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www.nmcop.org Winter 2007 NMCOP Special Pull-Out Catalog �

NMCOPNational Membership Committee on Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work, Inc.Special Pull-Out Catalog Winter 2007

In this catalog...

Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR) ................................................2

Training Institute for Mental Health (TIMH) .......................3

American Institute for Psychoanalysis (AIP) ............................3

Training Institute of the New York Freudian Society (NYFS) ..................................................4

Institute for Clinical Social Work (ICSW) ..................................................5

Westchester Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (WCSPP) ......................5

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center (PPSC) ...........................6

The New York School for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (NYSPP) ...............6

Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity (IPSS) ................7

National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis (NPAP) ..................7

National Institute for the Psychotherapies Training Institute (NIP)......................................8


The NMCOP is a national organization with over 16 chapters throughout the country and is open to all clinical social workers who wish to support our aims and purposes (see page 17 of the Newsletter). Our membership includes private practitioners, social workers in community agencies, psychoanalysts, psychoanalytic psychotherapists, and also professionals, friends, students, and retirees who share our interests. The NMCOP actively promotes the contributions of psychoanalysis within schools of social work and to the general social work community. This Special Pull-Out Catalog is intended as a re-source guide for our Newsletter readers.

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www.nmcop.org Winter 2007 NMCOP Special Pull-Out Catalog �

New Professionals Mentorship Program

Seasoned professionals (eight or more years post-license) working with new professionals, giving guidance and direction to help with career development and career enhancement.Contact Bob Adams 708.567.4075 or bobadams@mshv.org

2 Winter 2007 NMCOP Special Pull-Out Catalog www.nmcop.org

To find out more, please contact:

Phyllis Hopkins, Ph.D. 203-386-8147and visit our website at www.iptar.org

• TRAINING PROGRAM IN PSYCHOANALYSISa certification program with a

contemporary psychoanalytic curriculum


• INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMan introduction to psychoanalysis forpeople from non-mental health fieldsas well as mental health professionals


a lively community for on-goingprofessional development

• IPTAR CLINICAL CENTER a clinic that offers patient referrals andfree supervision to all IPTAR candidates


affiliation with the IPA isavailable to all IPTAR members




Consider IPTAR for advancedtraining in PSYCHOANALYSIS



TRAINING AND RESEARCH1651 Third Avenue, at 92nd Street

New York, New York 10128

The Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and ResearchSince its founding more than four decades ago, IPTAR’s mission has been to provide rigorous and high-quality psychoanalytic training steeped in classical and contem-porary Freudian thought. Our updated and revised cur-riculum offers course work in object relations theory, narcissistic regulatory processes, child development, ego psychology, and current issues in the “widening scope” of psychoanalysis, as well as classical Freudian theory. Our mission and orientation are only part of what makes IPTAR a worthwhile and appealing place to at-tend for advanced training. IPTAR today is a thriving, vibrant institution. In recent years it has developed and added to its roster new training programs: the Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Training Program, the Socio- Psychoanalytic Training Program in Organizational Development and Consultation, and the Introductory Psychoanalytic Program. We have also created a clinic which delivers low-cost treatment to our surrounding com-munity and which, at the same time, offers candidates the possibility of augmenting their clinical experience while earning an income and receiving free supervision from IPTAR psychoanalysts. IPTAR’s candidates can and do serve on virtually all of IPTAR’s committees and all of its governing boards. And the organization as a whole functions as a home where graduates and members can continue throughout their professional lives to engage in learning, sharing of ideas, research, and ongoing commitment to the field of psycho-analysis. IPTAR has the distinction of being one of the first non-medical institutes to become affiliated with the Inter-national Psychoanalytical Association and all graduates of IPTAR’s psychoanalytic training are eligible for member-ship in the IPA.

For further information, please feel free to contact us at 212.427.7070 or on the web at IPTAR.org.

Training Institute for Mental HealthThe Training Institute for Mental Health, founded in 1962, is chartered by the Board of Regents of the Univer-sity of the State of New York for the purpose of offering training to social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and psychiatric nurses. Training is offered in psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, basic concepts in psycho-therapy, group therapy, couples therapy, and in the super-vision of the psychotherapeutic process. In addition, con-tinuing education courses are offered to mental health professionals.

