sjs sk 3 emergency

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 SJS SK 3 Emergency


    1. SJS

    a. DefinisiStevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS/TEN) is a rare (occurring in

    approximately 2 to 3 people/million population/year in Europe and the US), life-threatening,

    intolerance reaction of the skin. It is most often caused by drugs (most commonly

    sulfonamides, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antimalarials, anticonvulsants, andallopurinol).

    SJS/TEN is characterized by a macular exanthema (atypical targets) which focusses on the

    face, neck, and the central trunk regions.

    b. Etiologi

    Causative Drugs

    More than 100 drugs have been associated with the develop- ment of SJS/TEN in

    single case reports or retrospective stud- ies.[8,9,35] Such reports are not helpful,

    though, in quantifying the relative risk associated with a specific drug.[36] Similarly,popu- lation based studies aimed at estimating the risk associated with drug by

    correlating its usage in a certain population with the incidence of SJS/TEN do not

    supply reliable data due to the rarity of SJS/TEN. To solve this problem, prospective

    case control stud- ies have been initiated which compare the drugs taken by index

    patients to those taken by controls. Relative risks and the influ- ence of cofactors such

    as age, gender, region, multiple drug in- take, or underlying diseases can thus be

    calculated by multivariate analysis. The results of the first of such studies have been

    pub- lished (table II)[12]but more are to follow. Although the list of causative drugs

    may vary from country to country and over time because of differences in drug use,

    the following groups of drugs are most often associated with SJS/TEN: antibacterialsulfonamides [especially trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (cotrimoxazole)],

    anticonvulsants [phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital (phe- nobarbitone),valproic acid (sodium valproate), and more recen- tly lamotrigine], nonsteroidal anti-

    inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, especially oxicam derivatives), antimalarials and

    allopurinol. Among nonsulfonamide antibacterials, significant relative risks have been

    reported for cephalosporins, quinolones, tetracyclines, and aminopenicillins, as well as

    imidazole antifungals.

    The incubation time between (a single) drug intake and onset of SJS/TEN varies

    from a few days to 2 to 3 weeks but may in exceptional cases be up to 1 month. If adrug is taken on an everyday basis, the risk for SJS/TEN is highest in the first weeks

    of administration and is then greatly reduced, as documented in recent case control


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    c. Patogenesis

    The pathomechanisms of drug induced SJS/TEN are only partially understood.

    Clinical observations (the lag period be- tween exposure and the onset of the eruption,

    shortening of the lag period and the increasing severity of SJS/TEN with repeated

    exposures) as well as the presence of predominantly CD8+ T lymphocytes and

    activated macrophages in the epidermis,[24-26] and additionally CD4+ T cells in the

    dermis, indicate a cytotoxic cellular immune reaction directed at keratinocytes; thelatter, in turn, express adhesion molecules and MHC II. There is a drastic

    overexpression of tissue necrosis factor- (TNF) in the epider- mis,[27] derived from

    macrophages as well as from keratinocytes, which is obviously linked to extensive

    apoptosis. TNF may both directly induce apoptosis and attract more effector cells.

    The piv- otal role of TNF is underscored by the observation that TNF inducing

    agents like ultrviolet B light[28] or x-rays[29] have a po- tentiating effect on SJS/TEN. It

    has been recently shown that, in TEN, keratinocytes express lytic Fas ligand (FasL,

    CD95L) and soluble FasL is present in high levels in the peripheral blood.[30] It

    appears that FasL expression which triggers apoptosis by inter- action with Fas(CD95, a cell surface death receptor physiologi- cally expressed by keratinocytes) is

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    the critical step in the genesis of SJS/TEN.

    Causative drugs or their metabolites are thought to act as haptens and to render

    keratinocytes antigenic by binding to their surfaces, being presented on both MHC I

    and II molecules.[31] Propensity for drug eruptions, including SJS/TEN, has been

    linked to defects of the detoxification systems of the keratino- cytes:[32] their incidenceis increased in the slow acetylator phe- notype[33] and in HIV-infected patients who

    are deficient in glu- tathione, an important scavenger of toxic compounds. Also, SJS/

    TEN may arise in the context of the carbamazepine or hydantoin hypersensitivity

    syndrome which is characterized by defective cytochrome P450 detoxification of

    aromatic compounds.

    d. Manifestasi Klinis

    Gejala prodromal berkisar antara 1-14 hari berupa demam, lesu, batuk, pilekl, nyeri

    menelan, nyeri dada, muntah, pegal otot dan atralgia yang sangat bervariasi dalamderajat berat dan kombinasi gejala tersebut.Setelah itu akan timbul lesi di:

    1. Kulit; berupa eritema, papel, vesikel, atau bula secara simetris pada hampir

    seluruh tubuh. Lesi yang spesifik berupa lesi target, bila bula kurang dari 10%

    disebut Steven Johnson Syndrome, 10-30% disebut Steven Johnson Syndrome-

    Toxic Epidermolysis Necroticans (SJS-TEN), lebih dari 30% Toxic Epidermolysis

    Necroticans (TEN). Sekitar 80% penyebab TEN adalah obat.

    2. Mukosa (mulut, tenggorokan dan genital); berupa vesikel, bula, erosi, ekskoriasi,

    perdarahan dan krusta berwarna merah,

    3. Mata; berupa konjungtivitis kataralis, blefarokonjungtivitis, iritis, iridosiklitis,

    kelopak mata edema dan sulit dibuka, pada kasus berat terjadi erosi dan

    perforasi kornea.

    SJS/TEN often begins with nonspecific influenza-like prod- romi like fever, myalgias

    and arthralgias, malaise, headache, rhinitis, sore throat, cough, nausea, and/or diarrhea

    that may last from 1 to 14 days. The rash sets on suddenly and symmetrically in the

    facial, neck, chin, and central trunk areas and spreads within few days to the

    extremities and the rest of the body (figure 1). The individual lesions are macular,

    rather ill defined, roundish, pale livid (spots) and often exhibit dusky centers

    reminiscent of tar- get lesions (flat atypical targets). At times, the lesions may be

    slightly raised (raised atypical targets) but typical targets (as defined by wheal-likeelevation and 3 concentric components) are very rare. The lesions tend to coalesce;

    they are tender and exhibit a positive Nikolskys sign. The epidermis becomes

    necrotic, loose, and easily detachable in large sheets, particularly at sites on lips,

    buccal, and palatinal mucosa but may expand to the entire oral cavity, pharynx,

    larynx, nasal cavity, and even esophagus or trachea in severe cases. Symptoms begin

    with burning sensations, blisters arise and break, leading to severely painful erosions

    cov- ered by necrotic epithelium, fibrin and/or hemorrhagic crusts. Conjunctival

    involvement begins with burning and injection, fol- lowed by an erosive

    pseudomembranous conjunctivitis, at times with corneal erosions. In severe cases,

    skin appendages such as hair (eyelashes) and nails may be shed.

