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Spontaneous Transformation Technique Training Course


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Jen:   Hello  everyone  and  welcome  to  our  very  first  class  of  the  STT  training  course.  Oh  my  God,  it's  finally  here.  I  am  so  excited  that  you  are  all  here  for  this  powerful  way,  this  powerful  system,  this  powerful  practice  that  you  are  going  to  apply  to  really  transform  your  life.  I'm  thrilled  that  you  are  here.  This  is  the  program  that  I  created.  This  is  the  system  of  healing,  spontaneous  transformation  technique.  It's  a  system  of  healing  that  I  have  used  to  transform  my  life.  

  All  of  us  are  a  work  in  progress,  as  am  I.  You'll  learn  as  we  go  through  the  course.  What  this  does  is  it  gives  you  a  leg  up.  It  gives  you  a  practice  that  allows  you  to  actually  address  anything  that  shows  up  in  your  life.  The  reason  I  created  spontaneous  transformation  technique  is  because  I  knew  that  I  reacted  a  lot  to  life.  I  reacted  to  life.  I  didn't  respond.  I  didn't  have  space.  I  reacted.    

  I  realized  I  had  taken  a  lot  of  courses  in  different  modalities  of  training.  I  had  received  psychotherapy.  I  had  done  yang  and  yin  analysis.  I  had  done  you  name  it.  My  28th  birthday  I  was  faced  down  in  a  bathtub  doing  re-­‐birthing  with  a  snorkel  gear  in  my  mouth.  You  name  it,  I  tried  it.  I  was  trying  to  figure  out  how  can  I  have  a  better  life.  How  can  I  recover  from  my  childhood  which  my  childhood  was  extremely  challenging;  sexual  abuse,  alcoholism,  narcissism.  It  was  tough.    

  I  created  this  system  well  into  my  spiritual  journey.  Well  into  my  path  as  a  healer.  I  realized  that  there's  something  that  I  needed  for  me.  It  turned  into  the  spontaneous  transformation  technique.  You'll  notice  there's  some  nuances  of  other  systems.  However,  there  are  several  things  that  are  very  uniquely  part  of  the  spontaneous  transformation  technique.    

  What  I  enjoyed  most  about  it  is  it's  something  that  you  use  in  the  moment.  What  I  enjoyed  most  about  it  is  those  who  use  it  ...  This  is  a  self-­‐healing  technique.  When  people  start  to  use  it  on  themselves,  when  you  start  to  use  it  on  yourself,  in  your  own  life,  it's  fixed,  it's  permanent.  It  creates  permanent  change  because  it's  not  someone  else  doing  it  to  you.  

  This  is  a  game  of  changing  beliefs.  The  spontaneous  transformation  technique  is  truly  about  creating  new  neural  pathways.  It's  truly  about  changing  belief.  It's  about  transforming  how  we  see  the  world  by  unraveling  the  least  that  happened  in  the  moment  of  trauma.  Spontaneous  transformation  technique  is  a  system  of  healing  that  focuses  on  trauma  without  people  actually  knowing  it.  Without  people  actually  realizing  that  we  are  detouring  around  the  mind  and  accessing  a  point  of  trauma  and  unraveling  it.  

  What  you're  about  to  learn  in  the  next  little  over  five  weeks  I  think,  we're  going  to  be  here  together.  We're  going  to  have  a  class  tonight  and  then  we're  going  to  take  a  little  break.  Those  who  are  listening  to  the  audio  replays  later,  you  don't  have  to  worry  about  any  of  this,  but  we're  going  to  take  a  little  break.  We're  going  to  meet  then  twice  next  week  and  then  twice  the  next  weekend  and  we're  going  to  take  a  little  break  and  meet  at  the  end.  For  those  who  are  listening,  you  can  do  the  same  thing.  We  designed  it  for  a  reason.  We  designed  it  to  get  you  space  to  start  to  play.    

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  The  emphasis  here  is  going  to  be,  in  large  measure  on  creating  and  establishing  your  own  practice.  You're  going  to  create  your  own  spontaneous  transformation  technique  practice.  I'm  going  to  teach  you  how  to  do  this  technique.  This  is  a  training.  You're  going  to  learn  how  to  do  it  for  yourself.  Then  we're  also  going  to  start  teaching  you  how  to  do  it  for  others.    

  This  first  class  is  really  you're  going  to  do  it  with  only  you  for  the  next  week.  I  want  you  to  start  a  journal  too.  Get  yourself  a  journal  or  some  pages  and  I  want  you  to  start  doing  research.  I'll  explain  that  a  little  bit  more  later.    

  Another  thing  that  you  might  be  interested  in  doing  is  downloading  on  the  purple  button  there  on  the  page  where  you're  listening,  if  you  scroll  up  a  little  bit  from  part  one,  download  the  12  step  worksheet  here.  You  just  right  click  and  do  a  save  as.  I  would  actually  ask  that  you  do  that  right  now  while  I'm  talking.  Go  ahead  and  download  the  12  step  worksheet  here  because  I'm  going  to  walk  you  through  the  12  steps.    

  For  those  of  you  who  have  the  book,  it  says  seven  steps.  That's  for  everyone  else.  For  you  that  are  in  this  training  course,  we've  taken  it  into  12  steps.  That  actually  happened  last  year  when  I  was  training  the  practitioners.  We  realized  that  12  steps  was  an  easier  way  for  you  to  learn  and  for  you  to  keep  going  in  this  program.  

  I'm  going  to  walk  you  through  the  12  steps  tonight.  I'm  also  going  to  walk  you  through  a  little  bit  of  theory  about  the  why  behind  the  system.  Just  know  that  this  system  is  created  for  self-­‐healing.  This  system  was  created  so  that  I  could  now  start  using  the  circumstances  of  life  and  how  they  impacted  me  and  my  reactions  to  them.  As  I  said,  I  was  a  superstar  reactor.  It  was  my  superpower.  I  reacted  to  everyone  and  everything.  I  took  a  lot  of  things  personally.  I  recognize  that.  I  saw  that  I  was  doing  that.    

  I  developed  this  system  in  order  for  me  to  calm  the  heck  down.  I  realized  as  I  started  using  it  as  a  daily  practice  that  it  not  only  calmed  me  down  but  it  changed  my  life.  I  used  it  through  cancer  at  33.  I  used  it  through  severe  adrenal  exhaustion  in  my  40s.  It  was  so  bad  that  I  would  go  unconscious.  I  used  to  really  move  from  a  place  of  victim  from  my  childhood  to  a  place  of  thriving.    

  I  use  it  to  this  very  day  as  circumstances  continue  to  nudge  me  to  my  expansion.  Every  day  I  use  this.  What's  different  about  this  is  it's  not  like  I'm  going  to  do  a  meditation  practice.  What's  different  about  this  is  that  it's  a  practice  that,  that  you  can  use  in  the  moment.  That's  why  I  like  it  so  much.  I  don't  have  to  set  aside  time.  Life  shows  up  and  I  use  it.    

  That's  one  of  the  main  theories  of  spontaneous  transformation  technique.  Life  shows  up  and  I  use  it.  Life  and  the  circumstances  are  constantly  nudging  me  to  an  expansion.  Now,  instead  of  bracing  against  life,  I  welcome  the  opportunities  and  the  nudges  that  are  showing  me  something  that  I'm  ready  to  explore.  The  life  is  showing  me  a  part  of  me  that  I'm  ready  to  love  and  honor  and  unwind.  The  part  of  me  that  experience  something  in  childhood.    

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  A  bunch  of  beliefs  were  formulated  out  of  a  trauma  and  event  that  happened  in  childhood.  Now  is  the  opportunity  through  the  spontaneous  transformation  technique  to  move  into  those  moments  in  the  past  where  a  belief  was  set  into  place  that  protected  me  but  no  longer  serves.  These  beliefs  that  were  put  into  place  in  moments  of  trauma  that  protected  us  now  are  running  in  the  deep  unconscious.  

  This  very  really  sweet,  special,  gentle  non-­‐threatening  technique  allows  us  to  access  those  deeply  held  unconscious  belief  that  were  formulated  in  a  moment  of  trauma  that  helped  to  protect  us.  We  accessed  them  now.  We  detour  around  the  mind  and  access  them.    

  A  lot  of  times,  these  pieces  that  we're  accessing,  we  never  wanted  to  access  again.  They're  deep  in  the  unconscious  and  we  just  never  wanted  to  go  there  again.  We  have  all  these  amazing  coping  mechanisms  to  make  sure  that  we  never  feel  that  way  again.  I'm  never  going  to  feel  that  way  again.  I'm  never  going  to  become  my  mom.  I'm  never  going  to  become  my  dad.    

  Sure  enough,  deep  in  the  unconscious  are  the  beliefs  that  were  set  into  us  and  placed  into  us  from  our  parents  that  we  created  ourselves  for  moments  of  upset  and  trauma.  The  spontaneous  transformation  technique  allows  us  to  detour  around  that  so  it's  safe  and  gentle  and  easy.  The  things  we  normally  would  run  as  fast  as  we  could  away  from.  The  feelings  that  we  would  run  from  are  now  accessible  in  a  way  that  allows  that  part  of  us  to  finally  have  a  voice.    

  That's  what  you're  going  to  experience  over  our  next  six  classes  is  accessing  these  parts  of  us.  You're  going  to  learn  how  to  access  them.  You'll  get  to  a  point  where  five  to  seven  minutes  is  all  you  need.  That's  why  I  say  at  the  daily  practice,  you  don't  have  to  set  aside  time.  You  do  spontaneous  transformation  in  the  moment  of  upset  and  the  moment  of  being  triggered  and  the  moment  of  considering  something.  In  the  moment  of  having  an  aha.  Of,  "Wow,  look  at  how  I  behave."  That's  the  moment  that  you  can  start  to  use  spontaneous  transformation.  

  We're  going  to  start  with  this  notion  of  noticing.  Noticing,  noticing,  noticing,  noticing.  I'll  be  talking  a  lot  about  it.  At  the  end,  there  will  be  time  for  questions  if  you  have  any.  Start  to  raise  your  hand  at  the  end  if  you  have  questions.    

  Noticing  is  incredibly  important  part  of  the  spontaneous  transformation  technique.  For  those  who  have  downloaded  the  12  steps,  you'll  notice  that  the  first  thing,  number  one  is  what's  upsetting  you.  Number  two  is  what  are  you  feeling.  Number  three  is  where  are  you  feeling  it  in  your  body.  That's  the  first  three  steps.  Those  are  three  steps  of  noticing.  Sorry,  I'm  having  a  little  tickle  in  my  throat.  

  Notice.  Notice  in  the  moment.  There's  something  that  just  upset  me.  Notice  in  the  moment  that  you're  having  a  reaction.  Notice  what  you're  feeling.  Notice  that  something  happened  and  I'm  angry.  Something  happened  and  I'm  despondent.  Something  happened  and  I'm  envious.  Noticing,  noticing,  noticing,  noticing.    

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  What  happens  is  I  call  it  shining  the  light  of  consciousness.  When  you  shine  the  light  of  consciousness  on  something  that  has  been  a  pattern,  it  changes  it  instantly.  Just  that  part  changes  it  instantly.  Noticing  changes  it  because  you  now  see  it.  When  you  see  it,  you  can't  un-­‐see  it.  You  now  have  it  instead  of  it  having  and  running  you.  You  now  see  it.  When  you  see  it,  you  have  this  level  up  on  whatever  it  is.  You  now  say,  "Wow  I  see  that  I  have  this  pattern.  Holy  cow."  

  There's  a  great  book  by  Pam  Grout  and  one  of  the  exercises  in  it  is  notice  and  look  for  an  orange  car.  When  you  do,  you'll  notice  thousands  of  orange  cars  that  you  never  noticed  before.  When  your  attention  is  on  something,  it's  on  it.  You  can't  un-­‐see  it.  When  you  start  looking  for  orange  cars,  you'll  see  hundreds  of  them  and  you  never  saw  them  before.  That  principle  applies  here.    

  When  you  start  noticing  your  patterns,  what  you  start  noticing  what's  upsetting  you,  when  you  start  noticing  what  you're  feeling,  when  you  start  noticing  these  things,  you  now  have  them.  You  now  see  them  and  you're  going  to  start  seeing  the  patterns  more  and  more  and  more.  

  These  patterns  are  not  bad.  They're  not  wrong.  They're  not  to  be  subjugated  or  suppressed  or  repressed.  They're  just  something  that  kept  you  going.  That's  all  they  are.  They  are  things  that  kept  you  going.  These  are  things  that  you  created  protection  mechanisms  in  order  to  keep  going  from  the  incidences  and  upsets  and  traumas  in  your  past.    

