sistem de balustrada vormatic_kgs_gb

Post on 28-Apr-2015






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Sisteme de balustrade Vormatic


KHS / KGS Infinitely adjustableball joints between90¡ and 270¡

Highest material andproduction qualities

Rapid problem-freeassembly

Ball-jointed handrail systemBall-jointed banister system


BALL-JOINTEDHANDRAIL SYSTEMPerfect in detail - refined overall.KHS - The high-quality handrailsystem for wall mounting, fitted withthe most modern in technical featureswhich simplify exact directionallocation and assembly. Accurate fitand shape stability in the minimumtolerance range thanks to preciselymanufactured components andhandrails.

New and interesting designpossibilities thanks to thesystem’s stainless steel ball joints,used as a flexible connectionelement for wooden or stainlesssteel handrails, and which evenallow combinations of wood andstainless steel.

Handrails in wood with alumini-um tube as core.The "aluminium heart" in the coreof the wooden handrail can beconsidered as the system’s keyfeature, since it enables effortless andsafe fixing of handrail supports to thehandrail as well as to directional andconnection components. Thewooden handrail is additionallystabilised by the "aluminium heart"and safeguarded againstdeformation. This increase indeflection strength can be used toincrease the distance betweenhandrail supports.

The "KGS" range (page 6 on-wards) uses the same versions ofhandrails and connectors in the"KHS" range.

"Aluminium heart"stabilises thehandrail, secures itagainst deformationand enables tightfitting of the handrailsupports.

Internal threadfor correct fitting andpositive location ofindividualcomponents.

Wooden handrailin high-quality selectedsolid wood shapes theappealing overalloptical appearance.

Guide groovesimplifies exactassembly of handrailstanchions.

Surface sealingusing highly resistantdual-componentpolyurethane lacquer.

Plastic connecting boltsguarantees secure fitting ofindividual components toge-ther with the "aluminiumheart".

Stainless steelhandrail support(V2A)

The handrail supportenables completelycovered fixing of thehandrail to the sup-porting structure.

The secret ofthe "aluminiumheart"


Stainless steel longitudinal connector(V2A)as a practical design element for coveringwooden handrail element cut edges.


Stainless steel ball joints (V2A)

Ball joints in stainless steel make infinitelyvariable directional changes possible for theconnected handrails in any 3-D direction. Theyalso result in considerable installation savingsfor the fitter.The ball joint makes installation easier, especiallyfor stairways with varying ascent angles.

Stainless steeljointing technology

Stainless steel rosette (V2A)for positive connection betweenwooden handrails and ball jointor spherical endpieces.

Coupling piece forstainless steel handrails

Stainless steel handrail (V2A)

We must point out the extremely high valueretention enjoyed by stainless steel handrails,not just the purely process engineering andaesthetic points of view, because they areextremely resistant to environmental and otherinfluences.

New, fascinating design possibilities using thesystem’s stainless steel ball joint as a flexibleconnection element

for wooden or stainless steel handrails, alsofor combinations of wood and stainless steel.

Node joint from the KGSrangeFor connection of horizontalbracing bars and implemen-ting directional changes.

The large range of adjustment enjoyed by thestainless steel ball joint makes infinitely variableadjustment for architecturally designed walland stair courses of between 90¡ and 270¡possible - and that with just one component.

Banister stanchionsfrom the KGS range


Banisterstanchions forfloor mounting




Banister stanchion with patented rotary diskfor mounting horizontal bracing struts. Infinitelyvariable angle adjustment up to 40¡.

Material: stainless steelrotary disc in synthetic material

Banister stanchion with discreetly eleganteyebolts for mounting horizontal bracing struts.Infinitely variable angle adjustment forModel B up to 360¡.

Material: Stainless steel andgalvanised steel

Banister stanchions for all suitable flat infillwall materials.Please observe the relevant regulations!

Material: stainless steel

Model A Model B Model C

Adjustment facilities (for all models)

Infinitely variable angle adjustmentof infill bracing.

Infinitely variable angle adjustmentof handrail.

