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Post on 12-Mar-2020






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SSiimmpplliiffiieedd GGrraammmmaarr FFoorr IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee SSttaaggee

مذكرة قواعد مبسطة للمرحلة املتوسطةمذكرة قواعد مبسطة للمرحلة املتوسطة


Mr. Abdullah Qotb Head of English Language Department



CONTENTS 1. Forming sentences Page: 3 2. Forming Questions Page: 4 3. Present Simple Page: 6 4. Present Continuous Page: 7 5. Present Perfect Page: 8 6. Past Simple Page: 9 7. Past Continuous Page: 10 8. Past Perfect Page: 11 9. Future Simple Page: 12 10. Exercises on verb tenses Page: 13 11. Passive Voice Page: 15 12. Reported Speech Page: 17 13. Question Tags Page 19 14. Conditional “If” Page 20 15. Comparison Page 22 16. As & while Page 24 17. Joining sentences Page 25

Click on the links above to go directly to the topic


جذ أ أ – (object)١٠ افؼي ث (verb)١٠ افؼ (subject)رزى اجخ ف اغخ اإلج١ض٠خ ػبدح افبػ * ئ

جذ –ثم١خ اىال ر١ –ػي ث ١ظ أعبع١با فجد ا –ئ

اع ػ أ جبد افبػ اى أ ٠ى *

ػبئش افشدأ ػ١ش ػبئش اجغ اى أ٠ؼبا أ ٠ى افبػ ػ١ش *

Singular Pronouns المفردضمائر

Plural Pronouns ضمائر الجمع

He She It I You We They هن/هم نحن أنتم/أنت أنا هي لغير العاقل/هو هي هو

. (period/full stop) رز ثبمطخ (capital letter)جخ ثحشف وج١ش رجذأ ا*

Examples: * I always go to school early.

*The nurse works at the hospital.

*Ali gave an apple to his friend. ..etc.

Exercises: *Re-arrange these words to form meaningful sentences: 1. early – I – in – get up – the morning


2. milk – Babies – to drink – like


3. can – at the – We – see – museum – old things


4. like – to be – Birds – free


5. is – fast – Driving – dangerous – very




:ػذ رى٠ أ عإاي ف اغخ اإلج١ض٠خ الثذ رافش اششؽ األعبع١خ ازب١خ*

interrogative tool جد أداح اعزفب. 1

auxiliary/helping verbجد فؼ غبػذ . 2

افؼ ػ افبػرمذ٠ . 3

Question markازبء اغإاي ثؼالخ االعزفب . 4

و٠ عإاي ذauxiliary verb ف رى٠ اغإاي ىزف ثبفؼ اغبػذ interrogative tool لذ غزغ ػ أداح االعزفب*

(( ( )))٠ى ؼب

اح اعزفب فؼ غبػذ ف فظ اض ث١ب ٠ؼد افؼ األط جخ ف ص ابػ غزخذ أد ػئرا أسدب رى٠ عإاي *

رمبئ١با ئ ازظش٠ف األي

ػ حغت افبػ ثؼذ أداح (Do/Does/Did)ثبفؼ اغبػذ جذأ ١ظ ف١ب فؼ غبػذجخ ئرا أسدب رى٠ عإاي ػ *

. االعزفب

: أدواث االستفهبو انزئيسيت هي*

What برا -ب When ز Where أ٠ Why برا

Who ؼبل Which أ٠ب How و١ف How many و ػذد

How much و١خ /و عؼش How old و ػش How far و رجؼذ How long ذح /و ؽي ...etc.

: األفعبل انمسبعدة انزئيسيت هي*

am/is/are do/does have/has can/may will/shall

was/were did had could/might would/should

must/ought to

Examples: 1. My uncle bought a new car last month. (Ask a question)

What did your uncle buy last month? غإاي ػ اشء

When did your uncle buy a new car? غإاي ػ اض

Who bought a new car last month? غإاي ػ افبػ

ال ٠زغ١ش أ شء ثأداح اعزفب فمؾ ف١ب ز احبخ اح١ذح از ٠ىزف

2. We usually spend our summer holiday in Paris. (Ask a question)

Where do you usually spend your summer holiday?

3. Ahmed is a rich man. (Ask a question)

Is Ahmed a rich man? …etc.



Exercises: *Make a question for each sentence: 1. Pupils go to The Scientific Centre every week.


2. They opened the school library last month.


3. Sheikha is a careful girl.


4. The waiter spilt the hot tea on my leg.


5. The Arabs invented the compass.


6. We use the mouse to move the cursor.


7. Sally got a job as a secretary.


8. Ali was taken to the hospital.


9. Bears don’t eat dead bodies because they like fresh meat.


10. Computers nowadays are very fast.


11. Hajar travelled to Bahrain to visit her aunt.


12. The police caught the man because he robbed the bank.


13. My cousin will visit Kuwait next month.


14. They went shopping yesterday.


15. Fahd is writing an email to his grandpa.



PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE انمضبرع انبسيظ سمن

Study this example situation: Alex is a bus driver, but now he is in bed asleep. So: He is not driving a bus. (He is asleep.) but

He drives a bus. (He is a bus driver.)

