smartest goals formula ebook12final

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Smartest Goals Formula Ebook12final


  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals



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  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals



    Page No

    1.0 Introduction.................................................................................................4

    2.0 About the author..........................................................................................8

    3.0 Goal setting history 1960's to today........................................................11

    4.0 Nine reasons why you must set goals .......................................................19

    5.0 How to discover what it is you really, really want......................................23

    6.0 The Smartest Goals Formula...................................................................28

    6.1 Step 1. Write your Specific goal affirmation..................................30

    6.2 Step 2. Determine your Measures of success.................................41

    6.3 Step 3. Ensure your goal is Attainable.............................................45

    6.4 Step 4. Clarify the Reasons for your goal........................................50

    6.5 Step 5. Set your Timing...................................................................53

    6.6 Step 6. Conduct your Ecology check...............................................55

    6.7 Step 7. Plan your Steps...................................................................59

    6.8 Step 8. List your Tools & Resources................................................63

    7.0 Putting it all together Examples and Worksheet....................................67

    7.1 Worksheet Smartest Goals Formula ...........................................69

    7.2 Goal Example: Weight loss.............................................................71

    7.3 Goal Example: Buying dream home................................................73

    8.0 Time to take action....................................................................................76

    9.0 99%s a bitch. 100%s a breeze...............................................................80

    10.0 Find yourself a Goals Buddy.....................................................................83

    11.0 How the Smartest Goals Formula fits with 'The Secret.......................85

    12.0 Review & Conclusion...............................................................................88

    13.0 Appendix - Smartest Goals planners....................................................90

    - Smartest Goals Formula Worksheet.....................................91

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    1.0 Introduction


    Detailed Goal Setting

    - How High Achievers Set Their Goals -

    Don't ask what the world needs ask what makes you come alive and go and do that.

    Because what the world needs are people who have come alive

    Howard Thurman

    What goal or goals do you have in mind?

    A career goal?

    A health and fitness goal?

    A financial goal?

    A personal development goal? ...

    Whatever your goal is, and it could be one of thousands, you will want to get off to a flying start!

    BUT... and here's the sad reality...


    Let's be honest.

    How many of you have been able to spend hundreds, if not thousands, attending success workshops or programmes, to learn the goal setting techniques used by some of the highest achieving individuals in the world today?

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Not many of you I suspect. And that's exactly why I wrote this book.

    You see, I think that's UNFAIR.

    If there was ever a time for you to really know how to set cutting edge goals it's now.

    And that is what you will learn to do here.

    So first, back to basics.

    When you know what you want to be, or have, or do, you basically have six options available to you.

    Option 1.

    Do what many people do - that is nothing. Just dream.

    Option 2.

    Vaguely know what you want, start to take action ... and then muddle through.

    Option 3.

    Set a simple 'smart goal' or use some other elementary goal setting framework to clarify your thinking and get yourself motivated to take action.

    Option 4.

    Learn Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and set an NLP 'well formed outcome.

    (An nlp well formed outcome comprises of a number of highly researched goal criteria).

    Option 5.

    Apply the Law of Attraction, known throughout the world as 'The Secret'.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals



    Option 6.

    Apply 'the latest' goal setting technique you have been taught by any one of many success coaches.

    But heres the new seventh option and the reason I have written this book.

    Now you can also choose to:

    Option 7.

    Use the Smartest Goals Formula to set your goals.

    What is the Smartest Goals Formula?

    Its a new, cutting edge, goal setting formula that pulls the best of Smart Goals, NLP research and the power of 'The Secret' all into one place.

    And despite being an obvious thing to do, combining the best of these three goal setting models together has not been done before.

    But what does this mean for you?

    This means you are about to learn a highly effective, step by step process, to ask yourself the best of all the goal setting questions taught today to high achievers worldwide.

    And it also means, you too will learn how to set your goals in detail from the outset- something most people fail to do as they have never been taught how.

    Now why is this important to you?

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Its very simple. It means from now on, when you use the Smartest Goals Formula to set your goals, you will be significantly increasing your chances of succeeding at any personal or professional goal you will ever have.

    And that's exciting. Isn't it?

    Here are just some of the benefits you are about to gain as you learn how to use the

    Smartest Goals Formula:

    You will learn to always start your thinking by asking yourself what is it that you really want.

    You will have a proven framework of simple but powerful questions to help you think about your goal in detail.

    You will learn to ask yourself the questions that people who are already successful, your role models for success, ask themselves.

    You will focus your mind and concentration on what's most important.

    You will end up with crystal clear and detailed goals- goals that are totally thorough.


    Having totally thorough goals means you will significantly increase your chances of achieving them.

    In summary, the Smartest Goals Formula is a world class formula for detailed goal setting - anytime and anywhere. Enjoy.

    What you are about to learn will vastly improve how you set your goals and, from the

    very first application, will help you change the quality of both your personal and

    professional life!

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    2.0 About The Author

    The Smartest Goals Formula is a world class process for thinking in detail about

    any of your personal and professional goals. Gwenn Clayton

    My passion...

    My name is Gwenn Clayton and I specialise in helping people set and achieve goals in

    all areas of life.

    I started back in 1990. Since then I've helped hundreds of people, from some of the

    biggest companies in the world, to friends and people in my local community, to get

    crystal clear about what it is they want to achieve... before they ever take a single


    I have been privileged to work with senior and middle managers in companies such

    as Unilever, Diversey, ICI, Kimberley Clark, DTZ, Asda and IBM... to name a few. I've

    also attended workshops all over the world, read widely on this topic, watched and

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    listened to countless recordings and basically learned and absorbed everything I

    could get my hands on.

    Goal setting know-how and understanding what underlies personal leadership and

    high performance in life is my speciality. In fact it's more than that - it's my passion!!

    So I'm delighted that I am able to help YOU achieve what you want too - I know you

    must have something important in mind by the very fact you have bought my book!

    Im going to teach you how to really think in detail about your goals, before you take

    a single step. To do this youll be learning the Smartest Goals Formula. When

    youve learnt to do this, youll be increasing your chances of achieving whatever it is

    that you want personally or professionally right now.

    Too many people fail to think through their goals in detail and suffer the

    consequences. Dont let that be you.

    So that you can get the best out of the Smartest Goals setting process I recommend

    that you read this book sequentially, chapter by chapter.

    Have a paper and pen to hand too.

    Once you have set your goal using the Smartest Goals Formula I hope you'll visit

    my Smart Goals Guide Facebook page and let me know what your goal is!

    Youll find it here:-!/pages/Smart-Goals-Guide-Helping-You-


  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    That way you'll not be on your own. You'll be joining a network of people all of whom

    also have clear goals that they want to achieve.

    And when you are a part of a network of people similar to yourself, you will find

    ample opportunity to ask questions, contribute your thoughts and get a lot of help

    along the way.

    Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.

    Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.


  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    3.0 Goal Setting History - 1960s To Today.