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    Systemic Signs and Internal Organ Involvement

    Constitutional signs include fever, arthralgias, and weakness.[4] Internal organs are

    more often involved in patients with wide- spread and severe skin disease

    (TEN>SJS).[4] The respiratory tract is most commonly affected by sloughing of

    tracheal and bronchial mucosa leading to obstruction, expectoration of bron- chialcasts, bronchopneumonia and, at its most severe, acute re- spiratory distress

    syndrome.[13,14] Less common are symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract such as

    diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas- trointestinal bleeding and colonic perforation, etc.[15]

    Toxicity, dehydration, and water and electrolyte imbalances may proceed to

    hemodynamic shock, coma, and seizures. Renal complications are rare[16] and occur

    as a consequence of septicemia and shock.

    e. Diagnosis

    Minimal dermal inflammatory cell infiltrate and full-thickness necrosis of the epidermis are typicalhistopathologic findings in patients with Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Histopathologic examination of the skin

    can also reveal the following:

    Changes in the epidermal-dermal junction ranging from vacuolar alteration to subepidermal blisters

    Dermal infiltrate: Superficial and mostly perivascular

    Apoptosis of keratinocytes

    CD4+ T lymphocytes predominating in the dermis; CD8+ T lymphocytes predominating in the

    epidermis; the dermoepidermal junction and epidermis is infiltrated mostly by CD8+ T lymphocytes

    Ocular examination can demonstrate the following:

    Conjunctival biopsies from patients with active ocular disease show subepithelial plasma cells and

    lymphocyte infiltration; lymphocytes also are present around vessel walls; the predominant infiltratinglymphocyte is the helper T cell

    Immunohistology of the conjunctiva reveals numerous HLA-DRpositive cells in the substantia

    propria, vessel walls, and epithelium

    There are no specific laboratory studies (other than biopsy) that can definitively establish the diagnosis of

    Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

    Serum levels of the following are typically elevated in patients with Stevens-Johnson syndrome:

    Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha Soluble interleukin 2-receptor

    Interleukin 6

    C-reactive protein

    However, none of these serologic tests is used routinely in diagnosing and managing Stevens-Johnson


    A complete blood count (CBC) may reveal a normal white blood cell (WBC) count or a nonspecific

    leukocytosis. A severely elevated WBC count indicates the possibility of a superimposed bacterial infection.

    Electrolytes and other chemistries may be needed to help manage related problems.

    Skin and blood cultures have been advocated because the incidence of serious bacterial bloodstream infectionsand sepsis contribute to morbidity and mortality.

    [32]In addition, cultures of urine and wounds are indicated when

    an infection is clinically suspected. Determine renal function and evaluate urine for blood.

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    Skin biopsy specimens demonstrate that the bullae are subepidermal. However, skin biopsy is not an emergency

    department (ED) procedure. Epidermal cell necrosis may be noted. Perivascular areas are infiltrated with


    Bronchoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), and colonoscopy may be indicated. Chest radiography

    may indicate the existence of a pneumonitis when clinically suspected. Otherwise, routine plain films are not



    The severity of SJS/TEN varies within wide limits with re- spect to rapidity of

    evolvement, degree of confluence, percentage of BSA affected, mucous membrane

    and internal organ involve- ment as well as constitutional symptoms. It has thus

    become cus- tomary to grade SJS/TEN according to the percentage of BSA involved:

    SJS less than 10%, TEN more than 30%. For patients with more than 10% but less

    than 30% BSA involvement, the term SJS/TEN-overlap has been suggested.[1]

    However, it has to be noted that this grading system, although of prognostic relevance,

    does not take account of the evolution of the rash in the early phase.


    Following the outbreak, SJS/TEN enters a phase of progres- sion which usually lasts 4 to 5

    days but can be considerably more protracted if the half-life of the offending drug is long

    (e.g. long acting sulfonamides). Progression may halt at any extent from 10 to close to 100%

    of the BSA being affected, and the patient enters the acme phase which again may take from

    a few days up to 2 weeks, depending on the severity of SJS/TEN and the physical

    constitution of the patient. It is the acme phase where the hazard of complications is highest:hemodynamic shock, myocardial in- farction and, above all, septicemia. The phase of

    regression is her- alded by lightening of the erythema, lessening of oozing and skin

    tenderness, and transformation of the detached epidermis into dry blackish parchment-like

    squames. Re-epithelization may take 1 to 2 weeks to be completed. Figure 3 shows the

    typical course of SJS/TEN.

    Skin erosions tend to heal without or with little scarring but may leave hypo- or

    hyperpigmentation. Scarring alopecia and permanent nail loss has been reported. Scarring of

    mucosal le- sions, however, is seen in up to 30% of patients with TEN, leading

    predominantly to ophthalmologic sequelae: synechiae, sym- blepharon, en- or ectropion and

    trichiasis. Pannus formation and corneal opacities may at times lead to blindness. Rare butchar- acteristic further sequelae are tracheal, esophageal or anal stric- tures, phimosis, vaginal

    or urethral strictures, and vaginal adeno- sis.[17,18] Damage to lacrimal and salivary glands

    may provoke a Sjgren-like syndrome.

    Laboratory Findings

    SJS/TEN is accompanied by nonspecific findings such as elevated blood sedimentation rate,

    mild to moderate elevation of liver enzyme levels and/or blood urea nitrogen, fluid and

    electrolyte imbalances, leukocytosis and, not infrequently, eosinophilia, and

    microalbuminuria.[4] Serum protein levels and/or peripheral CD4+ T lymphocyte levels may

    be reduced. Neutropenia may occur and is regarded as a sign of poor prognosis.

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    Histopathology is characterized by prominent epidermal ne- crosis contrasting with a

    surprisingly sparse dermal inflammatory infiltrate (silent dermis).[4] In early stages,

    satellite cell necrosis of the epidermis is seen, which proceeds to vacuolization necrosis of the

    basal layer and full thickness epidermal necrosis in later stages, with sloughing of theepidermis (figure 4).

    f. Diagnosis Banding

    SJS/TEN is usually a straightforward diagnosis. Difficulties may arise in 2 situations:

    viral or drug-induced macular eruptions on the one hand, which require the prediction

    if they proceed to SJS/TEN or not; and on the other hand, other eruptions charac-

    terized by widespread erythema and detachment of the skin.

