sport shoulder injury

Post on 18-Jan-2017



Health & Medicine



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The shoulder is a remarkable part of the human body. Made up of several joints, muscles, and tendons it gives us all an amazing range of motion. However, since the shoulder has to perform the most movement of all the joints in our body, it is also easily subject to many problems.

Common Complaints

So, once you experience discomfort or pain in your shoulder, it is best to seek medical diagnosis and treatment. There are many types of shoulder problems, but the most widespread is shoulder pain resulting from the tendons in the shoulder rubbing against calcium deposits, also known as bone spurs. This usually occurs amongst people of more advanced age, say 50 years or over.

For those of a younger age, or those active in sports, especially those engaging in sports featuring overhead motions such as badminton or tennis, then a rotator cuff injury is quite a common complaint. The repetitiveness of the overhead motion can cause a tearing of the rotator cuff. This problem is best treated early before any small tears become larger.

Alongside shoulder pain patients can often experience Shoulder stiffness. When the pain in the shoulder is not properly addressed, the shoulder’s once remarkable mobility can be diminished considerably. The shoulder is a remarkable part of the human body. Made up of several joints, muscles, and tendons it gives us all an amazing range of motion. However, since the shoulder has to perform the most movement of all the joints in our body, it is also easily subject to many problems.

Unstable shoulder can result from injury to the shoulder or due to straining repetitive motions such as throwing and swimming. When the shoulder joint capsule gets loose, you may notice that your shoulder

slips or feels unstable with certain activities. But, when the shoulder completely slips out of the socket (shoulder dislocation), this can cause severe pain. The more often a shoulder is dislocated, the more likely it is to dislocate again. This Recurrent dislocation is more likely in athletes and amongst men.

Diagnosis and Treatment

The first step, for any diagnosis is a physical examination by the doctor to discover the limits of movement, location of pain, and the extent of the joint's disability. Tests such as x-rays, MRI, or CAT scans can then be used to either confirm the diagnosis or to investigate the problem further.

Treatment usually begins with more conservative methods, such as prescriptions of anti-inflammatory medications, cortisone injections, and/or physiotherapy. If all else fails, surgery is then required to solve the problems. With the advent of Arthroscopic Surgery, a minimally invasive surgical procedure which involves a few small (keyhole) incisions, shoulder problems can now be properly addressed and treated with excellent results The faster recovery time from such surgery also allows the patient to return to normal or sporting activities quicker. And, with this type of procedure, the patient is only required to stay for 1 to 2 nights at the hospital.

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