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  • 8/10/2019 SSP-MT-22 DOC.docx




    In communication systems, aduplex communication system is a point-to-point

    system composed of two connected parties or devices that can communicate

    with one another in both directions, simultaneously. An example of a duplex

    device is a telephone. The people at both ends of a telephone call can speak at

    the same time; the earphone can reproduce the speech of the other person as

    the microphone transmits the speech of the local person, because there is a

    two-way communication channel between them.

    Duplex systems are employed in many communications networks, either to

    allow for a communication "two-way street" between two connected parties or

    to provide a "reverse path" for the monitoring and remote adjustment of

    equipment in the field.

    Systems that do not need the duplex capability use instead simplex

    communication in which one device transmits and the others just "listen."

    Examples are broadcast radio and television, garage door openers, baby

    monitors, wireless microphones, radio controlled models, surveillance cameras,

    and missile telemetry. There are two types of duplex communications. They


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    1. Half Duplex

    2. Full Duplex

    A half-duplex (HDX) system provides communication in both directions, but

    only one direction at a time (not simultaneously). Typically, once a party begins

    receiving a signal, it must wait for the transmitter to stop transmitting, before

    replying (antennas are of trans-receiver type in these devices, so as to transmit

    and receive the signal as well).

    An example of a half-duplex system is a two-party system such as a walkie-

    talkie, wherein one must use "Over" or another previously designated command

    to indicate the end of transmission, and ensure that only one party transmits

    at a time, because both parties transmit and receive on the same frequency.

    A full-duplex (FDX), or sometimes double-duplex system, allows

    communication in both directions, and, unlike half-duplex, allows this to

    happen simultaneously. Land-line telephone networks are full-duplex, since

    they allow both callers to speak and be heard at the same time, the transition

    from four to two wires being achieved by a Hybrid coil. A good analogy for a

    full-duplex system would be a two-lane road with one lane for each direction.

    Two-way radios can be designed as full-duplex systems, transmitting on one

    frequency and receiving on another. This is also called frequency-division

    duplex. Frequency-division duplex systems can be extended to farther

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    duplex mode. The latter operation requires a spatial separation between

    transmit and receive antennas to reduce loop-back interference from the

    transmit antennas to the receive antennas.

    From signal processing point of view AF relays offer interesting challenges,

    especially when the AF relay operates infull-duplex mode: Adaptive algorithms

    are required for loop-back interference cancellation. Furthermore, the effect of

    interference must be incorporated into analytical performance studies. Spectral

    shaping of the transmitted signal requires advanced techniques for digital filter

    design. The research benchmarks AF relays with DF relays taking into account

    the aforementioned issues. We cooperate with High-frequency and microwave

    engineering group to gain understanding of the actual propagation

    environment and loop-back interference with full-duplex relays

    Full-duplex infrastructure relays

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    resources into orthogonalresources and results in an orthogonalization of the

    transmissions and receptionsperformed by a wireless device. Consequently, all

    currently deployed wireless devicesoperate in half-duplex fashion, where same

    frequency simultaneous transmission andreception of signals is not possible.

    The key challenge in achieving full-duplex wireless communications, where a

    devicecan transmit and receive signals over-the-air at the same time and in the

    samefrequency band, is the large power differential between the self-

    interference createdby a devices own wireless transmissions and the received

    signal of interest comingfrom a distant transmitting antenna. This large power

    differential is due to the factthat the self-interference signal has to travel much

    shorter distances than the signalof interest. The large self-interference spans

    most of the dynamic range of the Analogto Digital Converter (ADC) in the

    received signal processing path, which in turn dramaticallyincreases the

    quantization noise for the signal-of-interest. Thus to achievefull-duplex it is

    essential to mitigate the self-interference of thereceivedsignal is the same

    channel. Hence,spectrum resources are utilized efficiently but as a downside

    therelay is subject to loop interference(LI) due to signal leakagefrom the relays

    transmission to its own reception. The earlierliterature often pessimistically

    sees this self-interference as aninsurmountable problem, and resorts to the

    half-duplex modeby allocating separate time slots or frequency bands for

    relayreception and transmission. This is a simple way to avoid interferenceby

    splurging spectrum.

    1.3 Problem Outline

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    There are so many methods proposed to mitigate the loopback self interference

    of Relays in full duplex communication. The previous approach used the

    concept of time domain cancellation to mitigate the self interference; the main

    drawback of this Time domain Cancellation is its blindness to the spatial

    domain, e.g., low rank of channel matrix is not expected to result in better

    isolation. Additionally, the scheme is sensitive to both channel estimation noise

    and transmit signal noise. In fact, TDC adds a new signal in the relay input

    whichmay actually lead to degraded isolation compared to pure

    naturalisolation with high channel estimation noise. The one and only

    advantageof time-domain cancellation is that it does not distort thedesired

    signal or reduce the input and output dimensions of therelay.

