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ISSUE 9 • MAY 2018

How your body is built for birthWhat makes your vagina magicHow caulophyllum can help you in labour

The dangers of dicing with your

due date

Check out

Eatingfor two is

as easy as1, 2, 3!

Can C-section be more natural?

Breathe better during birthCreate a stimulating andsafe space for BabyBeat the baby blues

How to

contents Sister Lilian's message

Dear Sister Lilian…Answers to your questions about struggling to fall pregnant, carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy and headache after epidurals

The reason is simple, really. There is so much poor advice out there! It's sometimes less easy to nd really helpful, practical, caring advice based on a natural approach. Since 1988, the Sister Lilian Centre has worked to improve pregnancy, birth, babycare and family health with three very strong focal points: nature, knowledge and experience. While we will always work towards getting the world back into the orbit of more natural ways, we can assure you that we turn no parent away, no matter their birth and parenting choices! Our mission is to help, not deprive or harm, every single parent and child, so feel free to use our many online resources.




What's natural about C-section? Your magic vagina Here's to tea tree oil!


early days

Becoming you baby's skincare specialistBeating the baby blues19

Do you wonder why ePregnancy has so much about natural birth, breastfeeding and natural health?

Sister Lilian's message

ePregnancy Issue 9 • May 2018

belly talk

Easy eating for twoBaby spaceStretch mark solutions All bunged up! Dicing with you due date





your birth

Built for birthBirth breathing made easyWater babies Caullopha … what?Did you know these five things about C-sections?





9 12

Sub-editing Kelly Norwood-Young, Hello Hello



Design Gretchen Chamberlain, UltraDesign






Many couples who think they are living healthily can still make some very basic lifestyle adjustments to aid fertility. Studies increasingly suggest a link between the effects of rened carbohydrates and sugary foods on insulin and glucose metabolism, which in turn affect fertility. Cutting down on these foods in both your diets could help! Regular exercise also helps address many imbalances in the body.

A wrist splint relieves symptoms for manypregnant women, as does gentle uiddrainage massage away from the ngers andtowards the heart, while the affected hand is elevated. It's important that it is treated because it can persist after birth and cause you to not be able to hold your baby securely. If these tips don't help, get further medical help.

Post-epidural headache mostly only occurs if there has been an unintentional puncture of the membranes surrounding the spinal cord. The risk of this happening isn't huge but if it does, there's a 50% chance of suffering from those headaches, and quite a number of other adverse effects. I'm more concerned that you believe birth will be too painful for you to handle. Spend some time discovering just how cleverly Mother Nature designed you with an eye to easier birth. In fact, we have an article on this topic on page 13! You can do a lot to make sure you have a good experience that isn't overly painful. Anxiety itself is one of the main causes of more severe labour pain, as it makes you tense your pelvic muscles. It also disrupts the hormones that balance contractions with rest periods and lessen the severity of contraction pain. Use your pregnancy to learn how to let go of this anxiety and you can be one of the many women who are empowered by birth, rather than disempowered by the fear of it.

We've been struggling for so long

to conceive and nothing seems

to be medically wrong with either

my husband or me. What else

could it be? Norma Jane

I have carpal tunnel syndrome – do

you have any tips to help? Marilet

I've heard so much about headaches

after an epidural for labour, and I'm

not sure what I should fear most –

the pain of labour, or the possible

headaches after my epidural. Tumi


ePregnancy Issue 9 • May 2018


for twoEasy eating

belly talk

ating healthily is supposed to be easy, because when it comes to illness, energy,

growth and development, Mother Nature intended nutrition to be the core of prevention, maintenance and cure.

Seven simple steps to eating rightOf course you should care about what you eat, and you shouldn't ignore all advice you're given. But you also shouldn't be anxious about pregnancy nutrition. You have two powerful allies to help you eat like you should during pregnancy – instinct and Mother Nature's bountiful pantry. These seven principles are your safe nutrition guide:

1. Eat more plant foods and fewer animal foodsPlant foods include fruit, vegetables, pulses, legumes, nuts, seeds and grains. These should form the bulk of your diet. Not only are animal foods linked to increased disease patterns, animals are often reared using antibiotics and synthetic hormones that you will ingest. Slaughtering procedures cause a rush of adrenaline and cortisol in the animal and these hormones are retained in the esh and may inuence your pregnancy and birth hormones adversely. If you do eat animal produce, choose medication-free, free-range and organic options.


