situation based

Post on 08-Dec-2015






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How does a B School prepare you for the industry when it cannot mimic an industry environment?

It provides industrial training, discussions of case studies, industrial visits and lectures by industrialists.

How do websites offering free services survive / earn? / How do the web sites providing e-greeting cards earn money?

With the help of advertisements that are hosted on their websites. They get paid according to the number of unique clicks by customer.

How do they get to know about a unique click?

With the help of IP address which is allotted dynamically to each user who is connected to internet.

Describe some creative work that you have done till now?

I used to make battery powered cars for playing when I was in sixth standard. When my final exams were over I used to ask my parents for Rs. 200 to buy raw material to make my own car powered by battery and adaptor.

Tell us 5 uses of napkin apart from wiping?

Wrapping food, decorating material, to hit someone, to write.

What did you do while you were waiting outside?

I was just playing with the possible outcomes of the interview results. / I was discussing about the admission processes of various colleges and we were sharing our experience.

What do you like and hate the most about your college?

I like college life the most and I hate when they force us to vacate the hostel.

What do you know about this interview process today?

I got to know that the interview is quite chilled out and holds an important weightage.

What did you have for breakfast?

Bread-Butter & Milk

What do you do to get relieved from stress?

I go out for a walk and I talk with myself and I think of my goal.

What do you plan to do if you are not able to convert your calls?

I will try to figure out the reason and will work toward my weakness with more efforts.

What do you prefer- theory or practical?

I prefer a deep understanding of theory first, then practical and then again revisiting theory.

What do you think about idol worship?

It is good for those who work to meet their expectations by worshiping idols.

What do you think is the difference between commitment and dedication?

Commitment : Pledge / Undertaking

Dedication : Devotion

What do you think is the right strategy ATTACK or DEFENCE?

It depends on situation to situation.

What if we don't provide you with campus placement, will you join or not?

For me right now learning is the most important criteria, if I will not get campus placement I can try for off campus if I will be having good knowledge and skills.

What if you don't get a job? What if the recession worsens?

I will try to get a job off campus or otherwise I will start teaching and will offer consultancy.

What if you were offered an onsite opportunity right now? Would you grab it or still pursue MBA?

Definitely, I will pursue MBA, I had prepared a lot for aptitude and interview, I could have easily managed to bag a job.

What is more important: Extracurricular Activities or Academics?

A mixed balance between them is the best.

What is satisfaction?

The state of being satisfied.

What is stress?

Pressure / Tension

What is the difference between being religious and spiritual?

Religious : believing in a religion.

Spiritual : related to human spirit as opposed to physical things.

What is the difference between Mathematics and Arithmetic?

Arithmetic is the subset of Mathematics. Arithmetic deals with mathematical operations.

What is the difference between small town and big town?

Small Town: Less traffic and Population.

Big Town: Better Exposure, Infrastructure.

What is the difference between soccer and football?

Soccer - 11 player teams, Football – Any no. of players.

What is the difference between the nature and the behavior of the person?

Nature: The basic or inherit features, qualities or character of a person.

Behavior: The way in which a person responds to a situation.

What is the one quality that differentiates entrepreneurs from a successful CEO?

A passion for having one’s own business.

What is your daily schedule?

I wake up at around 8 and then I go to bed at around 2.

What is your view on the controversial authors to get publicity?

It is very difficult to tell whether an author has created a controversy to get publicity or not.

Convert: million, billion and trillion into lakhs.

1 Trillion = 100 Billion = 10,000 Million = 100,000 Lakhs = 10,000,000,000

What is the temperature of your hometown?

It was 32®C today morning, my mom told me today while whishing me good luck.

What kind of a person are you?

I am a very systematic kind of person, I like to keep things in order.

What makes you uncomfortable?

Right now the thought of choosing between two colleges puts me in the most uncomfortable situation.

What matters to you more - designation or money?

I think a better designation gives us plenty of opportunities to learn and earn money.

What salary do you expect after finishing the course?

I haven’t given a thought to it till now, but I am sure that this college will provide me the platform to one of the best job rest all depends on my efforts.

What were the reasons for Mahabharata?

The fight for the throne of “hastinapur” was the reason for Mahabharata.

What will you do if a train is running and the track splits into two out of which one is frequently used and the other one used less, but on both the tracks children are playing?

I will ask the driver to take the train on the track which is frequently used as the children around that track would be aware of the trains schedule and the people around that track will notice the children and take them away.

When do you want to start your own business?

Certainly after 10 years.

What would you like to be for a day? Why?

One who could change the system.

What would you name a movie made on you?