    1.4 Objective:

    This work focuses on technical problemin full-duplex relaying: How to mitigate

    the loop interferenceefficiently?For investigating and comparing several

    solutions, our main motivation is to improve the spectral efficiency ofrelay

    systems by avoiding the need of two channel uses for one end-to-end

    transmission that is inherent for half-duplex relays. Throughout the work, the

    mitigation schemes are categorized into three subtypes: A) natural isolation, B)

    time-domain cancellation, and C) spatial suppression. Consequently, we aim at

    showing that the loop interference can be mitigated sufficiently and, thus, the

    full-duplex mode becomes a feasible and viable alternative for the half-duplex


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    1.5 Methodology:

    In this work we set up a generic system model that explicitlyaccounts for the

    loop interference, the relay processingdelay, and the imperfections of the side

    informationexploited in the mitigation of loop interference. Thesespecifics are

    important we summarize Natural isolation that is needed in order toavoid relay

    receiver saturation, and digital MIMO time-domaincancellation, which

    generalizes theschemes used in SISO repeaters. We propose and analyze

    novelspatialsuppression schemes based on antenna selection, beam

    selection,null-space projection, and minimummean square error (MMSE)

    filters. For every scheme, we explicitly the minimize the self-interference as the

    optimization target and providegeneral solutions for the optimal filters.

    Examples 14show why [25][28] present only simplified or suboptimalspecial

    cases for some of our general schemes and we introduce the combination of

    timedomaincancellation and spatial suppression for reducingthe effect of

    imperfect side information in mitigation. The mitigation schemes are compared

    extensivelywith simulations on bit-error rate and isolationimprovement. The

    results verify that the loop interferencecan be mitigated significantly or even

    eliminatedcompletely in the ideal case, but, in practice, there willbe some weak

    residual interference due to imperfect sideinformation used for mitigation.

    Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth networks are arguably the four mostcommonly

    used wireless networks. Out of these four networks, the first one to be

    deployedwas the cellular network, which operates at distances in the order of

    kilometersand uses mobile devices which transmit at powers close to 30 dBm.

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    For these values oftransmit powers and distances between communicating

    devices, it seemed unfeasibleto cancel the self-interference enough to enable

    full-duplex wireless communications.

    1.6 Thesis outline

    The complete thesis of the above work is outlined in six chapters:

    Chapter1 gives the basic introduction about the communication system and

    the uses of relays in Duplex communication. It also gives the basic problem in

    the last approach and as solution for that problem.

    Chapter2 gives the complete literature survey of the project

    Chapter3 gives the basic system model used in full Duplex communications

    using relays; it also gives the mathematical representation of the signals

    (original and interference).

    Chapter4 provides the information about the previously used design

    methodologies for the mitigation of self interference and also gives the Newly

    proposed mitigation algorithms.

    Chapter5 gives the performance evaluation of the proposed approach and also

    gives the comparison results between the proposed approach and previously

    proposed approaches.

    Finally chapter6 gives the conclusions of the work

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    The literature on MIMO relaying can be classified as follows based on how the

    self-interference problem is treated: 1) earlier papers, e.g., [1][11], consider

    half-duplex relaying in which the loop interference is inherently avoided. Some

    papers, e.g., [1][6], develop half-duplex protocols for the case in which the

    direct source-destination link is blocked. Our results are directly applicable for

    the full-duplex counterparts of these systems and enable more spectrally-

    efficient implementation once the loop interference is appropriately mitigated.

    The other papers, e.g., [7][11], exploit the direct link as an extra diversity

    branch. The direct link is orthogonal by design in the half-duplex mode

    whereas the destination receives superposition of the direct and relayed

    transmissions in the full-duplex mode. Also for these systems, the full-duplex

    counterparts are feasible with proper signal separation in the destination.

    2) Some information theory-oriented papers, e.g., [10][19], study various full-

    duplex relaying schemes without considering the deleterious effect of the loop

    interference albeit otherwise presenting many seminal contributions. In

    particular, these papers tend to provide minimal (if any at all) explanations and

    references for the mitigation of the loop interference. Our results will support

    this body of literature by providing validation and a retroactive reference for

    a central baseline assumption not verified in detail before. 3) The smallest

    group of earlier papers accounts explicitly for the effect of the loop interference

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    in full-duplex relaying. The early results consider exclusively single-

    inputsingle-output (SISO) repeaters, see, e.g., [20][23]. For full-duplex MIMO

    relays with loop interference, our literature search elicited preliminary ideas

    [24], [25] and recent studies [26][31] conducted in parallel with our work

    reported first in [32]. These papers tackle the problem of loop interference

    mitigation in a limited scope, e.g.,restricting the system to support only one

    spatial streamor providing suboptimal solutions. Moreover, the relay

    processing delay is neglected in [28][30], which, asdiscussed in [32], renders

    the relay practically impossibleto implement or makes the loop interference not

    harmful.Reference [31] studies loop channel estimation in full-duplexMIMO

    relays and, thus, supports our analysis whichstarts presuming that such side

    information is alreadymade available.

