simple destination-swap strategies for adaptive intra- and ...stefan/mig-tr.pdfsimple...

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Simple Destination-Swap Strategies forAdaptive Intra- and Inter-Tenant VM Migration

Chen Avin1, Omer Dunay1, Stefan Schmid21 Ben Gurion University, Beersheva, Israel; 2 TU Berlin & T-Labs, Berlin, Germany{avin,dunay};

Abstract—This paper investigates the opportunities and lim-itations of adaptive virtual machine (VM) migration to reducecommunication costs in a virtualized environment. We introducea new formal model for the problem of online VM migrationin two scenarios: (1) VMs can be migrated arbitrarily in thesubstrate network; e.g., a private cloud provider may havean incentive to reduce the overall communication cost in thenetwork. (2) VMs can only be migrated within a given tenant;e.g., a user that was assigned a set of physical machines mayexchange the functionality of the VMs on these machines.

We propose a simple class of Destination-Swap algorithmswhich are based on an aggressive collocation strategy (inspiredby splay datastructures) and which maintain a minimal and localamount of per-node (amortized cost) information to decide whereto migrate a VM and how; thus, the algorithms react quickly tochanges in the load. The algorithms come in two main flavors,an indirect and distributed variant which keeps existing VMplacements local, and a direct variant which keeps the numberof affected VMs small.

We show that naturally, inter-tenant optimizations yield alarger potential for optimization, but generally also a tenant itselfcan improve its embedding. Moreover, there exists an interestingtradeoff between direct and indirect strategies: indirect variantsare preferable under skewed and sparse communication patternsdue to their locality properties.


Virtualization is perhaps the main innovation motor intoday’s networks. In particular, most datacenter resources havebecome fully virtualized, and resource slices are carved outdynamically for the different applications. The basic unit insuch datacenters are virtual machines (VMs): Ideally, a VMappears to be a dedicated physical machine, but in realitythe VM may share the underlying physical machines withother VMs. Moreover, since the virtualization layer decouplesthe virtual services and resources from the constraints of theunderlying physical infrastructure, a VM can be migratedseamlessly to other physical machines.

Migration introduces new flexibilities on how to manage agiven resource network. While the allocation (and isolation)of CPU and memory resources is fairly well understoodtoday, the access to these resources has often been treatedas a second class citizen. However, it has recently beenargued that connecting VMs with explicit bandwidth andhence communication guarantees, can reduce the variance andduration (price) of an execution. [2], [20], [21], [29], [30]Moving frequently communicating VMs closer together cansave network bandwidth (or even energy [25]) and improvethe predictability of the execution. Automatic collocation may

also enhance the privacy of the communication [23], especiallyin wide-area networks.

In this paper, we attend to a generic setting consistingof a physical network which is shared by multiple tenants.The physical network connects different physical machines.It may represent a datacenter, but may also be a wide-areanetwork spanning globally distributed resources or “micro-datacenters” (e.g., the POPs or even street cabinets of anInternet Service Provider, see also the trend towards networkfunctions virtualization [11]). In the following, we will oftenrefer to this network as the substrate or host graph.

Each tenant has access to a set of VMs. These VMs can bemapped arbitrarily on the host graph (maybe subject to somespecification constraints in case of a wide-area network). Inorder to complete their tasks, the VMs of a tenant need tocommunicate. Accordingly, in this paper, we will think of theVMs and their interactions as a graph as well: each tenantdescribes a (dynamic) guest graph which is embedded on thehost graph.

This paper studies migration algorithms which ensure thatthe frequently communicating VMs of a guest graph aremigrated together adaptively. We distinguish between twomigration scenarios:

1) Inter-tenant VM migration: In this scenario, VMs canbe migrated arbitrarily on the host graph. For example,a private datacenter provider may have an incentive toglobally optimize the allocation of all VMs across alltenants, in order to reduce network loads and improveperformance. Or in the context of wide-area networks(WANs) and ISPs supporting network functions virtual-ization, a provider may optimize the applications of allits customers by migrating critical VMs geographicallycloser and hence reduce latencies.

2) Intra-tenant VM migration: In this scenarios, the setof physical machines assigned to a tenant is fixed.However, the tenant can re-assign the VMs (e.g., [22])and functionality of its own application among thesephysical machines. For instance, while a monopolisticpublic cloud provider may not have an incentive (oris not allowed) to optimize the VM mapping, a usermay improve its application performance by collocatingfrequently communicating machines.

