.176,00 1.210,00 1.210,00 482,59

8 Kab. Lembata 26,00 139,00 229,00 229,00 156,96

9 Kab. Flores Timur 424,00 1.076,00 1.134,00 1.134,00 488,61

10 Kab. Sikka 2.105,00 2.396,00 2.468,00 2.468,00 1.898,15

11 Kab. E n d e 2.951,00 3.980,00 5.794,00 7.864,00 5.440,64

12 Kab. Ngada 4.184,00 6.543,00 6.552,00 6.552,00 6.415,15

13 Kab. Manggarai 11.570,00 12.661,00 12.762,00 12.762,00 11.465,35

14 Kab. Rote Ndao 12.196,00 12.961,00 13.011,00 13.361,00 12.128,60

15 Kab. Manggarai Barat 12.492,00 14.012,00 13.927,00 13.927,00 16.786,66

16 Kab. Sumba Tengah 6.026,00 7.364,00 7.267,00 7.267,00 7.449,08

17 Kab. Sumba Barat Daya 6.236,00 4.812,00 4.637,00 4.637,00 4.911,25

18 Kab. Nagekeo 3.409,00 4.148,00 3.918,00 3.616,00 7.706,74

19 Kab. Manggarai Timur 11.448,00 12.293,00 12.363,00 12.363,00 14.120,27

20 Kab. Sabu Raijua - - 1.381,00 1.381,00 721,20

21 Kota Kupang 286,00 313,00 364,00 365,00 402,74

124.416,00 139.943,00 142.479,00 144.574,00 146.185,98

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Nusa Tenggara Timur


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.20. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, 2008-2012

Table 2.20. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Barat Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Sambas 62.665,00 63.971,00 63.682,00 61.356,00


2 Kab. Bengkayang 15.230,00 16.869,00 18.994,00 21.240,00 15.639,47

3 Kab. Landak 51.233,00 51.674,00 56.964,00 50.413,00 39.678,51

4 Kab. Pontianak 15.987,00 16.321,00 17.018,00 16.386,00 15.613,38

5 Kab. Sanggau 17.002,00 17.784,00 18.310,00 20.527,00 18.668,03

6 Kab. Ketapang 21.150,00 21.602,00 17.773,00 21.495,00 32.257,08

7 Kab. Sintang 16.792,00 19.131,00 19.160,00 19.986,00 18.745,67

8 Kab. Kapuas Hulu 8.516,00 9.660,00 10.367,00 11.658,00 11.663,62

9 Kab. Sekadau 7.440,00 7.919,00 9.115,00 6.448,00 6.610,99

10 Kab. Melawi 4.249,00 4.308,00 5.229,00 6.225,00 4.816,07

11 Kab. Kayong Utara 19.796,00 20.533,00 19.564,00 21.648,00 21.647,39

12 Kab. Kubu Raya 48.912,00 47.198,00 46.984,00 57.625,00 56.299,73

13 Kota Pontianak 397,00 381,00 351,00 296,00 339,81

14 Kota Singkawang 3.318,00 3.555,00 3.505,00 3.278,00 4.336,33

Kalimantan Barat 292.687,00 300.906,00 307.016,00 318.581,00 305.695,89

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.21. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah,2008-2012

Table 2.21. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Tengah Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kotawaringin Barat 2.879,00 2.247,00 3.189,00 6.505,00 6.317,55

2 Kab. Kotawaringin Timur 8.971,00 12.509,00 14.527,00 20.902,00 10.652,58

3 Kab. Kapuas 88.456,00 94.879,00 92.818,00 97.712,00 98.377,18

4 Kab. Barito Selatan 6.904,00 8.497,00 10.074,00 5.206,00 6.104,70

5 Kab. Barito Utara 1.372,00 1.621,00 1.595,00 1.866,00 2.032,19

6 Kab. Sukamara 1.375,00 2.183,00 2.198,00 3.147,00 2.952,83

7 Kab. Lamandau 998,00 1.524,00 957,00 1.548,00 1.543,41

8 Kab. Seruyan 4.647,00 2.102,00 1.609,00 1.755,00 3.232,91

9 Kab. Katingan 10.752,00 10.784,00 10.802,00 15.226,00 14.547,39

10 Kab. Pulang Pisau 24.049,00 27.478,00 27.981,00 37.479,00 33.537,44

11 Kab. Gunung Mas 638,00 514,00 361,00 353,00 581,99

12 Kab. Barito Timur 6.290,00 7.060,00 9.466,00 10.492,00 7.979,20

13 Kab. Murung Raya 70,00 25,00 51,00 30,00 68,97

14 Kota Palangka Raya 5,00 5,00 5,00 16,00 151,14

Kalimantan Tengah 157.406,00 171.428,00 175.633,00 202.237,00 188.079,48

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.22. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan,2008-2012

Table 2.22. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Selatan Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Tanah Laut 40.363,00 37.105,00 37.657,00 40.714,00 40.364,74

2 Kab. Kota Baru 24.731,00 19.513,00 14.081,00 10.670,00 10.627,06

3 Kab. Banjar 62.375,00 62.252,00 61.411,00 59.605,00 58.547,59

4 Kab. Barito Kuala 97.407,00 95.041,00 94.970,00 92.148,00 99.694,29

5 Kab. Tapin 61.841,00 62.290,00 61.825,00 61.825,00 60.343,12

6 Kab. Hulu Sungai Selatan 42.108,00 38.518,00 27.871,00 41.894,00 41.393,35

7 Kab. Hulu Sungai Tengah 37.454,00 38.589,00 34.922,00 40.626,00 38.158,20

8 Kab. Hulu Sungai Utara 27.895,00 28.936,00 20.467,00 28.554,00 27.055,58

9 Kab. Tabalong 30.885,00 31.950,00 31.950,00 32.409,00 31.244,97

10 Kab. Tanah Bumbu 20.699,00 19.314,00 20.733,00 17.632,00 15.431,02

11 Kab. Balangan 26.356,00 26.395,00 26.009,00 27.321,00 26.467,34

12 Kota Banjarmasin 1.802,00 1.784,00 1.755,00 1.730,00 1.767,63

13 Kota Banjar Baru 3.420,00 2.894,00 2.667,00 2.027,00 1.949,47

Kalimantan Selatan 477.336,00 464.581,00 436.318,00 457.155,00 453.044,36

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.23. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, 2008-2012

Table 2.23. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Timur Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pasir 7.816,00 8.779,00 5.974,00 5.509,00 8.229,79

2 Kab. Kutai Barat 1.738,00 1.300,00 1.080,00 5.381,00 5.389,37

3 Kab. Kutai 26.252,00 26.086,00 24.878,00 24.562,00 24.068,42

4 Kab. Kutai Timur 6.477,00 6.949,00 7.366,00 7.022,00 5.245,75

5 Kab. Berau 4.213,00 4.505,00 4.956,00 5.188,00 4.592,81

6 Kab. Malinau 3.079,00 3.981,00 3.825,00 9.324,00 4.061,73

7 Kab. Bulungan 9.213,00 10.058,00 11.734,00 12.437,00 11.856,28

8 Kab. Nunukan 8.568,00 9.373,00 7.355,00 6.011,00 6.788,80

9 Kab. Penajam Paser Utara 12.624,00 10.921,00 11.650,00 11.615,00 11.721,01

10 Kab. Tana Tidung - 3.155,00 1.000,00 1.000,00 955,22

11 Kota Balikpapan 356,00 366,00 366,00 351,00 431,24

12 Kota Samarinda 3.826,00 2.752,00 2.511,00 2.019,00 1.880,21

13 Kota Tarakan 15,00 15,00 18,00 30,00 26,00

14 Kota Bontang 58,00 68,00 83,00 69,00 51,08

Kalimantan Timur 84.235,00 88.308,00 82.796,00 90.518,00 85.297,71

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.24. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, 2008-2012

Table 2.24. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Utara Province,2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow 31.481,00 27.523,00 17.360,00 18.664,00 21.643,30

2 Kab. Minahasa 6.350,00 6.350,00 6.234,00 6.205,00 7.576,91

3 Kab. Kep. Sangihe Talaud 41,00 41,00 41,00 36,00 9,10

4 Kab. Kep. Talaud 355,00 355,00 355,00 355,00 212,14

5 Kab. Minahasa Selatan 5.526,00 5.526,00 5.526,00 5.504,00 5.390,87

6 Kab. Minahasa Utara 3.456,00 3.456,00 3.456,00 3.456,00 3.146,08

7 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Utara 7.520,00 7.520,00 7.520,00 7.520,00 5.730,64

8 Kab. Kep. Sitaro - - - - -

9 Kab. Minahasa Tenggara 4.425,00 4.425,00 4.425,00 4.425,00 2.977,79

10 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Selatan - 2.068,00 4.002,00 4.002,00 1.331,64

11 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Timur - 1.891,00 1.891,00 1.891,00 1.596,70

12 Kota Manado 13,00 13,00 13,00 13,00 79,96

13 Kota Bitung 82,00 82,00 82,00 82,00 79,39

14 Kota Tomohon 959,00 959,00 959,00 878,00 675,67

15 Kota Kotamobagu 925,00 925,00 925,00 3.150,00 1.785,20

Sulawesi Utara 61.133,00 61.134,00 52.789,00 56.181,00 52.235,39

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.25. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah,2008-2012

Table 2.25. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tengah Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Banggai Kepulauan 495,00 494,00 496,00 598,00 608,50

2 Kab. Banggai 22.234,00 23.674,00 23.940,00 23.073,00 21.859,28

3 Kab. Morowali 7.170,00 7.170,00 9.474,00 13.329,00 11.013,50

4 Kab. P o s o 15.464,00 15.464,00 16.543,00 15.058,00 12.030,35

5 Kab. Donggala 34.818,00 13.458,00 14.519,00 14.851,00 10.600,83

6 Kab. Toli Toli 13.500,00 14.202,00 14.386,00 13.558,00 12.569,98

7 Kab. B u o l 5.532,00 5.472,00 6.168,00 5.412,00 5.443,01

8 Kab. Parigi Moutong 27.361,00 27.064,00 26.933,00 27.769,00 22.739,82

9 Kab. Tojo Una-Una 1.796,00 1.796,00 1.664,00 1.472,00 1.216,13

10 Kab. Sigi 21.360,00 21.360,00 21.838,00 20.762,20

11 Kota Palu 646,00 725,00 758,00 828,00 858,97

Sulawesi Tengah 129.016,00 130.879,00 136.241,00 137.786,00 119.702,57

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.26. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 2.26. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Selatan Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Selayar 2.610,00 3.197,00 3.509,00 3.570,00 3.537,39

2 Kab. Bulukumba 24.778,00 22.305,00 22.458,00 22.447,00 22.616,78

3 Kab. Bantaeng 7.814,00 7.814,00 7.575,00 7.523,00 7.673,83

4 Kab. Jeneponto 16.509,00 16.951,00 16.820,00 16.822,00 17.931,14

5 Kab. Takalar 16.514,00 16.796,00 16.827,00 16.822,00 16.262,42

6 Kab. G o w a 32.234,00 32.527,00 32.891,00 32.876,00 36.173,10

7 Kab. Sinjai 13.563,00 13.586,00 13.588,00 13.550,00 14.386,83

8 Kab. Maros 25.900,00 25.916,00 25.645,00 25.411,00 24.715,10

9 Kab. Pangkajene Kepulauan 15.951,00 15.996,00 16.310,00 15.424,00 16.374,58

10 Kab. Barru 13.214,00 13.209,00 13.191,00 13.196,00 13.498,10

11 Kab. B o n e 88.768,00 88.818,00 88.041,00 87.791,00 89.709,45

12 Kab. Soppeng 25.179,00 24.755,00 24.711,00 26.007,00 23.019,36

13 Kab. W a j o 86.866,00 83.521,00 84.784,00 87.521,00 86.749,25

14 Kab. Sidenreng Rappang 41.703,00 42.175,00 43.169,00 43.373,00 43.933,64

15 Kab. Pinrang 46.743,00 48.496,00 48.743,00 49.121,00 48.615,25

16 Kab. Enrekang 10.555,00 10.538,00 9.924,00 10.403,00 9.460,21

17 Kab. L u w u 33.851,00 34.778,00 35.002,00 35.660,00 38.214,07

18 Kab. Tana Toraja 21.713,00 10.699,00 10.652,00 10.759,00 10.673,08

19 Kab. Luwu Utara 20.268,00 18.684,00 20.907,00 21.471,00 20.756,87

20 Kab. Luwu Timur 16.119,00 17.297,00 18.683,00 18.023,00 20.441,37

21 Kab. Toraja Utara - 10.960,00 12.076,00 12.746,00 15.243,82

22 Kota Makassar 2.700,00 2.700,00 2.700,00 2.157,00 2.624,58

23 Kota Pare Pare 923,00 923,00 923,00 922,00 833,89

24 Kota Palopo 3.045,00 2.960,00 2.960,00 2.964,00 2.686,94

Sulawesi Selatan 567.520,00 565.601,00 572.089,00 576.559,00 586.131,05

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.27. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, 2008-2012

Table 2.27. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tenggara Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Buton 1.360,00 1.497,00 1.170,00 1.465,00 1.425,73

2 Muna 1.148,00 1.356,00 1.370,00 1.951,00 2.389,14

3 Konawe 32.727,00 34.435,00 29.787,00 29.872,00 26.622,85

4 Kolaka 18.176,00 20.863,00 16.510,00 17.671,00 17.921,26

5 Kab. Konawe Selatan 18.185,00 18.261,00 20.025,00 19.965,00 18.094,98

6 Bombana 5.530,00 7.824,00 8.202,00 8.427,00 10.976,57

7 Wakatobi - - - - -

8 Kolaka Utara 2.061,00 2.212,00 2.559,00 2.424,00 1.595,65

9 Buton Utara 397,00 397,00 397,00 397,00 526,82

10 Konawe Utara 1.923,00 1.554,00 1.574,00 1.574,00 1.927,41

11 Kota Kendari 347,00 454,00 464,00 541,00 509,15

12 Kota Bau-Bau 952,00 748,00 1.298,00 1.298,00 1.280,34

Sulawesi Tenggara 82.806,00 89.601,00 83.356,00 85.585,00 83.269,90

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.28. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Gorontalo, 2008-2012

Table 2.28. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Gorontalo Province,2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Boalemo 5.921,00 4.570,00 4.497,00 4.423,00 4.540,39

2 Kab. Gorontalo 12.941,00 12.832,00 12.998,00 12.911,00 13.909,36

3 Kab. Pohuwato 3.742,00 3.382,00 3.547,00 3.426,00 3.367,47

4 Kab. Bone Bolango 2.565,00 2.020,00 2.020,00 2.044,00 2.120,47

5 Kab. Gorontalo Utara 5.242,00 5.342,00 5.588,00 4.987,00 4.187,02

6 Kota Gorontalo 916,00 916,00 916,00 916,00 963,48

Gorontalo 31.327,00 29.062,00 29.566,00 28.707,00 29.088,19

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.29. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, 2008-2012

Table 2.29. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Barat Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Majene 938,00 875,00 937,00 932,00 759,94

2 Kab. Polewali Mamasa 15.864,00 15.765,00 16.001,00 16.002,00 16.610,51

3 Kab. Mamasa 13.338,00 14.544,00 14.190,00 12.611,00 12.452,18

4 Kab. Mamuju 22.496,00 22.805,00 25.312,00 22.282,00 16.486,34

5 Kab. Mamuju Utara 584,00 2.067,00 3.036,00 3.189,00 3.226,11

Sulawesi Barat 53.220,00 56.056,00 59.476,00 55.016,00 49.535,08

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.30. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku, 2008-2012

Table 2.30. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Maluku Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Maluku Tenggara Barat - - - - -

2 Kab. Maluku Tenggara - - - - -

3 Kab. Maluku Tengah 4.778,00 3.325,00 3.500,00 4.750,00 5.043,72

4 Kab. B u r u 4.993,00 5.994,00 5.994,00 6.648,00 6.751,40

5 Kab. Kepulauan Aru - - - - -

6 Kab. Seram Bagian Barat 1.255,00 937,00 932,00 958,00 748,79

7 Kab. Seram Bagian Timur 435,00 1.025,00 1.025,00 1.529,00 1.191,28

8 Kab. Maluku Barat Daya - - - 200,00 3,84

9 Kab. Buru Selatan - - - - -

10 Kota Ambon - - - - -

11 Tual - - - - -

Maluku 11.461,00 11.281,00 11.451,00 14.085,00 13.739,03

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.31. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku Utara, 2008-2012

Table 2.31. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Maluku Utara Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Halmahera Barat 895,00 102,00 186,00 302,00 572,27

2 Kab. Halmahera Tengah 1.030,00 1.091,00 1.257,00 1.368,00 934,17

3 Kab. Kepulauan Sula 100,00 124,00 350,00 364,00 208,80

4 Kab. Halmahera Selatan 1.473,00 1.096,00 488,00 500,00 719,88

5 Kab. Halmahera Utara 2.200,00 3.006,00 3.127,00 2.521,00 1.238,11

6 Kab. Halmahera Timur 7.832,00 3.371,00 4.070,00 4.035,00 4.935,55

7 Kab. Kepuluan Morotai 357,76

8 Kota Ternate 100,00 100,00 - - -

9 Kota Tidore Kepulauan 100,00 100,00 - 3,00 76,70

Maluku Utara 13.730,00 8.990,00 9.478,00 9.093,00 9.043,24

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.32. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua Barat,2008-2012

Table 2.32. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Papua Barat Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Fakfak 35,00 35,00 35,00 - -

2 Kab. Kaimana - - - - -

3 Kab. Teluk Wondama 42,00 42,00 22,00 24,00 -

4 Kab. Teluk Bintuni 516,00 614,00 350,00 405,00 817,89

5 Kab. Manokowari 4.676,00 4.711,00 4.711,00 4.578,00 2.105,34

6 Kab. Sorong Selatan 36,00 36,00 42,00 96,00 -

7 Kab. Sorong 2.950,00 2.950,00 1.690,00 1.690,00 1.228,76

8 Kab. Raja Ampat 855,00 855,00 855,00 855,00 68,16

9 Kab. Tambrauw - - - - -

10 Kab. Maybrat - - - - -

11 Kota Sorong 6,00 6,00 6,00 - -

Papua Barat 9.116,00 9.249,00 7.711,00 7.648,00 4.220,15

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 2.33. Luas Lahan Sawah menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2008-2012

Table 2.33. Area of Wetland by District/Municipality in Papua Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Merauke 21.642,00 20.162,00 20.162,00 20.162,00 16.996,48

2 Jayawijaya 476,00 476,00 476,00 476,00 294,98

3 Jayapura 3.691,00 3.691,00 3.791,00 3.791,00 924,50

4 Nabire 1.006,00 1.006,00 1.089,00 1.089,00 1.168,50

5 Kepulauan Yapen 50,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 -

6 Biak Numfor - - - - -

7 Paniai - - - - -

8 Puncak Jaya 1,00 1,00 1,00 - -

9 Mimika 524,00 440,00 500,00 500,00 280,93

10 Boven Digoel 30,00 30,00 30,00 30,00 -

11 Mappi 108,00 108,00 168,00 168,00 42,25

12 Asmat 40,00 40,00 40,00 40,00 -

13 Yahukimo 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 -

14 Peg. Bintang 3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 -

15 Tolikara - - - - -

16 Sarmi 17,00 17,00 17,00 17,00 267,13

17 Keerom 584,00 584,00 584,00 584,00 676,60

18 Waropen 227,00 227,00 227,00 227,00 102,74

19 Jayapura 618,00 618,00 618,00 618,00 709,05

Papua 29.018,00 27.454,00 27.757,00 27.756,00 21.463,16

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013




Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Halaman ini sengaja dikosongkan / This page intentionally blank


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Provinsi di Indonesia, 2008 - 2012

Table 3. Area of Irrigated Wetland by Province in Indonesia, 2008 - 2012


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Aceh 218.106,00 239.888,00 201.230,00 212.585,00 170.265,84

2 Sumatera Utara 275.776,00 286.481,00 289.524,00 289.662,00 202.287,76

3 Sumatera Barat 182.189,00 184.125,00 184.316,00 186.956,00 163.031,23

4 Riau 16.290,00 13.426,00 10.854,00 11.764,00 7.000,55

5 Jambi 33.839,00 34.421,00 34.040,00 36.295,00 8.446,27

6 Sumatera Selatan 97.072,00 101.339,00 102.037,00 106.023,00 167.541,30

7 Bengkulu 63.114,00 64.031,00 66.290,00 66.839,00 53.965,69

8 Lampung 180.499,00 182.114,00 184.091,00 192.136,00 138.095,03

9 Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 2.595,00 3.175,00 2.995,00 4.105,00 4.061,97

10 Kepulauan Riau 79,00 146,00 293,00 274,00 784,64

11 DKI Jakarta 1.156,00 1.184,00 1.223,00 1.223,00 1.103,17

12 Jawa Barat 762.594,00 759.499,00 755.956,00 755.275,00 673.990,99

13 Jawa Tengah 691.034,00 689.383,00 699.661,00 693.441,00 902.312,63

14 D.I. Yogyakarta 46.590,00 46.547,00 46.477,00 46.213,00 40.907,06

15 Jawa Timur 874.133,00 879.958,00 879.618,00 876.835,00 910.532,74

16 Banten 108.317,00 111.084,00 108.884,00 107.750,00 156.930,00

17 Bali 80.393,00 78.683,00 81.040,00 79.759,00 79.232,34

18 Nusa Tenggara Barat 196.266,00 200.361,00 201.010,00 201.904,00 167.968,35

19 Nusa Tenggara Timur 86.728,00 101.752,00 106.544,00 107.054,00 63.520,75

20 Kalimantan Barat 83.568,00 93.190,00 103.255,00 93.914,00 36.750,81

21 Kalimantan Tengah 58.186,00 59.706,00 58.861,00 69.040,00 59.802,48

22 Kalimantan Selatan 52.284,00 51.292,00 47.622,00 44.470,00 46.571,85

23 Kalimantan Timur 23.897,00 25.492,00 24.340,00 25.287,00 6.640,68

24 Sulawesi Utara 50.129,00 50.130,00 42.553,00 46.406,00 44.311,89

25 Sulawesi Tengah 120.223,00 121.805,00 125.674,00 126.866,00 40.432,07

26 Sulawesi Selatan 351.729,00 353.973,00 358.085,00 360.896,00 172.514,65

27 Sulawesi Tenggara 64.757,00 68.598,00 69.603,00 73.486,00 29.350,68

28 Gorontalo 20.857,00 20.666,00 22.015,00 22.883,00 25.465,98

29 Sulawesi Barat 31.183,00 33.071,00 34.101,00 32.004,00 21.188,94

30 Maluku 11.461,00 11.281,00 11.451,00 14.085,00 12.375,44

31 Maluku Utara 10.515,00 6.744,00 8.118,00 7.408,00 5.777,48

32 Papua Barat 5.721,00 5.842,00 5.422,00 5.390,00 2.147,05

33 Papua 27.196,00 25.720,00 25.945,00 25.944,00 2.273,61

4.828.476,00 4.905.107,00 4.893.128,00 4.924.172,00 4.417.581,92

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No. Provinsi/Province




Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.1. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Aceh, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.1 Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Aceh Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Simeulue 872,00 977,00 1.300,00 1.110,00 493,51

2 Kab. Aceh Singkil 2.065,00 4.244,00 629,00 634,00 682,48

3 Kab. Aceh Selatan 17.416,00 13.375,00 12.921,00 11.535,00 5.996,01

4 Kab. Aceh Tenggara 21.755,00 15.480,00 14.871,00 14.993,00 5.495,74

5 Kab. Aceh Timur 18.406,00 20.010,00 12.779,00 14.988,00 14.461,52

6 Kab. Aceh Tengah 7.887,00 6.652,00 6.133,00 5.871,00 5.366,94

7 Kab. Aceh Barat 1.920,00 1.595,00 2.154,00 4.325,00 432,30

8 Kab. Aceh Besar 22.272,00 22.085,00 22.443,00 22.305,00 16.050,53

9 Kab. Pidie 28.669,00 25.686,00 25.737,00 25.529,00 22.083,80

10 Kab. Bireuen 17.453,00 17.910,00 14.295,00 16.664,00 13.209,21

11 Kab. Aceh Utara 29.921,00 30.824,00 35.644,00 32.377,00 38.203,26

12 Kab. Aceh Barat Daya 14.665,00 16.546,00 18.970,00 17.843,00 18.558,17

13 Kab. Gayo Lues 8.767,00 11.960,00 8.376,00 8.048,00 4.673,47

14 Kab. Aceh Tamiang 1.465,00 1.640,00 1.936,00 2.069,00 1.265,53

15 Kab. Nagan Raya 16.419,00 34.804,00 7.825,00 17.994,00 7.872,69

16 Kab. Aceh Jaya 2.060,00 2.620,00 2.620,00 2.653,00 3.018,73

17 Kab. Bener Meriah 3.186,00 2.707,00 2.550,00 3.764,00 3.896,95

18 Kab. Pidie Jaya - 8.675,00 8.206,00 7.734,00 7.172,54

19 Kota Banda Aceh - - - - 38,26

20 Kota Sabang - - - - -

21 Kota Langsa 970,00 - 352,00 352,00 -

22 Kota Lhokseumawe 1.938,00 1.650,00 967,00 967,00 1.266,89

23 Kota Subulussalam - 448,00 522,00 830,00 27,31

218.106,00 239.888,00 201.230,00 212.585,00 170.265,84

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)





Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.2. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatra Utara, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.2. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sumatera Utara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. N i a s 4.164,00 1.440,00 2.067,00 1.434,00 7.544,55

2 Kab. Mandailing Natal 16.698,00 16.366,00 16.785,00 16.785,00 7.095,21

3 Kab. Tapanuli Selatan 15.771,00 15.852,00 16.080,00 16.093,00 10.149,48

4 Kab. Tapanuli Tengah 10.525,00 10.841,00 10.987,00 10.878,00 6.724,60

5 Kab. Tapanuli Utara 16.792,00 16.793,00 16.792,00 16.879,00 5.661,60

6 Kab. Toba Samosir 17.679,00 18.595,00 18.198,00 18.269,00 11.843,82

7 Kab. Labuhan Batu 4.183,00 591,00 591,00 591,00 580,93

8 Kab. Asahan 5.652,00 5.787,00 5.705,00 5.671,00 8.086,64

9 Kab. Simalungun 39.975,00 42.247,00 42.247,00 42.247,00 27.189,07

10 Kab. Dairi 10.225,00 10.225,00 10.125,00 10.125,00 3.965,29

11 Kab. K a r o 10.723,00 10.739,00 10.667,00 10.667,00 7.526,49

12 Kab. Deli Serdang 23.908,00 26.000,00 25.963,00 26.069,00 17.286,52

13 Kab. Langkat 7.864,00 7.847,00 7.083,00 7.091,00 8.881,49

14 Kab. Nias Selatan 1.295,00 3.030,00 3.653,00 3.803,00 4.360,61

15 Kab. Humbang Hasundutan 10.811,00 11.596,00 11.596,00 11.635,00 10.000,86

16 Kab. Pakpak Bharat 1.244,00 1.244,00 1.310,00 1.410,00 781,12

17 Kab. Samosir 3.165,00 2.799,00 2.932,00 3.394,00 1.581,43

18 Kab. Serdang Bedagai 35.673,00 35.673,00 35.378,00 34.148,00 30.208,53

19 Kab. Batu Bara 15.456,00 15.267,00 16.504,00 16.309,00 9.761,73

20 Kab. Padang Lawas Utara 8.498,00 10.710,00 10.669,00 11.625,00 2.549,34

21 Kab. Padang Lawas 8.268,00 8.746,00 9.350,00 12.325,00 5.090,80

22 Kab. Labuhan Batu Selatan - 329,00 329,00 359,00 223,23

23 Kab. Labuhan Batu Utara - 3.263,00 3.388,00 1.278,00 1.190,90

24 Kab. Nias Utara - 1.195,00 1.422,00 1.422,00 5.904,52

25 Kab. Nias Barat - 320,00 411,00 168,00 773,71

26 Kota Sibolga - - - - -

27 Kota Tanjung Balai 222,00 221,00 196,00 140,00 165,97

28 Kota Pematang Siantar 2.280,00 2.382,00 2.317,00 2.209,00 2.141,49

29 Kota Tebing Tinggi 545,00 545,00 545,00 465,00 380,96

30 Kota Medan 60,00 509,00 468,00 468,00 136,87

31 Kota Binjai 645,00 645,00 677,00 657,00 1.214,90

32 Kota Padang Sidempuan 3.455,00 3.455,00 3.641,00 3.649,00 2.778,04

33 Kota Gunungsitoli - 1.229,00 1.448,00 1.399,00 507,06

275.776,00 286.481,00 289.524,00 289.662,00 202.287,76

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Sumatera Utara



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.3. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.3. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sumatera Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kep. Mentawai 410,00 419,00 419,00 93,00 87,31

2 Kab. Pesisir Selatan 22.169,00 22.005,00 22.005,00 22.111,00 25.849,09

3 Kab. Solok 22.074,00 22.069,00 22.077,00 22.087,00 17.257,44

4 Kab. Sawahlunto/Sijunjung 6.723,00 6.988,00 6.264,00 6.498,00 3.595,01

5 Kab. Tanah Datar 17.147,00 18.285,00 17.357,00 18.023,00 15.989,87

6 Kab. Padang Pariaman 18.548,00 18.537,00 18.589,00 18.546,00 17.179,96

7 Kab. A g a m 23.717,00 23.734,00 23.957,00 25.074,00 17.114,74

8 Kab. Lima Puluh Koto 14.619,00 14.967,00 15.595,00 15.321,00 13.215,27

9 Kab. Pasaman 20.284,00 20.540,00 21.238,00 21.168,00 17.617,08

10 Kab. Solok Selatan 8.234,00 8.823,00 8.844,00 9.064,00 8.683,65

11 Kab. Dharmasraya 5.551,00 6.228,00 6.188,00 7.241,00 6.035,11

12 Kab. Pasaman Barat 8.801,00 7.932,00 7.982,00 8.195,00 7.756,00

13 Kota Padang 6.378,00 6.115,00 6.618,00 6.374,00 5.953,62

14 Kota Solok 1.119,00 968,00 665,00 665,00 842,63

15 Kota Sawahlunto 806,00 795,00 812,00 791,00 1.237,69

16 Kota Padang Panjang 690,00 690,00 690,00 690,00 628,14

17 Kota Bukit Tinggi 346,00 346,00 346,00 346,00 152,30

18 Kota Payakumbuh 2.624,00 2.583,00 2.571,00 2.570,00 1.970,82

19 Kota Pariaman 1.949,00 2.101,00 2.099,00 2.099,00 1.865,50

182.189,00 184.125,00 184.316,00 186.956,00 163.031,23

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Sumatera Barat



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.4. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Riau, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.4. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Riau Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kuantan Senggigi 5.572,00 5.824,00 5.076,00 5.717,00 2.310,89

2 Kab. Indragiri Hulu 565,00 671,00 583,00 583,00 297,39

3 Kab. Indragiri Hilir 1.807,00 1.060,00 - - -

4 Kab. Pelalawan 756,00 580,00 464,00 469,00 143,55

5 Kab. S i a k 2.092,00 64,00 126,00 174,00 103,81

6 Kab. Kampar 3.736,00 3.387,00 3.486,00 3.701,00 3.134,13

7 Kab. Rokan Hulu 1.012,00 1.088,00 921,00 922,00 1.010,78

8 Kab. Bengkalis - - - - -

9 Kab. Rokan Hilir 750,00 750,00 198,00 198,00 -

10 Kab. Kepulauan Meranti - - - - -

11 Kota Pekan Baru - 2,00 - - -

12 Kota Dumai - - - - -

16.290,00 13.426,00 10.854,00 11.764,00 7.000,55

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)





Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.5. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.5. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jambi Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kerinci 13.477,00 11.876,00 12.894,00 12.922,00 126,11

2 Kab. Merangin 6.580,00 6.922,00 6.808,00 8.941,00 4.421,06

3 Kab. Sarolangun 3.321,00 3.540,00 2.799,00 2.361,00 1.226,78

4 Kab. Batang Hari 295,00 228,00 175,00 205,00 19,35

5 Kab. Muaro Jambi 1.785,00 1.709,00 1.809,00 2.399,00 -

6 Kab. Tjg Jabung Timur - - - - -

7 Kab. Tjg Jabung Barat 1.782,00 884,00 1.371,00 908,00 892,70

8 Kab. T e b o 1.117,00 1.045,00 782,00 916,00 207,11

9 Kab. Bungo 5.234,00 5.543,00 4.568,00 4.568,00 1.553,16

10 Kota Jambi 248,00 248,00 178,00 354,00 -

11 Kota Sungai Penuh - 2.426,00 2.656,00 2.721,00 -

33.839,00 34.421,00 34.040,00 36.295,00 8.446,27

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)





Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.6. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.6. Area of Irrigated Wetland by Distric/Municipality in Sumatera Selatan Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Ogan Komering Ulu 2.920,00 2.596,00 2.492,00 2.632,00 1.462,90

2 Kab. Ogan Komering Ilir 423,00 650,00 650,00 868,00 28.625,73

3 Kab. Muara Enim 5.635,00 6.677,00 5.842,00 5.998,00 3.171,00

4 Kab. Lahat 16.143,00 14.994,00 15.166,00 15.317,00 7.435,12

5 Kab. Musi Rawas 12.855,00 13.118,00 13.002,00 13.215,00 13.656,75

6 Kab. Musi Banyuasin 140,00 140,00 140,00 - 745,90

7 Kab. Banyuasin - - - - 74.711,16

8 Kab. OKU Selatan 10.619,00 12.340,00 12.737,00 13.503,00 143,56

9 Kab. OKU Timur 30.783,00 34.671,00 35.669,00 36.856,00 22.769,71

10 Kab. Ogan Ilir - - - - -

11 Kab. Empat Lawang 12.493,00 11.215,00 11.215,00 12.564,00 10.142,30

12 Kota Palembang - - - - -

13 Kota Prabumulih - - - - -

14 Kota Pagar Alam 3.400,00 3.400,00 3.500,00 3.449,00 2.910,12

15 Kota Lubuk Linggau 1.661,00 1.538,00 1.624,00 1.621,00 1.767,05

97.072,00 101.339,00 102.037,00 106.023,00 167.541,30

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Sumatera Selatan



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.7. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bengkulu, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.7. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Bengkulu Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bengkulu Selatan 7.477,00 7.548,00 7.594,00 7.571,00 3.873,94

2 Kab. Rejang Lebong 8.070,00 8.160,00 8.227,00 8.264,00 9.639,25

3 Kab. Bengkulu Utara 13.086,00 10.608,00 10.499,00 10.325,00 3.886,34

4 Kab. K a u r 5.318,00 5.318,00 5.392,00 5.218,00 6.246,42

5 Kab. Seluma 8.539,00 8.559,00 9.405,00 10.392,00 11.478,23

6 Kab. Muko Muko 5.930,00 5.930,00 5.791,00 4.872,00 4.601,85

7 Kab. Lebong 10.046,00 10.111,00 10.112,00 11.003,00 8.206,84

8 Kab. Kepahiang 3.595,00 3.558,00 4.407,00 4.331,00 2.840,87

9 Bengkulu Tengah - 3.531,00 4.053,00 4.053,00 2.667,23

10 Kota Bengkulu 1.053,00 708,00 810,00 810,00 524,72

63.114,00 64.031,00 66.290,00 66.839,00 53.965,69

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)





Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.8. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Lampung, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.8. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Lampung Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Lampung Barat 13.541,00 13.537,00 12.305,00 14.360,00 7.028,85

2 Kab. Tanggamus 25.977,00 24.356,00 16.691,00 19.901,00 13.647,07

3 Kab. Lampung Selatan 10.724,00 14.449,00 10.734,00 10.734,00 2.944,34

4 Kab. Lampung Timur 33.128,00 33.444,00 33.531,00 34.763,00 28.252,34

5 Kab. Lampung Tengah 53.440,00 52.128,00 55.753,00 56.018,00 44.643,29

6 Kab. Lampung Utara 10.664,00 12.051,00 11.637,00 12.444,00 10.051,53

7 Kab. Way Kanan 11.014,00 10.777,00 12.180,00 12.599,00 6.032,95

8 Kab. Tulang Bawang 9.997,00 9.079,00 204,00 245,00 240,02

9 Kab. Pesawaran 8.917,00 8.917,00 10.442,00 10.353,00 6.505,34

10 Kab. Pringsewu - - 8.559,00 9.646,00 6.255,53

11 Kab. Mesuji - - 332,00 332,00 -

12 Kab. Tulangbawang Barat - - 8.378,00 7.405,00 9.460,34

13 Kota Bandar Lampung 582,00 414,00 417,00 412,00 148,40

14 Kota Metro 2.515,00 2.962,00 2.928,00 2.924,00 2.885,03

180.499,00 182.114,00 184.091,00 192.136,00 138.095,03

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)





Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.9. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.9. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bangka 179,00 368,00 200,00 347,00 752,67

2 Kab. Belitung 146,00 96,00 110,00 96,00 220,45

3 Kab. Bangka Barat - - - 150,00 482,12

4 Kab. Bangka Tengah - 1,00 69,00 54,00 63,95

5 Kab. Bangka Selatan 2.270,00 2.295,00 2.201,00 3.029,00 2.503,37

6 Kab. Belitung Timur - 415,00 415,00 429,00 39,41

7 Kota Pangkal Pinang - - - - -

2.595,00 3.175,00 2.995,00 4.105,00 4.061,97

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Kepulauan Bangka Belitung



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.10. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.10. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Riau Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Karimun - 75,00 75,00 - 126,06

2 Kab. Bintan - - - 62,00 -

3 Kab. Natuna 58,00 48,00 182,00 155,00 352,07

4 Kab. Lingga - - - - 29,70

5 Kab. Kepulauan Anambas 21,00 23,00 35,00 56,00 276,81

6 Kota Batam - - - - -

7 Kota Tanjung Pinang - - 1,00 1,00 -

79,00 146,00 293,00 274,00 784,64

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Kep. Riau



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.11. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.11. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in DKI Jakarta Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kepulauan Seribu - - - - -

2 Kota Jakarta Selatan - - - - -

3 Kota Jakarta Timur 325,00 325,00 425,00 425,00 367,49

4 Kota Jakarta Pusat - - - - -

5 Kota Jakarta Barat 238,00 266,00 205,00 205,00 245,32

6 Kota Jakarta Utara 593,00 593,00 593,00 593,00 490,36

1.156,00 1.184,00 1.223,00 1.223,00 1.103,17

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


DKI Jakarta



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.12. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.12. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bogor 38.555,00 37.402,00 37.828,00 36.464,00 21.444,18

2 Kab. Sukabumi 50.008,00 48.380,00 44.543,00 45.257,00 14.364,19

3 Kab. Cianjur 46.999,00 47.210,00 46.852,00 47.945,00 29.535,16

4 Kab. Bandung 30.053,00 28.716,00 28.700,00 30.275,00 23.298,82

5 Kab. Garut 40.472,00 40.940,00 41.041,00 40.306,00 23.315,94

6 Kab. Tasikmalaya 37.003,00 36.946,00 36.971,00 36.350,00 13.422,01

7 Kab. Ciamis 37.950,00 38.119,00 36.884,00 36.711,00 29.299,71

8 Kab. Kuningan 21.122,00 20.967,00 20.742,00 21.681,00 21.642,78

9 Kab. Cirebon 48.047,00 47.027,00 47.285,00 46.359,00 53.505,63

10 Kab. Majalengka 38.338,00 39.134,00 39.158,00 39.158,00 36.512,67

11 Kab. Sumedang 26.853,00 26.575,00 26.783,00 27.512,00 16.953,50

12 Kab. Indramayu 95.195,00 92.184,00 94.894,00 92.606,00 113.176,32

13 Kab. Subang 75.408,00 78.288,00 77.715,00 78.410,00 84.349,74

14 Kab. Purwakarta 10.078,00 10.078,00 10.171,00 10.171,00 12.065,25

15 Kab. Karawang 91.038,00 93.707,00 93.707,00 94.050,00 99.625,20

16 Kab. Bekasi 47.466,00 47.148,00 46.991,00 46.671,00 62.901,55

17 Kab. Bandung Barat 14.759,00 13.691,00 13.507,00 13.109,00 5.591,56

18 Kota Bogor 1.006,00 960,00 960,00 1.061,00 436,67

19 Kota Sukabumi 1.841,00 1.894,00 1.736,00 1.720,00 1.618,45

20 Kota Bandung 1.529,00 1.747,00 1.226,00 1.334,00 1.643,97

21 Kota Cirebon 129,00 129,00 119,00 48,00 241,95

22 Kota Bekasi 256,00 167,00 117,00 117,00 709,60

23 Kota Depok 932,00 580,00 582,00 558,00 246,01

24 Kota Cimahi 275,00 275,00 275,00 256,00 180,43

25 Kota Tasikmalaya 5.139,00 5.084,00 5.018,00 4.995,00 4.919,25

26 Kota Banjar 2.143,00 2.151,00 2.151,00 2.151,00 2.990,47

762.594,00 759.499,00 755.956,00 755.275,00 673.990,99

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Jawa Barat



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.13. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.13. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Tengah Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Cilacap 45.109,00 45.829,00 45.751,00 47.073,00 65.232,14

2 Kab. Banyumas 25.922,00 25.753,00 25.881,00 25.913,00 26.745,95

3 Kab. Purbalingga 16.265,00 15.848,00 16.203,00 16.453,00 16.056,44

4 Kab. Banjarnegara 10.686,00 11.024,00 11.084,00 11.108,00 8.812,62

5 Kab. Kebumen 26.340,00 27.066,00 27.082,00 27.107,00 34.505,08

6 Kab. Purworejo 26.046,00 26.977,00 27.077,00 26.739,00 27.076,02

7 Kab. Wonosobo 13.209,00 13.049,00 13.178,00 12.752,00 1.988,77

8 Kab. Magelang 27.869,00 27.886,00 28.268,00 28.251,00 14.638,39

9 Kab. Boyolali 12.281,00 11.758,00 12.184,00 12.696,00 32.869,27

10 Kab. Klaten 31.819,00 31.948,00 32.162,00 31.714,00 32.512,38

11 Kab. Sukoharjo 18.638,00 18.789,00 18.788,00 18.600,00 23.736,64

12 Kab. Wonogiri 22.517,00 23.281,00 22.031,00 23.224,00 32.275,09

13 Kab. Karanganyar 20.127,00 19.364,00 20.043,00 20.018,00 25.199,71

14 Kab. Sragen 26.397,00 25.769,00 25.773,00 25.773,00 44.688,30

15 Kab. Grobogan 29.322,00 29.928,00 30.653,00 30.015,00 89.547,85

16 Kab. Blora 11.814,00 12.369,00 14.680,00 13.755,00 27.388,13

17 Kab. Rembang 9.371,00 8.141,00 8.366,00 8.365,00 24.368,36

18 Kab. P a t i 35.185,00 35.593,00 41.864,00 35.074,00 63.883,82

19 Kab. Kudus 12.836,00 12.627,00 13.271,00 12.586,00 20.089,58

20 Kab. Jepara 21.098,00 22.106,00 20.193,00 20.721,00 23.420,32

21 Kab. Demak 33.016,00 32.643,00 32.789,00 33.296,00 60.207,04

22 Kab. Semarang 18.724,00 17.590,00 17.485,00 15.999,00 6.841,30

23 Kab. Temanggung 19.029,00 18.530,00 18.863,00 19.222,00 10.889,32

24 Kab. Kendal 25.103,00 25.156,00 25.156,00 24.784,00 21.565,99

25 Kab. Batang 18.152,00 18.033,00 18.497,00 17.946,00 16.864,29

26 Kab. Pekalongan 20.648,00 20.646,00 20.545,00 21.420,00 19.191,48

27 Kab. Pemalang 30.513,00 31.473,00 31.473,00 30.854,00 31.445,82

28 Kab. Tegal 32.893,00 31.190,00 31.054,00 32.183,00 37.520,01

29 Kab. Brebes 45.259,00 44.167,00 44.570,00 45.764,00 58.968,49

30 Kota Magelang 212,00 212,00 211,00 211,00 84,88

31 Kota Surakarta 76,00 101,00 81,00 72,00 182,22

32 Kota Salatiga 622,00 618,00 663,00 628,00 2,52

33 Kota Semarang 1.860,00 1.860,00 1.842,00 1.407,00 1.974,01

34 Kota Pekalongan 1.181,00 1.164,00 1.107,00 1.046,00 787,56

35 Kota Tegal 895,00 895,00 793,00 672,00 752,85

691.034,00 689.383,00 699.661,00 693.441,00 902.312,63

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Jawa Tengah



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.14. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi D.I Yogyakarta, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.14. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in D.I Yogyakarta Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kulon Progo 9.111,00 9.198,00 9.233,00 9.255,00 9.286,36

2 Kab. Bantul 12.613,00 12.696,00 12.608,00 12.428,00 11.827,17

3 Kab. Gunung Kidul 2.502,00 2.341,00 2.417,00 2.345,00 1.190,46

4 Kab. Sleman 22.284,00 22.232,00 22.137,00 22.104,00 18.514,56

5 Kota Yogyakarta 80,00 80,00 82,00 81,00 88,51

46.590,00 46.547,00 46.477,00 46.213,00 40.907,06

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


D.I. Yogyakarta



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.15. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Timur, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.15. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Timur Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pacitan 6.518,00 6.702,00 6.707,00 6.916,00 7.000,01

2 Kab. Ponorogo 33.050,00 33.050,00 33.050,00 33.050,00 28.207,48

3 Kab. Trenggalek 10.319,00 10.405,00 10.695,00 10.992,00 8.455,27

4 Kab. Tulungagung 22.399,00 22.737,00 22.742,00 22.897,00 21.210,83

5 Kab. Blitar 29.673,00 29.942,00 29.845,00 29.905,00 22.990,66

6 Kab. Kediri 41.498,00 38.570,00 38.980,00 40.556,00 37.900,13

7 Kab. Malang 41.319,00 40.395,00 40.433,00 40.481,00 36.793,10

8 Kab. Lumajang 32.757,00 33.927,00 34.324,00 34.375,00 29.115,62

9 Kab. Jember 80.381,00 80.420,00 81.172,00 79.535,00 64.745,12

10 Kab. Banyuwangi 61.580,00 61.906,00 61.906,00 61.446,00 50.336,64

11 Kab. Bondowoso 32.385,00 32.682,00 33.264,00 33.257,00 34.690,43

12 Kab. Situbondo 28.465,00 32.060,00 30.137,00 30.275,00 35.177,08

13 Kab. Probolinggo 34.192,00 34.327,00 34.372,00 34.230,00 42.359,44

14 Kab. Pasuruan 35.978,00 36.030,00 35.997,00 36.613,00 36.350,02

15 Kab. Sidoarjo 22.822,00 22.705,00 22.671,00 21.736,00 25.444,50

16 Kab. Mojokerto 26.415,00 26.294,00 25.996,00 25.819,00 28.199,93

17 Kab. Jombang 38.504,00 38.519,00 36.999,00 37.358,00 40.154,04

18 Kab. Nganjuk 37.955,00 37.863,00 38.230,00 38.232,00 36.268,64

19 Kab. Madiun 28.998,00 29.436,00 29.038,00 29.509,00 29.112,35

20 Kab. Magetan 21.154,00 22.372,00 21.949,00 21.921,00 21.626,80

21 Kab. Ngawi 43.660,00 43.890,00 44.602,00 43.412,00 43.831,62

22 Kab. Bojonegoro 33.984,00 38.977,00 39.799,00 37.047,00 35.401,06

23 Kab. Tuban 26.359,00 24.464,00 25.233,00 26.030,00 38.771,55

24 Kab. Lamongan 54.029,00 54.552,00 53.632,00 53.808,00 70.206,30

25 Kab. Gresik 7.944,00 8.409,00 8.720,00 8.135,00 36.035,74

26 Kab. Bangkalan 7.909,00 7.950,00 8.113,00 8.111,00 14.570,48

27 Kab. Sampang 3.826,00 4.671,00 4.956,00 5.000,00 16.782,25

28 Kab. Pamekasan 7.064,00 7.049,00 6.717,00 7.126,00 2.571,15

29 Kab. Sumenep 12.630,00 9.183,00 8.630,00 8.637,00 2.325,83

30 Kota Kediri 1.234,00 1.326,00 1.288,00 1.278,00 1.733,06

31 Kota Blitar 1.144,00 1.141,00 1.141,00 1.134,00 797,35

32 Kota Malang 1.130,00 1.098,00 1.070,00 1.070,00 1.638,93

33 Kota Probolinggo 1.963,00 1.963,00 1.866,00 1.865,00 2.797,55

34 Kota Pasuruan 1.210,00 1.210,00 1.167,00 1.153,00 1.335,93

35 Kota Mojokerto 589,00 586,00 586,00 579,00 375,62

36 Kota Madiun 1.101,00 1.098,00 1.098,00 1.098,00 816,08

37 Kota Surabaya 352,00 406,00 386,00 277,00 2.210,26

38 Kota Batu 1.643,00 1.643,00 2.107,00 1.972,00 2.193,92

874.133,00 879.958,00 879.618,00 876.835,00 910.532,74

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Jawa Timur



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.16. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Banten, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.16. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Banten Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pandeglang 23.870,00 24.681,00 22.451,00 21.327,00 39.571,00

2 Kab. Lebak 19.864,00 22.271,00 21.362,00 22.378,00 20.784,00

3 Kab. Tangerang 28.457,00 26.799,00 26.798,00 26.741,00 39.071,00

4 Kab. Serang 29.594,00 31.379,00 32.328,00 31.264,00 46.610,00

5 Kota Tangerang 753,00 582,00 574,00 533,00 1.310,00

6 Kota Cilegon 419,00 389,00 389,00 525,00 1.446,00

7 Kota Serang 5.360,00 4.918,00 4.918,00 4.918,00 8.138,00

8 Kota Tangerang Selatan - 65,00 64,00 64,00 -

108.317,00 111.084,00 108.884,00 107.750,00 156.930,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)





Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.17. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bali, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.17. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Bali Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Jembrana 6.420,00 5.522,00 6.694,00 6.596,00 6.601,97

2 Kab. Tabanan 22.278,00 22.465,00 22.315,00 21.480,00 21.075,45

3 Kab. Badung 10.174,00 9.312,00 10.115,00 10.184,00 10.178,16

4 Kab. Gianyar 14.747,00 14.722,00 14.785,00 14.547,00 14.459,21

5 Kab. Klungkung 3.875,00 3.876,00 3.876,00 3.771,00 4.002,80

6 Kab. Bangli 2.882,00 2.853,00 2.834,00 2.900,00 2.738,73

7 Kab. Karang Asem 6.743,00 6.541,00 6.902,00 6.825,00 6.895,68

8 Kab. Buleleng 10.557,00 10.699,00 10.887,00 10.859,00 10.822,76

9 Kota Denpasar 2.717,00 2.693,00 2.632,00 2.597,00 2.457,58

80.393,00 78.683,00 81.040,00 79.759,00 79.232,34

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)





Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.18. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.18. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Lombok Barat 23.540,00 15.616,00 15.538,00 13.016,00 11.920,09

2 Kab. Lombok Tengah 39.977,00 42.103,00 42.150,00 43.230,00 36.197,78

3 Kab. Lombok Timur 44.470,00 44.758,00 44.821,00 44.797,00 36.979,89

4 Kab. Sumbawa 39.106,00 39.571,00 39.616,00 40.113,00 34.608,41

5 Kab. Dompu 14.776,00 14.961,00 14.912,00 15.029,00 10.760,36

6 Kab. B i m a 22.935,00 23.451,00 23.934,00 25.559,00 21.254,20

7 Kab. Sumbawa Barat 7.603,00 7.603,00 7.750,00 7.750,00 5.064,71

8 Kab. Lombok Utara - 8.013,00 8.006,00 8.173,00 7.621,62

9 Kota Mataram 1.831,00 2.264,00 2.264,00 2.220,00 2.151,03

10 Kota Bima 2.028,00 2.021,00 2.019,00 2.017,00 1.410,26

196.266,00 200.361,00 201.010,00 201.904,00 167.968,35

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Nusa Tenggara Barat



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.19. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.19. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Sumba Barat 2.960,00 3.764,00 5.223,00 5.223,00 1.800,52

2 Kab. Sumba Timur 7.637,00 10.763,00 10.829,00 10.829,00 5.747,37

3 Kab. Kupang 9.203,00 9.712,00 8.813,00 8.813,00 3.142,98

4 Kab. Timor Tengah Selatan 2.718,00 2.844,00 2.985,00 2.984,00 2.080,28

5 Kab. Timor Tengah Utara 5.147,00 6.533,00 6.316,00 6.316,00 2.172,85

6 Kab. B e l u 4.762,00 4.626,00 4.265,00 4.265,00 6.011,68

7 Kab. A l o r 520,00 1.176,00 1.210,00 1.210,00 360,68

8 Kab. Lembata 20,00 139,00 229,00 229,00 125,86

9 Kab. Flores Timur 259,00 887,00 952,00 952,00 305,45

10 Kab. Sikka 1.970,00 2.232,00 2.304,00 2.304,00 836,53

11 Kab. E n d e 2.632,00 3.578,00 5.164,00 6.896,00 3.080,58

12 Kab. Ngada 3.312,00 5.554,00 5.563,00 5.563,00 2.718,10

13 Kab. Manggarai 10.284,00 11.374,00 11.735,00 11.735,00 8.721,61

14 Kab. Rote Ndao 4.775,00 5.152,00 6.297,00 5.297,00 4.468,50

15 Kab. Manggarai Barat 10.607,00 10.935,00 11.013,00 11.013,00 3.853,69

16 Kab. Sumba Tengah 4.074,00 5.099,00 3.416,00 5.045,00 3.344,48

17 Kab. Sumba Barat Daya 3.360,00 3.496,00 5.045,00 3.416,00 970,26

18 Kab. Nagekeo 3.020,00 3.150,00 3.162,00 2.940,00 5.381,01

19 Kab. Manggarai Timur 9.202,00 10.534,00 10.919,00 10.919,00 7.817,70

20 Kab. Sabu Raijua - - 860,00 860,00 375,77

21 Kota Kupang 266,00 204,00 244,00 245,00 204,85

86.728 101.752 106.544 107.054 63.521

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Nusa Tenggara Timur



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.20. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.20. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Sambas 3.015,00 3.673,00 2.447,00 1.530,00 -

2 Kab. Bengkayang 8.742,00 9.792,00 11.882,00 13.375,00 364,40

3 Kab. Landak 35.902,00 38.873,00 42.118,00 33.418,00 13.515,09

4 Kab. Pontianak 6.934,00 5.772,00 5.935,00 7.508,00 91,02

5 Kab. Sanggau 7.917,00 8.839,00 9.238,00 10.187,00 5.538,86

6 Kab. Ketapang 2.087,00 2.983,00 2.583,00 3.380,00 1.962,59

7 Kab. Sintang 9.435,00 11.137,00 10.749,00 10.526,00 1.405,73

8 Kab. Kapuas Hulu 3.610,00 4.755,00 5.416,00 6.041,00 2.547,26

9 Kab. Sekadau 1.065,00 913,00 1.035,00 1.164,00 -

10 Kab. Melawi 1.463,00 1.832,00 2.179,00 3.092,00 -

11 Kab. Kayong Utara 1.683,00 1.723,00 1.723,00 1.975,00 1.685,62

12 Kab. Kubu Raya 697,00 1.880,00 6.817,00 1.035,00 9.594,00

13 Kota Pontianak - - - - -

14 Kota Singkawang 1.018,00 1.018,00 1.133,00 683,00 46,24

83.568,00 93.190,00 103.255,00 93.914,00 36.750,81

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Kalimantan Barat



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.21. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.21. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Tengah Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kotawaringin Barat 1.244,00 1.110,00 1.973,00 3.784,00 -

2 Kab. Kotawaringin Timur 4.351,00 6.367,00 7.576,00 8.161,00 -

3 Kab. Kapuas 31.038,00 29.236,00 25.001,00 25.305,00 56.048,27

4 Kab. Barito Selatan 737,00 3.396,00 3.398,00 801,00 -

5 Kab. Barito Utara 593,00 870,00 1.195,00 1.277,00 584,85

6 Kab. Sukamara 160,00 798,00 833,00 2.390,00 -

7 Kab. Lamandau 133,00 375,00 225,00 719,00 526,07

8 Kab. Seruyan 3.175,00 1.154,00 990,00 1.270,00 -

9 Kab. Katingan 2.075,00 2.305,00 2.268,00 1.994,00 -

10 Kab. Pulang Pisau 11.057,00 11.064,00 11.614,00 19.553,00 -

11 Kab. Gunung Mas 616,00 470,00 312,00 308,00 -

12 Kab. Barito Timur 3.007,00 2.561,00 3.476,00 3.478,00 2.574,32

13 Kab. Murung Raya - - - - 68,97

14 Kota Palangka Raya - - - - -

58.186,00 59.706,00 58.861,00 69.040,00 59.802,48

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Kalimantan Tengah



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.22. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.22. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Selatan Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Tanah Laut 6.631,00 5.940,00 5.843,00 6.640,00 376,49

2 Kab. Kota Baru 4.504,00 4.548,00 3.955,00 1.673,00 5.283,79

3 Kab. Banjar 5.653,00 4.627,00 4.677,00 4.574,00 6.645,94

4 Kab. Barito Kuala - - - - 5.371,83

5 Kab. Tapin 8.890,00 9.033,00 6.688,00 6.688,00 6.163,57

6 Kab. Hulu Sungai Selatan 7.059,00 7.521,00 7.624,00 7.524,00 6.730,46

7 Kab. Hulu Sungai Tengah 9.581,00 9.229,00 8.941,00 8.925,00 4.651,07

8 Kab. Hulu Sungai Utara 195,00 183,00 23,00 - 3.616,12

9 Kab. Tabalong 5.275,00 5.660,00 5.660,00 5.549,00 3.285,65

10 Kab. Tanah Bumbu 1.053,00 1.108,00 743,00 743,00 24,77

11 Kab. Balangan 3.443,00 3.443,00 3.468,00 2.154,00 3.929,81

12 Kota Banjarmasin - - - - 192,16

13 Kota Banjar Baru - - - - 300,19

52.284,00 51.292,00 47.622,00 44.470,00 46.571,85

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Kalimantan Selatan



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.23. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.23. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Timur Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pasir 3.211,00 3.332,00 2.514,00 1.773,00 -

2 Kab. Kutai Barat - - 47,00 361,00 1.538,67

3 Kab. Kutai 5.473,00 6.184,00 6.270,00 6.589,00 149,17

4 Kab. Kutai Timur 3.008,00 3.031,00 3.145,00 2.420,00 95,99

5 Kab. Berau 2.084,00 2.391,00 2.996,00 3.000,00 1.732,91

6 Kab. Malinau 1.039,00 1.694,00 1.624,00 3.055,00 61,74

7 Kab. Bulungan 1.708,00 3.653,00 3.846,00 4.249,00 2.545,21

8 Kab. Nunukan 3.585,00 2.737,00 1.453,00 1.130,00 332,41

9 Kab. Penajam Paser Utara 2.474,00 1.685,00 1.685,00 1.685,00 -

10 Kab. Tana Tidung - 55,00 30,00 300,00 -

11 Kota Balikpapan 1.315,00 - - - -

12 Kota Samarinda - 730,00 730,00 725,00 184,58

13 Kota Tarakan - - - - -

14 Kota Bontang - - - - -

23.897,00 25.492,00 24.340,00 25.287,00 6.640,68

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Kalimantan Timur



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.24. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.24. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Utara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow 26.336,00 22.378,00 14.917,00 16.606,00 17.845,49

2 Kab. Minahasa 5.339,00 5.339,00 5.223,00 5.259,00 6.494,55

3 Kab. Kep. Sangihe Talaud 41,00 41,00 41,00 36,00 9,10

4 Kab. Kep. Talaud 340,00 340,00 340,00 340,00 212,14

5 Kab. Minahasa Selatan 4.895,00 4.895,00 4.895,00 4.883,00 5.100,50

6 Kab. Minahasa Utara 2.764,00 2.764,00 2.764,00 2.764,00 2.978,87

7 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Utara 5.294,00 5.294,00 5.294,00 5.294,00 3.700,19

8 Kab. Kep. Sitaro - - - - -

9 Kab. Minahasa Tenggara 3.294,00 3.294,00 3.294,00 3.294,00 2.759,97

10 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Selatan - 2.068,00 2.068,00 2.068,00 1.275,58

11 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Timur - 1.891,00 1.891,00 1.891,00 1.579,42

12 Kota Manado 8,00 8,00 8,00 8,00 79,96

13 Kota Bitung 82,00 82,00 82,00 82,00 79,39

14 Kota Tomohon 811,00 811,00 811,00 742,00 411,53

15 Kota Kotamobagu 925,00 925,00 925,00 3.139,00 1.785,20

50.129,00 50.130,00 42.553,00 46.406,00 44.311,89

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Sulawesi Utara



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.25. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.25. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tengah Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Banggai Kepulauan 427,00 420,00 420,00 522,00 145,81

2 Kab. Banggai 19.760,00 21.422,00 21.094,00 20.874,00 7.134,39

3 Kab. Morowali 6.227,00 6.227,00 7.916,00 10.674,00 3.035,08

4 Kab. P o s o 14.638,00 14.638,00 15.767,00 14.379,00 4.396,77

5 Kab. Donggala 34.136,00 12.929,00 13.828,00 14.255,00 976,07

6 Kab. Toli Toli 11.836,00 12.340,00 12.832,00 12.094,00 3.363,69

7 Kab. B u o l 4.044,00 3.721,00 4.250,00 3.037,00 2.060,97

8 Kab. Parigi Moutong 26.763,00 26.430,00 26.327,00 27.195,00 9.902,61

9 Kab. Tojo Una-Una 1.796,00 1.796,00 1.409,00 1.452,00 406,98

10 Kab. Sigi - 21.207,00 21.207,00 21.690,00 9.009,70

11 Kota Palu 596,00 675,00 624,00 694,00 -

120.223,00 121.805,00 125.674,00 126.866,00 40.432,07

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Sulawesi Tengah



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.26. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.26. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Selatan Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Selayar 385,00 519,00 545,00 750,00 -

2 Kab. Bulukumba 22.498,00 20.388,00 20.296,00 20.671,00 1.272,23

3 Kab. Bantaeng 7.250,00 7.250,00 7.011,00 6.558,00 127,05

4 Kab. Jeneponto 10.762,00 10.836,00 10.835,00 10.708,00 1.177,75

5 Kab. Takalar 8.975,00 8.627,00 8.358,00 8.301,00 5.374,78

6 Kab. G o w a 21.775,00 21.984,00 22.665,00 22.127,00 10.681,46

7 Kab. Sinjai 10.077,00 10.085,00 10.087,00 8.413,00 2.307,51

8 Kab. Maros 12.826,00 13.303,00 13.162,00 14.418,00 6.625,73

9 Kab. Pangkajene Kepulauan 8.640,00 8.573,00 9.442,00 9.943,00 2.891,13

10 Kab. Barru 5.358,00 5.553,00 5.550,00 5.376,00 1.715,12

11 Kab. B o n e 41.232,00 41.232,00 41.232,00 41.232,00 22.027,47

12 Kab. Soppeng 21.612,00 21.362,00 21.169,00 22.576,00 7.142,25

13 Kab. W a j o 22.276,00 23.638,00 24.890,00 26.020,00 11.814,30

14 Kab. Sidenreng Rappang 38.095,00 38.335,00 38.719,00 38.939,00 23.508,16

15 Kab. Pinrang 44.265,00 43.987,00 44.008,00 42.849,00 31.730,92

16 Kab. Enrekang 6.112,00 5.766,00 5.985,00 5.844,00 2.497,10

17 Kab. L u w u 32.051,00 32.901,00 33.101,00 32.791,00 17.657,23

18 Kab. Tana Toraja 7.386,00 3.680,00 3.892,00 4.324,00 1.793,15

19 Kab. Luwu Utara 11.497,00 12.071,00 12.590,00 14.454,00 2.369,80

20 Kab. Luwu Timur 14.941,00 15.958,00 17.259,00 16.815,00 9.780,39

21 Kab. Toraja Utara - 4.313,00 3.850,00 4.509,00 6.706,15

22 Kota Makassar 845,00 598,00 400,00 300,00 1.545,38

23 Kota Pare Pare 300,00 500,00 500,00 404,00 240,41

24 Kota Palopo 2.571,00 2.514,00 2.539,00 2.574,00 1.529,18

351.729,00 353.973,00 358.085,00 360.896,00 172.514,65

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Sulawesi Selatan



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.27. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.27. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tenggara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Buton 968,00 980,00 1.170,00 1.246,00 389,08

2 Muna 565,00 822,00 766,00 1.362,00 1.051,13

3 Konawe 29.773,00 30.516,00 27.959,00 28.023,00 10.303,59

4 Kolaka 15.657,00 17.327,00 14.144,00 15.076,00 8.923,09

5 Konawe Selatan 12.990,00 13.814,00 14.600,00 17.047,00 5.237,36

6 Bombana 1.870,00 - 6.148,00 5.746,00 179,68

7 Wakatobi - 2.065,00 - - -

8 Kolaka Utara 805,00 1.197,00 2.331,00 2.424,00 1.445,00

9 Buton Utara 149,00 149,00 149,00 149,00 29,49

10 Konawe Utara 728,00 628,00 648,00 648,00 425,90

11 Kota Kendari 300,00 352,00 464,00 541,00 95,16

12 Kota Bau-Bau 952,00 748,00 1.224,00 1.224,00 1.271,20

64.757,00 68.598,00 69.603,00 73.486,00 29.350,68

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Sulawesi Tenggara



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.28. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Gorontalo, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.28. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Gorontalo Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Boalemo 994,00 972,00 972,00 2.436,00 3.623,94

2 Kab. Gorontalo 10.673,00 10.778,00 10.832,00 10.567,00 13.368,38

3 Kab. Pohuwato 2.472,00 2.316,00 2.821,00 2.657,00 2.529,63

4 Kab. Bone Bolango 2.381,00 2.006,00 2.006,00 2.006,00 2.072,86

5 Kab. Gorontalo Utara 3.421,00 3.678,00 4.468,00 4.301,00 2.907,69

6 Kota Gorontalo 916,00 916,00 916,00 916,00 963,48

20.857,00 20.666,00 22.015,00 22.883,00 25.465,98

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)





Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.29. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.29. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Majene 336,00 408,00 295,00 422,00 153,31

2 Kab. Polewali Mamasa 14.716,00 14.520,00 13.974,00 13.975,00 10.554,16

3 Kab. Mamasa 12.262,00 13.703,00 13.341,00 11.162,00 6.688,17

4 Kab. Mamuju 3.351,00 3.671,00 5.106,00 5.239,00 3.135,85

5 Kab. Mamuju Utara 518,00 769,00 1.385,00 1.206,00 657,45

31.183,00 33.071,00 34.101,00 32.004,00 21.188,94

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Sulawesi Barat



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.30. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.30. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Maluku Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Maluku Tenggara Barat - - - - -

2 Kab. Maluku Tenggara - - - - -

3 Kab. Maluku Tengah 4.778,00 3.325,00 3.500,00 4.750,00 4.330,75

4 Kab. B u r u 4.993,00 5.994,00 5.994,00 6.648,00 6.330,30

5 Kab. Kepulauan Aru - - - - -

6 Kab. Seram Bagian Barat 1.255,00 937,00 932,00 958,00 734,56

7 Kab. Seram Bagian Timur 435,00 1.025,00 1.025,00 1.529,00 979,83

8 Kab. Maluku Barat Daya - - - 200,00 -

9 Kab. Buru Selatan - - - - -

10 Kota Ambon - - - - -

11 Tual - - - - -

11.461,00 11.281,00 11.451,00 14.085,00 12.375,44

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)





Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.31. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku Utara, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.31. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Maluku Utara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Halmahera Barat 530,00 84,00 121,00 236,00 223,88

2 Kab. Halmahera Tengah 793,00 574,00 750,00 700,00 640,59

3 Kab. Kepulauan Sula - 100,00 225,00 150,00 -

4 Kab. Halmahera Selatan 551,00 868,00 331,00 331,00 47,76

5 Kab. Halmahera Utara 1.359,00 1.930,00 2.806,00 2.004,00 230,46

6 Kab. Halmahera Timur 7.282,00 3.188,00 3.885,00 3.985,00 4.338,58

7 Kab. Pulau Morotai - - - - 296,21

8 Kota Ternate - - - - -

9 Kota Tidore Kepulauan - - - 2,00 -

10.515,00 6.744,00 8.118,00 7.408,00 5.777,48

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Maluku Utara



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.32. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.32. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Papua Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Fakfak 25,00 25,00 25,00 - -

2 Kab. Kaimana - - - - -

3 Kab. Teluk Wondama 5,00 5,00 10,00 24,00 -

4 Kab. Teluk Bintuni 480,00 576,00 350,00 405,00 -

5 Kab. Manokwari 3.679,00 3.704,00 3.704,00 3.628,00 2.105,34

6 Kab. Sorong Selatan 12,00 12,00 12,00 12,00 -

7 Kab. Sorong 1.145,00 1.145,00 946,00 946,00 18,85

8 Kab. Raja Ampat 375,00 375,00 375,00 375,00 22,86

9 Kab. Tambrauw - - - - -

10 Kab. Maybrat - - - - -

11 Kota Sorong - - - - -

5.721,00 5.842,00 5.422,00 5.390,00 2.147,05

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)


Papua Barat



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 3.33. Luas Lahan Sawah Irigasi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2008 - 2012

Table 3.33. Area of Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Papua Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Merauke 21.642,00 20.162,00 20.162,00 20.162,00 -