    5.1 Macular Eruptions

    These may be morphologically indistinguishable from initial SJS/TEN but they do not

    exhibit a positive Nikolskys sign and do not reveal prominent involvement of mucous


    5.2 Herpes-Simplex-Associated Erythema Multiforme

    As mentioned above, HAEM is distinct from SJS/TEN by its primary lesion (typical

    target lesion), its much sparser exan- thema with little tendency for confluence and its

    acral distribution pattern. Other important differences are: low incidence of an-

    ogenital (but not oral!) mucosal involvement, history of prior episodes, association

    with relapsing herpes simplex, and a prom- inent inflammatory infiltrate in


    5.3 Generalized Bullous Fixed Drug Eruption

    Multilocular or generalized confluent bullous FDE is a clas- sical differential

    diagnosis of SJS/TEN. Main points of distinc- tion are its primary lesions, which are

    large patches (faintly dis- cernible even after confluence), most often irregularly

    distributed and of a characteristic purplish-livid color, the rarity of mucous membraneinvolvement and the paucity of constitutional symp- toms. Histopathology is similar

    to SJS/TEN with the exception of more pronounced inflammation and a markededema of the papillary dermis. Often, history reveals prior episodes of milder

    Fig. 4. Histopathology of Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis: full thicknessnecrosis and detachment of the epidermis, a sparse inflammatory infiltrate of the dermis ( 25magnification).

    expression following intake of the culprit drugs. Generalized FDE takes a much

    milder course than SJS/TEN.

    5.4 Physical and Chemical Injury

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    Diagnosis is straightforward if history is available but may be difficult in unconscious

    patients. Injury by exogenous agents is characterized by an artificial distribution

    pattern, rarity of mu- cous membrane involvement and absence of an antecedent mac-

    ular rash. If necroses arise, they tend to involve deeper layers including, at times, theskin appendages, whereas they are purely epidermal in SJS/TEN.

    5.5 Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome

    Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) is linked to a phage group 2

    Staphylococcus aureus infection, most often of infants and children.[20] Frequent sites

    of infection are the upper respiratory tract and the skin (bullous impetigo, omphalitis).

    Skin symptoms are mediated by hematogenous dispersion of the staph- ylococcalexotoxin exfoliatin, which elicits subcorneal acantho- lysis and leads to extensive,

    faint, and ill described erythemas and detachment of the horny layer in large sheets

    resembling scalding. Sites most often involved are the face, axillary and inguinal folds

    and sites of mechanical stress (neck, back). Distinction from SJS/ TEN is based on theabsence of an antecedent macular rash (in- frequently there is a scarlatiniformeruption), absence of mucosal lesions and of internal organ involvement, and by

    histology or exfoliative cytology (subcorneal acantholysis versus epidermal

    g. Tatalaksana

    Penatalaksanaan utama adalah menghentikan obat yang diduga sebagai

    penyebab SSJ, sementara itu kemungkinan infeksi herpes simplex dan

    Mycoplasma pneumoniae harus disingkirkan. Selanjutnya perawatan

    lebih bersifat simtomatik.4.

    Antihistamin dianjurkan untuk mengatasi gejala pruritus / gatal bisa dipakai

    feniramin hidrogen maleat (Avil) dapat diberikan dengan dosis untuk usia 1-3

    tahun 7,5 mg/dosis, untuk usia 3-12 tahun 15 mg/dosis, diberikan 3 kali/hari,

    diphenhidramin hidrokloride (Benadril) 1mg/kg BB tiap kali sampai 3 kali per

    hari. Sedangkan untuk setirizin dapat diberikan dosis untuk usia anak 25 tahun:2.5 mg/dosis,1 kali/hari; >6 tahun: 5-10 mg/dosis,1 kali/hari.

    5. Blisterkulitbisadikompresbasahdenganlarutanlarutanburowi.

    6. Papula dan makula pada kulit baik intak diberikan steroid topikal, kecuali kulit

    yang terbuka.

    Pengobatan infeksi kulit dengan antibiotika. Antibiotika yang paling beresiko tinggi

    adalah -lactam dan sulfa jangan digunakan. Untuk terapi awal dapat diberikanantibiotika spektrum luas, selanjutnya berdasarkan hasil biakan dan uji resistensi

    kuman dari sediaan lesi kulit dan darah. Terapi infeksi sekunder menggunakan

    antibiotika yang jarang menimbulkan alergi, berspektrum luas, bersifat bakterisidal dan

    tidak bersifat nefrotoksik, misalnya klindamisin 8-16 mg/kg/hari secara intravena,

    diberikan 2 kali/hari.

    7.Kotikosteroid: deksametason dosis awal 1mg/kg BB bolus intravena, kemudian

    dilanjutkan 0,2-0,5 mg/kg BB intravena tiap 6 jam. Penggunaan steroid sistemik

    masih kontroversi. Beberapa peneliti menyetujui pemberian kortikosteroid

    sistemik beralasan bahwa kortikosteroid akan menurunkan beratnya penyakit,

    mempercepat konvalesensi, mencegah komplikasi berat, menghentikanprogresifitas penyakit dan mencegah kekambuhan. Beberapa literatur

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    menyatakan pemberian kortikosteroid sistemik dapat mengurangi inflamasi

    dengan cara memperbaiki integritas kapiler, memacu sintesa lipokortin,

    menekan ekspresi molekul adesi. Selain itu kortikosteroid dapat meregulasi

    respons imun melalui down regulation ekspresi gen sitokin. Mereka yang tidak

    setuju pemberian kortikosteroid berargumentasi bahwa kortikosteroid akan

    menghambat penyembuhan luka, meningkatkan resiko infeksi, menutupi tandaawal sepsis, perdarahan gastro-intestinal dan meningkatkan mortalitas. Faktor

    lain yang harus dipertimbangkan yaitu harus tappering off 1-3 minggu. Bila tidak

    ada perbaikan dalam 3-5 hari, maka sebaiknya pemberian kortikosteroid

    dihentikan. Lesi mulut diberi kenalog in orabase.

    8.Intravena Imunoglobulin (IVIG). Dosis awal dengan 0.5 mg/kg BB pada hari 1, 2, 3, 4,

    dan 6 masuk rumah sakit. Pemberian IVIG akan menghambat reseptor FAS

    dalam proses kematian keratinosit yang dimediasi FAS.

    Perawatan konservatif ditujukan untuk:

    1. Perawatan lesi kulit yang terbuka, seperti perawatan luka bakar.

    Koordinasi dengan unit luka bakar sangat diperlukan.2. Terapi cairan dan elektrolit.

    Lesi kulit yang terbuka seringkali disertaipengeluaran cairan disertai elektrolit.

    3. Alimentasi kalori dan protein secara parenteral. Lesi pada saluran cerna

    menyebabkan kesulitan asupan makanan dan minuman.

    4. Pengendalian nyeri. Penggunaan NSAID beresiko paling tinggi sebaiknya tidak

    digunakan untuk mengatasi nyeri.