    Give me a stock clerk with a goal and Ill give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I'll give you a stock clerk

    J. C. Penney

    It is tempting to dive straight into learning the Smartest Goals Formula. (If you really want to, go ahead of course...) But first, I would like you to understand the history of goal setting and how the Smartest Goals Formula has emerged as a result of that history. Today, goal setting is considered fundamental to motivating people to achieve success in all areas of life. It may come as a surprise though to learn that, although goal setting must always have been around in one form or another, it was only as recently as the 1960's that an American called Dr. Edwin Locke began to formally look at goal setting and its relationship to motivation. His first paper on the subject was published in 1968. A number of years later another American, Dr. Gary Latham, also began to look at the impact of goal setting on effectiveness in the workplace. His findings supported those of Dr. Locke. Such were the indisputable links between goal setting and achievement, Dr. Locke and Dr. Latham subsequently published a number of well respected papers together. But it wasn't until 1981 that the now famous S.M.A.R.T. goal setting acronym first appeared. In the November 1981 issue of 'Management Review', an article was published called "There's a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management goals and objectives." The author was George T. Doran. S.M.A.R.T. was a simple acronym. It stated that an effective goal must be:

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Specific Measurable Assignable Realistic and Time Bound (It is not important for you to know this in any more detail right now). Smart goals soon became popular. Word spread quickly and today they are used worldwide as the simplest way to teach effective goal setting. But many goal experts were dissatisfied with the simplicity of the original smart goals acronym. Soon 'smart' became what I call 'smart la carte. Throughout the world, experts started to disagree with what each letter stood for. They began to pick and choose alternative meanings that they liked and threw out meanings they disliked. The table below illustrates the many variations that arose. As a result of this process S.M.A.R.T. became the acronym of choice and a longer version, the acronym S.M.A.R.T.E.R. was introduced. The net result was that many useful questions to help you think about your goals were debated, discussed and introduced. The downside however was that the actual quality of the goal you set was totally dependent on which expert you chose to follow!

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Goal Setting Techniques Compared

    1981 1981 To Today

    1981 - To Today

    Ongoing Research


    Original S.m.a.r.t


    Most Popular S.m.a.r.t.


    Smart la Carte

    ( Pick and Choose)

    Well Formed Outcomes (From NLP)

    The Smartest Goals Formula: (Combining the best of S.m.a.r.t., NLP outcomes and The Secret)

    S Specific Specific Specific Yes Yes


    Stretching Yes


    M Measurable Measurable Measurable Yes Yes Manageable Yes Yes

    Motivational Yes Yes


    A Assignable Assignable

    Attainable Attainable Yes Yes

    Action Oriented

    Yes Yes


    Achievable Yes Yes

    R Realistic Realistic Realistic Yes Yes

    Relevant Yes Yes

    Rewarding Yes Yes

    Resourced Yes Yes

    T Time Based Timed Timing Yes Yes


    Time Bound

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    E Evaluated

    Exciting Yes


    Ecological Yes Yes

    R Relevant Yes

    Results Oriented




    Meanwhile in California, while all this was going on, two American academics, Richard Bandler and John Grinder were slowly developing an entirely new field of knowledge known as NLP. I f you haven't heard of NLP then let me tell you that NLP has been one of the most exciting developments in psychology ever! Not only that, such has been its impact, it would be impossible to develop any effective goal setting technique without it. NLP can be considered to be a branch of applied psychology and is referred to as 'a users manual for the brain'. In a nutshell, it consists of thousands of insights into what makes up 'excellence in human behaviour' and is taught in such a way that the steps behind the excellent behaviour can be easily copied and learned by anyone. NLP is a modelling technology whose specific subject matter is the set of differences that make the difference between the performance of geniuses and that of average

    performers in the same field of activity.

    Why is it called neuro linguistic programming or NLP? NLP gets its name because its research draws upon three areas: 'Neuro', which stands for 'Neurology' and the five ways we process information our sight, our hearing, our feelings, what we smell, what we touch and what we taste. 'Linguistic' which refers to how we use language the words, the symbols and the metaphors we use to code, to organise and to give meanings to how we think about the world that is, our own internal representations of reality.

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    'Programming' which stands for the 'programmes' or 'codes' in our brain - which drive our individual behaviours (what we do) and those we do habitually (our habits). Bandler and Grinder started NLP back in the 1970's. Their study of the patterns that underlie 'human excellence' drew upon many different disciplines. These included systems thinking, psychotherapy, cybernetics and general semantics. In the last twenty years NLP has become a truly global discipline a catalogue of 'models of excellence' which can be, and have been, applied throughout the world to every discipline imaginable. What specific insight does NLP bring to goal setting? One of the most important ideas in NLP is the concept of the well formed outcome'. A 'well formed outcome' has a lot in common with goals. It too is a result that you desire to achieve. But the difference between a 'goal' and an NLP 'well formed outcome is huge. The key difference is that goals are often so vague they are unachievable. You say 'I want to be rich', I want to be happy', 'I want to be healthy'... but how will you ever know you are? On the other hand 'well formed outcomes' are goals that are so well formed they greatly increase your chances of success. Saying 'I want to be rich or happy or healthy' is just not acceptable. From the outset you have to specify your goal exactly. In other words you have to be clear about how you will know you have reached your goal and that's just the tip of the iceberg. A 'well formed outcome is constructed from certain criteria or 'goal conditions' which are based on years of NLP research into the goal setting thinking patterns of high achievers. In order to include all of these essential criteria as you think about your own goal you will need to ask yourself a certain set of questions. When you ask yourself all of these questions your chances of achieving the goal vastly increase from the outset before you ever take a single step towards your goal.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Are Smartest Goals Formula goals well formed'? A 'well formed outcome' comprises of seven goal conditions'. All of these conditions must be met in order for the goal to be considered 'well formed', or in others words 'excellent'. These conditions are all included in the Smartest Goals Formula framework how could they not be? For years people have been setting 'smart goals', 'smarter goals' (smart la carte) and 'well formed outcomes'. The Smartest Goals Formula pulls the best of all these goal setting processes into one place. As you go through each step of the Smartest Goals Formula you will find the process includes all of the seven NLP goal conditions for 'well formed outcomes' and goal setting excellence. You don't need to know what each of them mean right now. All you need to know is that they are all included in the Smartest Goals Formula. For a goal to be 'well formed' in NLP terms it must: 1. Be stated in the positive 2. Be stated as specifically as possible with sensory based evidence 3. Be stated in your desired context 4. Be within your control 5. Determine what resources will be required 6. Ensure the outcome is 'ecological' advantages and disadvantages are spelled out 7. Define the first step The Smartest Goals Formula comprises of all of these ...and more! Goals in the context of personal development The link between goal setting and achievement in all areas in life is well understood today. In the fields of sport and work, goal setting is now part and parcel of normal life.

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    Over the last twenty years in particular there has been an explosion in popular psychology and self help books, tapes and CDs. Goal setting expertise is a central theme for all personal development. Some of the first outstanding experts in this field were Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Clement Stone, Napoleon Hill and Bob Proctor. Today's extraordinary achievers and teachers include people such as Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Steven Covey, Jack Canfield, Esther and Gerry Hicks, John Gray, John Demartini, Jack Black... to name but a few. But perhaps the newest and most acclaimed insight into goal setting and how to achieve what you want in life recently came from Rhonda Byrne in her worldwide best seller The Secret. 'The Secret' sets out three simple steps:

    Step 1 : Ask for what you want Step 2 : Believe you will get it Step 3: Be open to Receive it 'The Secret' was number one on the New York Times best seller list and went on to sell millions of copies in multiple languages worldwide. It will come as no surprise to you to hear that the Smartest Goals Formula embraces all of these steps too. Summary of the Smartest Goals Formula What exactly is the Smartest Goals Formula? I can sum it up very simply: The Smartest Goals Formula = 'Smart Goals' + NLPs 'Well Formed Outcomes + 'The Secret' And that's it in a nutshell.