2 Kab. Jayawijaya 145,00 145,00 145,00 145,00 -

3 Kab. Jayapura 3.508,00 3.508,00 3.608,00 3.608,00 684,22

4 Kab. Nabire 788,00 876,00 951,00 951,00 959,93

5 Kab. Yapen Waropen 50,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 -

6 Kab. Biak Numfor - - - - -

7 Kab. Paniai - - - - -

8 Kab. Puncak Jaya 1,00 1,00 1,00 - -

9 Kab. Mimika 144,00 60,00 110,00 110,00 -

10 Kab. Boven Digoel 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 -

11 Kab. Mappi - - - - -

12 Kab. Asmat 40,00 40,00 40,00 40,00 -

13 Kab. Yahukimo - - - - -

14 Kab. Pegunungan Bintang - - - - -

15 Kab. Tolikara - - - - -

16 Kab. Sarmi 6,00 6,00 6,00 6,00 -

17 Kab. Keerom 521,00 521,00 521,00 521,00 -

18 Kab. Waropen 150,00 150,00 150,00 150,00 -

19 Kota Jayapura 200,00 200,00 200,00 200,00 629,46

27.196,00 25.720,00 25.945,00 25.944,00 2.273,61

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)





Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013




Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Halaman ini sengaja dikosongkan / This page intentionally blank


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Provinsi di Indonesia, 2008 - 2012

Table 4. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by Province in Indonesia, 2008 - 2012


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Aceh 104.904,00 119.863,00 112.419,00 94.971,00 127.070,54

2 Sumatera Utara 202.745,00 177.775,00 179.200,00 178.780,00 220.902,56

3 Sumatera Barat 43.434,00 44.051,00 45.377,00 44.507,00 66.337,12

4 Riau 105.965,00 109.312,00 105.107,00 104.133,00 103.165,84

5 Jambi 82.373,00 82.915,00 78.394,00 77.462,00 103.727,75

6 Sumatera Selatan 480.749,00 509.733,00 509.349,00 523.332,00 450.374,90

7 Bengkulu 26.130,00 25.583,00 26.686,00 23.378,00 28.150,79

8 Lampung 168.233,00 167.030,00 161.346,00 156.299,00 204.683,33

9 Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 911,00 1.842,00 1.061,00 1.827,00 4.502,98

10 Kepulauan Riau 54,00 92,00 149,00 119,00 435,71

11 DKI Jakarta 44,00 31,00 89,00 89,00 -

12 Jawa Barat 182.950,00 177.874,00 174.312,00 175.232,00 251.574,21

13 Jawa Tengah 272.950,00 271.385,00 262.810,00 267.529,00 199.538,43

14 D.I. Yogyakarta 8.742,00 8.778,00 9.046,00 9.078,00 30.961,35

15 Jawa Timur 234.445,00 220.559,00 227.658,00 229.614,00 242.341,96

16 Banten 87.266,00 84.725,00 87.860,00 89.415,00 34.090,00

17 Bali 480,00 502,00 385,00 301,00 1.234,22

18 Nusa Tenggara Barat 34.720,00 36.059,00 37.609,00 38.276,00 68.065,48

19 Nusa Tenggara Timur 37.688,00 38.191,00 35.935,00 37.520,00 82.665,23

20 Kalimantan Barat 209.119,00 207.716,00 203.761,00 224.667,00 268.945,08

21 Kalimantan Tengah 99.220,00 111.722,00 116.772,00 133.197,00 128.277,00

22 Kalimantan Selatan 425.052,00 413.289,00 388.696,00 412.685,00 406.472,51

23 Kalimantan Timur 60.338,00 62.816,00 58.456,00 65.231,00 78.657,03

24 Sulawesi Utara 11.004,00 11.004,00 10.236,00 9.775,00 7.923,50

25 Sulawesi Tengah 8.793,00 9.074,00 10.567,00 10.920,00 79.270,50

26 Sulawesi Selatan 215.791,00 211.628,00 214.004,00 215.663,00 413.616,40

27 Sulawesi Tenggara 18.049,00 21.003,00 13.753,00 12.099,00 53.919,22

28 Gorontalo 10.470,00 8.396,00 7.551,00 5.824,00 3.622,21

29 Sulawesi Barat 22.037,00 22.985,00 25.375,00 23.012,00 28.346,14

30 Maluku - - - - 1.363,59

31 Maluku Utara 3.115,00 2.146,00 1.360,00 1.685,00 3.265,76

32 Papua Barat 3.395,00 3.407,00 2.289,00 2.258,00 2.073,10

33 Papua 1.822,00 1.734,00 1.812,00 1.812,00 19.189,55

Indonesia 3.162.988,00 3.163.220,00 3.109.424,00 3.170.690,00 3.714.763,99

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan saw ah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No. Provinsi/ProvinceTahun/Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.1. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Aceh, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.1. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Aceh Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Simeulue 5.519,00 3.301,00 3.277,00 4.332,00 6.897,17

2 Kab. Aceh Singkil 3.654,00 1.466,00 1.462,00 1.922,00 1.748,63

3 Kab. Aceh Selatan 4.636,00 4.864,00 3.591,00 4.351,00 11.782,56

4 Kab. Aceh Tenggara 1.821,00 1.135,00 669,00 618,00 10.199,70

5 Kab. Aceh Timur 12.288,00 18.262,00 17.758,00 19.121,00 17.399,91

6 Kab. Aceh Tengah 755,00 724,00 149,00 661,00 585,74

7 Kab. Aceh Barat 14.865,00 14.132,00 14.194,00 7.534,00 11.453,60

8 Kab. Aceh Besar 7.112,00 9.992,00 10.304,00 7.188,00 9.734,34

9 Kab. Pidie 4.118,00 3.993,00 3.225,00 3.407,00 7.079,12

10 Kab. Bireuen 5.432,00 5.361,00 7.104,00 5.930,00 4.618,20

11 Kab. Aceh Utara 10.413,00 8.750,00 7.370,00 7.354,00 3.116,74

12 Kab. Aceh Barat Daya 1.081,00 132,00 3.000,00 4.011,00 160,66

13 Kab. Gayo Lues 65,00 65,00 - 45,00 85,03

14 Kab. Aceh Tamiang 16.278,00 16.986,00 16.513,00 16.410,00 16.612,53

15 Kab. Nagan Raya 5.707,00 13.800,00 11.921,00 555,00 10.644,37

16 Kab. Aceh Jaya 6.430,00 7.807,00 8.109,00 7.773,00 9.651,23

17 Kab. Bener Meriah 321,00 600,00 52,00 59,00 13,72

18 Kab. Pidie Jaya - 169,00 213,00 311,00 1.589,28

19 Kota Banda Aceh 153,00 200,00 80,00 71,00 17,86

20 Kota Sabang - - - - -

21 Kota Langsa 1.153,00 1.224,00 1.438,00 1.455,00 1.668,72

22 Kota Lhokseumawe 3.103,00 4.749,00 640,00 594,00 222,75

23 Kota Subulussalam - 2.151,00 1.350,00 1.269,00 1.788,68

Aceh 104.904,00 119.863,00 112.419,00 94.971,00 127.070,54

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan saw ah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.2. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Sumatera Utara, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.2. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sumatera Utara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. N i a s 11.430,00 7.028,00 9.014,00 9.583,00 1.350,76

2 Kab. Mandailing Natal 3.101,00 3.583,00 3.394,00 3.994,00 12.452,22

3 Kab. Tapanuli Selatan 1.514,00 1.433,00 1.205,00 1.250,00 7.190,26

4 Kab. Tapanuli Tengah 5.431,00 5.164,00 5.042,00 5.071,00 9.168,29

5 Kab. Tapanuli Utara 2.220,00 2.220,00 2.229,00 2.074,00 13.354,63

6 Kab. Toba Samosir 320,00 362,00 811,00 1.131,00 6.678,61

7 Kab. Labuhan Batu 54.002,00 23.729,00 23.690,00 23.690,00 20.126,94

8 Kab. Asahan 4.346,00 4.211,00 4.549,00 4.029,00 1.566,29

9 Kab. Simalungun 197,00 97,00 97,00 97,00 8.065,65

10 Kab. Dairi - - - - 6.148,84

11 Kab. K a r o 220,00 220,00 320,00 320,00 5.203,95

12 Kab. Deli Serdang 19.190,00 19.172,00 19.193,00 19.145,00 18.463,96

13 Kab. Langkat 37.827,00 35.705,00 35.649,00 34.501,00 29.497,79

14 Kab. Nias Selatan 34.904,00 11.318,00 11.686,00 11.874,00 10.563,67

15 Kab. Humbang Hasundutan 2.332,00 2.042,00 2.042,00 1.982,00 3.760,56

16 Kab. Pakpak Bharat 194,00 194,00 232,00 225,00 865,39

17 Kab. Samosir 2.962,00 2.775,00 3.245,00 3.137,00 4.779,68

18 Kab. Serdang Bedagai 5.808,00 5.808,00 5.205,00 5.041,00 4.687,74

19 Kab. Batu Bara 3.645,00 3.393,00 2.483,00 2.188,00 4.346,58

20 Kab. Padang Lawas Utara 3.517,00 5.985,00 5.959,00 6.389,00 15.337,60

21 Kab. Padang Lawas 4.900,00 4.276,00 4.064,00 3.642,00 7.962,53

22 Kab. Labuhan Batu Selatan - 1.228,00 70,00 70,00 136,55

23 Kab. Labuhan Batu Utara - 29.045,00 29.020,00 28.970,00 21.608,71

24 Kab. Nias Utara - 3.169,00 3.507,00 3.507,00 3.192,73

25 Kab. Nias Barat - 970,00 1.642,00 2.008,00 1.463,15

26 Kota Sibolga - - - - -

27 Kota Tanjung Balai 72,00 59,00 59,00 27,00 -

28 Kota Pematang Siantar - - - - -

29 Kota Tebing Tinggi 50,00 50,00 50,00 35,00 63,75

30 Kota Medan 2.327,00 1.742,00 1.586,00 1.594,00 723,43

31 Kota Binjai 1.646,00 1.646,00 1.614,00 1.555,00 538,59

32 Kota Padang Sidempuan 590,00 590,00 374,00 366,00 388,31

33 Kota Gunungsitoli - 561,00 1.169,00 1.285,00 1.215,40

Sumatera Utara 202.745,00 177.775,00 179.200,00 178.780,00 220.902,56

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.3. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Sumatera Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.3. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sumatera Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kep. Mentawai 182,00 211,00 211,00 353,00 360,65

2 Kab. Pesisir Selatan 7.371,00 8.124,00 8.124,00 8.250,00 4.494,30

3 Kab. Solok 1.335,00 1.346,00 1.362,00 1.362,00 6.170,33

4 Kab. Sawahlunto/Sijunjung 5.074,00 4.209,00 5.042,00 4.924,00 7.795,33

5 Kab. Tanah Datar 5.878,00 4.475,00 5.547,00 4.869,00 6.270,11

6 Kab. Padang Pariaman 5.080,00 5.072,00 5.090,00 5.079,00 5.676,27

7 Kab. A g a m 3.394,00 3.362,00 3.591,00 3.558,00 10.033,27

8 Kab. Lima Puluh Koto 7.585,00 7.221,00 6.607,00 6.893,00 10.556,01

9 Kab. Pasaman 747,00 1.355,00 850,00 790,00 4.205,28

10 Kab. Solok Selatan 248,00 447,00 426,00 426,00 806,26

11 Kab. Dharmasraya 29,00 413,00 974,00 779,00 1.942,27

12 Kab. Pasaman Barat 4.343,00 5.266,00 5.191,00 4.999,00 5.349,23

13 Kota Padang 276,00 400,00 299,00 249,00 633,94

14 Kota Solok 133,00 284,00 209,00 209,00 33,85

15 Kota Sawahlunto 928,00 943,00 893,00 806,00 324,17

16 Kota Padang Panjang - - - - 1,11

17 Kota Bukit Tinggi 52,00 52,00 52,00 52,00 246,85

18 Kota Payakumbuh 136,00 176,00 190,00 190,00 780,59

19 Kota Pariaman 643,00 695,00 719,00 719,00 657,30

Sumatera Barat 43.434,00 44.051,00 45.377,00 44.507,00 66.337,12

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.4. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Riau, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.4. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Riau Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kuantan Senggigi 4.207,00 4.042,00 4.267,00 4.481,00 7.385,97

2 Kab. Indragiri Hulu 3.500,00 3.555,00 4.283,00 4.283,00 3.189,27

3 Kab. Indragiri Hilir 28.589,00 29.897,00 30.422,00 28.008,00 26.997,01

4 Kab. Pelalawan 10.898,00 10.354,00 10.339,00 10.541,00 8.959,26

5 Kab. S i a k 2.727,00 4.821,00 4.683,00 4.246,00 4.640,50

6 Kab. Kampar 2.415,00 3.431,00 3.990,00 4.026,00 4.922,25

7 Kab. Rokan Hulu 2.185,00 2.405,00 2.412,00 2.465,00 2.835,02

8 Kab. Bengkalis 9.810,00 6.841,00 6.754,00 6.617,00 6.434,60

9 Kab. Rokan Hilir 36.372,00 37.230,00 33.767,00 32.814,00 32.998,38

10 Kab. Kepulauan Meranti - 3.165,00 2.024,00 3.825,00 2.473,03

11 Kota Pekan Baru - - 11,00 21,00 13,95

12 Kota Dumai 5.262,00 3.571,00 2.155,00 2.806,00 2.316,60

Riau 105.965,00 109.312,00 105.107,00 104.133,00 103.165,84

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.5. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Jambi, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.5. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jambi Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kerinci 4.705,00 3.861,00 3.310,00 3.183,00 15.936,95

2 Kab. Merangin 2.366,00 3.193,00 2.473,00 2.687,00 6.613,37

3 Kab. Sarolangun 1.790,00 1.899,00 2.173,00 2.576,00 3.691,26

4 Kab. Batang Hari 7.689,00 8.068,00 9.342,00 8.146,00 8.237,15

5 Kab. Muaro Jambi 9.128,00 7.221,00 7.238,00 6.851,00 9.502,93

6 Kab. Tjg Jabung Timur 33.769,00 32.586,00 29.863,00 29.710,00 28.523,33

7 Kab. Tjg Jabung Barat 16.502,00 18.974,00 17.202,00 18.307,00 18.304,29

8 Kab. T e b o 4.491,00 4.179,00 4.085,00 3.490,00 4.186,98

9 Kab. Bungo 1.076,00 945,00 721,00 721,00 3.842,87

10 Kota Jambi 857,00 952,00 851,00 746,00 1.168,01

11 Kota Sungai Penuh 1.037,00 1.136,00 1.045,00 3.720,61

Jambi 82.373,00 82.915,00 78.394,00 77.462,00 103.727,75

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.6. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.6. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sumatera Selatan Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Ogan Komering Ulu 1.325,00 2.017,00 1.876,00 2.286,00 3.555,03

2 Kab. Ogan Komering Ilir 103.766,00 120.812,00 120.812,00 128.469,00 96.669,83

3 Kab. Muara Enim 23.337,00 22.187,00 22.547,00 23.449,00 25.304,45

4 Kab. Lahat 2.188,00 2.135,00 1.623,00 1.895,00 8.564,76

5 Kab. Musi Rawas 17.915,00 16.831,00 14.808,00 15.654,00 15.674,22

6 Kab. Musi Banyuasin 52.494,00 52.604,00 54.310,00 52.744,00 51.014,56

7 Kab. Banyuasin 177.899,00 188.771,00 188.771,00 198.066,00 119.635,52

8 Kab. OKU Selatan 1.680,00 1.895,00 2.241,00 1.889,00 18.018,44

9 Kab. OKU Timur 43.842,00 41.736,00 43.230,00 44.173,00 57.405,75

10 Kab. Ogan Ilir 47.944,00 52.416,00 50.865,00 47.973,00 44.856,81

11 Kab. Empat Lawang 447,00 795,00 795,00 702,00 2.238,52

12 Kota Palembang 6.678,00 6.650,00 6.728,00 5.208,00 6.240,66

13 Kota Prabumulih 878,00 528,00 473,00 468,00 474,14

14 Kota Pagar Alam - - - - 530,17

15 Kota Lubuk Linggau 356,00 356,00 270,00 356,00 192,04

Sumatera Selatan 480.749,00 509.733,00 509.349,00 523.332,00 450.374,90

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.7. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Bengkulu, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.7 Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Bengkulu Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bengkulu Selatan 2.796,00 2.763,00 2.937,00 2.527,00 7.793,39

2 Kab. Rejang Lebong 774,00 665,00 636,00 618,00 398,37

3 Kab. Bengkulu Utara 6.278,00 3.054,00 3.386,00 3.420,00 8.117,58

4 Kab. K a u r 2.718,00 2.718,00 2.878,00 2.628,00 1.964,99

5 Kab. Seluma 9.531,00 9.582,00 9.725,00 6.871,00 787,01

6 Kab. Muko Muko 2.312,00 2.312,00 1.929,00 2.051,00 145,49

7 Kab. Lebong 104,00 113,00 112,00 287,00 713,01

8 Kab. Kepahiang 487,00 514,00 524,00 441,00 2.076,95

9 Bengkulu Tengah 2.374,00 2.860,00 2.936,00 4.268,08

10 Kota Bengkulu 1.130,00 1.488,00 1.699,00 1.599,00 1.885,92

Bengkulu 26.130,00 25.583,00 26.686,00 23.378,00 28.150,79

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.8. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Lampung, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.8.Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Lampung Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Lampung Barat 6.229,00 6.224,00 3.917,00 6.341,00 10.316,33

2 Kab. Tanggamus 6.629,00 7.032,00 1.697,00 742,00 5.333,08

3 Kab. Lampung Selatan 33.427,00 30.308,00 30.363,00 34.801,00 41.787,16

4 Kab. Lampung Timur 23.195,00 23.541,00 24.027,00 23.632,00 29.849,11

5 Kab. Lampung Tengah 19.357,00 19.184,00 19.239,00 19.100,00 30.688,81

6 Kab. Lampung Utara 5.141,00 3.748,00 4.676,00 4.971,00 6.805,81

7 Kab. Way Kanan 6.737,00 7.102,00 5.904,00 5.794,00 11.947,37

8 Kab. Tulang Bawang 62.895,00 65.106,00 34.331,00 27.613,00 28.382,19

9 Kab. Pesawaran 4.124,00 4.124,00 4.532,00 2.707,00 7.353,27

10 Kab. Pringsewu - - 5.122,00 3.882,00 7.267,44

11 Kab. Mesuji - - 22.800,00 22.416,00 22.562,47

12 Kab. Tulangbawang Barat - - 4.103,00 3.677,00 1.446,66

13 Kota Bandar Lampung 452,00 610,00 584,00 572,00 838,27

14 Kota Metro 47,00 51,00 51,00 51,00 105,36

Lampung 168.233,00 167.030,00 161.346,00 156.299,00 204.683,33

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.9. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.9. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bangka 40,00 30,00 20,00 18,00 33,80

2 Kab. Belitung - 24,00 46,00 94,00 395,04

3 Kab. Bangka Barat - 64,00 64,00 22,00 160,47

4 Kab. Bangka Tengah - - - - -

5 Kab. Bangka Selatan 561,00 1.565,00 735,00 1.529,00 3.022,07

6 Kab. Belitung Timur 310,00 159,00 196,00 164,00 891,60

7 Kota Pangkal Pinang - - - - -

Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 911,00 1.842,00 1.061,00 1.827,00 4.502,98

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.10. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.10. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Riau, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Karimun - 7,00 54,00 60,00 49,91

2 Kab. Bintan 11,00 54,00 72,00 - 75,06

3 Kab. Natuna 42,00 30,00 22,00 48,00 82,70

4 Kab. Lingga - - - - 119,68

5 Kab. Kepulauan Anambas - - - 9,00 107,04

6 Kota Batam - - - - -

7 Kota Tanjung Pinang 1,00 1,00 1,00 2,00 1,32

54,00 92,00 149,00 119,00 435,71

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

Kep. Riau

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.11. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi DKI Jakarta, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.11. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in DKI Jakarta Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kepulauan Seribu - - - - -

2 Kota Jakarta Selatan - - - - -

3 Kota Jakarta Timur - - - - -

4 Kota Jakarta Pusat - - - - -

5 Kota Jakarta Barat 44,00 31,00 89,00 89,00 -

6 Kota Jakarta Utara - - - - -

DKI Jakarta 44,00 31,00 89,00 89,00 -

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.12. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Jawa Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.12. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bogor 9.766,00 8.029,00 7.912,00 8.123,00 18.563,93

2 Kab. Sukabumi 19.231,00 18.972,00 18.718,00 19.798,00 40.973,87

3 Kab. Cianjur 18.484,00 18.593,00 18.608,00 17.962,00 36.697,71

4 Kab. Bandung 6.411,00 6.847,00 6.440,00 5.172,00 8.776,49

5 Kab. Garut 9.655,00 9.333,00 9.229,00 9.870,00 22.526,62

6 Kab. Tasikmalaya 12.504,00 12.514,00 12.544,00 13.078,00 30.518,95

7 Kab. Ciamis 13.920,00 14.098,00 14.969,00 15.187,00 18.555,18

8 Kab. Kuningan 7.956,00 7.993,00 8.210,00 7.268,00 7.460,29

9 Kab. Cirebon 6.232,00 4.777,00 4.392,00 4.132,00 766,32

10 Kab. Majalengka 12.799,00 12.270,00 12.280,00 12.280,00 14.449,18

11 Kab. Sumedang 6.424,00 6.303,00 5.843,00 5.640,00 13.404,50

12 Kab. Indramayu 24.557,00 23.855,00 21.107,00 21.442,00 5.590,90

13 Kab. Subang 9.229,00 7.014,00 7.154,00 7.165,00 7.641,75

14 Kab. Purwakarta 6.488,00 6.488,00 6.417,00 6.402,00 7.782,76

15 Kab. Karawang 3.273,00 3.765,00 3.765,00 4.308,00 4.591,60

16 Kab. Bekasi 7.608,00 6.969,00 6.898,00 6.853,00 -

17 Kab. Bandung Barat 5.226,00 6.963,00 6.826,00 7.682,00 10.889,46

18 Kota Bogor - - - - 195,01

19 Kota Sukabumi 18,00 18,00 5,00 5,00 -

20 Kota Bandung 198,00 243,00 199,00 20,00 225,90

21 Kota Cirebon 204,00 204,00 188,00 225,00 -

22 Kota Bekasi 411,00 354,00 352,00 352,00 -

23 Kota Depok 41,00 16,00 7,00 7,00 -

24 Kota Cimahi 18,00 18,00 18,00 19,00 -

25 Kota Tasikmalaya 1.130,00 1.071,00 1.064,00 1.075,00 1.900,58

26 Kota Banjar 1.167,00 1.167,00 1.167,00 1.167,00 63,22

Jawa Barat 182.950,00 177.874,00 174.312,00 175.232,00 251.574,21

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.13. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.13. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Tengah Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Cilacap 17.334,00 17.069,00 17.199,00 16.629,00 275,31

2 Kab. Banyumas 5.989,00 6.218,00 6.088,00 6.098,00 3.900,57

3 Kab. Purbalingga 4.152,00 3.954,00 3.481,00 3.815,00 2.218,00

4 Kab. Banjarnegara 3.647,00 3.438,00 3.188,00 3.370,00 3.281,89

5 Kab. Kebumen 13.104,00 12.514,00 12.418,00 12.532,00 7.613,92

6 Kab. Purworejo 3.263,00 2.326,00 2.313,00 2.596,00 2.718,22

7 Kab. Wonosobo 3.832,00 3.742,00 3.613,00 3.261,00 17.012,55

8 Kab. Magelang 7.497,00 7.488,00 7.720,00 7.400,00 22.162,06

9 Kab. Boyolali 10.413,00 11.060,00 10.558,00 10.019,00 3.907,70

10 Kab. Klaten 1.380,00 1.404,00 1.162,00 1.563,00 287,64

11 Kab. Sukoharjo 2.432,00 2.403,00 2.403,00 2.366,00 448,70

12 Kab. Wonogiri 8.408,00 8.133,00 8.736,00 10.037,00 17.420,73

13 Kab. Karanganyar 1.782,00 2.869,00 1.716,00 1.618,00 1.590,23

14 Kab. Sragen 13.801,00 13.739,00 13.739,00 13.739,00 3.894,70

15 Kab. Grobogan 34.549,00 33.969,00 34.128,00 34.507,00 1.381,23

16 Kab. Blora 34.672,00 34.903,00 31.890,00 32.091,00 43.786,71

17 Kab. Rembang 19.253,00 20.559,00 20.095,00 19.997,00 15.936,27

18 Kab. P a t i 20.619,00 20.743,00 14.083,00 20.888,00 5.142,49

19 Kab. Kudus 4.846,00 4.625,00 4.003,00 2.928,00 2.107,69

20 Kab. Jepara 4.521,00 3.505,00 5.122,00 5.231,00 3.306,05

21 Kab. Demak 15.985,00 15.467,00 17.020,00 15.669,00 -

22 Kab. Semarang 5.347,00 5.988,00 6.594,00 7.077,00 17.069,70

23 Kab. Temanggung 897,00 897,00 885,00 769,00 6.123,63

24 Kab. Kendal 991,00 961,00 961,00 1.028,00 4.611,30

25 Kab. Batang 231,00 139,00 458,00 871,00 2.520,20

26 Kab. Pekalongan 3.764,00 3.758,00 3.535,00 2.903,00 3.940,01

27 Kab. Pemalang 7.505,00 4.919,00 4.919,00 6.429,00 663,71

28 Kab. Tegal 4.202,00 6.554,00 6.641,00 6.644,00 2.294,73

29 Kab. Brebes 16.456,00 15.963,00 16.074,00 13.510,00 1.859,30

30 Kota Magelang - - - - 127,85

31 Kota Surakarta 25,00 19,00 19,00 23,00 -

32 Kota Salatiga 148,00 154,00 102,00 132,00 628,77

33 Kota Semarang 1.905,00 1.905,00 1.947,00 1.789,00 1.306,56

34 Kota Pekalongan - - - - -

35 Kota Tegal - - - - -

Jawa Tengah 272.950,00 271.385,00 262.810,00 267.529,00 199.538,43

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.14. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.14. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in D.I. Yogyakarta Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kulon Progo 1.130,00 1.030,00 1.046,00 1.030,00 664,01

2 Kab. Bantul 1.678,00 1.690,00 1.991,00 1.972,00 2.600,67

3 Kab. Gunung Kidul 5.363,00 5.487,00 5.438,00 5.505,00 26.880,64

4 Kab. Sleman 571,00 571,00 571,00 571,00 816,02

5 Kota Yogyakarta - - - - -

D.I. Yogyakarta 8.742,00 8.778,00 9.046,00 9.078,00 30.961,35

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.15. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Jawa Timur, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.15. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Jawa Timur Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pacitan 6.498,00 6.322,00 6.333,00 6.029,00 12.515,62

2 Kab. Ponorogo 1.750,00 1.750,00 1.750,00 1.750,00 5.608,94

3 Kab. Trenggalek 1.204,00 1.178,00 1.087,00 946,00 1.174,27

4 Kab. Tulungagung 2.807,00 2.626,00 2.626,00 2.304,00 3.402,03

5 Kab. Blitar 1.187,00 1.048,00 1.203,00 1.203,00 2.282,84

6 Kab. Kediri 309,00 386,00 435,00 395,00 1.028,69

7 Kab. Malang 3.337,00 3.031,00 3.422,00 3.331,00 8.730,82

8 Kab. Lumajang 523,00 129,00 257,00 232,00 2.813,73

9 Kab. Jember 120,00 100,00 114,00 108,00 4.596,79

10 Kab. Banyuwangi 226,00 226,00 226,00 306,00 -

11 Kab. Bondowoso - - - - 7.794,81

12 Kab. Situbondo 1.235,00 1.235,00 1.394,00 1.856,00 1.993,76

13 Kab. Probolinggo 1.825,00 1.823,00 1.901,00 1.901,00 6.425,13

14 Kab. Pasuruan 2.723,00 3.186,00 3.180,00 3.028,00 658,25

15 Kab. Sidoarjo - 140,00 30,00 - -

16 Kab. Mojokerto 3.720,00 3.723,00 3.594,00 3.602,00 1.509,86

17 Kab. Jombang 4.309,00 4.309,00 5.666,00 5.580,00 2.743,03

18 Kab. Nganjuk 3.949,00 3.784,00 3.629,00 3.627,00 4.945,98

19 Kab. Madiun 2.046,00 2.041,00 1.274,00 1.082,00 1.257,25

20 Kab. Magetan 669,00 673,00 668,00 655,00 -

21 Kab. Ngawi 4.136,00 3.916,00 3.200,00 4.052,00 2.197,96

22 Kab. Bojonegoro 42.422,00 37.148,00 36.802,00 38.612,00 41.989,70

23 Kab. Tuban 28.758,00 27.599,00 29.679,00 29.073,00 14.043,14

24 Kab. Lamongan 33.700,00 29.190,00 29.194,00 29.336,00 14.528,37

25 Kab. Gresik 29.111,00 28.358,00 28.661,00 28.548,00 159,96

26 Kab. Bangkalan 20.801,00 21.021,00 21.267,00 21.267,00 28.492,50

27 Kab. Sampang 14.559,00 11.739,00 15.550,00 15.090,00 28.997,56

28 Kab. Pamekasan 6.568,00 6.568,00 7.401,00 8.599,00 23.432,22

29 Kab. Sumenep 14.743,00 15.905,00 15.682,00 15.675,00 18.323,85

30 Kota Kediri 50,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 -

31 Kota Blitar - - - - -

32 Kota Malang - - - - -

33 Kota Probolinggo - - - - -

34 Kota Pasuruan - - - - -

35 Kota Mojokerto 15,00 15,00 15,00 12,00 -

36 Kota Madiun - - - - -

37 Kota Surabaya 1.145,00 1.340,00 1.368,00 1.365,00 -

38 Kota Batu - - - - 694,90

Jawa Timur 234.445,00 220.559,00 227.658,00 229.614,00 242.341,96

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.16. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Banten, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.16. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Banten Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pandeglang 29.711,00 29.959,00 31.996,00 33.818,00 7.582,00

2 Kab. Lebak 24.690,00 22.147,00 23.477,00 23.010,00 19.366,00

3 Kab. Tangerang 12.340,00 13.004,00 13.797,00 13.771,00 3.631,00

4 Kab. Serang 15.376,00 14.154,00 13.191,00 13.929,00 2.933,00

5 Kota Tangerang 243,00 315,00 168,00 130,00 -

6 Kota Cilegon 1.741,00 1.696,00 1.707,00 1.228,00 519,00

7 Kota Serang 3.165,00 3.403,00 3.403,00 3.403,00 59,00

8 Kota Tangerang Selatan - 47,00 121,00 126,00

Banten 87.266,00 84.725,00 87.860,00 89.415,00 34.090,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.17. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Bali, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.17. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Bali Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Jembrana 10,00 - 75,00 109,00 455,32

2 Kab. Tabanan - - - - 356,98

3 Kab. Badung - - - - -

4 Kab. Gianyar - - - - 80,49

5 Kab. Klungkung - - - - -

6 Kab. Bangli - - - - 14,78

7 Kab. Karang Asem 196,00 189,00 189,00 124,00 218,96

8 Kab. Buleleng 274,00 313,00 121,00 68,00 107,69

9 Kota Denpasar - - - - -

Bali 480,00 502,00 385,00 301,00 1.234,22

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.18. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.18. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Lombok Barat 1.315,00 1.204,00 1.204,00 3.726,00 4.248,98

2 Kab. Lombok Tengah 11.212,00 11.350,00 12.412,00 11.332,00 16.544,29

3 Kab. Lombok Timur 624,00 560,00 645,00 645,00 6.964,86

4 Kab. Sumbawa 7.713,00 8.569,00 8.821,00 9.157,00 16.073,06

5 Kab. Dompu 4.467,00 4.282,00 4.282,00 4.340,00 8.111,70

6 Kab. B i m a 7.658,00 8.246,00 8.234,00 6.760,00 11.034,83

7 Kab. Sumbawa Barat 1.487,00 1.487,00 1.655,00 1.955,00 4.076,36

8 Kab. Lombok Utara - 116,00 111,00 116,00 251,59

9 Kota Mataram 19,00 11,00 11,00 11,00 -

10 Kota Bima 225,00 234,00 234,00 234,00 759,81

Nusa Tenggara Barat 34.720,00 36.059,00 37.609,00 38.276,00 68.065,48

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.19. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.19. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Sumba Barat 5.072,00 4.942,00 3.503,00 3.503,00 6.947,23

2 Kab. Sumba Timur 4.312,00 4.593,00 4.661,00 4.661,00 10.459,49

3 Kab. Kupang 3.960,00 3.748,00 3.745,00 3.725,00 8.499,61

4 Kab. Timor Tengah Selatan 731,00 977,00 1.053,00 1.053,00 1.467,17

5 Kab. Timor Tengah Utara 1.218,00 786,00 1.049,00 1.049,00 4.780,36

6 Kab. B e l u 2.823,00 2.781,00 3.020,00 3.017,00 2.502,45

7 Kab. A l o r - - - - 121,91

8 Kab. Lembata 6,00 - - - 31,10

9 Kab. Flores Timur 165,00 189,00 182,00 182,00 183,16

10 Kab. Sikka 135,00 164,00 164,00 164,00 1.061,62

11 Kab. E n d e 319,00 402,00 630,00 968,00 2.360,06

12 Kab. Ngada 872,00 989,00 989,00 989,00 3.697,05

13 Kab. Manggarai 1.286,00 1.287,00 1.027,00 1.027,00 2.743,74

14 Kab. Rote Ndao 7.421,00 7.809,00 6.714,00 8.064,00 7.660,10

15 Kab. Manggarai Barat 1.885,00 3.077,00 2.914,00 2.914,00 12.932,97

16 Kab. Sumba Tengah 1.952,00 2.265,00 1.221,00 2.222,00 4.104,60

17 Kab. Sumba Barat Daya 2.876,00 1.316,00 2.222,00 1.221,00 3.940,99

18 Kab. Nagekeo 389,00 998,00 756,00 676,00 2.325,73

19 Kab. Manggarai Timur 2.246,00 1.759,00 1.444,00 1.444,00 6.302,57

20 Kab. Sabu Raijua - 521,00 521,00 345,43

21 Kota Kupang 20,00 109,00 120,00 120,00 197,89

37.688,00 38.191,00 35.935,00 37.520,00 82.665,23

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year

Nusa Tenggara Timur


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.20. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.20. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Sambas 59.650,00 60.298,00 61.235,00 59.826,00 59.379,81