    Konsultasi ke bagian oftalmologi untuk kelainan pada mata. Biasanya dokter mata

    memberikan airmata artifisial, atau gentamisin tetes mata bila ada dugaan infeksi

    sekunder. Secara rutin pasien juga kita konsulkan ke bagian kulit dan kelamin untuk

    perawatan yang komprehensif. Konsultasi ke bagian bedah plastik sehubungan dengan

    perawatan lesi kulit terbuka yang biasanya dirawat sebagaimana luka bakar.

    Patient Management

    The outcome of a patient with SJS/TEN depends on his/her rapid referral to a

    specialized center experienced in the manage- ment of SJS/TEN and in general skin

    care, that is, to a dermatol- ogy hospital. This does not apply, of course, to those

    regions where dermatology is practiced as an outpatient specialty. Under no

    circumstances may a patient with SJS/TEN be treated on an ambulatory basis because

    supportive care and constant supervi- sion is no less important in his/her management

    than are active therapeutic measures. This is important to note because many patients,in the initial stages of SJS/TEN, may feel fairly well or even euphoric and are

    unwilling to be admitted to hospital. Al- though widely claimed, referral to an

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    intensive care unit or to a burn center is not mandatory except when severe

    complications are present; SJS/TEN is a skin disease which, if properly treated, is

    linked to much less systemic symptoms than a second degree burn of the same BSA


    The management of SJS/TEN rests on 3 cornerstones: with- drawal of the offendingdrug, active treatment, and supportive measures. Active therapeutic interventions

    either attempt to curb the disease process in the phase of progression, to stabilize the

    homeostasis of the patient and to fend off bacterial invasion in the progression or peak

    phases, or to promote re-epithelization in the phase of regression. Currently, there are

    no generally accepted regimens or treatment guidelines, and no controlled therapeutic

    trials have ever been published. This is because SJS/TEN is an infrequent and life-threatening disease of high clinical variability which requires complex treatment and

    care, adapted individually to each patient. Also, personal preference on the behalf of

    the treating physician has often overruled the establishment of ratio- nal concepts.

    This is particularly true for the long standing con- troversy as to whether systemiccorticosteroids should be given or not.

    8.1 Withdrawal of the Suspected Offending Drugs

    Obviously, the causative drug should rapidly be identified and withdrawn; [38] this

    measure, however, does not immediately halt disease progression. It often turns out to

    be a difficult task because no suitable laboratory tests are available at present, and the

    detection of the most likely culprit is purely a matter of em- pirical calculation. The

    latter is based on a careful history of drug intake with special focus on the past few

    weeks, its relation to the

    development of symptoms, and prior episodes of SJS/TEN. Retrospective analysis of

    case series and prospective epidemio- logic studies provide data on the relative risk of

    different drugs or drug families for causing SJS/TEN (table II). The most likely

    offending drug is the one which has been newly administered in the past 4 weeks andis known as a risk drug for SJS/TEN.

    Matters may be obscured by several factors: patients often take more than one drug,

    and many patients will have just started to take drugs for the treatment of symptoms

    which may in fact have been prodromi of a developing SJS/TEN (antimicrobials,

    analgesics or NSAIDs). Furthermore, drug interactions, infec- tions and diseases of

    altered immune status may confound the situation and render it impossible to pinpoint

    the most likely of- fender. From a practical point of view it is recommended in such

    cases to discontinue all drugs that are not absolutely necessary.

    Obviously, it would be most desirable to identify the culprit drug at least following

    recovery in order to prevent re-exposure. Again, despite some reports to the contrary,

    skin tests (patch, prick or intracutaneous) and lymphocyte transformation tests have

    proved unreliable. Exposure tests are ethically unacceptable since they are likely to

    induce severe relapses. In our institution, all suspected drugs are entered into the

    patients file without test- ing, and the patient is strictly warned against reuse.

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    8.2 Active Suppression of Disease Progression

    A number of anti-inflammatory and/or immunosuppressive treatment modalities have

    been proposed to have beneficial ef- fects in SJS/TEN. The evidence is marred,however, by the lack of controlled trials and the fact that often no clear-cut distinction

    between progression and peak phases is made in the single case reports and small (andusually heterogeneous) patients series re- ported in the literature. Thus, at present,

    there is no consensus as to which, if any, therapeutic measure will shorten the naturalcourse of the disease. Furthermore, many of the treatment modal- ities have potential

    harmful adverse effects which must be weighed against their benefits. As a

    consequence, it has recently become the trend for many clinicians to abstain from the

    use of modalities aimed at halting disease progression and to rely totally on supportive

    measures. This pessimistic view, which is unique in the context of an acute immune

    mediated life-threatening dis- ease, must be attributed to a much too far-reaching and

    unjustified equation of SJS/TEN with burn injuries.

    8.2.1 Corticosteroids

    Systemic corticosteroids have been the mainstay of the treat- ment of SJS/TEN for

    long time but have come into disrepute in the past years. The scientific community

    appears to be strangely divided over their use, fervent supporters[38-43]being fiercely

    op posed by those who condemn corticosteroids and those who even consider them

    detrimental.[10,44-47] The controversy arose be- cause corticosteroids, if given for

    longer than the phase of pro- gression, clearly increase the risk of infection and thus

    contribute considerably to mortality. This point was taken up by surgical intensive

    care specialists who strived to shape the treatment of SJS/TEN according to theprinciples of the management of burns where systemic corticosteroids, are obviously

    not indicated. This argument was expanded to the assumption that corticosteroids, in

    principle, have no effect on disease progression. This idea was supported byadditional observations: mortality rates for SJS/TEN do not differ significantly

    between countries where cor- ticosteroids are commonly used (e.g. Germany, where

    the usage is 80%) and those where physicians are reluctant to use them (e.g. France,

    where the usage 20%), and that SJS/TEN may arise in patients who are receiving long

    term corticosteroid treatment for other reasons.[48,49]

    If corticosteroids do in fact curb disease progression, which may be expected in animmune mediated disease, they certainly do not shorten the duration of the peak and

    the regression phases. Obviously corticosteroids are a double-edged sword in

    SJS/TEN, because it is quite clear that they are not excessively efficacious and have to

    be used with utmost caution. If given, relatively high initial doses are required (oral

    methylprednisolone 1 to 2 mg/ kg/day), and rapid tapering is indicated as soon as

    progression halts. They may be given only if all additional and supportive measuresare procured (see sections 8.3 and 8.4), and if the phys- ical condition of the patient

    permits. It is absolutely unacceptable to consider corticosteroids as the only and

    sufficient therapeutic measure. It is to be expected that the controversy over the use of

    corticosteroids will become irrelevant due to the availability of more efficacious andless hazardous strategies before the issue is settled by appropriate controlled studies.