  You  created  a  set  of  beliefs  around  that  and  those  set  of  beliefs  created  a  set  of  coping  mechanisms.  Coping  mechanisms  to  things  like  judgment,  blame,  anger,  lashing  out,  shyness,  like  super  shyness.  Isolation,  things  that  we  label  like  self  sabotage,  stuck  obstacle.  Even  the  labeling  of  it  is  a  coping  mechanism.  Pointing  at  something  and  saying  what's  wrong  is  a  coping  mechanism.  These  are  all  coping  mechanisms  that  allow  us  to  feel  safe.  There  are  coping  mechanisms  that  happen  from  beliefs.  From  beliefs  that  were  formulated  in  the  moment  of  an  upset  and  trauma.    

  I  was  so  excited  to  be  here  with  you.  These  things  though  run  us  now.  They  run  us.  When  we  name  them  in  the  moment,  they  stop  running  us.  We  awaken  to  what's  been  happening.  When  we  awaken  again,  we  can't  un-­‐know  it.  We  can't  un-­‐see  it.  We've  seen  it.  That  is  the  first  step,  noticing.  That's  it.  

  Right  in  this  moment,  the  spontaneous  transformation  frequency  is  a  very  strong  piece  of  the  spontaneous  transformation  system.  We're  going  to  do  an  attunement  later  tonight.  By  the  way,  you  should  give  yourself  about  90  minutes  for  these  calls.  

  We're  going  to  do  an  attunement  a  little  bit  later  tonight.  The  attunement,  the  energy  frequency  of  spontaneous  transformation  that  you'll  start  to  experience  in  the  attunement  is  present  right  now  as  I  speak.  Every  word  has  that  frequency  within  it  and  you're  going  to  have  that  too.  As  you  start  to  do  this  with  yourself,  you're  going  to  see  an  acceleration  with  that  frequency  running  through  it.  

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  Next  week  and  the  week  after  when  you  start  practicing  on  friends  and  family  and  those  in  the  Facebook  community,  when  you  start  to  do  that,  you're  going  to  feel  the  frequency  expand.  You're  going  to  feel  this  frequency  expand.  That's  it.  When  I  say  that's  it,  what  I'm  doing  is  I'm  healing  the  energy.  There's  a  transformation  occurring  right  now.  There's  a  transformation  occurring  right  in  this  moment.  That's  it.  That's  it.  That's  it.  Good.  

  Sometimes  when  I'm  silent,  I'm  tapping  in.  I'm  tapping  into  what  I  call  the  healing  singularity  and  you're  going  to  learn  this.  I'm  tapping  into  the  still  point  that  happens  in  the  healing  singularity.  I'm  going  to  be  teaching  you  that  what  that  is  too.  When  you  have  the  attunement  in  their,  you're  going  to  be  able  to  have  this  support  in  conscious  awareness  of  witnessing,  feeling  and  experiencing  the  healing  singularity  in  the  still  point  which  is  part  of  the  system  of  healing.  

  Don't  freak  out  if  you  think  this  is  hard.  It's  not.  Right  now,  bring  an  intention  of  beginner's  mind.  When  you  start  to  play  the  piano  or  the  guitar  ...  What  did  I  say?  Guitar.  Into  Blake  Shelton  I  think.  When  you're  starting  to  play  a  musical  instrument,  for  example,  on  your  first  try,  you're  not  going  to  get  it.  On  your  first  try,  it's  going  to  be  messy.    

  Allow  yourself  space  in  the  beginner's  mindset.  In  the  beginner's  mind  to  play.  To  play  with  the  system  of  healing.  To  dance  with  it  a  little  bit.  Give  yourself  space  to  make  mistakes.  Do  not  quite  understand  it  and  allow  yourself  that  through  the  next  30  or  so  days  that  we're  going  to  be  spending  together,  allow  yourself  to  just  make  some  mistakes.  To  mess  up  a  little  bit.  To  notice  where  you're  not  quite  getting  it.  It's  all  about  noticing.  

  I'll  be  doing  spontaneous  transformation  around  that  piece  as  well  so  I'll  be  doing  spontaneous  transformations  all  the  way  through  this  program  as  well  so  you'll  have  examples.  Many  of  you  also  on  the  elevate  program,  that  is  a  great  program  to  start  experiencing  spontaneous  transformation.  If  you  don't  have  it,  reach  out  to  us  and  we'll  get  you  the  link  to  the  lower-­‐priced  version  because  we  raised  the  price  of  it.  

  No  worries,  but  if  you  do  have  that,  use  that.  Use  that  as  a  practice  mode  to  start  listing.  You'll  start  hearing  the  spontaneous  transformation  technique  differently  in  that  elevate  program.  If  not,  it's  okay.  It's  great  to  have  it.  If  you  don't  have  it,  it's  okay  because  I  will  be  doing  spontaneous  transformation  sessions  with  you  here.  I'll  probably  do  them  as  you  raise  your  hand  at  the  end  of  these  shows.  

  For  those  who  are  listening  later  to  the  audios,  just  know  that  the  energy  is  just  as  powerful  in  the  audio  sequence  as  they  are  when  we  recorded  this  live.  The  energy  frequency  is  extremely  strong  and  powerful  and  is  available  to  you.  Allow  yourself  all  the  way  through  this  to  be  in  beginner's  mind  to  play.    

  Another  thing  you're  going  to  hear  me  say  a  lot  is  pretend.  Just  pretend  that  you're  feeling  something.  A  thing  I  use  a  lot  to  go  get  around  the  mind  ...  We'll  be  talking  about  the  mind  here  as  well,  but  you'll  notice  this  now.  Again,  this  is  like  the  orange  car.  You're  

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going  to  start  noticing  this  now  that  you're  in  the  program.  I  say  things  like,  "Well,  just  pretend  that  you  know."  If  you  pretend  you  know  what  would  you  know?  

  That's  just  the  detour  around  the  mind.  Spontaneous  transformation  technique  is  a  wonderful,  safe,  playful  detour  around  the  mind.  I'll  be  doing  information  a  little  bit  later  about  the  mind  but  just  the  highlight  here  is  that  the  mind  is  an  important  partner  in  our  soul's  journey.  Oftentimes,  what  happens  is  that  these  beliefs  which  are  filtered  through  the  mind,  they  happen  in  part  because  we  had  pain  in  our  heart.  Pain  in  that  heart  chakra  area.    

  It's  called  the  pain  body.  It  surrounds  the  heart  protecting  it  and  we  had  pain  there,  and  so  we  don't  want  to  go  there.  As  a  result,  many  of  our  consciousness  has  vacated  the  heart  and  the  only  thing  running  the  show  was  our  mind  and  the  mind  is  doing  something  it  wasn't  designed  to  do.  The  mind  does  not  have  intuition.  The  mind  is  a  power  over  organism  when  it's  in  charge  without  guidance  of  the  heart.    

  The  mind  is  a  beautiful  partner  with  the  heart  in  service.  It's  like  the  second  in  command  if  you  will.  The  heart  has  the  guidance  and  the  insights  and  the  mind  has  the  brilliance  to  make  it  happen.  It's  an  important  partnership,  but  when  the  heart  is  vacated,  the  mind  has  no  recourse  but  to  use  things  like  fear  and  worry  and  upset.  The  symptoms  of  the  mind  are  things  like  how  and  can't  and,  "Yeah,  but."  Again  these  are  things  I  want  you  to  start  noticing  that  you  do.  Again,  the  notion  of  noticing.  Noticing  that  there's  a,  "yeah,  but"  or  there's  a,  "but,  how."    

  This  is  Mary  Hall's  information,  the  brilliant  Mary  Hall.  She  said  the  mind  asks  questions  that  can't  be  answered  like,  "Why  is  this  happening  to  me?"  There  is  no  answer  to  that.  "What's  wrong  with  them?"  There  is  no  answer.  These  are  the  questions  of  the  mind.  "How  can  I  do  that?  But  how?  Yeah,  but  how?  Yeah,  but  how?"  Yeah,  but  how  is  an  unanswerable  question  because  it's  not  about  the  how,  it's  a  whole  different  paradigm.  The  how  won't  get  you  there.  The  heart  will.  We're  going  to  be  opening  the  heart  in  powerful  ways  over  the  next  couple  weeks.  

  Let's  start  by  going  to  the  checklist.  If  you  haven't  downloaded  it,  go  for  it  now.  If  you're  freaking  out  like,  "Oh  my  God,  I  didn't  know.  I  was  supposed  to  download  it."  We  can  do  some  spontaneous  transformation  around  you  freaking  up.  It's  all  good.  Just  know  that  you  can  listen  to  this  again.  You  can  download  this.  You  own  this  program  so  you  can  come  back  to  this  and  listen  again.  If  you  didn't  download  it,  what  if  that's  okay?  What  if  that's  perfect?  What  if  you're  not  supposed  to  have  it  right  in  front  of  you  right  now?  You're  just  supposed  to  listen.  Just  trust  the  process  over  the  next  little  while  okey-­‐doke?  

  I'm  going  to  go  again  to  the  first  three  steps  of  the  spontaneous  transformation.  There's  something  that  happened  and  you're  upset.  There's  something  that  just  happened  and  you're  triggered.  This  is  a  system  that  allows  you  to  use  it  in  the  moment.  Now,  if  you  want  to  start  a  separate  practice  of  going  into  the  past  and  saying,  "I've  got  some  old  upset  that  I'm  ready  to  play  with."  You  can  also  do  that  as  well.    

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  What  happened  in  the  past  that  upset  you?  What  happened?  Step  two  is  what  are  you  feeling?  The  emotions  and  the  feelings  are  the  pathway  through  healing.  It  is  the  pathway  through.  That's  a  huge  part  of  the  spontaneous  transformation  technique.  What  are  you  feeling?  

  The  next  step  is  really  a  crucial  part  which  is  where  are  you  feeling  that  in  your  body.  I'm  going  to  explain  some  of  the  why  behind  this  so  your  brains  and  your  minds  can  start  nodding  and  chewing  on  things.  That's  also  a  really  big  part  of  spontaneous  transformation  technique  is  I  often  start  with  a  little  cognitive  work  so  the  mind  could  chew  on  it.  

  When  the  mind  is  occupied  with  chewing  on  it,  it  can  often  release  the  heart  to  start  taking  over.  It  can  release  the  capacity  to  go  deeper  into  this  part  of  us  that  got  upset.  The  cognitive  piece  is  an  important  part  of  this  system.  Know  that  I'm  going  to  be  doing  a  lot  of  explaining  about  these  parts  of  the  mind  can  go,  "Oh,  well  that  makes  sense."  Then  it  allows  it  to  happen.  Isn't  that  cool?  Our  mind  is  just  amazing  when  it's  onboard.  

  The  next  thing  is  where  are  you  feeling  that  in  your  body.  Let  me  talk  about  emotions  in  general.  A  big  piece  of  the  suppression  and  repression  puzzle  is  we  have  repressed  uncomfortable  emotions.  We've  repressed  emotions  that  got  held  in  a  moment  of  upset  and  trauma.    

  When  I  started  doing  this  system  of  healing  and  I  started  seeing  this  really  profound  repression  and  suppression  and  I  questioned  it  and  I  was  shown  this  mechanism.  I'll  explain  it  to  you  right  now.  The  mechanism  is  something  happened  in  childhood.  I'm  going  to  share  this  story.  Many  of  you  have  already  heard  me  say  this,  but  I'm  going  to  share  it  in  this  instance  in  a  slightly  different  way.  I'll  explain  that  too.  

  There's  a  little  boy  and  he  had  the  most  amazing  day  at  the  skate  park.  I  mean  the  most  amazing  day.  He  got  a  bunch  of  tricks  that  he'd  been  trying  for  months  and  months.  He  had  a  blast  with  his  friends  and  they  giggled  and  they  laughed  and  they  joked  with  each  other.  The  weather  was  perfect  and  it  was  just  marveling.  What  a  great  day  he  had.  

  Now  he's  walking  home,  skateboard  under  his  arm  he  finds  his  great  stick.  The  kind  of  stick  that's  like,  "That's  a  cool  stick."  He  picks  it  up  and  he  starts  bopping  it  along  in  and  pushing  it  against  the  fences  as  he  starts  to  walk  home.  He  starts  to  bop  along.  He  starts  to  create  a  little  beat  as  he  does  it.  He  changes  it  with  each  fence.  He  gets  to  a  certain  fence.  It's  a  low  white  picket  fence  and  he  doesn't  realize  that  there  is  a  Rottweiler  in  the  yard.    

  This  Rottweiler  is  starting  to  get  really  upset  as  this  boy  is  brushing  a  stick  against  the  fence.  That's  his  territory.  The  Rottweiler  gets  into  a  froth  and  lunges  and  his  collar  breaks.  As  he  lunges,  he  has  so  much  adrenaline  he  jumps  right  over  the  fence  and  starts  chasing  the  little  boy.  Instantly  the  little  boy  goes  from  pure  bliss  to  running  for  his  life.  