Infinitely variable height adjustment of banisterstanchions on stringboard fixings. Angleadjustment for compensation of unevenmounting surfaces using load distribution platessupplied.

Node joint fordirectional changes ofhorizontal bracing.

Node joint fordirectional changes ofhorizontal bracing.

Top part extensionincluding additionalhandrail to achieveincreased protectionagainst falling.

Variation facilities (for all models)


57 mm 98 mm


Wall dimension

45¡Internal angle

90¡Internal angle

45¡External angle

90¡External angle

Spherical endpiece

Wall dimension



Wall dimension




98 m

m50 mm


70 mm50 mm

¿ 40


1 mm

1 mm


53 mm 94 mmWall dimension

45¡Internal angle

90¡Internal angle

45¡External angle

90¡ External angleSpherical endpiecel

Wall dimension



Wall dimension





94 mm49 m



70 mm49 m

m¿ 42,4


5 mm

5 mm


Distancefrom wall70 mm





Handrail length


ay length


ay length


XDimension XStainless steelhandrail

Dimension XWoodenhandrail



45¡External angle


Hemishere endpiece

53 mm 130 mm

80 mm

45¡Internal angle


Wall dimension

90¡Internal angle

90¡External angle

5 mm

Wall dimension


20mmWall dimension


10 mm

Measure your wall profile andthen sketch the layout.Design your hand rail system usingall individual components. Enterthe required handrail lengths andindividual components in the partslist to assist purchasing. Designsshould allow for around 1.5handrail supports per linear metreon straights, and the same forevery change in direction. Bendshave fixed directions.The stainless steel ball joint canbe used in any location.

When measuring and cutting thehandrails to length, take thenecessary distance from the walland individual componentdimensions into consideration.The distance from the wall andthe fitting dimensions of individualcomponents result in the handraillength (see diagram).Please ensure that you startmeasurement anew after everychange in direction, since eventhe smallest tolerances addthemselves together. The handraillength changes depending on thesize of the angle.

Wall fixing ofhandrail supports forstainless steel andwooden handrails

¥ Mark drilling points for wallfixing of handrail supports anddrill.¥ Use appropriate fixing materi-als depending on wall condition(bolts / rawlplugs).

max.10 mm

8 mm

If you are fitting to unevenwalls, we recommend theuse of our adjustable hand-rail supports.

Inaccuracies and differencescan only be made good usingadjustable handrail stanchions.(Item No.: 006010 090 RF)

Note:Ensure that anchorages to thewall are very stable, becauseonly stable wall anchoringguarantees optimum safety.Please observe the rawlplugmanufacturer’s instructions foruse.Any legal requirements for theconstruction of banisters mustbe unconditionally observed.

Caution!Stainless steel must not beworked together with normaliron. You must never use toolson stainless steel which havepreviously been used forworking iron or steel.Example: wooden handrailwith stainless steel ball joints(V2A).

Example:Wooden handrailWall profile withwooden bendsand endpieces.

Example:Stainless steelhandrail Wallprofile withstainless steel balljoints (V2A).

Example:woodenhandrailwith stainlesssteel ball joints(V2A).

Example:stairwayThe length of the stairway fromthe top stepedge down to the floor minusdimensionon both sides for the ball jointresults in the handrail length.


fl 3 mm vorbohren

Stainless steel handrail¥ Cut handrails to length (right-angled clean cut with suitable capsaw)¥ BIf you have directional changes,press the coupling piece for balljoints up to

the stop in the handrail (closedjoints).

¥ Tighten the screw supplied withan Allen key (4mm)¥ Put the spherical shell suppliedon.

Handrail supports¥ Determine the stanchion fixingposition on the wall.* Centre punch the stainless steelhandrail.

* Pre-drill with 3.3 mm.* Cut thread (M4).¥ Screw handrail support togetherwith handrail (stainless steelcheese-head screw M4 x 10 mm).

Always use a ball joint at anychange of direction.¥ Screw the ball joint in until it isfixed and joints are closed.

Continue screwing in untilresistance disappears (click) andthe ball joint can be freely moved(after this the ball joint cannot beremoved).

