simple guide to remove eye bags

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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A Simple Guide to Remove Eye bags without Surgery

Powered By:Dermology Skin Care

Steps to Follow

Supercooled Teaspoon Tharepy

Stay Hydrated

Use Fennel Seed

Change your Sleeping Position

Put on some Concealer

Change Dietary Habits

Use Under Eye Creams

Supercooled Teaspoon Therapy

Put two metal spoons in the refrigerator until they're cold and then press them gently over your eyes to reduce under eye bags.

Use Fennel Seed

We all know fennel seeds culinary purpose that please the taste bud, but fennel seeds can also help take care or unsightly puffiness around your eyes.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water and limit your alcohol consumption to one drink a night, because dehydration can cause under eye bags.

Change Your Sleeping Position

Sleeping on stomach or sides have greater chances of getting under eye bags. Sleep on your back with your head slightly elevated to encourage fluids to drain during the night. That way, fluids won't pool around your eyes, creating bags there.

Put On Some Concealer

Concealing under eye bags with little make up is an easiest and fastest way to remove under eye bags. Right makeup wonderfuly reduce the appearance of under eye bags and make your face live.

Change Dietary Habits

A salty dinner and drinking is fine once in a while but if you are habitual it can have long term effects on your eyes. It leads to water retention in facial area and tend to stretched skin under your eye bags. Try to reduce amount of salt use in everyday cooking.

Use Under Eye Cream Regularly

Use Eye cream regularly It speeds up circulation and tightens bags. Use your fingers to gently press on the bones around your eyes as you apply the cream to drain excess fluid around your eyes and reduce bags even more.

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