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  The  dog  catches  up  with  him.  He  grabs  his  pant  leg.  The  boy  falls.  He  scrapes  his  knees.  Just  as  the  dog  is  about  to  attack,  the  owner  and  a  neighbor  corrals  the  dog  and  the  little  boy  ends  up  being  okay  except  for  the  scraped  knees.  All  he  does  is  he  just  jumps  up  and  runs  for  his  life.  He  doesn't  look  back.  He  runs  straight  home.  He  runs  into  the  house.  His  mom  is  in  the  kitchen  there.  He  comes  up  to  his  mom  and  he's  crying.  His  mother  is  dealing  with  the  six  other  brothers  and  sisters  all  of  whom  are  having  some  kind  of  upset.  

  She  looks  at  him  up  and  down.  He's  still  alive.  She's  relieved.  She  says  to  him,  "You're  fine.  Go  upstairs  and  clean  up.  Back  up.  You're  fine."  Then  she  looks  at  him  and  says,  "Hey,  where's  your  skateboard?"  She  starts  yelling  at  him  for  losing  his  skateboard.  He  runs  upstairs  and  that's  the  end  of  the  story.  What  happened  in  many,  many,  many  incidences  in  that  story  is  multiple  moments  of  trauma.  Multiple  moments  of  belief  that  were  formulated  out  of  trauma.  

  In  that  moment  that  that  dog  started  chasing  him  and  he  thought  he  was  going  to  die  was  a  belief.  Something  like,  "If  I  experience  extreme  joy,  I  could  die."  See  how  the  belief  gets  formed?  Out  of  that  belief  is  a  set  of  emotions.  In  that  moment  were  set  of  emotions  that  got  repressed  by  that  belief.  I  see  them  as  walnuts  and  the  walnut  holds  the  emotion  that  could  have  destroyed  him.  

  The  emotion  of  care  is  so  great  that  it  has  to  be  held  with  a  hard  shell  around  it  to  protect  him.  To  protect  his  psyche.  You  can  see  that  there  are  multiple  versions;  big  walnuts  and  small  walnuts  that  got  a  hard  shell  of  protection  so  that  his  psyche,  so  that  his  being,  so  that  his  soul  could  survive  the  moment.    

  Running  home,  he  had  a  set  of  beliefs.  Walking  in  the  house,  he  formulated  a  set  of  beliefs.  He  couldn't  express  the  feelings  and  emotions  of  what  was  really  going  on  because  of  his  mother's  reaction.  It  didn't  feel  safe  for  him  to  express,  "But  mom,  I  almost  died?"    

  He  knew  that  she  couldn't  handle  that,  so  repression  happens  in  that  moment  in  a  good  way.  Once  again,  an  emotion  that  got  unexpressed  got  held  and  is  surrounded  by  this  hard  coding  like  a  walnut.  Now,  many  of  us  are  filled  with  these  walnuts.  Walnuts  of  beliefs  that  had  happen  in  various  times  in  our  life.  These  walnuts  of  beliefs  are  held  until  we  have  the  space  and  capacity  to  crack  them  open.  Until  we  have  safety  and  spacing  capacity  to  open  them  up  and  reveal  finally  the  emotion.  Allow  finally  for  that  emotion  to  be  expressed  that  it  wasn't  safe  to  express  during  the  moment  of  trauma  and  upset.  

  For  people  like  me  who  have  had  a  tremendous  amount  of  trauma  over  and  over  and  over  again.  For  me,  I  had  night  after  night  after  night  in  years  of  sexual  abuse.  Night  after  night  of  coping  with  alcoholism.  Many  of  you  here  probably  like  that.  We  have  many  of  us.  Everyone  on  the  planet  has  build  up  a  pile  if  you  will  of  these  walnuts.    

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  The  way  through  now,  to  change  these  beliefs  ...  Again,  each  one  of  these  walnuts  set  up  a  coping  mechanism  to  protect  the  walnut,  because  we  don't  want  to  go  there.  We  don't  ever  want  to  go  there  again.  We  have  these  coping  mechanisms  to  make  sure.    

  Imagine  this  little  boy  now  is  all  grown  up  and  he  has  this  very  strong  core  belief.  This  very  strong  core  belief  that  he  is  no  longer  ...  If  he  experiences  bliss,  he  could  die.  It's  running  deep  in  his  subconscious  he  doesn't  understand  why  he  feels  this  way.  It's  just  the  way  it  is.  He's  got  commitment  issues,  coping  mechanism.  He's  got  issues  with  being  too  successful  coping  mechanism.    

  This  coping  mechanisms  to  make  this  happen  we  call  them  self  sabotage,  but  really  they're  simply  mechanisms  to  cope  so  that  that  walnut  does  not  get  cracked  ever  again.  Every  single  solitary  trauma  isn't  one  belief  that's  formed  and  one  set  of  walnuts  that's  created  to  protect  the  psyche  but  dozens,  sometimes  hundreds  if  it's  a  big  trauma.  Hundreds  of  beliefs  formulate  in  that  moment.  

  He  had  beliefs  about  his  mother,  about  his  brothers  and  sisters  being  more  important.  About  a  skateboard  being  more  important.  Physical  items  are  more  important  than  him.  You  can  see  how  these  beliefs  are  formed.  Another  pathway  through  now  is  to  crack  the  walnut.  To  allow  that  part  of  us.  That  part  of  him  to  have  a  voice  now.  To  share  the  feelings  that  it  wouldn't  have  been  safe  to  share.  It  wouldn't  have  been  safe.  

  In  some  instances,  for  some  of  us,  the  trauma  was  so  deep  that  it  would  have  been  dangerous  to  express  any  kind  of  the  emotions  that  are  there.  Yet  there  they  sit  and  the  pathway  through  is  to  crack  open  the  walnut  to  allow  the  feelings  out.  To  allow  the  voice  out.  

  Some  people  say  this  as  inner  child  work.  I  don't  see  it  as  that  because  it's  not  one  inner  child.  It's  the  thousands  of  children  within  us  that  experienced  a  different  belief,  a  different  set  of  beliefs.  A  different  angle  of  beliefs  from  one  incident.  That's  what  we  do  in  spontaneous  transformation  is  we  allow  these  parts  of  us  to  finally  have  a  voice.  To  finally  express  themselves.    

  In  doing  that,  we  re-­‐pattern.  In  doing  that,  we  change.  In  doing  that,  there's  a  healing  singularity  that  happens.  That  unravels  that  belief.  At  the  very  core  of  this,  the  walnut  shell  on  the  outside  there  is  the  belief  is  the  kind  of  the  liquidy,  chewy  middle  and  at  the  very  center  is  the  diamond.  The  diamond  is  the  truth  of  who  we  are.  The  truth  of  who  we  are.  I'll  reference  these  things  as  we  go  through  the  steps  and  as  we  go  through  our  time  together.  

  The  philosophy,  the  theory  behind  this  is  that  we  access  the  physical  body  because  it's  held  in  the  physical  body.  It's  held  in  cellular  memory.  We  detour  around  the  mind  by  saying  what  are  you  feeling  and  where  is  that  in  your  body.  Just  the  first  two  steps.  We  detour  around  the  mind.  What's  upsetting  you?  What  are  you  feeling?  Where  do  you  feel  that  in  your  body?  We  just  detoured  around  the  mind.  

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  That's  the  first  three  steps.  What's  upsetting  you?  What  are  you  feeling?  What's  the  emotion?  Where  are  you  feeling  that  in  your  body?  Good,  there's  a  beautiful  unwinding  happening  just  from  that  explanation.  The  fact  that  you  are  in  this  program,  the  unwinding  is  really  quite  powerful.  Excellent.  Okay.  Step  one,  what's  upsetting  you?  Step  two,  what  are  you  feeling?  Step  three,  where  are  you  feeling  that  in  your  body?  

  This  program  is  really  about  teaching  you  how  to  do  this.  On  this  first  night,  you're  going  to  only  practice  for  the  next  week  on  you,  just  you.  You  are  going  to  do  spontaneous  transformation  on  you  only.  It's  really,  really  important  that  you  do  it  on  yourself  first.  Throughout  the  whole  program,  you're  going  to  be  doing  it  for  yourself.  You're  going  to  be  creating  this  spontaneous  transformation  practice.  

  That's  it.  Good.  There's  a  little  unwinding  happening  here  right  now.  Some  of  you  might  feel  it.  As  I  start  to  describe  this  more  and  more,  I  really  like  you  to  bring  your  attention  to  whether  or  not  you  notice  and  feel.  If  you  don't,  it's  okay.  Whatever  pace  you're  going  through  this  course  is  okay.  You  cannot  do  this  wrong.  There's  not  one  part  of  this  that  you  can  ever  do  wrong.  Again,  remember,  bring  yourself  to  that  beautiful  beginner's  mind  energy  and  dance  and  play.  

  When  a  child  makes  a  mud  paddy,  they  think  it's  the  most  amazing  thing  they've  ever  made.  When  they  color  or  they  draw,  they  think  it's  amazing.  Everything  they  do  they  think  is,  "Wow,  that  was  cool.  I  really  enjoyed  that.  That  was  fun."  That's  what  I'd  like  you  to  bring  your  energy  into  right  now  is  whatever  you  try,  that  was  interesting,  that  was  cool,  that  was  fun,  that  was  unique,  that  was  different.  Notice  it  from  a  place  other  than,  "I'm  doing  it  wrong."  You  can't  do  this  thing  wrong.  

  The  other  thing  I  want  to  share  with  you  at  this  stage  is  this  is  my  modality  of  healing.  In  your  hands,  it  is  a  technique.  It  is  my  modality,  your  technique.  If  any  of  you  are  healers  and  have  learned  someone  else's  modality,  it's  never  your  modality  because  it's  theirs.  It's  your  technique.  However,  each  of  you,  if  you're  in  this,  you  are  a  healer.  You  are  a  healer.  Whether  you  believe  it  or  not,  you  are.  You  wouldn't  be  here  learning  this  if  you  weren't.  

  In  your  hands,  a  spontaneous  transformation  technique  is  yours.  I'm  learning  the  most  amazing  things  from  our  practitioners  because  each  of  the  practitioners  are  doing  it  their  way.  These  steps  are  very  specific.  There's  some  areas  that  you  can't  really  diverge  from.  I  don't  recommend  it  at  least.  There's  also  a  way  of  holding  the  energy  which  I  will  be  explaining  that  is  simply  yours.  In  your  hands,  it  takes  on  a  new  life.  

  I  remember  [Carol  Look  00:37:09]  who  is  an  amazing  EFT  practitioner,  amazing.  EFT  is  not  her  modality.  It's  her  technique.  Gary  Craig  invented  it's  his  modality.  He  invented  EFT  which  is  the  emotional  freedom  technique.  That's  the  tapping.  Carol  Look  is  brilliant.  She's  one  of  the  top  EFT  practitioners  in  the  world.  The  reason  she's  so  good  at  it  is  because  she  has  the  modality  that  this  technique  sits  upon  and  makes  the  expression  of  it  that  much  more  powerful  in  her  hands.  The  same  is  true  for  you,  especially  as  you  start  working  with  friends  and  family  in  the  coming  weeks.  Thanks  for  letting  me  show  that.    

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  Step  four  is  bring  your  attention  to  that  part  of  your  body.  Bring  your  attention  to  that  part  of  your  body.  Step  one,  what's  upsetting  you?  Step  two,  what  are  you  feeling?  Step  three,  where  are  you  feeling  that  in  your  body?  We're  going  to  go  to  one  place.  Even  if  you  feel  it  in  multiple  places,  you're  going  to  tap  into  your  body  and  you're  going  to  say,  "Okay  ,out  of  the  three  places  what's  the  one  place  that  is  really  calling  me?"  You  go  to  one  place.  Step  three  is  where  are  you  feeling  that  in  your  body  and  go  to  the  one  singular  place  that  is  calling  you  the  most  the  strongest.  That's  like  a  magnet.  You  bring  your  attention  to  that  part  of  your  body.    

  Now,  this  part  is  incredibly  important.  The  observer.  When  you  bring  your  attention  to  that  part  of  your  body,  you're  going  to  bring  your  attention  as  a  detached,  nurturing,  supportive  observer.  You'll  hear  me  talk  about  this  a  lot  now.  Again,  remember  the  orange  car.  When  you  hear  me  talk  about  this  you'll  go,  "Oh,  that's  what  she's  doing."  

  I'm  going  to,  again,  explain  this  from  a  cognitive  perspective  so  your  mind  can  understand  why  we  do  this.  When  you  embody  the  observer  ...  I  sometimes  call  it  the  fairy  godmother.  I  call  it  the  guardian  angel.  I  call  it  the  neutral  observer.  You  might  want  to  write  those  down.  Guardian  angel,  fairy  godmother,  neutral  observer.  This  is  really  profoundly  important  because  this  is  a  system  that  addresses  trauma.  