    Analog SISO repeaters have been employed for a long time incellular networks.

    Instead, we consider modern, sophisticated,digital relays that are capable of

    baseband signal processing,and, in particular, employ multiantenna

    techniques. Some prototypesof full-duplex MIMO relays have already been

    developed,see, e.g., [33] and [34]. After mitigating the loop interference

    asshown herein, they become a viable solution to transparentlyboost the

    coverage of future cellular systems.

    2.2 Relay Communication

    Relay communication refers to the technology that the communication

    between the source and the destination is established or enhanced by one or

    more than one relays. The relays can be dedicated relay stations that are built

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    to support the wireless link, or other mobile users that are selected to facilitate

    the data transmission from the source to the destination. Relay communication

    is also termed cooperative communication, which we use in this dissertation

    without distinction.

    From the network aspects, traditional wireless communication systems,

    e.g., cellular mobile communication networks, are centralized. There, the

    transmission scenarios are point-to-point (single user), one-to-many

    (broadcast) or many-to-one (multi-access), which can all be categorized as

    single-hop transmission. However, in relay communication, the transmission of

    information from the source to the destination consists of at least two-hops.

    Thismulti-hop transmissionmodel makes the relay communication scenarios

    more versatile and the research on it more difficult. Although relay

    communication is still a young research topic, many important results have

    been achieved, which makes it a fertile field of research. We summarize the

    important relaying strategies and the state-of-the-art research results in this


    2.2.2 Advantages and Challenges of Relay Communication

    Relay communication can provide the benefits that traditional single-hop

    communication cannot achieve in many practical scenarios. Relay

    communication has drawn wide interests from both academia and industry

    [35]. For practical systems, we summarize the advantages of relay

    communication over single-hop communication as follows.

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    Combating signal attenuation The adverse effects of wireless channels

    include pathloss, shadowing and fading effects. The signal strength decays

    exponentially with the distance between the source and the destination. When

    the distance between the source and destination is too large, the signal

    attenuation becomes too high due to pathloss, which makes it impossible for

    the source and destination to communicate. By placing relays between the

    source and the destination, the distance between the source and the relay and

    the distance between the relay and destination is shortened. As a result, the

    signal strength can be boosted a lot. Moreover, due to the signal strength

    improvement, the source can use higher modulation symbol alphabets to

    transmit more data in each channel use. In this way, relaying technology not

    only increases the coverage of the system, but also improves the data rate

    transmitted to the users.

    Combating shadowing effects In large cities and hilly areas, tall buildings and

    mountains typically block signals transmitted from the source to the

    destination. Such effect is called shadowing. Relays provide another path to

    circumvent the obstruction. In those scenarios, relaying is maybe the only way

    to provide services in shadowing environments.

    Combating fading effects The fading effects arise due to the multipath

    propagations that lead to the fluctuations in received signals. Diversity is an

    effective way to combat the signal fluctuation due to the fading effects. The

    cooperative diversity introduced by the cooperative communication brings

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    higher link reliability to the users [36,37], where multiple independently faded

    signals from the source and the relay are combined at the destination.

    Low costFuture cellular communication systems will move to higher frequency.

    As a result, the coverage of each cell will shrink a lot compared to present

    cellular communication systems. Building more base stations can be the

    solution, but the cost of building those base stations will be very high. A low-

    cost alternative will be building relays to extend the coverage of each cell. Thus

    relay communication provides low-cost solutions for future generation wireless

    communication systems.

    Infrastructure-less network: In traditional cellular networks, the whole

    system operation depends on the centralized control, e.g., from the base

    station. However, in military services or due to the disasters like earthquakes,

    infrastructure-less networks such as ad hoc networks are preferable. Such

    networks do not rely on a preexisting infrastructure such as dedicated routers

    or base stations. Instead, each node participates in the routing by forwarding

    data for other nodes. That is each node can act as a relay, and the choice of

    relay nodes are determined dynamically based on the network connectivity.

    Despite all those benefits that may be available by incorporating cooperative

    communication into future wireless communication systems, there are also

    challenges for implementing cooperative communications. Those challenges


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    interference to other users. Furthermore, sending data to the destination via

    relays leads to increased traffic for the whole system.

    Spectral efficiency loss The major problem of current relays is that they

    cannot transmit and receive data using the same time-frequency channel. This

    half-duplex constraint leads to the spectral efficiency loss compare to direct


    2.3 Relaying Strategies

    There are three relaying strategies discussed by Peters et. al [38] which are

    one-way relaying, two-way relaying and shared relaying as illustrated in the

    following 2 [6]. As shown in the figure, the eNodeB is equipped with one

    antenna per sector and one RN serving a single UE in its vicinity. On the other

    hand, the relay station nodes are shared between eNodeBs of three adjacent

    cells which use the same frequency.

    The concept of one-way relaying is illustrated in the following Fig.2.3. The

    datatransmission is divided into four frames as denoted by the number: In the

    downlink, 1) the eNodeB transmits to RN, followed by 2) RN forwards the signal

    to UE. Then, during uplink, 3) UE transmits to RN and finally 4) RN forwards

    UEs signal to eNodeB.

