spiritual hair care – an introduction

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Spiritual Hair Care – an Introduction


Spiritual Science Research FoundationBridging the known and unknown worlds

Hair care – an introduction

Wearing hair down

Wearing plaits (coming soon

Wearing hair in a bun

In order to better understand this series of articles on spiritual research on hair, we

recommend familiarising yourself with the following articles:

1. Sattva, Raja, Tama – the 3 subtle basic components of the Universe    

2. An introduction to the concept of  sattvik living (Spirituality in daily life)

1. Introduction to the spiritual research on hair care

A person’s hairstyle is quite often regarded as one of the more important aspects of his or

her appearance. People invest a lot of time in hair care and the way they style their hair for

the day. At the Spiritual Science Research Foundation, through spiritual research we have

found that the way we care for our hair and our hairstyle affects us at a spiritual level. In

these series of articles, we will share with you some of the more important findings.

2. Spiritual research on hair

Our findings through spiritual research have shown that from a spiritual perspective hair is

useful to us and with proper care and treatment we can avoid its potentially harmful


2.1 Spiritual benefits of hair

This happens in two ways:

1. Protection of voids

There are voids in the body such as the eye socket, the mouth and the nasal passage.

These voids are mainly made up of the Absolute Cosmic Air Principle (Vāyutattva).

As negative energies and ghosts from the spiritual dimension are also mainly made up of

the Absolute Cosmic Air Principle they find it easier to attack these voids. Hair helps in

providing some protective covering to these voids and therefore provides a barrier to these

subtle-attacks. For example:

Eyebrows and eyelashes protect the void in the eye socket

Nasal hair helps to protect the internal void of the nose and the nasal septum

2. Regulation of subtle heat

The temperatures in the voids are very easily affected by the outside environment. This

can affect the equilibrium of the cells in those voids. Hair helps to regulate the heat in the

voids of the body which in turn help organs to operate.

At the subtle-level too, the excess heat generated in the person’s body is expelled into the

environment through the hair. This excess heat can be generated due to physical, mental

or spiritual distress.

2.2 Why hair can be disadvantageous to us

Hair can also be spiritually disadvantageous to us. This is because hair and nails are

relatively more Raja-Tama predominant than the rest of our body.

As a result of this, ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) who are also Raja-

Tama predominant find it easier to attack us through our hair. This means that the way we

manage and care for our hair can either aid in negative energies affecting us or it can

minimise the risk of them attacking us from the spiritual dimension.

In addition, since our hair is associated with our energy, it can also be utilised to our

detriment in rituals of black magic, Voodoo, etc.

3. Practical aspects of hair care and hairstyles

In this next section we provide a few useful tips in caring for hair, gained from spiritual

research. We will expand on some of these tips in different articles.

3.1 Hair tips and the result of cutting hair for women

This bit of spiritual research pertains to women. There is a subtle-void at the tip of the hair

shaft. For uncut hair this void is very small. However when we cut our hair this void opens

up to a greater extent and negative energies use this opportunity to enter the hair shaft

and affect us. Cutting hair increasesRaja-Tama vibrations in hair and also the

environment. However from a spiritual perspective as women and men differ spiritually, for

women it’s recommended to not to cut hair while for men it is recommended to have short

hair. To understand this in more detail, please refer to our article on leaving hair down.

Sometimes negative energies just attach themselves onto the hair creating subtle black

energy centres. From these centres they affect a person.

3.2 Styling of hair

Doing hair up in a neat bun is recommended for women as opposed to leaving hair

down or in a ponytail. A bun helps to keep the tips of the hair enclosed and less prone to a

subtle-attack. A bun such as the one shown on the left also attracts divine energy. This is

explained in more detail in the article Bun hairstyles and their benefits.

Doing ones hair up in a braid or plait too is preferable as opposed to leaving ones hair


3.3 Caring for hair

Using shampoos and other hair care products that are chemical-based are spiritually

detrimental for hair. Using natural products will help.  Refer to the article on the spiritual

effect of commercial shampoo.