  I'm  going  to  explain  what  happens  in  the  way  of  a  story  that  will  hopefully  make  this  more  understandable.  I  trained  for  many  years.  Almost  five  years  I  trained  for  healer  and  I've  done  subsequent  courses  since  those  first  initial  five  years  but  I  trained  in  polarity  therapy,  in  craniosacral  therapy,  in  advanced  craniosacral  therapy.  I  also  did  Reiki.    

  What  I  saw  in  those  advanced  training  classes  is  people's  ...  Unwinding,  that's  part  of  the  language  I  use  here  which  comes  from  the  notion  of  craniosacral  therapy.  This  is  kind  of  like  a  verbal  craniosacral  and  you'll  understand  more  as  I  start  to  share  what  the  healing  singularity  is.    

  What  I  witnessed  as  I  was  training  in  this  advanced  way,  and  we  would  work  on  each  other,  is  I  witnessed  people  re-­‐traumatizing.  They  would  go  into  the  upset,  into  that  old  trauma.  I  watched  as  the  energy  became  greater  of  the  trauma  and  it  really,  really  changed  me.    

  I  started  playing  with  it  then  and  that's  where  the  spontaneous  transformation  started  to  unfold.  I  started  working  with  an  amazing  brilliant  healer  and  teacher,  Peter  Levine,  and  he  talked  about  this  very  thing.  He  talked  about  it  and  it  just  landed  on  me.  

  I  started  to  consider  how  do  I  make  sure  that  people  don't  dive  into  the  trauma  because  it's  a  fine  line  between.  When  you're  in  the  level  1  course,  you'll  understand  even  more  about  this  because  they  go  into  the  theory  of  this  even  deeper.  There's  a  fine  line  between  unwinding  the  trauma  and  being  in  the  trauma.  

  This  is  not  to  scare  you.  If  you  bring  your  attention  into  the  supporter,  it  just  solves  the  problem.  It's  done.  You  just  don't  dive  into  it.  Step  four  is  very,  very  important  to  

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embody  the  detached,  nurturing,  supportive  observer.  The  neutral  observer.  The  fairy  godmother.  The  guardian  angel.  

  When  you  think  about  the  fairy  godmother,  think  about  movies  where  fairy  godmother  is  there.  They're  very  detached,  aren't  they?  They  don't  really  get  involved.  They  let  things  unfold.  They're  not  super  emotional.  They  just  observe  and  where  they're  needed  they  chip  in  and  where  they  know  that  the  person  have  to  figure  it  out  on  their  own,  they  leave.  That's  what  we're  embodying.  

  It's  really,  really  profoundly  important  that  when  you  bring  your  attention  to  that  body  part  ...  Number  one,  what's  upsetting  you?  Number  two,  second  step  is  what  are  you  feeling?  Number  three,  where  are  you  feeling  that  in  your  body?  There's  one  place  in  particular.  Step  four  is  bring  your  attention  to  that  body  part  as  the  detached,  nurturing,  supportive  observer.  You're  going  to  embody  that  observer  energy.  

  Here's  what's  really  cool  and  this  is  why  you  don't  have  to  be  scared  at  all  because  if  you  notice  yourself  diving  in  you  just  say,  "Oh  yeah,  I'm  the  observer."  The  aspect  that's  part  of  us  is  the  one  that's  feeling.  I'm  going  to  go  to  the  next  step  so  I  can  describe  this  even  further.  Remember,  this  step  is  really  important.  Embody.  Feel  yourself  as  an  observer  that  is  observing  this  part  of  you  having  an  experience  expressing  the  emotions.  

  Step  four  is  you're  going  to  bring  the  supportive  observer  to  notice  an  aspect  in  a  persona,  a  personality  in  that  body  part  area.  I've  given  you  lots  of  examples,  but  really  I'm  gonna  focus  on  the  younger  child  self,  because  that  is  the  most  dominant  energy  that  is  there.  Sometimes,  it  shows  up  in  the  animal  totem.  A  dream  landscape  or  symbolism.  It  might  show  up  as  past  life  persona  or  an  ancestral  persona  like  our  ancestral  line.  It  does  happen  sometimes  but  the  majority  of  the  time,  it's  the  younger  child.  

  For  the  time  being,  I'd  like  you  to  focus  your  attention  on  seeing  the  younger  you.  The  younger  you.  Step  four  is  bring  your  attention  to  the  body  as  the  observer.  As  the  observer,  you're  going  to  bring  your  attention  to  this  body  part  and  you're  going  to  see  in  step  five  this  younger  child.  This  younger  child  there.    

  As  you  bring  your  attention  to  this  younger  child,  the  observer  that  is  you,  step  six,  says  to  this  aspect,  "I'm  here  and  I'm  present  with  you.  I'm  in  support  and  I'm  not  leaving  and  I'm  not  going  anywhere."  It's  really  important  that  you  remember  that  you  are  the  observer  saying  that  to  this  aspect.  Again,  for  all  the  reasons  I  described.    

  This  part  of  us  is  ready  to  feel.  The  part  of  us  that  created  the  walnut.  This  part  of  us  that  experienced  the  trauma  that  created  a  set  of  beliefs.  This  part  of  us  is  going  to  express.  We're  going  to  talk  about  that  in  step  seven.  It's  a  part  of  us.  It's  not  all  of  us.  It's  the  part  that  got  held  in  this  walnut.  You  as  the  observer  are  going  to  give  space  to  this  part  of  us  to  finally  have  a  voice  and  reveal  and  feel  and  express  the  feelings.  

  That's  why  you  want  to  maintain  yourself  as  the  observer.  The  observer  notices  the  aspect.  Notices  the  little  one.  Notices  so  much  so  that  you  give  that  part  of  you  space.  

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That's  what  happens  when  you  are  fully  in  the  observer.  You  can  sense  that  that  aspect  of  you,  that  little  one,  that  younger  version  of  you  that  got  upheld  in  that  trauma  that  they  will  be  able  to  feel  that  you  are  giving  them  space.  That's  part  of  what  I  say  we  create  safety.  Safety  to  crack  open  that  walnut  by  us  embodying  the  observer  and  allowing  that  part  of  us  to  have  space.  They  can  feel  that  space.  

  Have  you  ever  in  your  life  had  someone  really  give  you  space  to  just  feel?  They're  not  getting  freaked  out  by  it  and  they're  just  letting  you  feel.  That's  what  we're  doing  by  embodying  the  observer  and  being  present  for  this  little  one.  Step  six  is  the  observer  says,  "I'm  here  and  I'm  present  with  you  in  support  of  you  and  I'm  not  leaving.  I'm  not  going  anywhere."  

  A  couple  of  people  shared,  "I  don't  like  not  saying  not."  That's  okay,  but  let  me  tell  you  it  works.  I've  tried  and  experimented  with  different  things  now.  We  have  over  800  people  in  the  certification,  the  level  and  certification  program.  It  was  really  important  to  say,  "I'm  not  leaving."  It's  really  important  to  say,  "I'm  not  going  anywhere."  

  I  recommend  playing  with  that  and  trying  that.  The  observer  that  is  you,  you  are  the  embodied  observer.  You  understand  why  now  it's  giving  space  to  this  part  of  you,  this  walnut  if  you  will  of  this  younger  child.  You  say  to  them,  "I'm  here  and  I'm  present  with  you.  I'm  here  in  support.  I'm  not  leaving  and  I'm  not  going  anywhere."  

  There's  something  that  happens  in  that  moment.  There's  many  unwinding  and  unraveling  that  happens  in  that  very  moment.  That  happens  in  that  very  moment  that  is  incredibly  powerful.  When  I  first  started  doing  spontaneous  transformation  technique,  I  would  actually  just  stop  there  and  it  was  powerful  transformation  that  occurred.  Just  allowing  these  parts  of  us  to  be  seen  creates  a  powerful  transformation.  

  Everyone  take  a  nice  deep  breath.  There  we  go.  Take  a  nice  deep  breath.  Take  one  more.  Make  a  sound  on  the  exhale.  That's  it.  I'm  just  going  to  check  the  questions.  I  can  address  your  question  a  little  bit  later.  She's  asking  about  children  and  dogs.  You'll  know  by  the  end.  Amira,  if  you  could  remember  to  ask  me  on  the  second  to  last  class  that  same  question,  I  can  answer  it  at  that  point.  It's  going  to  be  way  too  soon  to  answer  that  question  now.  Amira,  if  you  could  ask  me  that  same  question  about  your  dog  and  about  nonverbal  children  on  the  second  to  last  class,  that  would  be  great.  

  Okay,  good.  I'm  going  to  keep  going  here.  It  feels  like  you  guys  are  in  good  shape.  Just  take  a  minute  and  take  ...  Actually,  take  one  more  breath.  We've  already  done  some  powerful  and  winding.  I  don't  know  if  you  can  feel  that  but  you  just  notice  your  physical  body  in  this  moment.  Again,  noticing  is  really  important.  We're  going  to  ask  that  question,  "What's  it  like?  What's  it  feel  like?"  Notice.  

  You'll  notice  a  little  bit  later  in  step  10  and  11.  9,  10,  11.  Those  stuffs  are  really  important  and  they're  really  about  noticing.  Noticing  what  that's  like.  That,  again,  shines  light  of  consciousness  on  everything.  Shining  the  light  of  consciousness  is  one  of  the  most  powerful  tools  you've  received  tonight.  It's  now  in  a  conscious  format.  You  

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probably  knew  it  at  some  level  but  now  it's  superconscious.  When  it's  superconscious,  it's  now  a  tool  in  your  hand  that  you  can  wield  to  change  and  transform  your  life.    

  Back  to  step  one.  What's  upsetting  you?  Step  two,  what  are  you  feeling?  Just  tapping  into  the  initial  emotions  and  describing  the  emotions.  Step  three,  where  are  you  feeling  that  in  your  body?  You're  going  to  bring  your  attention  to  your  body  and  that  attention  to  your  body,  step  four,  is  as  the  detached,  nurturing,  supportive  observer.  Giving  space  to  this  part  of  you.  

  Step  five  is  noticing  the  aspect  to  persona,  the  personality  in  that  body  part.  Noticing  the  little  one  that's  there.  As  the  observer  observing  the  little  one,  four  and  five,  are  really  important.  Observer  observing  the  little  one  so  much  so  that  you're  holding  this  attention  and  your  attention  to  the  fact  that  you  are  giving  them  space.  Actually  noticing  them  noticing  the  space.  They're  grateful  that  you  are  giving  them  space  and  they're  grateful  that  you're  here.  

  You  say  to  them  in  step  six.  The  observer  says  to  this  aspect  to  this  little  one,  "I'm  here  and  I'm  present  with  you.  I'm  in  support.  I'm  not  leaving.  I'm  not  going  anywhere."  There  it  goes.  A  really  powerful  unwinding  with  that.  First  six  steps  are  so  cool.  

  Now,  step  seven  and  eight  are  where  the  unwinding  and  the  healing  and  the  true  transformation  happens.  Step  seven  is  you're  going  to  allow  this  aspect  to  feel.  You're  going  to  allow  this  aspect  to  crack  open  that  walnut  and  allow  the  expression  of  the  feelings  that  it  wasn't  safe  to  feel  the  first  time.  This  is  where  the  still  point  starts.  I'm  going  to  be  explaining  that  later.  That's  not  important  for  right  now  for  you  to  do  your  own  practice  but  just  know  that  you  might  start  feeling  this  energy  of  stillness  here.  If  you  do,  that's  really  cool.  If  you  don't,  don't  worry  about  it.  It's  all  good.  

  You're  going  to  allow  this  little  one,  this  little  version  of  you,  this  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  12  whatever,  even  20,  30  year  old.  It  could  be  preverbal  and  in  utero.  You're  just  going  to  let  this  part  of  you,  this  aspect  of  you,  this  persona,  this  little  one  to  just  feel  and  express  the  emotions  that  got  held  in  the  moment  of  trauma.    

  For  some  of  you,  you  might  experience  a  memory.  This  is  really  important.  Don't  dive  in.  Be  this  observer  watching  a  film  almost.  Remind  yourself  that  you  are  the  observer  witnessing  this  part  of  you.  This  aspect,  this  little  one  feeling.  Give  them  the  space  to  feel.  You  are  the  observer  observing  this  part  of  you  feeling.  You  the  observer  observing  this  part  of  you.  This  part  of  you  that  got  held  in  that  moment  that  the  dog  started  running  after  you  that  created  a  set  of  beliefs.  

  You're  now  going  to  allow  that.  In  this  case,  the  little  boy,  he  might  start  saying  finally  reliving  that  terror.  Again,  he's  not  going  to  relive  it  because  he  is  this  adult  that  is  an  observer  holding  space  for  that  little  boy  who  felt  terrified.  The  little  boy  gets  to  express.  They  get  to  feel  and  feel  and  feel.  You  get  to  notice  how  this  part  of  you  is  expressing.  You  get  to  notice  the  part  of  you  that  is  expressing.  You  get  to  notice  that  you  are  ...  That's  it.    