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    8.2.2 Immunoglobulins

    Recently, intravenous administration of pooled human im- munoglobulins (IVIG) has

    emerged as a promising strategy for blocking disease progression, based on their

    content of antibodies against FasL which are capable of preventing apoptotic cell

    death in vitro.[30] In the original study, 10 patients were treated with IVIG dosagesranging from 0.2 to 0.75 g/kg body weight/day for 4 consecutive days. In all patients,

    rapid halting of disease pro- gression and recovery was observed. Similar favorable

    results have been reported since in a number of individual cases. Still, pending

    adequately sized controlled studies, this very expensive treatment should be reserved

    for clinical trials. IVIG have a good safety profile, nephropathy being a rare but

    dangerous adverse effect which may result in renal failure.

    8.2.3 Plasmapheresis and Hemodialysis

    Scattered reports[50-53] suggest that the removal of the caus- ative drug, itsmetabolites or other toxic principles from the cir- culation may inhibit progression of

    SJS/TEN. In the absence of formal proof and the stress linked to this treatment, these

    strate- gies are not recommended at the present time.

    8.2.4 Cyclophosphamide

    Cyclophosphamide is an inhibitor of cell-mediated cytotox- icity. Although having

    been successfully used in TEN according to a few reports,[54,55] it is a potent

    immunosuppressive agent as well, and has itself been the causative drug in several

    cases of SJS/TEN.[56]

    8.2.5 Cyclosporine

    Again, several case reports suggest the efficacy of cyclospor- ine in SJS/TEN.[57-61]

    It should not be considered a first line treat- ment option, however, for the same

    reasons as cyclophosph- amide; also, its mechanisms of action in SJS/TEN are far

    from clear, and a rapid effect (as necessary for the brief phase of pro- gression) is

    unlikely. It has been suggested that cyclosporine works by interacting with TNF


    8.2.6 Acetylcysteine

    Acetylcysteine, with S-adenosyl-L-methionine, may act through replenishing cells

    with antioxidant capacity and by in- hibiting cytokine-mediated immune reactions.

    The evidence as to its use in SJS/TEN is sporadic.[63]

    8.2.7 Thalidomide

    The rationale for the experimental use of thalidomide, a known inhibitor of TNF,

    was the understanding of the pivotal role of this cytokine in the genesis of

    SJS/TEN.[64] Yet, in a ran- domized placebo controlled study, the thalidomide

    recipients ex- hibited a significantly higher mortality than the control group, and the

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    study had to be discontinued.[65] It remains unclear whether this outcome was due to

    paradoxical enhancement of TNFproduction or effects, or to T cell stimulation

    (mediated by interleukin-2).[66,67]

    8.3 Maintenance of Hemodynamic Protein and Electrolyte Homeostasis

    Despite its clinical resemblance, the pathomechanisms of SJS/TEN are totally

    different from those of burn injuries, and the therapeutic principles of the latter,

    therefore, do not apply to pa- tients with SJS/TEN. The main difference is the virtual

    absence of vascular damage in SJS/TEN; consequently, edema and loss of fluid into

    the interstitial tissues is not a prominent feature. There is also much less loss of fluid

    to the outside since tense and large blisters are only rarely formed. Water loss in

    SJS/TEN mainly occurs by evaporation from erosions and is thus highest in the peak

    phase. Metabolic acidosis is not a regular feature of SJS/TEN. Furthermore, second

    degree burn injuries are even more painful than SJS/TEN. All of these factors

    cooperate to render fluid and electrolyte imbalances much less drastic and of lateronset than in burns. Hemodynamic shock is a possibility, but it is rare and occurs

    mainly in unsatisfactory clinical settings and in patients with cardiovascular ormetabolic compromise.

    Blood pressure, hematocrit, blood gases, electrolytes, and serum proteins must be

    monitored and adjusted appropriately.[68] Fluid replacement regimens as used for

    burn injuries are not rec- ommended. Central venous lines (as well as urinarycatheters) should not routinely be inserted.

    8.4 Antibacterial Treatment

    It is universally agreed that infections pose the most serious threat to patients with

    SJS/TEN (especially when corticosteroids are given). Bacterial and fungal cultures

    should therefore be taken at short intervals (2 to 3 time a week) from skin and

    mucosal erosions, blood and sputum; oral and genital mucosae should be repeatedly

    inspected for herpes simplex. In many patient series, antibacterials were only given

    when clinical symptoms of infec- tion were already present, and the causative

    organism identified. This is probably due, on the one hand, to a reluctance of using

    antibacterials prophylactically in surgical departments, and on the other hand, to the

    fear of introducing a further drug in a patient with drug intolerance. This fear shouldbe weighed against the fact that antibacterials are only rarely the offending drug in

    SJS/TEN, and that those with a known risk of severe cutaneous reactions like

    sulfonamides, cephalosporins, aminopenicillins, macrolides or quinolones, can be

    easily avoided. It has been the strategy of our group[4] to start prophylactic

    antibacterial treat- ment (sodium penicillin, 10 million units twice daily right from the

    beginning, and to adjust the antibacterial according to the cultured organism; pursuing

    this strategy, the mortality rate of TEN was kept at

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    Patients should be placed on an aluminum foil. Loose sheets of detached skin may

    cautiously be removed, but early aggressive debridement as performed in burns is not

    indicated because it is painful and increases the extent of the erosions; also, the

    necroses are only superficial and represent no obstacle for re-epitheliza- tion. Erosionsshould be covered with gauze or hydrocolloid dressings. Sulfonamide containing

    topical treatments should be

    avoided. When using topical antibacterials or antiseptics, the pos- sibility of systemic

    absorption has to be considered. Fresh-frozen or cryopreserved cadaver allograft[69]

    and porcine xenograft skin,[70] as well as biosynthetic dressings[71] have been

    advocated, but their value is questionable becauseunlike in burnsthe dermis is

    largely uninvolved and re-epithelization is not a prob- lem.

    8.5.2 Eyes

    In the acute phase of conjunctival involvement, lubricants, corticosteroid andantibacterial collyria should be applied several times a day. Lid-globe adhesions

    should be cautiously removed twice daily with a glass rod to avoid occlusion of the

    fornices, taking care not to strip pseudomembranes which may lead to bleeding andincreased conjunctival scarring.[72,73]

    8.5.3 Respiratory Tract

    Supportive pulmonary care includes postural drainage and, if necessary, cautious


    8.5.4 Alimentation

    Patients are often unable to eat and drink due to their oral and/or esophageal mucosa

    involvement, or to their poor general condition. Local anesthetics, in the form of a

    mouth wash used before the meals, may be helpful. High calorie and high protein diet

    or intravenous administration is recommended, taking into account the risk of

    septicemia by intravenous lines.

    h. Prognosis

    Pada kasus yang tidak berat, prognosisnya baik, dan penyembuhan terjadi dalam waktu

    2-3 minggu. Kematian berkisar antara 5-15% pada kasus berat dengan berbagai

    komplikasi atau pengobatan terlambat dan tidak memadai. Prognosis lebih berat bila

    terjadi purpura yang lebih luas. Kematian biasanya disebabkan oleh gangguan

    keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit, bronkopneumonia, serta sepsis.