. ػ حم١مخس ص اؼبسع اجغ١ؾ ػ فؼ ٠حذس ثظسح اػز١بد٠خ أ ػ ػبدح أ ٠ؼت *

. ٠زى زا اض ازظش٠ف األي فؼ*

he/she/itوبئ ح أ جبد أ غ اؼبئش ئ ب٠خ أ فؼ ٠أر غ أ اع ػ فشد عاءا وب (s)رز ئػبفخ حشف *

: ض به ثؼغ اىبد اذاخ ػ زا اض*

usually – always – often – sometimes – every …..etc.

Examples: * I always pray in the mosque.

* The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

* They usually play football at Jahra Club.

* Nurses look after patients in hospitals.

* The earth goes round the sun.

* Ali often visits his grandparents on Fridays.

* The cat likes to chase mice.

PRESENT SIMPLE NEGATION نفي سمن انمضبرع انبسيظ

.فؼ زح٠ حبخ اإل٠جبة ئ حبخ اف (not)اف ٠حذس ػبدح ثاػبفخ وخ *

.فؼ غبػذغ اج از ال رحز ػ (not)الثذ اعزخذا فؼ غبػذ غ وخ *

:ف حبخ ص اؼبسع اجغ١ؾ*

do not غزخذ غ ػبئش اجغ

does not افشدغزخذ غ ػبئش

I – You –We –They :ػبئش اجغ*

He – She – It :ػبئش افشد*

.افؼ فمؾ ٠ز حزف اىخ اذاخ ػ اضلج (never)ف امبؽغ ف ز احبخ رػغ (never)غزخذ وخ *

Examples: * We never go to school on Friday.

* Bears don’t eat dead bodies.

* She doesn’t help her brother.

* The farmer does not like office work.

* I don’t eat in the classroom.

VERB TENSES صيغ األفعبل


PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE سمن انمضبرع انمستمز

Study this example situation:

Ann is in her car. She is on her way to work.

She is driving to work.

This means: she is driving now, at the time of speaking. The action is not finished.

. اغزش ػ فؼ ٠حذس ف لذ ص اىال ال ٠ضاي غزشاا ٠ز ثؼذ٠ؼجش ص اؼبسع *

: ٠زى زا اض *






: ض به ثؼغ اىبد اذاخ ػ زا اض*

Look! – Listen! – now – at present time – at this moment …..etc.

Examples: * Please don't make so much noise. I'm working.

* 'Where's Margaret?' 'She's having a bath.'

* Hello, Jane. Are you enjoying the party?

* I'm tired. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight!

* Look! The policemen are chasing a criminal.

* Listen! Someone is knocking at the door.

PRESENT CONTINUOUS NEGATION نفي سمن انمضبرع انمستمز

.فؼ زح٠ حبخ اإل٠جبة ئ حبخ اف (not)اف ٠حذس ػبدح ثاػبفخ وخ *

.غ اج از ال رحز ػ فؼ غبػذ (not)الثذ اعزخذا فؼ غبػذ غ وخ *

حبخ ص اؼبسع اغزش فبفؼ اغبػذ أعبع ف رى٠ زا اض ب ٠جؼ ف١ غب٠خ ف اجغبؽخ ثاػبفخ وخ ف*

(not) افؼ اغبػذ ثؼذam/is/are


Let's go out now. It isn't raining any more.

We are not playing cards. We are playing dominoes.

Ahmed is not practising exercises these days, so he became fatter.

This dog isn’t playing with the boy, it wants to bite him.

People who aren’t laughing didn’t like the joke.


PRESENT PERFECT TENSE سمن انمضبرع انتبو

Study this example situation:

Tom is looking for his key. He can't find it. He has lost his key. 'He has lost his key' = He lost it

and he still hasn't got it.

. ٠ؼجش ص اؼبسع ازب ػ فؼ ر از ى ال ٠ضاي أصش ثبق حز احظخ*

. past participle فؼ اضبشازظش٠ف + have/has ٠زى زا اض *

: ض به ثؼغ اىبد اذاخ ػ زا اض*

since – for – yet – just – ever – never – already …..etc.

Examples: * The train has just left the station.

* I have bought this car since 2006.

* She has eaten five meals since this morning.

* They have prayed twice in the Blue Mosque.

* Have you ever travelled to London?

:ذح ص١خ (for)ربس٠خ ث١ب ٠أر ثؼذ وخ (since)غبجبا ٠أر ثؼذ وخ *

*He has lived in Cairo for ten years.

PRESENT PERFECT NEGATION انمضبرع انتبو نفي سمن

.فؼ زح٠ حبخ اإل٠جبة ئ حبخ اف (not)اف ٠حذس ػبدح ثاػبفخ وخ *

.غ اج از ال رحز ػ فؼ غبػذ (not)الثذ اعزخذا فؼ غبػذ غ وخ *

(not)حبخ ص اؼبسع ازب فبفؼ اغبػذ أعبع ف رى٠ زا اض ب ٠جؼ ف١ غب٠خ ف اجغبؽخ ثاػبفخ وخ ف*

. (have/has)ثؼذ افؼ اغبػذ

. ػذ ف زا اض ظ١ظبا (yet)غبجبا ب رغزخذ وخ *

. ػ اف امبؽغثؼذ افؼ اغبػذ زؼج١ش (never) اى اعزخذا وخ *


I have never been to France before.