Contribution. This paper makes the following contribu-tions. (1) We initiate the study of adaptive inter- and intra-tenant migration strategies and present a simple formal model


which allows us to reason about and analytically evaluatedifferent online algorithms. In particular, we pursue a conser-vative and online approach and assume that we do not haveany a priori knowledge of the guest graph traffic matrices andtheir evolution over time. Thus, our approach also captures set-tings where the tenant specifies rough communication require-ments (such as Virtual Clusters or Virtual-Oversubscribed-Clusters [3]).(2) We introduce a simple class of Destination-Swap migrationalgorithms which only require a very small amount of per-node state information, namely a local amortized cost. Thissimple approach allows us to focus on the main propertiesand challenges of adaptive migration. The Destination-Swapalgorithms are based on an aggressive collocation approach,i.e., communicating VMs are migrated together. This is in thespirit of classic self-adjusting distributed datastructures suchas splay trees. The algorithms come in two main flavors: Anindirect swapping strategy where VMs are migrated iterativelyto each other; this preserves (communication) locality andcan be seen as a distributed computing approach. A directswapping strategy where two VMs are collocated directly,i.e., without moving other VMs along the path; although asingle VM may be globally displaced, the direct strategy hasthe advantage that only one external VM is affected (localimpact). Generally, while these algorithms can be used forany host graph topology, we in this paper will mostly focuson the BCube datacenter topologies.(3) We study different variants of Destination-Swap migrationalgorithms under different communication patterns, and showthat they have some interesting properties. In particular, wefind that smart migration algorithms can indeed reduce thecommunication cost, especially in the inter-tenant scenario;in the more constrained intra-tenant scenario, the amortized(communication) costs can be lowered too, but only to a lesserextent. Moreover, we find that the algorithms adapt relativelyquickly to new communication patterns and that there areinteresting differences between direct and indirect swappingapproaches. In particular, indirect variants are preferable ifcommunication patterns are sparse and guest graphs tree like,and if the communication frequencies between VMs is subjectto a higher variance; otherwise, direct variants perform betterdue to the limited impact on other VM locations.

We understand our paper as a first step to shed light on theonline VM migration problem, and we kept our algorithmsas simple as possible. In particular, we believe that our workopens several interesting directions for future research, andmore sophisticated approaches.


We propose the following simple formal model to reasonabout dynamically reconfigurable virtual networks. We con-sider a physical network H = (M ∪ S,L), the host graph(e.g., a datacenter), where M = {m1,m2, . . . } representsthe physical machines (or simply hosts), S = {s1, s2, . . . }represents the switches (or routers) connecting the hosts, andL represents the physical links. A link (or edge) may connect

a switch with a host and/or two hosts directly. We will assumethat communication over a physical link comes at a certain cost(network load or latency), but we do not assume any strict linkcapacity constraints.

The physical network hosts a set of applications A ={A1, . . . , Ak}, from k different tenants. (In the following,we will simply assume that each application corresponds toone tenant, and will treat the terms as synonyms.) Eachapplication Ai consists of a set of virtual machines, i.e.,Ai = {v(i1), . . . , v(ij), . . . }. We will refer to the cardinality ofa set X by |X|. For simplicity and ease of presentation, in thefollowing, we will focus on a scenario where each machinem ∈M can host exactly one VM.

The arrangement function λ describes the mapping of theVMs to physical machines. That is, λ(v) denotes the physicalmachine to which a given VM v is mapped. Analogously, theVM hosted by a machine m is denoted by λ−1(m); λ−1(m) =⊥ means that m does not host any VM.

The basic objective of the migration algorithms studied inthis paper is to re-arrange VMs adaptively, in order to re-duce the amount of communication. Since the communicationpattern may change over time, mapping decisions may bereconsidered repeatedly. Therefore, we will use a time indext, and let λt refer to the arrangement function at time t: λt(v)is the mapping of v at time t.

Let us use d(u, v) to denote the distance between λ(u) andλ(v) in H: the number of physical links ` ∈ L needed toconnect λ(u) and λ(v) along the shortest path in the hostgraph. Since the arrangement function changes over time, wealso define the temporal version dt(u, v): the shortest distancebetween λt(u) and λt(v).

We assume that the different VMs of tenant/application Aineed to communicate in order to fulfill their task. Althoughour algorithms are applicable more generally, in the following,in order to study the reactivity and convergence properties ofthe migrations, we will often make the assumption that theinteractions between the VMs follow a statistical distribution:this distribution is not known in advance, and interactions aresampled from this distribution independently and at randomover time. Accordingly, we can represent each application Aias a (tenant) guest graph Gi = (Ai, Ei, wi), where Ai isthe set of virtual machines and Ei represents the interactionsbetween the VMs. The weight w(e) of an edge e = (u, v) ∈Ei describes the frequency of the interactions between the twoVMs u, v ∈ Ai according to this distribution. The total set ofall applications A, the union of all tenant guest graphs, isrepresented as an (overall) guest graph G(V,E,w) = (G1 ∪G2∪ . . .∪Gk) where V =

⋃iAi, E =

⋃iEi and w =

⋃i wi.

