spm 4531 2009 physics p3 bjwp

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  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4531 2009 Physics p3 Bjwp







    Satu jam tiga puluh minit

    JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGADIBERITAHU1. Zzlls nombor kad pengenalan dan angka giliranandapada petakyang disediakan.2. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa.3. Soalan dalam bahasa Inggeris mendahului soalanyang sepadandalam bahasaMelayu.4. Calon dibenarkan menjawab keseluruhan (ttausebahagian soalan sama ada dalam bahasa Inggerisatau bahosaMelayu.

    INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATESMAKLUMATUNTUKCALONl. Thisquestionpaperconsists f two sections:SectionAand Section B.Kefiassoalanni mengandungita bahagian.' ahagianAdanBahagianB.2. You are advised to spend 60 minutes to answerquestions n Section A and 30 minutes for Section B.Anda dinasihatisupayamengambilmasa 60 minit untukmenjawab oalandalamBahagianA dan 30 minit untukBahagianB.

    Untuk Kegunaan Peme iksaKod Pemeriksa:Bahagian Soalan MarkahPenuh MarkahDiperoleh

    A 1 t6) t2

    B 3 t24 t2


    [Lihat halaman sebelah]. SULIT2009 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4531 2009 Physics p3 Bjwp



    SectionABahagian A'128marks)[28markah]

    Answerall questionsn this section'Jawab semta soalandalam bahagian ni'A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the mass' r'!.of a material and its volume, V. A slotted weight of mass 50.0 g is gently immersed into emeasuring cylinder containing water. The arrangementof the apparatus or this experimeotis shown n Diagram 1.1.Seorangmurid ienjatankan satueksperimen ntukmengkajihubunganantara isim' m' bagi sa*bahandengan sipadunya,Y. Satu isim berslotyang berjisim 50.0g direndamsecaraperlalunke dalam sebuahsilinder penyukatyanS menSandungi ir. susunanradas bagi eksperimenmditunjukkanPadaRaiah 1-1.

    ,-,/ S\ -=i9- slotted eight| | JisimberslotMeasuringcylinderSilinder enYukat

    WaterAirel >Diagram1.1

    Rajah l . l

    Diagram 1.2 shows the initial water level, v,, in the measuring cylinder before the sloneriweight is immersed in it.Rajah 1.2 menunjukkanaras awal air, Yo, di dalam silinder penyukat sebelum.iisim berslndirendamke dalamnYa.

    Beforeslottedweight is immersedSebelumisimberslot irendnm

    Vo = ... . , . . . . . , . .m3


    I slottedweight,m = 50.0gI jisimberslot,m= 50.0gDiagram1.3Raiah1.3

    V=Vi-Vo= ... . . . . . . . . . . CI[3

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4531 2009 Physics p3 Bjwp


    453U3Diagram 1.3 showsthe water level in the measuring cylinder when a 50.0 g slotted weight isimmersed in it.Rajah 1.3 menunjukkanaras air di dalam silinder penyukatapabila satu 5O.0g jisim berslotdirendam ke dalamnya.The procedure s repeatedwith masses,m = 100.0g, 150.0g, 200.0 g and 250.0g.The corresponding water levels in the measuring cylinder are shown in Diagrams 1.4, I.5,1.6 and 1.7 on page22LProsedur ni diulang denganisim, m = 100.0g, 150.0g, 200.0g dan 250.Og.Aras air di dalam silinder penyukatyang sepadanditunjukkanpada Rajah 1.4, 1.5, 1.6dan 1.1di halaman221.

    2 slottedweights,m = 100.02 isimberslot,m= 100.0Diagram1.4Rajah1.4

    Vr = """""" ' cm3V = Vr-Vo=... . . . . . . . . . .m3

    Vr = """""" ' cm3V=Vr-Vo=.,. , . . . . . . . , .m3

    3 slottedweights,m = 150.03 isimberslot,m= 150.0Diagram1.5Rajak1,5

    Vr = """""" ' cm3V = Vr-Vo=... . . . , . . . . . ,m3

    Vr = """""" ' cm3V=Vr-Vo=.. . . . . . . . . . . . cm3

    4 slottedweights,m = 200.0g4 isimberslot,m = 200.0Diagram1.6Rajah1.6

    5 slotted eights.m = 250.05 isimberslot,m= 250.0Diagram1.7Rajah1.1


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    I r----lI l t l1(a)(i i)

    I r----lI l t l

    1(bxi)r=I l l l1(bxii)

    [=I l2 l1(b)(i i i)

    [=I l2 l

    [=I l2 l1(d)

    [;I ls l1(e)

    [=l l l lTotal A1[=

    SULIT(a) For the experiment describedon page 220, identify:Bagi eksperimen ang diterangkandi halaman220.kenalpasti:(i) The manipulated variable.Pemb lehubah dimanipulas kan.