My sister hasn’t got married yet.

They haven’t travelled to Ghana because of the civil war.

Abu Treka hasn’t won the prize of the best world footballer.

Nayef hasn’t studied well, so he failed to pass his exams.


PAST SIMPLE TENSE سمن انمبضي انبسيظ

Study this example situation: Mozart was an Austrian musician and composer. He lived from 1756 to 1791. He started

composing at the age of five and wrote more than 600 pieces of music. He was only 35 years old

when he died.

Lived/started/wrote/was/died are all past simple.

. ص ابػ اجغ١ؾ ػ فؼ ر از ١ظ أصش ثبق حز احظخ٠ؼجش *

. ٠زى زا اض ازظش٠ف اضب فؼ*

: به ثؼغ اىبد اذاخ ػ زا اض ض*

yesterday – ago – last week/month/year …..etc.


I saw your mother shopping yesterday.

Salwa offered her guest a piece of cake.

He brought us a ball so that we could play tennis.

Marie Curie died before finding a cure for cancer.

PAST SIMPLE NEGATION نفي سمن انمبضي انبسيظ

.فؼ زح٠ حبخ اإل٠جبة ئ حبخ اف (not) اف ٠حذس ػبدح ثاػبفخ وخ*

.غ اج از ال رحز ػ فؼ غبػذ (not)الثذ اعزخذا فؼ غبػذ غ وخ *

. األط از ٠ؼد حزبا ئ ازظش٠ف األيلج افؼ (didn’t)غزخذ ف حبخ ص ابػ اجغ١ؾ*


Maha didn’t meet any of her friends at the party.

They didn’t see their important visitor because of the crowd.

I didn’t travel to Egypt with my family last summer.

The cats didn’t run away although they saw a huge dog.

Mubarak didn’t like to wake up the guard of his villa.

Although there were many policemen, they didn’t catch the thief.


PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE سمن انمبضي انمستمز

Study this example situation: Yesterday Karen and Jim played tennis. They began at 10 o'clock and finished at 11.30. So, at

10.30 they were playing tennis.

They were playing = 'they were in the middle of playing'. They had not finished playing.

Was/were ~ing is the past continuous:

. ف ابػب اعزش فزشح ٠ؼجش ص ابػ اغزش ػ فؼ ر از ى*

:اض ٠زى زا *






: به ثؼغ اىبد اذاخ ػ زا اض ض*

as – while – when …..etc.


We were watching TV when my father came.

While the singer was singing someone burst into laughing.

As we reached our school the principal was punishing some pupils.

Some sparrows were flying when I went to the park.

Saleh Al-Ejieri was studying astronomy when he was young.

PAST CONTINUOUS NEGATION نفي سمن انمبضي انمستمز

.فؼ زح٠ حبخ اإل٠جبة ئ حبخ اف (not) اف ٠حذس ػبدح ثاػبفخ وخ*

.غ اج از ال رحز ػ فؼ غبػذ (not)الثذ اعزخذا فؼ غبػذ غ وخ *

ف حبخ ص ابػ اغزش فبفؼ اغبػذ أعبع ف رى٠ زا اض ب ٠جؼ ف١ غب٠خ ف اجغبؽخ ثاػبفخ وخ *

(not) ي اغبػذ ثؼذ افغwas/were .


They were not studying when the teacher dismissed them out.

I wasn’t feeling any pity to saw people hit the robber.

The baby wasn’t crying although his mother went away.

We were not watching the match when we heard a loud shout.


PAST PERFECT TENSE سمن انمبضي انتبو

Study this example situation: Sarah went to a party last week. Paul went to the party too but they didn't see each other. Paul

went home at 10.30 and Sarah arrived at 11 o'clock. So:

When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul wasn't there. He had gone home.

Had gone is the past perfect (simple):

. ٠ؼجش ص ابػ ازب ػ فؼ ر ف ابػ لج فؼ ش ف ابػ أ٠ؼبا *

از حذس أالا ٠ى دبا ف ابػ ازب از حذس الحمبا ٠ى ف ابػ اجغ١ؾ ثغغ اظش ػ رشر١ج دا افؼ*

. اجخ

. لذ ٠ؼجش ص ابػ ازب أ٠ؼبا ػ فؼ ر از ف ص ابػ اغح١ك*

. past participleازظش٠ف اضبش فؼ + ٠hadزى زا اض *

: به ثؼغ اىبد اذاخ ػ زا اض ض*

after – before …..etc.


The train had left before we reached the station.

Marie Curie had died before she found a cure for cancer.

After the police had arrested the man they discovered he was a detective.

PAST PERFECT NEGATION نفي سمن انمبضي انتبو

.فؼ زح٠ حبخ اإل٠جبة ئ حبخ اف (not)اف ٠حذس ػبدح ثاػبفخ وخ *

.غ اج از ال رحز ػ فؼ غبػذ (not)الثذ اعزخذا فؼ غبػذ غ وخ *

(not)حبخ ص ابػ ازب فبفؼ اغبػذ أعبع ف رى٠ زا اض ب ٠جؼ ف١ غب٠خ ف اجغبؽخ ثاػبفخ وخ ف*

. (had)ثؼذ افؼ اغبػذ


The Old Egyptians hadn’t felt rest before building the Pyramids.