    As an enhancement to one-way relaying, two-way relaying is more efficient

    where the data transmission is done in two phases as shown in Fig.2.4. During

    the first phase, both eNodeB and UE transmit their signals to the RN and then

    in second phase, after proper signal processing, the RN forwards the signals to

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    both eNodeB and UE. Therefore, the transmission duration would be half of the

    time taken for one-way relaying.

    Shared relaying is cost-saving as number of RNs to be deployed is reduced by

    allowing the RN to be shared by three cells. Also, as mentioned in [38], shared

    relay has advantage over one-way relaying compared to two-way relaying. This

    is due to the interference that might occur during the simultaneous

    transmissions of two-way relay, combining with the fact that the shared relay

    itself has to handle the multiple signals from eNodeBs of the three adjacent


    a) One-way and two-way relaying

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    b) Shared relaying

    Fig.2.2. Relaying strategies with frequency reuse of factor 6 where each cell is

    divided into 6sectors. a) Frequency reuse pattern for one-way and two-

    wayrelays deployed in one cell. b)Frequency reuse pattern for shared relay

    deployed in 3 adjacent cells.

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    Fig.2.3. One-way relaying

    Fig.2.4. Two-way relaying

    2.4 Relay Transmission Schemes

    Over the past decade, numerous relay transmission schemes have been

    developed tobe implemented in our cellular network technology. In [38], the

    transmissiontechniques include:

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    real signalswith noise and interference. Thus, those undesired signals are also

    amplified andretransmitted along with the original signals.

    Another relaying strategy is decode-and-forward where the signals are decoded

    bythe relay node, re-encoded and lastly forwarded to desired destination. In

    this relayingstrategy, noise and interference are discarded from being

    transmitted together with thereal signals but with the price of longer delay due

    to decoding and re-encodingprocess. The relay structures can be categorized

    into Layer 2 (L2) relay and Layer 3(L3) relay, depending on its function. The

    transmissions involved can be both inbandand outband as well, as in L1 relay.

    In the later chapters we will see the in brief about the relaying strategies.

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    Relaying, i.e., multihop communication, is a promisingtechnique to provide

    lower transmit powers, higherthroughput and more extensive coverage in

    future wirelesssystems. Likewise, single-hop multiple-input multiple-output

    (MIMO) transmission has attracted wide research interest, andemerging

    wireless systems utilize extensively MIMO techniquessuch as spatial division

    multiplexing. Hence, if relaysare used, they need to be equipped with antenna

    arrays aswell to avoid a key-hole effect, i.e., squashing multiple spatialstreams

    through a rank-one device. This paper focuses on thecombination of MIMO and

    relaying techniques and developsnew baseband signal processing techniques to

    improve spectralefficiency.

    An essential classification of relaying techniques is betweenfull-duplex and

    half-duplex operation modes. In fact, the choiceof the operation mode is a

    fundamental tradeoff between spectralefficiency and self-interference. A full-

    duplex relay receivesand transmits at the same time on the same channel.

    Hence,spectrum resources are utilized efficiently but as a downside therelay is

    subject to loop interference (LI) due to signal leakagefrom the relays

    transmission to its own reception. The earlierliterature often pessimistically

    sees this self-interference as aninsurmountable problem, and resorts to the

    half-duplex modeby allocating separate time slots or frequency bands for

    relayreception and transmission. This is a simple way to avoid interferenceby

    splurging spectrum.

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    3.1 System model:

    Let us consider the generic wireless multihop network illustratedin the upper

    left corner of Fig. 1. The network comprisesnodes operating in both half-duplex

    and full-duplex modes andit is not restricted to any specific multihop routing

    protocol ormultiple access strategy for the simultaneous transmissions.Wethen

    focus on two-hop communication through any full-duplexrelay (R) node from a

    set of source (S) nodes to a set of destination(D) nodes as illustrated in the

    lower right corner of Fig. 1.The full-duplex relay receives and transmits

    simultaneously onthe same frequency which necessitates to model explicitly

    theresulting loop interference (LI) signal.The sources and the destinations have

    in total transmitand receive antennas, respectively, and the relay is

    equippedwith receive and transmit antennas. Before applyingmitigation

    techniques the relay is likely implemented with spatiallyseparated receive and

    transmit antenna arrays which constitutes natural isolation. However, the

    followingresults are also applicable in full-duplex relaying with asingle antenna

    array which is optimistically considered in [26].We set in this special


    3.1.1. Signal Model

    The signal model is built upon frequency-flat block-fadingchannels as in the

    majority of related papers, see, e.g., [1][19],[25], [26], [28][30]. This implies

    that the system exploits

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    Fig.3.1. A wireless multihop network containing a full-duplex relay subject to

    loop interference.

    orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) for broadbandtransmission

    over multipath channels, and the signalmodel represents a single narrowband


    For time instant , let matrices , , and

    represent the respectiveMIMO channels from all sources to

    the relay, from the relayoutput to the relay input, and from the relay to all


    The sources transmit the combined signal vector ,and the relay

    transmits signal vector while it simultaneouslyreceives signal

    vector . This createsa feedback loop from the relay output to the

    relay input throughchannel .