2. Include foods from all the vibrant colours nature providesThis is what most people would do if attuned to their instincts and interestingly, this is nature's way of ensuring you get all the different nutrients you need – so eat with your eyes!

3. Keep meals simpleBalance need not be in each and every meal but can be achieved over the course of a day or even a week. Don't use too many ingredients at the same time and your digestion will work more efciently.

4. Reduce or preferably avoid food additivesBasically, this means that you should eat as few processed, rened, preserved and avour-enhanced foods as possible.

5. An occasional lapse won't harm you or BabyIf you eat healthily most of the time, enjoying an occasional treat will be put in perspective by your body.

6. Don't eat for two but also avoid fastingSimply follow your appetite when it comes to quantity, as long as it is for healthy foods. Many expectant women prefer smaller, more frequent meals, which sustain them throughout the day while keeping them feeling comfortable. Fasting is not advisable at any stage of pregnancy, both for Baby and Mom. As a result, religions that practise fasting mostly make provision for partial abstinence.

7. Don't drink large amounts with mealsThis hampers digestion because enzyme-containing juices are diluted. In effect, your food will not be utilised optimally and you will be more likely to suffer from indigestion.

If you're confused about your nutritional needs in pregnancy, you may be paying too much heed to the mixed messages in the media, from health professionals and given to you by friends and family!

Continued on page 7

ePregnancy Issue 9 • May 2018

belly talk

Nutrient know-how in pregnancyWhile a good quality supplement is usually advised, a balanced diet is possible if you mostly eat healthily. So, you don't need to understand the science of nutrition, though you may nd it interesting. There are two main nutrient groups - macronutrients and micronutrients.

Macronutrients are proteins, carbohydrates and fats and need to be eaten in the correct proportions. To help you achieve this, eat most of number 1 and least of number 8, whether pregnant or not. Vegans and vegetarians should drop points 6 and/or 7.

Whole fruit – seasonal, raw, not always juiced; veggies like tomatoes, marrows and cucumbers are fruitsRaw salads – start each main meal with a fresh, mixed saladVegetables – lightly cooked or steamed is bestPulses, legumes and beans – peas, lentils, chickpeas and most bean varieties supply quality proteinGrains – as unrened as possible so that the glycaemic index is low; include non-wheat grains like barley, millet, rye, sorghum, maize, spelt, quinoa and riceMeat, poultry, sh and eggs – choose free-range produce without hormones and avoid processed meatsDairy products – reduce the overall quantity in your diet and choose those free of hormones, articial sweeteners, colourants and preservativesFats and oils – restrict but don't avoid, making sure you select good quality, virgin, cold-pressed oils

Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals found in food in small but sufcient quantities, essential to develop and function healthily. Deciency can cause serious health problems.

Some important vitamins are:Vitamin A – for the metabolism of essential fatty acids and a healthy digestive tract, lungs and mucous membranes (avoid large doses as these may be associated with birth defects)Vitamin B2 – for energy metabolism, and for growth and development of body tissues in Mom and BabyVitamin B6 – for the growth of new body tissue in Mom and Baby, and to help treat nauseaVitamin B12 – for division of blood cells and to help prevent anaemiaFolic acid – for healthy neural tube development in Baby

Some important minerals are:Iron – for strong body tissues, optimal oxygenation and countering infectionsCalcium – for healthy muscles, skin, bones and teeth, and the prevention of eclampsia and cardio-vascular diseaseMagnesium – works with calcium, and prevents spasmsZinc – for healthy formation of DNA and body tissue, and healthy immune system developmentIodine – essential for production of thyroid hormones in Mom and Baby, and important for normal development; may also help prevent pre-eclampsia



3. 4.