In other words, the overall guest graph G is a combination ofindependent connected components.

For our evaluation, we will often assume that the guestgraph G is fixed. However, as we will see, our migrationalgorithms have a low converge time and hence quickly adaptto a new structure of G. We assume a conservative perspectiveand assume that the network controller (the orchestrationmanager) does not know anything about the guest graph G


of the application in advance. Rather, the communicationpattern between VMs is revealed over time, and we are henceinterested in online migration algorithms ALG.

Generally, the input to the online algorithm ALG is asequence σ = (σ1, σ2, . . . ) of communication requests σt =(ut, vt) (coming, e.g., from a fixed guest graph G and ut, vt ∈E, but it may also be arbitrary). After each such request, ALGis allowed to migrate different VMs, i.e., redefine the mappingλt. Of course, this request sequence approach is simplistic andjust serves for the modeling: we do not imply that migrationalgorithms should happen on a per-request basis. Rather, inpractice, a request may be defined by a certain communicationvolume (e.g., 5GB), possibly over a certain time interval.

Let the migration cost (i.e., the number of migrations)of ALG for a request σt at time t be denoted as ρt. Themain yardstick for our evaluation is the amortized cost ofcommunication and VM migration for a given host graph,algorithm and request sequence:

Definition 1 (Amortized (Communication) Cost): Given ahost graph H , a migration algorithm ALG and a sequenceof communication requests σ (e.g., from a guest graph G =(A,E,w)), the amortized cost is defined as:

COST(H,ALG, σ) =1



(dt(u, v) + ρt) (1)

Our goal is to find an ALG that minimizes COST.We will simplify the model by normalizing the migra-

tion cost to the cost of a one hop routing request, i.e.,we consider the amortized cost defined as COST(H,ALG, σ)

= 1/|σ|∑|σ|t=1,(u,v)∈σt

dt(u, v) and we attend to the problemof finding an algorithm that minimizes the above amortizedcost.


0: BCube(k-1)


1 ... x

1: BCube(k-1) n-1: BCube(k-1)

1 x

0 1 x 0 1 x ... ...



Level 0

level 1



01 02 03

Level 0


Level 0


Level 0


<1,1> <1,2> <1,3>

10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33

Fig. 1. (a) BCube is defined recursively: A BCube(n, k) is constructedfrom n BCube(n, k − 1)) and nk n-port switches. (b) The BCube(4, 1).

A. The BCube Architecture

Although our algorithms are applicable in general graphs,this paper focuses on the special family of BCube [12] hostgraph topologies. The BCube is a new network architectureexhibiting a hypercubic topology. It is tailored for modulardatacenters.

There are two types of devices in a BCube: servers (hosts)with multiple ports, and switches that connect a constantnumber of servers. The BCube topology BCube(n, k) hask+1 levels and uses n-port switches; hosts have k+1 ports.The structure is defined recursively: A BCube(n, 0) describes

a “star network” where n hosts connect to an n-port switch.A BCube(n, 1) is constructed from n different BCube(n, 0)connected by n different n-port switches. More generically, aBCube(n, k) (k ≥ 1) is constructed from n BCube(n, k− 1)and nk n-port switches.

Each server in a BCube(n, k) has k + 1 ports, which arenumbered from level-0 to level-k. It is easy to see that a BCubehas N = nk+1 − 1 servers and k + 1 levels of switches, witheach level having nk n-port switches. Figure 1 presents anexample of a BCube.

The BCube guarantees that switches only connect to serversand never directly connect to other switches. As a directconsequence, for our purposes, we can treat the switches asdummy crossbars that connect several neighboring servers andlet servers relay traffic for each other. In addition, the BCubehas several nice properties that makes it attractive for useas a datacenter: First, its topology is very robust and hask + 1 disjoint paths between any two hosts. If we ignorethe switches, the BCube topology is essentially a generalizedhypercube [6]. In order to address host and perform greedyrouting, a simple vector of size k + 1 is used. The distancebetween any two hosts is given by their Hamming distance,and hence the network diameter is k + 1 [12].


This section introduces the class of Destination-Swap mi-gration algorithms that adaptively improve the VM embeddingover time. The appeal of these algorithms comes from theirsimplicity: (1) These algorithms are based on very little stateinformation and do not perform any long-term statistical analy-sis or a complicated pattern learning; this allows the algorithmsto stay reactive and adapt to new patterns quickly. (2) Thesimplicity of these algorithms facilitates the formal study ofthe benefits and inherent challenges of VM migrations.

