solomon northup- 12 years a slave: a true story

Post on 26-Oct-2021






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Solomon Northup-

12 Years A Slave: A True Story

Roald Dahl-

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Harper Lee –

To Kill A Mockingbird

J.K. Rowling -

Harry Potter

Stephen Hawking –

A Brief History Of Time: From Big Bang To Black Holes

George Orwell-


Animal Farm

Gabriel Garcia Marquez-

One Hundred Years of Solitude

Margaret Atwood -

The Handmaid's Tale

The Testaments

Leo Tolstoy-War & Peace

Anna Karenina

J. D. Salinger -

The Catcher in the Rye

Joseph Heller –


Margaret Mitchel-

Gone with the Wind

Vladimir Nabokov –


Ernest Hemingway-

The Old Man And The Sea

For Whom The Bell Tolls

Sun Tzu-

The Art Of War

Charles Dickens-

David Copperfield

Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens

A tale of two cities

A christmas carol

Hard Times

Bernardine Evaristo-

Girl, Woman, Other

William Shakespeare –



William Shakespeare –

The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra

Romeo and Juliet

William Shakespeare -

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Julius Caesar

William Shakespeare-

The Merchant of Venice

As You Like It

William Shakespeare -


Much Ado About Nothing

William Shakespeare

King Lear

The Comedy of Errors

Adolf Hitler-

Mein Kampf

Michael Jackson –


Nelson Mandela-

Long walk to freedom

Usain Bolt-

Faster Than Lightening:My autobiography

Salim Ali-

The Fall of a Sparrow

Barack Obama-

Dreams from my Father

Anne Frank-

The Diary of a Young Girl

Jules Verne-

Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Mark Twain-

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Jane Austen-

Pride And Prejudice

J. R. R. Tolkien-

The Lord of the Rings

Robert Warren–

All the King's Men

Malcolm Gladwell-

The Tipping Point

F. Scott Fitzgerald-

The Great Gatsby

Ken Kese-

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Toni Morrison-


George Eliot-


Lewis Carroll-

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Victor Hugo-

Les Miserables

Alexandre Dumas-

The Count of Monte Cristo

James Joyce-


Ayn Rand-Atlas Shrugged

The Fountainhead

H. G. Wells-

The Time Machine

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J.M. Barrie-

Peter Pan

Anna Sewell-

Black Beauty

H G Wells-

The War of the Worlds

Roald Dah-


Rudyard Kipling -

The Jungle Book

Miguel de Cervantes-

Don Quixote

Jonathan Swift-

Gulliver's Travels

E. M. Forster-

A Passage to India

Henry James-

The Portrait of a Lady

Geoffrey Chaucer-

The Canterbury Tales

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