Stainless steel sphericalendpiece¥ Screw the brass connecting boltinto the stainless steel sphericalendpiece.

Otherwise same erectionprocedure as stainless steel balljoint.

Wooden handrail¥ Cut handrails to length (right-angled clean cut with fine-toothedcap saw)

¥ Cut the internal thread on bothhand rails with a screw tap fromour range at M10 x 0,75 mm.(always use cutting oil!)

Erection with wooden bendsScrew the plastic connecting boltinto the internal thread. Coat cutservices with wood glue. Screwingthe wooden bends tightly andalign. Stand down any transitionabuses necessary and re-varnish.

As alternative, a longitudinalconnector can be set betweenhandrail and bend, or betweentwo straight handrails, to use asa transition between cuts edgesor as a design element.

Stainless steel ball jointLocate the stainless steel rosetteon the handrail end. Screw theball joint in lightly, align andtighten.Wooden hemisphere endpieceCoat cut surfaces with wood glueand press in firmly, fix with

adhesive tape if necessary.Stainless steel sphericalendpieceLocate the stainless steel rosetteson the handrail end. Screw thespherical piece firmly in with thebrass connecting bolt and align.

Handrail supports¥ Determine the stanchion fixingposition on the wall.

¥ Drill the wooden handrail withhandrail stanchion ¿ 7 mm intothe groove, countersink and cutthread into handrail by screwingthe console inwards.

Stainless steel handrail Wooden handrail



Stanchion spacingrequired when fixingto stringboardwith transverse bracing or other infill

ST 37 galvanised steel

Fixing height Stanchion spacingin m in m1.35 0.601.30 0.651.25 0.701.20 0.751.13 0.801.05 0.851.00 0.900.95 0.950.90 1.00

V2A 1.4301 stainless steel

Fixing height Stanchion spacingin m in m1.15 0.601.05 0.651.00 0.700.93 0.75

Stanchion spacingrequired when fixingto floorswith transverse bracing or other infill

ST 37 galvanised steel

Fixing height Stanchion spacingin m in m0.90 1.00

V2A 1.4301 stainless steel

Fixing height Stanchion spacingin m in m0.93 0.75

The stipulated or recommended spacings areshown in the following list. The spacings aredependent on the fixing height and shouldbe regarded as maximum spacings.

This information applies only to internaluse. Other values must be used for exter-nal use due to the influence of wind loads,for instance when full surface area infillis used.

What are the legalrequirements?Banister systems are intended to

protect life and limb. When

erecting a banister system, ensure

that all legal requirements relating

to construction are adhered to.

the right choicefor sure!vormatic

Stair cubeThe banister must the erectedso that a cube of 150 x 150mm does not fit through thegap between the bottom bra-cing edge or infill and thestairway step.


ng h






Edge spacing



l hei



RiserVertical change of direction

Horizontal change of direction

Angle of ris

e 34¡

Landing area -balustrade




Edge spacing



When fixing vormatic KGS elements to astructure, dowels and bolts with a verifiedloading moment of 3.5 kN must be used.You must also observe the edge spacingsand connection information provided bythe dowel manufacturer.

The banister must be erected so that astair cube cannot pass through the spaceat the location shown (see sketch on left-hand side). When erecting stanchions witheye bolts, ensure that these only pointtowards the stairway. It is otherwise pos-sible to step through, which results in ahazard for small children.

The rules precisely stipulate that all pre-assembled eye bolts or plastic washers inthe stanchions must be equipped withbracing struts, otherwise the banister willnot meet the safety requirements. Wewould point out in this context that thehorizontal bracing may never be used asa ladder (danger of falling).

The handrail must be mounted at a mini-mum height of 900 mm measured fromthe leading edge of a step vertically upto the top surface of the handrail.

The KGS range can be used outdoors withrestricted dimensions. You must ensurethat no full surface area infill is used, andthat the bracing is not covered by scree-ning elements or similar. Wind loadingcan result in a "sail effect" which resultsin increased loading on the banister.

If the possible falling height is more than12 metres, vormatic KGS must be erectedat an increased height made possible bybanister add-on sets (system components).