“Impossible is not impossible”

What would you prefer, being an entrepreneur or having a good job?

Firstly I would prefer to have a good job then I would love to go for entrepreneurship as work experience and money that I will save will help me a lot during the hard times which I may have to see.

When did you arrive here in the city?

I arrived here yesterday and stayed in the Guest House.

Where is your ID card?

It’s there in my file.

Which industry are you specifically interested in?

Haven’t decided yet but a one which could give me experience related to my goal.

Which IT subject do you want to add to the MBA course curriculum?

Data mining, Software Project Management

Which movie did you watch recently? Tell us about the movie?

I do not watch movies, as I start getting bored after 30 minutes.

Who is a better innovator, Steve Jobs (Apple) or Bill Gates (Windows)?

Both are unique in their products.

Who is your department head?

Mr. Dharmender Gupta

Who is the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor of your university?

Chancellor: Jagannath Kapadia, Vice Chancellor: M. L. Ranga

Why almost everybody wants to do an MBA?

I don’t think so that everybody wants to do an MBA as only 1.7 Lakh appear for CAT in Comparision to 15 Lakh for GATE and around 20 Lakh for Bank PO job.

Why did you score so low in CAT?

The main reason was I could not keep a balance between attempts and accuracy.

Why did you speak so less in the group discussion?

Because the discussion was becoming a fish market and nobody seemed to be interested in a good healthy discussion.

Why do you find economics interesting?

Because it gives a lot of knowledge of market dynamics i.e. demand – price relation, demand – supply relation.

Why do you think few girls make it to IIMs?

As it is very difficult for girls to take that much pressure.

Why do you think our institute has esteemed faculty?

As most of the faculty is having PhD. , MBA and work experience.

Why don't you join the B-school in your college since your college has an MBA school too?

Because of lack of exposure, permanent faculty and diversity.

Why is C known as C and not A, B or D or E etc?

C is derived from B and B is derived from A.

Why is it important for aspiring managers to be good at verbal apart from its use in communicating well?

As a manager needs to write a lot.

Why don’t you use your surname in the documents?

Because during my 10th class the teacher gave the names to the board without surname, I didn’t thought this much at that time.

Why you have horrible academics? / Why is there such a fluctuation in your percentage throughout your academics?

Being born into a family of govt. employees I was never forced to get good marks but was always asked for practical knowledge and application where I do not lack.

Will you be able to cope up with 12 hrs of work a day?

Yes, as this is probably the last formal education I am going for I need to take the best out of it to enhance my skills.

In career goal you have written that you want to become an Entrepreneur? Do you have a business model in mind?

Yes, I have a business model; I am working on starting a website for MBA where they can socialize.

As a manager how will you forecast different situations?

I will be able to forecast different situations from the skills and experience I will gain over the coming two years.

Why not joining and working for an NGO now only?

Because of conflicting aim, ideas and thinking.

Why there is no sector 13 in Chandigarh?

As 13 is considered unlucky, therefore this number was skipped while numbering the sectors.

With the advent of new technology, do you think a greeting card is still relevant?

I think now it is more relevant as today very less people use greeting card it can very well express your feelings.

Describe the analogy between a heart surgeon and a manager?

Both have to take decisions which great responsibility.

Did you join any coaching institute?

No, I didn’t joined any coaching institute, I prepared own my own.

Do you read newspaper daily? Did you read today's newspaper?

Yes, I do read newspaper daily but I didn’t get a chance to read newspaper today.

Okay what was the news yesterday?

Discuss a social issue you are concerned about?

Do women make better managers?

Yes women can be better managers as they are equipped with managing skills by birth.

Do you drink alcohol?

No, I do not drink alcohol, as it is not good for health.

Do you have a girl friend? Where did you meet her?

Whom do you want to be the next Prime Minister? What do you know about him?

Narendra Modi

Do you like the concept of social networking? What are its pros and cons?

Yes, human is a social animal and social networking makes the world shrink we can get in touch with our family members, friends, likeminded people with the help of it.

Pros: It makes the world shrink, easy to use, cheap to use, informative.

Cons: Time wastage.

Do you like travelling?

Yes I like to travel; I have travelled to Pune recently for my interview.

Do you support women reservation bill?

Yes, I support women reservation bill so that women can also have a level ground to showcase their views and ideas.

Do you think bunking classes are ok?

No, I believe one should never bunk a class as it is the place from where we get to learn a lot, via discussions, interactions with teachers and classmates.

Do you think hobbies require some kind of skill?

Yes, I think that to enjoy a hobby we need to have the skills such as if one likes playing guitar he needs to know how to play it.