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    The relaying protocol is denoted by the generic function

    which generates an output sample based on the sequence ofinput samples and

    causes integer processing delay . Wefocus on the mitigation of the loop

    interference and, thereby,keep the proposed schemes transparent and

    applicable with most of the readily available relaying protocols. Remark 1: The

    processing delay is strictly positive because we consider wideband

    transmission over multipath channels in contrast to [28][30]. In particular,

    omitting the delay causes severe causality problems in the practical

    implementation of relaying protocols: It is impossible to process a subcarrier

    and retransmit the OFDM symbol before the respective OFDM symbol is first

    completely received and demodulated. Furthermore, the loop signal may not be

    harmful at all with zero processing delay because the relay transmission only

    amplifies the same input signal. See [32] for more discussion on the

    consequences of neglecting the processing delay. Finally, the respective

    received signals in the relay and in thedestinations can be expressed as

    where and are additive noisevectors in the relay

    and in the destinations, respectively. Allsignal and noise vectors have zero

    mean. Signal and noise covariancematrices are denoted by ,

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    , and . For clarity, we willomit the time

    indices in the rest of the work.

    3.1.2. Side Information for Mitigation Techniques

    We consider mitigation techniques that can be implementedtransparently, i.e.,

    using only information that the relay is expectedto know by design or is able to

    measure by itself. In otherwords, mitigation may exploit knowledge of only

    , and . However, we assume that the available side informationis

    degraded due to the following non-idealities which manifestthemselves in the

    form of noise. In this paper, the noise is assumedto be completely unknown for

    the mitigation schemeswhile some additional information such as the

    covariance ornorm bounds of the errors could facilitate a robust approach.

    1) Channel Estimation Noise:The relay may exploit anyoff-the-shelf technique

    or one of the schemes developed specificallyfor full-duplex relays [23], [31] to

    obtain the respectiveestimates and of and .We model the

    practicallynon-ideal estimation process by defining estimation noises and

    such that the estimates differ from the truechannel values:

    All elements of and are assumed to be independent(both mutually

    and from the corresponding channels)circularly symmetric complex Gaussian

    random variables. Thevariance of the estimation noise is defined by relative

    estimation error such that

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    for all i,j. Analogous relation holds between and .

    2) Transmit Signal Noise:The relay knows perfectly the digitalbaseband signal

    it generates, but the actual transmittedsignal cannot be exactly known. This

    is because any practicalimplementation of conversion between baseband and

    radiofrequency is prone to various distortion effects such as carrierfrequency

    offset, oscillator phase noise, AD/DA conversion imperfections,I/Q imbalance,

    and power amplifier nonlinearityamong others.We model the joint effect of all

    imperfections byintroducing additive transmit distortion noise such that

    Furthermore, we model all elements of with independentzero-mean random

    variables, and define their variance with relativedistortion . The covariance

    matrix of the transmit noisebecomes

    We assume that and are uncorrelated which implies that

    in which

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    In migitation of loop interference in full duplex MIMO relays we first decouple

    the mitigation of loop interferencefrom the design of the relaying protocol and

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    develop solutionsthat transform the relay to an

    equivalentinterference-free relay. Here and

    represent the input and output dimensions (or the number of spatialstreams)

    reserved for the relaying protocol.

    The target is to make residual loop interference so infinitesimalthat it can be

    regarded simply as additional relay inputnoise. Thus, we transform the signal

    model from (2) to

    where and are the respective receiveand transmit signal

    vectors of the equivalent interference-freerelay , and

    represent therespective equivalent MIMO channels from all

    sources to theinterference-free relay and from the interference-free relay to

    alldestinations, and is the equivalent receiver noisevector including

    all residual loop interference after mitigation.

    The covariance matrix of is .

    Remark 2:The equivalent interference-free relay appliesrelaying protocol

    to obtain from according to (1). By decouplingthe mitigation from the

    protocol, the relay may adopt,directly or after minor modifications, any of the

    protocols designedfor cases without loop interference in [1][19]. However,the

    system setup or the relaying protocol may still affect thechoice of and .

    4.1 Reference Mitigation Schemes

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    4.1.1) Natural Isolation:The relay installation should guaranteesome natural

    isolation (represented by ) to facilitate theusage of signal processing

    techniques which provide additionalman-made isolation. This is because, in

    practice, the dynamicrange of the relay receiver circuitry is limited, and, thus,

    largedifference in power levels may saturate the receiver renderingany attempt

    to recover the desired signal futile.With separated receive and transmit antenna

    arrays, naturalisolation arises from the sheer physical distance between the

    arrays,and rational installation guarantees obstacles in betweenthe arrays to

    block the line-of-sight. For this purpose, the installationmay exploit

    surrounding buildings or add a shieldingplate [22]. Furthermore, antenna

    elements can be directionaland pointed at opposite directions [20], [22], and

    their polarizationsmay be orthogonal. If the same antenna array is used forboth

    receiving and transmitting as in [26], all natural isolationcomes solely from the

    duplexer connecting the input and outputfeeds to the same physical antenna

    element. However, isolationoffered even by the most high-end duplexers may

    not be sufficientfor communication.