Continued on page 8


Foods to avoidSome foods are associated with increased allergy risk, toxic bacteria or excessive discomfort to an expectant mom, so you'd do well to avoid or reduce these six:

Allergy-risk foods like dairy products, rened grain products (breads, pasta, cakes and biscuits), shellsh, egg, and peanuts Exotic mushrooms, onions or garlic in excess Tree and ground nuts – though preservatives or rancid produce is the real problemAnimal food pâtés and processed meats like polony Blue-veined and aged soft cheeses Dry meat products like biltong

Controlling cravingsWhen you're pregnant, you should heed the message of your cravings healthily. Feel like something sweet? Have a banana, or a date, jam-packed with necessary nutrients! Craving something savoury? Eat an avocado, or some olives. Eating smaller meals more often also helps to control cravings. Don't worry about strange food combinations (so long as they are healthy) or an aversion to foods you may have enjoyed previously – this is very common. If you have an inexplicable need to suck or chew ice constantly, it's probably because you feel much hotter in pregnancy – nothing to worry about. Sweet treats and sugary soda drinks interfere with your blood sugar levels and provide no positive nutrition, so rather avoid these – eat a sweet fruit instead! The impulse to lick, taste or eat abnormal substances like soil, ash, chalk and paint is called pica, and is a sign that you have a deciency of an important nutrient. Talk to your doctor about this, because it can be dangerous.


2. 3.


5. 6.

ePregnancy Issue 9 • May 2018

belly talk

n Baby's rst year, apart from layette essentials, she won't need much more than

safety, emotional security, and a stimulating environment. Plan Baby's nursery with three main considerations in mind.

Playing it safeThe room should be well-ventilated, but not draughty. Remember too that as Baby grows, curtains, cot drapes and mobiles could all be climbing hazards, or pose a choking threat. There is also the danger of your little one becoming entangled in these. Baby's cot should be painted with a lead-free product and preferably tted with a rm, new mattress and linen. Don't put a pillow in the cot, and keep the cot away from direct sunshine, windows, heaters and lamps. Baby‛s cot should also:

Be deep enough that your growing baby can't climb out Not have steps, or cut-outs in the headboard or footboard that could trap your baby's limbsHave a distance between each bar of no less than 2.5cm and no more than 5cm, to prevent your baby's head from slipping between the bars

Fostering a sense of securityParents are the main providers of love and emotional well-being but you can make the nursery back you up! Position the crib in such a way that your little one can see out the door. This way, when she does spend time in her own room, she'll feel less alone.


Baby spaceYour baby may not even spend that much time in the nursery in the early months, but it's still fun to create a beautiful space for your little one


Have a breastfeeding chair or rocker in the room so that you have a comfortable place to hold your baby – this will allow you both to feel relaxed and calm. A nightlight can help comfort Baby, and provide a gentle light for those late-night feeds.

Creating a stimulating environmentIt's important to remember that true stimulation can only come from loving, hands-on attention from Mom and Dad, but nursery décor can contribute! Colours can help achieve a stimulating environment, and also soothe a fretful baby. Be careful not to overdo things with colours. There are a few basic colour guidelines which are true for most babies:

Soothing colours in the nursery and home tend to work best for distressed babies who cry a lotEnlivening colours may help to stimulate placid babiesGreen is one of the most soothing colours which is why it's often used in high-anxiety places such as hospitals

Suspended mobile toys are not only a beautiful addition to a nursery; their movement can both stimulate and help to soothe a baby. Be guided by your little one's developmental stage and individual nature as you make your décor choices.

ePregnancy Issue 9 • May 2018


Stretch mark solutions

Stretch marks are mostly determined by genetics, but diet and hydration of the skin also play a role. Take the tissue salts Calc uor and Ferrum phos daily throughout pregnancy and apply a nourishing lotion or natural, vitamin E and A enriched tissue oil to help with skin elasticity and strength. After pregnancy, the stretch marks will fade considerably.

Often, obstetricians recommend inductions if a mother 'goes over her due date', before the baby is really ready to be born. Understanding how due dates work, and what 'term pregnancy' means, should put a stop to causing unnecessary premature birth, and all the knock-on implications of this unfortunate outcome. Historically, women just went with the ow until they went into labour. Later, greater understanding of the menstrual, hormonal and pregnancy cycles showed with some accuracy that the due date could be worked out using the rst day of the last menstrual period (LMP).

