south hinksey echo - wordpress.comin october 2010 this was a sell out. save the date : 8 february...

Post on 21-Sep-2020






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Fifth Annual Fete

The weather forecast for Sunday 15

September was for storms, low temperatures

and high winds. Not encouraging, really, but

the Fête organisers decided that the show

must go on, and anyway the worst of the

weather wasn't expected till mid afternoon.

We did, however, bring all the sideshows

indoors or up to the lane outside the village

hall, clustering around it as if for shelter, and

we did compress the programme so that we

could finish early if need be. And it worked!

Warmth was provided by delicious hot dogs

cooked by the Beggin family, and for children

by strenuous bouncing on the bouncy castle.

We had the usual egg throwing competition

and children's races, and managed to enjoy a

very good-humoured afternoon before the

rain finally arrived.

The aim of the fete is simply to have fun. We

do make some profit, however. This year it

was down a little at just over £200. We were

able to send donations of £90 each to our

two charities, Friends of Kennington Cancer

Fund and The Smile Train. Thank you, all the

people who helped, particularly Peter

Rawcliffe for his flexible organisation.

Save the date for next year’s fête: Sunday14th September 2014


Volume 13, number 3 October 2013

The Hinkseys’ Cricket Match

The third annual South Hinksey v. North

Hinksey cricket match took place on a

splendid end-of-summer day on Sunday 1

September at Wootton cricket ground.

Superbly organised by Peter Rawcliffe, with

splendid teas available for players and

spectators alike laid on by Maggie

Rawcliffe, Ginger Andrews from North

Hinksey and all the willing helpers, this is

rapidly becoming one of the ‘must

events of the parish calendar.

South Hinksey side: Chris Jankiewicz

Hazlewood, Gavin Little, Asif Hameed, Matt Wells, Matthew Frohn, Nick Bingham,

Ari Marsden, James Mallinson.

Tea Helpers: Angie Baker, Louisa Turner, and Helen Hazlewood.

James Mallinson

Next year’s match date has had to be changed. We hope to find a day

The Hinkseys’ Cricket Match

The third annual South Hinksey v. North

Hinksey cricket match took place on a

summer day on Sunday 1st

September at Wootton cricket ground.

Superbly organised by Peter Rawcliffe, with

splendid teas available for players and

spectators alike laid on by Maggie

Rawcliffe, Ginger Andrews from North

Hinksey and all the willing helpers, this is

one of the ‘must-attend’

events of the parish calendar.

As for the cricket..... Well

all. We were not able to repeat last year’s

victory and therefore failed to come away with

the winners’ prizes of Rickety Bridge wine, kindly

provided by sponsor Duncan Spence, proprietor

of Rickety Bridge Vineyard. We managed to

restrict North Hinksey to 136 off their regulation

25 overs, which looked like an achievable target.

The champagne moment was provided by Phil

Tristram, who plucked a ball one handed out of

the air on the midwicket boundary when it

looked to be heading for Boars Hill. Phil, Gavin

Little, Asif Hameed and Matt Wells all batted

well to set up our innings nicely for a final

assault on their total over the closing overs, b

it was not to be and we ended 16 runs short.

Many thanks to all the players from both

villages, North Hinksey captain Chris Andrews,

organisers and spectators for making

enjoyable occasion. See you there at the match

next summer!

Jankiewicz, Phil Tristram, Matthew Balaam, Cass

Hazlewood, Gavin Little, Asif Hameed, Matt Wells, Matthew Frohn, Nick Bingham,

Ari Marsden, James Mallinson.

Angie Baker, Louisa Turner, and Helen Hazlewood.

date has had to be changed. We hope to find a day

in June. Watch this space!

Well, you can’t win them

all. We were not able to repeat last year’s

victory and therefore failed to come away with

the winners’ prizes of Rickety Bridge wine, kindly

provided by sponsor Duncan Spence, proprietor

of Rickety Bridge Vineyard. We managed to

restrict North Hinksey to 136 off their regulation

25 overs, which looked like an achievable target.