It is best not to wash ones hair on full-moon or new moon nights as the environment

already has a heightened Raja–Tama predominance. This increases the Raja–Tama in

hair and can affect us on mental level as well.

Dyeing hair with chemicals as opposed to natural dyes increases the spiritual impurity in


Perming of hair leads to negative vibrations

Washing hair during menses is not recommended. During menses the Raja-

Tama component in women rises and as a result the attacks from the subtle can be to a

greater extent.  The possibility is even greater when the hair is wet. After this period

passes, hair can be washed.

3.4 Changes to hair

Premature greying of hair can have its root in spiritual causes and can be a sign of spiritual


Hair getting matted can be a sign of negative energy distress

4. In summary – Spiritual effect of hair care and hairstyles

In summary there are many aspects to caring for one’s hair that can have an impact at a

spiritual level. The more we understand the underlying spiritual principles and practice the

most sāttvik way of caring for our hair, the less prone we will be to spiritual distress.

Regular spiritual practice along with a sattvik way of life is the best way to grow spiritually

and lead a more holistic life.

1. Introduction to the spiritual effect of a woman leaving her hair down

Shampoo commercials, along with fashion and celebrity magazines around the world,

have long promoted the glamorous look of women swishing their hair in front of the

camera. These kind of marketing messages have shaped the general perception of

women that if one wants to look glamorous, one should leave one’s hair open.  Nowadays

it is common for women worldwide to leave their hair open and this is especially so when

they step out for the evening wanting to look their best.

Spiritual research conducted by SSRF on hairstyles has shed light on the spiritual effect of

various hairstyles. In this article, we discuss the spiritual effect of women and men leaving

their hair open.

To better understand this article, we suggest you familiarise yourself with the following


1. Sattva, Raja, Tama – the 3 subtle basic components of the Universe    

2. An introduction to the concept of  sāttvik living (Spirituality in daily life)

3. An introduction to the spiritual effect of hair care and hairstyles

2. The spiritual effect of hair left down

In this section, we share a drawing based on subtle-knowledge drawn by Ms. Priyanka

Lotlikar who has an advanced sixth sense of vision. By the grace of God and many years

of regular spiritual practice, Priyanka is able to see into the spiritual dimension, just as we

see the physical dimension. By creating drawings   based on subtle-knowledge , Priyanka

shares with us what she sees in the subtle.  All of Priyanka’s drawings based on subtle-

knowledge are validated by His Holiness Dr. Athavale for subtle-accuracy before they are


The accuracy of this drawing based on subtle-knowledge is 80% which is well above the

average subtle or clairvoyant artist’s ability.

The above drawing based on subtle-knowledge shows how when a woman leaves her hair

down, she is likely to be adversely affected at a spiritual level. The reasons are explained

in the following sections.

1. Increase in Raja unsteadies the mind and intellect

The Raja subtle-component is associated with action and passion and it is the subtle-

component that is responsible for movement. From a spiritual level, generally women as

compared to men are more Raja predominant and one of the manifestations of this is that

they are more emotional by nature.

When a woman leaves her hair open, the Raja component within her hair increases even

further. An increase in the Raja subtle-component tends to make a person’s mind more

fickle and also increases the tendency to be frivolous. This fickleness of the mind can be

taken advantage of by negative energies to affect a woman and make her do and say

things she normally wouldn’t.

Also women become more conscious about their five senses and their body when their

hair is left open. Very quickly the Raja component can be converted into

the Tama component by negative energies. This leads to an increase in feelings such as

depression, worry, increased sexual thoughts leading to promiscuity.