The TI training programs are carefully thought out, rigorous, and realistic. The mental health practitioner is prepared for clinical practice with solid grounding in

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www.nmcop.org Winter 2007 NMCOP Special Pull-Out Catalog �

NMCOPNMCOP—rooted in the past, focused on the present, looking toward

the future

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Training Institute for Mental HealthChartered by the Board of Regents ofthe University of the State of New York

Inquire about our other training programs in:Group and Couples Psychotherapy

Contact: Kathleen Quinn, MSW, Director of Admissions, Ext 55

Training Institute for Mental Health22 West 21 St, New York, NY 10010-6904

212-627-8181 �www.timh.org

Application Deadline May 31

A One-Year Program in Basic Concepts in Psychotherapy

A Three-Year Program in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

A Four-Year Program in Psychoanalysis

Forty-Six YearsPreparing Dedicated Professionals for Private Practice

Open to Social Workers, Psychologists,Psychiatrists and Psychiatric Nurses

� Clinical Work begins in the first month (8-10 hours)� Consultation Center patients become private patients

upon graduation from the Psychoanalysis Program� Fellowships available� Credit given for previous analysis and coursework� Active Psychoanalytic Society and Therapist Council

psychoanalytic theory, both traditional and contemporary, extensive and appropriate clinical experience, intensive and supportive supervision, assistance in developing private prac-tice, and referrals after graduation. Fellowships, which will cover the cost of tuition and supervision, are available to students in the programs in psychoanalytic psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and couples therapy.

Courses are taught by a distinguished faculty of practic-ing psychoanalysts. Many have published articles and books in the field and all have a wealth of both practical experience and scholarly knowledge. At the Training Institute you will be taught and supervised by professionals who are committed to the highest standards of professional practice, professionals who can help you become a successful and highly competent practitioner.

The TI has a strong commitment to the community. It sponsors an extensive series of programs, lectures, workshops, and consultations for both the lay and professional commu-nity. We also have an active Speakers Bureau, Outreach Pro-gram, and Community Relations Department.

The Training Institute evaluates students for admission without regard to sex, age, race, religion, sexual orientation, country of origin, or ethnic background.

The Training Institute is a member of the Council of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists.

For further information please contact Kathleen Quinn, CSW, Director of Admissions, Training Institute for Mental Health, 22 West 21 St, New York, NY 10010-6904, 212.627.8181 ext. 55. www.timh.org.


329 East 62nd Street, New York, NY 10021212-838-8044www.aipnyc.org

The second oldest Psychoanalytic Institute in New YorkEstablished in 1941

Most graduate students wish to be clinicians. How do they start a clinical practice and develop the resources to keep it going? How do they become part of a nurturing professional network?

The training programs at AIP have been serving the complex needs of clinicians for over sixty years.


Training at the American Institute for Psychoanalysis offers:

n A broad-based contemporary curriculum with practical relevance to everyday clinical practice

n Inclusion of Karen Horney’s ground-breaking and experience-near theory of split and conflicted self

n Participation with a dynamic, welcoming group of professional colleagues and being mentored by senior clinicians

n Intensive supervision by outstanding psychoanalysts

n Stimulating Scientific Meetings and professional workshops

n Private practice development for candidates

n Fee for service clinical work opportunities and training in a variety of specialty programs of the Karen Horney Clinic

Many of our members are now doing what they envisioned 3-5 years ago. Are you making your plans?