    Exploiting the signal model from (2), the mean square error(MSE) matrix of the

    relay input signal is given by

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    Fig.4.1. Time-domain loop interference cancellation in a full-duplex MIMO

    relay by subtracting an estimate of the loop signal.

    which yields the loop interference power as

    In the following, we presume that all means of improving naturalisolation have

    been first exploited and then concentrate onsignal processing techniques to

    mitigate the residual interference,i.e., the effect of . Measurements

    show that naturalisolation is not often sufficient alone [20], [22], [34].

    Hence,our study excludes the exceptional setups in which natural isolationis

    large without any additional mitigation, e.g., a relaywith the receive array

    placed outdoors and the transmit arrayproviding underground coverage in a


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    4.1.2) Time-Domain Cancellation (TDC): Cancellation is basedon the

    reasonable presumption that the relay always knows itsown transmitted signal

    at least approximately. If the relay canalso determine the loop channel, the

    interference signal maybe replicated and removed from the received signal. In

    practice,the relay may apply conventional analog precancellationto improve the

    feasibility of the digital mitigation techniques forlower dynamic range. However,

    the implementation of the electronicsbecomes expensive and difficult if the

    respective circuitis more sophisticated than a phase shifter that removes one

    (ideallythe strongest) multipath component.

    The considered TDC scheme is a straightforward MIMO extensionfor earlier

    SISO schemes [21][23], implemented as illustratedin Fig. 2 (similar structures

    are used in [28][32]):

    The relay contains a feedback loop with MIMO cancellationfilter .

    Thus, (2), (5), and (7) can be related as


    The equivalent receiver noise vector of the interference-free relay becomes

    in which the residual loop interference channel is

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    Fig.4.2. Spatial loop interference suppression in a full-duplex MIMO relay by

    using linear receive and transmit filters.

    The MSE matrix of the relay input signal becomes

    The first term includes the channel estimation error and thesecond term arises

    due to the transmit signal noise. Cancellationcan only minimize the known

    part of the first term by choosing which results in .

    Thereby, (12) yieldsthe residual interference power as

    If cancellation is not used, i.e., , (12) reduces to (8).

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    The main drawback of TDC is its blindness to the spatial domain,e.g., low rank

    of is not expected to result in betterisolation. Additionally, the scheme is

    sensitive to both channelestimation noise and transmit signal noise

    as shownby (13). In fact, TDC adds a new signal in the relay input whichmay

    actually lead to degraded isolation compared to pure naturalisolation with high

    channel estimation noise. The advantageof time-domain cancellation is that it

    does not distort thedesired signal or reduce the input and output dimensions of

    therelay, i.e., and .

    4.2. Novel Spatial Suppression Schemes

    To exploit the extra degrees of freedom offered by the spatialdomain, we

    propose that the relay applies MIMO receive filter and MIMO

    transmit filter as illustrated in Fig. 3. Now (2), (5), and (7) can be


    and .

    Throughout the work, we normalizefilter gains to and

    with allschemes.

    The equivalent receiver noise vector of the interference-free relay becomes

    in which the residual loop interference channel is

    Based on (14), the residual interference power is given by

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    Interference can be suppressed by designing and tominimize the first

    term and/or by designing only to minimizethe second term that is due to

    transmit signal noise. Since(15) is a matrix equation, it needs to be first

    translated into ascalar value before formulating an optimization problem: In

    thispaper, the Frobenius norm is adopted for this purpose whileother metrics,

    rendering different optimization targets, are alsoavailable. On the other hand,

    (16) for spatial suppression is reducedto mere natural isolation given in (9)

    when and .

    Spatial suppression comes at the cost of a reduction in theinput or output

    dimensions comparing to TDC. However, (14)reveals readily one significant

    advantage over cancellation: thereceive filter can be designed to suppress

    the potential loopinterference that is due to the transmit signal noise .

    The implementation differs depending on the procedure:

    Independent design: One filter is designed without knowledgeof the other

    filter which can be replaced byI.

    Separate design: One filter is designed given the other.

    Joint design: The filters are designed together.

    Next we consider these procedures with antenna selection, beamselection, null-

    space projection, and MMSE filtering.

