speech surah-hujurat

Post on 10-Apr-2017






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Iman Ali

Oh you who have believed,

Let not a people ridicule another people,

perhaps they may be better than them

and nor should any women ridicule other women

perhaps they may be better than them

What are the things that lead to conflicts; arguments and fighting’so Making fun of others, thinking you are better than them, backbiting others, calling by

offensive names, having negative thoughts about the others Allah tells to avoid such habits in the first place to avoid conflict

“Let not a people ridicule another people,” (Ayah 2)

o Can be done by words, actions, gestureo Eg: imitating way of walking, dressing, way they eato WHY:

To laugh, humiliate others, to make fun Arrogance, we wants to be seen as superior, picks on others Just to attract attention, want to show very humorous -> shows lack of sense

o Happens in comedy shows

Reason: “perhaps they may be better than them” (Ayah 3)

o why someone makes fun of others, he thinks he is better than himo he thinks he’s everything

Iman Alio how better, in character, in the sight of Allah

AYAH 2 & 3 --> For men AYAH 4 & 5 --> For women

women mentioned separately, because it shows importance of this prohibition. Not all people same, Allah has made everyone different.

o Like 5 fingers, all not, if they were, wouldn’t be able to worko These differences in people important for the world to function (tall, short, strong,

knowledgeable, rich…)o If all same (intelligence, capability,….) world boring. Allah kept variations, so we

experience, so we appreciate the varity Allah has created.o Eg: friends, some talkative, some out going, some humorous. All same, life boringo Despite of these differences, we have no right to make fun of anyone! o BECAUSE :

Allah has kept the variation, He is the creator, He has made things according to His will

If we make fun of others, we make fun of Allah.

and do not insult yourself

“and do not insult one another either” (AYAH 4)

o Insult physical feature, bodies, manner, character of otherso Don’t insult someone by finding faults

Eg: if a person can’t walk properly, insults by calling them “lame”o Insult based on family, liniage, occupation

Eg: want to become designer, want to become tailor. Want to become accountant, accountant paid less.

Person committed crime, but repented, will still call him thief To remind someone of a habit habbit they used to do “remember you used to do


o If you insult others, you insult yourself. Muslims, one body, if you insult your hand, you insult yourself

o If a person insults others, he invites insult for himself. Happens in conflicts. You can never speak ill before a person who doesn’t speak ill

Iman Ali

and do not call each other by offensive nick names

o Name that shows bad traits/ characteristics, evil traits Eg: “nerd” not a good title Fat, colour of skin, country Someone that comes back after long time: you’ve become dark, fat

o About physical features, manner, how they talko Embarrass someone by names by their past sinso Someone made mistake, call him by a name straight away

o Ruins relationships between peoples

Wretched is the name of disobedience after [one's] faith. And whoever does not repent - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.

Oh you have believed

Avoid much assumption (negative assumptions)

Indeed some assumption they are sinful

o Most assumptions are negativeo Sometimes people have assumptions on small things

Eg: she’s going there, she must be going there…o Person who always assumes, he thinks negative about others, so leads to bad actions, thus

sin o Why have negative thoughts -> because of shaytan

A sister broke up, other sisters say we won’t get married this is negative assumption

Iman Ali Didn’t include in private conversation, must be talking about me

o SOLUTION: replace with positive thought

And don not spy on one another

o If our assumption clear, that they are not talking about me, then about what?o Try to figure out faults in otherso Ensuring is not spying (eg: parents keep an eye on FB of kids)o Who likes to spy, to know the private matters: someone who has a lot of free time AND who

doesn’t look at his own faults.o WAYS OF SPYING:

With eyes; pretending looking somewhere else, but spying Listening; pretending to do something else Pretending to sleep Asking; children used to spy Asking personal questions to someone (salary, children…)

And he should not backbite one another

o Talk about someone in their back, bad traits that are trueo Mentioning about your brother what he would not like to be spoken about. o Backbite done to ruin someone’s reputation.

Would anyone of you like to eat the flesh of your dead brother

If a body of a dead person is cut, he can’t defend himself. Person being backbiten can’t defend himself.

Iman Ali As we would hate to eat human flesh, hate to backbite.

Fear Allah, indeed Allah is greatest accepter of repentance and Merciful

Fear of Allah will prevent from backbite

Oh mankind

Indeed we have created you, from a male and a female

Same source, male and female, who are they Adam and Hawaa Thus, everyone equal in terms of lineage, no one superior than other

And we have made you into nations, and tribes, so you can recognize one another

Allah divided us in nations and tribes so we can recognize, not to be proud, to be superior than other

“recognize”: o this is my aunt, because she is my father’s sistero someone looks like you, same racists as mine, come from same countryo children recognize others like parents….

If can’t recognize, no love

Indeed the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah is the most pious of you (God fearing), indeed Allah is knowing and fully aware

This shows nobility in sight of Allah not based on nation, colour, based on moral quality.

Iman Ali× People think because he is from this country, or have this skin colour in superior.

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