Deadline for application: June 15, 2007

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We invite you to meet our Faculty and Students at ourOpen House, on March 24, 2007

Saturday, 12:00 to 2:00 PM

Please reserve your place by calling Joanna Macias at 212-838-8044

� Winter 2007 NMCOP Special Pull-Out Catalog www.nmcop.org

The Training Institute of the New York Freudian SocietyThe Training Institute of The New York Freudian Society offers comprehensive training in adult and child psychoanalysis and a program in parent-infant dyadic treatment. The adult psycho-analytic training is also available in Washington, D.C. Psychoanalytic training seminars begin with a core common to the adult and child programs. This includes an introduction to basic psychoanalytic theory and its historical development from infancy through maturity, the concept of the unconscious, the theory of the drives and narcissistic regulatory processes, the principles of ego psychology and object relations, and the formation of dreams, fantasies and symptoms. Throughout the curriculum, the focus is on the origins, development, and elaboration of psychoanalytic ideas. Continuous case seminars give candidates the opportunity to integrate theory and its clinical application with a broad range of patients. The Program for the Study of Parent-Infant and Parent- Toddler Relationships and Dyadic Treatment is a three-year program for graduate analysts who study infant research, the application of infant studies to clinical work, and the treatment of infants/toddlers and their primary caretakers. Our two-year program in psychoanalytic psychotherapy offers a curriculum spanning the life cycle and developmental issues. Course work and supervision will emphasize clear under-standing of technique and its application to clinical practice. Candidates are served by an effective candidate’s organiza-tion with representatives on major Society committees and a Consultation Service which actively seeks patient referrals for candidates. Tuition assistance, affordable fees for supervision, and reduced fees for psychoanalysis are available.

The New York Freudian Society is a Component Society of the In-ternational Psychoanalytic Association and all graduates qualify for membership in that organization.

The Institute for Clinical Social WorkThe Institute for Clinical Social Work was founded 25 years ago to offer advanced programs with a psychodynamic per-spective. The Institute’s fully accredited PhD program was uniquely designed for practicing clinical social workers. We are setting the trend in clinical education, as our alumni are leaders in the field of clinical social work.

The Institute is a stimulating environment for academic and professional development in which faculty and students work closely to optimize each student’s individual learning. Our faculty is composed of expert clinicians, researchers and edu-cators who are distinguished by their contributions to the field, and actively invested in the education and training of our students.

The PhD Program: At the heart of the Institute is our clinically focused doctoral program. Students may enroll on a full or part time basis. Classes are held 16 weekends a year in

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NYFSNew York Freudian Society

Announces its New Curriculumfor 2006 - 2007

Emphasizing analytic listening, clinical immersion, and an integration of contemporary psychoanalytic perspectives

Programs in New York and Washington DC.

We offer:

• Training programs in child and adult psychoanalysis leading to membership in the International

Psychoanalytic Society

• A two year program in psychoanalytic psychotherapy

• Our new one year program: Explorations: Discovering Principles of the Psychodynamic Therapies

• An infant-toddler training program

For further information contactDebra Gill at (212) 534-0669.


www.nmcop.org Winter 2007 NMCOP Special Pull-Out Catalog �


PhD?Attend an “Open Class” to learn how ICSW’s unique doctoral program for practicing clinicians will help you attain clinical excellence and expand your career opportunities.

At the Institute for Clinical Social Work, we offer the scholarship of a university and the intimacy of a small school.

– Our contemporary psychodynamic perspective applies to a broad range of practice settings.

– Consultation with our expert faculty advances your clinical and research skills where it matters most—in your practice.

– Commuters and busy professionals benefi t from our alternating weekend class schedule.

Visit Chicago and join us for an “Open Class” day on Saturday, March 10, 2007 to attend a class and meet with Dean Amy Eldridge, faculty, and students.

For more information about ICSW or to reserve a seat, visit www.icsw.edu/openclassor call Christina Gonzales, Recruitment Director at (312) 726-8480 at ext. 29.

200 North Michigan Ave, Suite 407Chicago, Illinois 60601www.icsw.edu


Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association:www.ncahlc.org (800) 621-7440

Chicago, on an alternate weekend basis during the academic year.

Child and Adolescent Specializa-tion: This program is offered to stu-dents enrolled in the doctoral program, who are primarily interested in working with children, adolescents and their families.

The Advanced Clinical Practice Program: This program is designed for students who want advanced clinical training without degree requirements. All classes within this program are transferable to the doctoral program.

The Jerrold Wexler Clinic: The Institute offers a low-fee psychotherapy clinic and participates in community projects, providing valuable training opportunities while serving our diverse urban community.