2 Kab. Bengkayang 6.488,00 7.077,00 7.112,00 7.865,00 15.275,07

3 Kab. Landak 15.331,00 12.801,00 14.846,00 16.995,00 26.163,42

4 Kab. Pontianak 9.053,00 10.549,00 11.083,00 8.878,00 15.522,36

5 Kab. Sanggau 9.085,00 8.945,00 9.072,00 10.340,00 13.129,17

6 Kab. Ketapang 19.063,00 18.619,00 15.190,00 18.115,00 30.294,49

7 Kab. Sintang 7.357,00 7.994,00 8.411,00 9.460,00 17.339,94

8 Kab. Kapuas Hulu 4.906,00 4.905,00 4.951,00 5.617,00 9.116,36

9 Kab. Sekadau 6.375,00 7.006,00 8.080,00 5.284,00 6.610,99

10 Kab. Melawi 2.786,00 2.476,00 3.050,00 3.133,00 4.816,07

11 Kab. Kayong Utara 18.113,00 18.810,00 17.841,00 19.673,00 19.961,77

12 Kab. Kubu Raya 48.215,00 45.318,00 40.167,00 56.590,00 46.705,73

13 Kota Pontianak 397,00 381,00 351,00 296,00 339,81

14 Kota Singkawang 2.300,00 2.537,00 2.372,00 2.595,00 4.290,09

209.119,00 207.716,00 203.761,00 224.667,00 268.945,08

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year

Kalimantan Barat


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.21. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.21. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Tengah Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kotawaringin Barat 1.635,00 1.137,00 1.216,00 2.721,00 6.317,55

2 Kab. Kotawaringin Timur 4.620,00 6.142,00 6.951,00 12.741,00 10.652,58

3 Kab. Kapuas 57.418,00 65.643,00 67.817,00 72.407,00 42.328,91

4 Kab. Barito Selatan 6.167,00 5.101,00 6.676,00 4.405,00 6.104,70

5 Kab. Barito Utara 779,00 751,00 400,00 589,00 1.447,34

6 Kab. Sukamara 1.215,00 1.385,00 1.365,00 757,00 2.952,83

7 Kab. Lamandau 865,00 1.149,00 732,00 829,00 1.017,34

8 Kab. Seruyan 1.472,00 948,00 619,00 485,00 3.232,91

9 Kab. Katingan 8.677,00 8.479,00 8.534,00 13.232,00 14.547,39

10 Kab. Pulang Pisau 12.992,00 16.414,00 16.367,00 17.926,00 33.537,44

11 Kab. Gunung Mas 22,00 44,00 49,00 45,00 581,99

12 Kab. Barito Timur 3.283,00 4.499,00 5.990,00 7.014,00 5.404,88

13 Kab. Murung Raya 70,00 25,00 51,00 30,00 -

14 Kota Palangka Raya 5,00 5,00 5,00 16,00 151,14

Kalimantan Tengah 99.220,00 111.722,00 116.772,00 133.197,00 128.277,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.22. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.22. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Selatan Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Tanah Laut 33.732,00 31.165,00 31.814,00 34.074,00 39.988,25

2 Kab. Kota Baru 20.227,00 14.965,00 10.126,00 8.997,00 5.343,27

3 Kab. Banjar 56.722,00 57.625,00 56.734,00 55.031,00 51.901,65

4 Kab. Barito Kuala 97.407,00 95.041,00 94.970,00 92.148,00 94.322,46

5 Kab. Tapin 52.951,00 53.257,00 55.137,00 55.137,00 54.179,55

6 Kab. Hulu Sungai Selatan 35.049,00 30.997,00 20.247,00 34.370,00 34.662,89

7 Kab. Hulu Sungai Tengah 27.873,00 29.360,00 25.981,00 31.701,00 33.507,13

8 Kab. Hulu Sungai Utara 27.700,00 28.753,00 20.444,00 28.554,00 23.439,46

9 Kab. Tabalong 25.610,00 26.290,00 26.290,00 26.860,00 27.959,32

10 Kab. Tanah Bumbu 19.646,00 18.206,00 19.990,00 16.889,00 15.406,25

11 Kab. Balangan 22.913,00 22.952,00 22.541,00 25.167,00 22.537,53

12 Kota Banjarmasin 1.802,00 1.784,00 1.755,00 1.730,00 1.575,47

13 Kota Banjar Baru 3.420,00 2.894,00 2.667,00 2.027,00 1.649,28

Kalimantan Selatan 425.052,00 413.289,00 388.696,00 412.685,00 406.472,51

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.23. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.23. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Timur Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pasir 4.605,00 5.447,00 3.460,00 3.736,00 8.229,79

2 Kab. Kutai Barat 1.738,00 1.300,00 1.033,00 5.020,00 3.850,70

3 Kab. Kutai 20.779,00 19.902,00 18.608,00 17.973,00 23.919,25

4 Kab. Kutai Timur 3.469,00 3.918,00 4.221,00 4.602,00 5.149,76

5 Kab. Berau 2.129,00 2.114,00 1.960,00 2.188,00 2.859,90

6 Kab. Malinau 2.040,00 2.287,00 2.201,00 6.269,00 3.999,99

7 Kab. Bulungan 7.505,00 6.405,00 7.888,00 8.188,00 9.311,07

8 Kab. Nunukan 4.983,00 6.636,00 5.902,00 4.881,00 6.456,39

9 Kab. Penajam Paser Utara 10.150,00 9.236,00 9.965,00 9.930,00 11.721,01

10 Kab. Tana Tidung - 3.100,00 970,00 700,00 955,22

11 Kota Balikpapan 356,00 366,00 366,00 351,00 431,24

12 Kota Samarinda 2.511,00 2.022,00 1.781,00 1.294,00 1.695,63

13 Kota Tarakan 15,00 15,00 18,00 30,00 26,00

14 Kota Bontang 58,00 68,00 83,00 69,00 51,08

Kalimantan Timur 60.338,00 62.816,00 58.456,00 65.231,00 78.657,03

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.24. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.24. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Utara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow 5.145,00 5.145,00 2.443,00 2.058,00 3.797,81

2 Kab. Minahasa 1.011,00 1.011,00 1.011,00 946,00 1.082,36

3 Kab. Kep. Sangihe Talaud - - - - -

4 Kab. Kep. Talaud 15,00 15,00 15,00 15,00 -

5 Kab. Minahasa Selatan 631,00 631,00 631,00 621,00 290,37

6 Kab. Minahasa Utara 692,00 692,00 692,00 692,00 167,21

7 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Utara 2.226,00 2.226,00 2.226,00 2.226,00 2.030,45

8 Kab. Kep. Sitaro - - - - -

9 Kab. Minahasa Tenggara 1.131,00 1.131,00 1.131,00 1.131,00 217,82

10 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Selatan - - 1.934,00 1.934,00 56,06

11 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Timur - - - - 17,28

12 Kota Manado 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 -

13 Kota Bitung - - - - -

14 Kota Tomohon 148,00 148,00 148,00 136,00 264,14

15 Kota Kotamobagu - - - 11,00 -

11.004,00 11.004,00 10.236,00 9.775,00 7.923,50

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year

Sulawesi Utara


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.25. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.25. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tengah Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Banggai Kepulauan 68,00 74,00 76,00 76,00 462,69

2 Kab. Banggai 2.474,00 2.252,00 2.846,00 2.199,00 14.724,89

3 Kab. Morowali 943,00 943,00 1.558,00 2.655,00 7.978,42

4 Kab. P o s o 826,00 826,00 776,00 679,00 7.633,58

5 Kab. Donggala 682,00 529,00 691,00 596,00 9.624,76

6 Kab. Toli Toli 1.664,00 1.862,00 1.554,00 1.464,00 9.206,29

7 Kab. B u o l 1.488,00 1.751,00 1.918,00 2.375,00 3.382,04

8 Kab. Parigi Moutong 598,00 634,00 606,00 574,00 12.837,21

9 Kab. Tojo Una-Una - - 255,00 20,00 809,15

10 Kab. Sigi - 153,00 153,00 148,00 11.752,50

11 Kota Palu 50,00 50,00 134,00 134,00 858,97

Sulawesi Tengah 8.793,00 9.074,00 10.567,00 10.920,00 79.270,50

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.26. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.26. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Selatan Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Selayar 2.225,00 2.678,00 2.964,00 2.820,00 3.537,39

2 Kab. Bulukumba 2.280,00 1.917,00 2.162,00 1.776,00 21.344,55

3 Kab. Bantaeng 564,00 564,00 564,00 965,00 7.546,78

4 Kab. Jeneponto 5.747,00 6.115,00 5.985,00 6.114,00 16.753,39

5 Kab. Takalar 7.539,00 8.169,00 8.469,00 8.521,00 10.887,64

6 Kab. G o w a 10.459,00 10.543,00 10.226,00 10.749,00 25.491,64

7 Kab. Sinjai 3.486,00 3.501,00 3.501,00 5.137,00 12.079,32

8 Kab. Maros 13.074,00 12.613,00 12.483,00 10.993,00 18.089,37

9 Kab. Pangkajene Kepulauan 7.311,00 7.423,00 6.868,00 5.481,00 13.483,45

10 Kab. Barru 7.856,00 7.656,00 7.641,00 7.820,00 11.782,98

11 Kab. B o n e 47.536,00 47.586,00 46.809,00 46.559,00 67.681,98

12 Kab. Soppeng 3.567,00 3.393,00 3.542,00 3.431,00 15.877,11

13 Kab. W a j o 64.590,00 59.883,00 59.894,00 61.501,00 74.934,95

14 Kab. Sidenreng Rappang 3.608,00 3.840,00 4.450,00 4.434,00 20.425,48

15 Kab. Pinrang 2.478,00 4.509,00 4.735,00 6.272,00 16.884,33

16 Kab. Enrekang 4.443,00 4.772,00 3.939,00 4.559,00 6.963,11

17 Kab. L u w u 1.800,00 1.877,00 1.901,00 2.869,00 20.556,84

18 Kab. Tana Toraja 14.327,00 7.019,00 6.760,00 6.435,00 8.879,93

19 Kab. Luwu Utara 8.771,00 6.613,00 8.317,00 7.017,00 18.387,07

20 Kab. Luwu Timur 1.178,00 1.339,00 1.424,00 1.208,00 10.660,98

21 Kab. Toraja Utara - 6.647,00 8.226,00 8.237,00 8.537,67

22 Kota Makassar 1.855,00 2.102,00 2.300,00 1.857,00 1.079,20

23 Kota Pare Pare 623,00 423,00 423,00 518,00 593,48

24 Kota Palopo 474,00 446,00 421,00 390,00 1.157,76

Sulawesi Selatan 215.791,00 211.628,00 214.004,00 215.663,00 413.616,40

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.27. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.27. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tenggara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Buton 392,00 517,00 - 219,00 1.036,65

2 Muna 583,00 534,00 604,00 589,00 1.338,01

3 Konawe 2.954,00 3.919,00 1.828,00 1.849,00 16.319,26

4 Kolaka 2.519,00 3.536,00 2.366,00 2.595,00 8.998,17

5 Konawe Selatan 5.195,00 4.447,00 5.425,00 2.918,00 12.857,62

6 Bombana 3.660,00 5.759,00 2.054,00 2.681,00 10.796,89

7 Wakatobi - - - - -

8 Kolaka Utara 1.256,00 1.015,00 228,00 - 150,65

9 Buton Utara 248,00 248,00 248,00 248,00 497,33

10 Konawe Utara 1.195,00 926,00 926,00 926,00 1.501,51

11 Kota Kendari 47,00 102,00 - - 413,99

12 Kota Bau-Bau - - 74,00 74,00 9,14

18.049,00 21.003,00 13.753,00 12.099,00 53.919,22

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year

Sulawesi Tenggara


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.28. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Gorontalo, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.28. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Gorontalo Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Boalemo 4.927,00 3.598,00 3.525,00 1.987,00 916,45

2 Kab. Gorontalo 2.268,00 2.054,00 2.166,00 2.344,00 540,98

3 Kab. Pohuwato 1.270,00 1.066,00 726,00 769,00 837,84

4 Kab. Bone Bolango 184,00 14,00 14,00 38,00 47,61

5 Kab. Gorontalo Utara 1.821,00 1.664,00 1.120,00 686,00 1.279,33

6 Kota Gorontalo - - - - -

Gorontalo 10.470,00 8.396,00 7.551,00 5.824,00 3.622,21

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.29. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.29. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Majene 602,00 467,00 642,00 510,00 606,63

2 Kab. Polewali Mamasa 1.148,00 1.245,00 2.027,00 2.027,00 6.056,35

3 Kab. Mamasa 1.076,00 841,00 849,00 1.449,00 5.764,01

4 Kab. Mamuju 19.145,00 19.134,00 20.206,00 17.043,00 13.350,49

5 Kab. Mamuju Utara 66,00 1.298,00 1.651,00 1.983,00 2.568,66

Sulawesi Barat 22.037,00 22.985,00 25.375,00 23.012,00 28.346,14

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.30. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Maluku, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.30. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Maluku Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Maluku Tenggara Barat - - - - -

2 Kab. Maluku Tenggara - - - - -

3 Kab. Maluku Tengah - - - - 713,25

4 Kab. B u r u - - - - 421,10

5 Kab. Kepulauan Aru - - - - -

6 Kab. Seram Bagian Barat - - - - 14,23

7 Kab. Seram Bagian Timur - - - - 211,17

8 Kab. Maluku Barat Daya - - - - 3,84

9 Kab. Buru Selatan - - - - -

10 Kota Ambon - - - - -

11 Tual - - - - -

Maluku - - - - 1.363,59

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.31. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Maluku Utara, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.31. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Maluku Utara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Halmahera Barat 365,00 18,00 65,00 66,00 348,39

2 Kab. Halmahera Tengah 237,00 517,00 507,00 668,00 293,58

3 Kab. Kepulauan Sula 100,00 24,00 125,00 214,00 208,80

4 Kab. Halmahera Selatan 922,00 228,00 157,00 169,00 672,12

5 Kab. Halmahera Utara 841,00 1.076,00 321,00 517,00 1.007,65

6 Kab. Halmahera Timur 550,00 183,00 185,00 50,00 596,97

7 Kab. Pulau Morotai - - - - 61,55

8 Kota Ternate #REF! #REF! #REF! - -

9 Kota Tidore Kepulauan 100,00 100,00 - 1,00 76,70

Maluku Utara #REF! #REF! #REF! 1.685,00 3.265,76

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.32. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Papua Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.32. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Papua Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Fakfak 10,00 10,00 10,00 - -

2 Kab. Kaimana - - - - -

3 Kab. Teluk Wondama 37,00 37,00 12,00 - -

4 Kab. Teluk Bintuni 36,00 38,00 - - 817,89

5 Kab. Manokwari 997,00 1.007,00 1.007,00 950,00 -

6 Kab. Sorong Selatan 24,00 24,00 30,00 84,00 -

7 Kab. Sorong 1.805,00 1.805,00 744,00 744,00 1.209,91

8 Kab. Raja Ampat 480,00 480,00 480,00 480,00 45,30

9 Kab. Tambrauw - - - - -

10 Kab. Maybrat - - - - -

11 Kota Sorong 6,00 6,00 6,00 - -

Papua Barat 3.395,00 3.407,00 2.289,00 2.258,00 2.073,10

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 4.33. Luas Lahan Sawah Non Irigasi menurut Kabupaten Provinsi Papua, 2008 - 2012

Table 4.33. Area of Non Irrigated Wetland by District/Municipality in Papua Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Merauke - - - - 16.996,48

2 Kab. Jayawijaya 331,00 331,00 331,00 331,00 294,98

3 Kab. Jayapura 183,00 183,00 183,00 183,00 240,28

4 Kab. Nabire 218,00 130,00 138,00 138,00 208,57

5 Kab. Yapen Waropen - - - - -

6 Kab. Biak Numfor - - - - -

7 Kab. Paniai - - - - -

8 Kab. Puncak Jaya - - - - -

9 Kab. Mimika 380,00 380,00 390,00 390,00 280,93

10 Kab. Boven Digoel 29,00 29,00 29,00 29,00 -

11 Kab. Mappi 108,00 108,00 168,00 168,00 42,25

12 Kab. Asmat - - - - -

13 Kab. Yahukimo 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 -

14 Kab. Pegunungan Bintang 3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 -

15 Kab. Tolikara - - - - -

16 Kab. Sarmi 11,00 11,00 11,00 11,00 267,13

17 Kab. Keerom 63,00 63,00 63,00 63,00 676,60

18 Kab. Waropen 77,00 77,00 77,00 77,00 102,74

19 Kab. Supiori - - - - -

20 Kab. Mamberamo Raya - - - - -

21 Kab. Nduga - - - - -

22 Kab. Lanny Jaya - - - - -

23 Kab. Mamberamo Tengah - - - - -

24 Kab. Yalimo - - - - -

25 Kab. Puncak - - - - -

26 Kab. Dogiyai - - - - -

27 Kab. Intan Jaya - - - - -

28 Kab. Deiyai - - - - -

29 Kota Jayapura 418,00 418,00 418,00 418,00 79,59

Papua 1.822,00 1.734,00 1.812,00 1.812,00 19.189,55

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Data hasil kesepakatan Kementerian Pertanian dan BPN (hasil pemetaan lahan sawah)

Note : *) Data results from the agreement between Ministry of Agriculture and The National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia (wetland mapping results)

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013




Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Halaman ini sengaja dikosongkan / This page intentionally blank


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Gambar 3. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun di Indonesia, 2008-2011

Figure 3. Area of Dry Field/Garden in Indonesia, 2008-2011


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Provinsi di Indonesia, 2008 - 2012

Table 5. Area of Dry Field/Garden by Province in Indonesia, 2008- 2012


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Aceh 500.670,00 494.573,00 400.254,00 358.880,00 322.336,00

2 Sumatera Utara 446.190,00 480.133,00 542.286,00 561.701,00 556.196,00

3 Sumatera Barat 289.668,00 329.528,00 324.374,00 328.422,00 329.620,00

4 Riau 563.471,00 561.039,00 561.620,00 564.978,00 555.915,00

5 Jambi 363.031,00 385.858,00 377.989,00 393.112,00 374.557,00

6 Sumatera Selatan 437.943,00 426.346,00 423.248,00 415.071,00 396.228,00

7 Bengkulu 180.750,00 172.754,00 176.470,00 176.849,00 185.050,00

8 Lampung 814.919,00 791.362,00 768.715,00 452.458,00 749.597,00

9 Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 134.870,00 120.402,00 144.893,00 118.651,00 138.246,00

10 Kepulauan Riau 47.104,00 44.352,00 44.092,00 41.670,00 40.436,00

11 DKI Jakarta 984,00 949,00 999,00 984,00 1.075,00

12 Jawa Barat 576.565,00 561.510,00 561.150,00 552.849,00 546.566,00

13 Jawa Tengah 732.102,00 730.370,00 727.235,00 718.428,00 741.419,00

14 D.I. Yogyakarta 96.061,00 95.762,00 95.367,00 94.826,00 94.600,00

15 Jawa Timur 1.118.717,00 1.131.247,00 1.114.530,00 1.128.083,00 1.129.772,00

16 Banten 185.371,00 170.267,00 167.393,00 167.297,00 165.759,00

17 Bali 136.796,00 133.067,00 133.138,00 127.989,00 126.713,00

18 Nusa Tenggara Barat 227.208,00 241.606,00 240.044,00 247.861,00 254.257,00

19 Nusa Tenggara Timur 513.161,00 501.535,00 501.547,00 505.064,00 574.015,00

20 Kalimantan Barat 445.379,00 472.534,00 473.132,00 568.416,00 651.077,00

21 Kalimantan Tengah 345.504,00 378.374,00 466.609,00 578.425,00 564.798,00

22 Kalimantan Selatan 267.726,00 275.271,00 269.582,00 258.790,00 252.175,00

23 Kalimantan Timur 225.259,00 205.701,00 216.869,00 214.722,00 221.621,00

24 Sulawesi Utara 205.543,00 205.543,00 205.543,00 206.521,00 206.521,00

25 Sulawesi Tengah 560.778,00 555.258,00 577.485,00 498.864,00 347.134,00

26 Sulawesi Selatan 542.006,00 561.378,00 559.256,00 534.709,00 539.288,00

27 Sulawesi Tenggara 213.524,00 209.068,00 209.041,00 210.556,00 251.511,00

28 Gorontalo 132.644,00 136.160,00 151.159,00 157.685,00 156.858,00

29 Sulawesi Barat 74.652,00 83.386,00 116.525,00 114.681,00 127.560,00

30 Maluku 793.180,00 790.341,00 790.337,00 790.336,00 790.394,00

31 Maluku Utara 201.531,00 202.585,00 202.272,00 202.696,00 223.757,00

32 Papua Barat 6.052,00 6.052,00 6.470,00 6.492,00 6.523,00

33 Papua 328.021,00 328.021,00 328.153,00 328.153,00 328.153,00

Indonesia 11.707.380,00 11.782.332,00 11.877.777,00 11.626.219,00 11.949.727,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No. Provinsi/ProvinceTahun/Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.1. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Aceh, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.1. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Aceh Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Simeulue 13.720,00 12.590,00 12.590,00 12.590,00 12.590,00

2 Kab. Aceh Singkil 14.647,00 10.686,00 11.192,00 10.729,00 8.615,00

3 Kab. Aceh Selatan 11.907,00 17.520,00 22.258,00 24.935,00 21.089,00

4 Kab. Aceh Tenggara 21.375,00 8.574,00 10.026,00 10.156,00 10.200,00

5 Kab. Aceh Timur 63.887,00 63.887,00 43.384,00 27.569,00 21.072,00

6 Kab. Aceh Tengah 13.566,00 9.026,00 9.786,00 10.725,00 10.871,00

7 Kab. Aceh Barat 15.101,00 15.101,00 17.211,00 12.562,00 13.904,00

8 Kab. Aceh Besar 93.384,00 103.169,00 82.005,00 30.246,00 33.956,00

9 Kab. Pidie 41.750,00 30.309,00 29.185,00 28.981,00 26.857,00

10 Kab. Bireuen 26.587,00 26.242,00 25.156,00 25.870,00 29.696,00

11 Kab. Aceh Utara 38.386,00 37.702,00 38.201,00 30.509,00 46.173,00

12 Kab. Aceh Barat Daya 18.949,00 14.362,00 16.154,00 15.480,00 14.735,00

13 Kab. Gayo Lues 24.474,00 26.713,00 26.735,00 27.197,00 10.118,00

14 Kab. Aceh Tamiang 36.944,00 28.939,00 16.322,00 9.579,00 14.414,00

15 Kab. Nagan Raya 24.920,00 24.920,00 3.138,00 45.905,00 9.370,00

16 Kab. Aceh Jaya 6.752,00 9.252,00 9.252,00 9.252,00 9.252,00

17 Kab. Bener Meriah 24.226,00 24.226,00 2.142,00 2.937,00 2.331,00

18 Kab. Pidie Jaya - 9.750,00 9.250,00 5.252,00 5.050,00

19 Kota Banda Aceh 331,00 331,00 383,00 389,00 387,00

20 Kota Sabang 1.558,00 2.202,00 1.569,00 1.569,00 1.554,00

21 Kota Langsa 2.024,00 4.013,00 4.272,00 4.272,00 4.024,00

22 Kota Lhokseumawe 6.182,00 6.182,00 1.206,00 1.206,00 1.206,00

23 Kota Subulussalam - 8.877,00 8.837,00 10.970,00 14.872,00

Aceh 500.670,00 494.573,00 400.254,00 358.880,00 322.336,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.2. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.2. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Sumatera Utara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. N i a s 37.752,00 10.058,00 13.232,00 11.100,00 10.800,00

2 Kab. Mandailing Natal 16.039,00 16.039,00 16.039,00 16.039,00 16.039,00

3 Kab. Tapanuli Selatan 16.551,00 16.784,00 18.193,00 19.193,00 24.604,00

4 Kab. Tapanuli Tengah 19.566,00 18.477,00 17.457,00 18.340,00 18.323,00

5 Kab. Tapanuli Utara 10.066,00 10.066,00 10.066,00 10.066,00 10.066,00

6 Kab. Toba Samosir 14.136,00 14.422,00 15.427,00 18.431,00 17.376,00

7 Kab. Labuhan Batu 9.730,00 3.205,00 3.105,00 3.105,00 3.105,00

8 Kab. Asahan 14.070,00 14.070,00 14.140,00 13.851,00 13.934,00

9 Kab. Simalungun 53.815,00 50.404,00 53.815,00 53.815,00 53.825,00

10 Kab. Dairi 28.839,00 28.839,00 28.839,00 28.839,00 28.839,00

11 Kab. K a r o 20.522,00 28.250,00 98.361,00 99.571,00 103.828,00

12 Kab. Deli Serdang 55.596,00 52.719,00 51.824,00 53.065,00 51.702,00

13 Kab. Langkat 31.263,00 36.348,00 28.563,00 28.592,00 28.592,00

14 Kab. Nias Selatan 3.557,00 16.576,00 12.541,00 13.541,00 13.484,00

15 Kab. Humbang Hasundutan 13.350,00 13.538,00 13.538,00 13.881,00 13.784,00

16 Kab. Pakpak Bharat 16.351,00 16.351,00 16.365,00 16.373,00 19.854,00

17 Kab. Samosir 12.654,00 12.654,00 12.435,00 12.769,00 12.769,00

18 Kab. Serdang Bedagai 26.100,00 26.100,00 26.271,00 26.271,00 25.551,00

19 Kab. Batu Bara 9.432,00 9.144,00 9.837,00 9.837,00 9.702,00

20 Kab. Padang Lawas Utara 21.689,00 36.974,00 34.813,00 46.668,00 31.458,00

21 Kab. Padang Lawas 9.892,00 9.766,00 9.317,00 6.377,00 7.162,00

22 Kab. Labuhan Batu Selatan - 1.754,00 2.391,00 2.391,00 2.391,00

23 Kab. Labuhan Batu Utara - 4.771,00 4.771,00 4.771,00 1.579,00

24 Kab. Nias Utara - 20.044,00 17.156,00 17.156,00 15.465,00

25 Kab. Nias Barat - 5.277,00 4.410,00 8.393,00 12.220,00

26 Kota Sibolga - - - - -

27 Kota Tanjung Balai 1.405,00 1.411,00 1.405,00 1.416,00 1.434,00

28 Kota Pematang Siantar 754,00 967,00 967,00 967,00 967,00

29 Kota Tebing Tinggi 290,00 290,00 290,00 299,00 308,00

30 Kota Medan 1.128,00 970,00 976,00 908,00 967,00

31 Kota Binjai 869,00 869,00 804,00 777,00 757,00

32 Kota Padang Sidempuan 774,00 774,00 715,00 576,00 574,00

33 Kota Gunungsitoli - 2.222,00 4.223,00 4.323,00 4.737,00

Sumatera Utara 446.190,00 480.133,00 542.286,00 561.701,00 556.196,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.3. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.3. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Sumatera Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kep. Mentawai 28.108,00 63.993,00 63.893,00 64.250,00 64.143,00

2 Kab. Pesisir Selatan 46.980,00 47.053,00 47.053,00 47.053,00 46.982,00

3 Kab. Solok 20.468,00 20.393,00 20.438,00 20.223,00 20.277,00

4 Kab. Sawahlunto/Sijunjung 14.349,00 15.758,00 15.773,00 15.773,00 15.968,00

5 Kab. Tanah Datar 24.365,00 25.001,00 24.537,00 24.537,00 25.049,00

6 Kab. Padang Pariaman 17.406,00 17.401,00 17.395,00 17.282,00 22.547,00

7 Kab. A g a m 32.213,00 34.507,00 34.568,00 35.056,00 34.968,00

8 Kab. Lima Puluh Koto 28.202,00 28.238,00 27.559,00 27.575,00 27.495,00

9 Kab. Pasaman 17.381,00 17.509,00 17.964,00 18.354,00 22.749,00

10 Kab. Solok Selatan 5.147,00 5.090,00 5.276,00 5.264,00 5.462,00

11 Kab. Dharmasraya 23.732,00 23.732,00 18.832,00 20.961,00 11.098,00

12 Kab. Pasaman Barat 19.696,00 19.832,00 20.263,00 21.142,00 21.941,00

13 Kota Padang 4.804,00 4.614,00 4.468,00 4.556,00 4.561,00

14 Kota Solok 789,00 859,00 859,00 859,00 859,00

15 Kota Sawahlunto 2.103,00 2.103,00 2.103,00 2.103,00 2.103,00

16 Kota Padang Panjang 264,00 264,00 264,00 264,00 264,00

17 Kota Bukit Tinggi 505,00 505,00 505,00 505,00 489,00

18 Kota Payakumbuh 1.813,00 1.096,00 1.096,00 1.137,00 1.137,00

19 Kota Pariaman 1.343,00 1.580,00 1.528,00 1.528,00 1.528,00

Sumatera Barat 289.668,00 329.528,00 324.374,00 328.422,00 329.620,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.4. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Riau, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.4. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Riau Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kuantan Senggigi 50.951,00 49.095,00 47.423,00 47.433,00 47.413,00

2 Kab. Indragiri Hulu 29.520,00 26.792,00 26.779,00 26.779,00 25.333,00

3 Kab. Indragiri Hilir 77.234,00 66.479,00 64.290,00 60.866,00 60.866,00

4 Kab. Pelalawan 105.171,00 107.363,00 142.559,00 142.705,00 143.982,00

5 Kab. S i a k 17.879,00 30.984,00 32.858,00 32.709,00 29.860,00

6 Kab. Kampar 109.500,00 108.947,00 94.803,00 92.539,00 90.600,00

7 Kab. Rokan Hulu 66.904,00 65.636,00 64.674,00 64.735,00 64.933,00

8 Kab. Bengkalis 45.133,00 27.312,00 11.572,00 11.087,00 7.875,00

9 Kab. Rokan Hilir 50.122,00 50.904,00 42.516,00 56.336,00 54.862,00

10 Kab. Kepulauan Meranti - 13.274,00 13.274,00 10.172,00 10.172,00

11 Kota Pekan Baru 4.292,00 4.122,00 7.309,00 9.264,00 9.429,00

12 Kota Dumai 6.765,00 10.131,00 13.563,00 10.353,00 10.590,00

Riau 563.471,00 561.039,00 561.620,00 564.978,00 555.915,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.5. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.5. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Jambi Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kerinci 67.998,00 54.740,00 61.721,00 62.810,00 63.135,00

2 Kab. Merangin 62.625,00 63.517,00 61.414,00 66.895,00 64.870,00

3 Kab. Sarolangun 9.950,00 10.594,00 10.979,00 12.401,00 13.238,00

4 Kab. Batang Hari 48.898,00 30.492,00 46.550,00 85.029,00 72.763,00

5 Kab. Muaro Jambi 25.531,00 49.048,00 43.062,00 30.042,00 27.327,00

6 Kab. Tjg Jabung Timur 32.956,00 34.609,00 31.250,00 23.122,00 17.131,00

7 Kab. Tjg Jabung Barat 49.659,00 70.402,00 60.372,00 51.561,00 51.166,00

8 Kab. T e b o 14.457,00 17.015,00 16.342,00 16.908,00 18.070,00

9 Kab. Bungo 47.455,00 45.005,00 36.403,00 36.403,00 36.403,00

10 Kota Jambi 3.502,00 3.502,00 3.502,00 3.502,00 3.242,00

11 Kota Sungai Penuh - 6.934,00 6.394,00 4.439,00 7.212,00

Jambi 363.031,00 385.858,00 377.989,00 393.112,00 374.557,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.6. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.6. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Sumatera Selatan Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Ogan Komering Ulu 36.400,00 38.168,00 38.062,00 36.382,00 45.157,00

2 Kab. Ogan Komering Ilir 55.455,00 48.956,00 48.956,00 47.332,00 87.951,00

3 Kab. Muara Enim 41.281,00 45.932,00 46.604,00 46.738,00 46.554,00

4 Kab. Lahat 18.245,00 25.227,00 25.024,00 24.219,00 18.640,00

5 Kab. Musi Rawas 78.762,00 77.230,00 80.828,00 77.303,00 51.342,00

6 Kab. Musi Banyuasin 23.898,00 23.541,00 25.056,00 23.242,00 24.975,00

7 Kab. Banyuasin 54.668,00 56.477,00 56.477,00 59.015,00 29.474,00

8 Kab. OKU Selatan 50.686,00 38.362,00 34.330,00 33.316,00 28.567,00

9 Kab. OKU Timur 32.765,00 29.840,00 25.368,00 24.858,00 23.655,00

10 Kab. Ogan Ilir 12.567,00 12.702,00 13.024,00 13.786,00 16.384,00

11 Kab. Empat Lawang 23.452,00 21.760,00 21.760,00 21.567,00 12.221,00

12 Kota Palembang 2.891,00 2.524,00 2.232,00 2.417,00 2.432,00

13 Kota Prabumulih 4.790,00 3.372,00 3.272,00 2.667,00 3.868,00

14 Kota Pagar Alam 1.277,00 1.374,00 1.374,00 1.321,00 1.884,00

15 Kota Lubuk Linggau 806,00 881,00 881,00 908,00 3.124,00

Sumatera Selatan 437.943,00 426.346,00 423.248,00 415.071,00 396.228,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.7. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bengkulu, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.7. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Bengkulu Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bengkulu Selatan 12.257,00 6.624,00 6.181,00 7.303,00 7.356,00

2 Kab. Rejang Lebong 42.906,00 44.059,00 43.962,00 43.954,00 43.740,00

3 Kab. Bengkulu Utara 52.225,00 43.767,00 43.767,00 43.680,00 43.556,00

4 Kab. K a u r 14.108,00 10.017,00 9.459,00 10.573,00 8.385,00

5 Kab. Seluma 26.513,00 29.400,00 26.457,00 22.028,00 22.028,00

6 Kab. Muko Muko 22.364,00 20.421,00 24.156,00 25.242,00 22.070,00

7 Kab. Lebong 3.688,00 2.298,00 2.436,00 3.592,00 15.370,00

8 Kab. Kepahiang 4.557,00 4.782,00 4.747,00 4.922,00 4.978,00

9 Bengkulu Tengah - 9.367,00 13.453,00 13.708,00 15.697,00

10 Kota Bengkulu 2.132,00 2.019,00 1.852,00 1.847,00 1.870,00

Bengkulu 180.750,00 172.754,00 176.470,00 176.849,00 185.050,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.8. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Lampung, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.8. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Lampung Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Lampung Barat 43.287,00 48.903,00 41.483,00 48.326,00 22.300,00

2 Kab. Tanggamus 64.604,00 58.550,00 49.757,00 33.329,00 57.316,00

3 Kab. Lampung Selatan 84.739,00 82.811,00 82.011,00 40.933,00 76.869,00

4 Kab. Lampung Timur 92.406,00 91.599,00 98.131,00 86.504,00 88.129,00

5 Kab. Lampung Tengah 126.866,00 129.109,00 122.933,00 52.660,00 129.723,00

6 Kab. Lampung Utara 108.925,00 97.627,00 84.163,00 46.920,00 86.808,00

7 Kab. Way Kanan 109.298,00 104.792,00 106.199,00 49.638,00 89.982,00

8 Kab. Tulang Bawang 151.197,00 144.475,00 59.860,00 31.433,00 65.042,00

9 Kab. Pesawaran 30.382,00 30.382,00 36.014,00 21.254,00 36.015,00

10 Kab. Pringsewu - - 15.388,00 7.033,00 14.098,00

11 Kab. Mesuji - - 31.532,00 12.293,00 23.411,00

12 Kab. Tulangbawang Barat - - 38.092,00 19.917,00 40.936,00

13 Kota Bandar Lampung 2.912,00 2.912,00 2.934,00 2.175,00 2.366,00

14 Kota Metro 303,00 202,00 218,00 43,00 160,00

15 Kab. Pesisir Barat - - - - 16.442,00

Lampung 814.919,00 791.362,00 768.715,00 452.458,00 749.597,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.9. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.9. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bangka 30.379,00 30.408,00 42.247,00 17.500,00 24.809,00