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  There's  an  unwinding  happening  just  as  I  talk  about  it.  You  get  to  notice  that  they're  afraid.  That  they're  sad.  You  get  to  notice  how  they  are  expressing.  You  get  to  notice  that  they're  crawled  up  in  a  bowl  or  they're  yelling  and  screaming  or  they're  having  a  temper  tantrum.    

  Most  of  my  emotion  start  with  anger  and  then  go  to  sadness.  That's  my  thing.  Everyone  else  has  a  different  way,  so  allow  the  emotions  to  express.  Notice  the  part  of  you  expressing  and  emoting  and  notice  how  you  are  expressing.  Notice  what  that  looks  like  because  by  noticing  the  how  they're  expressing,  noticing  that  you're  with  them,  you  see  them  and  they  see  how  you're  seeing  them.  You  just  allow  them  to  ...  That's  it.  To  just  be  seen  by  the  observer  that  is  you.  Be  seen  by  the  observer  that  is  you.  

Siri:   I'm  listening.  

Jen:   That  was  Siri  on  my  iPhone,  and  Siri  said,  "I'm  listening."  I  don't  know  if  you  heard  that  in  the  background.  That  was  unrehearsed,  so  I'm  going  to  put  the  phone  into  do  not  disturb.  That  was  really  cool.  This  universe  showing  up  saying,  "I'm  listening.  I'm  listening."  That's  what  we  are  as  the  observer.  We  are  listening.  We  are  present.  We  let  them  to  feel.  

  This  is  the  time  when  we  as  the  human  part  of  us  that  had  that  experience  ourselves  as  that  child  might  dive  in.  We  remind  ourselves  that  we  are  the  observer  witnessing  this  aspect  feeling.  There's  a  note  here.  I'll  be  talking  about  this  later,  but  I'll  just  address  it  briefly  now.  Sometimes,  the  mind  dives  in  here  because  the  mind  is  the  protector.  The  mind  is  saying,  "No,  no,  no.  It's  not  safe  to  feel.  Remember?  Remember  what  happened  last  time  we  felt  this?  No,  no,  no,  no,  no."  

  The  mind  jumps  in  and  starts  analyzing  and  starts  saying,  "Yeah,  but."  Starts  diving  into  the  emotions.  We  just  notice  the  mind.  I'll  explain  a  little  bit  more  of  that  later,  but  for  now  know  that  sometimes  this  is  often  where  the  mind  pattern  shows  up.  The  mind  that  holds  the  beliefs  that  creates  the  coping  mechanisms.    

  Step  eight  is  validate  what  this  part  of  us  is  saying.  Validate  it.  Say,  "Yes,  those  emotions  are  real.  That  really  happened."  Yes,  of  course,  you  would  feel  that  way.  This  is  step  eight.  Validate  what  the  emotions  are  and  what  they're  sharing  and  saying  and  how  their  expressing  it.  Of  course,  you  would  be  feeling  that  way,  especially  if  you  understand  what  the  memory  is.  

  You  don't  have  to  know  what  the  memory  is  by  the  way.  It  is  not  important.  It  does  not  matter.  All  that  matters  is  what  got  held  in  the  moment  of  that  trauma  is  unwound  which  is  what  happens  when  we  allow  these  parts  of  us  to  feel.  To  finally  give  voice.  In  step  seven,  they're  giving  voice  finally.  They're  feeling.    

  Step  eight  is  we're  validating.  We're  saying  to  this  part  of  us.  As  the  observer,  we  say,  "Of  course  those  motions,  of  course,  you  would  feel  that."  We  can  say  things  like,  "That  really  happened."  We  can  say  things  like,  "Thank  you  for  protecting  me.  Thank  you  for  

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finally  give  a  voice  to  this  part  of  you  that  got  held  for  so  long.  Thank  you  for  holding  on  to  these  emotions  so  that  I  could  survive.  Thank  you.  Thank  you  for  protecting  me."  

  You  can  say,  "I  see  you  and  I  see  the  terror,  the  upset,"  whatever  you  name  it.  "Thank  you  for  protecting  me.  Thank  you."  You  can  tell  them  how  much  they  are  loved,  this  part  of  you  is  loved  and  how  courageous  they've  been.  Tell  them  how  much  you  care  about  them  and  just  love  them.  Love  them.  Love  them.  Love  them.  Love  them.    

  This  is  a  really,  really,  really  important  piece  of  the  spontaneous  transformation  technique  and  it  says  it's  in  the  parenthetical  statement  in  step  eight.  It  says  you  don't  have  to  change.  It's  really  important.  A  lot  of  the  dogma  of  new  thought  is  that  we  do  to  get.  A  lot  of  the  dogma  of  new  thought  is  we  do  a  process  so  that  we  will  get  rid  of  something.  We  do  a  process  so  that  we  will  be  cured.    

  That's  not  what  spontaneous  transformation  is.  It  is  not  seeking  a  cure.  It's  not  seeking  to  get  rid  of.  It  is  seeking  to  honor  the  parts  of  us  that  held  onto  the  things  that  are  now  creating  this  ease  and  upset  in  our  body.  That  are  now  creating  beliefs  that  are  running  the  show  in  the  deep  and  the  unconscious  because  of  coping  mechanisms  that  are  stopping  abundance.  That  are  creating  relationships  that  can't  be  hold  because  the  coping  mechanisms  are  just  too  strong.  

  Instead  of  bringing  our  attention  to  what  we  want  to  get  rid  of,  this  is  a  completely  different  system  and  it's  why  it  works  so  well.  We  say  to  this  part  of  us.  We  don't  need  you  to  change  my  love.  We  don't  need  you  to  change.  Just  feel.  Just  feel.  Something  I  want  to  add  here  is  you  can  also  say,  "I'm  so  sorry  for  what  happened."  You  can  have  empathy  for  this  part  of  you  and  say,  "Yeah,  that  happened  and  I  am  so  sorry."  Especially  if  there's  a  memory  present.  

  Let's  go  through  this  again.  Step  one,  what's  upsetting  you?  Step  two,  what  are  you  feeling?  Step  three,  where  are  you  feeling  that  in  your  body?  Again,  feeling  the  emotions  and  the  initial  hit  of  the  emotions.  Where  is  that  in  your  body?  Step  four,  bring  your  attention  to  that  part  of  your  body  of  the  detached,  nurturing,  supportive  observer.  Embodying  that  observer,  that  guardian  angel  kind  of  energy.  That  fairy  godmother  kind  of  energy.  

  Step  five.  Notice  the  aspect  and  the  persona,  the  personality  that  is  in  that  body  part.  The  younger  version  of  you.  That's  it.  Step  six,  the  observer  that  is  you  that  you  are  embodied.  The  support  of  nurturing,  detached,  neutral  observer  says  to  this  aspect,  this  little  version  of  you,  "I'm  here  and  I'm  present  with  you  in  support.  I'm  not  leaving.  I'm  not  going  anywhere."  There's  a  connection  that  is  made  in  step  six.  This  part  of  you  appreciates  so  much  that  you  are  giving  them  space  to  be.    

  Step  seven  is  allow  this  aspect  to  feel  finally.  The  feelings  that  got  held  in  these  walnuts.  That  it  cracked  that  walnut  open  and  let  that  part  of  you  feel  and  feel  and  feel.  This  is  where  you  might  tend  to  dive  into  the  emotions,  so  you  really,  really  maintain  that  observer.  Remember,  not  diving  into  retraumatize.  You  be  the  observer,  okay?  Remind  this  part  of  you  and  remind  yourself  that  you  are  the  observer  witnessing  this  aspect  

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feeling.  The  aspect  of  you'll  notice,  will  feel  so  grateful  that  you  are  letting  them  feel.  You're  giving  them  space  to  feel.  

  This  is  also  where  a  mind  pattern  might  show  up  trying  to  distract  you,  because  they  just  want  you  to  be  safe.  The  old  subconscious  material,  the  old  beliefs,  the  old  coping  mechanisms  are  all  in  effort  to  feel  safe.  Seven  is  really  powerful.  Seven  and  eight  then.  Eight  is  validate  what  this  part  of  you,  this  little  one  is  saying.  That  your  emotions  are  real.  "Yes,  it  really  happened  and  I'm  so  sorry."  You  don't  have  to  change.  You  can  just  keep  feeling.  That's  all.  

  Share  with  them  how  much  they  are  loved.  How  much  they  are  seeing.  How  much  they  are  cared  for.  How  much  you  care  and  respect  them.  Thank  them  for  holding  on  to  the  walnut  so  that  you  could  survive.  In  many  ways,  they  protected  you  and  allowed  you  to  survive  to  hear.  To  this  moment  where  it's  safe  enough  to  go  back  in  and  let  them  have  a  voice  and  feel  as  in  step  seven.  

  This  is  where  the  healing  transformation  happens.  This  is  where  the  healing  singularity  happens  in  step  seven  and  eight.  This  is  the  core  of  the  spontaneous  transformation  system  of  healing.  Allow  this  part  of  you  to  feel  and  validate  what  they're  saying  and  love  them.  Love  this  part  of  you.  Thank  them  for  helping  you  to  survive  and  make  sure  you  really,  really,  really  stay  in  the  observer  energy,  the  neutral  support  of  nurturing,  detached  observer  that's  actually  detached  so  that  this  part  of  you  has  space  to  really  finally  feel.  That's  step  seven  and  eight.  

  Now,  step  nine  is  way  cool.  Step  nine  means  you'll  feel  a  resolution  that  happens  at  the  end  of  step  eight.  You  feel  that,  "Oh,  I  feel  different."  You'll  notice  that  the  child  inside  changes.  That  they  all  the  sudden  are  like,  "Okay,  I'm  done."  Have  you  ever  seen  a  two-­‐year-­‐old  have  a  temper  tantrum?  If  you  are  not  affected  or  triggered  by  the  temper  tantrum,  you'll  notice  that  if  you  just  let  them  have  the  temper  tantrum  and  it  has  a  beginning,  a  middle  and  an  end  and  afterwards  they're  fine.  Fine  as  if  it  never  happened.  

  You'll  notice  that  around  the  end  of  step  eight.  You'll  notice  that  there's  a  resolution.  That  the  little  one  is  no  longer  terrified  or  upset  or  expressing  that  emotion.  They  finally  expressed  it  all  the  way  through.  The  walnut  has  been  cracked  open  and  the  expression  has  now  been  felt  all  the  way  through  to  almost  dissolving  that  piece.  

  At  this  stage,  step  nine,  is  where  you  say  to  this,  that  you  as  the  observer  say  to  this  part  of  you,  you  say,  "Okay,  around  everything  that  happened,  around  the  original  emotion,  of  the  upset,  around  the  transformation  that  just  happened,  what  is  it  that  you  need  now?  What  is  it  that  you  need  now?"  This  is  after  the  resolution  of  the  healing  singular.  I'll  go  into  the  healing  singularity  in  future  calls.  Feel  that  energetically  in  the  future  and  you're  going  to  do  a  little  bit  of  research  this  week  in  your  journal  around  that.  

  Step  nine  is  what  do  you  need  now.  Around  everything  that  happened,  what  is  it  that  you  need  now?  It's  likely  a  quality.  It's  not,  "I  need  to  go  on  a  diet."  That's  not  it.  That's  your  mind.  Can  you  feel  that?  That  would  be  an  answer  of  the  mind.  I  need  to  do  better  

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at  being  nice  ...  Those  things  are  things  of  the  mind.  What  do  you  need  now,  that  is  usually  an  energy  of,  "I  need  love.  I  need  to  be  acknowledged.  I  need  to  feel  safe.  I  need  to  be  seen.  I  need  to  be  heard."  Those  are  usually  what's  needed  now.  "I  need  joy.  I  need  happiness.  I  need  play."  Those  are  usually  the  qualities  of  what  will  come  up  and  what  do  you  need  now.    

  You  ask  the  little  one  as  the  observer.  You  say  to  the  little  one,  "What  do  you  need  now  beautiful  little  one,  beautiful  persona?  What  do  you  need  now?"  They  will  share  with  you,  "I  need  love  or  I  need  a  hug."  That's  a  good  one.  The  next  step  is  step  10.  What  would  that  need  feel  like  if  it  were  fully  expressed?  Let's  just  go  with,  "I  need  to  be  loved."  

  You  ask  them  as  the  observer.  You  ask  this  part  of  you,  "What  would  that  need  feel  like?  Can  you  show  me  what  it  would  feel  like  if  that  need  works  for  us?  Can  you  show  me  what  love  would  feel  like?"  That's  what  we're  asking  them  in  step  10.  "Can  you  show  me  what  love  would  feel  like  if  I  fully  express  love?"  Then  that  little  one  will  show,  they'll  say,  "I'll  show  you  what  love  feels  like."  You  know  what  they're  showing  you?  They're  showing  you  the  diamond  in  the  middle.  They're  showing  you  the  truth  of  who  they  are.  They're  showing  you  the  truth  of  the  expression  of  you  and  you  will  feel  it.    