    It is, I believe, the most thorough goal setting framework around today.

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    It's not entirely new. It's not entirely original. How could it be? It is though, based on the findings of years of research into the setting of effective and powerful goals. It is simply a clever blend of these three great techniques for goal setting put together in a straightforward and memorable way. And most importantly, unlike many goal setting techniques, it really enables you to set your goals in detail so that you too can be excellent in this area.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    4.0 Nine Reasons Why You Must Set Goals

    An average person with average talent, ambition and education, can outstrip the most brilliant genius in our society, if that person has clear, focused goals.

    Brian Tracy

    What do famous sports people like Michael Jordan, Usain Bolt and John McEnroe have in common? Or famous business people like Bill Gates of Microsoft, Steve Jobs of Apple, and Richard Branson of Virgin airlines? What do Hollywood actors like Tom Cruise, Merle Streep and Sylvester Stallone have in common? Or famous entertainers like Michael Jackson, Bono of U2 and Oprah. It'll come as no surprise to know they all have two things in common. They all had a clear vision of what they wanted for their future (their goals) and the willingness to do whatever it took to get there. Read any book on the psychology of success, talk to any successful person, read any biography... in all instances the importance of having a goal is mentioned in one form or another. You also, have already achieved success in many areas of your life. You have made friends, developed skills, graduated from school or perhaps college, found work, married, had kids.... having goals is part and parcel of how you have created success too. You just may not have thought about it in that way. The question is what else do you want to achieve in life right now? And how are you going to go about doing it.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    9 reasons why you must have goals Before you learn the Smartest Goals Formula I want to share with you why setting goals is so important. Here are the nine main reasons. 1. To lay the foundation stone of your success Knowing what it is you want having a goal is the very first step to all success in life. No longer do you wake up each day and let your day fill up with nothing but trivia, general busyness and distractions. Your priorities become clear. Over time your success is built step by step and having a clear goal from the outset is the foundation. 2. To allow you to live the life you want Most people live their lives with many shoulds and 'wishes'. When you set a clear goal, you move away from those shoulds and 'wishes' to making your dreams come true. 3. To provide you with targets and a roadmap for your future Having a clear vision of what you want gives you a clear target to work towards and keeps you focussed on your future not your past. You will work best when you have targets to focus on and you will manage your time best when your priorities are clear. Large goals need to be broken down into smaller more achievable sub goals. Collectively this constant focus on targets and goals will provide you with a roadmap to reach your ultimate goals. 4. To drive your motivation When you have a goal that you really want to make happen it becomes the driving force behind what you think, say and do. Having a goal drives your motivation. It is your source of inspiration. It is your power supply to success.

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    5. It's part of human nature Your very nature is to be goal focussed. Every day you set and achieve goals. You decide what you are going to eat, where you are going to go, what you are going to do, who you are going to talk to, how you are going to do that etc. You are by nature a goal setter. Maxwell Maltz in his book Psychocybernetics summarises this nicely when he writes; Emotionally we are designed like a bicycle. If we are not moving towards something we lose our equilibrium and balance and fall over. 6. To create the opportunity for you to grow and stretch Someone once said 'In life we are either growing or we are dying'. When you have a goal and you do what is required to achieve it:

    You are broadening your sense of who you are as a person and what is possible for your life

    You are developing your values

    You are building new beliefs about yourself and realising how much more is possible

    You are develop new skills and capabilities

    You are learning how to do new things

    You are going to places you have never been before

    You are building new friendships and relationships

    You are feeling good... On the other hand when you have few significant goals and are stagnating, life doesn't quite feel so good. 7. To create the foundation of your inner success. When you are really clear about what it is that you want, then you are able to engage your subconscious mind to help you get there. Affirming and visualising what it is that you want creates inner success and the more you can do that the more likely you are to reach outer success.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Andre Agassi tells the story of how he had spent years imagining in his own mind that he had won the tennis championship at Wimbledon... years before he actually won it.

    Graeme Mc Dowell the winner of the 2010 US open golf championship and Emma O' Donoghue nominee for the 2010 Booker prize for literature admitted that they too had previously imagined those wins over and over again in their minds.

    8. To expand the realms of possibility Whenever you set a goal and then do whatever it takes to achieve your goal you are broadening and developing who you are as a person. In turn:

    Your confidence grows...

    Your motivation increases...

    Your tenacity builds...

    As this happens you begin to realise just how capable you are and just how much more is possible.

    9. To make a difference 'No man is an Island'. Whenever you set yourself a positive goal, not only will it change your life in some way but it can also positively affect the lives of those around you:

    your family,

    your friends

    your colleagues

    your community

    perhaps even the world too.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    5.0 How To Discover What It Is You Really, Really Want.

    I can teach anybody how to get what they want out of life. The problem is that I can't find anybody who can tell me what they want.

    Mark Twain

    Perhaps you already know what it is that you want to achieve. If so, thats great. As I guide you through each step of the Smartest Goals Formula take the goal you have in mind and work with that. By the end of the process you will have created a really powerful and crystal clear goal for yourself. If, on the other hand, you do not know what it is that you want, I recommend that you pause for as long as necessary at this chapter. Why? Because, below you will find some excellent questions that are designed to help you uncover exactly what it is that you truly want in both your personal and professional life. To work effectively through these questions I suggest that you get yourself a pen and paper and write down your answers. There are a number of different types of questions below. Review them all and answer only those that inspire you the most. They are all aimed at helping you define what it is that you want but are simply different routes to getting there. Once you have completed the questions that resonate closest with you, select one of your 'wants' and we will use the Smartest Goals Formula in the next chapter to make that 'want' crystal clear. Even if you already know the goal you want to work on right now, make sure you take the time to answer the questions below at some point too. There are four reasons why. By the time you have completed these questions, you will:

    Have expanded your thinking about what it is that is possible for your life

    Have designed and created your future something we rarely take time to do

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Find yourself extremely excited and motivated to live life at a higher level

    Be so motivated you will just want to work on your goals and get going!!! Of course answering these questions will be a lot easier if you already have a strong sense of what your overall vision and mission for life is! But that is not the subject of this ebook. The nine key life areas for goal setting: Before you answer the questions, consider the following list. This is the list of the nine key areas that make up your life:

    Health & Fitness Career Relationships Social life Personal development Financial Quality of life leisure, travel, fun, material Spiritual Contribution The ideal is to live a life that is in balance a life where you know what it is that you want in each of these areas. Steven Covey tells a wonderful story in his classic book 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Managers' and I would like to share it with you here. I attended a seminar once where the instructor was lecturing on time. At one point he said Okay, it's time for a quiz. He reached under the table and pulled out a wide mouth gallon jar. He set it on the table next to a platter with some fist sized rocks on it. How many of these rocks do you think we can get in the jar he asked? After we made our guess he said Okay, lets find out. He set one rock in the jar then another then another. I don't remember how many he got in, but he got the jar full. Then he asked Is that jar full?