Actors hadn’t become rich without hardworking.

When US fought Japanese they hadn’t used the nuclear weapons.

The driver hadn’t left the station before he sent a long horn.

After the ball hadn’t entered the goal, some players quarrelled.


FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE سمن انمستقبم انبسيظ

Study this example situation:

I don't think John is happy in his job. I think he'll leave soon.

This time next year I'll be in Japan. Where will you be?

We use (be) going to when the situation now shows what is going to happen in the future:

Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain. (you can see the clouds now)

. ٠ؼجش ص اغزمج اجغ١ؾ ػ فؼ عف ٠حذس ف اغزمج امش٠ت*

. ازظش٠ف األي فؼ+ ٠willزى زا اض *

. ازظش٠ف األي فؼ + ( am/is/are going to)لذ ٠زى وزه زا اض *

: اىبد اذاخ ػ زا اض ضبه ثؼغ *

next… – tomorrow – soon …..etc.


Next year, our father will accompany us to Canada.

Tomorrow I will go on a picnic with my friends.

They are going to join the university when they finish school.

My mother is going to make a big party for my birthday.

FUTURE SIMPLE NEGATION نفي سمن انمستقبم انبسيظ

.فؼ زح٠ حبخ اإل٠جبة ئ حبخ اف (not)اف ٠حذس ػبدح ثاػبفخ وخ *

.غ اج از ال رحز ػ فؼ غبػذ (not)الثذ اعزخذا فؼ غبػذ غ وخ *

(not)ف حبخ ص اغزمج اجغ١ؾ فبفؼ اغبػذ أعبع ف رى٠ زا اض ب ٠جؼ ف١ غب٠خ ف اجغبؽخ ثاػبفخ وخ *

.(will/am/is/are)ثؼذ افؼ اغبػذ

. اشى األوضش ش١ػبا اعزخذابا (won’t) (will not)الحظ أ ا زظبس *


We won’t help this poor man again if he doesn’t try to find a job.

They aren’t going to spend their holiday in Turkey this summer.

I’m not going to visit my uncle next Friday.

Sara won’t go shopping before the sales.

He isn’t going to leave the station before his father’s arrival.


EXERCISES ON VERB TENSES: : تدريببث منىعت عهى األسمنت

*Choose the correct answer from a, b and c: 1. Bashar is a good footballer. He always ---------------- in the football competitions.

aa.. sshhaarree bb.. sshhaarriinngg cc.. sshhaarreedd dd.. sshhaarreess

2. Muhammad usually ----------------- to work every day.

aa.. ggooiinngg bb.. ggoo cc.. ggooeess dd.. wweenntt

3. Ahmed -------------------- now.

aa.. iiss sslleeeeppiinngg bb.. sslleepptt cc.. sslleeeeppss dd.. sslleeeepp

4. Oman is a beautiful country. I --------------------- there last year.

aa.. ggoo bb.. ggooeess cc.. iiss ggooiinngg dd.. wweenntt

5. Salem came while I -------------------------- my homework.

aa.. ddoo bb.. wwaass ddooiinngg cc.. ddiidd dd.. aamm ddooiinngg

6. ------------------ fruit and vegetables helps you to keep healthy.

aa.. EEaatt bb.. EEaattss cc.. EEaattiinngg dd.. AAttee

7. It's bad to -------------------- very near in front of the TV.

aa.. ssiitt bb.. ssiittttiinngg cc.. ssaatt dd.. ssiittss

8. I --------------------- an expensive car last month.

aa.. bbuuyy bb.. aamm bbuuyyiinngg cc.. bboouugghhtt dd.. hhaavvee bboouugghhtt

9. Saleh --------------- at this moment.

aa.. pprraayyss bb.. pprraayyiinngg cc.. wwaass pprraayyiinngg dd.. iiss pprraayyiinngg

10. The boys ---------------- in the street when their father arrived.

aa.. ppllaayyeedd bb.. wweerree ppllaayyiinngg cc.. wwaass ppllaayyiinngg dd.. ppllaayy

11. Ali ------- a clever boy, isn't he?

aa.. wwaass bb.. iiss cc.. iissnn''tt dd.. aarree

12. My friend sometimes ------------- me to do my homework.

aa.. hheellpp bb.. hheellppeedd cc.. hheellppss dd.. iiss hheellppiinngg

13. Our team --------------- the final match and got the golden cup.

aa.. wwiinn bb.. wwiinnss cc.. wwoonn dd.. iiss wwiinnnniinngg

14. Although Ahmed was tired, he ---------------- to work.

aa.. ggooeess bb.. hhaass ggoonnee cc.. ggoo dd.. wweenntt

15. I ---------------- shopping yesterday after I had done my homework.

aa.. ggoo bb.. wwaass ggooiinngg cc.. wweenntt dd.. aamm ggooiinngg

16. Ali -------------- at the coral reef when he saw a big fish.

aa.. llooookk bb.. llooookkss cc.. llooookkiinngg dd.. wwaass llooookkiinngg

17. Jassim ----------------- in Kuwait five years ago.

aa.. lliivvee bb.. lliivveess cc.. lliivveedd dd.. lliivviinngg

18. It's fantastic to --------------------- the oud carefully.

aa.. ppllaayy bb.. ppllaayyiinngg cc.. ppllaayyeedd dd.. ppllaayyss

19. She usually ---------------- to the club.

aa.. ggooiinngg bb.. wwiillll ggoo cc.. ggooeess dd.. wweenntt


20. Look! Ahmed --------------------- on the bridge over there.

aa.. wwaallkkss bb.. wwaass wwaallkkiinngg cc.. iiss wwaallkkiinngg dd.. wwaallkk