We will first present the general concepts of Destination-Swap and then consider some specific algorithms in moredetail.

A. Algorithmic Framework

As the name suggests, the Destination-Swap migration al-gorithms consist of two modules: one to select a “destination”where a given VM should be migrated to, and one to decideon the migration or “swapping” strategy to reach the selecteddestination.

Concretely, upon a request (u, v) at time t, in order to reducethe communication cost of future requests, the algorithmdecides to migrate u and v closer to each other. To doso, the algorithm may for example select a server µ as adestination host for v and leave u fixed (destination strategy).In order to migrate v to µ, the algorithm may perform severalrearrangements (swapping strategy), involving also other VMs.Eventually, λ(v) = µ and dt+1(u, v) < dt(u, v).

We will describe our algorithms from an inter-tenant per-spective. However, by restricting migrations to the physicalmachines of the given tenant only (and otherwise not migrateat all), the algorithms can be adapted for the intra-tenant


scenario. Moreover, although migration decisions can be per-formed globally, our algorithms could also be seen from adistributed computing perspective: as we will see, our indirectswapping algorithm only involved local interactions, and ourdirect swapping algorithm only involves three VMs.

B. Destination Strategy

In general, we seek to move u and v closer togetherupon each communication request (u, v), either by movingone of the two nodes or both. Concretely, all the algorithmspresented in this paper will make u and v immediate neighborsafter the request. The intuition for this rather aggressivestrategy comes from the related approaches used for dynamicsplay trees [26] and their distributed generalizations [1].

vm vfμ

LCost=x LCost=y


Fig. 2. Principle of Destination-Swap Algo-rithms

We distinguishbetween fourbasic methods:MEETMIDDLE,RANDOM,BESTSWITCH andBESTNEIGHBOR.While the firstmethod does not

distinguish between the two interacting VMs u and v, theother three methods are based on the amortized cost states.In the following, we elaborate more on these methods.

Methods RANDOM, BESTSWITCH and BESTNEIGHBORonly choose one of the two VMs u or v for migration: Letus denote the to be migrated VM by vm and the fix VM byvf . The migration destination, henceforth denoted by µ, isalways selected to be a neighbor of λ(vf ); accordingly, afterthe migration, u and v are direct neighbors in the host graph.

The decision of which of the two VMs u and v shouldbe migrated, is based on a local amortized cost criterion.The basic idea of this criterion is that a VM that is alreadyclose to all its communication partners, does not need tomigrate. For such a VM the local amortized cost should be low.Contrarily, the VM which is located at a suboptimal positionin the host graph and which is still far from their partners,the cost should be high and migrating it to a different positionmay be beneficial. Formally, let σv ⊆ σ denote the set ofcommunication requests which include the VM v (either as acommunication source or destination).

Definition 2 (Local Amortized Cost): The local amortizedcost of a VM v is defined as

LCOST(v, σ) =1



dt(u, v) (2)

Note that in contrast to Definition 1 which defines thetotal amortized cost of the entire network, Definition 2 canbe calculated locally by each VM and it defines a per-nodecost criterion to decide which of the two communication end-points u or v is already located at a strategically better positionand should hence not be migrated. We use an additionallogarithmic factor 1/ log(|σv|) to give more weight to afrequently communicating VM.

Algorithms RANDOM, BESTSWITCH and BESTNEIGHBORmigrate the VM with the higher local amortized cost while theone with lower cost stays at the same location.

Henceforth, for a communication request(u, v), let the “migrating node” be vm =argminu,v{LCOST(u), LCOST(v)}; analogously, let the“fixed node” be vf = argminu,v{LCOST(u), LCOST(v)}. IfLCOST(u) = LCOST(v), the tie can be broken arbitrarily.

After the choice of vf and vm is made, Destination-Swapalgorithms need to decide on the destination: we select the thedestination host µ as a neighbor of λ(vf ). Figure 2 illustratesthe situation.

In order to describe the choice of µ, we define another costfunction called SC. It measures the amount of communicationamong a set of hosts. Informally, for a set of hosts Q, thescore SC(Q) counts all the communication requests betweenthe VMs that are currently hosted by Q. Formally, let σu,vbe the communication requests for which the communicationpartners VMs are u and v.