Dicing with your due date

As technology advanced and more research was done, it became clear that the most accurate estimated date is the one given at the early pregnancy sonar examination between 10 and 16 weeks. Interestingly, that date often correlates quite closely with the date deduced using the LMP. In medical jargon, a 'term pregnancy' (which means it's gone all the way to spontaneous labour around the time one would expect) occurs between 37–42 weeks. This means that there is up to a ve-week 'waiting' period, and that going over the 40-week mark is not 'overdue', as many women are led to believe. In addition, the latest evidence shows that the lowest adverse outcomes in newborns are found when birth takes place from 39 weeks to just short of 41 weeks. So, don't hurry along what should be awaited with excitement, but also patience!

All bunged up!Have you developed a cold, allergies like hay fever, or a sinus infection during pregnancy? Actually, it might just be a simple pregnancy niggle. Your blood and uid levels increase drastically during pregnancy and this makes all your membranes puffy. It's particularly noticeable in the nasal area because there isn't much space and the result is a blocked nose. To deal with this nasal congestion in pregnancy, use the tissue salts Nat mur and Nat sulph to help balance the uids in your body and drain excess excretions. Reduce mucus-producing foods such as dairy and grains and opt for healthier food sources of calcium and energy instead; and be patient – if nothing else helps, you'll simply have to live with it until birth when it will miraculously disappear!

ePregnancy Issue 9 • May 2018

A 'natural C-section' requires gathering vaginal bacteria from the mother on a swab to be rubbed into the mouth, over the nose, face and the whole body of the newborn; as well as allowing Baby to squeeze out of the abdominal incision once his head has been delivered. This is just a falsehood because Baby will need continuous prompting and guidance, and doesn't emerge as a result of womb action! In a 'natural C-section', Baby is placed on his mother's abdomen for immediate skin-to-skin contact, covered with a warm towel, and cord clamping is delayed. Baby is encouraged to root and self-attach to the breast, and is not separated from his mother for routine checks.

Incorporating these things into a C-section birth is of course good, but very few of them can replicate the benets of natural birth, and couples need to ask discriminating questions of their doctor. Giving birth is not a game of words, but a life experience that impacts hugely on future health and well-being.


What's natural about C-section?

Here's to tea tree oil!

Your magic vagina

Tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves of the tea tree. It must always be used as prescribed, as it's a very concentrated extract. There are many benets, including these ve:1. Supports the immune system in ghting many viral, bacterial and fungal infections2. Antiseptic properties, helping treat skin conditions and infections like abscesses, acne, blemishes, burn wounds, athlete's foot, cold sores, warts and dandruff 3. Helping to treat vaginal thrush, cystitis and genital infections4. Easing a cough or mucus congestion (add a few drops to your bathwater)5. As an all-purpose, non-toxic household cleaner (use two teaspoons of tea tree oil to 470ml of warm water)

The vagina is a self-cleaning organ, which uses discharge and the menstrual cycle to keep things in working order. It contains more bacteria than any other part of the body – except the bowel. These 'good' bacteria protect the vagina by helping keep its pH balanced, and producing naturally occurring antibiotics. Designed to help make and birth a baby, your vagina elongates during lovemaking and its copious folds expand hugely for childbirth. That's something to remember when you wonder just how you can possibly birth a baby! The vagina is also self-lubricating, easing the passage of sperm, and of your baby. During birth, the bacteria in your vagina are partly responsible for initiating Baby's immune system function, which will stand him in good stead for a long while. The vagina's strong but pliable walls squeeze Baby's skin during birth to help activate his touch receptors, and remove excess uid from the respiratory tract.


ePregnancy Issue 9 • May 2018

your birth

for birth

here is a vital link between the central nervous system, the emotions and the

endocrine system, which is most perfectly seen when a woman has a natural labour and birth experience, in response to her hormonal birth blueprint. Doing anything to disrupt this inherent link is tantamount to a builder not following the building plan specications of the architect, almost inevitably with complications lurking just around the corner.

Feeling at homeThe intricate balance between various hormones at play enables women to pace themselves in labour, keeping pain at a level that they can handle. This is one reason a woman feels so powerful if she has given good natural birth and why she forgets any labour discomfort relatively easily. If a series of interventions occur unnecessarily, a cycle of disempowerment begins; none of the hormones can function optimally and it is unlikely that a woman will have a good birth experience.

For the birth hormones to function optimally, a woman needs to feel private, safe and secure. Get that right in the early stages of labour and very little will interfere with the unfolding of an experience which is, after all, one of the most natural of life. If you're supported as you need, as opposed to being instructed on what to do as you labour and give birth, your body will automatically surrender to the overwhelming and instinctual process of your baby emerging from your uterus, through your birth canal, to the world outside.