The champagne moment was provided by Phil

a ball one handed out of

the air on the midwicket boundary when it

looked to be heading for Boars Hill. Phil, Gavin

Little, Asif Hameed and Matt Wells all batted

well to set up our innings nicely for a final

assault on their total over the closing overs, but

it was not to be and we ended 16 runs short.

Many thanks to all the players from both

villages, North Hinksey captain Chris Andrews,

organisers and spectators for making such an

enjoyable occasion. See you there at the match

Tristram, Matthew Balaam, Cass

Hazlewood, Gavin Little, Asif Hameed, Matt Wells, Matthew Frohn, Nick Bingham,

date has had to be changed. We hope to find a day

Future events in the Village

Christmas Extravaganza

21st December 2013

Village Hall at 6.00pm

By 7pm we will be back in the Village Hall for the traditional village Christmas party with all

the usual festive cheer, with musical accompaniment provided by the wonderful Donkey

House Band.

More details will follow via Shinfo, but after last year’s forced postponement let’s make this

a year to remember for the right reasons!

And as usual, these events don’t happen on their own… volunteers welcome

Adrian Porter:

Maggie Rawcliffe:

See page 6 for memories of the children’s Christmas Party of bygone years.

Ian Keable

Member of The

Inner Magic Circle.

Winner of The Magic Circle’s

prestigious Comedy Award,Returns to South Hinksey Village Hall


The Secret World of Charles Dickens

He performs the favourite magic tricks of

Charles Dickens and divulges the spooky

practices of Victorian psychics.

In October 2010 this was a sell out.

Save the date: 8 February 2014

Future events in the Village

Christmas Extravaganza –

Village Hall at 6.00pm

Come and inject a bit of spice

Christmas Extravaganza…

This year there will be a Christmas Carol

promenade starting at the Village Hall at

6.00pm, when children and adults alike will

enlighten the village with seasonal cheer

picking up well-wishers and fellow carollers

on the way. And as is customary on such an

occasion, in order to lubricate the vocal

cords, mulled One Tree Cider will be

available, as will soft drink alternatives. Join

us for South Hinksey's first walk

Sing for about 20 years, and feel free to

demand that we include other parish

environs in future years…

By 7pm we will be back in the Village Hall for the traditional village Christmas party with all

the usual festive cheer, with musical accompaniment provided by the wonderful Donkey

details will follow via Shinfo, but after last year’s forced postponement let’s make this

a year to remember for the right reasons!

And as usual, these events don’t happen on their own… volunteers welcome, 07876137955

for memories of the children’s Christmas Party of bygone years.

Ian Keable

Member of The

Inner Magic Circle.

Winner of The Magic Circle’s

prestigious Comedy Award, Returns to South Hinksey Village Hall

The Secret World of Charles Dickens

He performs the favourite magic tricks of

Charles Dickens and divulges the spooky

Victorian psychics.

In October 2010 this was a sell out.

: 8 February 2014

spice into this year’s

This year there will be a Christmas Carol

promenade starting at the Village Hall at

6.00pm, when children and adults alike will

enlighten the village with seasonal cheer

wishers and fellow carollers

as is customary on such an

occasion, in order to lubricate the vocal

cords, mulled One Tree Cider will be

as will soft drink alternatives. Join

first walk-about Carol

for about 20 years, and feel free to

we include other parish

By 7pm we will be back in the Village Hall for the traditional village Christmas party with all

the usual festive cheer, with musical accompaniment provided by the wonderful Donkey

details will follow via Shinfo, but after last year’s forced postponement let’s make this

for memories of the children’s Christmas Party of bygone years.

Parish Church of St Laurence, South Hinksey

Sunday Services: the pattern is usually the first and third Sundays of the month at

9.15am Contact 01865 245879 or

Sunday 10th November: Remembrance Sunday. Eucharist at 9.15am

Sunday 1st December: Advent Sunday. Eucharist at 9.15am

Sunday 15th December: Advent III. Eucharist at 9.15am

Sunday 22nd December: Advent IV. Carols at 4.00pm

Wednesday 25thDecember: Christmas Day. Eucharist at 10.00am

Sunday 5th January: Epiphany. Eucharist at 9.15am

Sunday 19th January: Eucharist at 9.15am

Things to Do

Yoga in the Village Hall

Tuesdays 6.45 - 7.45 pm

It's a real pleasure to have a yoga class

in the village at last. After a hard day

at work, it's great to escape chores at

home and take a deep breath.