Definition 3 (SC): For a set of hosts Q, let SC(Q)

SC(Q) =∑

m,m′∈Q|σ(λ−1(m),λ−1(m′))| (3)

For now let m = λ−1(vf ) be the host server of vf . Thefirst three algorithm we consider are:

1) RANDOM: We select µ as a random neighbor of m.2) BESTSWITCH: We select µ from the “best switch” that

m is connected to according the following rule. Recallthat m is connected to k+1 switches henceforth denotedby {T0, . . . , Tk}, each of which belongs to a differentlevel of the BCube. For each switch Ti we compute itscurrent SC(Qi), where Qi is the set of servers attachedto switch Ti, and its score if vm would be connected toit (replacing the least communicating VM). We select,as the best switch, the switch with the largest increase inscore, and the corresponding machine µ of that switch.Note that µ must be a neighbor, since the nodes belongto the same switch.

3) BESTNEIGHBOR: Let N (m) denote the set of neighborsof m in the host graph H . We select µ as the neighborof vf for which migrating vm to µ increases SC(N (µ))the most.

The forth algorithm is inspired by similar strategies forsplay tree networks (see, e.g. [1]) and serves as the baselineperformance.

4) MEETMIDDLE We migrate both u and v such that theybecome neighbors in the middle on an arbitrary shortestpath between them. The two communicating VMs aretreated as “equal”.

C. Swapping Methods

After having selected the destination node µ for vm, weneed to decide how to move vm to µ. We distinguish betweentwo main strategies.

1) Direct: Migrate v to µ directly, i.e., exchange the loca-tions of VMs v and λ−1(µ).


2) Indirect: Swap v iteratively with neighbors along anarbitrary shortest path to m, until λ(v) is at distance twofrom m. Then swap directly the VMs v and λ−1(µ).








2 3 24 22μ

22 3 24 22

22 3 24 22

2 23 4 2 22








vm vf






Fig. 3. Direct vs Indirect Swapping

Intuitively, the indirectapproach seeks to keep theembedding local, by not mi-grating λ−1(m) too far; inthis light, it can be seen asa distributed algorithm. Thedirect approach on the otherhand has the advantage thatwhile λ−1(µ) is globallydisplaced, less VMs are af-fected by the change: whilethe indirect approach mi-

grates all VMs along the shortest path, the direct approachchanges the locations of two VMs only. Figure 3 illustratesthe situation.

D. Summary

A Destination-Swap algorithm is a combination of a destina-tion and a swapping strategy. For example, BESTNEIGHBOR-DIRECT is an algorithm that uses BestNeighbor as its desti-nation method and direct as its swapping method.


We analyze the behavior and performance of theDestination-Swap migration algorithms formally and by sim-ulation.

A. Guest Graph Model

In order to model the communication patterns, in ourevaluation we focus on the following guest graphs. We assumethat the overall communication pattern or (overall) guest graphconsists of multiple connected components, the guest graphsof the tenants (the (tenant) guest graphs); in the following,when it is clear from the context to which type of guest graphwe refer, we will omit the overall and tenant specifier.

If not stated differently, we will assume that the total numberof VMs equals the number of physical servers, that is, thesum of all connected components perfectly covers all servers.(Recall that we assume that a physical server has sufficientcapacity to host exactly one VM, and that we do not assumeany strict capacity caps on the links.)

For simplicity, we will focus on scenarios where all con-nected components have the same topology. For example,for a host graph BCube(3, 7), we have 6, 561 servers; ifguest graphs (the connected components) are of size 729VMs, we will embed nine guest graphs of a given topology(9 · 729 = 6, 561).

We concentrate on the following archetypical connectedguest graph topologies: (1) complete graphs (a.k.a. cliques)describing an all-to-all communication pattern; (2) star graphsdescribing a one-to-all communication pattern; (3) for a hostgraph BCube(n,k) we consider smaller BCube guest graphsBCube(n′,k′): we choose k′ for all possible values {0, . . . , k−

1} and n′ = n; (4) a guest graph consisting of a set of VMpairs connected by single edge.

The traffic matrices of (1) and (2) are standard and studiedfrequently [4]; the motivation for (3) is that it constitutes aninteresting scenario between the two extremes (1) and (2), andbecause, due to the recursive structure of the BCube, smallBCubes (“sub-cubes”) can always be perfectly embedded inlarger BCubes, i.e., there exists a mapping with amortizedcosts 1. The scenario can hence also be used as a simple base-line / cost lower bound to evaluate an embedding or migrationalgorithm. Finally, option (4) defines a set of VM pairs whichneed to be matched up, independently of other VMs. Sincematching graphs can always be embedded perfectly on anyhost graph due the independence, it constitutes a natural testcase for the migration algorithms.