    [1 marklll markahl(ii) The responding ariable.Pemb lehubahbe se ak balas.


    I markl11markahl(iii) The constantvariable.Pembo ehub h dimalarkan.U markl

    [1 markalt)For this part of thequestion,write your answersn the spaces rovided in the correspondingdiagrams.Untuk bahag,ian oalan ini, tulis awapan anda dalam ruangydng disediakandalam rajah-rajah yang sepadan.(i ) Basedon Diagram 1.2 on page 220, rccord he readingof, Vo.BerdasarkanRajah 1.2 di halaman220, catat bacaan,Yo. lI mark-,17markult(i i) Basedon Diagrams1.3, 1.4,1.5, 1.6 and 1'7 on pages220 and221, record hereadings of, Vt.BerdasarkanRajah1.3,.4,1.5, .6and1.7 ihalaman220dan221,catatbacaatt \ ' .12marks',f2 markti:(iii) CalculateV for each value of % in l(bXii), using the formula y = (Vi - VJ.Record he value of V.Hitung Y bagi setiapnilai Vi dt l(bxii), menggunakan.formula= (Vi - Vo).Catatnilai Y, 12marks12markut

    Tabulate your results for all values of m, Vt and V in the spacebelow-Jadualkankeputusananda bagi semuanilai m, Y dan Y dalam ruang di bawah.(c)



    On the graph paper on page 223, plot a graph of V againstm.Pada kertasgraf di halaman223, Iukisgraf Y melawanm.

    Based on the graph in 1(d), statethe relationship between V and m.Berdasarkangraf di l(d), nyatakanhubunganantaraV denganm.

    12markf2 markt;'.

    15marl,:f5 mark';"

    [1 nrrin.11mark.;r,

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4531 2009 Physics p3 Bjwp


    Graphof V againstmGrafY melawanm


    fi : : * : : ....tr.... ii i# ril i . . . . . : . . . . . t . . . .. . . . . t . . . . : . . . . ; . . . i . .1,1"''r,,i,,..r..-t: . " : i : . t , : , . :-'l i i .'r ': i i i iII " ' l i l: ' frfri. i : : .1i :r r l.:. . . .. . .' i : lry":i . : : li. : l - : :i l r , *

    ': ' '1' i i I J;j tirt ' ' ' ' ...i......i-+;....1.....if' ''i fj iJ.I -fJ ij ffi!i -1' ;. j:: -fi1-1t- l*l' 't ' 't '-i:;i i - I,i;ia ii ! . . : . i i - " .t 1' l-i ', + lll !l :' : - i itF ii -j I , i : i: I -j-- :j:-Jr i-; j'l I'1""-t --t- ; ' i."lI . .i.....t....!+- f -J--1..iti .


    J,r4*. j ' -:i l*f-j1t iiil . t iirl:i

    , , i j,.;; ,,i':i i-1: l , lIl- -1.:i:j 'ffi.*ri : :r iljj l : : 1

    . l : i ' ' l . ; I-h-f. i ,L^I I' i-t-1l - l tit-J-_1.. . . . i . . . : .--l, i, '- ' i-:{-:. i:tl-i -i-i..r'-i i-i*i -1a-l j-i' 'f ' ' I'l It. jj1 ii -i": r-1--i- -l. ; , : i 1.....r.. 1......i.....1 t- 1. t...r1 , : t ' - , - '; : i i l t i : ii-i-f''il..i 1-i-'1 i-i +-.-i s .1...:t4" IL. i i l i l i i i . l"i '"f"+-i-i"irrI, :,,.. -f- i ' ' i'...1....:..;f-i i-fri -r-r-.!,"i"""i.",i,i'|.1....i..... ...t....1.....i......1.....i;-"1,-,1i-l-i,,r,ri:' -i i I i^t- ''i;] rI ' i i,l l .-f,. -t.'i ; - i iii: #ir I +i!l;*"i--i ijil r- i:"?' l-i- .f; i ) r f i iTl rT 1'1-T-r il-1'.1. IlT a fri -1,illJ::",1 t ' : . l i- i-i 1-lr . i . . . . .1 l ii::f- il-1" i if-i1l i I , l'iI t l+i*. i ' . i " '-i'-"i" - i j* : i -l l . ' l I I,-1,-" i j-; '1 " f,.l, i i ii i r ,1I l t ' -1- i ii _- I j11 1-i I a'i--l-'j!i l ..t....I : , i l-11 .i...1 i i - i i i i i ii Ii i ji'.-.i 1....i i i - i i