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Everybody looked at the rocks and said Yes. Then he said Ahhh. He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel. Then he dumped some gravel in and shook the jar and the gravel went into all the little spaces left by the big rocks. Then he grinned and said once more Is this jar full? By this time we were onto him. Probably not we said. Good he replied. And he reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in and it went in all the little spaces, left by the rocks and the gravel. Once more he looked at us and said Is this jar full? No. we all roared. He said Good! and he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in. He got something like a quart of water into that jar. Then he said Well, what's the point? Somebody said Well, there are gaps and if you really work at it you can always fit more into your life? No he said that's not the point. The point is this. If you hadn't put the big rocks in first would you ever have got any of them in? So, what are your big rocks? Do you know? If so, do you know them all? The following questions are designed to give you a helping hand, if you need it. Remember, most people spend more time cooking, cleaning or planning their holidays than they ever give to planning the life of their dreams. Ten powerful questions to help reveal your desires:

    Write down your answers to the questions below that inspire you the most. 1. What is it that you want to:



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    do? (Write a list as long as you can. You will find a 101 goals worksheet that you can print

    off from the above link to my website. I suggest that you print it off so that every time you think of something that you would like to be, have or do you can add it to your list. In this way, you will have your many dreams all on one piece of paper. Feel free to go well beyond one hundred and one ideas of course!)

    2. If you could wave a magic wand over your life right now and have whatever it is that you want what would be there? 3. If, from the moment you wake up tomorrow morning, your life is just perfect, how will you know?

    4. What is it that you truly love?

    5. What do you want so much that it brings a big smile to your face just thinking about it? What makes you go 'Wow'? * 6. What would your ideal life look like if it included the things you love? 7. What would your ideal life look like if there were no limitations? 8. What would you love to do if you had all the money in the world? 9. What would you do if you knew you could not fail? 10. If you could just achieve one big goal what would it be?

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    As a result of answering these questions you should now have many new ideas and sources of excitement for your life. You will have a much clearer idea of what it is you want. Congratulations. Now it is time to get down to the detail and to learn how to use the Smartest Goal Formula to define your goals very clearly. In the next chapter you will learn the first step. (*This question was taken from Michael Neils book 'You Can Have What You Want').

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    6.0: Why the Smartest Goals Formula is at the forefront of goal


    There are hundreds of different workshops, books, CDs and videos on the subject of

    setting goals.

    Without doubt though the S.M.A.R.T. goals process, introduced by George T. Doran

    in 1981, is the most popular process of all.

    S.M.A.R.T. goals are fantastic in enabling people to phrase goals effectively. But their

    simplicity is their downside. S.M.A.R.T. still leaves much unsaid.

    What do todays experts suggest are the core factors behind effective goal setting?

    When you review the research on what you should consider in order to think about

    your goal in a truly robust way, twelve keys emerge.

    These are the top twelve keys to effective goal setting.


    1.What it is you want, and asking for it.

    2.That your goal is phrased positively.

    3.The measures of your goal.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    4.That it's possible to achieve your goal.

    5.When you want to achieve your goal by.

    6.The steps you will take to achieve your goal.

    7.That your goal is stretching and challenging

    8.That your goal is motivating.

    9. Just why you want your goal.

    10. What you will need to achieve your goal.

    11.Who and what can help you.

    12. The possible downsides to achieving your goal.

    When you have considered all of the above, then you will truly have thought through

    your goal in detail.

    The challenge is how do you remember to review all of the above.

    Is there an easy way to do it?

    Yes. Use the Smartest Goals Formula.

    Why? Because the Smartest Goals Formula pulls all of these twelve top keys

    together into one place.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    6.1: Step 1 Write Your SPECIFIC Goal Affirmation

    Without goals, and plans to reach them you are like a ship that has set sail with no


    Fitzhugh Dodson

    The first step to goal excellence using the smartest Goal Formula is to write a sentence or two that summarises your goal in specific terms.

    This is the first S. in the S.m.a.r.t.e.s.t. acronym.

    Your goal needs to be SPECIFIC.

    Think of it as the few words you will say to a friend or colleague at the coffee

    machine or the water cooler in order that they very quickly understand what it is you

    want to achieve.

    You should be able to do this relatively easily as in reality you are always explaining

    to people what it is that you want. However your aim here is to summarise your goal

    in as precise and specific a way as possible.

    This is how to form a really effective goal summary or affirmation:

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    1. Always begin the summary of your goal with the words 'I AM'

    Saying 'I am' is the first step to creating thoughts which eventually will become


    The words 'I am ' are tremendously powerful and will be eventually taken by your

    subconscious mind to be true.

    2. Always write your goal in the PRESENT TENSE.

    State your goal as if it is happening right now.

    When you phrase it in the future tense, as many people mistakenly do, you distance

    yourself from the goal. Saying 'I will work' is a lot less powerful than saying 'I am


    3. Always state your goal in POSITIVE TERMS

    You must state your goal in terms of what you want, not what you don't want.

    When you state what it is that you want this is what you focus on, and, providing that

    you take the necessary action, this is what you will bring into your life.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    By contrast when your goal is stated in terms of what it is that you do not want, you

    only bring more of that into your life too. Why? Because that is where your mind is


    For example, if someone says Don't think about the state of the economy, the only

    way you can not think about it is of course to think about it! You have to focus on it

    first, so that you can then, not focus on it.

    For this reason it is essential that your goal affirmation is always phrased in positive


    This is a simple but vital shift in phraseology but it makes all the difference in the

    world between achieving your goals and failing to achieve your goals.

    Here are some examples of the type of negative goal affirmations you must avoid:

    I am no longer overweight...

    I am no longer a smoker...

    I don't get nervous giving presentations...

    I don't work for company x any longer...

    Instead, you might say;

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    I am weighing x kilos and fit into size X clothing

    I am feeling really healthy. I eat a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner every

    day and I go to the gym three times a week.

    I am feeling confidant when I give presentations to my work colleagues and


    I am working in 'X'- the top advertising agency in Manhattan.

    4. Make your goal affirmation as SPECIFIC as possible.

    The majority of people have vague goals and as a result never achieve them. Instead

    your goal must be specific, that is - clear, tangible and measurable.

    The way to make your goal affirmation specific is to define it in sensory specific


    This means defining what you want in terms of what you will see, hear and feel. In

    this way your goal will become much more detailed and clear.

    Include specifics such as who, what, where...

    Where possible include numeric indicators such as amounts . For e.g. how much

    money, how many kilos...etc

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Here are some examples of vague goal affirmations:

    I want to be rich

    I want to be slim

    I want to live in a big house.

    Here are some examples of specific goal affirmations:

    I am earning $100,000 a year as CEO of my new toy business

    I am weighing X kilos and fitting into size X clothes...

    I am living in my brand new, 3 bedroomed apartment in Greenwich Village in New York.

    Clearly the more specific the detail, the better your goal statement.

    When your goal is a big goal...

    Sometimes your goal may be large and difficult to define. If that is the case, I suggest

    you ask yourself What is stopping me achieving this goal. This will reveal a number

    of sub goals to you which in turn will help you make your goals much more specific.

    For e.g. You say 'I want to lose weight.' ( that's a vague, unclear, negatively stated

    goal. )

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Now ask yourself What stops me?

    You may answer:

    I don't do any exercise...

    I don't know how to cook healthy food...

    I don't have anyone to encourage me...