Serena's classes are challenging but

accessible to all. So far I've seen

people of all ages taking part.

It's fun to go to a class in such a pleasant venue, where you recognise many of the

people attending.

I would thoroughly recommend these lessons if you would like to relax, de-stress

and increase your suppleness. Afterwards, I feel energised and refreshed, and these

benefits last well into my next day at work.

It's a wonderful opportunity to improve your health and well being without having to

drive anywhere (for those in the village)!

Claire Stark

Open to all. Wear loose clothing, mats provided. £7.50 on the door.

News from the Parish Council

Cycling signs on the Devil's Backbone. Following incidents of dangerous cycling, the

Council is arranging for a sign at each end of the Devil's Backbone asking cyclists to

give way to pedestrians.

A4183. The work to repair the collapsed road at the top of Hinksey Hill is underway

and it's hoped that it will reopen before the end of the year.

VAS on Hinksey Hill. The Council has arranged for a vehicle-activated sign to be

installed at the top of Hinksey Hill to ask speeding drivers to slow down. The sign is

part funded by the County Council and the work is due to be completed during


Redbridge to South Hinksey footpath. The County Council is applying for funding to

install kissing gates along the footpath from South Hinksey to Redbridge. The new

gates will be pushchair / wheelchair accessible.

Old pub car park. Goldace Development applied to build two detached houses on

the site of the old pub car park. The application has since been withdrawn to

address design issues and objections from the Environment Agency.

HGV Sign. The Council is aware that lorries occasionally use the village as a lay-by at

night, and the find it hard to turn round when leaving the village, so the Council has

arranged for a 'Unsuitable for HGVs' sign to be installed on the A34 approach.

Redbridge fly tipping. At a meeting in July with the with the VoWH, County Council,

Oxford City Council, and the Police it was agreed that a 3m high fence of galvanised

steel would be erected along the back of Red Bridge Hollow, to prevent fly tipping.

Money has been allocated by both Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford City

Council to fund this. Nothing has happened, so Kennington PC are convening a

further meeting in November.



Please contact the Editor

Village Children’s

Christmas Party

in 1948

by Pat Hall

The village children's Christmas Party was awaited with great excitement and was a

breathtaking experience for us little ones. Somehow the normally drab little church

hall had suddenly been transformed into a magical wonderland decorated from top

to bottom with festoons of coloured lights and paper chains, dozens of balloons,

shiny Christmas bells, and bunches of holly and mistletoe.

We all sat down at long trestle tables which had been set out on each side of the

hall, laden with tiny sandwiches, jellies, blancmanges, mince pies, sausage rolls, fairy

cakes, jam tarts , lemonade and all manner of treats, and at every place setting

there was a Christmas cracker with the child's name on it containing a funny hat.

What a feast that was!

The most spectacular sight was the huge Christmas tree which filled the hall with a

wonderful fragrant smell of pine. It reached from floor to ceiling and stood in the far

corner next to the stage covered in twinkling fairy lights, their colours reflecting on

the glittering glass ornaments and silver tinsel which adorned every branch, and on

the very top stood a beautiful golden angel with outspread wings which reminded

me more of a butterfly!

Afterwards came the fun and games, and one year during 'musical chairs' we were

suddenly interrupted by a loud banging on the heavy oak door which alarmed some

of the children, but not for long because it proved to be the ultimate surprise, a visit

from Father Christmas himself who proceeded to heave two large sacks of presents

onto the stage. Each child was called up to collect their gift and when at last it was

my turn to accept my brightly wrapped parcel from him I quickly saw past the false

beard and moustache when I recognised my father's twinkling blue eyes and quietly

whispered 'thank you daddy'. My older brother hadn't recognised him at all!

As young children we didn't appreciate the time, preparation and hard work that

went into arranging such happy events but looking back I now marvel at how the

villagers, with such a strong community spirit and by always pulling together,

achieved so much in times of such austerity.