Do you think monetary benefits should be attached with research work?

Yes monetary benefits will give motivation to great minds to work in research field.

Do you think subsidy on electricity and fertilizers is justified?

In my opinion subsidy should be limited to only the needy people.

Do you want to be a small fish in big pool or big fish in small pool? Don't you think small fish in big pool is better, because that company is known to everyone?

I my opinion to be a perfect big fish in a small pool one should firstly be a small fish in big pool so as to get experience before taking greater responsibility. Because being a small fish in a large pool one can get to know the problems faced by a small fish which ultimately makes the pool big and grow by their hard work and dedication. So that when one becomes a big fish in the small pool he can effectively manage the small pool and make it grow to a large pool.

I would choose to be a small fish in a big pool, because there is so much more to explore, discover, experience and a space to grow and who knows this search, might end up becoming a big fish in a big pond. Moreover as a small fish I would like to adopt new and creative ideas to survive in the big pool. One should not run before learning to walk, one should work up his way slowly but steadily and in that way when he get big he'll taste that wonderful dream coming to reality.

When looking for new job, what is most important for you, the name of the company or the salary or the type of work or working Environment or other things?

If one is looking for a long term job to have a career plan, then it is most important to know the type of work environment. One would like to choose a job that interests him hence keeping him motivated. Even if one has a good salary, but the work bores him, it's going to be a drag going to work every day. Good work = Good performance appraisal = Good salary.

Being smaller fish in a bigger pool provides long term benefits, and big fish in small pool works for short term immediate benefits.

Which is better, small position in big company or big position in small company?

In my opinion, bigger companies offer better benefits, even though there are some exceptions. I believe that in a big company you have a lot more to learn, the competition is bigger, better benefits, but on the other hand the possibility of change is on a "low process". Now if you look at your position in a small company, you will observe that your work and success are more visible, as well as the failure.

In my opinion and from the professional viewpoint, I prefer the small position in big company. My logic in favor of this argument mainly on the scope of learning and undertaking the responsibility are much wider. So, the individual will utilize this opportunity and once individual considers him/her competent enough, he/she may switch over to bigger position to apply his/her acquired professional competency practically.

Napoleon Bonaparte said, It’s better to become the first man “King or Lord" at a small city beside Rome rather than to becoming the "second man" at Rome

Do you want to be an entrepreneur? / What will you start with as an entrepreneur?

Yes, I have a lot of ideas regarding business in my mind but I have not yet made a mind, I will be able to make able to make a better decision after MBA.

Don't you think there is more need of doctors in the country as compared to MBAs?

Yes definitely our country is lacking in efficient and skillful doctors.

Even after preparing for one full year you couldn't get into IIT. Why less grades in engineering also?

I think my preparation was not up to the mark as required for the IITs, the main area where I lacked was in the mock tests, I didn’t appear for any mock test which made my preparation inefficient.

Why everybody here reads “The Hindu”?

Actually it is most popular among MBA students and it is also recommended by every coaching institute.

Do you feel gaming is an addiction and not a hobby?

It’s not like that; it depends on person to person.

Give an example when you felt compassionate & helped some poor people?

Yes I had felt compassionate and helped many poor by giving them food.

Give me 2 instances where you have witnessed corruption first hand?

During getting my railways tickets booked.

What are the five basic branches of management studies?

Finance, Marketing, Operations, HR, Supply Chain Management.

When did you decide to do your MBA?

I decided to go for MBA during my 5th semester when I came across subjects related with management such as Software Engineering, Software Project Management and Economics.

What particular specialization would you like to take up in MBA? /Why do you want to pursue MBA and why specifically Marketing/Finance? / Why do you want to do MBA in Marketing/Finance and not in Operations/HR?

I am particularly interested in marketing because marketing is the most creative part of a business.

Why do you want to pursue MBA before having work-experience? / Why MBA, being just a fresher?

As I have a lot of interest in MBA I think it would better if will get all my experience in management.

Does your college provide campus placement?

Our college has good placements, a fair number of companies visit our campus regularly, to name a few they are TCS, Infosys, Wipro etc.

How good are you in Mathematics?

I have good skills in mathematics; I love geometry, height and distances.

How much was your CAT percentile? Was it a fluke?

It was not a fluke; I had prepared a lot for it as it is my last chance to get into a good School.

How would you describe your academic performance?

My academic performance in terms of marks is average but I think I haven’t lacked i learning.

What do you mean by peer learning?

Peer learning means learning from our batch mates and seniors.

What is normalization and how is it useful?

Normalization is a process of scaling and equating data from different sources.

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