    iJ i;*j;J jjjj


    -f- '1 ' .T ,i "1*t1 l ;,!if l-i

    ' lrl"i.:.....j....;..

    1-." l l iT I ^-t-'' i . . i t- ;-J-'1 ' - i l4I- j+ ' iljl:i ?Tl:T- :" "f-l- ' t . .i_ -1 -j"^t-;:" jjj r l,,iri i ,"-,i i r f" - i , 'a-|i. . . .1,. i Ii1 't. i ' i - i ' r ' irl l - i 1 l1l 1--:"-i :j-.j. 1'1 il,,.i-lffi ' ' ii i , ,J -I'+: --,"i,|....:....i i I l*:- l- f - i - l-t '':'1" l l,rl ;-i",-i l. ' l",i"il 't - j-ll:ii*i,1,,1..l i ; l ffii


  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4531 2009 Physics p3 Bjwp



    2(b)[=I l2 l

    SULIT 4531t32 A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the separation.a, of two coherent sources and the distance, x, between two consecutive antinodes of theinterferencepattern of water waves in a ripple tank. 1Theresults of this experimentare shown n the graphof a against:in Diagram2.l onpage225.

    Seorangmuril menjalankansatu eksperimenuntuk menyiasathubunganantara pemisahan,a,bagi dua sumberkoherendenganarak, x, antara dua antinod berturutanpada corak interferensgelombangair dalam satu tangki riak.Keputusan ksperimenni ditunjukkanoleh graf a melawan| ,oilo Raiah 2.1 di halaman 225.(a) Based on the graph inDiagrun2.l:Berdasarkangraf pada Rajah 2.1:

    (i) State the relationship between a unO].XNyatakanhubunganantara a a"ngo, !.x

    fl markl[1 markah](ii) Determine the value of x when a = 12 cm.Show on the graph, how you determinethe value of x.Tentuknnnilai x apabila a = 12 cm.Tunjukkanpada graf itu bagaimanaanda menentukan ilai x.

    cm 13markl[3 markahl(iiD Calculate the gradient,m, of the graph.Show on the graph how you calculatem.Hitung kecerunan,m, bagi graf itu.Tunjukkanpada graf itu bagaimanaanda menghitungm.

    crfi= 13markl13markahl(b) The wavelength, 1,, of the water waves is given by the formula I = T, where m is the

    gradient of the graph and I is the distance rom the wave sources o the plane where x ismeasured. n this experiment, I = 20.0 cm.Calculate the value of 1".Panjanggelombang,7v bagi gelombangair itu diberi oleh ormula X = +, dengankeadaanm ialah kecerunangraf dan I ialah arak dari sumbergelombangke satah d.imana x diukur-Dalam eksperimenni, I = 20.0 cm.Hitung nilai X.

    fu= 12marksl[2 markahl

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4531 2009 Physics p3 Bjwp


    1urapn oI a a$alnst ;. lural a melawon

    Diagram2.1Rajah .1


    ii1 I,;::--&i( r;:i- l i;t _rJ ,J-1'-li'J i":""ii fi ii- j^ .r,-::l j

    i$ ', .I: ]i" i, -.-'". l ' ' ' : : *i i::iL t Ti '^1- :'- i ' l Il !- ]Jii- 1rTTKX : l- i-l-'+T'j- i. -t:,fI i ' .. ili:,1fiii .'l:-...i.....i....i+ -f .-.#i* I I . ]''i, iil+...1,t.1 i'il 'tl,j 'fi l I {. fr t t,l 'fiiiffi'i ;ii ii -f ' * ' ' ' . 1 .. j-....i. tIa'l i .l-'

    i,1,, -l..l.t

    -]-+'j:_ . . .-'r".. . . . i . . .....!.." 'ii

    j - i: -j*i.-l -tT-:;t..:....j....^rJ_i#f l_ i . ill - r'"i -f


    i-ii....a. , | i,l. /-lJ,"1;

    iI i-l-t I,i.|j-i."l I ffi : i : i*f-i-Ii-. *, , ', i 'I , ' f. ..!. ,,i.1-",; * t" .

