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Spread of Islam! 600c.e.-900c.e.

Mecca = Makkah

Medina = Madinah

Muhammad = Mohammad

Quran = Koran

624 ce

733 ce

Early Arabs


Religion: Polytheistic

worshipped the meteorite in Mecca.

Mecca trade routes created wealthy communities!

But the rich merchants did not treat the poor well so there was unrest


Merchant who was married to a wealthy widow, Khadija, lived in Mecca

Believed to have received Revelations from angel Gabriel.

Taught that the words of Jesus had been distorted by people and that God spoke to Muhammad so he could return the beliefs back to what they were supposed to be.

Core belief: There is one god, and Muhammad is his prophet.

Muhammad gains popularity

His followers get persecuted.

he lived in Mecca…. A city that made much of its profit off of selling IDOLS…. Monotheism speaks against Idols.

Moves to Medina, formed the first Muslim community

630 C.E returned to Mecca with 10,000 men. The city quickly surrendered without any fighting He gave high positions to

the leaders, which kept them happy.

Creation of an Empire

Mohammad died in 632 C.E.

Abu Bakr was chosen as Caliph

Caliph is the leader of a Muslim Empire, religious and political.

United the tribes and turned military action towards neighboring empires.

JIHAD: “struggle in the way of God.”

Spread of Islam

Why Did People Convert?

Winning wars = God’s favorite

You always want to be on the winning side

Muhammad distributed wealth from raids to neighboring tribes to make alliances.

Islamic practice said that wealth was distributed to the poor

Life wasn’t so bad

A Split in Islam

Revolts under the Umayyad Dynasty in the 700’s C.E.

Disagreed with the Umayyad’s rule and many believed only the prophets family should be Caliph, meaning the fourth Caliph, Ali (Muhammad’s son-in-law)

Ali was assassinated

Ali’s son led a revolt, Hussein

It led to the split into Shia and Sunni

- Consider the first 4 caliphs rightful caliphs

- Imam is anyone who leads the prayers

- Only consider Hussein’s father Ali’s descendants rightful leaders

- Imam is considered leader of the community

Here come the Turks Next Dynasty was the Abbasid Empire

Empire became divided from fighting over the next Caliph

Abbasid power decreased, separate dynasties were created

Seljuk Turks power increased

Nomadic people from Central Asia that converted to Islam.

Eventually took power of the Islamic Empire in 1055 Ce.

What was it like under the Islamic Empire


Trade flourished… Middle East had some of the richest cities.

Period was called the Golden Age

PS. Western Europe was in its dark ages.

For Other Religions?

According to the Quran all Muslim people are equal in the eyes of god.

Christians and Jews could practice their religion but they did have to pay an extra tax!

Polytheistic people weren’t so lucky.

Class system

Upper class

Wealthy merchants (respected), Elite, ruling families


From Non-Muslim areas such as Asia and Africa

Served in the army

Were often freed or could buy their freedom and receive many rights

PS. Islamic Law made it clear that they were to be treated fairly and considered it a good act to free them


Quran granted them religious and social equality.

Men were mostly dominant but women had the right to:


earn wages


to their dowry

Men could have four wives if able to treat them equally. Most men couldn’t afford it

PS. As the religion spread, these customs disappeared. Veiling became a thing and women lost many of the rights given by the Quran.

Advances that become important

Philosophy: They copied the old Greek text that Europe were no longer paying attention to.

Science: astronomy (the study of space)

Medicine: medical encyclopedia, surgeries, etc.

History: birth, growth, decay

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