six ways to get rid of dark circles under your eyes

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Six ways to get rid of dark circles under your eyes short presentation by Select Salon Studios. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Six Ways to Get Rid of Dark Circles under Your



Select Salon Studios

Dark circles under one’s eyes look awful, and people usually use makeup to hide them. However, makeup can conceal them for a certain period of time. In other words, it is a temporary way, which can only overshadow the dark circles, but doesn’t remove them permanently.

Dark circles, usually, appear due to lack of sleep, stress, excessive drinking and smoking, and lack of nutritious diet, and if you have shades under your eyes, there must be one of these problems behind them. While dark circles are dreadful, one looks tired and old because of them.

However, one can get rid of this skin problem.

Sleep Well

It is important to sleep uninterrupted and adequately at night to prevent dark circles. When you don’t get plenty of sleep, it reduces circulation and makes the skin paler, which in turn causes darkness under the eyes. Thus, if you aren’t sleeping well, try to get 7-9 hour sleep every night.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating vitamin rich and nutritious foods is important for overall skin, in general, and for dark circles, in particular. Cosmetic and skin problems usually occur due to vitamin deficiencies. Dark circles, particularly, are attributed to inadequate antioxidants, or vitamin K and vitamin B 12 deficiency.

In order to avoid and control dark circles, drink water amply and reduce salt intake. Eat leafy green vegetables such as spinach and cabbage and take vitamin supplements if essential.

Use Eye Cream that Contains Retinol & Vitamin K

While the intake of vitamin K is essential, it is important to use eye creams that contain vitamin K and retinol. These ingredients help in reducing discoloration and puffiness. However, it is important to apply eye cream daily.

Besides, use a concealer which is also useful in camouflaging the dark circles.

Place Cucumber Slices on Your Eyes

Cucumber slices refresh the appearance of skin around the eyes and help in reducing the puffiness. So, if you are tired of dark circles under your eyes, place a slice over each eye for 10-15 minutes daily.

Exercise & Workout

It might not have direct impact on dark circles, but exercise reduces stress and improves circulation in the body, which is good for skin. Exercise is, therefore, important to reduce dark circles.

If you have any concerns regarding dark circles and skin care, you should consult an esthetician as well as a dermatologist. Take their suggestions and use their recommended ointments and creams. Dark circles not only affect the appearance of your eyes, but your overall features too. So change your sleeping and eating habits, exercise as well as relax and try to live a stress-free life. Also, always discuss your skin problems with a professional esthetician and a qualified dermatologist.

Consulting Esthetician & Dermatologist

Select Salon Studios Estheticians in Toledo OH Website:

Phone Number: 419-309-0009

Address: 5221 Monroe Street Toledo, Ohio 43623

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