    t- : 1--i il '"r , t j Eitr-ii- il i:r |l:'[-t-il .'i:fr il t i,"l!i :l :l- :--*- 'i:i:^i"f;;i;rl ffii* . - : ,,1$ tl *'/ .lI ffi' ' : ' ' t i .1i-t:i i , t I 1 I I't_ ) ' l'i i;i ; 't.i.

    4 : '"1.J i lti 1-' ,1 i , -l; i:;..: I I ;'ilj i i i ' { it 1 :i -i":' i ii...ririii:::)j ,n1*-ir.

    t' '

    / .I; l.1,

    {ij : :t ::i-:;l *-if -*. iiri ri... i... i ..i 'i't: i 't -T'il.1...rj ' W . - l - ,i - ' ': ; -"1.-..i -'fr:n -l-i.;.,j,.i ' r-1 i' I lj-i-.n"i f l il iI 1, :l 4: 1 ..#1,,..j.....!.il'J" i

    , i .. i .j-: . t-: .! -it- t;l l"i

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4531 2009 Physics p3 Bjwp




    2(d)r-=I | t lTotal A2r-=I l12l


    4s3ntThe relationship betweenthe velocity, v, of the water waves and their wavelength' L bv = fl,, where is the frequency. n this experiment'f = 12HzUsing the answer n 2(b), calculate the velocity of the water waves'Hub4nganantarahalaiu,'i, U,ogi elombangairitu denganpanjang- -elombang'u ialah v =*, irison keadaan ialahfreLuensi'Dalam eksperimenni' f = 12 HzMengginakan awapan di 2(b), hitung halaiu gelombangair itu'

    12marksl[2 markah]

    (d) State one precaution that should be taken to improve the accuracyof the result of thisexperiment.Nyatakansatulang.kahberjaga-jagayangperludiambiluntukmemperbaikketepatanbacaandalam eksPerimenni.lI marklll markahl

    Hak CiPta Kerajaan MalaYsia 226 SULIT

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4531 2009 Physics p3 Bjwp


    ULIT 453u3SectionBBahaginn Bll2 marksT[12 markah]

    Answer any one question from this section.Jawabmana-manasatu soalandaripada bahagian ni.3 Diagram 3.1 shows a worker carrying a gas tank. Diagram 3.2 shows he same worker carrying two gastanks.Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan eorangpekerja membawasebuah angki gas. Rajah 3.2 menuniukkan ekerja yangsamamembawadua buah tangkigas.

    Diagram .1Rajah .1Observe the length of the spring in the suspensionsystem of the motorcycle in both situations.Based on the observation:Perhatikanpanjang springpada sistemgantunganmotosikaldalam kedua-dua ituctsi tu.Berdasarkan emerhatian ersebut(a) Stateone suitable nference. [l mark]Nyatakansatlu nferensyang sesuai. ll markahl(b) Stateone hypothesis hat could be investigated. ll marklNyatakansatu hipotesisyang bolehdisiasat. fl markahl(c) With the use of apparatussuchas a spring, slottedweights and other apparatus,describean experimentto investigate he hypothesis tated n 3(b).Dengan menggunakanadas seperti spring, isim berslot dan lain-lain radas, terangkansatu eksperimenuntuk menyiasathipotesisyang dinyatakandi 3(b).In your description. tate learly he ollowing:Dalam penerangananda, elaskanperkara berikut:( i ) The aim of lhe experiment.Tujuaneksperimen

    (ii) The variables in the experiment.Pemb lehubah dalam eks e imen.(iii) The list of apparatusand materialsSenarairadas dan bahan.(iv) The arrangementof the apparatus.Susunan adas.(v) The procedure used in the experiment.Describe how to control the manipulated variable and how to measure he respondingvariable.Proseduryang digunakandalameksperimen.Terangkan bagaimana mengawal pembolehubah dimanipulasikan dan bagaimana mengukurpemb lehubah be ge ak balas.(vi) The way to tabulate the data.Cara untukmeniadualkan ata.(vii) The way to analyse he data.Cara untuk menpanalisis ata. ll0 marksl[10markah]

    Diagram3.2Rajah .2

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    SULIT4 Diagram 4.1 shows an electromagnetbeing used to lift scrapmetal.