In the following, let G(Kx) denote a (overall) guest graphsin which all connected components are complete graphs Kx

consisting of x nodes. Similarly, let G(Sx) denote the guestgraphs in which all connected components are star graphs Sxwith x nodes, and let G(BCube(n′,k′)) be a guest graph in whichall connected components are BCube(n′,k′) graphs. Finally, letus refer to the matching graph by G(M).

A guest graph can come in two flavors: weighted andunweighted. In the unweighted variant, all interactions havethe same frequency. For the weighted variant, we will considerrandomized weight distributions, e.g., where the weight ischosen uniformly at random from the range [1, . . . , N ], foreach node independently; the frequency of an edge is thensimply the product of the frequencies of its incident VMs (theso-called product distribution).

B. Formal Analysis

This section provides some analytical insights into what canand cannot be achieved by Destination-Swap algorithms. Wefirst derive a formula for the embedding cost in an unoptimizedsetting, namely where VMs are mapped randomly to theBCube servers. The setting serves as a simple and worst-casereference point, from which our migration algorithms seekto improve the VM embeddings. Subsequently, we show thatour algorithms have the desirable property, that they can onlyimprove the embedding, and never increase the amortized costsunder a matching communication pattern. Finally, we derivea cost lower bound on the optimal possible allocation by anymigration algorithm for the corresponding guest graph.

1) Baseline Performance: As an initial placement and as asimple baseline for the migration algorithms, we will some-times consider a setting where VMs are mapped randomly tothe physical machines. In such a random initial setting, theexpected communication cost of a given node pair (under anyguest graph!) can be computed as follows in a BCube.

Lemma 1: Given a host graph H = BCube(n, k) and anarbitrary guest graph G, consider a mapping function λ whichassigns each VM to a machine of the BCube chosen uniformlyat random. Then, the expected communication cost for anyVM pair BCube(n,k) is given by (k + 1)(n− 1)/n.

Proof: Let X(u, v) be a random variable representing thedistance of the shortest path between u and v. Recall that in


a BCube, the distance between two nodes is given by theirHamming distance. Fix a specific server m in BCube(n,k).Since the length of the identifiers of the BCube(n,k) nodesis k + 1, there are


)addresses with a Hamming distance

of i from m. For every index, (n− 1) values can be chosen,and hence the number of servers at distance i from node m is(n − 1)i


)Due to the symmetries of BCube(n,k), this is

also the formula for the number of servers at distance i fromany given server. Let us refer to the diameter of the graph byD and recall that the diameter of BCube(n,k) is k + 1. Thenthe expected shortest path from any given v is:

E[X(u, v)] =


i · P [d(u, v) = 1] =


(i · di(u, v))



∑k+1i=1 i


)(n− 1)i


(k + 1)(n− 1)


2) Monotonic Improvement Property: Despite their sim-plicity, our algorithms feature some basic guarantees. Forexample, our algorithms pass the monotonic improvement testunder matching communication patterns: if VMs communicatein a pair-wise fashion, i.e., subject to G(M), the amortizedcommunication cost can only become lower over time. Theproof is simple and omitted due to space constraints.

Lemma 2: Given a host graph H = BCube(n, k) and aguest graph G = G(M), Destination-Swap algorithms can onlyreduce the amortized communication cost over time.

3) Lower Bound: Of course, there are inherent limitationson what can be achieved by embedding optimizing algorithms.For clique and star like guest graphs, bounds can be computedfrom cuts and Huffman coding arguments, see e.g. [1]. How-ever, note that optimal embeddings are possible in our sub-cube guest graphs GBn

′k′ . We will indicate this lower boundin the figures of our simulation.

Lemma 3: The guest graph G = G(BCube(n′,k′)) can beperfectly embedded in the host graph H = BCube(n, k): theamortized cost (Definition 1) is one.

For Kx, we will use the following approximate (locallyoptimal) lower bound: Given H = BCube(n, k), G = G(Kx)

and integer logn x then a situation where all VMs in Kx arearranged in the sub-cube BCube(n, logn x− 1) constitutes alocal minimum with cost is (x + 1)(n − 1)/n. The proof isby induction.

C. Simulation Study

To evaluate our Destination-Swap algorithms in more detailand to compare their behavior in different settings and underdifferent communication patterns σ, we developed a simulationframework for the BCube(n,k) datacenter topology.

If not stated otherwise, for our simulations, we will considera BCube(3, 7) which consists of 6,561 nodes. For eachexperiment, we simulate |σ| = 3m requests. We will repeateach experiment ten times and plot the average values. (Thevariance of our experiments is typically very low.)