In accordance with current technical stan-dards, Vormatic KGS can accept horizontalloading of up to 50 kg/m if the previouslystipulated stanchion spacings and fixingheights are observed, which means thatthe system is suitable for use in privateresidential areas.

What does your stairway look like?Safety information

Circular stairway Stairway with quarter turn

Straight stairway with two landingsStraight stairway with intermediate landing

Half-turned open-string stairway

Diagonal stairway with intermediate landings


STAIR DESIGNMeasure the stairway in accordance with theguidelines stated here, and then decidewhether stanchions should be mounted onthe stringboard or floor, and in which version.The self-adhesive erection templates containedin the KGS presentation make erection planningeasier. They enable you to have an overviewof the number and positioning of thestanchions, and can be used later as drillingtemplates.

Use the parts summary on pages 14/15 todetermine material requirements and enterthem in the appropriate parts list.

All required parts are either in stock or can besupplied at short notice. The following exampleuses the erection templates for erectionplanning. The example shows a straightconcrete stairway with stringboard stanchionmounting. Floor mounting can be carried outusing the same scheme.

Please use the table on page 8 to determinestanchion spacings.


2 2




ht-line e



of front st

air edge



Fixing height =Dimension a + plannedhandrail height

Spacing dimension fromfirst stanchion tochange of direction

Spacing dimension fromfirst stanchion tochange of direction

Dimension = valuefrom table(page 8)

Dimension = valuefrom table (page 8)



Fixing height =Dimension b + plannedhandrail height

Dimension = value from table (page 8)




Erection template

Self-adhesive fixingaid for stringboardmounting. This isused to position thebanister stanchionsand as a drillingtemplate duringerection.

Self-adhesive fixingaid for floormounting. This isused to position thebanister stanchionsand as a drillingtemplate duringerection.

n order to distribute the stanchion spacings, youneed the fixing height.

4.1 At stairway climbsPlace a straight-edge over the front edge of thesteps to determine the intersection between thetop fixing point and a straight-edge, and add the dimension for the planned handrail height.

4.2 At landingsDetermine the distance from the top fixing pointto the top edge of the landing plus the plannedhandrail height.

1. Place the first template on the starting step.

2. Place the next template on the tread or at thestart of landing or at a vertical change of direction.

3. Determine the stanchion position at the end of the landing. To do this, place a straight-edgeon the front edges of the steps. Use the tableon page 8 to determine the stanchion spacings.

Straight stairway with landing

- concrete stairway

- stanchions to be stringboard mounted

Drill the necessary holes and screw the wall fixings in. Do not forget to place the loaddistribution plates supplied between the wall and the wall fixing.

Push the vertical stanchions into the wall fixingsso that the planned handrail height can be achieved.

If necessary, shorten the vertical stanchions at the bottom so that these are flush with the bottom edge of the wall fixings.

For further steps, please see the instructions onthe following pages.




Please ensure thatthe edge

spacings areobserved

Outer stanchionedge

Drilling template forstringboard mounting

Drilling templatefor floor mounting

Please ensurethat the edgespacings are


5. Determine the distance between stanchions as described and fix the template accordingly.

Locate the wall fixings vertically so that theedge spacings are adhered to. If there is notenough space, move the wall fixing so that the top screws determine the minimum spacing.




1. Distribute the stanchions so that they arelocated at obvious changes of direction or atthe spacings listed in the table.

2. After the stanchions have been positioned,fix their position by gluing the appropriatetemplate in place.

3. Bolt the stanchions into position. If mountedon stringboards, the stanchions may need tobe shortened in length depending on thestairway layout.

Depending on the type of stairway, ensurethat the edge spacing takes the dowelmanufacturer’s instructions into account.

4. Place the handrail onto the stanchionconsoles in accordance with the vormatic KHSinstructions and fix them continuously.

Ensure that the stanchions are vertical and inline.



6. Use node joints at any locations where thereis a change of direction.

5. Measure the bracing length from initialposition or node joint to node joint, cut thebracing to length if necessary, push the bracingthrough the eyebolts or into the node joints.