The nuts and bolts of birthThe limbic system, also known as your instinctive brain, can override the thinking part of your brain that inhibits reexive behaviour – the neocortex. While modern man (and woman) often need their neocortical inhibitions, the downside is that instinctive bodily processes, like giving birth, can be negatively affected. But, you may protest, we live in modern times! Think of it like this: if you were in grave danger, and your ght or fright instincts weren't still functioning, you would have no inner recourse to avoid or tackle the danger. Limbic reexes may be ancient, but many are still necessary in the 21st century! Why allow yourself to be robbed of your limbic birth blueprint?


Every successful building project begins with a great plan, and birthing women are lucky to have their birth design

drawn by that grand architect, Mother Nature.


Continued on page 14



your birth

Continued on page 15

Brushing up on birth hormones If you trust your body, your labour hormones will make sure you have an amazing birth. Tap in to the power of these ve:

1. Oxytocin Also known as the hormone of love, oxytocin is released in pulses, which causes effective contractions to alternate with periods of rest. That's how it works if your labour is not disturbed by anxiety, too much talking, loud sounds and unnecessary medical procedures. Left to nature,

each rest period is totally able to renew your stamina for the next contraction. After birth, oxytocin helps to prevent abnormal bleeding, get breastfeeding started, and encourage bonding between mother and baby. Synthetic oxytocin, as given in an induction, inhibits your natural oxytocin release and leads to almost constant uterine pain between

contractions, making it difcult to avoid painkillers and interfering with the overall hormonal balance designed by Mother Nature to protect you and your baby.

2. Oestrogen and progesterone Oestrogen has many reproductive functions, but

also increases the amount of oxytocin receptors in your uterus, allowing it to generate effective contractions. During pregnancy, progesterone causes your ligaments to relax. This enables your pelvis to open during birth, so Baby can pass through more easily. Both these hormones also help with pain relief.

3. Beta-endorphin Beta-endorphin is a natural painkiller that keeps your contractions in check, slowing them down when needed, and keeping any discomfort at a level you can manage. After birth, it keeps

both you and Baby happy; it's in your breast milk, and is believed to help Baby adapt to

life outside the womb. 4. Catecholamines

These hormones (primarily adrenaline and noradrenalin) are produced in response to stress or the need for sustained energy. In a natural birth, catecholamines will peak just before you push Baby out, and you'll have a rush of energy

and strength, with strong contractions. This helps you to give birth more easily. Catecholamines also make sure that Baby is wide-eyed and alert when he meets you and takes on life outside of the womb, and protect your newborn's brain against low blood glucose.

5. Prolactin Prolactin, the hormone of tender mothering, rises steadily during pregnancy, declines during birth and then rises again steeply straight after birth. This surge gets you ready to bond with your baby, and for breast milk release. It reduces stress and, together with oxytocin, elevates your mood and keeps you calm. It will help you to put your baby's needs rst, and makes you want to nurture your child. Fathers often have increased levels too! Some studies show that prolactin plays an important role in the development of the newborn's brain, which could partly explain the higher IQ and more optimal brain development amongst breastfed babies.

ePregnancy Issue 9 • May 2018


your birth

Natural birth is in your hands tooMany concerns, anxieties and discomforts are experienced by women in the last weeks of pregnancy, making them vulnerable to suggestion that inducing birth a little early, using pain medication, undergoing medical routines like continuous electronic monitoring, or having a C-section would be preferable and harmless. You have to be personally invested to avoid your birth experience from being derailed for the wrong reasons.

