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Ï Document No. DoaeierNo-

18509 18509V


<5. 7 '

5 Imprimé,

a Distribution.

I Voir len dossiers :—

1 Index C.

j A classer.

I Document i j suivant. I

Prière d'inscrire les commentaires sur la feuille Manche à l’intérieur. Voir, pour Distribution (éventuelle), la feuillu bleue a l'intérieur.

L’usaoe df. ce t emplacement réseiivé AU Registry .

Réponses, &c. (Out Letter Book) :—

Copies envoyée» pour information préalable à :—B Document \>^0

■ précédent I

Ï Index A. Index R.

“ Savinfana, Wesdo, London." "Celephone : Museum 5204 - 5205.


Ê T he Sa v e t h e Ch ild r en F und(Registered under the War Charities Jlct, 1916).

An international effort to preserve child life wherever it is menaced by conditions of economic hardship and distress. No political or sectarian bias.

Chairman o f the Committee : The LORD W EARDALE.Vice-Chairman : PERCY A LDEN . Esq.

Hon. Secretary : Miss EGLANTYNE JEBB, General Secretary : L. B. GOLDEN, Esq.

Hon. Treat'. HUBERT D. WATSON, Esq., C.I.E. Secretary: Miss GERALDINE COOKE

In reply plein quote Ref. No :



9th January, 1922. .

M. ' dear Frick,

RUSSiAi'i !,Ljii'UGE-iid.

•k I 8509 x/ V

I am now in touch with the Russian organisationsbut find great ling i.e. e names. 1 would suggestthat to overcome this we should keep cards on the mod-1

enclosed - one card to be kept by the Russian organisationwith the name of -he person on it and duly numbered. Duipi-cate card I could keep without the name but with all other particulars, which information you could also have un Geneva. If at any time action had to be taken we could always et the name from the Russian organisât'on. My Secretary and assistant in this matter Mr. feukviss i~ now making hea wa; with the work which is very considerable.

RUSS IjAil 1 AM IMS. y \a fyour letter Qj. 'ôva Januar

: ait necewith vMany thanks

accompanying uccuments. : ou shall have alri necessarformation; I am instructing Webster accordingly. All our documents not marked 'confidential1 will be for general circulation anu publicity. Those marked 'confidential' will be only for the use of Dr. Hansen, yourself and Oorvin - on this understanding you shall have all available papers.

There will uéia slight delay as work at the present moment Is quite overwhelming.

Kith good wishes l'or the Hew Year and your future prosperity and good fortune in /our new undertaking.

Yours sincerely,

L . B ^ L D E I n,General deeretary•

Monsieur E. Frick, League of Nations, Geneva.

4s /18509/x

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KO. 45/185 09/1B509 Geneva,

16 th January, 1922

My dear Golden,

In reply to your letter o the 9th January

Frick is away and Johnson is ill so I am looking after the

work o. the High Commissariat te nporarlly.

Hagsian Hei npeea■ I juitc agree with what you say about the

cards; the same unwillingness to give names has been observed

in other places. The Foreign Office have sent in returns

from Malta and Serbia and .rom t is I gather that they now

realise that the census is to be taken in other places than

in England. Do try and hurry them up i ' this is in any way


Russian Famine I will call 'rick's attention to what yon say

about Webster* s reporte though I am not uite sure that I

know hat you arc referring to.

Yours sincerely,


-cting Sècretary to the High Conrnissioner

or Busbian Ee ugeee.

L. B. Golden, Es^.,. General Secretary

Save the Children und,Great Portland Strcot.,

London, W. 1.

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“ Savinfana, Wesdo, London."

r / i r ro f k " TTi/nnJinna • UllBAlim S?04 .’telephone : Museum 5204 - 5205.

T h e Sa v e t h e C h ild r en F und( Registered under the War Charities Jtcl, 19} 6 ).

An international effort to preserve child life wherever it is menaced by conditions of economic hardship and distress. No political or sectarian bias.

Chairman o f the Committee : The LORD W EARDALE. Vice-Chairman: PERCY A LDEN , Esq.

'on..Secretary : Miss EGLANTYNE JEBB, General Secretary : L. B. GOLD1 H u b e r t D. W a t s o n , Esq., C.l.E. Secretary: Miss G e r a l d i n e



3rd March 1922.