For more information about the Institute, please call Camisha Riley, Director of Student Services, at 312.726.5917, e-mail info@icsw.edu, or visit our website at www.icsw.edu.

Westchester Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

WCSPP was founded over thirty years ago to provide advanced training in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy for mental health professionals. WCSPP is interdisciplinary, nonhierar-chical, and chartered by the Regents of the University of the State of New York. The faculty represents a range of contem-porary psychoanalytic approaches and is committed to a con-tinuing reassessment of ideas in light of new knowledge and developments in the field. Both candidates and faculty have a mutual role in the shaping of curriculum, policies, and a strong educational community.

The Psychoanalytic Training Program (four years) is de-signed to provide candidates with a firm grounding in psycho-analytic theory and practice through courses, supervised psy-choanalytic clinical work, and a personal analysis. Financial aid is available to eligible candidates in the Psychoanalytic Program.

The Psychotherapy Training Program (two years) provides candidates with advanced training in psychotherapy through courses and supervised clinical work.

The Child/Adolescent Psychotherapy Program (two years) provides candidates with advanced training in psychotherapy with children, adolescents, and their families through courses and supervised clinical work.

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Continued on page 8...

� Winter 2007 NMCOP Special Pull-Out Catalog www.nmcop.org

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study CenterThe Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center is dedicated to using multiple theoretical perspectives to provide high-level training in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy to psychologists, social workers and other qualified mental health practitioners. While the curriculum and study envi-ronment are formulated to provide a solid grounding in basic psychoanalytic theory, PPSC operates from the premise that psychoanalytic training is enriched by exposure to all major theoretical orientations. We believe openness to different ap-proaches will greatly facilitate the growth and development of the clinician. The study environment challenges the candi-date to compare and integrate significant contributions of all major orientations: Contemporary Freudian Analysis, Modern Psychoanalysis, Object Relations, Self Psychology, Relational, Interpersonal, and Intersubjective Theory. Our goal is to graduate psychoanalysts and psychothera-pists who represent our unique tradition of diversity, recogni-tion and respect for the individual. PPSC’s focus is on helping practitioners find a consistent, theoretically based approach that works best for them. Classes, group supervision, personal analysis, individual supervision and an integrated curriculum enable the candidate to accomplish these goals. PPSC offers a four-year Psychoanalysis Training Program and a three-year Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training Pro-gram. The four-year program requires more intensive personal analysis and supervision and final year of course work that further compares and integrates theory. PPSC also offers Continuing Education seminars and an extensive lecture series integrating psychoanalysis and addic-tions and workshops throughout the year. In the spirit of what we believe psychoanalysis to be, PPSC is committed to community, curiosity, and collegiality that foster openness to learning from each other.

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center 80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 903A NYC 10011



Fri. March 2 7-9 pm Sun. May 6 1-3 pm:• Contemporary Freudian • Modern Analytic

• Relational Theory • Object Relations•Self Psychology • Intersubjectivity

Full or Part-Time: 4 Year Psychoanalysis or 3 Year Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training Programs


PPSC’s Committee on Psychoanalysis and Addictions Treatment Spring Lecture Series

Saturday, March 24—9:30-1:00 pm Disorganized Attachment, Trauma, & the Addictive Solution

Saturday, April 28—9:30-1:00 pm Hidden Eating Disorders & Attachment Theory: Trust & Safety in the Therapeutic Relationship

For more information contact PPSC at: (212) 633-9162 Visit our website at: www.ppsc.org Send us an email: ppsc@worldnet.att.net

PPSC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual preference, national or ethnic origin or analytic orientation in the administration of its admissions and education policies.

The New York School for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis

NYSPP recognizes that psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a dis-tinct professional discipline within the mental health field and requires its own rigorous training. The school’s training program is based on contemporary theory which integrates the perspective of psychosexual development and ego psy-chology with the contributions of object relations, conflict theory and self-psychology. This blend of proven, contempo-rary theory provides a dynamic and clear understanding of the human mind. Graduates complete their training with the skills necessary to evaluate and treat a wide range of patient problems.