Echo Cryptic Crossword

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8





13 14

15 16 17


19 20 21 22

23 24

25 26 27

28 29




9 Odd for wit to mumble about marine debris (9)

10 Accessories for 28 across are grand and

randomly staged (7)

11 Estate of 7 across’ view touched by Midas?


12 Where one might find 28 across as coin

changer (6)

13 Deceives plums – not right (5)

15 Don’t start meal inside (5)

16 Christian gospel found about nave leg (7)

18 Loudly pinches a goddess (3)

19 Philosopher regarding soldiers (7)

21 Attach securely a note in confused online

database that includes 28 across (5)

23 Looks round and about south for votes (5)

25 28 across henchman needed for occasional

task (6)

28 Admen’s job shaken not stirred to his liking


30 Anger aint going around – it’s going nowhere


31 Spooner’s letter writer heard in 28 across film



1 Advertising period for proverb (5)

2 Country house is home for a 28 across

nemesis (7)

3 Eye infection in past year (4)

4 Sterling name for 28 across colleague (10)

5 Some needed gear for advantage (4)

6 One part of 28 across tipple? (5)

7 28 across creator – poor heartless creature (7)

8 Oiled puns are mixed but unharmed (9)

13 28 across 2 amend vote (2,2)

14, 24 Eg 28 across, yin or yang (3,6)

15 Make up and develop about Iceland (9)

17 28 across author endlessly inappropriate (4)

20 28 across actress with topless clothing (7)

22 Comic strip Joe’s menagerie goes by airline

to Oxford pub (7)

24 See 14 down (6)

26 This animal is warmer to a Cockney (5)

27 Love Much Ado About Nothing? Change (5)

28 Preserves traffic congestion (4)

29 Tender rose cultivated (4)

We have a new self test Blood pressure machine

available for patients to use when Lisa is not using the room.

are posted next to the machine

room. We would like to encourage patients who need regular blood pressure checks to use

this machine and we hope that by doing so we will free up appointments with doctors and

Lisa for other patients.

Shingles vaccines are being introduced this ye

we catch up with all patients.

should give it to patients aged either 70 or

of Health and not the practice

one then please contact the practice to make an appointment.

Christmas and New Year: Surgery will close

8.30 am on Friday 27th


Please put in repeat prescription requests by

Dave Dixon, Practice Manager


If so we would love to have your email address so we can send the Echo to you by email.

You will get the Echo sooner and save our volunteers the trouble of delivering by hand

Please contact the Editor


News from Kennington

Health Centre

new self test Blood pressure machine, located in the phlebotomist

available for patients to use when Lisa is not using the room. Full details on how to use it

are posted next to the machine and days and times it is available are posted

We would like to encourage patients who need regular blood pressure checks to use

e hope that by doing so we will free up appointments with doctors and

Shingles vaccines are being introduced this year. There is a 5 year program to ensure that

This year the Department of Health has decided that we

it to patients aged either 70 or 79. These ages have been set by the Department

of Health and not the practice. If you think you are eligible for the vaccine and would like

one then please contact the practice to make an appointment.

Surgery will close at lunch time on 24th

December and reopen at

December. Also closed on Wed 1st

January, New Year

repeat prescription requests by 10am on Monday 23rd


Dave Dixon, Practice Manager www.kenningtonhealthcentre


If so we would love to have your email address so we can send the Echo to you by email.

You will get the Echo sooner and save our volunteers the trouble of delivering by hand

they will be eternally grateful!

Please contact the Editor

News from Kennington

Health Centre

in the phlebotomist’s room and

on how to use it

posted in the waiting

We would like to encourage patients who need regular blood pressure checks to use

e hope that by doing so we will free up appointments with doctors and

There is a 5 year program to ensure that

This year the Department of Health has decided that we

These ages have been set by the Department

If you think you are eligible for the vaccine and would like

December and reopen at

New Year’s Day.


If so we would love to have your email address so we can send the Echo to you by email.

You will get the Echo sooner and save our volunteers the trouble of delivering by hand –

top related