My dear de Watteville,

It was with great pleasure I heard from you that you were proceeding to Geneva to take Frick's place with the League of Nations. What I should like to know is whether you are doing his work both for the Refugees and the Famine.

Our Allocations Department is answering your letter with re­gard to the balances you holçi in Berlin and Nuremburg, but I can tell you now that this money has been placed at your disposal to distribute to any hospitals that you think should be helped.

With regard to your three questions, in the world

with the best intentions

a) I have not got any distance in the enquiry about theRussian children in England.b) The same applies to the Russian refugees who, it seemsto me are not anxious to find work.o) I think with the time at my disposal to help you withregard to this matter, it is perfectly hopeless. I am getting out a report of what has been done up to the present and will let you have it in the course of three or four days, that is directly on my return from Brighton where I am going to have a few days rest.

Now that the "All British Appeal" has united the three Societies in England for effective work in Russia, I shall have absolutely no time to give to the refugee* question, so I shall be obliged if you will accept my resignation from the duties which I undertook last September in Geneva. Of course if there is anything I can do to help you, you may rely on me to do it.

With regard to the money disbursed for secretarial assistance, I will send ÿou an account which will not be very

With all good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

B. GOLDEN. General Secretary.

Monsieur de Watteville, Sociëtë des Nations,



jÿf d e a r O o ld a n ,

f h a a k a v e r y touch f o r y o u r l e t t e r ol' M aroh E r d . I no toi t h f r rp . i t r o » r e t w h a t you 3 ay a b o u t n o t h e in /r v .b le t o ,<ro on

" l t h y o u r -vorlc l o r th e r e f u g e e s end q u i to ur.d e r a t e n d t h a t u n d e r t h o o i r o u r a a t a n c e a - t h o eno rm ous : . ,ount o f w o r r y you mu a t h av e a b o u t th e f c - i i n e - tJwH: you c a n n o t u n d e r t a k e a ny - d t t l o n - a l u n t i e s w h a t e v e r ,

o a h u l l bo v e r y p l e a a o d to ho v e y o u r r e n e r t on w hat you have d o n e , aa w e l l ue • a t a t e m e n t ol a e o o u n t a , w h ic h l u t t e r I h o p e w i l l be s u f f i c i e n t l y m o d e r a t e t o e n a b l e u s t o f a c e the F i n a n c i a l D e p a r tm e n t h e r e , w h ic h i d e x t r e m e l y F .nxioua a b o u t th e s t a t o o f o u r c . o u n t a .

- t th i t i am n o t t a k i n g a n i f f i o i a l p a r t i n t h e i ' o - : le r e , e x o e pi i n 10 f a r a a to ceep un e y e on P r i c k * #

roo la y >o t f u n d s i n e rm an y and a h u l l takfc e t o n a t o t i e n l w i t h th e . . • lo n o : a o o o rd in s f t o the i n s t r u c t i o n s• joi.’r A l lo o f 1 on . r t i t i l ' : - iv e ua#

• l th o v p -h you d e c i d e d to d v e u r w ork f o r t o r e f u g e e s I nu v / r i t l n g you u n o t h n r l e t t e r d e a l i n g v i t h one n n r t - i c u l > r q u e s t i o n ••■•hieh I sh o u ld be e x t r e m e l y r r a t n f n l 11 you

onId k i n d l y h a v e d e a l t a i t h . I • n o t n a k you t o t :e a n ye t e p e i n the m a t t e r y o u r s e l f , b u t no d o u b t you h a v e som ebody han d y t o d e a l 4 t h th o q u e s t i o n .


i i .- la t*;-r:t H igh omnia . ) l o n e r -"or S u a a in n o fu a t i a s . -

, lo ld e n , ’,

4P T.antrham s t r e e t .H i, P o r t la n d it re a t, OHïOK. . 1



The Save th e ^ i l d r e n Fund(Registered under the War Charities Jict, 1916).

A n international effort to preserve child life wherever it is menaced by conditions of economic hardship and distress. No political or sectarian bias.

Chairman o f the Committee : T he LO RD W EA R D A LE.

Wce-Chalrman : PERCY A LD EN , Esq.