Laying the groundwork It is best to allow Mother Nature to take her course toward the end of pregnancy, if all is well with you and your baby. Stick to regular check-ups to ensure that both you and Baby are doing well, but run all advice through your instinctive hormonal lters too. This process will be easier if you take these ve tips to heart:

Take courage, keep reminding yourself of your inherent limbic birth intelligence and have patience – soon you will be hugging your precious little bundle!Make sure you inform your caregivers during pregnancy and when you go into labour that you expect your body's hormonal blueprint to be respected and supported.Book a midwife delivery because this greatly ups your chances of a natural birth.Do all you can to relax, because delayed and slow labour is often caused by stress. The movement of your hip and pelvic bones as you walk will help 'massage' Baby into the best position for birth. Keep mobile in early labour, alternating with rest periods as your body requires. This will back-up your endocrine system.






ePregnancy Issue 9 • May 2018

your birth


Birth breathing

ow to breathe your way through contractions, and push your baby out

into the world, are inextricably linked in most antenatal teachers and expectant mothers' minds – wrongly, for the most part. Correct, conscious breathing will quieten your mind and help you to focus on the job at hand, ensuring an efcient and gentle labour. When it comes to the actual birth of your baby, your breath is just as powerful an instrument, used correctly. In fact, instead of pushing your baby out, you should really breathe him out! Follow these tips to keep yourself breathing easy during labour:

In early labour, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, at as normal a rate as possible. Lean slightly forward and support yourself on a chair or chest of drawers and as you breathe out, allow your body to 'crumple' a bit.As the contractions become more powerful, keep the speed of your breathing as normal as you can. Continue to breathe in through your nose, but breathe out a little more forcefully. Your lips should be slightly open and soft, and the out-going air should push them further apart.As rst stage progresses and you're having strong contractions, it's helpful to make a deep, lowing sound on each out-breath. This helps release the brain's natural painkillers. Don't make a high-pitched sound, as this will just make you more anxious.

H Between birth contractions take a few deep breaths to help you relax. As your breathing slows, close your eyes, stay calm and allow your involuntary breathing to continue normally.

Breathe, don't pushIf you're instructed to take and hold a breath when a contraction begins, pushing as hard and long as possible before gasping for your next breath, and you have to adhere to a rhythm set by the midwife or doctor, that's known as 'directed pushing'. This approach is outdated and potentially harmful to women, infants, and natural birth itself. Studies have since found that directed pushing does not shorten labour; instead, it:

Increases chances of perineal tears, episiotomies, post-birth urinary problems, and forceps or vacuum-assisted birthDecreases oxygen supply to Mother and Baby Limits blood ow to the placentaFatigues women

In spontaneous pushing, once fully dilated, you wait until you feel the urge to push. Instead of midwives telling you when and how to, you push whenever and however you like, based on your body‛s natural urges. You should keep breathing while pushing, not holding your breath for longer than six seconds at a time.

made easy

your birth

Caulophyllum thalictroides is one of the better known homeopathic labour remedies because a wide range of women can prot from its use. It is also known as blue cohosh and squaw root, the latter hinting of its North American origins. Caulophyllum, as it's mostly called, is used to relax a tight cervix in labour, decreasing the muscular effort needed to dilate, and consequently the duration and pain of labour. It can also help to relieve contractions that feel dagger-like, or seem to y in all directions and come and go, leading to ineffectual labour progress. Caulophyllum is ideally used daily from around 36 weeks of pregnancy to prepare the uterus for the work ahead, and once labour starts, a dose every half to one hour is helpful. Nausea in labour also responds well to caulophyllum. Most health stores and homeopaths can supply this remedy.

1. Caesarean birth is major abdominal surgery plus having a baby all wrapped up in one. That's quite a lot to face at one time, and afterwards, it‛s often painful for longer than a natural birth would have been!2. C-section rates peak before key holiday periods, like Easter, Christmas and other South African public holidays, though this is seldom given by doctors as the reason. 3. South Africa tops the world with a national C-section rate of between 50 and 70%.4. The next closest to South African rates is the USA at about 30%.5. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the maximum C-section rate should be 15%, no matter the economic or health prole of the country!

In a water birth, Baby is born into the water and then brought to the surface. Because of the soothing effects of the warm water, contractions are often less severe and labour can be much quicker. If you'd still like to have a 'dry' birth, you can use the water early in labour to ease the pain, and then get out once labour is more established. If water birth is done with an experienced professional and all of the proper protocols are followed, research shows that it is perfectly safe. Other advantages include:

The mom-to-be feeling more relaxed and having better coping skillsThe upright birth position letting gravity help you so you don't have to 'push uphill' like when you're lying on your backLess chance of you needing painkillers, an episiotomy, or any intervention

Caulophy … what?

Did you know these ve things about C-sections?