  This  part  of  you  is  going  to  show  you.  You're  not  going  to  figured  it  out.  Your  mind  isn't  going  to  go,  "Well,  what  would  that  be  like?"  And  figure  it  out.  No,  you're  going  to  ask  this  part  of  you.  This  beautiful  child.  "Show  me  what  that  need  would  feel  like  if  it  were  fully  expressed?"  They  will  show  you  and  the  next  step  is  notice  that.  What  would  that  feel  like?  

  The  little  one  shows  you  and  says,  "Here's  what  love  would  feel  like."  You  feel  this  warmth  in  your  heart  and  you  feel  this  energy  of  space  in  your  field.  I'm  just  giving  some  examples.  Then  you're  noticing,  "Wow,  what  does  that  feel  like?  It  feels  like  I  have  warmth  in  my  heart.  I  have  space  in  my  field.  it  feels  like  freedom.  It  feels  like  freedom."  

  You're  starting  to  now  take  over  and  see  what  it  feels  like  for  you.  Then  we  do  and  I  am  ceremony.  We  take  the  word  that  fell  out,  in  this  case,  "I  took  the  warmth  of  my  heart  and  that  space  that  I  feel  like  and  the  word  that  came  out  was  freedom."  Then  we  do  an  I  am  ceremony,  step  12  where  we  put  I  am  in  front  of  the  word  that  was  the  description  from  step  11.  

  Step  nine  is  what  do  you  need  now?  What  do  you  need  now?  We  say  to  the  little  one  as  the  observer.  Step  10  is  can  you  show  me  what  that  would  feel  like  if  that  were  fully  expressed?  They  show  us  and  then  we  say,  "Wow,  what  does  that  feel  like?"  We  describe  what  it  feels  like  if  that  need  were  fully  expressed.  Then  we  take  the  word  or  words  from  what  that  feels  like  and  we  create  an  I  am  ceremony  by  putting  in  I  am  in  front  of  it.  

  We  ask  the  little  one  to  organize  a  ceremony  for  us.  It  could  be  super  complicated  like  an  awards  ceremony.  It  could  be  simple  like  holding  hands  and  dancing.  We  ask  that  little  one  to  create  an  I  am  ceremony.  Then  together,  with  the  observer  that  is  you  and  

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the  aspect  of  this  little  child  that  was  us,  we  claim  that  I  am  statement.  We  claim,  "I  am  freedom."  We  do  it  three  times  aloud.  That,  my  beautiful  people,  is  the  12  steps  of  the  spontaneous  transformation  system.  

  I'm  waiting  for  all  the  applause  to  settle  down  here.  I'm  just  kidding.  I'm  going  to  go  through  all  this  one  more  time.  Step  one,  what's  upsetting  you?  Use  the  moment  of  upset.  Again,  at  any  point  in  time,  if  you're  not  upset  in  the  moment,  you  can  use  something  in  the  past  that  upset  you.  I  don't  know  about  you  but  I  still  have  arguments  with  someone.  Something  that  happened  10  years.    

  You  can  see  why  I  created  this  system  for  me,  can't  you?  What's  upsetting  you?  Or  if  nothing  is  upsetting  you,  you  can  reference  something  in  the  past.  What  are  you  feeling?  What  are  the  emotions?  Just  notice  them.  You  don't  dive  in  then.  Where  are  you  feeling  these  emotions  in  your  body?  That's  why  you  need  to  understand  what  you're  feeling  so  you  can  reference  the  body  now  where  is  that  in  your  body.  

  Again,  you  bring  your  energy  and  attention  into  your  body  because  you  can  now  detour  the  mind.  That's  why  we  use  the  body.  Step  four  is  bring  your  attention  to  that  body  part  as  the  observer.  Step  four  is  when  you  become  the  embodied  observer.  You're  nurturing,  you're  supportive,  but  you're  detached.  You  bring  this  detached  observer  and  you  noticed  the  persona  that  is  in  this  body  part.  The  younger  child  that  is  there  that  was  you.  That's  step  five.  

  Step  six  is  the  observer  says  to  this  aspect,  "I'm  here  and  I'm  present  with  you.  I'm  in  support.  I'm  not  leaving.  I'm  not  going  anywhere."  That's  step  six.  That's  a  beautiful  moment  of  feeling  right  there.  Just  allowing  this  part  to  be  finally  seen.  It  is  huge  and  you  may  notice  that.  Step  seven  is  allow  this  aspect  to  feel.  To  really  feel.  To  feel  the  emotions,  the  terror,  the  upset.  Allow  them  to  feel  but  use  the  observer  or  staying  out  of  it.  You're  letting  this  part  of  you  feel.  

  You're  just  allowing  this  part  of  you  to  feel.  You  might  notice  some  mind  patterns  that  want  to  stop  this  understandably  so.  It  wasn't  safe  to  feel  this  before.  We're  just  going  to  notice  the  mind  patterns  for  now  and  just  put  them  aside  and  maintain  the  observer  energy  and  allow  this  part  of  us  to  feel.  Step  eight  is  we're  going  to  validate  what  they're  saying.  You're  going  to  say,  "Yes,  those  emotions  are  real."  Yes,  that  happened.  

  Something  else  I  want  you  to  notice  here  is  if  you  find  yourself  diving  in.  Take  a  note  of  this.  It's  not  in  the  form.  If  you  find  yourself  diving  in  in  step  seven  or  eight,  you  can  say  ...  You're  crying  and  it's  okay  to  be  empathetic  with  this  part,  but  not  take  over  the  emotions  from  this  part  of  you.  That  means  that  if  you  start  to  cry  with  them,  you  actually  acknowledge  that  with  this  part  of  you  and  you  say  to  this  part  of  you,  "I  love  you  so  much.  I  care  about  you  so  much  that  I  am  willing  to  feel  this  with  you.  I'm  willing  to  feel  these  emotions  with  you."  

  If  you  find  yourself  really  feeling  an  emotion  coming  up  like  anger  or  mostly  its  tears  usually.  If  you  feel  that  energy  coming  up,  then  say  to  the  little  one,  to  maintain  the  energy  of  allowing  them  to  feel,  you  say  to  them,  "I  am  willing  to  feel  this  with  you."  

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Take  note  in  seven  or  eight  hat  you  can  use  those  words.  If  you  find  yourself  kind  of  diving  in  or  really  emoting.  You  can  say  to  this  part,  "I'm  willing  to  feel  this  with  you."  That  allows  you  permission  to  then  feel  it  with  them  and  cry  with  them  and  emote  with  them.  

  Seven  is  to  feel.  Eight  is  validate.  Yes,  that  happened.  You  don't  have  to  change.  It's  another  thing  you  can  share  with  them  at  this  stage.  Love  them.  Tell  them  how  much  you  love  about.  Love  them.  Tell  them  that  you  see  them.  Tell  this  part  of  you  how  much  you  care  for  them.  How  amazing  they  are.  How  courageous  they  are.  Thank  them  for  holding  on  to  these  emotions  in  that  walnut  until  this  moment.  Thank  them  for  holding  on  so  that  you  could  survive  because  it  wasn't  safe  to  feel  these  things  the  first  time.  

  Step  eight  is  validating  and  loving  the  emotions  and  honoring  the  emotions.  At  step  eight  when  the  emotions  are  expressed  to  fruition  in  a  way,  they  are  expressed  until  there's  a  change.  It  is  expressed  until  the  spontaneous  transformation  happens  in  step  eight.  After  that  kind  of  resolution,  you  go  to  what  do  you  need  now.  The  observer  that  is  you  says  to  this  part  of  you,  "What  is  it  that  you  need  now?  What  do  you  need  now?"    

  They  will  share  a  quality  of  some  kind.  "I  need  love.  I  need  a  hug.  I  need  more  joy.  I  need  play."  Whatever  it  is.  Then  the  next  step  is  what  would  it  feel  like  if  that  need  were  fully  expressed.  What  would  it  be  like?  Can  you  show  me?  We  ask  this  part  of  us.  Can  you  show  me  what  that  would  feel  like?  This  part  of  you  shows  you  and  you  go,  "Oh."  Then  you  take  a  moment  in  step  11  and  describe,  "What  does  that  feel  like?  That  expression.  Wow."  Describe  it.  

  You  can  do  step  11  a  couple  of  times.  What  does  that  feel  like?  What  does  that  feel  like?  Each  time  you  describe  it,  you're  getting  clearer  and  clearer  and  clearer.  In  step  11,  you  are  shining  the  light  of  consciousness  on  the  diamond  that's  in  the  middle  of  the  walnut.  You're  shining  the  light  of  consciousness  of  who  you  really  are.  The  truth  of  you.  We  finished  that  by  having  the  I  am  ceremony.  

  When  we  describe  it  to  ourselves  over  and  over  again  what  that  full  expression  feels  like,  is  like,  it  feels  like  freedom.  It  feels  like  I  am.  Then  we  do  the  I  am  ceremony.  The  I  am  ceremony  is  together  you  and  the  persona,  this  little  one,  hold  hands,  create  a  ceremony  of  some  kind  and  we  claim  three  times  aloud.  "I  am,"  and  whatever  those  words  were.  In  my  case,  in  this  instance,  I  felt  freedom,  so  it's  like,  "I  am  free.  I  am  free.  I  am  free."  I'm  doing  it  with  the  little  one.    

  Then  we  take  a  nice  deep  breathe  and  you  come  back.  I  often  recommend  going  back  to  the  original  thing  that's  upsetting  you.  Go  back  to  what's  upsetting  you  and  see  if  it's  still  there.  99%  of  the  chance  is  gone.  There  are  some  times  when  there's  more  to  do  and  you  can  start  right  on  over  again.    

  Those  are  the  12  steps.  Listen  to  this  audio  again  as  you  go  through  the  12  steps  with  yourself.  Use  beginner's  mind.  I  want  to  set  you  up.  We're  going  to  have  a  week  break  between  now  and  our  next  class  and  there's  a  reason  for  that.  For  those  who  are  listening  to  the  recording  later,  give  yourself  a  little  space  between  now  and  the  next  

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one  if  you  can.  You  don't  have  to  but  I  recommend  that  you  do.  Start  a  journal  and  start  doing  the  spontaneous  transformation  on  yourself  every  single  day.  In  fact,  I  would  do  it  a  couple  times  a  day.    

  One  of  the  things  I  want  you  to  start  noticing,  I  call  this  the  research  stage.  Write  what  you're  noticing  is  happening.  Write  what  you're  feeling.  Write  the  whole  process  down.  Write  what  you're  feeling  in  every  moment.  Capture  these  little  sessions  with  yourself.  You  don't  have  to  keep  doing  this  after  the  course,  but  it's  really  good  because  you're  going  to  reflect  back  on  the  course  at  the  beginning  and  see  how  much  you've  changed.  

  Write  down  each  of  the  sessions  you're  doing.  You  don't  have  to  write  volumes,  but  some  of  you  might  want  to.  Write  down  what  your  experience  is.  Number  one.  Number  two,  I  want  you  to  start  observing.  This  is  again  part  of  the  research  stage  of  the  spontaneous  transformation  technique  training.  I  want  you  to  research  around  steps  seven  and  eight  the  energy  that's  happening.    

  I  want  you  to  start  noticing  and  we're  going  to  talk  about  what  these  things  are  more,  but  I  want  you  to  start  with  just  noticing  that  steps  seven  and  step  eight  ...  Step  seven,  there  is  a  still  point.  There's  a  still  point  that  shows  up.  Again,  I'm  going  to  do  classes  more  specifically  on  the  still  point,  but  I  want  you  to  just  research  it  and  just  notice  it  for  yourself,  because  I  don't  want  to  plant  seeds.  

  Some  of  you  already  have  seeds  planted  of  what's  a  still  point  is  because  I  talk  about  it  a  lot.  I  want  you  to  just  notice  what  the  still  point  that  shows  up.  This  place  of  stillness  inertia  where  there  is  no  saying.  Where  there  is  no  conditions,  no  attachments,  no  expectations  that  kind  of  shows  up  around  step  seven.  I  want  you  to  start  noticing  it  and  taking  notes.  Describe  what  it's  like  as  a  separate  part  of  your  research  between  now  and  our  next  class.  Describe  what  the  still  point  is  for  you  that  happens  around  step  seven.  

  As  you  do  this  every  day,  you're  going  to  start  noticing  still  point  and  you're  going  to  start  noticing  some  nuances  of  it.  Everyone  has  their  own  version  of  it.  We're  going  to  discuss  it  on  the  call  so  that  everyone  gets  everyone  else's  versions.  That's  why  it's  really  important  to  do  your  research  on  this.  

