simple sentence

Post on 03-Nov-2014






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A. Simple Sentence Simple Sentence adalah kalimat yang terdiri dari satu subject dan satu predicate, tanpa adanya clause di dalamnya. Kalimat ini merupakan bentuk kalimat yang paling sederhana. Beberapa contoh simple sentence adalah: Julia bought a fur coat yesterday. She put in her room. I have a new friend. His name is Zaki. Sarah likes traveling very much. She has ever been to almost all parts of Indonesia. I was invited to come to his party last night. We have to manage our daily meal.

B. Compound Sentence Compound Sentence adalah dua buah bentuk kalimat sederhana (berupa independent clause) atau lebih yang dijadikan satu dengan menggunakan kata penghubung (coordinative conjunction) sebagai berikut: Coordinative conjunction and (dan) or (atau) but (tetapi) both.and. (.dan.) on the other hand (sebaliknya) or else (atau jika tidak) either.or.(baik.ataupun.) as well as (dan juga) Makna yang ditunjukkan Kesejajaran Pilihan Pertentangan Kesejajaran Pertentangan Pilihan Pilihan Kesejajaran

Kadang-kadang independent clause tersebut digabungkan dengan menggunakan punctuation comma atau semi-collorf. Beberapa contoh compound sentence adalah: My brother want to live in his own house with his family But he doesnt have enough money to buy a house. You can summarize a novel or make a composition to meet the assignment. Faris must not use his boss car; his boss will punish him. The music concert will be hold in this building in three weeks or else it will be delayed until the beginning of the next year. The cost of living in a big city, as well as in small city, is increasing day by day. It is very good to visit the temple either in June or July.


It is fairly easy for educated people to get some good jobs; on the either hand, it is fairly difficult for uneducated people to get good ones.

Beberapa conjunction yang juga dipakai pada compound sentence adalah: However Therefore Otherwise Moreover Nevertheless C. Complex Sentence Complex Sentence adalah kalimat yang mempuyai satu independent clause dan satu dependent clause atau lebih. Independent clause pada complex sentence biasanya disebut main clause atau induk kalimat,sementara dependent clause pada kalimat jenis ini disebut subclause atau anak kalimat. Untuk menghubungkan subclause yang berupa adverb clause digunakan subordinative conjunction, sementara itu untuk menghubungkan subclause yang berupa adjective clause atau noun clause digunakan relative pronoun. Subbordinative conjunction although (meskipun) because since (karena) after/before (sesudah/sebelum) in order that (agar, supaya) so that (sehingga) if (seandainya) when (ketika) while (pada saat) unless (jika tidak) Relative pronoun that (yang) who (yang) which (yang) where (dimana) when (ketika) why (mengapa) how (bagaimana) that (bahwa) Furthermore Hence Also Then Besides Accordingly Consequently Likewise Meanwhile Thus

Beberapa contoh complex sentence dengan adverb clause adalah: Teaching the students to write in English is not an easy task for a lecturer although the students have a good mastery in grammar and vocabulary. Because the weather was very cold, most tourists wore winter coats. After all the participants of the seminar ha dinner, they began to relax. In order that we can buy a new car, we must save our money. My daughter is a very beautiful girl so that many people my assignment last Sunday morning. Beberapa contoh complex sentence dengan adjective clause adalah: The manager will not give the salary to the worker who does not work hard.


Solving a difficult problem which makes the government get ini trouble challenges all of the ministers in our country.


Is still try to find the best way how to master English speaking ability. The city that is located near the clope of the mountain usually has cool weather.

Beberapa contoh complex sentence dengan noun clause adalah: What I like most about my hometown is the weather. I never wonder why they the government will not be able to handle this crisis. She doesnt know where her father puts his key. That my cousin does not like to visit my house rally makes me said.

Dapat disimpulkan bahwa adverb clause adalah anak kalimat yang berfungsi menerangkan keseluruhan isi pada induk kalimat. Adjective clause adalah anak kalimat yang berfungsi memberikan deskripsi lebih lanjut kepada salah satu bagian atau elemen kalimat, baikyang menduduki jabatan subjek maupun objek. Sementara itu, noun clause adalah anak kalimat yang menduduki jabatan subjek ataupun objek.

D. Compound Complex Sentence Compound complex sentence adalah compound sentence yang memiliki satu dependent clause atau lebih pada komponen independent clausenya. Dapat dikatakan bahwa compound complex sentence merupakan gabungan compound sentence dengan complex sentence. Beberapa contoh compound complex sentence adalah: Last month, my neighbor bought a house which is very big and luxurious but surprisingly he did not like the house which he bought. Sarah was surprised when her mother gave hera beautiful dress and she was also surprised when all of her friends came to her house to celebrate her birthday. The government has increased the price of some fuel products and decreased the financial aid that is actually needed by most people. My uncle likes driving a car but he doesnt like driving a car that has complicated equipments inside it. Most tourists like to visit the city during the holiday but some others do not like it because they think the city is too cowded.

EXERCISE A. 1. Look at the text below! Try to choose which ones are the simple sentences and which ones are the compound sentences! On my school vacation, I went to Yogyakarta with some friends. It was on Sunday and we left the house at 8.00. our trip was really wonderful and it took around two hours to get there. We went to some interesting places. We went to the beach and didnt miss the palace. My friends loved the palace very much but I didnt. I loved playing with friendly waves on the beach. 2. Look at the text below! Try to choose which ones are the compound sentences and which ones are the complex sentences! There are many people who live in my small village. Most of them are farmers who have to work at the field everyday. They usually houses early in the morning, and leave for home after dusk. They grow paddy plant in large fields which look wonderful when the paddy plants are well fertilized. They harvest the crops after three months and sell them. All farmers in my village are kind and never quarrel. They always work together when the cultivating season comes. 3. Look at the text below! Try to choose which ones are the simple sentences, compound sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound complex sentences! Zahra used to live with her aunt in Jakarta when she was still a child. She went to elementary school which was not far from her aunts house. She was born in a small village in Lampung but grew up in Jakarta. Her favorites game was hide and seek. She used to jog on Sunday morning with her aunt and when the holiday came, they went out to visit the museums and parks. B. Make 5 examples for each type of sentence!

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