NYSPP’s three-year program is relevant and oriented to the needs of clinicians who practice in a variety of settings. Classes meet in Manhattan on Monday evening for two 15-week seminars over three years.

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www.nmcop.org Winter 2007 NMCOP Special Pull-Out Catalog 7

National Psychological Association for PsychoanalysisWriters, professors, social workers, psychologists, lawyers, art-ists, philosophers, and others comprise NPAP, the oldest and largest nonmedical institute in the Western Hemisphere. NPAP evolved from pioneering seminars begun in 1948 by Theodor Reik, a student of Sigmund Freud and a major voice in psychoanalysis. Mindful of a legacy reaching directly back to Freud, the institute offers comprehensive psychoanalytic training that is both grounded in the classical tradition and expanded by contemporary insights and research. It also hon-ors the principle, made clear by Freud in The Question of Lay Analysis (1926), that psychoanalysis is a profession indepen-dent of other training. Chartered by New York State to admit candidates with at least a master’s degree, NPAP offers train-ing that is enriching, spirited, and interdisciplinary.

NPAP is proud of several distinctive aspects of its train-ing. • Clinical experience is provided for candidates via referrals from the Theodor Reik Clinical Center for Psycho-therapy (TRCC). • Candidates are eligible to apply for the NYS License in Psychoanalysis after completion of our license-qualifying program. • Candidates have an active part in the governance of NPAP through the student organization.


IPSS offers both a four-year psychoanalytic training program

and a one-year post-certificate psychoanalytic program with

a distinctive emphasis on the systematic study and clinical

application of psychoanalytic self psychology and

intersubjectivity. Courses are offered in self psychology and

intersubjectivity theory as well as classical psychoanalytic,

object relations and relational theory. This training program

is designed for clinicians interested in psychoanalytic

clinical practice and in the further development of theory

and research. Course work, supervision and independent

study are provided by an internationally distinguished faculty

who encourage independent thought.



Join us…the dialogue is lively!

For information call 212-582-1566

or write:Registrar, IPSS

250 West 57th St. Suite 501

New York, NY 10019or e-mail:





www. ipssny.org



Association for


Think about our Training Program• Clinical preparation in traditional and

contemporary theories• NYS license qualifying program• Low-fee analysis

Think about our Institute• A congenial, egalitarian culture,

a strong student voice, and a broad range of clinical approaches

• Outstanding workshops, case seminars and scientific meetings

Think about Clinical Experience• Referrals from the Theodor Reik Clinical Center

for Psychotherapy• Your choice of supervisors with a wide range

of clinical approaches• Office space available

Be part of the vibrant NPAP Learning Community • Call us at 212-924-7440150 West 13th Street, New York, NY 10011

Or contact us at e-mail: info@npap.org website: http://www.npap.org

Preparing Psychoanalysis for the MillenniumChartered by NYS Board of RegentsPublisher of The Psychoanalytic Review

Thinking about Psychoanalysis?

Do Your Training at NPAPCelebrating Almost 60 Years of Open Intellectual Inquiry and Clinical Practice

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NYSPP offers an additional two-year training program in psychoanalysis. This program is open to graduates of our psychotherapy program and to other equally qualified candi-dates.

NYSPP offers a two-year Child and Adolescent training program. This program blends contemporary psychoanalytic theories with practical interventions to support families and children facing difficult realities. Students study infant devel-opment research and ego psychology, with contributions of object relations and other modern psychoanalytic theory. We recognize the importance of knowledge within a multicultur-al environment such as New York City and emphasize the role of culture and ethnicity throughout our training. Practice courses offer the opportunity to discuss clinical case material in a supportive and confidential learning environment.

NYSPP maintains Clinical Services on Long Island, West-chester, New Jersey, and New York City. An annually published membership directory facilitates networking and referrals.

NYSPP has an active Alumni Association which sponsors major professional meetings open to the public. It also hosts smaller meetings for members and candidates, and special workshops and seminars for ongoing learning.

2007 Scientific Meeting, Sunday, February 25th. Speak-ers Miriam and Howard Steele, “The Development of Mental-ization: Recent Findings from the London Longitudinal Study of Intergenerational Patterns of Attachment.”