    Prognosis of SJS/TEN depends on its severity and the quality of medical care. [4,44]

    Mortality is low (

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    center. Mortality is most often due to septicemia (S. aureus, Pseudomo- nas spp.,

    Candida spp., etc), pneumonia, myocardial infarction and cardiac insufficiency, rather

    than to renal insufficiency and hemodynamic shock. Recovery is slow and may

    require 3 to 6 weeks, and is often accompanied by scarring at mucosal sites.

    i. Komplikasi

    Sindroma Steven Johnson sering menimbulkan komplikasi pada mata berupa

    simblefaron dan ulkus kornea. Komplikasi lain adalah timbulnya sembab, demam atau

    malahan hipotermia, dan yang terberat adalah sepsis.

    j. Pencegahan


    a. Definisi

    Laringitis akut merupakan penyakit yang umum pada anak-anak,

    mempunyai onset yang cepat dan biasanya sembuh sendiri. Bila laringitis

    berlangsung lebih dari 3 minggu maka disebut laringitis kronik. Laringitis

    didefinisikan sebagai proses inflamasi yang melibatkan laring dan dapat

    disebabkan oleh berbagai proses baik infeksi maupun non-infeksi.

    Laringitis sering juga disebut juga dengan croup. Dalam prosesperadangannya laringitis sering melibatkan saluran pernafasan

    dibawahnya yaitu trakea dan bronkus. Bila peradangan melibatkan laring

    dan trakea maka diagnosis spesifiknya disebut laringotrakeitis, dan bila

    peradangan sampai ke bronkus maka diagnosis spesifiknya disebut




    Etiologi dari laringitis akut yaitu penggunaan suara berlebihan, gastro esophago reflux disease

    (GERD), polusi lingkungan, terpapar dengan bahan berbahaya, atau bahan infeksius yang membawa kepada

    infeksi saluran nafas atas. Bahan infeksius tersebut lebih sering virus tetapi dapat juga bakterial. Jarang

    ditemukan radang dari laring disebabkan oleh kondisi autoimun seperti rematoid artritis, polikondritis berulang,

    granulomatosis Wagener, atau sarkoidosis.

    Virus yang sering menyebabkan laringitis akut antara lain virus parainfluenza tipe 1 sampai 3 (75%

    dari kasus), virus influenza tipe A dan B, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Virus yang jarang menyebabkan

    laringitis akut antara lain adenovirus, rhinovirus, coxsackievirus, coronavirus, enterovirus, virus herpes simplex,

    reovirus, virus morbili (measles), virus mumps.

    Bakteri walaupun jarang tetapi dapat juga menyebabkan laringitis akut, antara lain Haemophilus

    influenzae type B, Staphylococcus aureus, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Streptococcus group A, Moraxella

    chatarralis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp., Pseudomonas sp., Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma

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    pneumoniae, Bordatella pertussis, dan sangat jarang Coccidioides dan Cryptococcus. C. diphtheriae harus

    dicurigai sebagai kuman penyebab terutama bila anak belum diimmunisasi, karena C. diphtheriae dapat

    meyebabkan membranous obstructive laryngitis

    Selain virus dan bakteri laringitis juga dapat disebabkan juga oleh jamur, antara

    lain Candida albicans, Aspergilus sp., Histoplasmosis dan Blastomyces. Histoplasma dan

    Blastomyces dapat menyebabkan laringitis sebagai komplikasi dari infeksi sistemik.

    c. Patof

    Laringitis akut merupakan inflamasi dari mukosa laring dan pita suara

    yang berlangsung kurang dari 3 minggu. Parainfluenza virus, yang

    merupakan penyebab terbanyak dari laringitis, masuk melalui inhalasi

    dan menginfeksi sel dari epitelium saluran nafas lokal yang bersilia,

    ditandai dengan edema dari lamina propria, submukosa, dan adventitia,

    diikuti dengan infitrasi selular dengan histosit, limfosit, sel plasma dan

    lekosit polimorfonuklear (PMN). Terjadi pembengkakan dan kemerahan

    dari saluran nafas yang terlibat, kebanyakan ditemukan pada dinding

    lateral dari trakea dibawah pita suara. Karena trakea subglotis dikelilingi

    oleh kartilago krikoid, maka pembengkakan terjadi pada lumen saluran

    nafas dalam, menjadikannya sempit, bahkan sampai hanya sebuah celah.

    Daerah glotis dan subglotis pada bayi normalnya sempit, dan pengecilansedikit saja dari diameternya akan berakibat peningkatan hambatan

    saluran nafas yang besar dan penurunan aliran udara. Seiring dengan

    membesarnya diameter saluran nafas sesuai dengan pertumbuhan maka

    akibat dari penyempitan saluran nafas akan berkurang. Sumbatan aliran

    udara pada saluran nafas atas akan berakibat terjadinya stridor dan

    kesulitan bernafas yang akan menuju pada hipoksia ketika sumbatan

    yang terjadi berat. Hipoksia dengan sumbatan yang ringan menandakan

    keterlibatan saluran nafas bawah dan ketidakseimbangan ventilasi dan

    perfusi akibat sumbatan dari saluran nafas bawah atau infeksi parenkim

    paru atau bahkan adanya cairan.

    d. Manifest

    Laringitis ditandai dengan suara yang serak, yang disertai dengan puncak suara (vocal pitch) yang

    berkurang atau tidak ada suara (aphonia), batuk menggonggong, dan stridor inspirasi. Dapat terjadi juga demam

    sampai 39-40, walaupun pada beberapa anak dapat tidak terjadi. Gejala tersebut ditandai khas dengan

    perburukan pada malam hari, dan sering berulang dengan intensitas yang menurun untuk beberapa hari dan

    sembuh sepenuhnya dalam seminggu. Gelisah dan menangis sangat memperburuk gejala-gejalanya. Anak

    mungkin memilih untuk duduk atau dipegangi tegak. Pada anak yang lebih dewasa penyakitnya tidak begitu

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    parah. Pada anggota keluarga lainnya mungkin didapatkan penyakit saluran pernafasan yang ringan.