2 Kab. Belitung 10.036,00 10.260,00 12.960,00 12.443,00 11.023,00

3 Kab. Bangka Barat 7.246,00 10.625,00 10.589,00 10.689,00 21.142,00

4 Kab. Bangka Tengah 54.767,00 28.457,00 27.237,00 27.215,00 27.212,00

5 Kab. Bangka Selatan 28.610,00 36.848,00 35.859,00 35.859,00 39.659,00

6 Kab. Belitung Timur 2.550,00 2.549,00 14.747,00 13.692,00 13.470,00

7 Kota Pangkal Pinang 1.282,00 1.255,00 1.254,00 1.253,00 931,00

Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 134.870,00 120.402,00 144.893,00 118.651,00 138.246,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.10. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.10. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Riau Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Karimun 14.263,00 5.636,00 5.566,00 5.566,00 4.639,00

2 Kab. Bintan 19.121,00 19.044,00 19.044,00 19.044,00 22.804,00

3 Kab. Natuna 4.012,00 9.703,00 9.703,00 9.697,00 3.517,00

4 Kab. Lingga 1.180,00 1.315,00 1.315,00 1.315,00 3.428,00

5 Kab. Kepulauan Anambas 3.166,00 3.166,00 3.166,00 751,00 751,00

6 Kota Batam 4.474,00 4.494,00 4.479,00 4.479,00 4.479,00

7 Kota Tanjung Pinang 888,00 994,00 819,00 818,00 818,00

47.104,00 44.352,00 44.092,00 41.670,00 40.436,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

Kepulauan Riau



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.11. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.11. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in DKI Jakarta Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kepulauan Seribu - - 175,00 175,00 175,00

2 Kota Jakarta Selatan 504,00 607,00 541,00 528,00 507,00

3 Kota Jakarta Timur 93,00 109,00 78,00 76,00 172,00

4 Kota Jakarta Pusat 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00

5 Kota Jakarta Barat 385,00 231,00 203,00 203,00 219,00

6 Kota Jakarta Utara - - - - -

DKI Jakarta 984,00 949,00 999,00 984,00 1.075,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.12. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.12. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Jawa Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bogor 57.609,00 56.319,00 57.223,00 58.557,00 58.943,00

2 Kab. Sukabumi 72.151,00 69.590,00 69.426,00 70.958,00 75.513,00

3 Kab. Cianjur 46.572,00 46.097,00 42.936,00 42.502,00 42.329,00

4 Kab. Bandung 22.352,00 20.868,00 21.695,00 22.263,00 22.954,00

5 Kab. Garut 75.203,00 76.109,00 74.794,00 70.630,00 67.491,00

6 Kab. Tasikmalaya 53.685,00 53.345,00 48.989,00 48.930,00 44.723,00

7 Kab. Ciamis 74.364,00 60.967,00 65.402,00 60.212,00 55.187,00

8 Kab. Kuningan 14.178,00 13.711,00 15.942,00 15.556,00 15.896,00

9 Kab. Cirebon 6.494,00 6.297,00 6.618,00 6.581,00 6.888,00

10 Kab. Majalengka 23.723,00 27.275,00 26.990,00 26.990,00 26.855,00

11 Kab. Sumedang 35.747,00 35.747,00 35.250,00 35.250,00 35.122,00

12 Kab. Indramayu 6.592,00 6.987,00 7.252,00 7.631,00 7.617,00

13 Kab. Subang 16.757,00 20.171,00 19.747,00 18.787,00 20.244,00

14 Kab. Purwakarta 11.194,00 11.194,00 11.169,00 11.169,00 11.438,00

15 Kab. Karawang 10.227,00 8.149,00 8.149,00 8.582,00 8.647,00

16 Kab. Bekasi 12.486,00 12.044,00 12.044,00 12.044,00 11.832,00

17 Kab. Bandung Barat 20.411,00 21.534,00 22.581,00 21.555,00 21.555,00

18 Kota Bogor 1.480,00 464,00 464,00 464,00 962,00

19 Kota Sukabumi 152,00 152,00 157,00 157,00 183,00

20 Kota Bandung 763,00 805,00 709,00 605,00 337,00

21 Kota Cirebon 326,00 326,00 319,00 269,00 266,00

22 Kota Bekasi 4.258,00 4.036,00 4.285,00 4.285,00 4.285,00

23 Kota Depok 4.113,00 3.155,00 3.110,00 2.978,00 1.637,00

24 Kota Cimahi 325,00 325,00 325,00 319,00 292,00

25 Kota Tasikmalaya 2.146,00 2.594,00 2.325,00 2.326,00 2.345,00

26 Kota Banjar 3.257,00 3.249,00 3.249,00 3.249,00 3.025,00

Jawa Barat 576.565,00 561.510,00 561.150,00 552.849,00 546.566,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.13. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.13. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Jawa Tengah Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Cilacap 45.213,00 45.213,00 45.797,00 42.397,00 42.457,00

2 Kab. Banyumas 27.408,00 27.520,00 26.316,00 26.066,00 22.657,00

3 Kab. Purbalingga 14.673,00 14.794,00 16.862,00 16.654,00 16.918,00

4 Kab. Banjarnegara 48.233,00 44.623,00 44.478,00 44.102,00 45.354,00

5 Kab. Kebumen 28.676,00 28.057,00 27.629,00 27.629,00 27.629,00

6 Kab. Purworejo 37.687,00 37.635,00 37.480,00 37.256,00 36.286,00

7 Kab. Wonosobo 37.484,00 42.057,00 42.057,00 43.019,00 43.039,00

8 Kab. Magelang 36.248,00 36.237,00 36.234,00 36.033,00 35.493,00

9 Kab. Boyolali 29.746,00 28.945,00 29.036,00 29.027,00 29.024,00

10 Kab. Klaten 6.273,00 6.273,00 6.361,00 6.349,00 6.357,00

11 Kab. Sukoharjo 4.582,00 4.599,00 4.425,00 4.552,00 4.552,00

12 Kab. Wonogiri 68.434,00 66.264,00 65.863,00 69.410,00 90.255,00

13 Kab. Karanganyar 17.768,00 17.768,00 17.771,00 17.782,00 17.616,00

14 Kab. Sragen 18.892,00 19.356,00 19.356,00 19.356,00 14.850,00

15 Kab. Grobogan 25.438,00 24.799,00 23.348,00 23.331,00 23.657,00

16 Kab. Blora 21.901,00 26.636,00 27.265,00 26.951,00 27.109,00

17 Kab. Rembang 34.254,00 34.167,00 34.256,00 34.150,00 33.402,00

18 Kab. P a t i 28.347,00 27.179,00 27.441,00 27.371,00 27.324,00

19 Kab. Kudus 5.944,00 5.884,00 5.888,00 5.912,00 5.722,00

20 Kab. Jepara 18.354,00 17.731,00 17.695,00 17.758,00 18.298,00

21 Kab. Demak 14.020,00 13.977,00 13.528,00 13.346,00 13.374,00

22 Kab. Semarang 25.130,00 25.466,00 25.442,00 22.583,00 24.661,00

23 Kab. Temanggung 26.915,00 25.377,00 25.379,00 24.950,00 24.741,00

24 Kab. Kendal 21.837,00 21.792,00 21.792,00 21.797,00 21.702,00

25 Kab. Batang 21.164,00 21.164,00 21.164,00 18.732,00 21.163,00

26 Kab. Pekalongan 11.809,00 11.799,00 10.288,00 10.761,00 10.428,00

27 Kab. Pemalang 17.920,00 17.437,00 17.437,00 14.055,00 14.173,00

28 Kab. Tegal 9.623,00 9.635,00 9.627,00 9.569,00 10.481,00

29 Kab. Brebes 17.509,00 17.632,00 17.639,00 17.478,00 22.732,00

30 Kota Magelang 12,00 12,00 13,00 13,00 13,00

31 Kota Surakarta 90,00 75,00 75,00 75,00 48,00

32 Kota Salatiga 1.860,00 1.609,00 1.828,00 1.828,00 1.599,00

33 Kota Semarang 8.315,00 8.315,00 7.122,00 7.793,00 7.962,00

34 Kota Pekalongan 299,00 299,00 299,00 299,00 299,00

35 Kota Tegal 44,00 44,00 44,00 44,00 44,00

Jawa Tengah 732.102,00 730.370,00 727.235,00 718.428,00 741.419,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.14. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.14. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in D.I. Yogyakarta Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kulon Progo 15.734,00 15.753,00 15.692,00 15.241,00 15.241,00

2 Kab. Bantul 7.033,00 6.726,00 6.757,00 6.733,00 6.734,00

3 Kab. Gunung Kidul 67.114,00 67.089,00 66.717,00 66.694,00 66.689,00

4 Kab. Sleman 6.176,00 6.190,00 6.197,00 6.154,00 5.932,00

5 Kota Yogyakarta 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00

D.I. Yogyakarta 96.061,00 95.762,00 95.367,00 94.826,00 94.600,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.15. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Timur, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.15. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Jawa Timur Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pacitan 48.237,00 53.491,00 54.208,00 52.377,00 49.824,00

2 Kab. Ponorogo 39.185,00 39.185,00 39.185,00 39.119,00 39.119,00

3 Kab. Trenggalek 25.028,00 26.606,00 26.977,00 26.433,00 25.928,00

4 Kab. Tulungagung 17.250,00 19.499,00 19.499,00 26.269,00 26.261,00

5 Kab. Blitar 47.516,00 44.968,00 44.940,00 43.677,00 44.957,00

6 Kab. Kediri 27.763,00 27.837,00 27.896,00 27.831,00 26.714,00

7 Kab. Malang 98.827,00 99.764,00 98.685,00 98.641,00 98.890,00

8 Kab. Lumajang 56.226,00 56.265,00 56.265,00 56.307,00 55.720,00

9 Kab. Jember 36.036,00 35.936,00 36.196,00 31.667,00 33.037,00

10 Kab. Banyuwangi 35.741,00 35.421,00 35.493,00 35.493,00 35.636,00

11 Kab. Bondowoso 27.722,00 34.808,00 32.747,00 31.869,00 30.995,00

12 Kab. Situbondo 33.241,00 33.241,00 32.581,00 32.344,00 31.499,00

13 Kab. Probolinggo 53.448,00 49.528,00 52.159,00 51.610,00 51.120,00

14 Kab. Pasuruan 44.622,00 45.356,00 45.356,00 45.387,00 45.387,00

15 Kab. Sidoarjo 392,00 750,00 1.051,00 1.253,00 1.245,00

16 Kab. Mojokerto 11.554,00 11.558,00 11.552,00 11.553,00 11.865,00

17 Kab. Jombang 10.554,00 10.596,00 10.584,00 10.392,00 10.321,00

18 Kab. Nganjuk 10.054,00 10.706,00 10.546,00 10.512,00 18.050,00

19 Kab. Madiun 9.609,00 9.594,00 9.594,00 9.609,00 9.403,00

20 Kab. Magetan 12.868,00 12.890,00 12.310,00 14.105,00 14.105,00

21 Kab. Ngawi 13.720,00 13.768,00 13.903,00 16.930,00 17.371,00

22 Kab. Bojonegoro 27.030,00 26.362,00 26.459,00 25.190,00 24.903,00

23 Kab. Tuban 58.750,00 57.733,00 56.745,00 61.514,00 69.897,00

24 Kab. Lamongan 28.799,00 28.666,00 28.106,00 28.144,00 21.990,00

25 Kab. Gresik 24.621,00 24.592,00 23.821,00 23.108,00 23.077,00

26 Kab. Bangkalan 64.279,00 64.569,00 63.566,00 63.567,00 61.542,00

27 Kab. Sampang 78.526,00 78.514,00 78.514,00 78.514,00 78.514,00

28 Kab. Pamekasan 51.616,00 51.616,00 37.545,00 46.780,00 46.675,00

29 Kab. Sumenep 114.489,00 116.301,00 117.341,00 117.341,00 117.920,00

30 Kota Kediri 571,00 625,00 579,00 577,00 577,00

31 Kota Blitar 39,00 38,00 38,00 38,00 35,00

32 Kota Malang 1.622,00 1.602,00 1.600,00 1.600,00 1.660,00

33 Kota Probolinggo 732,00 732,00 623,00 614,00 635,00

34 Kota Pasuruan 482,00 482,00 480,00 480,00 480,00

35 Kota Mojokerto 156,00 156,00 130,00 130,00 130,00

36 Kota Madiun 194,00 192,00 220,00 220,00 86,00

37 Kota Surabaya 1.121,00 1.260,00 943,00 943,00 883,00

38 Kota Batu 6.097,00 6.040,00 6.093,00 5.945,00 3.321,00

Jawa Timur 1.118.717,00 1.131.247,00 1.114.530,00 1.128.083,00 1.129.772,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.16. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Banten, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.16. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Banten Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pandeglang 55.702,00 46.317,00 50.978,00 55.131,00 57.477,00

2 Kab. Lebak 60.416,00 56.173,00 53.143,00 52.950,00 53.051,00

3 Kab. Tangerang 19.542,00 16.427,00 16.744,00 15.848,00 17.229,00

4 Kab. Serang 38.515,00 35.723,00 34.155,00 31.815,00 27.346,00

5 Kota Tangerang 958,00 2.192,00 847,00 921,00 895,00

6 Kota Cilegon 4.939,00 4.910,00 4.908,00 3.987,00 3.785,00

7 Kota Serang 5.299,00 5.410,00 5.194,00 4.938,00 5.018,00

8 Kota Tangerang Selatan - 3.115,00 1.424,00 1.707,00 958,00

Banten 185.371,00 170.267,00 167.393,00 167.297,00 165.759,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.17. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bali, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.17. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Bali Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Jembrana 7.282,00 7.321,00 9.477,00 9.456,00


2 Kab. Tabanan 15.595,00 15.605,00 15.606,00 15.604,00 15.609,00

3 Kab. Badung 9.571,00 8.638,00 8.385,00 8.211,00 8.191,00

4 Kab. Gianyar 11.294,00 11.297,00 11.248,00 11.248,00 11.248,00

5 Kab. Klungkung 7.313,00 7.313,00 7.313,00 7.313,00 7.308,00

6 Kab. Bangli 23.566,00 22.430,00 21.708,00 20.663,00 20.110,00

7 Kab. Karang Asem 21.818,00 21.425,00 21.410,00 17.676,00 17.410,00

8 Kab. Buleleng 39.961,00 38.642,00 37.595,00 37.422,00 36.990,00

9 Kota Denpasar 396,00 396,00 396,00 396,00 396,00

Bali 136.796,00 133.067,00 133.138,00 127.989,00 126.713,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.18. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.18. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Lombok Barat 39.628,00 22.908,00 22.908,00 22.908,00


2 Kab. Lombok Tengah 15.104,00 20.273,00 19.668,00 19.735,00 23.103,00

3 Kab. Lombok Timur 22.679,00 22.435,00 22.908,00 22.689,00 22.202,00

4 Kab. Sumbawa 59.000,00 60.038,00 60.066,00 61.461,00 60.611,00

5 Kab. Dompu 13.953,00 16.473,00 15.175,00 18.189,00 19.049,00

6 Kab. B i m a 65.533,00 70.731,00 70.987,00 71.492,00 73.070,00

7 Kab. Sumbawa Barat 7.852,00 7.876,00 7.460,00 7.360,00 9.462,00

8 Kab. Lombok Utara - 16.720,00 16.720,00 19.879,00 19.584,00

9 Kota Mataram 34,00 83,00 83,00 79,00 79,00

10 Kota Bima 3.425,00 4.069,00 4.069,00 4.069,00


Nusa Tenggara Barat 227.208,00 241.606,00 240.044,00 247.861,00 254.257,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.19. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.19. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Sumba Barat 9.807,00 9.739,00 9.716,00 9.716,00 9.715,00

2 Kab. Sumba Timur 41.576,00 41.468,00 41.434,00 41.434,00 41.434,00

3 Kab. Kupang 63.217,00 60.967,00 58.047,00 58.066,00 58.066,00

4 Kab. Timor Tengah Selatan 62.970,00 61.917,00 61.899,00 61.675,00 61.675,00

5 Kab. Timor Tengah Utara 24.094,00 22.918,00 22.907,00 22.907,00 70.804,00

6 Kab. B e l u 39.555,00 39.328,00 39.314,00 42.136,00 42.136,00

7 Kab. A l o r 28.815,00 28.661,00 28.656,00 28.656,00 8.249,00

8 Kab. Lembata 19.301,00 17.537,00 17.538,00 17.538,00 11.659,00

9 Kab. Flores Timur 28.354,00 28.327,00 28.321,00 28.329,00 28.403,00

10 Kab. Sikka 30.390,00 30.361,00 30.355,00 30.355,00 30.350,00

11 Kab. E n d e 11.950,00 8.972,00 8.960,00 9.886,00 28.589,00

12 Kab. Ngada 18.494,00 18.465,00 18.463,00 18.463,00 18.463,00

13 Kab. Manggarai 16.847,00 17.021,00 17.022,00 17.022,00 17.022,00

14 Kab. Rote Ndao 18.192,00 18.156,00 18.153,00 18.159,00 18.159,00

15 Kab. Manggarai Barat 24.256,00 25.642,00 25.632,00 25.632,00 18.690,00

16 Kab. Sumba Tengah 8.090,00 8.075,00 8.071,00 8.071,00 8.071,00

17 Kab. Sumba Barat Daya 23.261,00 23.221,00 23.206,00 23.206,00 23.206,00

18 Kab. Nagekeo 7.623,00 9.437,00 9.538,00 9.587,00 28.981,00

19 Kab. Manggarai Timur 33.610,00 28.610,00 28.588,00 28.588,00 44.841,00

20 Kab. Sabu Raijua - - 3.024,00 3.024,00 3.023,00

21 Kota Kupang 2.759,00 2.713,00 2.703,00 2.614,00 2.479,00

513.161,00 501.535,00 501.547,00 505.064,00 574.015,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures


Nusa Tenggara Timur



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.20. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.20. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Sambas 48.108,00 50.329,00 49.706,00 51.211,00


2 Kab. Bengkayang 40.753,00 37.868,00 43.484,00 41.703,00 39.949,00

3 Kab. Landak 47.658,00 49.469,00 56.924,00 79.197,00 74.254,00

4 Kab. Pontianak 6.797,00 6.737,00 6.787,00 6.844,00 6.544,00

5 Kab. Sanggau 42.061,00 43.004,00 42.999,00 79.238,00 59.935,00

6 Kab. Ketapang 44.405,00 50.955,00 50.881,00 51.140,00 117.831,00

7 Kab. Sintang 72.874,00 72.874,00 74.673,00 91.243,00 132.635,00

8 Kab. Kapuas Hulu 24.395,00 52.544,00 42.808,00 65.347,00 68.707,00

9 Kab. Sekadau 44.062,00 44.063,00 38.080,00 38.090,00 38.090,00

10 Kab. Melawi 21.474,00 19.151,00 22.889,00 22.985,00 21.821,00

11 Kab. Kayong Utara 8.749,00 6.749,00 6.774,00 6.120,00 6.120,00

12 Kab. Kubu Raya 35.178,00 29.918,00 29.000,00 29.093,00 27.603,00

13 Kota Pontianak 2.909,00 2.939,00 2.696,00 2.325,00 2.233,00

14 Kota Singkawang 5.956,00 5.934,00 5.431,00 3.880,00


Kalimantan Barat 445.379,00 472.534,00 473.132,00 568.416,00 651.077,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.21. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.21. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Tengah Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kotawaringin Barat 35.501,00 35.711,00 34.255,00 34.206,00 36.421,00

2 Kab. Kotawaringin Timur 85.056,00 85.785,00 86.414,00 89.064,00 86.009,00

3 Kab. Kapuas 37.690,00 43.137,00 43.919,00 47.894,00 51.385,00

4 Kab. Barito Selatan 57.963,00 58.110,00 57.960,00 37.740,00 24.032,00

5 Kab. Barito Utara 10.080,00 10.206,00 10.689,00 10.697,00 10.673,00

6 Kab. Sukamara 6.544,00 6.798,00 10.233,00 10.215,00 8.780,00

7 Kab. Lamandau 19.978,00 19.723,00 23.554,00 23.072,00 30.557,00

8 Kab. Seruyan 10.599,00 22.663,00 88.563,00 63.861,00 63.795,00

9 Kab. Katingan 36.960,00 36.960,00 36.970,00 192.576,00 190.521,00

10 Kab. Pulang Pisau 8.271,00 10.077,00 14.902,00 17.159,00 16.818,00

11 Kab. Gunung Mas 3.616,00 4.479,00 4.479,00 4.481,00 4.481,00

12 Kab. Barito Timur 16.394,00 21.324,00 28.813,00 31.186,00 29.125,00

13 Kab. Murung Raya 7.774,00 9.900,00 12.357,00 2.488,00 9.579,00

14 Kota Palangka Raya 9.078,00 13.501,00 13.501,00 13.786,00 2.622,00

Kalimantan Tengah 345.504,00 378.374,00 466.609,00 578.425,00 564.798,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.22. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.22. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Selatan Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Tanah Laut 31.907,00 35.049,00 35.105,00 36.260,00 34.825,00

2 Kab. Kota Baru 80.612,00 80.312,00 80.312,00 80.312,00 80.312,00

3 Kab. Banjar 33.474,00 35.476,00 36.492,00 36.735,00 36.588,00

4 Kab. Barito Kuala 11.611,00 12.559,00 13.359,00 13.336,00 13.218,00

5 Kab. Tapin 10.524,00 10.177,00 10.677,00 10.677,00 11.623,00

6 Kab. Hulu Sungai Selatan 7.143,00 6.911,00 6.244,00 6.244,00 9.987,00

7 Kab. Hulu Sungai Tengah 14.397,00 14.443,00 13.372,00 13.268,00 10.627,00

8 Kab. Hulu Sungai Utara 483,00 515,00 445,00 445,00 440,00

9 Kab. Tabalong 17.603,00 17.653,00 17.653,00 17.653,00 17.653,00

10 Kab. Tanah Bumbu 49.464,00 51.395,00 44.818,00 32.869,00 26.849,00

11 Kab. Balangan 7.019,00 7.335,00 7.547,00 7.547,00 6.715,00

12 Kota Banjarmasin 757,00 757,00 750,00 636,00 530,00

13 Kota Banjar Baru 2.732,00 2.689,00 2.808,00 2.808,00 2.808,00

Kalimantan Selatan 267.726,00 275.271,00 269.582,00 258.790,00 252.175,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.23. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.23. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Timur Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pasir 18.768,00 16.388,00 15.940,00 20.230,00 21.054,00

2 Kab. Kutai Barat 43.966,00 44.763,00 36.105,00 20.769,00 20.026,00

3 Kab. Kutai 42.674,00 42.779,00 43.345,00 48.813,00 49.789,00

4 Kab. Kutai Timur 39.844,00 26.915,00 37.829,00 41.905,00 41.595,00

5 Kab. Berau 26.905,00 26.404,00 26.416,00 24.841,00 24.843,00

6 Kab. Malinau 7.081,00 8.961,00 17.269,00 17.269,00 17.458,00

7 Kab. Bulungan 7.364,00 6.239,00 6.239,00 6.239,00 6.239,00

8 Kab. Nunukan 9.983,00 9.769,00 10.930,00 11.704,00 11.952,00

9 Kab. Penajam Paser Utara 14.281,00 8.383,00 8.383,00 8.688,00 15.289,00

10 Kab. Tana Tidung - 950,00 579,00 579,00 579,00

11 Kota Balikpapan 3.927,00 3.831,00 3.815,00 2.229,00 2.127,00

12 Kota Samarinda 4.411,00 4.238,00 4.238,00 5.381,00 4.714,00

13 Kota Tarakan 5.160,00 5.186,00 4.886,00 5.180,00 5.061,00

14 Kota Bontang 895,00 895,00 895,00 895,00 895,00

Kalimantan Timur 225.259,00 205.701,00 216.869,00 214.722,00 221.621,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.24. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.24. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Utara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow 60.842,00 36.723,00 36.723,00 33.963,00 33.963,00

2 Kab. Minahasa 24.529,00 24.529,00 24.529,00 24.411,00 24.411,00

3 Kab. Kep. Sangihe Talaud 8.548,00 8.548,00 8.548,00 7.933,00 7.933,00

4 Kab. Kep. Talaud 27.547,00 27.547,00 27.547,00 25.213,00 25.213,00

5 Kab. Minahasa Selatan 26.439,00 26.439,00 26.439,00 25.109,00 25.109,00

6 Kab. Minahasa Utara 26.189,00 26.189,00 26.189,00 26.189,00 26.189,00

7 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Utara 7.007,00 7.007,00 7.007,00 13.359,00 13.359,00

8 Kab. Kep. Sitaro 7.717,00 7.717,00 7.717,00 7.116,00 7.116,00

9 Kab. Minahasa Tenggara 6.286,00 6.286,00 6.286,00 8.486,00 8.486,00

10 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Selatan - 14.090,00 14.090,00 14.367,00 14.367,00

11 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Timur - 10.029,00 10.029,00 10.029,00 10.029,00

12 Kota Manado 4.675,00 4.675,00 4.675,00 4.675,00 4.675,00

13 Kota Bitung 3.363,00 3.363,00 3.363,00 3.971,00 3.971,00

14 Kota Tomohon 1.914,00 1.914,00 1.914,00 1.546,00 1.546,00

15 Kota Kotamobagu 487,00 487,00 487,00 154,00 154,00

205.543,00 205.543,00 205.543,00 206.521,00 206.521,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures


Sulawesi Utara



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.25. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.25. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tengah Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Banggai Kepulauan 34.927,00 29.799,00 30.094,00 30.919,00 30.914,00

2 Kab. Banggai 36.687,00 36.687,00 35.498,00 33.452,00 37.861,00

3 Kab. Morowali 62.652,00 62.652,00 63.748,00 56.761,00 37.897,00

4 Kab. P o s o 166.430,00 166.430,00 152.780,00 92.372,00 16.318,00

5 Kab. Donggala 73.223,00 28.981,00 54.272,00 35.165,00 36.247,00

6 Kab. Toli Toli 21.130,00 21.942,00 26.787,00 26.908,00 29.122,00

7 Kab. B u o l 66.518,00 66.518,00 67.133,00 64.076,00 7.840,00

8 Kab. Parigi Moutong 60.342,00 59.029,00 65.151,00 85.471,00 90.486,00

9 Kab. Tojo Una-Una 36.700,00 36.700,00 36.086,00 31.721,00 21.483,00

10 Kab. Sigi - 44.242,00 44.242,00 40.533,00 37.453,00

11 Kota Palu 2.169,00 2.278,00 1.694,00 1.486,00 1.513,00

Sulawesi Tengah 560.778,00 555.258,00 577.485,00 498.864,00 347.134,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.26. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.26. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Selatan Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Selayar 2.263,00 2.489,00 2.516,00 2.519,00 2.517,00

2 Kab. Bulukumba 33.874,00 34.063,00 34.126,00 30.250,00 30.948,00

3 Kab. Bantaeng 16.730,00 16.730,00 16.969,00 16.345,00 16.180,00

4 Kab. Jeneponto 37.304,00 35.467,00 37.036,00 37.040,00 36.166,00

5 Kab. Takalar 9.089,00 9.079,00 9.048,00 9.048,00 9.181,00

6 Kab. G o w a 27.790,00 25.640,00 25.373,00 24.499,00 31.585,00

7 Kab. Sinjai 11.723,00 11.713,00 11.713,00 11.713,00 11.404,00

8 Kab. Maros 12.085,00 11.275,00 11.433,00 11.346,00 11.435,00

9 Kab. Pangkajene Kepulauan 12.464,00 12.424,00 9.087,00 9.018,00 9.245,00

10 Kab. Barru 6.510,00 6.521,00 6.521,00 6.397,00 6.166,00

11 Kab. B o n e 86.825,00 86.825,00 86.825,00 86.825,00 83.288,00

12 Kab. Soppeng 28.529,00 28.466,00 26.031,00 22.558,00 28.494,00

13 Kab. W a j o 43.271,00 47.952,00 48.062,00 48.203,00 48.203,00

14 Kab. Sidenreng Rappang 16.527,00 15.911,00 15.884,00 16.422,00 18.021,00

15 Kab. Pinrang 24.539,00 21.059,00 20.793,00 21.131,00 20.171,00

16 Kab. Enrekang 48.383,00 49.027,00 48.049,00 48.421,00 48.399,00

17 Kab. L u w u 11.812,00 11.916,00 15.309,00 16.309,00 15.990,00

18 Kab. Tana Toraja 63.900,00 35.615,00 35.857,00 22.406,00 22.406,00

19 Kab. Luwu Utara 18.398,00 41.961,00 43.052,00 36.510,00 36.427,00

20 Kab. Luwu Timur 25.827,00 25.378,00 25.884,00 26.492,00 25.745,00

21 Kab. Toraja Utara 27.621,00 25.423,00 27.008,00 23.019,00

22 Kota Makassar 1.016,00 1.016,00 1.016,00 1.016,00 1.016,00

23 Kota Pare Pare 1.829,00 1.832,00 1.829,00 1.823,00 1.818,00

24 Kota Palopo 1.318,00 1.398,00 1.420,00 1.410,00 1.464,00

Sulawesi Selatan 542.006,00 561.378,00 559.256,00 534.709,00 539.288,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.27. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.27. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tenggara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Buton 19.687,00 20.613,00 22.482,00 25.584,00 24.234,00

2 Muna 36.278,00 37.358,00 40.266,00 40.029,00 39.433,00

3 Konawe 37.691,00 37.686,00 32.933,00 24.523,00 24.965,00

4 Kolaka 26.637,00 21.494,00 14.713,00 15.471,00 35.156,00

5 Konawe Selatan 40.394,00 42.177,00 42.177,00 39.147,00 39.380,00

6 Bombana 16.921,00 15.164,00 20.917,00 22.674,00 33.140,00

7 Wakatobi 4.111,00 4.713,00 7.438,00 8.379,00 8.446,00

8 Kolaka Utara 4.456,00 4.455,00 2.528,00 9.090,00 547,00

9 Buton Utara 7.299,00 6.266,00 6.266,00 6.266,00 6.266,00

10 Konawe Utara 11.849,00 11.849,00 11.849,00 11.849,00 31.994,00

11 Kota Kendari 4.539,00 4.574,00 4.918,00 4.990,00 4.990,00

12 Kota Bau-Bau 3.662,00 2.719,00 2.554,00 2.554,00 2.960,00

213.524,00 209.068,00 209.041,00 210.556,00 251.511,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures


Sulawesi Tenggara



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.28. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Gorontalo, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.28. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Gorontalo Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Boalemo 35.811,00 35.590,00 35.811,00 34.963,00 35.012,00

2 Kab. Gorontalo 31.944,00 30.652,00 33.661,00 42.503,00 42.306,00

3 Kab. Pohuwato 40.070,00 45.548,00 48.655,00 41.376,00 41.475,00

4 Kab. Bone Bolango 12.669,00 12.362,00 12.362,00 12.361,00 12.097,00

5 Kab. Gorontalo Utara 11.909,00 11.910,00 20.217,00 26.029,00 25.729,00

6 Kota Gorontalo 241,00 98,00 453,00 453,00 239,00

Gorontalo 132.644,00 136.160,00 151.159,00 157.685,00 156.858,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.29. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.29. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Majene 6.218,00 6.214,00 6.470,00 6.470,00 5.757,00

2 Kab. Polewali Mamasa 23.399,00 25.844,00 32.937,00 32.937,00 28.302,00

3 Kab. Mamasa 13.766,00 13.408,00 11.325,00 15.191,00 12.894,00

4 Kab. Mamuju 26.507,00 24.986,00 36.739,00 30.882,00 30.851,00

5 Kab. Mamuju Utara 4.762,00 12.934,00 29.054,00 29.201,00 49.756,00

Sulawesi Barat 74.652,00 83.386,00 116.525,00 114.681,00 127.560,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.30. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.30. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Maluku Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Maluku Tenggara Barat 14.434,00 14.434,00 14.434,00 14.434,00 14.434,00

2 Kab. Maluku Tenggara 55.065,00 55.065,00 55.065,00 55.065,00 55.065,00

3 Kab. Maluku Tengah 108.615,00 108.615,00 108.615,00 108.615,00 108.615,00

4 Kab. B u r u 34.132,00 32.845,00 32.845,00 32.845,00 32.845,00

5 Kab. Kepulauan Aru 389.584,00 389.584,00 389.584,00 389.584,00 389.584,00

6 Kab. Seram Bagian Barat 6.080,00 6.080,00 6.080,00 6.080,00 6.080,00

7 Kab. Seram Bagian Timur 12.007,00 12.006,00 12.006,00 12.006,00 12.064,00

8 Kab. Maluku Barat Daya 51.154,00 51.154,00 51.153,00 51.153,00 51.153,00

9 Kab. Buru Selatan 41.131,00 39.580,00 39.580,00 39.580,00 39.580,00

10 Kota Ambon 5.117,00 5.117,00 5.114,00 5.114,00 5.114,00

11 Tual 75.861,00 75.861,00 75.861,00 75.860,00 75.860,00

Maluku 793.180,00 790.341,00 790.337,00 790.336,00 790.394,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.31. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku Utara, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.31. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Maluku Utara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Halmahera Barat 15.690,00 16.244,00 16.175,00 15.927,00 15.441,00

2 Kab. Halmahera Tengah 23.213,00 22.592,00 22.537,00 22.537,00 23.651,00

3 Kab. Kepulauan Sula 11.867,00 11.671,00 11.681,00 11.667,00 11.667,00

4 Kab. Halmahera Selatan 36.218,00 36.513,00 36.491,00 36.491,00 37.119,00

5 Kab. Halmahera Utara 37.878,00 37.578,00 37.578,00 37.760,00 22.963,00

6 Kab. Halmahera Timur 14.912,00 16.234,00 16.057,00 16.561,00 35.631,00

7 Kab. Pulau Morotai - - - - 15.622,00

8 Kota Ternate 2.060,00 2.060,00 2.060,00 2.060,00 2.060,00

9 Kota Tidore Kepulauan 59.693,00 59.693,00 59.693,00 59.693,00 59.603,00

Maluku Utara 201.531,00 202.585,00 202.272,00 202.696,00 223.757,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.32. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.32. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Papua Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Fakfak - - - - -