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    4.2.1) Antenna Selection (AS):The simplified receive antennaselection scheme

    studied in [25] inspires us to formulate loopinterference suppression based on

    generalized antenna subsetselection. To that end, the respective receive and

    transmit filtersare implemented with row and column selection matrices

    (seeSection I-C) that are scaled to normalize the gains:

    To reduce the gain of the residual loop interference channelgiven in (15), we

    define the objective for suppression as

    decreasing the known part of . By substituting (17)

    The optimal joint filter design is found by calculating theFrobenius norm for all

    combinations and choosingthe lowest. Although one may easily

    devise suboptimal methodsof lower complexity, only global search gives the

    exact optimumin the general case. However, it is feasible because the numberof

    antennas is in practice reasonably small.

    Let us then consider the design of to illustrate the separatefilter design (the

    procedure is symmetric for designing ).Now needs to be first fixed

    based on any spatial suppressionscheme and the unique solution for

    issimply one of the combinations. If the transmit filter is

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    not known (as in independent filter design) or not yet selected,one can

    substitute , which reduces the objective to .

    Example 1: The scheme of [25] is limited to the special caseof and

    , i.e. , :When , is

    minimized by selecting

    Table 1

    Algorithm for optimal joint beam selection


    Design and to select rows and columns of as follows

    Step1: Select in total min { + }, max { }} rows and columns such that

    all combinations pick only off-diagonal elements of. For this sub solution


    Step2: To satisfy objective. Select the rest of the rows and columns such that

    the final selection matrices pick only the + -max{ smallest singular



    if and otherwise. In thegeneral MIMO case of any , and

    , such singlecomparison is not sufficient for the optimal filter design that

    issolved in the above paragraphs for different variations.

    4.2.2) Beam Selection (BS):General (eigen)beam selection isbased on the

    singular value decomposition (SVD) of

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    in which submatrices and contain the basis vectorsassociated with

    zero singular values. The diagonal matrix comprises the singular

    values, , sorted in descending order.

    By choosing beam selection matrices as

    the objective is transformed from (18) to

    as , by definition. Filter design becomesconceptually similar

    to AS, but row and column selection isbased on the effective diagonal channel

    instead of .

    Remark 3: Objective readily indicates that BS is superiorto AS. In (22) most row

    and column combinations pickoff-diagonal elements of that are zero by

    definition leadingto for many subsolutions whereas in (19) all

    elementsof are practically nonzero, i.e. , for all subsolutions.In

    other words, AS is optimal only when limiting thesearch space to binary

    selection matrices while BS solves theoptimization target with general complex

    matrices.Intuitively, the optimal joint BS could be solved by testingall

    combinations as with AS. However, the diagonalizedstructure of the effective

    loop channel facilitates directoffline selection based on

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    and such thatonly the SVD is calculated for each channel representation:

    Theoptimal joint selection is obtained with the algorithm given inTable I.

    If , Step 2 is omitted andBS reduces to null-space

    projection discussed in the next section.On the other hand, separate and

    independent filter designsapply only Step 2 for all rows and columns.

    Let us assume that in thefollowing. One

    straightforward illustrative solution can be obtainedwith the optimal joint BS

    algorithm as

    in which , and are identity matrices of ,

    and dimensions, respectively. In fact,the optimal joint BS algorithm

    translates (22) to

    For the general case, this shows that BS may cause residual loopinterference

    even if the side information is perfect. In the nextsection, this motivates to

    consider the special cases of beam selectionthat ideally eliminate all


    Example 2: Compared to our general BS solution, the schemeof [28] is not only

    suboptimal but also limited to the specialsymmetric case of and

    : The beams areselected by in which is anzero

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    matrix andI is an identity matrix. Thispicks the smallest

    singular values transforming (22) to

    This is larger than (24) obtained with (23) because the schemedoes not exploit

    the possibility to suppress interference by kicking the off-diagonal elements of

    in Step 1. The suboptimalitycan be also interpreted to be the consequence

    ofindependent filter design instead of joint design.

    4.2.3) Null-Space Projection (NSP): Next we develop spatialsuppression

    schemes that can eliminate all loop interference inthe ideal case with perfect

    side information similarly to TDC.This is desirable when the loop interference is

    dominating butAS or general BS does not offer sufficient attenuation.

    In null-space projection, and are selected suchthat the relay receives

    and transmits in different subspaces,i.e., transmit beams are projected to the

    null-space of the loopchannel combined with the receive filter and vice versa.

    Thecondition can be stated for joint or separate filter design as

    to eliminate the known part of the first term in (16). Similarly,for suppressing

    the transmit signal noise, the condition becomes , partly eliminating

    the second term in (16).

    One solution for joint NSP can be obtained with the optimaljoint BS algorithm

    given in Table I, if , and are low enough w.r.t. and .

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    Firstly, atotal of beams are selected in Step 1 correspondingto

    different singular values. Secondly, the lastterms in (24) are zero if

    . Thus, input and output

    beams maycorrespond to the same singular values after Step 2 and still, i.e.

    , satisfying also the condition in(26). This proves that

    the BS algorithm results in null-spaceprojection whenever

    This condition defines also the general existence of joint NSP,if and

    are additionally constrained to be of full rank.Even if is rank deficient,

    is of full rank in practicedue to the estimation noise which also causes residual

    loop interference.Thereby, the condition in (27) can be alternatively

    evaluatedusing the anticipated value of based on prior informationor

    by defining with a threshold below whichthe singular values are

    rounded to zero.