21. China -------------- a lot of population, now.

aa.. hhaass bb.. hhaavvee cc.. hhaadd dd.. hhaass hhaadd

22. I ------------ in Kuwait since 1990.

aa.. lliivveedd bb.. lliivviinngg cc.. hhaavvee lliivveedd dd.. lliivvee

23. I have studied English ------------ ten years.

aa.. llaasstt bb.. aaggoo cc.. ffoorr dd.. ssiinnccee

24. While Hani ------------------- he broke his leg.

aa.. ppllaayyeedd bb.. wwaass ppllaayyiinngg cc.. ppllaayy dd.. ppllaayyss

25. Bayt Al Badr is a very old house. Have you -------------- visited it?

aa.. eevveerr bb.. ssoommeettiimmeess cc.. uussuuaallllyy dd.. aaggoo

26. I -------------------- go to the match, because I didn't have a ticket.

aa.. ccoouulldd bb.. ccoouullddnn''tt cc.. hhaavvee ttoo dd.. mmuusstt

27. I managed to --------------------at home last night.

aa.. ssttaayyiinngg bb.. ssttaayyeedd cc.. ssttaayyiinngg dd.. ssttaayy

28. Fahd ------------------ read stories when he was a teenager.

aa.. uusseedd ttoo bb.. wwoouulldd cc.. wwiillll dd.. uussee ttoo

29. I saw the man who -------------------- us in the airport last summer.

aa.. hheellpp bb.. hheellppss cc.. iiss hheellppiinngg dd.. hheellppeedd

*Correct the verbs between brackets:

30. A: Is Ali absent today?

B: No, he usually (come) ----------------------- late.

31. A: If you gave me the money, I (buy) ----------------------- the books.

B: Here you are.

32. A: Dana saw her sister while she (walk) ----------------------- near the beach.

B: She was very happy.

33. A: We (get) ----------------------- lovely presents last week.

B: You are hardworking students.

*Do as shown between brackets:

34. Ahmed goes to school on Friday. (Make negative)


35. Fahd went to Bahrain last week. (Make negative)


36. Mona (see) --------------- an accident yesterday. (Correct the verb)

37. He (have) --------------- lunch when the telephone rang. (Correct the verb)

38. I like playing cricket. (Make negative)



Study this example situation: This house was built in 1930.

. ٠ز ثبء اجخ جي ػذب ٠ى روش افبػ غ١ش ر جذ األ ازشو١ض ػ افؼي*

: اخطاد از ٠جغ ئرجبػب زح٠ ثبء اجخ اؼ ئ اجي*

ئ جذ"ثم١خ اجخ / فؼي ث / فؼ / ئ فبػ " ظش٠ب"اجخ رمغ١"

ثذء اجخ ثبفؼي ث.

اعزخذا افؼ اغبػذam/is/are - was/were ػ حغت افبػ ص اجخ.

غزخذ افؼ األط ف ازظش٠ف اضبشpast participle.

ئ وب زوش ػشسح ؼؼ وب غجلبا ثىخ "روش حزف افبػ ف اجخ األط١خ ؼذ جذby."

أر ثجم١خ اجخ وب د رغ١١ش.

Examples: My father built this house in 1930.

Subject verb object rest of the sentence 1. My father built this house in 1930.

2. This house…….

3. This house was …….

4. This house was built …….

5. This house was built in 1930.

ئرا جذ ثبجخ ف حبخ اج ؼ أحذ األفؼبي ابلظخ ض *

(can/could/will/would/shall/should/may/might/must/ought to/have to/has to had to) فاب زجغ اخطاد

. زب١خ زح٠ ثبء اجخ ئ اجيا

ئ جذ"ثم١خ اجخ / فؼي ث / فؼ / ئ فبػ " ظش٠ب"رمغ١ اجخ"

ثذء اجخ ثبفؼي ث.

اعزخذا افؼ ابلض اجد ثبجخ زجػبا ثىخ(be)" .زا ازغ١١ش اح١ذ ػ امبػذح اغبثمخ"

غزخذ افؼ األط ف ازظش٠ف اضبشpast participle.

ئ وب زوش ػشسح ؼؼ وب غجلبا ثىخ "حزف افبػ ف اجخ األط١خ ؼذ جذ روشby."

أر ثجم١خ اجخ وب د رغ١١ش.

Examples: Subject verb object *We should obey our parents and teachers.

1. Our parents and teachers ……………

2. Our parents and teachers should ……………

3. Our parents and teachers should be ……………

4. Our parents and teachers should be obeyed.

PASSIVE VOICE انمبني نهمجهىل


Exercises: *Change the following sentences into passive voice: 1. My mother made a delicious cake yesterday.