3 9 27 81 243 729 2187








3 9 27 81 243 729 2187








3 9 27 81 243 729 2187 0







3 9 27 81 243 729 2187







Lower Bound

Fig. 4. Amortized communication cost as a function of the (tenants) guestgraph size after 3m requests for host graph BCube(3,7) and for upper left: all-to-all communication G(Kx), upper right: one-to-all communication G(Sx),bottom left: G(BCube(3,log3(x)−1)) pattern.

1) Impact of Scale: We first investigate how the amortizedcommunication cost (over σ requests) depends on the networksize. We concentrate on direct migration algorithms for now.Figure 4 (upper left) shows that under unweighted all-to-all communication patterns G(Kx) (as a function of x), allmigration algorithms strictly improve the amortized cost. Thebest performance is achieved by BESTNEIGHBOR, followedby BESTSWITCH; RANDOM can be more than 50% moreexpensive. This is not surprising, and shows that the additionalinformation about the local amortized communication costgenerally helps. Moreover, since the neighbors of a specificVM can be located quite far from each other, the destinationshould be selected carefully for the swap operation.

Figure 4 (upper right) studies the same setting but fora weighted one-to-all communication pattern G(Sx). Whilethe amortized costs are generally slightly lower in this case,the order of the algorithms is the same as before. Finally,Figure 4 (bottom left) shows the results for weighted sub-cubecommunication patterns G(BCube(n′,k′)).

2) Benefit and Limitation of Indirect Swaps: We nextconsider the indirect swapping methods. Figure 5 (upperleft) (for the unweighted all-to-all communication G(Kx)) andFigure 5 bottom (for a weighted sub-cube communicationG(BCube(n′,k′))) provides a comparison of direct and indirectstrategies of BESTNEIGHBOR. We see that direct swaps arebetter than indirect swaps: in case of highly connected guestgraphs, the indirect strategy migrates multiple VMs in a non-optimized manner, while the direct algorithm restricts itself tothe best switch or neighbor.

However, under a more star-like and weighted communica-tion pattern, see Figure 5 (bottom) (for a weighted one-to-all communication G(Sx)) the indirect strategy is preferable.This can be explained by the fact that once BESTNEIGH-BOR managed to collocate most VMs of a given tenant,the VMs communicating more frequently will stay closer tothe center of the star guest graph; in contrast, in the directapproach, a frequently communicating VM can be globallydisplaced again. This is also the reason why in Figure 5









3 9 27 81 243 729 21870







3 9 27 81 243 729 2187








3 9 27 81 243 729 2187

Fig. 5. Direct vs indirect for BESTNEIGHBOR: Amortized communicationcost as a function of (tenant) guest graph size after 3m requests for hostgraph BCube(3,7) and upper left: unweighted guest graph G(Kx), upperright: weighted G(BCube(3,log3(x)−1)) and bottom: weighted one-to-allcommunication G(Sx). The algorithm legend is the same as in Figure 4.

(bottom), a larger guest graph (i.e., more involved VMs)increases the advantage of BestNeighbor − Indirect overBestNeighbor −Direct: from Lemma 1 we know that a hostm has (n−1)1


)= 14 neighbors at distance one, so when

the guest graph is of size nine then also the direct approachcan maintain a local communication. However, when the guestgraph becomes larger, more and more nodes need to be movedlarger from the center and the advantages of the indirect swapsare emphasized.












0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18


















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Fig. 6. Amortized communication cost over time (number of per linkrequests) for host graph BCube(3,7). Left: unweighted all-to-all guest graphG(Kx) under BESTNEIGHBOR-DIRECT (colors represent different sizes oftenant guest graph), right: unweighted all-to-all guest graph G(K27) (colorsrepresent different types of algorithms). The legend for the algorithms is thesame as in Figure 4.

3) Reaction Time: Of course, an eventual reduction of theamortized communication cost alone is not very interesting:over a long time, a given communication pattern could alsobe learned and the embedding adapted accordingly. Rather,the main purpose of our algorithms is to flexibly react tocommunication shifts and quickly find a new embedding.

In the following, we provide evidence that our algorithmsindeed readjust the embedding quickly. Figure 6 left showthat the convergence is quick for the different kinds of ouralgorithms, and Figure 6 right show that it’s also quick fordifferent sizes of tenants graphs (both under unweighted all-to-all communication); the time axis is normalized and representsthe number of requests per guest graph edge. We find thatthe convergence time of all our algorithm is very low: fora 6,561-nodes host graph, a good embedding is found after

around 10 requests per edge. Other simulation results (notincluded in these figures) show that for weighted one-to-allcommunication the convergence if about after 3 requests peredge.





d C


Weighted Bcube Weighted Star

Fig. 7. Amortized communicationcost on host graph BCube(3,3), and aBCube as well as a star communicationpattern (weighted).