    Now all you need to do is ask yourself What do I want instead?

    When you answer this question in relation to each of the above obstacles you can

    then easily create positive relevant goals. For example:

    Rather than I don't do any exercise... your goal might now be:

    I am walking four days a week for thirty minutes.

    Rather than I don't know how to cook healthy food... your goal might now be:

    I am cooking one healthy meal everyday from my new list of twenty

    healthy recipes.

    Rather than I don't have anyone to encourage me... now your goal

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    might be:

    I visit weight watchers once a week and I enjoy the company of my

    positive and supportive new friends.

    You could put this altogether and say:

    I walk four days a week for 30 minutes, cook one healthy meal a day and belong to

    Weight watchers.

    Remember in life nothing ever happens in general. Everything happens specifically.

    The same is true about goals.

    5. Think about the CONTEXT for your goal.

    It's important that you think about 'where' and 'when' and 'with whom' you want

    your goal. Sometimes it is necessary to establish boundaries.

    For example, you may have a goal to 'feel strong and assertive'. But your goal may

    not be to 'feel strong and assertive while you are at home , or with your friends.

    You may want to feel that feeling only when you are at work with your boss. If that is

    the case then write that down as part of your goal sentence or affirmation as it is

    often called.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    6. Your goal must be highly MOTIVATING to you

    Once you have summarised your goal ask yourself on a scale of one to ten

    how would you score how much you want this goal. The higher the score, the

    more likely you are to do whatever it takes to achieve it.

    If your goal scores below 7 you may want to revise it completely. Ask yourself

    how could I summarise this goal in a way that I would score it a nine or ten.

    Ten of course always being preferable.

    7. Your goal affirmation should have a DEADLINE.

    It is always helpful to include the date by which you will have achieved your

    goal in your goal affirmation. We will talk about this in more detail later.

    I am walking four days a week for thirty minutes by Dec 31st

    I am living in my brand new, 3 bedroomed apartment in Greenwich Village in

    New York by Dec 31st 2015.

    (Adding a date is also the first 'T' in the Smartest Goals Formula . As so many

    of you already know this, I am mentioning this in step one).

    8. Add a phrase to the end of your goal affirmation that connects you to the

    wider world and removes the focus away from your ego!

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    To do this life coach Michael Neill suggests you add one of the following

    phrases to your goal: a part of my wonderful life.

    ...and enjoy the process.

    ...for myself and others.

    ...for the highest good of all concerned. a natural consequence of living my highest values.

    So for e.g.:

    I am earning $100,000 a year by Dec 31st 2012 as a part of my wonderful


    I am weighing X kilos and fitting into size X clothes by April 2011 and

    enjoying the process.

    I am running an evening class on meditation once a week by Sept 2011 for

    myself and others.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    This guideline is optional. Many people however report that it makes all the

    difference in the world to them

    When you bear these eight guidelines in mind you will easily create a terrific

    summary of your goal and will be ready for step two of the Smartest goal formula

    Example - Wendy's 'weight loss' goal.

    Wendy is forty two years of age. She wants to lose weight but has found it difficult. I

    am going to show you how she created an effective goal plan for herself using the

    Smartest Goals Formula

    She's been telling herself that she wants to lose weight for quite some time. It's not

    difficult to understand if that's what she's been saying why it hasn't happened for


    Now though, things are different. She has created a Smart goal summary for herself.

    It's this.

    I am weighing 140lbs. I am wearing size 12 clothes. I am feeling healthy and I think I

    look fantastic.

    We will follow Wendy as she works through all the steps of the Smartest Goals



  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Now select one of YOUR goals. In order to create a goal affirmation for your goal, write down a sentence or two that summarises it in specific terms.

    Make sure you include the following criteria : starts with 'I ', is in the present

    tense, is positive, specific, in context and motivating

    Think of the who... the how... the what... the where... the with

    whom...and the when.)

    Review all of the goal statement criteria above to help you.

    Eg I am (the who) happily playing 15 minutes (the how) on the piano (the what) at

    home (the where) four times a week by February 30th(the when).

    Excellent! Once you have done this you have now completed the first step of the

    Smartest Goals Formula

    Your goals is now:



    It's quite ok to just do your best here. Move on to step 2 of the formula. It will

    considerable refine your thinking. You can then come back and add to or revise

    your goal affirmation.

    I often start with the next step, the M of Smartest Goals and then do the S

    as the second and not the first step. This is always fine too.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    6.2: Step 2 - Determine your MEASURES of Success

    A goal properly set is halfway reached.

    Abraham Lincoln

    The second step in the Smartest Goal Formula is to define the measures for your goal. Your goal must be MEASURABLE. Measures are the sensory based pieces of evidence that will allow you (and others) to know when your goal has been reached. They are what you will see, hear and feel when your goal is achieved. To define your measures you must ask yourself How will I know when I have achieved this goal? ' Then write a list of

    What you will see... What you will hear... How you will feel... As you do this you will be sketching in the details of your goal. Your goal will be becoming less and less abstract and your chances of success increasing step by step. To illustrate let's return to Wendys weight loss' example. Here is her goal affirmation: I am weighing 140lbs. I am wearing size 12 clothes. I am feeling healthy and I think I look fantastic. But what could be the measures?

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    Here are some possibilities: What I will see:

    I weigh X lbs when I stand on the scales.

    I fit into size X clothes.

    I fit into those favourite designer jeans I bought 3 years ago and hardly wore!

    I walk X times a week.

    I am a member of the local gym.

    My cholesterol level is X.

    My BMI index score is X.

    My kitchen fridge and cupboards are full of healthy foods only.

    I am eating healthy foods at every meal.

    What I will hear:

    My inner voice saying 'I look great!'

    My partner, family and friends saying 'Well done, you've lost weight haven't you!'

    What I will feel:


    Energised and positive about life


    Proud of myself

    There are of course many possible measures. Whichever you select they are all vital markers on the pathway to successfully completing your goal.

    There are three key reasons why clarifying the measures for your goal is absolutely fundamental to your success. These are:

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    1. If you don't define what it is you want, you just won't get it.

    2. You have to have a way to know that you are on track so that you can measure your progress.

    3. Clarity creates focus. Focus creates motivation. And motivation creates results!

    Most people don't have a way of knowing when they will have reached their goals because their goals are too vague.

    As a result they don't experience the tremendous satisfaction that comes from achieving goals.

    They may work all their lives to be 'successful' or 'rich' or 'happy' but without knowing what it is they will see, hear or feel they may never actually get to feel that way.

    What can't be measured can't be managed. And what can't be managed can't be achieved.


    Take whatever time you need to identify the measures for your goal success.

    Research the measures others have already used to help them achieve similar goals

    Don't make all your measures too far off into the future. Include some shorter term measures too so that you get to experience the tremendous satisfaction of achieving them along the way.


    Taking the goal you attempted to summarize in the last chapter it is now time to decide on the measures for success for your own goal. To do this, write down your answers to the following questions:

    What will you see?

    How will you feel?

    What will you hear?

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals



    Great now you have completed the first two steps of the Smartest Goal Formula.