NYSPP, 200 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019, 212.245.7045, Fax 212.873.4979, nyspp.org.

Continued on page 8...

� Winter 2007 NMCOP Special Pull-Out Catalog www.nmcop.org

For: NMCOP Clinical SW Federation - NationalSize: 1/4 pageInsert Date: February 2006

Contemporary Psychoanalysis&

Psychotherapy TrainingWe offer programs in:

Adult Psychoanalysis & PsychotherapyPsychodynamic Approaches in Clinical Practice (One Year Evening Program)Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis & PsychotherapyPastoral Counseling

The Supervisory ProcessNational Training Program (NY Based Distance Learning) Externship/Internship (Psychology/Social

Work)Trauma ProgramNIP TI are the exclusive editors of the journal,

Psychoanalytic Perspectives, call for subscription information

National Institute for the Psychotherapies Training Institute

250 West 57th Street, Suite 501, New York, NY 10019Phone: 212-582-1566 Fax: 212-586-1272

Web Site: www.nipinst.org Email: info@nipinst.orgChartered by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York

Psychoanalysis forToday’s World

The Psychoanalytic Supervisory Training Program (one year) provides advanced training in psychoanalytic super- vision through courses on the supervisory process.

The Treatment Service of WCSPP provides low-cost psychoanalysis and psychotherapy to people in the commu-nity who are referred for therapy to our candidates in training or graduates of WCSPP.

For further information, please contact WCSPP at 29 Sterling Ave-nue, White Plains, NY 10606, phone 914.946.9462, or on the web at www.wcspp.org. We welcome your interest and inquiries.

• Our democratic, nonhierarchical, and collegial atmosphere allows for a nurturing, stimulating, and supportive experi-ence that begins with training and lasts through membership in the organization after graduation.

For further information, call 212.924.7440, e-mail info@npap.org, or see our website www.npap.org. Check out dates for our semi-annual open houses.

National Institute for the PsychotherapiesA Comprehensive Learning Center for Psychoanalytical Training

The National Institute for the Psychotherapies, a New York State chartered training institute since 1972, offers a number of training programs to meet the needs of today’s practitio-ners. With rigorous academic scholarship in a growth promot-ing, collegial environment, NIP creates an exciting commu-nity of learning.

NIP’s programs include training in Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytically Oriented Psychotherapy for Adults (a four-year program), Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis and Comprehensive Psychotherapy (a three-year program), Su-pervision of the Psychoanalytic Process (a one-year program), Psychodynamic Approaches in the Work Setting (a one-year evening program), National Training Program in Contempo-rary Psychoanalysis (a program for the distant learner), and an Internship and Externship program for psychologists and social workers.

Unlike most training programs which subscribe to a sin-gle “school” of psychoanalysis, NIP’s programs offer a broader training in a number of theoretical orientations. The core of the programs is a thorough training, both didactic and practi-cal, that is grounded in a foundation of classical theory, and emphasizes the newer developments in relational theories, in-cluding self psychology, object relations, and developmental theory. Our goal is to develop in our candidates an under-standing of various theoretical and technical paradigms and to foster the flexibility and clinical skill to effectively use these different therapeutic approaches.

Because we recognize that integrating theory and prac-tice is a complex and lifelong process, NIP fosters an open learning environment that nurtures candidates during their training and extends into their professional life afterwards. With yearly town meetings for the entire community, APA- approved Continuing Education Programs with outstanding speakers, an Annual Scientific Meeting, informal workshops, and an active professional organization, NIP encourages col-legial relationships and continued learning opportunities and associations.

For further information about the institute or our Open House, please call 212.582.1566 or visit our website at www.nipinst.org.

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WCSPP, continued from page 4.

NPAP, continued from page 7.

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NMCOPAmbassadors ProgramIf your area wishes to have a speaker,

or if you wish to be a speaker (if you will be in an area where we have members

and you are interested in presenting during your stay), contact Judy Ann Kaplan,

212.929.0101 or judy.kaplan3@verizon.net

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