4) Intra-TenantMigration: Our algorithmscan also be used to optimizethe VM placement insidea tenant: we restrict themigration destinationsand neighbors to theVMs of the given tenant.Naturally, this reducesthe number of migrationoptions significantly, andwe expect lower gains from

migration. In order to investigate the benefits and limitationsof intra-tenant migrations, we consider a setting where thesubstrate network hosts a single, connected tenant. Thisallows us to abstract from cost artefacts due to non-localVMs placements: the single tenant is mapped locally, but ina random and hence suboptimal manner. Figure 7 shows ourresults for host graph BCube(3, 3) and a BCube and a starcommunication pattern. The figure indicates that even inside asingle tenant, migration can help reducing the communicationcost by around 50% under a BCube traffic matrix; under aone-to-all communication pattern, the benefits are lower.


Today’s networks become more and more dynamic in thesense that they are able to self-adjust to the network state,user demand, or even energy cost, and the benefits of processmigration have been exploited long before the emergenceof the cloud computing paradigm, e.g., for load-balancingapplications [14]. Generally, applications range from self-optimizing peer-to-peer topologies over green computing (e.g.,due to reduced energy consumption) [15] to adaptive virtualmachine migrations in datacenters [25], microprocessor mem-ory architectures [18], grids [5] or elastic virtual and wide-area cloud networks [24]. Other self-adjusting routing schemewere considered, e.g., in scale-free networks to overcomecongestion [27].

VM migration in cloud computing has been proposed toimprove resource utilization as well as to balance load andalleviate hotspots [17], or even save energy [15]. For exam-ple, the VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler uses livemigration to balance load in response to CPU and memorycontention.

Seamless VM migration can be implemented in differentways. One may pre-copy [8] the VM memory to the destina-tion host before releasing the VM at the source, or defer thememory transfer until the processor state has been sent to thedestination (the so-called post-copy [16] approach). Wood etal. [32] investigate automated black-box, gray-box, and hybridstrategies for VM migration in datacenters. Researchers alsoconduct measurements and derive models for VM migration


costs, e.g., under Web 2.0 workloads and quality-of-servicesensitive applications. [28]

VM migration has also been proposed for wide-area net-works, where a lazy copyon reference can be used for movingVM disk state to reduce migration costs over weak links. [31]In the wide-area, moving entire services closer to the (mo-bile) users can reduce access latency [19], and there alsoexists work on the migration of entire virtual networks [24]which are latency-critical (“move-with-the-sun”) or latency-uncritical (“move-with-the-moon”). Also in the context ofnetwork virtualization, Hao et al. [13] have shown that undercertain circumstances, the migration of a Samba front-endserver closer to the clients can be beneficial even for bulk-data applications.

In the theory community, many migration problem variantshave been studied in the context of online page migration, andmore generally, online metrical task systems [7]. There existseveral interesting results by Naor et al. on how to embedand migrate services to reduce load, e.g., [4], [9]. Indeed,given a fixed communication pattern between pairs of VMs,our work is related to classic graph embedding problemssuch as the minimum linear arrangement (e.g., [10]) of agraph. Recently, such embedding problems have also beenstudied from the perspective of self-adjusting networks, inthe context of distributed splay datastructures and peer-to-peernetworks [1]. Indeed, our algorithms are inspired by the classicsplaying techniques introduced in the seminal work by Sleatorand Tarjan [26] on self-adjusting search trees, in the sense thatwe also aggressively migrate VMs closer together.

However, we are not aware on any literature on online andadaptive VM migration algorithms that flexibly adapt to adynamic demand.


We understand our paper as a first step towards a betterunderstanding of simple and adaptive VM migration strategies.The presented Destination-Swap algorithms are pair-basedonly and do not try to infer or accumulate much informationabout the environment. This slim solution increases the flexi-bility, and hence reduces the reaction time of the algorithms.

We have shown that this approach can indeed improve theembedding of VMs, especially in inter-tenant situations whereVMs can be globally optimized throughout the entire (private)datacenter. If a tenant must improve the embeddings itself andis restricted to a given set of physical machines, the benefits arenaturally lower but still visible. Moreover, our results suggestthat there exists an interesting tradeoff between direct andindirect approaches, and we find that indirect algorithms arebetter for sparser and more skewed communication patterns,as locality is preserved.

Our work opens several interesting directions for futureresearch. Obviously, a deeper understanding of the tradeoffbetween the embedding quality and the number of migrationsneeds to be developed. Another interesting question regards theamount of additional information (beyond the local amortizedcost) needed to improve the mapping further and faster.


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