2. Negative energies attack through exposed hair tips

Through spiritual research, we discovered that hair is more Raja–Tama predominant than

the rest of our bodies and therefore naturally becomes a target for negative energies as

they too are Raja–Tamapredominant. However what makes hair an easier target for attack

is that the hair tip has a subtle-void through which negative energies can enter. This void is

very small but opens up each time a woman cuts or trims her hair.

All the voids in the body are susceptible to a subtle-attack. For example through food

negative energies can enter the body through the mouth.

When hair tips are left exposed as in the above drawing based on subtle-knowledge,

negative energies use the void in the hair tips to enter a woman and travel up into the

pores of the scalp. This results in distressing energy collecting all over the pores, which

usually impairs the intellect of the woman. As a result black energy is more likely to collect

in the body when a woman leaves her hair open. That is why it is recommended that

women do not cut their hair.

2.1 Effect on women with short hair

Women with short hair are at a disadvantage as they generally keep their hair open. As a

result distressing energies from the environment are continuously attracted to the hair left

open. Short hair on a woman is more likely to become charged with distressing vibrations.

A solution to minimise the negative effect has been given in the last section of this article.

2.2 Sleeping with hair open

When a woman sleeps with her hair open, the tips of the hair shaft are exposed. When

sleeping we are more vulnerable to negative energy as they are more active at night due

the increased Raja–Tamavibrations in the environment. This is especially so for women

who do not do regular spiritual practice.

2.3 Why do men not get affected by keeping their hair short and open?

At a spiritual level men generally have less of the Raja subtle-component than women;

hence they are less emotional and are also less sensitive. They also have a higher ability

to fight with negativity. As a result they are less prone to a subtle-attack because of their

hair being cut. Men have a higher ability to imbibe the Sattva component with short and

open hair. It is therefore recommended for men to keep their hair short. Hair grown long by

men increases the subtle-heat in their body and disturbs their inner stability.

3. Some practical suggestions for hairstyles from a spiritual perspective

Spiritual research conducted by SSRF has shown that as much as possible, women

should not leave their hair down. It is better to put their hair up in a bun or tied in a plait or


For a woman even while sleeping it is better to tie one’s hair up.

Rubbing Holy ash (Vibhūti) at the tips of the hair will help minimise subtle-attacks on them.

After a hair wash or a head bath, it is recommended that a woman ties the ends of her hair

or puts a towel around her hair while it is drying.

Saying prayers for protection from negative energies and increasing one’s desire for

spiritual practice helps put a subtle protective sheath around one.

There is no substitute for doing regular spiritual practice which includes making efforts to

reduce one’s ego and personality defects.

Also women become more conscious about their five senses and their body when their

hair is left down. This increased awareness of one’s body can impede spiritual growth

which is the purpose of life. To grow spiritually we have to transcend identifying with our

five senses, mind and intellect and identify with the Soul or God within us.

As a result of regular spiritual practice, one is able to feel the difference

between Sattva and Tama predominant activities. Once one is able to perceive this, one

does not need to be told what is spiritually better, as it can be felt internally. Through

regular spiritual practice and maintaining a sattvik lifestyle one earns the Guru’s grace

which protects one from subtle-attacks and enables rapid spiritual growth.


 Home Spirituality in life | Sattvik living How to bathe in a spiritual way? The spiritual effect of commercial shampoo

1. Introduction

It is commonplace for people to use many different hair cleaning products available in the market.

The reason why we purchase these products is that we want the dirt,  skin particles, environmental

pollutants, oils, etc. that slowly build up in our hair to be removed so that it looks nice, neat and

healthy.However, apart from helping clean our outer appearance, do hair cleaning products such

as shampoos impact us at a spiritual level? To answer this question, SSRF conducted research on

the spiritual effect of several types of hair cleaning products.We compared a commercial shampoo

with an Āyurvēdic powder called shikakai (Acacia concinna). The results of the spiritual research

into Ayurvedic powder will be published soon.