2 Kab. Kaimana - - - - -

3 Kab. Teluk Wondama 45,00 45,00 351,00 351,00 351,00

4 Kab. Teluk Bintuni - - 112,00 114,00 125,00

5 Kab. Manokwari 1.201,00 1.201,00 1.201,00 1.201,00 1.201,00

6 Kab. Sorong Selatan - - - - -

7 Kab. Sorong 4.706,00 4.706,00 4.706,00 4.706,00 4.707,00

8 Kab. Raja Ampat - - - - -

9 Kab. Tambrauw - - - - -

10 Kab. Maybrat - - - - -

11 Kota Sorong 100,00 100,00 100,00 120,00 139,00

Papua Barat 6.052,00 6.052,00 6.470,00 6.492,00 6.523,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 5.33. Luas Lahan Tegal/Kebun menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2008 - 2012

Table 5.33. Area of Dry Field/Garden by District/Municipality in Papua Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Merauke - - - - -

2 Kab. Jayawijaya - - - - -

3 Kab. Jayapura 2.198,00 2.198,00 2.223,00 2.223,00 2.223,00

4 Kab. Nabire 622,00 622,00 629,00 629,00 629,00

5 Kab. Yapen Waropen 1.738,00 1.738,00 1.738,00 1.738,00 1.738,00

6 Kab. Biak Numfor 1.788,00 1.788,00 1.788,00 1.788,00 1.788,00

7 Kab. Paniai - - - - -

8 Kab. Puncak Jaya - - - - -

9 Kab. Mimika 321.675,00 321.675,00 321.775,00 321.775,00 321.775,00

10 Kab. Boven Digoel - - - - -

11 Kab. Mappi - - - - -

12 Kab. Asmat - - - - -

13 Kab. Yahukimo - - - - -

14 Kab. Pegunungan Bintang - - - - -

15 Kab. Tolikara - - - - -

16 Kab. Sarmi - - - - -

17 Kab. Keerom - - - - -

18 Kab. Waropen - - - - -

19 Kab. Supiori - - - - -

20 Kab. Mamberamo Raya - - - - -

21 Kab. Nduga - - - - -

22 Kab. Lanny Jaya - - - - -

23 Kab. Mamberamo Tengah - - - - -

24 Kab. Yalimo - - - - -

25 Kab. Puncak - - - - -

26 Kab. Dogiyai - - - - -

27 Kab. Intan Jaya - - - - -

28 Kab. Deiyai - - - - -

29 Kota Jayapura - - - - -

Papua 328.021,00 328.021,00 328.153,00 328.153,00 328.153,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

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Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013




Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Halaman ini sengaja dikosongkan / This page intentionally blank


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Gambar 4. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma di Indonesia, 2008-2012

Figure 4. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land in Indonesia, 2008-2012


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6. Luas Lahan Ladang/huma menurut Provinsi di Indonesia, 2008 - 2012


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Aceh 272.382,00 270.893,00 233.725,00 270.787,00 246.801,00

2 Sumatera Utara 391.466,00 393.205,00 313.465,00 420.328,00 313.315,00

3 Sumatera Barat 136.043,00 132.240,00 136.213,00 128.989,00 145.905,00

4 Riau 189.973,00 193.796,00 193.196,00 217.765,00 212.632,00

5 Jambi 185.212,00 200.921,00 195.743,00 219.763,00 222.270,00

6 Sumatera Selatan 232.137,00 225.202,00 239.410,00 225.452,00 197.677,00

7 Bengkulu 88.296,00 81.571,00 87.636,00 85.055,00 85.073,00

8 Lampung - - - 289.549,00 -

9 Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 33.762,00 45.830,00 31.087,00 45.716,00 45.984,00

10 Kepulauan Riau 23.563,00 33.965,00 33.874,00 33.698,00 32.839,00

11 DKI Jakarta - 25,00 75,00 75,00 75,00

12 Jawa Barat 221.749,00 233.791,00 226.801,00 220.815,00 216.933,00

13 Jawa Tengah 13.346,00 13.413,00 11.664,00 14.573,00 13.180,00

14 D.I. Yogyakarta - - - - -

15 Jawa Timur 31.953,00 42.564,00 44.312,00 37.331,00 37.800,00

16 Banten 88.435,00 85.878,00 82.708,00 78.401,00 80.426,00

17 Bali - - - 1,00 -

18 Nusa Tenggara Barat 46.559,00 45.102,00 44.706,00 47.632,00 61.909,00

19 Nusa Tenggara Timur 323.646,00 332.939,00 331.769,00 324.192,00 326.087,00

20 Kalimantan Barat 261.945,00 279.431,00 360.701,00 343.226,00 403.101,00

21 Kalimantan Tengah 218.446,00 253.960,00 227.799,00 221.922,00 200.300,00

22 Kalimantan Selatan 154.346,00 149.728,00 133.694,00 111.893,00 111.374,00

23 Kalimantan Timur 177.523,00 151.610,00 150.454,00 142.779,00 164.328,00

24 Sulawesi Utara 114.903,00 114.904,00 114.904,00 109.968,00 109.968,00

25 Sulawesi Tengah 206.012,00 213.112,00 240.957,00 202.695,00 155.486,00

26 Sulawesi Selatan 96.474,00 102.217,00 92.581,00 102.550,00 105.242,00

27 Sulawesi Tenggara 115.567,00 125.794,00 111.668,00 108.123,00 122.762,00

28 Gorontalo 69.619,00 76.606,00 74.466,00 71.316,00 67.895,00

29 Sulawesi Barat 39.856,00 46.016,00 41.636,00 41.487,00 85.540,00

30 Maluku 296.152,00 283.273,00 283.271,00 283.270,00 283.277,00

31 Maluku Utara 68.000,00 69.205,00 68.979,00 69.596,00 74.823,00

32 Papua Barat 758.018,00 758.018,00 751.763,00 751.746,00 662.845,00

33 Papua 473.480,00 473.480,00 475.288,00 476.478,00 474.234,00

Indonesia 5.328.863,00 5.428.689,00 5.334.545,00 5.697.171,00 5.260.081,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No. Provinsi/Province

Table 6. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by Province in Indonesia, 2008 - 2012



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.1. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Aceh, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.1. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Aceh Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Simeulue 3.164,00 2.024,00 2.024,00 2.024,00 2.024,00

2 Kab. Aceh Singkil 13.462,00 7.242,00 8.550,00 8.316,00 9.108,00

3 Kab. Aceh Selatan 33.784,00 15.430,00 15.413,00 28.452,00 23.224,00

4 Kab. Aceh Tenggara 2.083,00 8.008,00 5.504,00 5.546,00 7.537,00

5 Kab. Aceh Timur 39.279,00 39.279,00 29.022,00 49.452,00 38.325,00

6 Kab. Aceh Tengah 6.841,00 7.393,00 6.084,00 5.768,00 5.601,00

7 Kab. Aceh Barat 16.856,00 16.586,00 17.658,00 14.807,00 13.672,00

8 Kab. Aceh Besar 23.909,00 24.303,00 24.419,00 25.175,00 25.459,00

9 Kab. Pidie 21.337,00 21.138,00 20.240,00 20.012,00 19.772,00

10 Kab. Bireuen 33.477,00 32.930,00 33.241,00 32.287,00 32.447,00

11 Kab. Aceh Utara 21.576,00 21.155,00 21.013,00 16.709,00 23.788,00

12 Kab. Aceh Barat Daya 2.406,00 2.790,00 3.803,00 8.213,00 9.177,00

13 Kab. Gayo Lues 16.767,00 18.351,00 18.345,00 18.605,00 8.071,00

14 Kab. Aceh Tamiang 6.773,00 13.915,00 9.476,00 10.188,00 11.485,00

15 Kab. Nagan Raya 13.391,00 13.391,00 2.600,00 6.846,00 3.127,00

16 Kab. Aceh Jaya 4.565,00 4.455,00 4.455,00 4.455,00 4.455,00

17 Kab. Bener Meriah 9.907,00 9.907,00 927,00 1.352,00 1.052,00

18 Kab. Pidie Jaya - 1.170,00 1.170,00 1.430,00 1.444,00

19 Kota Banda Aceh - - - - -

20 Kota Sabang 1.105,00 2.096,00 1.192,00 1.192,00 1.181,00

21 Kota Langsa 656,00 1.375,00 570,00 570,00 327,00

22 Kota Lhokseumawe 1.044,00 1.044,00 1.127,00 1.127,00 1.127,00

23 Kota Subulussalam - 6.911,00 6.892,00 8.261,00 4.398,00

Aceh 272.382,00 270.893,00 233.725,00 270.787,00 246.801,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.2. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.2. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Sumatera Utara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. N i a s 36.379,00 9.550,00 6.274,00 6.216,00 6.278,00

2 Kab. Mandailing Natal 6.544,00 6.544,00 6.544,00 6.544,00 6.544,00

3 Kab. Tapanuli Selatan 13.202,00 13.202,00 13.358,00 14.358,00 13.278,00

4 Kab. Tapanuli Tengah 13.269,00 13.180,00 12.939,00 12.650,00 12.727,00

5 Kab. Tapanuli Utara 74.420,00 74.420,00 74.420,00 74.420,00 74.420,00

6 Kab. Toba Samosir 10.280,00 8.165,00 9.074,00 9.527,00 9.337,00

7 Kab. Labuhan Batu 2.859,00 195,00 137,00 137,00 137,00

8 Kab. Asahan 1.307,00 1.307,00 1.307,00 1.351,00 1.348,00

9 Kab. Simalungun 49.536,00 51.099,00 49.536,00 49.536,00 49.536,00

10 Kab. Dairi 18.694,00 18.694,00 19.500,00 19.500,00 19.722,00

11 Kab. K a r o 81.169,00 74.093,00 801,00 802,00 763,00

12 Kab. Deli Serdang 11.270,00 15.141,00 16.036,00 15.309,00 17.647,00

13 Kab. Langkat 13.139,00 7.900,00 7.315,00 8.030,00 8.030,00

14 Kab. Nias Selatan 2.664,00 8.495,00 10.603,00 11.481,00 11.358,00

15 Kab. Humbang Hasundutan 7.571,00 8.856,00 8.856,00 8.805,00 8.500,00

16 Kab. Pakpak Bharat 16.969,00 16.969,00 17.015,00 16.929,00 12.942,00

17 Kab. Samosir 13.761,00 13.761,00 13.411,00 13.411,00 13.411,00

18 Kab. Serdang Bedagai 6.198,00 6.198,00 6.208,00 6.208,00 6.158,00

19 Kab. Batu Bara - 352,00 352,00 405,00 305,00

20 Kab. Padang Lawas Utara 6.405,00 6.654,00 5.641,00 9.908,00 11.969,00

21 Kab. Padang Lawas 1.988,00 2.008,00 2.926,00 107.664,00 2.420,00

22 Kab. Labuhan Batu Selatan - 821,00 963,00 933,00 933,00

23 Kab. Labuhan Batu Utara - 1.843,00 1.843,00 1.843,00 1.672,00

24 Kab. Nias Utara - 19.805,00 16.866,00 16.866,00 15.657,00

25 Kab. Nias Barat - 5.637,00 4.652,00 1.080,00 2.077,00

26 Kota Sibolga - - - - -

27 Kota Tanjung Balai 246,00 286,00 290,00 290,00 290,00

28 Kota Pematang Siantar 511,00 146,00 141,00 141,00 141,00

29 Kota Tebing Tinggi 612,00 613,00 612,00 607,00 597,00

30 Kota Medan - - - - -

31 Kota Binjai 808,00 808,00 648,00 621,00 590,00

32 Kota Padang Sidempuan 1.665,00 1.665,00 1.621,00 1.621,00 1.619,00

33 Kota Gunungsitoli - 4.798,00 3.576,00 3.135,00 2.909,00

Sumatera Utara 391.466,00 393.205,00 313.465,00 420.328,00 313.315,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.3. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.3. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Sumatera Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kep. Mentawai 17.343,00 20.171,00 20.171,00 15.160,00 15.250,00

2 Kab. Pesisir Selatan 30.475,00 30.475,00 30.475,00 30.475,00 30.475,00

3 Kab. Solok 18.143,00 18.205,00 18.307,00 18.148,00 18.227,00

4 Kab. Sawahlunto/Sijunjung 7.496,00 8.326,00 8.341,00 8.341,00 5.127,00

5 Kab. Tanah Datar 10.709,00 2.935,00 5.368,00 2.935,00 2.934,00

6 Kab. Padang Pariaman 1.072,00 1.072,00 1.072,00 1.072,00 1.070,00

7 Kab. A g a m 10.551,00 10.557,00 10.599,00 10.599,00 10.746,00

8 Kab. Lima Puluh Koto 3.880,00 3.880,00 3.861,00 3.880,00 3.766,00

9 Kab. Pasaman 6.610,00 6.613,00 6.443,00 5.913,00 6.625,00

10 Kab. Solok Selatan 10.015,00 9.484,00 9.794,00 9.788,00 9.813,00

11 Kab. Dharmasraya - - 645,00 1.690,00 21.757,00

12 Kab. Pasaman Barat 14.746,00 15.473,00 15.977,00 15.928,00 15.056,00

13 Kota Padang 1.767,00 1.733,00 1.844,00 1.744,00 1.744,00

14 Kota Solok - - - - -

15 Kota Sawahlunto 3.133,00 3.133,00 3.133,00 3.133,00 3.133,00

16 Kota Padang Panjang 95,00 95,00 95,00 95,00 95,00

17 Kota Bukit Tinggi - - - - -

18 Kota Payakumbuh 8,00 88,00 88,00 88,00 87,00

19 Kota Pariaman - - - - -

Sumatera Barat 136.043,00 132.240,00 136.213,00 128.989,00 145.905,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.4. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Riau, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.4. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Riau Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kuantan Senggigi 13.066,00 13.271,00 13.061,00 13.061,00 13.042,00

2 Kab. Indragiri Hulu 34.665,00 34.484,00 34.404,00 34.404,00 34.926,00

3 Kab. Indragiri Hilir 808,00 374,00 979,00 787,00 787,00

4 Kab. Pelalawan 23.551,00 19.522,00 26.462,00 24.257,00 20.753,00

5 Kab. S i a k 8.355,00 8.628,00 11.272,00 11.051,00 10.450,00

6 Kab. Kampar 65.738,00 66.402,00 54.370,00 91.969,00 92.321,00

7 Kab. Rokan Hulu 15.181,00 17.156,00 19.551,00 18.628,00 18.874,00

8 Kab. Bengkalis 3.050,00 6.036,00 7.268,00 838,00 1.695,00

9 Kab. Rokan Hilir 7.746,00 7.836,00 5.809,00 7.714,00 7.545,00

10 Kab. Kepulauan Meranti - - - - -

11 Kota Pekan Baru 9.834,00 10.526,00 10.700,00 10.671,00 8.104,00

12 Kota Dumai 7.979,00 9.561,00 9.320,00 4.385,00 4.135,00

Riau 189.973,00 193.796,00 193.196,00 217.765,00 212.632,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.5. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.5. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Jambi Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kerinci 47.897,00 35.991,00 52.151,00 58.721,00 55.732,00

2 Kab. Merangin 44.797,00 54.347,00 51.197,00 56.614,00 53.748,00

3 Kab. Sarolangun 10.814,00 10.113,00 10.057,00 9.131,00 9.668,00

4 Kab. Batang Hari 17.377,00 17.397,00 18.196,00 18.011,00 17.645,00

5 Kab. Muaro Jambi 20.075,00 37.828,00 25.495,00 31.501,00 32.220,00

6 Kab. Tjg Jabung Timur 5.507,00 2.089,00 1.690,00 9.131,00 10.170,00

7 Kab. Tjg Jabung Barat 3.030,00 3.330,00 4.898,00 6.363,00 9.608,00

8 Kab. T e b o 6.856,00 6.800,00 6.489,00 5.187,00 5.017,00

9 Kab. Bungo 28.285,00 28.262,00 20.637,00 20.637,00 23.622,00

10 Kota Jambi 574,00 574,00 574,00 574,00 474,00

11 Kota Sungai Penuh - 4.190,00 4.359,00 3.893,00 4.366,00

Jambi 185.212,00 200.921,00 195.743,00 219.763,00 222.270,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.6. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.6. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Sumatera Selatan Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Ogan Komering Ulu 7.550,00 17.319,00 16.901,00 11.588,00 13.144,00

2 Kab. Ogan Komering Ilir 54.988,00 42.973,00 42.973,00 39.974,00 31.713,00

3 Kab. Muara Enim 30.778,00 31.649,00 31.714,00 30.574,00 30.691,00

4 Kab. Lahat 13.334,00 7.827,00 7.299,00 6.343,00 5.803,00

5 Kab. Musi Rawas 32.589,00 36.218,00 37.469,00 32.855,00 29.571,00

6 Kab. Musi Banyuasin 23.381,00 24.265,00 23.291,00 23.543,00 25.903,00

7 Kab. Banyuasin 6.395,00 7.887,00 7.887,00 7.122,00 6.693,00

8 Kab. OKU Selatan 26.479,00 19.617,00 35.520,00 37.602,00 21.994,00

9 Kab. OKU Timur 10.136,00 9.761,00 8.409,00 9.603,00 9.147,00

10 Kab. Ogan Ilir 5.861,00 5.887,00 6.148,00 6.017,00 5.463,00

11 Kab. Empat Lawang 14.465,00 14.425,00 14.425,00 16.300,00 13.911,00

12 Kota Palembang 356,00 262,00 262,00 372,00 362,00

13 Kota Prabumulih 892,00 2.189,00 2.189,00 1.775,00 959,00

14 Kota Pagar Alam 747,00 747,00 747,00 555,00 438,00

15 Kota Lubuk Linggau 4.186,00 4.176,00 4.176,00 1.229,00 1.885,00

Sumatera Selatan 232.137,00 225.202,00 239.410,00 225.452,00 197.677,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bengkulu Selatan 1.892,00 1.256,00 1.234,00 1.203,00 1.161,00

2 Kab. Rejang Lebong 15.183,00 15.238,00 15.200,00 15.200,00 15.198,00

3 Kab. Bengkulu Utara 31.946,00 22.050,00 22.177,00 21.139,00 20.911,00

4 Kab. K a u r 3.020,00 2.981,00 3.764,00 4.506,00 4.309,00

5 Kab. Seluma 11.582,00 10.582,00 10.642,00 10.515,00 10.515,00

6 Kab. Muko Muko 17.465,00 16.526,00 20.031,00 17.536,00 17.130,00

7 Kab. Lebong 4.222,00 1.389,00 950,00 921,00 4.514,00

8 Kab. Kepahiang 2.677,00 2.677,00 2.812,00 3.409,00 3.361,00

9 Bengkulu Tengah - 8.019,00 10.623,00 10.423,00 7.773,00

10 Kota Bengkulu 309,00 853,00 203,00 203,00 201,00

Bengkulu 88.296,00 81.571,00 87.636,00 85.055,00 85.073,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures


Tabel 6.7. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bengkulu, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.7. Area of shifting Cultivation Land by Distric/Municipality in Bengkulu Province, 2008 - 2012



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.8. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.8. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by Distric/Municipality in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bangka 20.342,00 20.355,00 4.241,00 19.041,00 18.485,00

2 Kab. Belitung 586,00 1.661,00 2.691,00 1.972,00 1.892,00

3 Kab. Bangka Barat 1.525,00 7.143,00 6.123,00 6.143,00 6.661,00

4 Kab. Bangka Tengah 7.940,00 7.969,00 8.119,00 8.662,00 8.702,00

5 Kab. Bangka Selatan 3.089,00 8.474,00 8.718,00 8.718,00 9.718,00

6 Kab. Belitung Timur 278,00 178,00 1.145,00 1.130,00 481,00

7 Kota Pangkal Pinang 2,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 45,00

Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 33.762,00 45.830,00 31.087,00 45.716,00 45.984,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.9. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Lampung, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.9. Area of shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Lampung Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Lampung Barat - - - 978,00 -

2 Kab. Tanggamus - - - 20.893,00 -

3 Kab. Lampung Selatan - - - 36.290,00 -

4 Kab. Lampung Timur - - - 1.001,00 -

5 Kab. Lampung Tengah - - - 74.308,00 -

6 Kab. Lampung Utara - - - 39.986,00 -

7 Kab. Way Kanan - - - 52.737,00 -

8 Kab. Tulang Bawang - - - 19.210,00 -

9 Kab. Pesawaran - - - 14.292,00 -

10 Kab. Pringsewu - - - 7.100,00 -

11 Kab. Mesuji - - - 4.894,00 -

12 Kab. Tulangbawang Barat - - - 17.161,00 -

13 Kota Bandar Lampung - - - 582,00 -

14 Kota Metro - - - 117,00 -

Lampung - - - 289.549,00 -

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Karimun 336,00 213,00 218,00 218,00 1.526,00

2 Kab. Bintan 17.232,00 16.695,00 16.695,00 16.695,00 14.648,00

3 Kab. Natuna 1.684,00 12.717,00 12.717,00 12.702,00 12.702,00

4 Kab. Lingga 822,00 695,00 695,00 695,00 575,00

5 Kab. Kepulauan Anambas 515,00 515,00 515,00 354,00 354,00

6 Kota Batam 2.974,00 2.830,00 2.834,00 2.834,00 2.834,00

7 Kota Tanjung Pinang - 300,00 200,00 200,00 200,00

23.563,00 33.965,00 33.874,00 33.698,00 32.839,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures


Kep. Riau

Tabel 6.10. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.10. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Riau Province, 2008 - 2012



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kepulauan Seribu - - - - -

2 Kota Jakarta Selatan - 25,00 75,00 75,00 75,00

3 Kota Jakarta Timur - - - - -

4 Kota Jakarta Pusat - - - - -

5 Kota Jakarta Barat - - - - -

6 Kota Jakarta Utara - - - - -

DKI Jakarta - 25,00 75,00 75,00 75,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures


Tabel 6.11. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi DKI Jakarta,2008 - 2012

Table 6.11. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in DKI Jakarta Province, 2008 - 2012



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.12. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.12. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Jawa Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bogor - 10.335,00 8.361,00 3.914,00 3.798,00

2 Kab. Sukabumi 40.987,00 41.733,00 42.345,00 42.344,00 40.863,00

3 Kab. Cianjur 48.236,00 47.524,00 43.928,00 42.917,00 42.694,00

4 Kab. Bandung 17.433,00 14.000,00 14.159,00 9.460,00 9.044,00

5 Kab. Garut 27.731,00 28.212,00 31.174,00 34.043,00 37.202,00

6 Kab. Tasikmalaya 26.818,00 25.322,00 25.364,00 24.798,00 21.748,00

7 Kab. Ciamis 10.221,00 16.058,00 10.304,00 9.994,00 9.763,00

8 Kab. Kuningan 12.963,00 12.853,00 11.833,00 12.219,00 11.822,00

9 Kab. Cirebon 1.198,00 519,00 519,00 543,00 543,00

10 Kab. Majalengka 463,00 - - - -

11 Kab. Sumedang 7.015,00 7.015,00 6.956,00 6.956,00 7.084,00

12 Kab. Indramayu 5.964,00 5.482,00 5.540,00 7.497,00 7.497,00

13 Kab. Subang 4.348,00 2.722,00 3.604,00 3.771,00 2.992,00

14 Kab. Purwakarta 6.243,00 6.249,00 6.243,00 6.377,00 6.079,00

15 Kab. Karawang 1.648,00 2.378,00 2.378,00 1.835,00 1.969,00

16 Kab. Bekasi 623,00 393,00 393,00 371,00 368,00

17 Kab. Bandung Barat 7.907,00 11.242,00 11.975,00 11.935,00 11.935,00

18 Kota Bogor - - - - -

19 Kota Sukabumi - - - - -

20 Kota Bandung - 14,00 - 141,00 27,00

21 Kota Cirebon - - - - -

22 Kota Bekasi - 272,00 - - -

23 Kota Depok 1.228,00 745,00 685,00 644,00 487,00

24 Kota Cimahi 15,00 15,00 15,00 15,00 15,00

25 Kota Tasikmalaya 624,00 624,00 941,00 957,00 957,00

26 Kota Banjar 84,00 84,00 84,00 84,00 46,00

Jawa Barat 221.749,00 233.791,00 226.801,00 220.815,00 216.933,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.13. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.13. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Jawa Tengah Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Cilacap 719,00 719,00 284,00 284,00 284,00

2 Kab. Banyumas 2.430,00 2.430,00 2.430,00 2.430,00 2.430,00

3 Kab. Purbalingga - - - - -

4 Kab. Banjarnegara - - - - -

5 Kab. Kebumen 195,00 745,00 745,00 745,00 745,00

6 Kab. Purworejo 4.714,00 4.714,00 4.714,00 4.714,00 4.505,00

7 Kab. Wonosobo - 25,00 25,00 25,00 67,00

8 Kab. Magelang - - - - -

9 Kab. Boyolali - - - - -

10 Kab. Klaten - - - - -

11 Kab. Sukoharjo - - - - -

12 Kab. Wonogiri - 57,00 - 57,00 -

13 Kab. Karanganyar 27,00 27,00 2,00 2,00 2,00

14 Kab. Sragen - 11,00 11,00 11,00 -

15 Kab. Grobogan - - - - -

16 Kab. Blora 3.205,00 390,00 - - -

17 Kab. Rembang - - - 350,00 -

18 Kab. P a t i - 296,00 - - -

19 Kab. Kudus 321,00 321,00 268,00 268,00 268,00

20 Kab. Jepara - 29,00 - - 83,00

21 Kab. Demak - - - - -

22 Kab. Semarang - - - - -

23 Kab. Temanggung 614,00 2.818,00 2.131,00 585,00 585,00

24 Kab. Kendal 290,00 - - - -

25 Kab. Batang - - - 2.432,00 1.904,00

26 Kab. Pekalongan 64,00 64,00 126,00 - -

27 Kab. Pemalang 36,00 36,00 36,00 1.596,00 1.596,00

28 Kab. Tegal - - - 106,00 -

29 Kab. Brebes 94,00 94,00 94,00 94,00 27,00

30 Kota Magelang - - - - -

31 Kota Surakarta - - - - 27,00

32 Kota Salatiga - - - - -

33 Kota Semarang 637,00 637,00 798,00 874,00 657,00

34 Kota Pekalongan - - - - -

35 Kota Tegal - - - - -

Jawa Tengah 13.346,00 13.413,00 11.664,00 14.573,00 13.180,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.14. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi DI. Yogyakarta, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.14. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in DI. Yogyakarta Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kulon Progo - - - - -

2 Kab. Bantul - - - - -

3 Kab. Gunung Kidul - - - - -

4 Kab. Sleman - - - - -

5 Kota Yogyakarta - - - - -

D.I. Yogyakarta - - - - -

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.15. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Timur,2008 - 2012

Table 6.15. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Jawa Timur Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pacitan - - - - 309,00

2 Kab. Ponorogo - - - - -

3 Kab. Trenggalek - - - - 200,00

4 Kab. Tulungagung 2.121,00 287,00 1.287,00 222,00 221,00

5 Kab. Blitar - - - 1.262,00 -

6 Kab. Kediri - - - - 565,00

7 Kab. Malang 3.914,00 5.622,00 5.622,00 5.622,00 5.622,00

8 Kab. Lumajang 1.433,00 - - - -

9 Kab. Jember - 355,00 355,00 354,00 361,00

10 Kab. Banyuwangi - - - - -

11 Kab. Bondowoso - - - - -

12 Kab. Situbondo - - - - 863,00

13 Kab. Probolinggo - 3.800,00 - - -

14 Kab. Pasuruan - 448,00 448,00 448,00 448,00

15 Kab. Sidoarjo - 163,00 163,00 -- -

16 Kab. Mojokerto 539,00 485,00 485,00 485,00 485,00

17 Kab. Jombang - - - - -

18 Kab. Nganjuk 137,00 - - - 489,00

19 Kab. Madiun 62,00 62,00 62,00 62,00 184,00

20 Kab. Magetan - - - - -

21 Kab. Ngawi - 269,00 269,00 269,00 545,00

22 Kab. Bojonegoro 11.186,00 16.965,00 16.928,00 18.611,00 14.909,00

23 Kab. Tuban 9.617,00 8.616,00 9.474,00 4.898,00 236,00

24 Kab. Lamongan 1.721,00 4.264,00 4.132,00 3.884,00 10.074,00

25 Kab. Gresik 1.157,00 1.162,00 1.162,00 1.133,00 1.133,00

26 Kab. Bangkalan - - - - 975,00

27 Kab. Sampang - - - - -

28 Kab. Pamekasan - - 3.844,00 - -

29 Kab. Sumenep - - 15,00 15,00 15,00

30 Kota Kediri 66,00 66,00 66,00 66,00 66,00

31 Kota Blitar - - - - -

32 Kota Malang - - - - -

33 Kota Probolinggo - - - - -

34 Kota Pasuruan - - - -- -

35 Kota Mojokerto - - - - -

36 Kota Madiun - - - - 100,00

37 Kota Surabaya - - - -- -

38 Kota Batu - - - - -

Jawa Timur 31.953,00 42.564,00 44.312,00 37.331,00 37.800,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.16. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut/Kota Kabupaten di Provinsi Banten, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.16. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Banten Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pandeglang 27.892,00 30.346,00 30.653,00 31.271,00 33.492,00

2 Kab. Lebak 37.811,00 36.023,00 33.652,00 30.630,00 29.716,00

3 Kab. Tangerang 2.922,00 2.764,00 2.488,00 2.856,00 2.856,00

4 Kab. Serang 13.236,00 10.874,00 9.023,00 8.323,00 8.561,00

5 Kota Tangerang - 50,00 40,00 - -

6 Kota Cilegon 2.088,00 2.067,00 1.946,00 434,00 469,00

7 Kota Serang 4.486,00 3.596,00 4.018,00 4.033,00 4.113,00

8 Kota Tangerang Selatan - 158,00 888,00 854,00 1.219,00

Banten 88.435,00 85.878,00 82.708,00 78.401,00 80.426,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.17. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bali,2008 - 2012

Table 6.17. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Bali Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Jembrana - - - - -

2 Kab. Tabanan - - - - -

3 Kab. Badung - - - 1,00 -

4 Kab. Gianyar - - - - -

5 Kab. Klungkung - - - - -

6 Kab. Bangli - - - - -

7 Kab. Karang Asem - - - - -

8 Kab. Buleleng - - - - -

9 Kota Denpasar - - - - -

Bali - - - 1,00 -

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.18. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.18. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Lombok Barat 13.199,00 9.094,00 9.094,00 9.090,00 9.094,00

2 Kab. Lombok Tengah 2.929,00 - - - -

3 Kab. Lombok Timur 3.870,00 6.177,00 5.490,00 5.490,00 5.142,00

4 Kab. Sumbawa 9.883,00 9.691,00 9.686,00 9.576,00 17.178,00

5 Kab. Dompu 4.654,00 2.598,00 2.754,00 5.894,00 9.367,00

6 Kab. B i m a 7.584,00 9.047,00 9.237,00 9.237,00 13.333,00

7 Kab. Sumbawa Barat 3.096,00 3.096,00 3.046,00 2.946,00 2.396,00

8 Kab. Lombok Utara - 4.105,00 4.105,00 4.105,00 4.105,00

9 Kota Mataram 50,00 - - - -

10 Kota Bima 1.294,00 1.294,00 1.294,00 1.294,00 1.294,00

Nusa Tenggara Barat 46.559,00 45.102,00 44.706,00 47.632,00 61.909,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.19. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.19. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Sumba Barat 5.940,00 5.908,00 5.882,00 5.882,00 5.882,00

2 Kab. Sumba Timur 28.830,00 28.765,00 28.766,00 28.766,00 28.766,00

3 Kab. Kupang 40.802,00 39.657,00 35.453,00 35.458,00 35.458,00

4 Kab. Timor Tengah Selatan 37.235,00 37.142,00 37.134,00 37.345,00 37.345,00

5 Kab. Timor Tengah Utara 15.095,00 23.168,00 23.122,00 23.122,00 44.412,00

6 Kab. B e l u 18.321,00 17.108,00 17.096,00 17.079,00 17.079,00

7 Kab. A l o r 12.349,00 12.235,00 12.232,00 12.232,00 10.084,00

8 Kab. Lembata 17.293,00 15.124,00 15.121,00 15.121,00 7.562,00

9 Kab. Flores Timur 15.068,00 15.059,00 15.057,00 15.063,00 14.980,00

10 Kab. Sikka 17.360,00 17.338,00 16.676,00 16.676,00 16.676,00

11 Kab. E n d e 9.858,00 21.440,00 21.428,00 13.560,00 26.747,00

12 Kab. Ngada 7.747,00 7.735,00 7.737,00 7.737,00 7.737,00

13 Kab. Manggarai 13.155,00 13.146,00 13.146,00 13.146,00 13.146,00

14 Kab. Rote Ndao 11.012,00 10.986,00 10.979,00 10.981,00 10.981,00

15 Kab. Manggarai Barat 5.914,00 4.949,00 4.953,00 4.953,00 4.917,00

16 Kab. Sumba Tengah 14.480,00 14.466,00 14.466,00 14.466,00 9.863,00

17 Kab. Sumba Barat Daya 9.890,00 9.861,00 9.863,00 9.863,00 14.466,00

18 Kab. Nagekeo 27.336,00 27.322,00 27.335,00 27.334,00 1.937,00

19 Kab. Manggarai Timur 15.399,00 11.329,00 10.922,00 10.922,00 13.613,00

20 Kab. Sabu Raijua - - 4.202,00 4.202,00 4.203,00

21 Kota Kupang 562,00 201,00 199,00 284,00 233,00

323.646,00 332.939,00 331.769,00 324.192,00 326.087,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures


Nusa Tenggara Timur



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.20. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.20. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Barat Province,2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Sambas 5.919,00 4.323,00 10.482,00 9.905,00 8.723,00

2 Kab. Bengkayang 23.179,00 24.135,00 26.929,00 29.684,00 29.152,00

3 Kab. Landak 66.824,00 68.298,00 57.578,00 25.627,00 27.460,00

4 Kab. Pontianak 2.451,00 2.358,00 2.078,00 2.455,00 2.556,00

5 Kab. Sanggau 16.003,00 23.870,00 24.014,00 30.584,00 77.049,00

6 Kab. Ketapang 50.059,00 42.735,00 40.727,00 40.928,00 24.984,00

7 Kab. Sintang 17.522,00 17.522,00 114.229,00 115.757,00 142.994,00

8 Kab. Kapuas Hulu 24.266,00 41.089,00 31.903,00 35.251,00 34.215,00

9 Kab. Sekadau 12.843,00 16.546,00 9.743,00 9.561,00 11.174,00

10 Kab. Melawi 18.429,00 16.378,00 21.389,00 21.724,00 23.389,00

11 Kab. Kayong Utara 3.337,00 2.837,00 2.822,00 2.822,00 2.822,00

12 Kab. Kubu Raya 20.795,00 19.065,00 18.550,00 18.800,00 18.460,00

13 Kota Pontianak 58,00 58,00 40,00 40,00 35,00

14 Kota Singkawang 260,00 217,00 217,00 88,00 88,00

Kalimantan Barat 261.945,00 279.431,00 360.701,00 343.226,00 403.101,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.21. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.21. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Tengah Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kotawaringin Barat 40.009,00 39.609,00 19.769,00 16.949,00 15.369,00