Water babies

ePregnancy Issue 9 • May 2018


ePregnancy Issue 10 • May 2018For more information, call 086 111 9462 or visit

early days

he skin is the largest organ of the body. The structure and function of a baby's skin

is more-or-less the same as an adult, but there the similarity stops. Babies' skin cells are smaller and the collagen bres are thinner, making their skin a lot more sensitive in the early weeks and months. What's more, the rate at which skin cell shedding occurs with babies is quite rapid, resulting in mothers often commenting on how small babies seem to have lots of aking, dry skin. Newborn skin has fewer lipids and less melanin, and is also more alkaline than adult skin. This accounts for a baby‛s less mature skin barrier and tendency to face minor skin problems more easily.

AquatotsBabies grow in a hydro-environment and their skins need to adapt to life in air after birth. Their skin in early months and years is more permeable and more prone to dryness. The ratio between a baby's skin surface area and volume or weight means that baby skin is more affected by topical products and sun exposure, and is more susceptible to possible dehydration. Infant skin is able to absorb more

water than adult skin but loses water at a faster rate too.

Essential early careThere are ve things every parent can do to help protect their baby's birthday suit:1. Do not immediately wash off all traces of the creamy vernix caseosa from your baby's skin after birth as it acts as an emollient against the dry external environment, helps conserve heat, and contributes toward the barrier effect of the skin.2. Don't give Baby a full bath every day in the rst month; rather using the top-and-tail method to protect Baby from chemicals in water and soaps. Calendula-enriched soap is best to use on sensitive baby skin.3. Breastfeed your baby exclusively, to make allergy rashes less likely.4. Use minimal cosmetic lotions as even the best can irritate Baby's sensitive skin – buy organic if possible.5. For buttock care and skin rashes, choose products that contain zinc, which has been effectively used for centuries for this purpose, and over recent decades has been clinically proven to help.

We understand that a baby's skin is fragile and delicate, which led to the development of Zinplex Junior's new gentle glycerine cleansing soap bar. Glycerine is known to be gentle on sensitive and dry skin. It cleanses gently, without stripping the skin of its own natural moisture, making it an excellent moisturiser. With the added soothing properties of calendula, as well as the protecting properties of zinc, Zinplex Junior Baby Glycerine Bar ensures that both moms and babies get the best results possible.


Becoming you baby's skincare specialist

Happy baby, happy mommy

Find it at your nearest Dischem, Clicks, leading pharmacies and online at


early days

Beating the BABY BLUES

1. Nap with Baby so you feel more rested.2. Accept help, especially with housework.3. Cry if you need to.4. Take Baby for daily walks; the fresh air and change of scenery helps.5. A word to Dad: encouragement from you can help a lot.

When is it postnatal depression?Postnatal depression (PND) can develop at any time during the rst year of a baby's life. Although PND may seem like baby blues at rst, it lasts a lot longer, and is far more serious. Symptoms of PND include lack of interest or negative feelings towards your baby; lack of concern for yourself; inability to feel pleasure or happiness; lack of energy and motivation; a change in appetite or sleep patterns; and thoughts about death or suicide. Postnatal depression must be treated. See your doctor or a trained counsellor.

When Dad is blueHis symptoms are likely to be very similar to those of a woman with baby blues, mounting as he senses the responsibilities he faces and the changed circumstances. If Mom is very anxious and not coping well, this can add to the pressures he feels. He too should talk to someone who understands, and just as his support will help Mom if she is blue, so will her TLC help Dad through his blue days.


mmediately after birth, your hormones will be in overdrive, giving you plenty

of energy to look after Baby. About three days after birth, you start coming down from this hormonal high. These hormonal swings may make you moody or weepy. It may be difcult to sleep, and you're likely to feel exhausted. This is known as the 'baby blues' and almost 80% of new moms feel it to some degree or other. Understanding why the baby blues hit will make them easier to handle. Around Day 3:

You're usually home from the clinic or hospital, and the overwhelming responsibility of being a parent starts to sink in.Babies may begin to fuss a lot more, adding to your stress.Your milk starts coming in, so your breasts may be sore and tender.

How long do the baby blues last?You'll feel the worst three to ve days after birth, but should then gradually start feeling better. If more than a month has gone by and you still feel depressed, you may have postnatal depression and should see your doctor. Tips for beating the third-day blues include:


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