  In  your  journal,  write  down  when  you  notice  a  still  point.  If  that's  too  much  for  you  to  do  for  the  first  couple  of  days,  that's  fine,  don't  do  it.  If  at  some  point  you  get  into  a  routine  with  your  spontaneous  transformation  practice,  that  you  start  to  say,  "Oh,  wait,  that's  the  still  point  that  Jen  was  talking  about."  When  that  part  of  you  is  feeling  and  feeling  and  feeling.  It's  like,  "Yeah."  Write  down  what  that  felt  like.  What  was  the  still  point  like.    

  The  other  thing  I  want  you  to  notice  is  that  moment  when  this  part  of  you  is  feeling  and  you  as  the  observer  are  validating  and  you're  saying,  "I  love  you,"  and  the  love  starts  to  grow.  I  want  you  to  notice  first  of  all  and  write  this  down  and  do  some  research  on  this  and  write  it  down  and  notice  when  the  love  starts  to  get  bigger  than  the  original  emotion.  This  is  really  powerful.  When  you  start  working  with  friends  and  families,  a  little  nuance  of  this,  okay?    

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  When  the  emotion  starts  to  get  bigger  than  the  energy,  it  means  that  the  emotion  of  love  is  so  much  greater  and  grander  and  therefore  makes  less  significant  this  old  belief  that  just  unwound.  It  doesn't  make  it  insignificant,  just  less  significant  in  the  framework  of  love.  I  want  you  to  start  noticing  that  the  love  is  bigger  than  the  emotion.  Notice  the  nuances  of  that  and  write  down  any  notes  that  you  have  about  that,  okay?    

  The  final  thing  I  want  you  to  research  is  what  I  call  a  healing  singularity.  There's  a  moment  in  the  midst  of  step  eight  when  there's  a  peak.  I  call  it  almost  like  an  orgasm.  This  one  is  kind  of  like.  It's  an  orgasm  of  energy  though.  It's  not  an  orgasm  that's  sexual.  It's  an  orgasm  of  there's  a  peak  of  energy  that  happens,  that  precedes  just  before  the  resolution.  

  If  you  don't  notice  that  at  all,  that's  totally  fine,  but  I  want  you  to  see  if  you  can  notice  it.  That's  called  the  healing  singularity  and  I'm  going  to  be  doing  a  whole  class  devoted  to  the  healing  singularity.  It's  great  if  you  can  start  noticing  it  and  taking  notes  in  your  journal  about  the  healing  singularity,  okey-­‐doke?    

  You're  going  to  notice  the  healing  singularity.  You're  going  to  notice  that  the  love  is  greater  than  the  original  feeling.  You're  going  to  notice  the  still  point  and  you're  going  to  be  writing  notes  about  that.  It  might  take  you  a  couple  of  days  of  doing  this  practice  the  spontaneous  transformation  with  yourself  to  start  noticing  it,  because  it's  a  lot.  You're  going  through  the  11  steps.  You're  reading  the  document,  you're  going,  "Right."    

  If  you  don't  notice  it  right  away,  it's  okay.  If  you  don't  notice  it  in  first  couple  of  classes,  it's  okay.  I'm  shining  the  light  of  consciousness  on  you  to  start  noticing  it.  To  know  that  it's  there  and  as  you  start  noticing  it,  it's  going  to  expand.  That's  what  happens.  Whatever  we  notice  expands.  Whatever  we  pay  attention  to  expands.  We  are  paying  attention  to  the  truth  of  who  we  are  by  allowing  these  parts  of  us  to  finally  express.  When  they  express  the  I  am  ceremony  at  the  end  reveals  to  us  the  truth  of  who  we  are  and  that's  what  expands  in  our  life.    

  Oh  my  gosh,  I'm  so  excited.  I'm  so  excited.  I'm  going  to  take  a  few  questions.  *2  will  raise  your  hand.  If  you  have  some  questions,  *2  will  raise  your  hands.  If  you  have  any  questions  or  comments,  it's  okay  if  you  don't.  There's  a  little  fire  hose  that  we  gave  you.  Don't  panic,  okay?  This  is  class  one  of  six.  We've  got  30  days  together.    

  Also,  use  the  Facebook  group.  *2  will  raise  your  hand.  *2  will  raise  your  hand  if  you  have  a  question  or  comment.  Use  the  Facebook  group.  You  can  talk  to  each  other  a  little  bit.  If  you  have  questions,  you  can  ask  them  there.  I  will  be  as  much  as  I  can.  I  do  have  a  very  busy  life,  but  as  much  as  I  can,  I  will  be  trying  to  answer  questions  there  often,  but  please  know  that  it  might  take  me  a  day  or  two  to  answer  your  questions.  I  hope  you  have  flexibility  with  that.  

  If  you're  on  Facebook,  join  the  Facebook  group  and  if  you're  not,  don't  worry  about  it.  Whatever  questions  show  up  in  the  Facebook  group,  if  they're  salient  to  the  conversation,  I  will  bring  them  up  in  these  classes.  Get  a  journal.  Make  sure  you're  

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writing  a  new  journal.  Write  down  the  sessions.  Notice  the  healing  singularity.  Notice  the  still  point  and  notice  the  love  that  grows  bigger.    

  Again,  if  you  don't  notice  any  of  that  stuff,  it's  okay.  By  the  end  of  it,  you  will  definitely  notice  it.  I'm  going  to  do  the  attunement  in  one  moment.  It  looks  like  we  have  just  one  question.  That's  okay.  Anyone  else  have  a  question  or  comment,  *2  will  raise  your  hand,  *2.  Go  ahead  Joy.  

Joy:   Okay.  My  whole  thing  was  my  feelings  were  so  repressed  that  I  didn't  know  what  I  felt.  I've  been  unwinding  that  for  years.  I  got  out  of  the  panic  and  the  overwhelm  finally  of  the  21  days  and  stuff.  As  I  got  out  of  the  panic  and  overwhelm,  I  could  actually  feel  something.    

Jen:   Yay.  

Joy:   Yeah,  I  know.  Now  I'm  trying  to  figure  out  ...  

Jen:   That's  great.  

Joy:   It's  really  great  because  I  keep  saying,  "Oh  my  God,  I  should  be  panicking  and  overwhelmed."  I'd  go.  "Oh,  no,  that's  my  brain  thinking  I  should  be  doing  that."  [Crosstalk  01:23:29].    

Jen:   I  just  want  to  stop  you  right  there  and  just  say  congratulations  my  dear.  That  is  enormous.  That's  enormous.  

Joy:   Thank  you.  

Jen:   The  mind  is  actually  at  the  point  where  it's  saying,  "I  should  be."  Freaking  cool  man.  That  is  really  big.  

Jen:   That  is  really  big.  Congratulations.  That  is  way  cool.    

Joy:   It  is.  It's  such  a  different  feeling  and  I  didn't  have  any  of  that  for  so  long  that  it's  like  I'm  playing  with  it  and  trying  to  handle  it.  

Jen:   You're  doing  great.    

Joy:   Finding  myself  going  into  sadness  like  crazy.    

Jen:   Good.  There's  an  ocean  of  sadness  that  just  needs  to  be  released.  That's  it.  That's  all  it  is.  It's  sadness  that  got  held,  because  it  had  to  be  held.  It  wasn't  safe  to  feel  sad.  One  more  little  technique  for  all  of  you  is  when  you're  crying  ...    

  Because  all  of  you  are  moving  into  this  practice  of  the  spontaneous  transformation  technique,  the  emotions  are  going  to  show  up.  As  you  do  this,  but  the  universe  which  is  you,  will  show  up.  You're  creating  new  neural  pathways  to  the  old  shadow.  Neural  

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pathway  is  still  there  and  relevant.  It  will  show  up  as  a  moment  of  resistance  to  allow  you  to  train  the  new  neural  pathway  into  growing.  

  That  means  that  the  old  behaviors,  the  old  ways  of  doing  things,  the  old  emotions  will  definitely  show  up  through  the  next  30  days.  We  don't  have  to  freak  out  anymore.  We  don't  have  to  say,  "I  thought  this  was  going  to  stop  all  of  this."  No,  those  old  patterns,  those  old  beliefs  are  just  going  to  simply  show  up  as  the  old  neural  pathway  starts  to  fade  in  the  background  and  they're  showing  up  to  support  the  new  neural  pathway.  They're  going  to  create  moments  of  resistance  just  like  you  said.  

  I  should  be  panicking  and  upset.  The  old  neural  pathway  is  there  saying  I  should  be,  but  the  new  neural  pathway  is  saying,  "Wow,  look  at  that."  Noticing.  "Whoa  I'm  not,"  and  use  it.  

Jen:   Use  it.  Then  do  the  next  spontaneous  transformation.  Use  it  to  then  say,  "The  old  neural  pathway,  the  shadow  neural  pathway  is  what  I  call  is  going  to  show  up  and  offer  some  wonderful  resistance  training."  Just  like  a  gym  where  you're  lifting  weights.  It's  a  neural  pathway  resistance.  This  new  and  old  shadow  neural  pathway  is  going  to  show  up  to  offer  resistance  training  for  the  new  neural  pathway.  What  do  we  do?  We  look  at  it  and  say,  "I'm  triggered.  I  thought  I  was  done  with  that.  Right,  I'm  triggered.  I'm  noticing."    

  Guess  what  we  do,  we  do  another  spontaneous  transformation  in  that  moment.  Now,  these  things  that  used  to  be  old  patterns,  used  to  be  old  belief,  used  to  be  old  coping  mechanisms  now  become  opportunities  instead  of  something  that  makes  us  a  victim  and  pulls  us  in  to  an  old  pattern.  It  now  becomes  a  point  of  access  to  use  spontaneous  transformation  in  that  very  moment  to  unwind  and  allow  that  part  of  us  to  finally  express.  It's  so  exciting.  

Joy:   It  is.  It  is  so  cool.  When  I  get  down  into  that  spiral,  it's  like,  "Wait  a  minute.  Wait  a  minute."  I  feel  like  I'm  going  to  the  gym    

Jen:   Yes,  that's  right.  

Joy:   I  still  get  down  there.  

Jen:   I'm  sorry.  I  do  tend  to  get  a  little  bit  enthusiastic.  I  apologize  if  I'm  all  over  the  moon.    

Joy:   No,  it's  okay.  That's  great.  I  feel  it.  I'm  like,  "Oh  my  God."  

Jen:   Yes,  that's  exactly  right.  Go  to  the  gym.  You  just  look  at  it  now  and  say,  "I'm  going  to  the  gym.  I'm  going  to  the  neural  pathway  gym."  

Joy:   I  love  those  little  things.  They  helped  me  so  much.  It  sounds  great.  

Jen:   Awesome.  Congratulations.  You  are  doing  so  great.  I  can  really  feel  it.  I  can  actually  see  in  your  brain  that  this  space  that's  there,  there  was  so  much  compression  in  there.  

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There's  actually  space  in  the  gray  matter.  There's  space  in  the  cerebellum.  Even  the  amygdala  has  space  in  it.  You  are  doing  so  good.  Congratulations.  

Joy:   Thank  you  so  much.  

Jen:   I'm  really  glad  you're  in  this  program.  This  is  great.  

Joy:   Oh  my  God,  this  has  been  wonderful.  It's  just  transforming.  

Jen:   Excellent.    

Joy:   Everything  took  me  to  this  point.  I  can  really  say  that.  I'm  like,  "Oh  my  God,  this  is  a  great  time    

Jen:   Yeah,  isn't  that  cool?  Yup,  just  brought  you  to  this  moment.  Well  said.  

Joy:   All  different  things  and  puzzled  pieces.  Thank  you  Jen.  

Jen:   You're  welcome.  It  looks  like  it  might  be  Maureen  in  Phoenix.  Last  four  digits  are  0746,  you're  on  the  air.  

Maureen:   Hello.    

Jen:   Hey  there.  

Maureen:   Yes,  this  is  Maureen  in  Phoenix.  I  do  have  a  question  about  the  step  where  you're  in  that  eight  or  nine  where  you're  telling  it  ...  You  said  you  want  to  send  it  enough  love  so  that  the  love  gets  bigger  than  the  amount.  

Jen:   Let  me  actually  reframe  that.  Can  I  reframe  that  for  one  second?  

Maureen:   Sure.  

Jen:   You're  not  sending  love.  You  are  actually  loving.  It  is  a  nuances,  so  it's  important.  This  system  of  healing  does  not  send  ever.  This  system  of  healing  actually  just  is.  Anyway,  thank  you  for  letting  me  bring  that  up  and  I  don't  want  to  make  you  wrong  because  you're  not.  It's  really,  really  subtle  and  important  point  that  you're  helping  me  to  really  redefine  for  everyone  listening.  That  you  are  not  sending  love.  Just  imagine  a  mother  with  a  baby.  The  mother  does  not  send  love,  do  they?  She  simply  loves.  Does  that  filter?  