2 Kab. Kotawaringin Timur 21.066,00 36.770,00 37.547,00 28.161,00 27.297,00

3 Kab. Kapuas 13.640,00 28.057,00 26.791,00 28.297,00 19.421,00

4 Kab. Barito Selatan 5.366,00 5.942,00 6.224,00 6.708,00 14.648,00

5 Kab. Barito Utara 10.759,00 10.064,00 10.669,00 9.863,00 9.790,00

6 Kab. Sukamara 12.257,00 12.459,00 9.041,00 9.042,00 8.587,00

7 Kab. Lamandau 73.536,00 51.382,00 51.945,00 54.498,00 52.681,00

8 Kab. Seruyan 8.299,00 13.600,00 10.880,00 8.241,00 8.944,00

9 Kab. Katingan 6.219,00 6.219,00 6.210,00 6.625,00 8.292,00

10 Kab. Pulang Pisau 7.160,00 8.699,00 11.086,00 13.498,00 11.994,00

11 Kab. Gunung Mas 6.634,00 8.055,00 8.873,00 8.855,00 8.855,00

12 Kab. Barito Timur 2.597,00 4.177,00 5.260,00 7.809,00 6.824,00

13 Kab. Murung Raya 7.942,00 13.017,00 7.594,00 9.288,00 7.258,00

14 Kota Palangka Raya 2.962,00 15.910,00 15.910,00 14.088,00 340,00

Kalimantan Tengah 218.446,00 253.960,00 227.799,00 221.922,00 200.300,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.22. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.22. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Selatan Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Tanah Laut 4.897,00 5.679,00 5.694,00 6.061,00 6.118,00

2 Kab. Kota Baru 32.566,00 32.566,00 32.566,00 32.566,00 32.566,00

3 Kab. Banjar 20.442,00 20.402,00 19.711,00 18.857,00 18.856,00

4 Kab. Barito Kuala 1.804,00 1.825,00 1.928,00 123,00 114,00

5 Kab. Tapin 6.036,00 6.006,00 6.255,00 6.255,00 6.794,00

6 Kab. Hulu Sungai Selatan 12.955,00 9.576,00 10.243,00 10.243,00 8.480,00

7 Kab. Hulu Sungai Tengah 12.038,00 12.013,00 12.015,00 11.772,00 12.346,00

8 Kab. Hulu Sungai Utara - - - - -

9 Kab. Tabalong 12.250,00 12.350,00 12.350,00 12.350,00 12.350,00

10 Kab. Tanah Bumbu 39.673,00 37.676,00 25.281,00 5.580,00 5.478,00

11 Kab. Balangan 8.376,00 8.607,00 7.632,00 8.067,00 8.252,00

12 Kota Banjarmasin - - - - -

13 Kota Banjar Baru 3.309,00 3.028,00 19,00 19,00 20,00

Kalimantan Selatan 154.346,00 149.728,00 133.694,00 111.893,00 111.374,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.23. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.23. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Timur Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pasir 17.192,00 16.990,00 16.753,00 11.158,00 11.415,00

2 Kab. Kutai Barat 17.436,00 16.708,00 14.443,00 15.876,00 21.809,00

3 Kab. Kutai 19.228,00 20.062,00 19.800,00 17.105,00 17.746,00

4 Kab. Kutai Timur 54.908,00 25.958,00 34.325,00 31.791,00 29.390,00

5 Kab. Berau 11.667,00 11.213,00 11.485,00 12.046,00 12.675,00

6 Kab. Malinau 21.611,00 21.518,00 13.425,00 13.425,00 11.733,00

7 Kab. Bulungan 19.855,00 19.159,00 19.159,00 19.159,00 19.159,00

8 Kab. Nunukan 5.053,00 5.645,00 6.345,00 6.214,00 10.988,00

9 Kab. Penajam Paser Utara 6.606,00 9.681,00 9.681,00 9.681,00 23.268,00

10 Kab. Tana Tidung 391,00 428,00 428,00 428,00

11 Kota Balikpapan 126,00 126,00 466,00 2.347,00 2.271,00

12 Kota Samarinda 2.220,00 2.538,00 2.538,00 1.928,00 1.825,00

13 Kota Tarakan - - - - -

14 Kota Bontang 1.621,00 1.621,00 1.606,00 1.621,00 1.621,00

Kalimantan Timur 177.523,00 151.610,00 150.454,00 142.779,00 164.328,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.24. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.24. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Utara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow 29.241,00 18.143,00 18.143,00 16.738,00 16.738,00

2 Kab. Minahasa 15.180,00 15.180,00 15.180,00 15.180,00 15.180,00

3 Kab. Kep. Sangihe Talaud 8.543,00 8.543,00 8.543,00 7.791,00 7.791,00

4 Kab. Kep. Talaud 9.979,00 9.979,00 9.979,00 9.076,00 9.076,00

5 Kab. Minahasa Selatan 16.956,00 16.956,00 16.956,00 16.736,00 16.736,00

6 Kab. Minahasa Utara 2.808,00 2.808,00 2.808,00 2.808,00 2.808,00

7 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Utara 8.744,00 8.744,00 8.744,00 14.182,00 14.182,00

8 Kab. Kep. Sitaro 3.651,00 3.651,00 3.651,00 3.321,00 3.321,00

9 Kab. Minahasa Tenggara 2.439,00 2.439,00 2.439,00 4.047,00 4.047,00

10 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Selatan - 3.125,00 3.125,00 3.354,00 3.354,00

11 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Timur - 7.974,00 7.974,00 7.965,00 7.965,00

12 Kota Manado 1.512,00 1.512,00 1.512,00 1.512,00 1.512,00

13 Kota Bitung 2.678,00 2.678,00 2.678,00 3.221,00 3.221,00

14 Kota Tomohon 5.494,00 5.494,00 5.494,00 3.925,00 3.925,00

15 Kota Kotamobagu 7.678,00 7.678,00 7.678,00 112,00 112,00

114.903,00 114.904,00 114.904,00 109.968,00 109.968,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures


Sulawesi Utara



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.25. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.25. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tengah Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Banggai Kepulauan 11.877,00 14.096,00 13.929,00 13.929,00 13.929,00

2 Kab. Banggai 20.724,00 20.724,00 20.956,00 19.745,00 22.808,00

3 Kab. Morowali 27.342,00 27.342,00 22.220,00 25.031,00 9.747,00

4 Kab. P o s o 23.248,00 23.248,00 33.378,00 25.810,00 17.202,00

5 Kab. Donggala 74.171,00 21.328,00 38.435,00 21.151,00 16.721,00

6 Kab. Toli Toli 10.650,00 10.717,00 12.539,00 12.718,00 12.697,00

7 Kab. B u o l 5.224,00 10.535,00 12.377,00 8.947,00 5.623,00

8 Kab. Parigi Moutong 19.432,00 20.747,00 21.363,00 15.902,00 12.808,00

9 Kab. Tojo Una-Una 11.000,00 11.000,00 11.383,00 11.357,00 10.875,00

10 Kab. Sigi - 52.843,00 52.843,00 47.286,00 31.971,00

11 Kota Palu 2.344,00 532,00 1.534,00 819,00 1.105,00

Sulawesi Tengah 206.012,00 213.112,00 240.957,00 202.695,00 155.486,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.26. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.26. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Selatan Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Selayar 4.329,00 4.914,00 4.965,00 4.962,00 4.969,00

2 Kab. Bulukumba 247,00 247,00 247,00 12.090,00 9.624,00

3 Kab. Bantaeng - - - - -

4 Kab. Jeneponto 2.684,00 2.253,00 2.355,00 1.167,00 1.158,00

5 Kab. Takalar 196,00 196,00 196,00 196,00 127,00

6 Kab. G o w a 9.833,00 10.444,00 10.260,00 10.465,00 10.178,00

7 Kab. Sinjai 3.308,00 3.303,00 3.303,00 3.303,00 2.062,00

8 Kab. Maros 8.045,00 8.581,00 8.508,00 8.764,00 8.824,00

9 Kab. Pangkajene Kepulauan 3.467,00 3.432,00 2.432,00 2.432,00 2.417,00

10 Kab. Barru 6.983,00 7.565,00 6.793,00 5.978,00 5.799,00

11 Kab. B o n e 875,00 875,00 875,00 875,00 2.608,00

12 Kab. Soppeng 4.359,00 4.359,00 4.359,00 3.470,00 3.928,00

13 Kab. W a j o 15.735,00 15.618,00 11.714,00 9.047,00 9.047,00

14 Kab. Sidenreng Rappang 1.585,00 1.585,00 1.730,00 1.585,00 1.567,00

15 Kab. Pinrang 4.816,00 5.062,00 5.062,00 5.062,00 5.072,00

16 Kab. Enrekang - - - - -

17 Kab. L u w u 3.934,00 3.990,00 3.008,00 3.028,00 3.078,00

18 Kab. Tana Toraja 3.538,00 2.499,00 2.961,00 4.602,00 4.602,00

19 Kab. Luwu Utara 7.746,00 11.569,00 8.197,00 10.350,00 9.704,00

20 Kab. Luwu Timur 13.417,00 13.312,00 12.317,00 11.850,00 11.999,00

21 Kab. Toraja Utara 1.039,00 1.933,00 1.959,00 7.120,00

22 Kota Makassar - - - - -

23 Kota Pare Pare - - - - -

24 Kota Palopo 1.377,00 1.374,00 1.366,00 1.365,00 1.359,00

Sulawesi Selatan 96.474,00 102.217,00 92.581,00 102.550,00 105.242,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.27. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara,2008 - 2012

Table 6.27. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tenggara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Buton 13.316,00 14.229,00 15.184,00 12.651,00 18.817,00

2 Muna 15.602,00 28.005,00 22.687,00 24.252,00 22.833,00

3 Konawe 28.265,00 28.265,00 22.993,00 20.258,00 21.142,00

4 Kolaka 8.257,00 7.523,00 5.600,00 6.767,00 5.712,00

5 Konawe Selatan 22.618,00 23.488,00 23.482,00 23.888,00 23.027,00

6 Bombana 10.825,00 8.942,00 9.769,00 8.259,00 5.075,00

7 Wakatobi 1.150,00 1.150,00 494,00 860,00 859,00

8 Kolaka Utara 2.511,00 1.971,00 375,00 154,00 262,00

9 Buton Utara 518,00 700,00 700,00 700,00 700,00

10 Konawe Utara 7.977,00 7.977,00 7.977,00 7.977,00 22.089,00

11 Kota Kendari 2.360,00 1.978,00 1.001,00 951,00 951,00

12 Kota Bau-Bau 2.168,00 1.566,00 1.406,00 1.406,00 1.295,00

115.567,00 125.794,00 111.668,00 108.123,00 122.762,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures


Sulawesi Tenggara



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.28. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Gorontalo, 22008 - 2012

Table 6.28. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Gorontalo Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Boalemo 27.521,00 31.108,00 28.881,00 32.553,00 32.377,00

2 Kab. Gorontalo 16.578,00 18.775,00 19.248,00 11.389,00 11.133,00

3 Kab. Pohuwato 11.616,00 12.696,00 13.083,00 13.135,00 12.923,00

4 Kab. Bone Bolango 6.464,00 6.444,00 6.444,00 6.444,00 4.210,00

5 Kab. Gorontalo Utara 6.685,00 6.685,00 6.267,00 7.252,00 7.252,00

6 Kota Gorontalo 755,00 898,00 543,00 543,00 -

Gorontalo 69.619,00 76.606,00 74.466,00 71.316,00 67.895,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.29. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat,2008 - 2012

Table 6.29. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Barat Province,2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Majene 5.482,00 5.496,00 5.482,00 5.487,00 5.726,00

2 Kab. Polewali Mamasa 5.704,00 5.896,00 5.490,00 5.490,00 5.238,00

3 Kab. Mamasa 8.544,00 12.678,00 10.496,00 9.266,00 14.843,00

4 Kab. Mamuju 19.907,00 21.272,00 11.005,00 11.005,00 14.402,00

5 Kab. Mamuju Utara 219,00 674,00 9.163,00 10.239,00 45.331,00

Sulawesi Barat 39.856,00 46.016,00 41.636,00 41.487,00 85.540,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.30. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.30. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Maluku Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Maluku Tenggara Barat 137.854,00 137.854,00 137.854,00 137.853,00 137.853,00

2 Kab. Maluku Tenggara 2.400,00 2.400,00 2.400,00 2.400,00 2.400,00

3 Kab. Maluku Tengah 77.778,00 77.778,00 77.778,00 77.778,00 77.778,00

4 Kab. B u r u 5.783,00 3.531,00 3.531,00 3.531,00 3.531,00

5 Kab. Kepulauan Aru 17,00 18,00 18,00 21,00 21,00

6 Kab. Seram Bagian Barat 2.845,00 2.845,00 2.845,00 2.845,00 2.845,00

7 Kab. Seram Bagian Timur 1.089,00 1.088,00 1.088,00 1.088,00 1.095,00

8 Kab. Maluku Barat Daya 38.454,00 38.454,00 38.454,00 38.454,00 38.454,00

9 Kab. Buru Selatan 27.308,00 16.681,00 16.681,00 16.681,00 16.681,00

10 Kota Ambon 2.227,00 2.227,00 2.225,00 2.222,00 2.222,00

11 Tual 397,00 397,00 397,00 397,00 397,00

Maluku 296.152,00 283.273,00 283.271,00 283.270,00 283.277,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.31. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku Utara, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.31. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Maluku Utara Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Halmahera Barat 3.063,00 3.083,00 3.052,00 2.951,00 2.951,00

2 Kab. Halmahera Tengah 10.159,00 9.934,00 9.874,00 10.382,00 10.584,00

3 Kab. Kepulauan Sula 4.104,00 4.104,00 4.168,00 4.168,00 4.168,00

4 Kab. Halmahera Selatan 10.879,00 10.914,00 10.905,00 10.905,00 11.139,00

5 Kab. Halmahera Utara 16.165,00 15.790,00 15.790,00 15.990,00 8.877,00

6 Kab. Halmahera Timur 17.744,00 19.494,00 19.304,00 19.314,00 20.693,00

7 Kab. Pulau Morotai - - - - 10.525,00

8 Kota Ternate 1.070,00 1.070,00 1.070,00 1.070,00 1.070,00

9 Kota Tidore Kepulauan 4.816,00 4.816,00 4.816,00 4.816,00 4.816,00

Maluku Utara 68.000,00 69.205,00 68.979,00 69.596,00 74.823,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.32. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua Barat, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.32. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Papua Barat Province,2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Fakfak 70.114,00 70.114,00 70.114,00 70.114,00 70.114,00

2 Kab. Kaimana 2.590,00 2.590,00 2.590,00 2.590,00 2.590,00

3 Kab. Teluk Wondama 1.162,00 1.162,00 538,00 538,00 538,00

4 Kab. Teluk Bintuni 6.713,00 6.713,00 1.082,00 1.085,00 1.664,00

5 Kab. Manokwari 451.020,00 451.020,00 451.020,00 451.020,00 451.020,00

6 Kab. Sorong Selatan 30.546,00 30.546,00 15.949,00 15.949,00 15.949,00

7 Kab. Sorong 71.683,00 71.683,00 68.377,00 68.377,00 68.377,00

8 Kab. Raja Ampat 34.089,00 34.089,00 34.089,00 34.089,00 34.091,00

9 Kab. Tambrauw - - 3.306,00 3.306,00 3.306,00

10 Kab. Maybrat - - 14.597,00 14.597,00 14.597,00

11 Kota Sorong 90.101,00 90.101,00 90.101,00 90.081,00 599,00

Papua Barat 758.018,00 758.018,00 751.763,00 751.746,00 662.845,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 6.33. Luas Lahan Ladang/Huma menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2008 - 2012

Table 6.33. Area of Shifting Cultivation Land by District/Municipality in Papua Province, 2008 - 2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Merauke 11.828,00 11.828,00 11.828,00 12.028,00 12.028,00

2 Kab. Jayawijaya 47.320,00 47.320,00 47.380,00 47.320,00 47.320,00

3 Kab. Jayapura 948,00 948,00 1.028,00 1.228,00 1.228,00

4 Kab. Nabire 469,00 469,00 473,00 523,00 523,00

5 Kab. Yapen Waropen 1.605,00 1.605,00 1.605,00 1.604,00 1.604,00

6 Kab. Biak Numfor 1.605,00 1.605,00 1.605,00 1.605,00 1.605,00

7 Kab. Paniai 126.046,00 126.046,00 126.046,00 126.046,00 126.046,00

8 Kab. Puncak Jaya 971,00 971,00 971,00 1.022,00 1.022,00

9 Kab. Mimika 68.759,00 68.759,00 69.959,00 70.009,00 70.009,00

10 Kab. Boven Digoel 108.292,00 108.292,00 108.292,00 108.342,00 108.342,00

11 Kab. Mappi 1.275,00 1.275,00 1.325,00 1.325,00 1.325,00

12 Kab. Asmat 7.761,00 7.761,00 7.761,00 7.761,00 7.761,00

13 Kab. Yahukimo 30.679,00 30.679,00 30.679,00 30.779,00 30.779,00

14 Kab. Pegunungan Bintang 12.356,00 12.356,00 12.356,00 12.406,00 12.406,00

15 Kab. Tolikara 11.509,00 11.509,00 11.509,00 11.709,00 11.709,00

16 Kab. Sarmi 24.419,00 24.419,00 24.419,00 24.419,00 24.419,00

17 Kab. Keerom 5.855,00 5.855,00 6.253,00 6.553,00 6.553,00

18 Kab. Waropen 7.311,00 7.311,00 7.311,00 7.311,00 7.311,00

19 Kab. Supiori 2.236,00 2.236,00 2.244,00 2.244,00 -

20 Kab. Mamberamo Raya - - - - -

21 Kab. Nduga - - - - -

22 Kab. Lanny Jaya - - - - -

23 Kab. Mamberamo Tengah - - - - -

24 Kab. Yalimo - - - - -

25 Kab. Puncak - - - - -

26 Kab. Dogiyai - - - - -

27 Kab. Intan Jaya - - - - -

28 Kab. Deiyai - - - - -

29 Kota Jayapura 2.236,00 2.236,00 2.244,00 2.244,00 2.244,00

Papua 473.480,00 473.480,00 475.288,00 476.478,00 474.234,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures



Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

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Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013






Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Halaman ini sengaja dikosongkan / This page intentionally blank


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Gambar 5. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara tidak Diusahakan di Indonesia, 2008-2012

Figure 5. Area of Temporarily Unused Land in Indonesia, 2008-2012


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Provinsi di Indonesia Tahun 2008-2012

Table 7. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by Province in Indonesia, 2008-2012


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Aceh 57.571,00 372.863,00 250.465,00 389.936,00 444.341,00

2 Sumatera Utara 320.613,00 285.824,00 283.414,00 278.808,00 254.410,00

3 Sumatera Barat 261.639,00 323.118,00 317.495,00 234.962,00 225.891,00

4 Riau 449.940,00 461.747,00 429.117,00 429.929,00 427.139,00

5 Jambi 371.822,00 317.817,00 290.372,00 261.367,00 254.272,00

6 Sumatera Selatan 737.953,00 654.233,00 579.209,00 570.200,00 720.138,00

7 Bengkulu 311.580,00 150.357,00 219.782,00 98.996,00 98.099,00

8 Lampung 84.988,00 84.521,00 60.294,00 49.696,00 45.007,00

9 Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 112.019,00 134.587,00 108.958,00 113.566,00 122.309,00

10 Kepulauan Riau 170.410,00 161.265,00 160.545,00 165.807,00 159.534,00

11 DKI Jakarta - 9,00 135,00 135,00 15,00

12 Jawa Barat 12.487,00 12.966,00 8.932,00 10.597,00 13.445,00

13 Jawa Tengah 1.772,00 1.628,00 1.478,00 941,00 1.266,00

14 D.I. Yogyakarta 1.147,00 1.079,00 1.018,00 1.033,00 795,00

15 Jawa Timur 16.644,00 11.788,00 10.813,00 10.814,00 10.474,00

16 Banten 23.287,00 19.644,00 25.337,00 15.195,00 14.374,00

17 Bali 265,00 120,00 345,00 1.056,00 548,00

18 Nusa Tenggara Barat 53.977,00 53.517,00 54.860,00 53.010,00 38.562,00

19 Nusa Tenggara Timur 801.050,00 747.080,00 747.250,00 759.086,00 759.065,00

20 Kalimantan Barat 1.604.716,00 1.347.614,00 1.367.688,00 1.197.778,00 1.129.325,00

21 Kalimantan Tengah 964.630,00 911.286,00 1.299.985,00 1.414.405,00 1.350.471,00

22 Kalimantan Selatan 188.102,00 179.871,00 171.770,00 167.991,00 160.982,00

23 Kalimantan Timur 1.207.599,00 1.392.699,00 1.261.246,00 1.163.360,00 1.018.620,00

24 Sulawesi Utara 48.195,00 48.195,00 48.195,00 36.489,00 36.477,00

25 Sulawesi Tengah 611.224,00 600.323,00 481.601,00 407.151,00 411.068,00

26 Sulawesi Selatan 85.800,00 88.894,00 86.753,00 89.328,00 102.237,00

27 Sulawesi Tenggara 128.888,00 158.731,00 182.484,00 202.973,00 201.767,00

28 Gorontalo 106.333,00 91.406,00 95.872,00 51.682,00 49.062,00

29 Sulawesi Barat 87.450,00 84.872,00 79.974,00 77.773,00 74.987,00

30 Maluku 834.283,00 862.926,00 862.674,00 859.967,00 864.759,00

31 Maluku Utara 18.495,00 18.814,00 18.569,00 18.569,00 18.965,00

32 Papua Barat 2.145.010,00 2.144.922,00 2.090.056,00 2.090.023,00 2.088.016,00

33 Papua 3.183.470,00 3.155.810,00 3.157.563,00 3.155.963,00 3.155.963,00

Indonesia 15.003.359,00 14.880.526,00 14.754.249,00 14.378.586,00 14.252.383,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No. Provinsi/ProvinceTahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.1. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Aceh, 2008-2012

Table 7.1. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Aceh Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Simeulue 8.895,00 11.359,00 11.359,00 11.359,00 11.359,00

2 Kab. Aceh Singkil 5.905,00 8.988,00 8.129,00 7.825,00 9.250,00

3 Kab. Aceh Selatan - 8.540,00 9.654,00 43.824,00 17.713,00

4 Kab. Aceh Tenggara 497,00 1.869,00 998,00 780,00 874,00

5 Kab. Aceh Timur 11.739,00 18.911,00 16.479,00 70.197,00 49.993,00

6 Kab. Aceh Tengah 1.353,00 9.618,00 7.529,00 7.354,00 7.037,00

7 Kab. Aceh Barat 500,00 9.536,00 10.146,00 6.472,00 5.689,00

8 Kab. Aceh Besar 3.356,00 35.591,00 35.789,00 22.936,00 20.078,00

9 Kab. Pidie 457,00 64.812,00 17.985,00 78.599,00 75.470,00

10 Kab. Bireuen 73,00 386,00 386,00 - 1.971,00

11 Kab. Aceh Utara 1.387,00 8.604,00 8.453,00 8.219,00 10.400,00

12 Kab. Aceh Barat Daya 2.478,00 34.539,00 26.413,00 26.428,00 595,00

13 Kab. Gayo Luwes 148,00 41.730,00 41.651,00 41.489,00 172.097,00

14 Kab. Aceh Tamiang 918,00 493,00 1.679,00 3.039,00 5.385,00

15 Kab. Nagan Raya 17.316,00 76.704,00 11.362,00 16.654,00 23.633,00

16 Kab. Aceh Jaya 1.882,00 9.750,00 9.528,00 9.491,00 9.341,00

17 Kab. Bener Meriah 437,00 2.386,00 3.035,00 8.848,00 7.335,00

18 Kab. Pidie Jaya - 554,00 554,00 2.254,00 2.665,00

19 Kota Banda Aceh 130,00 - 25,00 306,00 254,00

20 Kota Sabang 100,00 456,00 241,00 241,00 231,00

21 Kota Langsa - 234,00 548,00 548,00 548,00

22 Kota Lhokseumawe - - 933,00 933,00 927,00

23 Kota Subulussalam - 27.803,00 27.589,00 22.140,00 11.496,00

Aceh 57.571,00 372.863,00 250.465,00 389.936,00 444.341,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.2. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, 2008-2012

Table 7.2. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sumatera Utara Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. N i a s 41.739,00 6.293,00 7.078,00 6.793,00 8.440,00

2 Kab. Mandailing Natal 20.107,00 20.107,00 20.107,00 20.107,00 19.887,00

3 Kab. Tapanuli Selatan 3.003,00 2.507,00 2.373,00 2.264,00 3.023,00

4 Kab. Tapanuli Tengah 21.887,00 13.687,00 13.763,00 13.642,00 13.687,00

5 Kab. Tapanuli Utara 2.804,00 2.804,00 - - 15,00

6 Kab. Toba Samosir 30.695,00 38.296,00 38.322,00 38.459,00 37.692,00

7 Kab. Labuhan Batu 10.567,00 4.549,00 4.524,00 4.524,00 4.524,00

8 Kab. Asahan 1.210,00 1.210,00 1.190,00 1.105,00 1.105,00

9 Kab. Simalungun 18.839,00 18.839,00 18.839,00 18.839,00 12.444,00

10 Kab. Dairi 7.340,00 7.340,00 7.313,00 7.313,00 7.313,00

11 Kab. K a r o 2.383,00 2.586,00 2.091,00 1.962,00 1.840,00

12 Kab. Deli Serdang 3.370,00 3.807,00 3.807,00 3.707,00 4.090,00

13 Kab. Langkat 1.951,00 2.050,00 2.023,00 1.895,00 1.895,00

14 Kab. Nias Selatan 4.694,00 5.955,00 2.700,00 2.687,00 3.081,00

15 Kab. Humbang Hasundutan 40.195,00 40.467,00 40.467,00 51.278,00 34.392,00

16 Kab. Pakpak Bharat 19.509,00 19.509,00 19.224,00 18.198,00 17.094,00

17 Kab. Samosir 37.547,00 37.547,00 38.264,00 37.921,00 37.922,00

18 Kab. Serdang Bedagai 50,00 50,00 50,00 249,00 170,00

19 Kab. Batu Bara 916,00 295,00 815,00 570,00 520,00

20 Kab. Padang Lawas Utara 26.151,00 11.790,00 13.091,00 10.609,00 3.018,00

21 Kab. Padang Lawas 25.348,00 22.361,00 22.700,00 12.137,00 18.514,00

22 Kab. Labuhan Batu Selatan - 590,00 1.046,00 1.046,00 1.046,00

23 Kab. Labuhan Batu Utara - 5.428,00 5.378,00 5.428,00 2.196,00

24 Kab. Nias Utara - 10.879,00 11.066,00 11.066,00 14.088,00

25 Kab. Nias Barat - 3.659,00 2.588,00 1.781,00 3.080,00

26 Kota Sibolga - - - - -

27 Kota Tanjung Balai 7,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 5,00

28 Kota Pematang Siantar 10,00 10,00 10,00 10,00 -

29 Kota Tebing Tinggi 27,00 16,00 27,00 8,00 4,00

30 Kota Medan 255,00 177,00 184,00 250,00 173,00

31 Kota Binjai - - - - -

32 Kota Padang Sidempuan 9,00 9,00 322,00 296,00 294,00

33 Kota Gunungsitoli - 3.000,00 4.045,00 4.657,00 2.858,00

Sumatera Utara 320.613,00 285.824,00 283.414,00 278.808,00 254.410,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.3. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, 2008-2012

Table 7.3. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sumatera Barat Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kep. Mentawai 1.655,00 63.178,00 63.178,00 56.739,00 56.219,00

2 Kab. Pesisir Selatan 16.001,00 15.592,00 15.592,00 15.340,00 15.358,00

3 Kab. Solok 36.153,00 35.914,00 35.736,00 34.396,00 33.261,00

4 Kab. Sawahlunto/Sijunjung 5.043,00 5.091,00 4.993,00 5.003,00 5.500,00

5 Kab. Tanah Datar 978,00 1.018,00 1.453,00 1.202,00 1.145,00

6 Kab. Padang Pariaman 8.072,00 8.077,00 8.043,00 8.089,00 6.598,00

7 Kab. A g a m 19.760,00 20.045,00 19.841,00 15.018,00 18.457,00

8 Kab. Lima Puluh Koto 7.832,00 7.737,00 7.830,00 7.715,00 7.099,00

9 Kab. Pasaman 26.338,00 26.170,00 26.120,00 12.065,00 8.700,00

10 Kab. Solok Selatan 60.240,00 60.240,00 59.248,00 59.145,00 59.098,00

11 Kab. Dharmasraya 73.309,00 73.179,00 69.545,00 14.646,00 8.923,00

12 Kab. Pasaman Barat 3.861,00 4.357,00 3.337,00 2.787,00 2.741,00

13 Kota Padang 119,00 137,00 328,00 655,00 641,00

14 Kota Solok 312,00 427,00 312,00 233,00 233,00

15 Kota Sawahlunto 1.764,00 1.764,00 1.762,00 1.752,00 1.752,00

16 Kota Padang Panjang 139,00 139,00 139,00 139,00 139,00

17 Kota Bukit Tinggi 24,00 24,00 24,00 24,00 13,00

18 Kota Payakumbuh 2,00 14,00 14,00 14,00 14,00

19 Kota Pariaman 37,00 15,00 - - -

Sumatera Barat 261.639,00 323.118,00 317.495,00 234.962,00 225.891,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.4. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Riau, 2008-2012

Table 7.4. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Riau Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kuantan Senggigi 39.257,00 41.130,00 40.257,00 41.564,00 40.985,00

2 Kab. Indragiri Hulu 81.715,00 81.542,00 85.446,00 85.446,00 77.263,00

3 Kab. Indragiri Hilir 22.237,00 18.497,00 16.618,00 28.635,00 28.635,00

4 Kab. Pelalawan 84.378,00 81.634,00 73.372,00 73.192,00 70.261,00

5 Kab. S i a k 64.390,00 70.685,00 65.414,00 63.419,00 83.492,00

6 Kab. Kampar 41.306,00 43.634,00 48.172,00 42.093,00 39.810,00

7 Kab. Rokan Hulu 17.986,00 17.474,00 15.151,00 14.925,00 13.952,00

8 Kab. Bengkalis 67.761,00 48.782,00 18.306,00 17.596,00 17.222,00

9 Kab. Rokan Hilir 22.196,00 21.696,00 21.568,00 19.187,00 18.824,00

10 Kab. Kepulauan Meranti - 31.628,00 33.408,00 33.421,00 33.421,00

11 Kota Pekan Baru 494,00 2.535,00 3.411,00 3.467,00 2.907,00

12 Kota Dumai 8.220,00 2.510,00 7.994,00 6.984,00 367,00

Riau 449.940,00 461.747,00 429.117,00 429.929,00 427.139,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.5. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi, 2008-2012

Table 7.5. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Jambi Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kerinci 14.743,00 9.742,00 10.511,00 9.173,00 8.514,00

2 Kab. Merangin 33.125,00 27.423,00 26.028,00 24.674,00 39.433,00

3 Kab. Sarolangun 25.309,00 24.057,00 24.974,00 20.817,00 20.581,00

4 Kab. Batang Hari 8.295,00 8.354,00 10.645,00 12.826,00 5.812,00

5 Kab. Muaro Jambi 50.783,00 26.722,00 17.706,00 16.641,00 14.030,00

6 Kab. Tjg Jabung Timur 43.551,00 50.152,00 53.310,00 31.343,00 29.793,00

7 Kab. Tjg Jabung Barat 43.956,00 22.824,00 33.712,00 34.271,00 26.056,00

8 Kab. T e b o 49.978,00 40.584,00 36.338,00 33.288,00 32.652,00

9 Kab. Bungo 101.405,00 104.158,00 74.811,00 74.811,00 74.878,00

10 Kota Jambi 677,00 629,00 685,00 685,00 762,00

11 Kota Sungai Penuh - 3.172,00 1.652,00 2.838,00 1.761,00

Jambi 371.822,00 317.817,00 290.372,00 261.367,00 254.272,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.6. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 7.6. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sumatera Selatan Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Ogan Komering Ulu 20.797,00 18.738,00 17.696,00 17.896,00 17.004,00

2 Kab. Ogan Komering Ilir 159.500,00 109.072,00 109.072,00 104.909,00 296.618,00

3 Kab. Muara Enim 65.938,00 50.667,00 51.286,00 61.841,00 37.570,00

4 Kab. Lahat 16.023,00 36.657,00 34.257,00 36.449,00 52.056,00

5 Kab. Musi Rawas 136.988,00 111.613,00 118.338,00 124.318,00 108.329,00

6 Kab. Musi Banyuasin 109.461,00 109.049,00 45.537,00 49.325,00 62.801,00

7 Kab. Banyuasin 101.082,00 95.951,00 95.951,00 80.405,00 63.738,00

8 Kab. OKU Selatan 88.834,00 80.807,00 66.053,00 60.464,00 38.185,00

9 Kab. OKU Timur 16.629,00 17.618,00 15.140,00 12.013,00 7.158,00

10 Kab. Ogan Ilir 6.120,00 5.732,00 6.116,00 3.729,00 26.704,00

11 Kab. Empat Lawang 10.467,00 10.624,00 10.624,00 9.736,00 4.008,00

12 Kota Palembang 2.124,00 2.643,00 2.643,00 2.678,00 2.663,00

13 Kota Prabumulih 727,00 1.858,00 3.292,00 1.490,00 687,00

14 Kota Pagar Alam 1.053,00 1.051,00 1.051,00 1.096,00 1.074,00

15 Kota Lubuk Linggau 2.210,00 2.153,00 2.153,00 3.851,00 1.543,00

Sumatera Selatan 737.953,00 654.233,00 579.209,00 570.200,00 720.138,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.7. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bengkulu, 2008-2012

Table 7.7. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Bengkulu Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bengkulu Selatan 29.917,00 17.317,00 10.022,00 9.391,00 16.341,00

2 Kab. Rejang Lebong 5.175,00 3.632,00 3.835,00 3.769,00 3.742,00

3 Kab. Bengkulu Utara 53.439,00 27.083,00 26.807,00 26.076,00 26.054,00

4 Kab. K a u r 45.575,00 37.346,00 35.255,00 25.787,00 22.434,00

5 Kab. Seluma 17.058,00 23.647,00 12.876,00 12.179,00 12.159,00

6 Kab. Muko Muko 124.792,00 9.507,00 113.537,00 7.124,00 5.411,00

7 Kab. Lebang 33.692,00 21.802,00 7.454,00 4.672,00 5.157,00

8 Kab. Kepahiang 1.482,00 2.022,00 1.266,00 1.270,00 1.189,00

9 Bengkulu Tengah - 7.269,00 8.169,00 8.114,00 5.138,00

10 Kota Bengkulu 450,00 732,00 561,00 614,00 474,00

Bengkulu 311.580,00 150.357,00 219.782,00 98.996,00 98.099,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.8. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota

di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, 2008-2012

Table 7.8. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bangka 36.523,00 36.236,00 19.599,00 25.682,00 18.771,00