Hon. Sec. : Miss EGLANTYNE JEBB. Hon. Treas: HUBERT D. WATSON, E ^ C L E .General Secretary : L. B. GOLDEN Esq. f t -ww42 LANGHAM STREET, / -



1 u t h

My dear de V/atteville ,

Enclosed please find statement of expenses incurred

by me in connection with my work for the High Commissariat of

the League of Nations for Russian Refugees.

My Committee has allocated the money and ell that is

now required is the enclosed account duly receipted by you.

Please let me iiave it oack as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

L. B. Golden. General Secrotar


Monsieur de Vatteville,High Commissariat for Russian Refugees, League or Nations,Geneva.

^ / /,

T he Sa v e the Children Fund(Registered under the War Charlllej yîc/, 1916).

An international effort to preserve child life wherever it is men?“ <! conditions of economic hardship and distress. No political or sectarian bias.

Chairman o f the Committee The L O RD W EA RDA LE.Vice-Chairman: PERCY A LDEN . Esq.

Hon. Sec. : Miss EGLANTYNE JEBB. Hon. Trea>: HUBERT Qeneral Secretary : L. B. GOLDEN Esq.


tn u n L L ,

’q' \D. WATSOtj, £iq.. eTE. V.

" V r -U:e t, \ O42 LANGHAM STREET, \ V





Salary - S. Yukvis.(9 weeks from 20th Dec.1921)


Telegrams, Postages, etc.

£ s. a.

24. -.

4. 12. 6.

5. 6.

£28. 18.

R EC EIV ED from *The Save the Children Fund11, tond o il , the sum

of Twenty eight pounds eighteen shillings (£28.18) as allocation

for work in connection with Russian refugees.

HÆ i i r o from "The Save the C h ild ren

P an»” , l o g o f f , th e aura 0f T v o n ty o l g h t

pounds e ig h te en a h i l l l n g a (£.2 6 . l e , } ûa

a l l o o a t io n f o r -vori lzi o o m e o t lo n w ith

Rus s i tin Rofugeea.

CtiNjVA, May ltith 1922.


Telephone: MuMum 5204-5205.

In reply plesie quote Ref. No :

u f j n r o t j j x

T h e S a v e t h e C h il d r e n F



(Registered under the War Charities Jlcl, 1916).

international effort to preserve child life wherever it is men Jitions of economic hardship and distress. No political or secta

Chairman o f the Committee: The LO RD W EARDALE.

Vice-Chairman: PERCY A LDEN , Esq.: Miss E^ANTYNF. JEBB. Hon. Treas: HUBERT D. WATSON, Esq.. C.l.h.

ÿ y Qeneral Secretary : L. B. GOLDEN Esq.



4th July 1922.

Dear Sir,

Mariy thanks for your letter of June 22nd, which was brought to the attention of our Allocations Committee on June 29th. together with the Minutes forwarded to us of the Meeting of the Advisory Committee of 6rgar.i sat ions for Russian Refugees of Me y 29th and Svth.

The Committee took into consideration the appeal of the advisor'- Committee to the High Commissioner to press the Union Internationale de Secours aux Enfants to continue its ..or1: for the children of Russian Refugees; and Lr Ksnsen^s desire to know in this connection, our own attitude to this problem.

I am instructed by the Committee to explain to you that our attitude is that of our central body, as, by agreement with the Union Internationale de Secours aux Enfants, all questions af enting the relief of Russian Refugees must be decided by them. The sole Fund in whose case an exception has been made in the Russian Relief and Reconstruction Fund (British) to which we have recently made a small grant.

■ .e r that, at present ti , our fi sial ■ | ■ n " rmit of our a I he le ’g

sums spent in the past for the relief of Russian refugee children.

Yours faithfully,

V j / v 1

V\W 4(- J . i . . Johnsonv ijy lgh Cora I s s a r l e t fo r tu s s l e s R< fuge

X y /r ' Teague of lL t lo n c ,tirV’ f lene -r . / /

^ ir. H.

L.B. GULDEN. • ~ • ry .


• S O C I É T É D E S N A T IO N S . LEA G U E O F N A T IO N S .

[ C e t t e f e u i l l e e s t r e s e r v é e à l 'u s a g e d u R eg is try . ]

S ec tion . Sec tion No. D ocum en t No. Dossie r No.

W5" 18509* /« ? ? f t

L is te d e s P i è c e s C o n te n u e s .

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