    4s3U3Diagram 4.2 shows the sameelectromagnet being used to lift a bigger quantity of scrap metal when thecurrent flowing through it is increased.Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan atu elektromagnet igunakanuntukmengangkat esi buruk.Rajah4.2 menunjukkan lektromagnetang samadigunakanuntuk mengangkatebih banyakkuantiti besi burukapabila arus yang mengalir melaluinyaditambah.

    Diagram4.1Rajah .1Based on the tnformation and observation:Be das rkan maklumatdan peme hat an te sebut(a) State one suitable inference.Nyatakan salu inferensyang sesuai.(b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated.Nyatakansatu hipotesisyang boleh disiasat.


    ll markllI marknhlII mark]I rnarkahl(c) With the use of apparatussuch as a soft iron core, insulated copper wire, pins and other apparatus,describean experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated n 4(b).Denganmenggunakanadasseperti erasbesi embut,dawai kuprumberpenebat,arum peniti dan lain-lainradas, terangkansatu eksperimen ntukmenyiasathipotesisyang dinyatakandi 4(b).In your description, stateclearly the following:Dalampenerangananda, elaskanperkara berikut:(i) The aim of the experiment.Tujuan eksperimen.(ii) The variables in the experiment.Pemb lehubah dalam eksp imen.(iii) The list of apparatusand materialsSenarairadasdan bahan.(iv) The arrangementof the apparatus.

    Susunan adas.(v) The procedure used in the experiment.Describe how to control the manipulatedvariable and how to measure he respondingvariable.Proseduryang digunakandalam eksperimen.Terangkan bagaimana mengawal pembolehubahpembolehub,ah bergerak balas.

    (vi) The way to tabulate the data.Cara untuk menjadualkan data.

    (vii) The way to analyse the data.Cara untuk menganalisis data.

    dimanipulasikan dan bagaimana mengukur


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    KERTAS 3Section ABahagian A.f (a) (i) Manipulated variable: Mass of slottedweights,mPemboleh bahdimanipulasikanJisim bagiiisim berslot(ii) Respondingvariable: The volume of theslotted weights, VPembolehubahergerak alas Isipadubagiiisim berslot,Y(iii) Constant variable : Density of slottedweightPembolehubah dimalarkan : Ketumoatanjisim berslot(b) ( i ) Vo= 27 cm:(ii) & (iii)- m = 50.0kg, V,= 33 cmj,V=33-27=6cm3- m = 100.0 g. Vi - 39 cmr.V=39-2J=12cml- m = 150.0 g. V, = 45 cm3.V = 45 -27 = 18cm3- m = 200.0kg, Vi = 5l cm3.V = 5l -2J =24 cm3- m = 250.0kg. V, = 57 cm3.V= 57_ 27=30cm3

    Volume of the(c)

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4531 2009 Physics p3 Bjwp


    (ii) When/Apabila a = 12 cm,t lx =0.5 . ' .x=0j=2.0cm(iii) alcm

    GradientlKecerunan,l2-0 1m= A5_ O=Z+cm'm\D ) /t " = ,L24= 2U0= 1.2cm(c) v = )"f=1.2 x12= 14.4 m s-l(d) The eye shouldbe verticallyabove he scaleof the metre rule when the reading of x isbeing aken o avoidparallaxerror.Mata harus berada tegak di atas skala pembarismeter apabila mengambil bacaan x untukmengelakknn ralat paralaks.

    B3 (a) The compression of a spring changes whenthe force applied changes.Mampatan spring berubah apabila daya yangdikenakan erubah.(b) The extensionof a spring increaseswhen theapplied force increases.Pemanjanganspring bertambah apabila daya' yangdikenakan ertambah.