2. People use the computer to send messages nowadays.


3. The doctor examined the two patients together.


4. He usually drives this car when travelling to Qatar.


5. Bakers make bread from flour.


6. They used some wood to start the campfire.


7. People built the cities near rivers and water supplies.


8. We clean our car daily.


9. She put the dish on the table.


10. People took the sick man to the hospital.


11. A loud noise woke us up during the night.


12. A strong storm damaged the roof of the building last month.


13. My friend gave me a present at the party.


14. The carpenter makes strong chairs from this old furniture.


15. Careless drivers may cause dangerous accidents.



Study this example: The detective said that the man in blue jeans was a thief.

. اىال امي از ٠ش ثشى غ١ش جبشش ػ غب شخض ش غ١ش افبػ*

: امياخطاد از ٠جغ ئرجبػب زح٠ اجخ اجبشش ئ *

حزف األلاط ػالبد ازظ١ض و١خ.

اعزخذا(that) ثؼذ افؼ(said/told) ره ػ عج١ االعزحغب ئال ف١ى االعزغبء ػ (that) و١خ.

رغ١١ش اؼبئش ػ حغت افبػ افؼي.

سفغ اض األط جخ دسجخ ثبرجب ابػ:

اجغ١ؾ ابعاجغ١ؾ اؼبسع

اغزش ابػاغزش اؼبسع

ازب ابػازب اؼبسع

will would

shall should

ثؼغ اىبد رزغ١ش رببا ف حبخ اىال امي ئ وبد أ ش خزفخ ػب ثبى١خ:

this that

today that day

yesterday the day before

tomorrow the next day

now then


Ahmed said: "I will go to the restaurant this evening." (Change into reported speech)

1. Ahmed said ………..

2. Ahmed said that ………..

3. Ahmed said that he ………..

4. Ahmed said that he would ………..

5. Ahmed said that he would go to the restaurant………..

6. Ahmed said that he would go to the restaurant that evening.

REPORTED SPEECH انكالو انمنقىل


Exercises: *Change the following sentences into reported speech: 1. The manager said, "The project is important."


2. Saleh said, “I am going to the library after school.”


3. Mona said, “My father works at the National Museum.”


4. “I went to the stadium to watch the match yesterday.” said Ali.


5. Maha said, “I prefer coffee to tea.”


6. My neighbour said, “I will visit you tomorrow.”


7. My teacher said to me: “You should study your lessons carefully.”


8. Majid said: "I can swim in deep water."


9. The waiter said, “This drink will cost you much money.”


10. “We are twin brothers.” said Hadi and Shadi.


11. Israa said, “I will buy a present for my mother.”


12. Mariam said, “My father is a bank manger.”


13. Ibrahim said, “My favourite programme is Top Pupils.”


14. The policeman said, “The thief is one of these salesmen.”


15. “We will join a club for judo.” said the girls.



. اجخ ر٠\اغإاي از٠ عإاي لظ١ش ٠أر ف ب٠خ*

". أ١ظ وزه؟"احذ مبث ف اغخ اؼشث١خ ج١غ األعئخ از٠خ ف اغخ اإلج١ض٠خ ب ؼ *

. -ئ وب بن فؼ غبػذ أطالا -٠ز رى٠ اغإاي از٠ ثبعزخذا افؼ اغبػذ اجد ف اجخ *

ؤاي از٠ ٠خبف اغإاي از٠ ثبء اجخ األعبع١خ ح١ش اإلصجبد أ اف ثح١ش ئرا وبذ اجخ األعبع١خ ضجزخ وب اظ*

. ف١با اؼىظ

: األفعبل انمسبعدة انزئيسيت هي*

am/is/are do/does have/has can/may will/shall

was/were did had could/might would/should

must/ought to

Examples: 1. We are going to travel to India this summer, aren't we?

2. Ali is a clever boy, isn't he?

3. You can't carry this heavy bag, can you?

4. I am working at a big company, aren't I? ... etc.

. (I)٠ؼزجش لبػذح ف اغإاي از٠ غ اؼ١ش (aren't)اعزخذا *

. ػ حغت افبػ (do/does/did)ئرا ٠ى ف اجخ األعبع١خ فؼالا غبػذاا أر ثبفؼ اغبػذ *

Examples: 1. They go to school every day, don't they?

2. Ahmed plays music carefully, doesn't he?

3. Aisha and Laila went to the zoo yesterday, didn't they?

4. Ali doesn't like going to the circus, does he?

Exercises: 1. Pupils usually go to The National museum every year, ---------------------------?

2. They can't watch the match at the stadium, --------------------------?

3. Wafaa is a lazy girl, ----------------------?

4. The poor man asked Majid to help him, -----------------------?

5. The Arabs invented the compass, ---------------------?

6. You should respect your teachers, -------------------------------?

7. We have to wear our school uniform daily, -------------------------?

8. Hala was cooking in the kitchen, -------------------?

9. You must train well before your driving test, --------------------------?

10. Ali ran fast for 400 hundred metres, --------------------------?

QUESTION TAGS األسئهت انمذيهت


Study this example situation: If I go to the restaurant today, I’ll get you a delicious meal.