7. Fix the bracing by tightening the screws inthe stanchion eyebolts or in the plastic discs.

8. Use a standard cleansing agent for stainlesssteel to clean surfaces.

9. Close off any open bracing with end stop-pers. Ensure that all existing fixing points forfixing any banister


Item Item Requirednumber quantity

Handrail, beech, lacquered,fl 40 x 1500 mm 006000 150 BUHandrail, beech, lacquered,fl 40 x 2250 mm 006000 225 BUHandrail, V2A tubing,fl 42.4 x 1500 mm 006000 150 RFHandrail, V2A tubing,fl 42.4 x 2000 mm

006000 200 RF2 rosettes forwooden hand-rails, stainlesssteel, fl 40 mm. For rigidconnection betweenwooden handrail and jointor spherical endpiece. 006001 040 RF

2 longitudinalconnectors forwooden handrails,stainless steel, fl 40 mm.For covering woodenhandrail element cut edgesor as design element. 006002 040 RF

Bend, 45¡,beech,lacquered. 006003 045 BU

Bend, 90¡,beech,lacquered. 006004 090 BU

Woodenendpiece,90¡, beech,lacquered, left. 006008 090 BU

Woodenendpiece,90¡, beech,lacquered, right.

006008 091 BU2 hemisphereendpieces, beech,lacquered, fl 40 mm. 006009 000 BU

Coupling piecewith stainlesssteel sphericalendpiece forstainless steel handrails,fl 42.4 mm. For fixing balljoints or spherical endpieces(with anti-unscrewingdevice). 006001 043 RF

2 longitudinalconnectorsfor stainless steelhandrail, fl 42.4 mm.For covering cut edges onstainless steel handrails oras design element. 006002 043 RF

Ball joint,stainless steel,fl 55 mm.For stainlesssteel and woodenhandrails. 006005 000 RF

Sphericalendpiece,stainless steel,fl 55 mm.For stainless steel andwooden handrails. 006009 055 RF


Item Item Requirednumber quantity

Endstopfenf r Edelstahl-Handlauf 006009 043 RF

Handrail support, heightand depth adjustable,with seat, stainless steel,fl 75 mm 006010 090 RFFixed handrail support,with stainless steel seat,fl 75 mm 006011 090 RFwhite aluminium, fl 75 mm 006011 090 WAwhite, fl 75 mm 006011 090 WHandrailsupport,stainless steel,height andpositionadjustable, straight,with seat, fl 75 mm.For fixing to balustradesor similar. 006017 000 RF

Handrailsupport,stainless steel,fixed,with seat,fl47 mm.For narrow wall supportsor as optical alternative. 006012 090 RF

Handrailsupport 90¡,stainlesssteel, fixed,with self-cuttingthreaded journals,M8, fl 75 mm. 006021 090 RF

Handrailsupport 90¡,stainlesssteel,fixed, withself-cutting threadedjournals, M8, no seat,fl 47 mm. 006022 090 RF

Handrailsupport 90¡,stainlesssteel,height and depthadjustable, withself-cutting threadedjournals, M8, fl 75 mm. 006020 090 RF

Handrailssupports,straight,stainlesssteel,adjustable, withself-cutting threadedjournals, M8, fl 75 mm.For fixing to balustradesor similar. 006027 000 RF

Handrailsupport 90¡,withoutblendingrosette,stainless steel 006111 090 RF

Item Item Requirednumber quantity

Handrailsupport 90¡(M8),withoutblending rosette,stainless steel 006121 090 RF

Extension, stainless steel,with self-cutting threadtap, fl 12 x 50 mmfor adjustable handrailsupports, 2 items in box. 006040 050 RF

4 brassconnectingbolts M10 x 0.75 x 35 mm.For connecting woodenand stainless steel elementswith stainless steel sphericalendpieces. 006043 000

4 plasticconnectingbolts whiteM10 x 0.75 x 25 mm.For connecting woodenelements 006042 000

20 cheese-headscrews, stainlesssteel, M4 x 10 mm.For fixing stainless steelhandrails to handrailsupports. 006045 000 RF

20 cheese-head screws,stainless steel,3.5 x 25 mm.For fixing woodenhandrails to handrailsupports. 006044 000 RF