    Your goal is:

    Specific and


    You may now want to go back to step one, your specific goal sentence and add to it

    or refine it as necessary. Make sure your goal sentence now states exactly what you

    want and that it is really motivating for you.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    6.3: Step 3 - Ensure your Goal is ACHIEVABLE

    Go put your creed into your deed. Ralph Waldo Emerson

    The third step in the Smartest Goals Formula is to make sure your goal is actually ACHIEVABLE. If anything this is a kind of reality check. Ensuring your goal is achievable involves asking yourself questions about three things: I call it the BCC check! 1.Your degree of Control in achieving the goal 2.Your Beliefs about the goal 3.The level of Challenge the goal represents Let's take this one by one: Question 1. What is your degree of control in achieving your goal? Once you have summarised your goal and determined your measures of success, you must ask yourself the question: Is this goal within my control? If your answer to this question is 'yes', then you can proceed to the next question. If your answer is 'no', then you must return right back to step 1 of the Smartest Goals Formula and reword or revise your goal affirmation. What exactly is meant by this? Well, a condition of effective goal setting is that the goal must be within your control. In other words YOU must be able to achieve it. The problem is that people often set themselves up for failure by setting goals that rely on other people to get them.

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    Goals such as My partner is... My boss is... My kids will... My neighbour will... etc. If you set a goal in these terms, the only way youre likely to succeed is through a change in the behaviour of these other people. These 'other' people will need to do certain things, or indeed not do certain things, in order for you to reach your goal. That is a big asking... it is unlikely... and it will leave you in a vulnerable position. By contrast, when you set a goal that you are in control of using the word I, you put yourself in a position of power and radically increase your chances of success. Here are some examples of what I mean: The goal is outside of your control when you say: My son's bedroom is tidy. The goal is within your control when you say: I will take 5 minutes every day to help tidy my son's bedroom. The goal is outside of your control when you say: My boss treats me with respect. The goal is within your control when you say: I am feeling confidant and tell myself 'keep your head held high' whenever I am working directly with my boss When you ask yourself what is it that 'I' can do or experience, you are putting yourself in control of your goal. Steve and Connirae Andreas, two of the world's top NLP experts, summarise this by saying that it is vital that the goal is stated in a way that means you can get it yourself no matter what other people do. And it is vital. So ensuring the goal is within your control is a fundamental part of the Smartest Goals Formula. Next you should consider:

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Question 2: What are your beliefs about your goal? NLP research shows successful people share four common beliefs when they set goals.

    They truly 'want' to achieve the goal. They believe the goal is 'possible' i.e. its a realistic goal. They believe the goal is 'possible' and that they personally are capable of achieving it. (Again it is realistic).

    They believe they 'deserve' to achieve the goal. Wanting your goal is fundamental to success. If you have goals that you have not achieved, it could be that you never really wanted them in the first place. Believing that your goal is possible is also fundamental to the success of your goal. If you have goals that have fallen by the wayside it could be that you experienced 'hopelessness' that state where you just did not believe the goal itself was possible. In addition to believing your goal is possible, you must believe that you personally have what it takes to do it. Some of your past goals may have already failed as a result of feelings of 'helplessness'. You also have to believe that you deserve to succeed with your goal. Some of your goals may never have materialised because you felt 'unworthy', you didn't believe that you truly deserved them. ( I know, this may sound strange to you). So, take time to ask yourself:

    Do you want your goal? Do you believe your goal is possible? Do you believe you have what it takes to achieve your goal? Do you believe you deserve your goal? I If at this stage you can answer 'yes' to all of these questions, you can stop and congratulate yourself. This is a cause for celebration. You have radically reduced the likelihood of failure and your thinking is now well ahead of the vast majority of people who are setting goals. If you answer 'no' to each of these questions you need to return to step 1 of the Smartest Goals Formula and revise your goal affirmation entirely. In the same way

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    that having the above beliefs will empower you to success, lacking the above beliefs will impede and undermine you. Question 3: What is the level of challenge the goal represents? When it comes to the level of challenge your goal represents, the critical questions to ask yourself are:

    Is this goal so easy it will be difficult for me to motivate myself to do it?

    Is this goal so big I will struggle to achieve it?

    Does this goal both stretch and inspire me? If the goal is too small or too big, OR if your goal does not challenge you a little and inspire you a lot, you may want to return to step 1 of setting your smartest goal and rethink and revise your goal affirmation. You can easily assess the level of challenge your goal represents by placing it into one of the following four categories: 1. Not challenging and not important 2. Not challenging but important 3. Challenging but not important 4. Challenging and important When you are challenged and inspired by your goal, and consider it to be important too, you will be all the more motivated to achieve it. Returning to Wendy's 'weight loss' goal, here is what she concluded:

    Yes, this is within my control.

    Yes, I want it, I believe it is possible, and I think I deserve it.

    Yes, it is a stretching and challenging goal for me.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Tips: Checking whether your goal is achievable or not is a simple process. Explaining the process though may have made it sound a lot more complex than it is! Just answer the three questions below and you will have achieved this step perfectly!


    Taking the goal you have summarized and measured, it is now time to check if your goal is achievable. To do this, write your answers to the following three questions:

    Is this goal within your CONTROL or influence to achieve?

    Beliefs - Do you truly want this goal? Do you believe its possible realistic?

    Do you think you deserve it?

    Is it stretching and motivating for you?

    Make sure you answer yes to all these questions.

    Great now you have completed the first three steps of the Smartest Goals


    Your goal is now:


    Measurable and


    In the most popular version of Smart goals the a stands for attainable and the r

    stands for realistic. In the Smartest Goals Formula the question of whether your

    goal is realistic or not is present when you ask yourself one of the fundamental

    questions behind all success Do you believe this is possible. If you dont believe

    your goal is possible then it is not realistic to you.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    6.4: Step 4 - Clarify the REASONS for Your Goal

    Great minds have purposes. Others have dreams. Washington Irving

    The fourth step of the Smartest Goals Formula is where you define the reasons why you want your goal. Your goal needs to be REASONED. It's a simple process. To clarify your reasons, you should ask yourself two key questions:

    Why do I want this goal? (What will this goal do for me?)

    What will my achieving this goal do for others? It is relatively straightforward writing down why you want your goal, but most people never take the time to do this. Here are the reasons why Wendy wants to lose weight. As you will see they are powerful and motivating drivers for her. To:

    Regain my self esteem and believe in myself again

    Enjoy knowing I'm at my ideal weight

    Feel and look a lot healthier

    Have a great sense of accomplishment

    Be able to fit into some of my favourite clothes again

    Be able to enjoy clothes shopping again

    Look good to my partner and family

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Be able to play football with my children

    So why should you stop and define the reasons behind your goal? There are four main answers to this question. 1) So that you can unearth what it is that is truly motivating you. Most people dive straight into action without ever fully clarifying why they are doing what they are doing. You must identify what you stand to gain from your goal. The more reasons you have and the better those reasons are the more likely you are to achieve them. 2) So that you can accelerate your energy, commitment and motivation to achieve your goal. Your 'whys are the unconscious and conscious driving forces behind your goal. The more conscious you are of them, the greater will be your energy and motivation to do whatever it takes to achieve your goal. Think of your reasons as your energy supply! 3) So that you can get clear on the benefits that other people stand to gain as a result of you achieving your goal. Others may benefit from your goal too. The more aware you are of what it is you are adding to the lives of others, the more motivated you will be to do so. 4) So that you can increase your ability to communicate your goal clearly to others. Goals are rarely achieved in isolation. In most instances you will need to engage the help of other people. The more clearly you are able to communicate what your goal is, and more importantly, what benefits achieving this goal will bring to others, the easier it will be to get people on board to support and help you.