    Kebanyakan pasien hanya bergejala stridor dan sesak nafas ringan sebelum mulai sembuh. Gejala tersebut

    sering disertai dengan gejala-gejala seperti pilek, hidung tersumbat, batuk dan sakit menelan. Pada kebanyakan

    pasien gejala tersebut timbul 1 sampai 3 hari sebelum gejala sumbatan jalan nafas terjadi.3,4,5,6

    Pada pemeriksaan fisik, dapat ditemukan suara yang serak, coryza, faring yang meradang dan frekuensi

    pernafasan dan denyut jantung yang meningkat, disertai pernafasan cuping hidung, retraksi suprasternal,

    infrasternal dan intercostal serta stridor yang terus menerus, dan anak bisa sampai megap-megap (air hunger).

    Bila terjadi sumbatan total jalan nafas maka akan didapatkan hipoksia dan saturasi oksigen yang rendah. Bila

    hipoksia terjadi, anak akan menjadi gelisah dan tidak dapat beristirahat, atau dapat menjadi penurunan

    kesadaran atau sianosis. Dan kegelisahan dan tangisan dari anak dapat memperburuk stridor akibat dari

    penekanan dinamik dari saluran nafas yang tersumbat. Dari penelitian didapatkan bahwa frekuensi pernafasan

    merupakan petunjuk yang paling baik untuk keadaan hipoksemia. Pada auskultasi suara pernafasan dapat

    normal tanpa suara tambahan kecuali perambatan dari stridor. Kadang-kadang dapat ditemukan mengi yang

    menandakan penyempitan yang parah, bronkitis, atau kemungkinan asma yang sudah ada sebelumnya.2,4,6

    Dengan laringoskopi sering didapatkan kemerahan pada laring yang difus bersama dengan pelebaran

    pembuluh darah dari pita suara. Pada literatur lain disebutkan gambaran laringoskopi yang pucat, disertai edema

    yang berair dari jaringan subglotik. Kadang dapat ditemukan juga bercak-bercak dari sekresi. Dari pergerakan

    pita suara dapat ditemukan asimetris dan tidak periodik. Sebetulnya pemeriksaan rontagen leher tidak berperan

    dalam penentuan diagnosis, tetapi dapat ditemukan gambaran staplle sign (penyempitan dari supraglotis) pada

    foto AP dan penyempitan subglotis pada foto lateral, walaupun kadang gambaran tersebut tidak didapatkan.

    Pemeriksaan laboratorium tidak diperlukan, kecuali didapatkan eksudat maka dapat dilakukan pemeriksaan

    gram dan kultur dengan tes sensitivitas. Tetapi kultur virus positif pada kebanyakan pasien. Dari darah

    didapatkan lekositosis ringan dan limfositosis.

    e. Diagnosis

    a. Foto rontgen leher AP : bisa tampak pembengkakan

    jaringan subglotis (Steeple sign). Tanda ini ditemukan

    pada 50% kasus.


    Pemeriksaan laboratorium : gambaran darah dapat

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    normal. Jika disertai infeksi sekunder, leukosit dapat


    c. Pada pemeriksaan laringoskopi indirek akan ditemukan

    mukosa laring yang sangat sembab, hiperemis dantanpa membran serta tampak pembengkakan subglotis

    yaitu pembengkakan jaringan ikat pada konus elastikus

    yang akan tampak dibawah pita suara.

    f. Diagnosis banding

    g. Tatalaksana

    Umumnya penderita penyakit ini tidak perlu masuk rumah sakit, namun

    ada indikasi masuk rumah sakit apabila :

    Usia penderita dibawah 3 tahun

    Tampak toksik, sianosis, dehidrasi atau axhausted

    Diagnosis penderita masih belum jelas

    Perawatan dirumah kurang memadai

    9.Terapi :

    Istirahat berbicara dan bersuara selama 2-3 hari

    Jika pasien sesak dapat diberikan O2 2 l/ menit


    Menghirup uap hangat dan dapat ditetesi minyak atsiri / minyak mint

    bila ada muncul sumbatan dihidung atau penggunaan larutan garam

    fisiologis (saline 0,9 %) yang dikemas dalam bentuk semprotan hidung

    atau nasal spray

    Medikamentosa : Parasetamol atau ibuprofen / antipiretik jika pasien

    ada demam, bila ada gejalapain killer dapat diberikan obat anti nyeri /

    analgetik, hidung tersumbat dapat diberikan dekongestan nasal seperti

    fenilpropanolamin (PP A), efedrin, pseudoefedrin, napasolin dapatdiberikan dalam bentuk oral ataupun spray.Pemberian antibiotika yang

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    adekuat yakni : ampisilin 100 mg/kgBB/hari, intravena, terbagi 4 dosis

    atau kloramfenikol : 50 mg/kgBB/hari, intra vena, terbagi dalam 4 dosis

    atau sefalosporin generasi 3 (cefotaksim atau ceftriakson) lalu dapat

    diberikan kortikosteroid intravena berupa deksametason dengan dosis

    0,5 mg/kgBB/hari terbagi dalam 3 dosis, diberikan selama 1-2 hari.

    Pengisapan lendir dari tenggorok atau laring, bila penatalaksanaan ini

    tidak berhasil maka dapat dilakukan endotrakeal atau trakeostomi bila

    sudah terjadi obstruksi jalan nafas.

    . Kebanyakan pasien mengalami hipoksemia, sehingga oksigenisasi harus dilakukan dan diberikan

    oksigen yang dilembabkan. Oksigenisasi dapat dinilai pertama-tama dengan cara oximetry pulse noninvasif

    untuk meminimalkan ketidaknyamanan dan memaksimalkan ketenangan pasien. Bila distres pernafasan parah

    dan tidak responsif terhadap perawatan pertama makan harus diukur tekanan gas darah arteri untuk menilai

    hiperkapnia dan asidosis respiratori. Tetapi harus diingat bahwa PaCO2 normal dapat tidak menggambarkan

    keparahan penyakit karena sumbatan dapat terjadi tiba-tiba. Bila terjadi hiperkapnea maka kebanyakan pasien

    membutuhkan jalan nafas buatan.5

    Pemberian makan pada pasien harus mempertimbangkan keparahan pernyakitnya. Pada pasien yang

    keadaannya gawat maka tidak boleh diberikan makan dan harus diberikan cairan intravena untuk

    mempertahankan rehidrasi.5

    Nebulisasi epinefrin rasemic sementara dapat memperbaiki distres pernafasan, dengan efek dalam

    jam dari pemberian aerosol dan hilang efeknya setelah 2 jam. Namun tidak ada bukti bahwa penggunaan

    epinefrin rasemic merubah dasar penyakit dari laringiti, tetapi penggunaannya telah memperkecil perlunya

    saluran nafas buatan. Epinefrin rasemic dapat diberikan sering, sampai setiap setengah jam bila diperlukan

    untuk melegakan distres pernafasan. Epinefrin resemic diberikan dalam dosis 0.25 ml dari larutan 2.25% untuk

    setiap 5 kg Berat badan, sampai dosis maksimum 1.5 ml. Epinefrin rasemic ini harus diberikan dengan

    nebulisasi dalam oksigen, karena dapat menyebabkan perburukan sementara dari ketidaksesuaian ventilasi dan

    perfusi dalam paru-paru. Irama jantung dan nadi harus dimobitor dan obat harus dihentikan bila terjadi aritmia.