Screw tapM10 x 0.75 mm.For tapping threadsin wooden handrailaluminium cores. 006047 000

Drill ¿ 3.3 mm.For core-hole tappingof M4 threads in stainlesssteel handrails for fixingto handrail supports. 006051 000

M 4 screw tap.For cutting threadsin stainless-steel handrailsfor fixing to handrailsupports. 006046 000

HSS metal drill, fl 7 mm.For drilling holes in handrailsupports with threads inwooden sections. 006049 000


Drilling template for exact positioning of drill holes inwooden handrails for fixing handrails supports withself-cutting threaded journals.

Also available in maple or oak on request.



Item Item Requirednumber quantity

Item Item Requirednumber quantity

Item Item Requirednumber quantity

Tread fixing setfl 42,4 x 900 mmwith plastic disc(Model A) 006200 090 RF

Stringboard fixingset fl 42,4 x 1300 mmwith plastic disc(Model A) 006200 130 RF

Tread fixing setfl 42,4 x 900 mmfor glass panel holders(Model C) 006202 090 RF

Stringboard fixing setfl 42,4 x 1300 mmfor glass panel holders(Model C) 006202 130 RF

Headpiece setstraight 006240 010 RF

006240 010 Z

Headpieceextension100 mm 006245 010 RF

006245 010 Z

Tread fixing setfl 42,4 x 900 mmwith eyebolt(Model B) 006201 090 RF

006201 090 Z

Stringboard fixing setfl 42,4 x 1300 mmwith eyebolt(Model B) 006201 130 RF

006201 130 Z

Infill rod 006210 012 RFfl 12 x 2000 mm 006210 012 Z

Connecting 006215 145 RFangle 145¡, fl 15 mm 006215 145 Z

Connecting elbowfl 12 mm 006225 000 RF

006225 000 Z

Set glass panelholders 006250 000 RF

Connecting 006215 090 RFanglel 90¡, fl 15 mm 006215 090 Z

Connecting tubefl 15 x 90 mm 006220 010 RF

006220 010 Z

End capfor infill rod 006235 000 S

Self-adhesive fixingaid for stringboardmounting 006290 001

Fixing template forfloor mounting 006290 002

Bolt for concrete 006260 000 RF

Spacer plate100 x 25 x 4 mmfor stringboard mounting 006270 000 RF

RF = stainless high-grade steel Z = galvanised S = black



bitte beachten Sie,dass die

Randabst nde ein-gehalten werden.


Bohrschablone f rWangenmontage


Bohrschablonef r die


bitte beachten Sie,dass die Rand-

abst nde eingehal-ten werden.

Stainless steelStainless steel is one of the most high quality,resistant and environmentally friendly metalsavailable. You will be able to enjoy it for manyyears if treated properly. You will find infor-mation and tips below about handling thestainless steel used in vormatic KGS and KHSsystems.V2A steel (material No. 1.4301) is used, whichwe recommend for indoor use in the firstinstance. Our system can also be used outdoors,but please observe that rust formation canoccur under certain conditions, for examplein extremely high humidity connected withsalt content in maritime areas, or in cases of

heavy air pollution in industrial regions or inthe vicinity of heavily-trafficked roads. Wetherefore recommend that you clean the sur-faces at a frequency depending on the envi-ronmental influences, either using commercialcleansers for stainless steel, or simply usingmild detergents.Caution: do not use water containing chlorinebecause chlorine results in corrosion !There is also a danger of corrosion if stainlesssteel contacts iron or steel. For this reason youshould never use tools for erection which havepreviously been used with iron or steel

Steel / electro-galvanised chromatedIn order that the chrome layer remains perma-nently good-looking, we recommend that youwear gloves when erecting the system. In thecourse of time, the chrome layer can becomeworn especially in areas where sweat comesinto contact with the surface. Please use asimple moist cloth for cleaning. In cases ofheavier soiling, we recommend a special metallacquer to protect the surface.

Steel qualities with electro-galvanised andchromated services should only be used in-doors.

Information on materials used:


Art-Nr. 89500 033 AV

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