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    In order to understand why others may benefit, you may find it useful to first define who these important others are.

    Your partner, your family, your friends, your neighbours, your work colleagues, your community, the world? The benefits to each may well be different. In business terms these others are often described as 'stakeholders'. It is common practise for high achieving executives to spend many hours, if not weeks, thinking about what the benefits of achieving a business goal might be to each of its stakeholders. They do this as part of the business planning process, before they take action and so should you! Make knowing why part of your goal planning process too. Assignment:

    Taking YOUR own goal, now write down the reasons why you want to achieve it.

    To do this, write your answer to the following question:

    What are your key reasons for achieving this goal? (Think of this in two ways-

    What will be the benefits to you? And what will be the benefits to others?)

    Done that? Great you have just completed the first four steps of the Smartest Goals


    Your goal is now:



    Achievable and


  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    6.5: Step 5 - Set Your TIMING

    Goals are dreams with deadlines. Diana Scharf Hunt

    The fifth step of the Smartest Goals Formula is where you decide on the timing, or completion date, for your goal. Your goal must be TIMED. All you need to do is to ask yourself what is the day, month and year by which you would like to have achieved your goal. For example: by December 31st 2012 Once you have done this, return to step 1 of the Smartest Goals Formula where you created your goal affirmation and add the date to the end of that sentence. Returning to Wendy's 'weight loss' example here is her goal affirmation.

    I am weighing 140lbs, I am wearing size 12 clothes and I am going walking three times a week by Dec. 31st 2011.

    Here's why you must do this: 1) So that you have a deadline. You must have a cut off point a date by which you will know that you either have or haven't achieved your goal. 2) So that you get started! When you don't have a date to work towards, you can easily avoid getting started and not follow through at all. 3) So that you can increase your motivation. There is nothing like having a deadline to motivate you to do whatever it takes to achieve your goal and to keep up the necessary momentum throughout the entire process. 4) So that you can set your unconscious mind in motion. When you have given yourself a clear target to work towards, your unconscious mind goes to work to help you spot the very resources and opportunities you need to achieve your goal on time. 5) So that you can celebrate! Your completion date is also your celebration date. You

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    will have put lots of work into achieving your goal so you deserve to go on out and celebrate your success in whatever small or big way you want. Tips:

    The sooner you set the date the better. A deadline which is six months away is not as motivating as a deadline which is only three months away.

    Share your target date with others. This will doubly increase your motivation to do whatever it takes to honour that date.

    Don't be afraid to move your deadline if necessary. As you get working on your goal, you will have even more information available to you about what it is that is required to reach it. If the goal is more complicated than you realised you may need to extend the deadline.

    Likewise, if simpler, you can bring it forward...

    Assignment: It is now time to make sure your goal is timed. To do this, write your answer to the following questions:

    By when do you want to have achieved your goal? By what day, what month,

    what year?

    Done that?

    Great! Now you have completed five steps of the Smartest Goals Formula -

    Your goal is now:




    Reasoned and


  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    6.6: Step 6 - Conduct Your ECOLOGY Check

    Wisdom comes from experience, but experience alone is not enough. Experience anticipated and experience revisited is the true source of wisdom.

    John Grinder You will have heard of many people who have achieved great success in some area of their lives. But you may also have heard about the great price they paid to do so. Achieving goals can often come at a high price. It can leave in its wake:

    Broken relationships Deteriorating health Not being around when your kids are growing up Postponing the enjoyment of life... None of which were ever imagined when the goal was set in the first place.

    So Step 6 of the SmartEst Goals Formula is an ecology check. This is where you assess what, if any, negative effects might arise as a result of you working on or achieving your goal. This is to make sure your final goal is ECOLOGICAL. Remember, when you set a goal and start to take action on it theres always a ripple effect. This is because you are part of a wider system and as YOU change, the people who are part of this wider system, are often affected in some way. In Step 4 you clarified your reasons, the advantages of achieving your goal. In doing so you were conducting a positive ecology check. Now in Step 6 you must carry out a negative ecology check by asking yourself the opposite: Are there any downsides (or disadvantages) to achieving my goal, either to myself or to the others in the wider system of which I am part?

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    One way of doing this is to write a list identifying the 'others' in your system. When you have this list write against each name any disadvantages that you can think of. E.g. 'Others' Potential downsides of achieving this goal Partner ................................................................... Kids ................................................................... Wider family ................................................................... Friends ................................................................... Local Community ................................................................... Country ................................................................... Wider world ................................................................... To illustrate, let's return to Wendy's 'weight loss' goal example:

    What are the possible downsides of setting and achieving my goal? (Think of this in two ways the downsides to you and the downsides to others.)

    This is what Wendy wrote:

    My food bill will rise as I buy healthier food

    Possible family objections at absence of junk food in cupboards

    Will need to spend extra time preparing healthy food in the kitchen

    Additional expenses of gym membership and new training shoes

    Cost of new smaller clothes

    My family will see less of me when I'm at the gym or out walking

    I'll be spending less of my 'free' time with my partner

    And because these issues were identified and anticipated, Wendy was able to address them one by one.

    Here are the reasons why you should always conduct this kind of ecology check on your goal.

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    You will be training yourself to step outside of yourself and look at the world from the perspective of other people this is a vital life skill, not just for goal setting but for all situations in life.

    You will be identifying the possible downsides to achieving your goal; most people just let them unfold over time.

    In identifying any possible downsides:

    You can then prepare for them

    Ask yourself what you need to do differently to avoid them

    You may find all you need to do is include some people in advance

    You may decide your goal is not at all viable and hence avoid wasting all your time, effort and money on it

    Whatever your analysis throws up, when you conduct an ecology check on your goals before you take any action, you can anticipate and avoid issues that could have emerged once you got started. Tips:

    In addition to asking yourself what are the possible downsides to working on or achieving your goal, you may like to meet with and directly discuss this with the people who you think might be the most affected.


    It is now time to carry out an ecology check on YOUR own goal. To do this, write your answer to the following question:

    What are the possible downsides of setting and achieving my goal? (Think of this in two ways the downsides to you and the downsides to others.)

    Done that? Great - now you have completed the first six steps of the Smartest Goals


  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Your goal is now:





    Timed and


  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    6.7 Step 7 - Plan Your STEPS

    It is not enough to take steps which may someday lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise


    Step seven in the SmarteSt Goals Formula is where you write down the steps you are going to take to turn your goal into your reality. These steps will form your action plan. Up to now you have been the dreamer and thinker. Now it is time to become a planner. There are many different words used to describe this stage of goal setting. A list of steps, an action plan, a development plan, objectives, sub goals... Personally I like to think of 'a step' as 'a sub goal '. This is for two reasons: Firstly, because as you are breaking down your 'big' goal into smaller and smaller steps you are creating mini or sub goals. And secondly, because some of the steps that you will list will themselves be 'big'. As such the best way to deal with them is to take them one by one and use the Smartest Goals Formula to also think them through in detail. (Businesses are particularly adept at doing this. In businesses, teams of people receive the 'big' goals and are responsible for breaking them down into smaller more manageable sub goals so that they can make it happen.) Let's go back to Wendy's 'weight loss' example. Her specific goal affirmation is:

    I am weighing 140lbs. I am wearing size 12 clothes. I am walking three times a week by December 31st 2011.