2. Spiritual perspective on our daily routine

In our section on how to lead a   sāttvik   lifestyle , we have explained how to spiritualise various

facets of our day-to-day life. The basic tenet of leading a sattvik life is to adhere to practices and

actions that emit or attract spiritually pure (sattvik) vibrations.

Our hygiene practices constitute an important segment of our daily routine. In another set of

articles we have elaborated on the spiritual effect of the different ways we bathe, as well as the

spiritual benefits of usinggomūtra when bathing.While following our daily hygiene routine, we are

faced with a myriad of choices, especially with regards to the type of cosmetic products we use.

For example, is it ethical to use cosmetic products that are tested on animals? Are the ingredients

used in cosmetic products safe? Today we can even choose a hair cleaning product based on

whether we want shiny, curly, hydrated, “dandruff-free” or other type of hair.Through advanced

sixth sense, we analysed several hair cleaning products to ascertain what sort of subtle-vibrations

are emitted from them. This study can help us decide the type of hair cleaning products that will

benefit us most at a spiritual level.

3. Spiritual research on the effect of a commercial shampoo

Our study of commercial shampoo was a drawing based on subtle-knowledge drawn by Ms.

Priyanka Lotlikar, a seeker with an advanced sixth sense of vision. It has been verified and

authenticated by His Holiness Dr. Athavale.In the below drawing based on subtle-knowledge we

can see the subtle-vibrations that a hair shampoo attracts and emanates.

The spiritual research conducted on commercial shampoo revealed its following features :

Some amount of Divine Energy (Shakti) materialises in commercial shampoo. However it is

surrounded by a thick covering of negative energy.

Commercial shampoo activates black energy which has a high proportion of the Tama component.

This is subsequently imbibed by the hair and scalp.

With an increase in the amount of black energy around our hair and scalp, we become more

susceptible to attacks by negative energies. Higher-level negative energies such as subtle-

sorcerers (māntriks) can thus easily place subtle-diagrams (yantras) there to attack us. This can

cause a variety of effects like hair loss, hair thinning or thickening, dry and brittle hair, etc. We have

published a case study of hair loss due to attack by negative energies.

Illusory or māyāvi frequencies are heavily attracted to commercial shampoo and related products.

They also emit similar vibrations into the atmosphere. The many fragrances emitted by commercial

products are an example of this. Although such fragrances may seem pleasant to our gross

senses, at a spiritual level they emit disturbing vibrations.

4. Practical implications of our research

Below are some practical implications of our research on commercial hair products :

From a spiritual point of view it is best to avoid commercial hair cleaning or hair beauty products.

Another interesting fact is that even natural herbal or Ayurvedic shampoos, when in liquid form,

attract some amount of negative vibrations. This is because chemicals are a necessary component

of every liquid shampoo and they attract negativity.

An alternative product we can use instead is a powder made from shikakai (the herb Acacia

concinna). Similarly, Ayurvedic herbal pastes such as the one made by mixing Ubtan (a mixture

of Ayurvedic herbs) with Ayurvedic camphor (bhimseni camphor) can also be used. Other

alternative products that one can use to treat the hair and increase the Sattva component in the

hair and scalp include Ayurvedic oils, coconut oil, sesame oil, etc.

Commercial hair-dyeing products also contain chemicals that destroy the hair’s natural beauty and

increase the black energy covering around us. Hence it is best to avoid dyeing one’s hair.

The type of hairstyle also attracts sattvik, rājasik or tāmasik vibrations. This can further aggravate

the above-mentioned effects. We elaborate on this in further articles.

5. Conclusion

The beauty generated from man-made products is not long-lasting. By ignoring the natural beauty

bestowed upon us by God and using Tama predominant products, we both incur losses at a

spiritual level and our identification with our five senses, mind, and intellect increases. This means

that we identify more with our body instead of our soul within.

By making beauty product choices that have spiritually beneficial effects, we help ourselves imbibe

positive energy even through mundane actions of our daily life.

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