    (c) (i) To investigate the relationship betweenthe force applied, F, and the extension,x, of a spring.Untuk menyiasathubungan antara dayayang dikenakan F dengan pemanjanganspring, x.(ii) Manipulated variable:The force applied, FPemb ehub h dimanip las kanDaya yangdikenakan,FResponding variable;The extension of the spring, xPemboehubahbe gerakbalasPemanjanganpring,xConstant variable: The type of spring. .Pembolehubahimalarkan: enisspring


    (iii) Spring, slotted weights, retort stand withclamp, metre rule, pin and plasticine.Spring, jisim berslot, kaki retort denganpengapit, embarismeter, in danplastisin.(iv)

    spnng rulerpembarisslotted. weights'' " jisim' 'berslot

    retort standkaki retort(v) 1. The apparatus s set up as shown.Radasdisusun epeti ditunjukkan.2. With no slotted weights attached tothe spring, the initial position of thepin is recordedas xs.Tanpa isim berslot digantungkan adaspring, kedudukanawal pin dicatatkan

    sebagai s.3. A slottedweightof m = 40 g is attachedto the end of the spring.The newposition, x' of the pin is recorded.Jisim berslotdenganm= 40 g digantungpada hujungspring.Kedudukan wal, x'bagipin dicatatkan.4. The extension of the spring iscalculatedasx=x'-xo.Pemanjanganspring dihitung sebagaix=x'-xo,5. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated using

    m = 60 g, 80 g, 100 g and 120 g.Langkah3 dan 4 diulangi denganmeng-gunakanm = 60g, 80g, 100gdan 120g.(vi) Force, F(Mass)/g

    Daya, F(Jisimllg

    Length of thespringPanjang springx'lcm



    (vii) A graph of force, F, against extension,x, is plotted.Satugraf daya, F, melawanpemanjangan, "diplotkan.


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    Extension, /cmPemanjemgan .:(a) The strength of the magnetic fiel4 pf-;helectromagnet is affected by thd;lur{entf low. , ' " ." ' 'Kekuatan medan magnet suatu ele?tibmagnetbergantung epada rus elektrikyangmengalir.(b) The strengthof the electromagnet ncreaseswhen the current increases.Kekuatanelektromagnetertambah pabila arusbertambah.(c) (i) To investigate the relationship between

    the current and the strensth of anelectromagnet.Untuk menyiasathubungan antara arusdeng n ke uatanelektromane.(ii) Manipulated variable : The current, I.Pembolehubahimanipulasikan Arus, IResponding variable : The strength ofthe electromagnet, N. (The strengthof the electromagnet is defined as thenumber of steel pins attracted to theelectromagnet.)Pembolehubahergerakbalas : Kekuatanelektromagnet, (KekuatanelektromagnetditakriJkan ebagai ilanganpin keluli yangte tarik ke ada e ekt omagnetConstant variable: Number of turns ofthe solenoidPembolehubahimalarkan:Bilanpan ilitansolenoid(iii) A soft-iron core, insulated copper wire,pins in a Petri dish, rheostat, ammeter,d.c. power supply, switch and retortstand with clamp.Teras esi embut,dawaikuprumberpenebat,jarum peniti dalam piring petri, reostat,ammeter,bekalankuasaa.t., suis dan kakiretort dengan engapit.(iv) soft iron coreterasbesi embut retortstandkakiretort


    (v) 1. 50 turns of insulated copper wire arewound onto the soft-iron core andarranged as shown.50 lilitan dawai kuprum berpenebatdililitkan pada teras besi lembut dandisusun sepe ti ditunjukkan.2. A d.c. power supply is switched onand the switch is closed. The rheostat.,r- is adjusted ntil the current, = 0.5 A.:'.'ir.;',. Bekalan uasaa.t. dipasangkanan suis;" dihidupkan.Reostatdiselaraskansehingg' arus = 0.5 A.' ,, 3. The Petri dish containing the steelpins is raised to the lower end ofthe electromagnet. The number ofpins attracted to the soft-iron core is' counted as N.Piring Petri yang mengandungiarumpeniti diangkatkanberhampiranhujung

    bawahelektromagnettu. Bilangan arumpeniti yang tertarik kepada teras besilembutdihitungkan ebagaiN.4. The switch is open and steps 2 ar.d3are epeated sing = 1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5and3.0 A.Suis dimatikan dan langkah 2 dan 3diulangi denganmenggunakan = 1.0,


    Strength of theelectromagnet (Numberof pins attracted), NKekuatan e cktro magnet(Bilangan arum peniti yangditarik), N


    (vii)A graphof strengthof the electromagnet,N, against current, I, is plotted.Satu graf kekuatan elektromagnet,Nmelawan rus, diplotkan.Strength f elecrromagnet,Kekuatan lektromagnet


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