    Now she creates the series of steps to achieve her goal. This is what she writes:

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Commit to partner and two friends that I will achieve the above goal

    Plan how much I want to lose each week

    Join Weight Watchers

    Throw all unhealthy food out of kitchen

    Restock kitchen with healthy foods

    Remove sugar from my diet

    Take healthy lunches to work prepare the night before

    Say 'no' to coffee, tea, chocolate etc.

    Drink 8 glasses of water a day

    Say 'yes' to smoothies, fruit, nuts, salads etc.

    Sign up with best local gym

    Find a walking buddy

    Buy a diary to record food, exercise and feelings daily

    In creating her list suddenly things become a lot clearer. A clear set of steps, her action plan, is formed.

    Here are the eight key reasons why writing down a list of action steps and developing a plan of action are vital to your goal setting success. 1) First it will force you to get really focussed and clear about what it is you are going to do. 2) It will also test your resolve and commitment to your goal. Once you begin to see what it will take you may back down, on the other hand you may feel more determined than ever. 3) It will draw the best out of you - challenging you to think both logically and creatively. 4) It will narrow down your options; there are so many ways that you could reach your goal. 5) You will have a blueprint for action before you even take a single step.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    6) You will find it easier to communicate your plans to both yourself and all others involved or affected. 7) You will have a firm foundation you can build and develop over time. 8) At some point in the future you will be able to look back on your initial plan and see just how much progress you have made. Tips: When you are thinking about the steps you need to take, you may find it helpful to ask yourself the following questions:

    What new skills, if any, do I need?

    What do I need to do?

    Where do I need to go?

    Who do I need to talk to?

    What else do I need to believe? There is no such thing as the perfect plan. Just start by listing the action steps or sub goals that you know you need to take. As you make progress towards your goals, new information and ideas and people will come your way to help you. As they do, your plans will change and you will adapt to them as necessary. Welcome that stage. It's so exciting! It's called progress...


    It is now time to make sure your own goal is stepped. To do this, write your answer to the following simple question:

    What are the steps you will take to achieve your goal?

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    Done that? Great - now you have completed the seven steps of the Smartest Goals


    Your goal is now:






    Ecological and


    Now for the last part of the formula......

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    6.8 Step 8 - List Your TOOLS & RESOURCES Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when

    we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives. Tony Robbins

    The eighth and final step of the SmartesT Goal Formula is to consider what the tools and resources are that you will need to achieve your goal. You could just go ahead and list these but, if you want to be really thorough, I recommend you read on and learn to ask yourself the following questions. There are basically two types of resources:

    Physical resources Inner resources Physical resources include tangible things such as money, equipment, people, etc... Inner resources include intangible things such as knowledge, skills, beliefs, courage, confidence, etc... You must consider each of the above resources one by one and ask yourself:

    What resources do I already have that will help me achieve this goal? Then:

    What resources do I need to help me achieve this goal? When you have answered each of these questions you will have identified resources that you won't even have thought about resources that you can call upon to fast track the achievement of your goal from the outset. Lets return to Wendy's 'weight loss' goal example in order to illustrate.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    Here's what she wrote: Physical resources: The physical resources I already have to achieve this goal are:

    My partner and friends

    Excellent healthy food shops nearby

    My local gym

    Local walking trails and my dog

    My favourite 'too small for me designer jeans'

    My healthy recipe books, my juicing book and my local bookshop

    My computer and the internet

    Proven diets etc.

    The physical resources I need to achieve this goal are:

    A juicer

    New walking shoes

    A fridge and kitchen cupboard stocked with healthy food

    Inner Resources:

    The inner resources I already have to help me achieve this goal are:

    I am motivated

    I am excited

    I am determined

    The inner resources that I need to help me achieve this goal are:

    Good time management

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    The ability to say 'no'

    110% commitment

    Get the idea?

    Here's why tools and resources are part of the Smartest Goals Formula:

    You will need them! So the earlier you can identify exactly what you need the better!

    Identifying what you need makes it easier to just go and get it.

    Identifying what you need upfront will save you considerable time in the long run.

    You may realise that you are already far better equipped to reach your goal than you may have thought

    Your confidence to achieve your goal is higher


    Take time to do this. Don't skimp. You will think of all sorts of excellent resources that you can immediately use - resources that you would not otherwise have considered.


    It is now time to make sure your goal is Tooled and Resourced. To do this, write your answers to the following four questions:


    What external tools & resources do you already have to help you achieve this


    What external tools & resources do you need to help you achieve this goal?


  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals



    What inner resources do you already have to help you achieve this goal?

    What inner resources do you need to help you achieve this goal?

    Done that? Great - now you have completed all eight steps of the Smartest Goals


    Your goal is now:








    Tooled and Resourced!

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    7.0: Pulling It All Together Worksheet and Examples

    Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones weve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

    Barack Obama

    By now you:

    Understand the importance of setting goals

    Know why the Smartest Goals Formula is such a powerful framework for goal setting

    Have learned how to take each step in the formula and

    Have applied each step to one goal of your own That's great progress. On the following three pages you will see the Smartest Goals Formula in its entirety. First you will:

    See the Smartest Goals Formula worksheet in one glance complete with all eight steps and all the appropriate questions you will need to ask yourself.

    Then you can read:

    Wendys completed 'Weight Loss' worksheet And to help you grasp the formula even better I have included

    An additional complete example - ' Buying The House Of My Dreams' Both of these examples will enable you to see just how easy it is to work through the Smartest Goals Formula and just how powerful the formula is at pulling together the questions that lie behind goal setting excellence.

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals



    Print out the Smartest Goals Formula worksheet and carry it around with you. It will prompt you to think very clearly about all your goals big and small.

    When you are thinking about an important goal take the time, as many of my clients do, to write or type your answers to each question directly onto the worksheet.

    In this way you will end up with a succinct way of summarising your goal (just like the 'weight loss' and house buying' examples). This clarity will come in to be very useful in your journey towards success...

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    7.1 Smartest Goals Formula - WORKSHEET

    S Specific Summary Of Your Goal

    (A sentence or two that summarizes your goal. ( NB: 'I ', present tense, positive, specific and motivating).

    eg I am (the who) joyfully practising (the how) the piano (the what) at home (the where) for 30 minutes

    three times a week by February 30th

    2011 (the when).

    I am.....

    M Measurable

    (Your measurable evidence - how you will know you have achieved your goal).

    What will you see?

    How will you feel?

    What will you hear?

    (When you have completed this step you may want to return to step one to improve your goal summary and

    make it even more specific).

    A Achievable

    Is this goal within your control or influence to achieve? Yes/No (If No - return to step 1 and revise your


    Do you truly want this goal? Yes/No

    Believe its possible? Yes/No

    Think you deserve it? Yes/No

    Is it stretching and motivating for you? Yes/No

    (If you answer No to these questions you need to return to the beginning and revise your goal).



    (The whys behind your goal).

    What are your main reasons for achieving this goal? (Benefits to you. Benefits to others.)

  • Smartest Goals Formula How High Achievers Set Their Goals


    T Timed

    By when do you want to have achieved this goal the day, the month, the

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