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    Bila tidak terdapat epinefrin rasemic maka dapat digunakan epinefrin saja dengan dosis 5 ml larutan 1:1000

    ternyata manjur setara 0,5 efinefrin rasemic 2.25% yang dilarutkan dengan 4.5 ml normal saline dalam

    memperbaiki distres pernafasan pada laringitis. Efeknya juga hilang dalam 2 jam seperti resemic epinefrin.4,5,6

    Pengguanaan kortikosteroid dalam terapi laringitis menimbulkan kontroversi. Pada awalnya penelitian

    yang menilai kemanjuran steroid menggunakan metodologi yang salah dan menggunakan dosis yang kecil. Lalu

    bukti-bukti mucul bahwa dosis steroid setara dengan 100 mg kortisol atau 0,3 mg/kg dexametason dapat jadi

    efektif mengurangi keparahan laringitis dalam 12 dan 24 jam. Penelitian lebih lanjut menemukan bahwa

    kemanjuran dari penggunaan dosis tunggal parenteral 0.6 mg/kg deksametason dalam mengurangi gejala dan

    mempercepat kesembuhan, juga mengurangi kebutuhan perawatan intensif dan intubasi endotrakeal. Pada

    pasien yang memerlukan intubasi, penggunaan prednisolon 2 mg/kg.hari telah menunjukan mempercepat

    extubasi. Dalam sebuah penelitian pada 120 pasien dengan laringitis yang sedang, penggunaan dexamethasone

    secara oral dengan dosis 0.15, 0.3 dan 0.6 mg/kg sama efektifnya untuk menghilangkan gejala dan kebutuhan

    nebulisasi epinefrin. Malah, pertimbangan untuk menggunakan dexamethasone pada pasien dengan laringitis

    yang parah sekarang direkomendasikan oleh Committee of Infectious Disease of the American Academy of

    Paediatrics, The Infectious Diseases and Immunization Comittee of the Canadian Paediatric Society, dan the

    Respiratory Committee of the Paediatric Societ of New Zealand. Penelitian terakhir lebih difokuskan kepada

    pengguanaan steroid nebulisasi. Budesonide nebulisasi dengan dosis 2 mg telah menunjukkan kemanjuran

    dalam memperbaiki stridor, batuk, dan berbagai kegawatan 2 jam setelah pengobatan. Onset yang cepat ini

    menunjukkan efek steroid pada permeabilitas vaskular dibandingkan dengan efek anti inflamasi saja. Konsep ini

    didukung oleh penelitian lebih baru yang menunjukkan nebulisasi 2 mg budesonide sama efektifnya dengan

    nebulisasi 4 mg epinefrin dalam melegakan gejala. Lebih lanjut, nebulisasi 2 mg bunesonide secara statistik

    sama manjurnya dengan 0.6 mg/kg dexamethasone per oral dalam mengurangi gejala, mengurangi kebutuhan

    nebulisasi epinefrin dan mengurangi lama perawatan. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada anak yang laringitis

    harus menerima minimal 0.15 sampai 0.6 mg/kg deksametason dosis tunggal secara peroral, intramuscular,

    maupun intravena. Dan bukti sekarang menunjukkan perlunya nebulisasi bunesonide, dengan dosis 2 mg

    terutama pada keadaan darurat. Masih tidak diketahui apakah pemberian kortikosteroid berulang aman dan

    menguntungkan. Efek samping yang dapat terjadi pada pemakaian kortikosteroid jangka lama antara lain


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    Penggunaan helium-oksigen telah berhasil meningkatkan aliran udara pada pasien dengan obstruksi

    saluran nafas atas. Kepadatan helium yang rendah mengurangi hambatan aliran udara yang turbulen.5,6

    Selain pengobatan kadang pasien memerlukan juga intubasi endotrakeal. Intubasi harus dilakukan

    dengan perhatian penuh, sehingga meminimalkan cedera dan inflamasi saluran nafas. Tube endotrkea harus

    sampai 1 ukuran lebih kecil dari ukuran seharusnya berdasarkan usia pasien (atau seukuran dengan jari

    kelingking pasien) dan tube dipotong untuk memperpendek panjangnya dan mengurangi resistensi aliran udara.

    Setelah diintubasi pasien jarang memerlukan bantuan ventilator mekanik. Pasien harus diberi oksigen lembab

    selama diintubasi. Penghisapan harus diminimalkan untuk mengurangi cedera saluran nafas. Anak dengan

    laringitis memerlukan perawatan di rumah sakit untuk 24 jam sampai seminggu atau lebih, dan kriteria

    pemulangan pasien harus terjadi perbaikan distres pernafasan dan tidak diperlukan terapi spesifik dalam 24


    Pemberian antibiotik tidak disarankan kecuali hasil kultur menunjukkan adanya streptococcus, dimana

    penicillin adalah obat pilihannya.

    h. Prognosis

    Prognosis untuk penderita laringitis akut ini umumnya baik danpemulihannya selama satu minggu. Namun pada anak khususnya

    pada usia 1-3 tahun penyakit ini dapat menyebabkan udem laring

    dan udem subglotis sehingga dapat menimbulkan obstruksi jalan

    nafas dan bila hal ini terjadi dapat dilakukan pemasangan

    endotrakeal atau trakeostomi

    i. Komplikasi

    j. Pencegahan

    Pencegahan : Jangan merokok, hindari asap rokok karenarokok akan membuat tenggorokan kering dan mengakibatkan

    iritasi pada pita suara, minum banyak air karena cairan akan

    membantu menjaga agar lendir yang terdapat pada

    tenggorokan tidak terlalu banyak dan mudah untuk

    dibersihkan, batasi penggunaan alkohol dan kafein untuk

    mencegah tenggorokan kering. jangan berdehem untuk

    membersihkan tenggorokan karena berdehem akan

    menyebabkan terjadinya vibrasi abnormal pada pita suara,

    meningkatkan pembengkakan dan berdehem juga akan

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    menyebabkan tenggorokan memproduksi lebih banyak lendir.


    Fritsch, P, & Sidoroff, A 2000, 'Drug-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic

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