ب جؼب رغ جخ ششؽ١خ اجخ اششؽ١خ دائبا ب رحز ػ فؼ١ زؼك حذس أحذب ثحذس ا٢ ش زا اششؽ *

فخ ف اؼ ف ثبء اجخ ز امبػذح صالس حبالد خذ

First Conditional

انحبنت انشزطيت األونى

: ازى٠*

األاجخ اضب١خاجخ

If + present simple Future simple

ؼبسع ثغ١ؾ+ /ئرا will + رظش٠ف أي

Examples: * If I have a lot of money, I’ll help the poor.

* If you travel to the USA, you’ll watch the Statue of Liberty.

ئرا ب رحمك فؼ اششؽ زا ب ١٠ض رحمم ٠ىئرا رأذ األضخ اغبثمخ رىزشف ثغخ أ جاة اششؽ ف ز اج *

. از١ اضب١خ اضبضخاحبخ اششؽ١خ األ ػ اح

Second Conditional

انحبنت انشزطيت انثبنيت

: ازى٠*

األاجخ اضب١خاجخ

If + past simple would + رظش٠ف أي

بػ ثغ١ؾ+ /ئرا

Examples: * If I saw the thief, I would call the police.

* If they knew French well, they would read the masterpieces of Sartre.

زا ب ١٠ض احبخ اششؽ١خ اضب١خ ػ ٠ظؼت رحممئرا رأذ األضخ اغبثمخ رىزشف ثغخ أ جاة اششؽ ف ز اج *

. احبز١ األ اضبضخ

Third Conditional

انحبنت انشزطيت انثبنثت

: ازى٠*

األاجخ اضب١خاجخ

If + past perfect

بػ رب+ /ئرا

Would have + p. p.

"ازظش٠ف اضبش فؼ"

Examples: * If the driver had seen the boy, he wouldn't have hit him.

* If he had worked hard, he would have got a great wealth.

* If they had known the thief, they would have called the police.

زا ب ١٠ض احبخ اششؽ١خ اضبضخ ٠غزح١ رحممرىزشف ثغخ أ جاة اششؽ ف ز اج طئرا رأذ األضخ اغبثمخ *

. ػ احبز١ األ اضب١خ

CONDITIONAL -IF- انشزطيت (If)قبعدة


Exercises: *Correct the verbs between brackets: 1. If I have much money, I (buy) --------------------- a new car.

2. If she (write) --------------------- a letter to her brother, I would give it to him.

3. If they feel hungry, they (go) --------------------- to the take away.

4. If he (drive) --------------------- slowly, he wouldn't have caused an accident.

5. If you are busy, I (leave) --------------------- soon.

6. If you had waited five minutes, you (catch) --------------------- the train to London.

7. If she (cook) --------------------- the food in time, her husband wouldn’t be angry.

8. If we have an invitation, we (wear) --------------------- our best clothes.

9. If the rain stopped, she (go shopping) ------------------------.

10. If she (phone) --------------------- her friend, she would have forgiven her.

11. If he (read) --------------------- the newspaper today, he will know everything.

12. If you (tell) --------------------- the truth, they would have believed you all.

13. They will advise him if he (ask) --------------------- them for advice.

14. If we got up early, we (watch) --------------------- the sunrise.

15. If you bring much orange, I (make) --------------------- delicious juice.


Study this example situation: The moon is big, but the earth is bigger than the moon while the sun is the biggest of all.

. رحذس امبسخ ػبدحا ث١ اظفبد د األعبء*

:بن ػب امبسخ*

(ط١غخ ازفؼ١ اؼ١ب)امبسخ ث١ احذ جػخ امبسخ ث١ اص١

Comparative Superlative

Comparative adjectives

انمقبرنت بين اثنين

: أوالال

ؼغ (er)فاب ؼ١ف ئ ب٠خ اظفخ حشف (لظ١شح)ػذ امبسخ ث١ شخظ١ أ ش١ئ١ وبذ اظفخ أحبد٠خ امطغ *

. (than) ثؼذب

Examples: *My car is faster than yours.

*This house is bigger than the old museum.

*The Liberation Tower is higher than Kuwait Towers. ….etc.

. (er)ئرا ازذ اظفخ ثحشف عبو ٠غجم حشف زحشن فغبجبا ب ؼؼف احشف األ ١ش ظفخ لج ئػبفخ حشف *

Examples: fat / fatter thin / thinner big / bigger slim / slimmer …etc.

. (ier):١ظجح ىزا (er)لج ئػبفخ حشف (i)فغبجبا ب غ١ش ئ احشف (y)ئرا ازذ اظفخ ثحشف *

Examples: Healthy/healthier funny / funnier sunny / sunnier …etc.

. ثؼغ اظفبد ٠زغ١ش شىب رببا ف حبي امبسخ*

Examples: good/better/best bad / worse/worst far / farther/ farthest …etc.

: ثبنيبال

ؼغ ثؼذب (more)فاب ؼغ لج اظفخ (ؽ٠خ)ػذ امبسخ ث١ شخظ١ أ ش١ئ١ وبذ اظفخ زؼذدح امبؽغ *

(than) .

Examples: *Sara is more beautiful than Laila.

*This servant is more hardworking than a machine. ….etc.