2 Kab. Belitung 7.426,00 12.685,00 8.486,00 2.511,00 1.076,00

3 Kab. Bangka Barat 17.722,00 8.562,00 8.559,00 12.335,00 29.105,00

4 Kab. Bangka Tengah 29.201,00 40.464,00 30.918,00 32.047,00 32.047,00

5 Kab. Bangka Selatan 12.000,00 35.248,00 35.411,00 35.244,00 35.002,00

6 Kab. Belitung Timur 7.852,00 1.070,00 5.663,00 5.430,00 6.105,00

7 Kota Pangkal Pinang 1.295,00 322,00 322,00 317,00 203,00

Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 112.019,00 134.587,00 108.958,00 113.566,00 122.309,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.9. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Lampung, 2008-2012

Table 7.9. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Lampung Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Lampung Barat 17.857,00 13.667,00 9.722,00 14.006,00 2.082,00

2 Kab. Tanggamus 2.529,00 7.700,00 4.827,00 1.183,00 2.407,00

3 Kab. Lampung Selatan 480,00 480,00 480,00 480,00 -

4 Kab. Lampung Timur 827,00 781,00 1.229,00 606,00 1.116,00

5 Kab. Lampung Tengah 3.852,00 2.106,00 2.094,00 736,00 -

6 Kab. Lampung Utara 1.920,00 1.133,00 2.101,00 1.184,00 1.168,00

7 Kab. Way Kanan 19.115,00 19.207,00 18.407,00 18.474,00 13.610,00

8 Kab. Tulang Bawang 37.241,00 38.507,00 6.695,00 1.885,00 3.488,00

9 Kab. Pesawaran 80,00 80,00 65,00 1.000,00 80,00

10 Kab. Pringsewu - - 3.737,00 3.737,00 3.737,00

11 Kab. Mesuji - - 6.530,00 2.050,00 2.064,00

12 Kab. Tulangbawang Barat - - 3.699,00 3.679,00 3.400,00

13 Pesisir Barat 11.345,00

14 Kota Bandar Lampung 1.087,00 860,00 708,00 668,00 510,00

15 Kota Metro - - - 8,00 -

Lampung 84.988,00 84.521,00 60.294,00 49.696,00 45.007,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.10. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, 2008-2012

Table 7.10. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Kepulauan Riau Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Karimun 28.102,00 26.496,00 26.166,00 26.166,00 28.487,00

2 Kab. Bintan 21.697,00 20.897,00 20.897,00 20.897,00 31.997,00

3 Kab. Natuna 25.045,00 16.958,00 16.948,00 16.881,00 23.054,00

4 Kab. Lingga 90.404,00 87.935,00 87.935,00 87.935,00 62.068,00

5 Kab. Kepulauan Anambas 2.945,00 2.945,00 2.805,00 8.134,00 8.134,00

6 Kota Batam 1.809,00 1.735,00 1.693,00 1.693,00 1.693,00

7 Kota Tanjung Pinang 408,00 4.299,00 4.101,00 4.101,00 4.101,00

170.410,00 161.265,00 160.545,00 165.807,00 159.534,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures


Kep. Riau

Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.11. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi DKI. Jakarta, 2008-2012

Table 7.11. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in DKI. Jakarta Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kepulauan Seribu - - - - -

2 Kota Jakarta Selatan - 9,00 9,00 9,00 -

3 Kota Jakarta Timur - - 111,00 111,00 15,00

4 Kota Jakarta Pusat - - - - -

5 Kota Jakarta Barat - - - - -

6 Kota Jakarta Utara - - 15,00 15,00 -

DKI Jakarta - 9,00 135,00 135,00 15,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.12. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat, 2008-2012

Table 7.12. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Jawa Barat Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bogor 955,00 699,00 507,00 1.491,00 1.459,00

2 Kab. Sukabumi 510,00 429,00 499,00 1.049,00 119,00

3 Kab. Cianjur 1.648,00 1.660,00 1.832,00 1.833,00 1.833,00

4 Kab. Bandung 168,00 63,00 8,00 92,00 434,00

5 Kab. Garut 288,00 20,00 20,00 60,00 238,00

6 Kab. Tasikmalaya 4.081,00 2.529,00 1.507,00 1.455,00 1.401,00

7 Kab. Ciamis 217,00 138,00 72,00 72,00 4.639,00

8 Kab. Kuningan - - - - 197,00

9 Kab. Cirebon - - - - 3,00

10 Kab. Majalengka 46,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00

11 Kab. Sumedang 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 -

12 Kab. Indramayu 184,00 - - - -

13 Kab. Subang 1.731,00 1.764,00 940,00 1.071,00 198,00

14 Kab. Purwakarta 76,00 76,00 76,00 76,00 213,00

15 Kab. Karawang 841,00 428,00 428,00 226,00 624,00

16 Kab. Bekasi 1.397,00 1.236,00 1.236,00 1.236,00 1.236,00

17 Kab. Bandung Barat 250,00 2.245,00 181,00 181,00 181,00

18 Kota Bogor - - - - 27,00

19 Kota Sukabumi - - - - -

20 Kota Bandung - 34,00 - 185,00 118,00

21 Kota Cirebon 53,00 53,00 32,00 25,00 17,00

22 Kota Bekasi - - - - -

23 Kota Depok 28,00 1.559,00 1.554,00 1.497,00 465,00

24 Kota Cimahi - - - - -

25 Kota Tasikmalaya 9,00 - 7,00 15,00 15,00

26 Kota Banjar - - - - -

Jawa Barat 12.487,00 12.966,00 8.932,00 10.597,00 13.445,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.13. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 7.13. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Jawa Tengah Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Cilacap 211,00 211,00 148,00 136,00 136,00

2 Kab. Banyumas 8,00 - - - 5,00

3 Kab. Purbalingga 16,00 16,00 16,00 - 16,00

4 Kab. Banjarnegara - - 2,00 2,00 33,00

5 Kab. Kebumen 133,00 181,00 231,00 231,00 231,00

6 Kab. Purworejo 18,00 18,00 18,00 18,00 16,00

7 Kab. Wonosobo - - - - -

8 Kab. Magelang - - - - 107,00

9 Kab. Boyolali - - - - -

10 Kab. Klaten - - - - -

11 Kab. Sukoharjo - - - - -

12 Kab. Wonogiri 83,00 30,00 85,00 135,00 122,00

13 Kab. Karanganyar - - - - 4,00

14 Kab. Sragen - - - - -

15 Kab. Grobogan - - - - 1,00

16 Kab. Blora - - - - -

17 Kab. Rembang 7,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00

18 Kab. P a t i - - - - 110,00

19 Kab. Kudus 72,00 16,00 - - 2,00

20 Kab. Jepara 325,00 325,00 325,00 324,00 324,00

21 Kab. Demak - - - - -

22 Kab. Semarang 5,00 - - 5,00 2,00

23 Kab. Temanggung - - - - -

24 Kab. Kendal - 52,00 52,00 - -

25 Kab. Batang - - - - -

26 Kab. Pekalongan 9,00 9,00 5,00 24,00 67,00

27 Kab. Pemalang 120,00 - - - 52,00

28 Kab. Tegal - - - - -

29 Kab. Brebes 185,00 185,00 45,00 37,00 11,00

30 Kota Magelang - - - - 3,00

31 Kota Surakarta - - - - -

32 Kota Salatiga - - - - -

33 Kota Semarang 580,00 580,00 510,00 24,00 19,00

34 Kota Pekalongan - - 36,00 - -

35 Kota Tegal - - - - -

Jawa Tengah 1.772,00 1.628,00 1.478,00 941,00 1.266,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.14. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta, 2008-2012

Table 7.14. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in DI. Yogyakarta Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kulon Progo 611,00 544,00 483,00 696,00 483,00

2 Kab. Bantul - - - - -

3 Kab. Gunung Kidul 535,00 535,00 535,00 335,00 312,00

4 Kab. Sleman - - - 2,00 -

5 Kota Yogyakarta 1,00 - - - -

D.I. Yogyakarta 1.147,00 1.079,00 1.018,00 1.033,00 795,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.15. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Timur, 2008-2012

Table 7.15. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Jawa Timur Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pacitan - - - - -

2 Kab. Ponorogo - - - - -

3 Kab. Trenggalek - - - - -

4 Kab. Tulungagung 121,00 121,00 258,00 252,00 194,00

5 Kab. Blitar 124,00 124,00 124,00 124,00 741,00

6 Kab. Kediri 3,00 2,00 - - -

7 Kab. Malang 1.370,00 639,00 - - -

8 Kab. Lumajang - - - - -

9 Kab. Jember - - - - -

10 Kab. Banyuwangi 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 12,00

11 Kab. Bondowoso - - - - -

12 Kab. Situbondo 516,00 516,00 129,00 143,00 274,00

13 Kab. Probolinggo 4.196,00 51,00 51,00 30,00 33,00

14 Kab. Pasuruan - 10,00 15,00 15,00 -

15 Kab. Sidoarjo 12,00 23,00 281,00 278,00 280,00

16 Kab. Mojokerto - 35,00 35,00 35,00 35,00

17 Kab. Jombang 188,00 - - - -

18 Kab. Nganjuk - 155,00 - - -

19 Kab. Madiun - - - - -

20 Kab. Magetan - - - - -

21 Kab. Ngawi 145,00 145,00 4,00 3,00 4,00

22 Kab. Bojonegoro - - - - 14,00

23 Kab. Tuban 51,00 51,00 51,00 51,00 50,00

24 Kab. Lamongan - - - - -

25 Kab. Gresik 2.335,00 2.541,00 2.525,00 2.490,00 2.427,00

26 Kab. Bangkalan 3.442,00 3.292,00 3.172,00 3.172,00 2.237,00

27 Kab. Sampang 2.251,00 2.251,00 2.251,00 2.251,00 2.251,00

28 Kab. Pamekasan - - - - -

29 Kab. Sumenep 1.483,00 1.483,00 1.551,00 1.387,00 1.370,00

30 Kota Kediri - - - - -

31 Kota Blitar - - - - -

32 Kota Malang 3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00

33 Kota Probolinggo - - - - 2,00

34 Kota Pasuruan 8,00 8,00 8,00 8,00 184,00

35 Kota Mojokerto - - - - -

36 Kota Madiun - - - - -

37 Kota Surabaya 394,00 336,00 353,00 570,00 363,00

38 Kota Batu - - - - -

Jawa Timur 16.644,00 11.788,00 10.813,00 10.814,00 10.474,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.16. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Banten, 2008-2012

Table 7.16. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Banten Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Pandeglang 4.694,00 2.657,00 2.142,00 5.280,00 4.077,00

2 Kab. Lebak 12.787,00 11.415,00 17.853,00 5.820,00 6.232,00

3 Kab. Tangerang 2.370,00 2.342,00 841,00 - -

4 Kab. Serang 1.618,00 1.464,00 2.413,00 1.423,00 1.328,00

5 Kota Tangerang 325,00 204,00 305,00 335,00 316,00

6 Kota Cilegon 1.138,00 1.326,00 1.311,00 1.923,00 1.914,00

7 Kota Serang 355,00 208,00 188,00 184,00 164,00

8 Kota Tangerang Selatan - 28,00 284,00 230,00 343,00

Banten 23.287,00 19.644,00 25.337,00 15.195,00 14.374,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.17. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bali, 2008-2012

Table 7.17. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Bali Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Jembrana 112,00 - - - -

2 Kab. Tabanan 24,00 24,00 24,00 24,00 24,00

3 Kab. Badung 34,00 4,00 229,00 231,00 231,00

4 Kab. Gianyar - - - - -

5 Kab. Klungkung - - - - -

6 Kab. Bangli - - - - -

7 Kab. Karang Asem - - - 716,00 216,00

8 Kab. Buleleng 95,00 92,00 92,00 85,00 77,00

9 Kota Denpasar - - - - -

Bali 265,00 120,00 345,00 1.056,00 548,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.18. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, 2008-2012

Table 7.18. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Lombok Barat 113,00 - - - -

2 Kab. Lombok Tengah - - - - -

3 Kab. Lombok Timur 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 -

4 Kab. Sumbawa 25.937,00 26.105,00 26.067,00 24.911,00 16.569,00

5 Kab. Dompu 3.240,00 3.240,00 3.630,00 3.103,00 2.336,00

6 Kab. B i m a 22.103,00 21.597,00 22.588,00 22.521,00 17.202,00

7 Kab. Sumbawa Barat 2.407,00 2.407,00 2.407,00 2.307,00 2.307,00

8 Kab. Lombok Utara - - - - -

9 Kota Mataram - - - - -

10 Kota Bima 157,00 148,00 148,00 148,00 148,00

Nusa Tenggara Barat 53.977,00 53.517,00 54.860,00 53.010,00 38.562,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.19. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, 2008-2012

Table 7.19. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Sumba Barat 7.690,00 7.745,00 7.797,00 7.797,00 7.778,00

2 Kab. Sumba Timur 127.450,00 127.359,00 127.193,00 127.193,00 127.108,00

3 Kab. Kupang 116.329,00 112.669,00 101.500,00 101.505,00 101.505,00

4 Kab. Timor Tengah Selatan 51.232,00 51.846,00 51.833,00 51.962,00 51.943,00

5 Kab. Timor Tengah Utara 50.658,00 38.023,00 38.010,00 38.010,00 21.580,00

6 Kab. B e l u 57.126,00 58.369,00 58.353,00 54.436,00 54.436,00

7 Kab. A l o r 69.992,00 69.890,00 69.882,00 69.882,00 112.866,00

8 Kab. Lembata 20.939,00 19.763,00 19.758,00 19.758,00 12.406,00

9 Kab. Flores Timur 32.816,00 32.795,00 32.786,00 32.778,00 32.758,00

10 Kab. Sikka 21.614,00 21.598,00 21.598,00 21.598,00 21.564,00

11 Kab. E n d e 27.700,00 30.259,00 30.254,00 46.024,00 54.204,00

12 Kab. Ngada 8.100,00 7.964,00 8.325,00 8.325,00 8.320,00

13 Kab. Manggarai 29.904,00 25.750,00 25.749,00 25.749,00 25.742,00

14 Kab. Rote Ndao 13.223,00 13.206,00 13.201,00 13.224,00 13.224,00

15 Kab. Manggarai Barat 56.624,00 34.742,00 34.736,00 34.736,00 31.831,00

16 Kab. Sumba Tengah 19.441,00 16.333,00 16.376,00 19.437,00 19.439,00

17 Kab. Sumba Barat Daya 16.335,00 19.440,00 19.437,00 16.376,00 16.369,00

18 Kab. Nagekeo 19.131,00 4.533,00 4.532,00 4.532,00 -

19 Kab. Manggarai Timur 52.020,00 52.245,00 52.241,00 52.241,00 33.189,00

20 Kab. Sabu Raijua - - 11.173,00 11.173,00 11.165,00

21 Kota Kupang 2.726,00 2.551,00 2.516,00 2.350,00 1.638,00

801.050,00 747.080,00 747.250,00 759.086,00 759.065,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures


Nusa Tenggara Timur

Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.20. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, 2008-2012

Table 7.20. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Barat Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Sambas 42.196,00 37.267,00 36.055,00 36.851,00 33.700,00

2 Kab. Bengkayang 56.893,00 53.411,00 51.914,00 49.545,00 44.808,00

3 Kab. Landak 57.091,00 63.214,00 91.311,00 37.249,00 29.360,00

4 Kab. Pontianak 1.975,00 1.847,00 1.561,00 1.322,00 1.429,00

5 Kab. Sanggau 319.280,00 297.775,00 297.585,00 273.033,00 268.851,00

6 Kab. Ketapang 28.450,00 31.326,00 31.748,00 30.664,00 29.251,00

7 Kab. Sintang 194.357,00 193.867,00 141.443,00 138.473,00 140.931,00

8 Kab. Kapuas Hulu 672.115,00 394.632,00 404.703,00 335.156,00 323.479,00

9 Kab. Sekadau 136.889,00 134.960,00 100.654,00 100.911,00 98.336,00

10 Kab. Melawi 40.942,00 114.051,00 182.784,00 181.705,00 143.105,00

11 Kab. Kayong Utara 2.724,00 562,00 460,00 460,00 347,00

12 Kab. Kubu Raya 47.929,00 20.895,00 24.187,00 9.807,00 13.143,00

13 Kota Pontianak 418,00 351,00 353,00 306,00 294,00

14 Kota Singkawang 3.457,00 3.456,00 2.930,00 2.296,00 2.291,00

Kalimantan Barat 1.604.716,00 1.347.614,00 1.367.688,00 1.197.778,00 1.129.325,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.21. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 7.21. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Tengah Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Kotawaringin Barat 18.952,00 17.959,00 40.526,00 42.548,00 43.969,00

2 Kab. Kotawaringin Timur 79.517,00 91.951,00 83.209,00 67.265,00 55.790,00

3 Kab. Kapuas 178.981,00 162.409,00 163.008,00 163.904,00 166.513,00

4 Kab. Barito Selatan 68.610,00 24.236,00 58.060,00 81.340,00 117.507,00

5 Kab. Barito Utara 34.059,00 33.484,00 29.305,00 28.956,00 28.784,00

6 Kab. Sukamara 665,00 17.808,00 26.726,00 46.121,00 45.984,00

7 Kab. Lamandau 69.335,00 73.311,00 64.105,00 46.850,00 46.370,00

8 Kab. Seruyan 162.855,00 144.731,00 489.038,00 478.289,00 476.284,00

9 Kab. Katingan 182.691,00 182.691,00 183.038,00 255.979,00 142.725,00

10 Kab. Pulang Pisau 22.060,00 21.671,00 36.968,00 57.099,00 56.808,00

11 Kab. Gunung Mas 41.608,00 32.626,00 32.217,00 32.212,00 32.212,00

12 Kab. Barito Timur 30.783,00 31.799,00 33.125,00 34.882,00 29.843,00

13 Kab. Murung Raya 60.758,00 61.604,00 45.654,00 75.722,00 94.160,00

14 Kota Palangka Raya 13.756,00 15.006,00 15.006,00 3.238,00 13.522,00

Kalimantan Tengah 964.630,00 911.286,00 1.299.985,00 1.414.405,00 1.350.471,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.22. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 7.22. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Selatan Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Tanah Laut 20.450,00 14.954,00 15.056,00 14.565,00 10.329,00

2 Kab. Kota Baru 14.336,00 13.365,00 12.365,00 12.365,00 12.365,00

3 Kab. Banjar 38.301,00 36.819,00 35.235,00 35.334,00 34.814,00

4 Kab. Barito Kuala 14.974,00 13.393,00 8.590,00 8.631,00 7.804,00

5 Kab. Tapin 12.771,00 12.233,00 12.445,00 12.445,00 7.853,00

6 Kab. Hulu Sungai Selatan 12.783,00 15.152,00 15.152,00 15.152,00 15.195,00

7 Kab. Hulu Sungai Tengah 13.214,00 13.325,00 12.960,00 12.793,00 13.126,00

8 Kab. Hulu Sungai Utara 621,00 621,00 621,00 621,00 1.676,00

9 Kab. Tabalong 29.048,00 28.848,00 28.848,00 28.848,00 28.848,00

10 Kab. Tanah Bumbu 17.875,00 17.670,00 16.652,00 14.195,00 15.943,00

11 Kab. Balangan 12.068,00 11.458,00 9.406,00 8.971,00 8.971,00

12 Kota Banjarmasin 25,00 18,00 12,00 35,00 22,00

13 Kota Banjar Baru 1.636,00 2.015,00 4.428,00 4.036,00 4.036,00

Kalimantan Selatan 188.102,00 179.871,00 171.770,00 167.991,00 160.982,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.23. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, 2008-2012

Table 7.23. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Kalimantan Timur Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Paser 27.322,00 27.982,00 25.815,00 29.914,00 26.449,00

2 Kab. Kutai Barat 498.492,00 495.613,00 524.741,00 482.817,00 382.278,00

3 Kab. Kutai 286.164,00 301.061,00 296.333,00 291.440,00 283.610,00

4 Kab. Kutai Timur 162.296,00 194.263,00 149.038,00 110.264,00 77.751,00

5 Kab. Berau 105.287,00 107.001,00 107.340,00 98.005,00 97.538,00

6 Kab. Malinau 17.431,00 52.743,00 49.473,00 49.473,00 49.450,00

7 Kab. Bulongan 67.520,00 66.252,00 64.609,00 63.909,00 63.611,00

8 Kab. Nunukan 13.353,00 121.667,00 13.668,00 13.044,00 7.333,00

9 Kab. Penajam Pasir Utara 15.520,00 13.954,00 13.473,00 13.473,00 16.008,00

10 Kab. Tana Tidung - 3.628,00 8.514,00 2.476,00 2.476,00

11 Kota Balikpapan 3.422,00 3.618,00 3.718,00 4.030,00 5.638,00

12 Kota Samarinda 9.558,00 3.845,00 4.145,00 4.132,00 5.718,00

13 Kota Tarakan 1.234,00 1.072,00 379,00 309,00 686,00

14 Kota Bontang - - - 74,00 74,00

Kalimantan Timur 1.207.599,00 1.392.699,00 1.261.246,00 1.163.360,00 1.018.620,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.24. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, 2008-2012

Table 7.24. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Utara Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow 10.163,00 4.706,00 4.706,00 466,00 466,00

2 Kab. Minahasa 7.264,00 7.264,00 7.264,00 7.264,00 7.264,00

3 Kab. Kep. Sangihe Talaud 1.330,00 1.330,00 1.330,00 100,00 88,00

4 Kab. Kep. Talaud 1.059,00 1.059,00 1.059,00 217,00 217,00

5 Kab. Minahasa Selatan 10.195,00 10.195,00 10.195,00 7.779,00 7.779,00

6 Kab. Minahasa Utara 1.348,00 1.348,00 1.348,00 1.348,00 1.348,00

7 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Utara 6.281,00 6.281,00 6.281,00 6.208,00 6.208,00

8 Kab. Kep. Sitaro 2.224,00 2.224,00 2.224,00 119,00 119,00

9 Kab. Minahasa Tenggara 6.148,00 6.148,00 6.148,00 6.149,00 6.149,00

10 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Selatan - 4.361,00 4.361,00 4.375,00 4.375,00

11 Kab. Bolaang Mongondow Timur - 1.096,00 1.096,00 1.092,00 1.092,00

12 Kota Manado 684,00 684,00 684,00 684,00 684,00

13 Kota Bitung 699,00 699,00 699,00 493,00 493,00

14 Kota Tomohon 199,00 199,00 199,00 143,00 143,00

15 Kota Kotamobagu 601,00 601,00 601,00 52,00 52,00

48.195,00 48.195,00 48.195,00 36.489,00 36.477,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures


Sulawesi Utara

Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.25. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, 2008-2012

Table 7.25. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tengah Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Banggai Kepulauan 69.362,00 56.977,00 60.807,00 60.369,00 59.869,00

2 Kab. Banggai 150.904,00 141.222,00 154.156,00 141.920,00 141.188,00

3 Kab. Morowali 144.454,00 144.454,00 122.333,00 54.005,00 34.482,00

4 Kab. P o s o 47.366,00 47.366,00 10.866,00 12.316,00 11.358,00

5 Kab. Donggala 66.298,00 45.307,00 17.496,00 29.191,00 38.557,00

6 Kab. Toli Toli 9.518,00 17.597,00 14.626,00 14.726,00 18.444,00

7 Kab. B u o l 34.686,00 29.650,00 12.646,00 13.893,00 27.581,00

8 Kab. Parigi Moutong 19.831,00 22.797,00 28.855,00 27.028,00 60.620,00

9 Kab. Tojo Una-Una 64.956,00 64.956,00 34.941,00 29.891,00 -

10 Kab. Sigi - 20.991,00 20.991,00 19.786,00 17.092,00

11 Kota Palu 3.849,00 9.006,00 3.884,00 4.026,00 1.877,00

Sulawesi Tengah 611.224,00 600.323,00 481.601,00 407.151,00 411.068,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.26. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, 2008-2012

Table 7.26. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Selatan Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Selayar 5.687,00 4.381,00 4.352,00 4.356,00 4.621,00

2 Kab. Bulukumba 20,00 314,00 314,00 164,00 184,00

3 Kab. Bantaeng 17,00 17,00 17,00 13,00 43,00

4 Kab. Jeneponto 187,00 148,00 644,00 93,00 2.088,00

5 Kab. Takalar 500,00 500,00 500,00 500,00 823,00

6 Kab. G o w a 4.090,00 5.559,00 5.577,00 5.561,00 5.637,00

7 Kab. Sinjai 27,00 27,00 27,00 27,00 44,00

8 Kab. Maros 3.841,00 3.832,00 3.785,00 3.832,00 3.775,00

9 Kab. Pangkajene Kepulauan 1.142,00 1.091,00 1.090,00 1.003,00 1.031,00

10 Kab. Barru 909,00 910,00 909,00 809,00 809,00

11 Kab. B o n e 10.687,00 10.735,00 10.735,00 10.735,00 30.056,00

12 Kab. Soppeng 7.209,00 7.189,00 1.669,00 2.457,00 2.905,00

13 Kab. W a j o 4.692,00 5.733,00 11.347,00 10.822,00 4.756,00

14 Kab. Sidenreng Rappang 1.452,00 3.843,00 3.714,00 3.374,00 4.161,00

15 Kab. Pinrang 2.035,00 635,00 635,00 411,00 392,00

16 Kab. Enrekang 994,00 1.004,00 995,00 553,00 480,00

17 Kab. L u w u 10.567,00 10.398,00 10.885,00 12.139,00 10.882,00

18 Kab. Tana Toraja 113,00 - 225,00 2.127,00 2.127,00

19 Kab. Luwu Utara 28.872,00 28.766,00 25.871,00 27.005,00 23.304,00

20 Kab. Luwu Timur 1.168,00 2.220,00 1.173,00 1.326,00 1.286,00

21 Kab. Toraja Utara - - 697,00 430,00 1.238,00

22 Kota Makassar 194,00 194,00 194,00 194,00 194,00

23 Kota Pare Pare - - - - -

24 Kota Palopo 1.397,00 1.398,00 1.398,00 1.397,00 1.401,00

Sulawesi Selatan 85.800,00 88.894,00 86.753,00 89.328,00 102.237,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.27. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, 2008-2012

Table 7.27. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Tenggara Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Buton 28.860,00 32.846,00 26.561,00 24.495,00 24.805,00

2 Muna 25.010,00 42.514,00 53.002,00 51.082,00 49.362,00

3 Konawe 15.859,00 15.859,00 34.293,00 61.414,00 61.381,00

4 Kolaka 8.700,00 7.410,00 7.669,00 5.262,00 4.119,00

5 Konawe Selatan 18.287,00 16.376,00 16.376,00 18.263,00 17.379,00

6 Bombana 4.975,00 9.550,00 8.767,00 8.766,00 6.348,00

7 Wakatobi 6.096,00 6.273,00 7.525,00 5.868,00 6.025,00

8 Kolaka Utara 2.061,00 1.494,00 203,00 104,00 275,00

9 Buton Utara 2.615,00 8.662,00 8.662,00 8.662,00 8.586,00

10 Konawe Utara 14.884,00 14.884,00 14.864,00 14.864,00 20.252,00

11 Kota Kendari 1.186,00 2.608,00 3.209,00 2.840,00 2.840,00

12 Kota Bau-Bau 355,00 255,00 1.353,00 1.353,00 395,00

128.888,00 158.731,00 182.484,00 202.973,00 201.767,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures


Sulawesi Tenggara

Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.28. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Gorontalo, 2008-2012

Table 7.28. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Gorontalo Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Boalemo 7.077,00 7.445,00 7.014,00 5.015,00 4.932,00

2 Kab. Gorontalo 28.191,00 26.931,00 27.083,00 7.534,00 7.478,00

3 Kab. Pohuwato 53.882,00 39.943,00 43.205,00 24.535,00 24.324,00

4 Kab. Bone Bolango 7.192,00 7.192,00 7.192,00 6.272,00 4.839,00

5 Kab. Gorontalo Utara 9.571,00 9.475,00 10.958,00 7.906,00 7.482,00

6 Kota Gorontalo 420,00 420,00 420,00 420,00 7,00

Gorontalo 106.333,00 91.406,00 95.872,00 51.682,00 49.062,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.29. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, 2008-2012

Table 7.29. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Sulawesi Barat Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Majene 2.374,00 2.178,00 2.588,00 2.588,00 2.633,00

2 Kab. Polewali Mamasa 2.348,00 2.331,00 563,00 563,00 6.080,00

3 Kab. Mamasa 46.175,00 43.095,00 40.254,00 36.228,00 28.017,00

4 Kab. Mamuju 32.413,00 29.830,00 32.065,00 33.415,00 33.139,00

5 Kab. Mamuju Utara 4.140,00 7.438,00 4.504,00 4.979,00 5.118,00

Sulawesi Barat 87.450,00 84.872,00 79.974,00 77.773,00 74.987,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.30. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku, 2008-2012

Table 7.30. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Maluku Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Maluku Tenggara Barat 135.245,00 135.236,00 135.235,00 135.225,00 135.217,00

2 Kab. Maluku Tenggara 34.016,00 34.004,00 33.992,00 33.986,00 33.985,00

3 Kab. Maluku Tengah 156.478,00 159.578,00 159.381,00 158.095,00 156.283,00

4 Kab. B u r u 44.361,00 51.152,00 51.147,00 50.489,00 49.983,00

5 Kab. Kepulauan Aru 129.856,00 129.841,00 129.827,00 129.820,00 129.813,00

6 Kab. Seram Bagian Barat 25.163,00 25.476,00 25.478,00 25.440,00 25.401,00

7 Kab. Seram Bagian Timur 26.667,00 26.073,00 26.070,00 25.585,00 24.194,00

8 Kab. Maluku Barat Daya 128.423,00 128.415,00 128.408,00 128.200,00 136.766,00

9 Kab. Buru Selatan 109.865,00 128.955,00 128.950,00 128.945,00 128.941,00

10 Kota Ambon 4.640,00 4.635,00 4.633,00 4.632,00 4.630,00

11 Tual 39.569,00 39.561,00 39.553,00 39.550,00 39.546,00

Maluku 834.283,00 862.926,00 862.674,00 859.967,00 864.759,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.31. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Maluku Utara, 2008-2012

Table 7.31. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Maluku Utara Province, 2008-2012



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Halmahera Barat 467,00 527,00 527,00 527,00 527,00

2 Kab. Halmahera Tengah 4.967,00 4.967,00 4.884,00 4.884,00 5.004,00

3 Kab. Kepulauan Sula 625,00 625,00 665,00 665,00 665,00

4 Kab. Halmahera Selatan 1.420,00 1.520,00 1.520,00 1.520,00 1.567,00

5 Kab. Halmahera Utara 3.522,00 3.522,00 3.522,00 3.522,00 2.031,00

6 Kab. Halmahera Timur 4.074,00 4.233,00 4.033,00 4.033,00 4.275,00

7 Kab. Pulau Morotai - - - - 1.479,00

8 Kota Ternate 3.030,00 3.030,00 3.028,00 3.028,00 3.028,00

9 Kota Tidore Kepulauan 390,00 390,00 390,00 390,00 389,00

Maluku Utara 18.495,00 18.814,00 18.569,00 18.569,00 18.965,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.32. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua Barat, 2008-2012

Table 7.32. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Papua Barat Province, 2007 - 2011



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Fakfak 227.507,00 227.507,00 227.507,00 227.507,00 227.417,00

2 Kab. Kaimana 8.213,00 8.213,00 8.213,00 8.213,00 8.213,00

3 Kab. Teluk Wondama 1.516,00 1.516,00 465,00 465,00 464,00

4 Kab. Teluk Bintuni 59.983,00 59.895,00 6.080,00 6.074,00 5.617,00

5 Kab. Manokwari 10.822,00 10.822,00 10.822,00 10.822,00 10.806,00

6 Kab. Sorong Selatan 1.261.049,00 1.147.978,00 1.147.978,00 1.147.978,00 1.147.969,00

7 Kab. Sorong 359.953,00 359.828,00 359.828,00 359.828,00 359.828,00

8 Kab. Raja Ampat 213.906,00 213.906,00 213.906,00 213.906,00 213.906,00

9 Kab. Tambrauw - 125,00 125,00 125,00 125,00

10 Kab. Maybrat - 113.071,00 113.071,00 113.071,00 113.072,00

11 Kota Sorong 2.061,00 2.061,00 2.061,00 2.034,00 599,00

Papua Barat 2.145.010,00 2.144.922,00 2.090.056,00 2.090.023,00 2.088.016,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

Tabel 7.33. Luas Lahan Yang Sementara Tidak Diusahakan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua, 2008-2012

Table 7.33. Area of Temporarily Unused Land by District/Municipality in Papua Province, 2007 - 2011



District/Municipality 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

1 Kab. Merauke - 1.480,00 1.480,00 1.480,00 1.480,00

2 Kab. Jayawijaya 501.325,00 501.325,00 501.563,00 501.563,00 501.563,00

3 Kab. Jayapura 503,00 503,00 553,00 553,00 553,00

4 Kab. Nabire 379,00 379,00 339,00 139,00 139,00

5 Kab. Yapen Waropen 11.712,00 11.712,00 11.712,00 11.712,00 11.712,00

6 Kab. Biak Numfor 11.712,00 11.712,00 11.712,00 11.712,00 11.712,00

7 Kab. Paniai 258.062,00 258.062,00 258.062,00 258.062,00 258.062,00

8 Kab. Puncak Jaya 29.202,00 29.202,00 29.202,00 29.152,00 29.152,00

9 Kab. Mimika 96.008,00 66.868,00 69.092,00 68.942,00 68.942,00

10 Kab. Boven Digoel 141.147,00 141.147,00 141.147,00 141.047,00 141.047,00

11 Kab. Mappi 251.208,00 251.208,00 251.008,00 250.708,00 250.708,00

12 Kab. Asmat 5.461,00 5.461,00 5.461,00 5.461,00 5.461,00

13 Kab. Yahukimo 675.068,00 675.068,00 675.068,00 674.968,00 674.968,00

14 Kab. Pegunungan Bintang 505.634,00 505.634,00 505.634,00 505.534,00 505.534,00

15 Kab. Tolikara 339.567,00 339.567,00 339.567,00 339.367,00 339.367,00

16 Kab. Sarmi 212.206,00 212.206,00 212.206,00 212.206,00 212.206,00

17 Kab. Keerom 125.852,00 125.852,00 125.341,00 124.941,00 124.941,00

18 Kab. Waropen 18.416,00 18.416,00 18.416,00 18.416,00 18.416,00

19 Kota Jayapura 8,00 8,00 - - -

Papua 3.183.470,00 3.155.810,00 3.157.563,00 3.155.963,00 3.155.963,00

Sumber : BPS

Source : BPS

Keterangan : *) Angka sementara

Note : *) Preliminary figures

No.Tahun / Year


Statistik Lahan Pertanian | Statistics of Agricultural Land 2013

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