Maureen:   Okay.  That  actually  is  basically  the  crux  of  the  question  anyway,  because  there  are  times  where  you're  looking  ...  Okay,  this  is  the  step  to  love.  Sometimes  it  is  not  coming.  

Jen:   Well,  if  you  are  truly  an  observer  observing  this  part  of  you  expressing,  then  you  are  in  love  my  dearest.  If  you  aren't,  then  that's  your  mind.  That's  really,  really  good.  That's  part  of  your  process.  Your  process  is  if  you  are  not  in  love  with  this  part  of  you,  then  you  are  in  your  mind.    

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Maureen:   Maybe  it's  a  question  of  how  to  consider  the  observer,  because  when  I've  been  considering  the  observer,  I'm  considering  a  neutral  personality.  A  personality  that  was  neutral.  Where's  the  emotion?  

Jen:   Great  question.  I'm  going  to  reveal  a  secret  here.  This  is  a  little  bit  early  to  reveal  this  but  I'm  going  to  reveal  it  since  you  brought  it  up.  It's  important.  Neutrality  is  love.    

Maureen:   Really?  

Jen:   Yes.  I  know  it's  weird.  It  doesn't  seem  right  that's  why  I  usually  wait  until  later  to  share  that,  but  I'm  going  to  share  it  now.  For  those  of  you  who  don't  believe  it,  it's  okay.  By  the  end  of  this,  you'll  get  it.  That  neutral  energy  is  actually  what  love  is.  Love  has  no  conditions.  Love  does  not  have  any  expectations.  Love  is  not  attached.  Love  is  this  pure  energy.  It's  this  pure  framework  of  possibility  and  flow  and  openness.  Neutral  is  love,  okay?  You're  going  to  get  in  that  ...  

Maureen:   Amazing.  

Jen:   Your  mind  can't  quite  crack  it  right  now  completely  but  that's  okay.  Something  just  happened  in  you.  

Maureen:   I  can  feel  that  that's  going  to  come.  I  can  feel  that  is  going  to  come.  I'm  going  to  go  back  and  re-­‐listen  this  with  contemplation  because  I  think  that's  actually  where  the  trick  will  be,  right?  

Jen:   That  is  so  good  and  I  can  feel  ...  Here's  what's  really  cool  that's  happening  with  you.  Is  it  Maureen?  

Maureen:   Yes.  

Jen:   Here's  what's  really  cool  that's  happening  with  you  right  now.  I  just  want  you  to  notice  this.  Here's  what's  really  cool  that's  happening  with  you.  What's  happening  is  that  you  are  considering.  When  you  are  considering,  you  are  in  the  still  point  and  when  you  are  in  the  still  point,  all  possibilities  are  now  available.  It's  a  really  powerful  unwinding  happening  for  everyone  right  now.  There's  a  healing  happening  from  that  statement.  When  all  possibilities  are  available,  there  are  no  conditions.  There  are  no  expectations.  There's  nothing  but  the  moment  of  possibility.  That's  it.  There  we  go.  That  was  beautiful.    

Maureen:   Awesome.    

Jen:   Can  you  feel  that?  I  don't  know  if  you  can,  but  something  just  transformed  in  you.  There's  like  10  times  more  space  in  your  field  right  now.  

Maureen:   On  an  intuitive  level,  I  know  that  something  has  occurred  somewhere.  That  was  actually  just  before  just  right  now  you  first  brought  up  the  whole  observer  thing.  I  know  that  something  shifted.  It  generally  takes  me  a  while  to  process  changes.  

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Jen:   What  if  you  don't  have  to  process  it?  What  you're  describing  here  is  it  takes  me  a  while  for  my  mind  to  figure  it  out.  What  if  your  mind  doesn't  have  anything  to  do  with  this  and  it  doesn't  need  to  figure  it  out?  What  would  that  be  like?  You  didn't  have  to  process  this.    

Maureen:   Change  would  be  a  lot  faster  in  my  life.  

Jen:   Right.  You  totally  nailed  it.  You  totally  nailed  it.  You  just  got  it.  If  you  don't  have  to  process  this  ...  here's  what  it  is.  If  you  don't  have  to  process  this,  you  are  it.  You  are  in  this  neutral  energy  of  love.  You  are  in  the  still  point  right  now.  The  mind  cannot  process  that.  You  don't  have  to  layer  in,  "I  have  to  process  this  anymore,"  because  you  are  it  right  now.  There's  nothing  more  that  needs  to  happen.  You  are  it  right  now.  

  It's  okay  if  your  mind  still  wants  to  process  it.  By  the  way,  it's  okay  but  now  you  can't  un-­‐see  this.  That's  the  pattern.  The  pattern  is,  "I  get  it.  Now,  I  have  to  process  it."  It's  okay  for  the  mind  to  understand  it  at  some  point.  It's  okay,  but  it  no  longer  has  to  be  processed  in  order  to  be  it.  You  can  be  it  but  then  the  mind  can  play  with  it  afterwards.  What's  different  now  is  you  get  to  be  at  first.  You  don't  have  to  process  it  then  be  it.  Now  you're  just  it.  Wow,  you  really  got  that  one.  That  was  cool.  That  was  cool.    

Maureen:   I  did.  Actually,  there  was  a  point  in  my  life  where  I  used  to  intuitively  grasped  things  and  then  I  would  come  up  with  the  mental  explanation  of  them  after.  The  thing  that  was  beaten  out  of  me.  

Jen:   Of  course  it  was.  

Maureen:   Basically,  it  was  kind  of  a  recognition  of,  "Okay."  Somewhere  along  the  line  at  one  point  I  had  actually  done  something  similar.    

Jen:   I  want  you  to  notice  that  word.  Recognize.  That's  what  it  is.  It's  a  recognize.  The  mind  is  attempting  to  recognize  what  it  can't  really  quite  understand.  Recognize.  Well  done.    

Maureen:   Thank  you  so  much.  This  is  very,  very  helpful.  Thank  you.  

Jen:   You're  welcome  honey.  That  was  a  great  question.  Really  powerful,  so  good.  We're  going  to  dive  into  the  attunement  now.  This  is  the  attunement.  The  attunement  is  usually  silent,  so  know  that  there's  going  to  be  silence  as  I  do  the  attunement,  okey-­‐doke?  Sometimes,  I  speak  through  it  but  most  the  time  it's  just  silent.  This  is  the  initial  training  version  of  the  STT  frequency.  

  For  those  of  you  who  are  going  on  to  level  1,  there's  a  more  powerful  attunement.  There's  a  more  powerful  SCT  attunement  and  then  there's  five  additional  attunement  that  help  you  to  really  be  the  healer.  In  this  course,  you're  going  to  get  the  initial  STT  frequency  healing  that  opens  up  the  healing  energies  of  the  system.  I  want  you  to  notice  that  as  you  do  STT  with  yourself  between  now  and  next  time  that  there  will  be  this  additional  support.  Just  consider  it.  Additional  support  so  that  you  can  get  it,  so  that  you  can  do  it  with  less  of  that  beginner's  mind.  

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  The  STT  frequency  helps  accelerate  the  system  that  much  more  so  that  you  can  get  it,  you  can  do  it  more  powerfully  and  it  creates  more  expansive  results  as  you  do  it  for  yourself  and  especially  when  you  start  playing  with  friends  and  family  in  a  couple  weeks.    

  Know  that  the  STT  frequency  is  here  in  absolute  support.  It's  elevating  the  frequency  of  this  energy  for  you  and  you  now  have  it  in  consciousness  from  the  steps  that  we  just  did.  Know  that  the  attunement  is  here  to  really,  really,  really  hold  you  in  support.  Elevate  that  frequency  of  what  you're  doing  so  that  it's  easier.  It  brings  more  more  transformation.  More  of  the  healing  singularity.  More  of  the  still  point.  It  actually  also  allows  you  to  see  and  experience  the  healing  singularity  in  the  still  point.  Okay  folks?    

  Here  we  go.  Here  comes  the  attunement.  Again,  remember  that  if  this  is  going  to  be  silent  likely,  although  you  never  know  I  might  talk.  For  those  who  are  listening  to  these  audios  later,  this  attunement  is  just  as  strong.  Just  as  strong  on  the  audios.  Here  we  go.  Here's  the  attunement.  The  STT  frequency  attunement.  Here  we  go.  

  The  portal  has  been  opened  and  the  attunement  is  coming  through.  It's  like  they're  energetic  keys  of  the  STT  frequency.  Each  of  you  has  your  own  version.  This  key  is  simply  preparing  to  unlock  this  frequency  within  you.  That's  it.  There's  an  energy  of  preparation  right  now  as  helpers  and  guys  and  the  STT  helpers  are  preparing  your  energy  field  to  receive  this  key  unlock  this  frequency  within  you,  so  there's  this  moment  of  preparation.  There's  transformation  that  is  happening  as  you  are  prepared.  

  That's  it.  The  keys  are  being  prepared  as  well.  It's  fired  up.  The  potency  is  building  within  you  and  within  the  keys  that  are  designed  just  for  you.  That's  it.  Now,  everything  is  ready  and  the  keys  are  going  to  come  in  now.  Each  of  you  has  your  own  individual  key  that's  unlocking  the  STT  frequency,  the  spontaneous  transformation  frequency.    

  The  helpers  are  now  helping  to  integrate  this  frequency  within  your  field  of  being;  your  guides,  your  allies  and  the  STT  helpers.  It's  activating  each  of  the  12  steps.  It's  activating  within  your  body,  within  your  mind,  within  your  emotions.  It's  about  activating  each  step  within  your  being,  within  your  soul  itself,  so  each  step  is  activated  in  consciousness  as  this  energy  turns  on  within  you.  

  That's  it.  This  is  a  beautiful  integration  that's  happening  right  now  as  this  new  frequency  is  integrating  within  you.  This  beautiful  white  light  is  coming  from  your  soul,  from  the  part  of  you  that  lives  in  the  infinite  and  eternal.  This  white  light  is  just  entering  within  you  and  just  loving  you,  nourishing  you  and  honoring  you  and  up-­‐leveling  this  frequency  as  it  integrates  within  your  body.  

  This  nourishes  and  loves  you.  This  energy  is  the  light  of  your  soul.  It  creates  an  infrastructure  if  you  will  of  love  and  nourishing  and  safety  and  support  for  this  frequency  to  be  held  within.  It  creates  an  energy  that  allows  this  frequency  to  grow  as  you  practice.  To  grow  as  you  do  this  spontaneous  transformation  technique  on  yourself.  To  grow  as  you  start  to  work  with  friends  and  family.  

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  That's  it.  Beautiful.  That's  it.  Anything  that  is  no  longer  needed,  the  universal  vacuum  cleaner  is  coming  in  and  just  cleaning  up  any  old  dust  bunnies  that  are  no  longer  needed  from  the  new  insights,  the  new  information,  the  new  up-­‐leveling,  the  new  STT  frequency  is  that  is  now  a  part  of  you.  The  new  capacity  that  is  within  you  to  now  use  the  system  of  healing.  The  healer  that's  been  awakened  within  you.  Anything  that  is  no  longer  of  that  integer  is  simply  being  vacuumed  out.  

  That's  it.  That's  it.  It's  beautiful.  Beautiful  kind  of  rocking  energy  is  present  here.  That's  it.  Good.  Everyone,  just  take  a  nice  deep  breath.  Make  a  sound  on  the  exhale.  When  you're  ready,  open  your  eyes  and  just  open  your  eyes  into  this  frequency.  Open  to  the  eyes  and  to  the  healer  that  has  now  been  activated  within  you.  Open  your  eyes  into  the  new  STT  version  of  you.  It  is,  amen.    

  Thank  you  all  so  very  much  for  being  part  of  this  group.  Be  sure  to  sign  up  for  the  Facebook  group.  It's  on  the  page  that  you're  on.  If  it's  not  on  the  page,  just  refresh  the  page  and  the  link  is  there.  It  should  be  in  the  original  email  you  sent.  I'll  send  another  email  out  with  that  link,  again,  in  case,  but  it's  on  the  page  now,  so  refresh  the  page.  

  I  look  forward  to  seeing  you  all  next  Tuesday.  Do  your  homework.  Write  in  your  journal.  Do  your  research  and  we're  going  to  open  up  the  lines  and  talk  about  our  research.  That's  important.  I  thank  you,  I  thank  you,  I  thank  you  for  trusting  me  to  play  with  you  and  guide  you  in  this  system  of  healing.  I'm  very,  very  honored  and  privileged  that  you're  here  now  because  you  are  the  ambassadors  for  this  system.  You  are  the  part  that  is  creating  a  revolution  of  the  heart  opening  and  feeling  safe  in  this  world.  Thank  you  for  that,  for  taking  on  that  role  with  me  in  partnership  together.  You  know  it's  possible,  right?  Okay  guys,  we  will  see  you  on  class  number  two.  Bye  now.  

Speaker  5:   The  conference  is  now  completed.  Goodbye.    



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