    Remark 4:

    For the case , the total number for antennas is minimized

    with NSP selecting

    orwhen (full rank), or by selectingor


    (minimum rank).

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    Choosing may be preferable due to transmit noise.For separate filter

    design, let us recall that the Moore-Penrosepseudo inverse is unique,

    always exists, and satisfies by definition. For designing

    separately given , we can, thereby, apply projection matrix

    If . Separate design for is given bya similar projection

    matrix which is obtained by replacing and above with and

    , respectively.

    Example 3:The scheme of [27] is limited to the simple specialcase of

    and : When , is

    guaranteed directly by . In the general MIMO case of any

    and , the optimal filter design, solved in the above

    paragraphs,becomes more involved.For designing one filter independently, the

    above schemesmay be exploited by setting the other filter to identity.

    However, simpler design is obtained by choosing

    because the row space of should be in the left null space of or by

    choosing because the column space of should be in

    the null space of .

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    Joint design solutions satisfying the NSP condition in (26)are not unique in

    most cases. For example, Step 1 in the optimaljoint BS algorithm allows to

    choose rows and columns in differentways. Furthermore, general BS inherits

    the same propertyexcept that the subsolution picking the nonzero diagonal

    valuesof is unique in Step 2. Selection between the solutions withthe same

    cost can be done based on any other performance criterionas illustrated by the

    next example.

    Example 4: The scheme of [26] is limited to the case of

    and : When the SVD of theloop channel is

    ,is guaranteed either by

    , or by , . Although not

    recognized in [26],also , can be used if .

    Compared to Example 3, the extra receive antenna facilitatesadditionalselection

    diversity available for reducing the effectof transmit signal noise. In our general

    MIMO case of any , and , the optimal filter design becomes more

    involvedand the applicability of NSP is governed by (27).

    4.2.4) Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) Filtering:The previousspatial

    suppression schemes aim at minimizing the effectof loop interference at the

    cost of spatially shaping the usefulsignal which does not happen with TDC. In

    order to reducethe effect of this drawback with spatial suppression, a

    minimumMSE scheme is developed next to both minimize the distortionand

    attenuate the loop interference.

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    Now and as with TDC. Thus, the

    MSE matrix of the relay input signal is given by


    Inwhich For separate filter design

    given , the minimum MSE receivefilter is derived from the condition


    Which needs to be scaled to satisfy . Note thatMMSE filtering

    requires knowledge of and signal covariancematrices as opposed to the other

    mitigation schemes.

    Condition to minimize MSE at the transmitside reduces to the

    condition for null-space projection givenin (26). Therefore, the evident order for

    joint filter design isto firstly minimize interference at the transmit side using

    anyscheme, and then secondly design the receive filter using (30).

    4.2.5) Combining Cancellation and Spatial Suppression:

    Time-domain cancellation suffers from residual interferencethat is due to the

    transmit signal noise, while spatial suppressionmay need many extra antennas

    for efficient mitigation. Hence,the combination could offer high isolation with

    conservativenumber of antennas in the presence of transmit signal noise.

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    Combining yields the residual interference channel given by

    , cf. (11) with mere cancellation and(15) with mere

    suppression. Thus, filter design can be performedfor one scheme first if the

    other scheme is consequently designedgiven the residual channel. The

    implementation admitsfour variations for independent and separate filter

    design [32],but we will now focus on joint filter design, which is possible inmost


    The performance evaluation of the above presented work is illustrated in next


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    In this chapter, the performance evaluation of the proposed method is going to

    be discussed. There is also discussion about the comparison results of the

    proposed approach with the previously proposed approaches.. In the

    simulations, all channels aremodeled with Rayleigh fading and the transmitted

    signals areassumed to be spatially white with unit power per stream. The relay

    receiver noise is white andGaussian with, and imperfect side information

    usedin mitigation is generated as explained in above chapter.

    0 5 10 15 20 25 300





















    selected path for Communication

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    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200













    natural isolation







    half duplex

    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 160











    antenna selection AS











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    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 160


















    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


























    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90






















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    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200






















    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200

























    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 180





















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    Full-duplex MIMO relaying has large potential for spectrallyefficient wireless

    transmission. In this work, we concentratedon solving the main associated

    technical problem, i.e., the mitigationof relay self-interference. We extended the

    earlier SISOcancellation schemes for the MIMO relay case and proposednew

    solutions that suppress the interference in the spatial domain:antenna and

    beam selection, null-space projection, andMMSE filtering. We also discussed

    the issues that need to beconsidered when combining cancellation and spatial

    suppression.Errors in the side information used for mitigation wereidentified as

    the practical limitation to prevent complete interferenceelimination obtainable

    in the ideal case. However, oursimulations illustrated that the proposed

    schemes offer significantmitigation such that the residual interference may be

    regardedas mere additional noise.

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