Superlative adjectives

صيغت انتفضيم انعهيب

: أوالال

(لظ١شح)ػذ امبسخ ث١ شخض جػخ األشخبص أ ث١ شء جػخ األش١بء وبذ اظفخ أحبد٠خ امطغ *

. (est) ؼ١ف ئ ب٠خ اظفخ األحشف (the)فاب ؼغ لج اظفخ وخ

Examples: *Ahmed is the tallest pupil in the class.

*This car is the smallest car in the showroom. ….etc.

: ثبنيبال

(ؽ٠خ)ػذ امبسخ ث١ شخض جػخ األشخبص أ ث١ شء جػخ األش١بء وبذ اظفخ زؼذدح امبؽغ *

. (the most): فاب ؼغ لج اظفخ وز

Examples: *Sara is the most beautiful girl in the party.

*Marie Curie was the most faithful scientist. ….etc.

Exercises: *Correct the underlined adjectives: 1. The weather today is good --------------------- than yesterday. Let’s go out.

2. I like this cake, it’s tasty --------------------- than ours.

3. Ali is thin --------------------- than me. I’ll do some exercise to be fit.

4. Jupiter is the big --------------------- planet in the solar system.

5. The rabbit is fast --------------------- than the bear.

6. Fruit and vegetables are healthy --------------------- than rice and bread.



Study this example situation: * While I was working in the garden, I hurt my back.

past)اشاثؾ غبجبا غ ص١ ف ابػ زؼج١ش ػ أ حذس عجك ا٢ ش، فبز حذس أالا ٠ى ف ص رغزخذ ز *

continuous) از حذس رب١با ٠ى ف ص (past simple) .

Examples: * I was walking along the road when I saw Jaber.

* When Ali arrived, we were having dinner.

* The doorbell rang while I was watching the match.

* We saw an accident while we were travelling for Omra.

* As we reached home, my little brother was playing with matches.

* My father fell asleep while he was reading the newspaper. …etc.

Exercises: *Correct the verbs between brackets: 1. We (enjoy) ---------------- the party when our father wanted to go home.

2. Mary (burn) ---------------- her hand while she was cooking the dinner.

3. The TV was on but nobody (watch) ---------------- the film.

4. I was cycling when I (see) ---------------- the thief running away.

5. While the teacher was writing on the board, someone (whistle) ----------------.

6. I was watching the boxing but my sister (want) ---------------- to see the serial.

7. As the firemen reached the factory, people (put out) ---------------- the fire.

8. When she was sleeping, the cat (drink) ---------------- the bottle of milk.

9. When we (go out) ---------------- the rain was falling heavily.


Study this example situation: I couldn’t sleep. I was very tired.

I couldn’t sleep although I was very tired.

Although I was very tired I couldn’t sleep.

ف١ذح دج جز١ ف جخ احذح ي اؼطف حشف اجش ػبئش اطرغزخذ اشاثؾ حشف *

(connectors, conjunctions, prepositions & relative pronouns)

عز١ؼبث جز١ اطة سثطب رؼزذ اشاثؾ ئ حذ وج١ش ػ ثذ٠خ اطبت ذ ا*

: لذ ٠ظح أ شثؾ اجخ ثأوضش ؽش٠مخ*

Examples: I was walking along the beach. I saw some seagulls flying in groups.

While I was walking along the beach I saw some seagulls flying in groups.

I was walking along the beach and I saw some seagulls flying in groups..etc.

اضبي اغبثك أ ال رجذ لبػذح ضخ شثؾ اج أ األش زشن جذ٠خ اطبت شش٠طخ أال ٠زغ١ش اؼ ثؼذ ٠زؼح*

.سثؾ اجز١ ػب لج اشثؾ

: ػذ ازؼج١ش ػ ازبلغ ث١ اجز١ (although/but)٠شاػ اعزخذا *

Examples: Ali was sick yesterday. Ali came to his work as usual.

Although Ali was sick yesterday, he came to his work as usual.

Ali was sick yesterday but he came to his work as usual. …etc.

. أ رى ساثؾ ج -از أفشدب ب لبػذح بطخ -(as/while/when/during) اى أ٠ؼبا أ رى *

: رخذ أ٠ؼبا ػبئش اط شثؾ ث١ اجرظ*

who which -ؼبل - -غ١ش اؼبل – that از

where ح١ش when ػذب whose - ه -

Examples: I saw the thief. The thief stole the lady’s bag.

I saw the thief who stole the lady’s bag.

This is the stadium. The final match was played in this stadium.

This is the stadium where the final match was played.



Exercises: *Join the following sentences accurately: 1. Alia'a has much free time. Alia'a decided to make a big cake.


2. The man was shouting. Nobody was listening to the man. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Joha was very poor. Joha was very happy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. He studied hard. He got high marks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. I listened to him carefully. I didn’t know why the man was angry.


6. The man was sick. He was taken to hospital.


7. My father bought a new car. He couldn’t repair the old one.


8. He came to school very early. He found the front door closed.


9. This is the skyscraper. It was chosen as the tallest building. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10. Salwa is ill today. She didn’t came to school today. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11. Aiman bought a new house. The house is near his work. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

12. My teacher was reading a book. I asked him to help me.


13. Our friend is very sick. We should visit him at home.


14. Chocolate is very delicious. I don’t like chocolate.


15. They were very brave. They caught the criminal.


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