siebel 8.0 module 5: eim processing integrating siebel applications

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Siebel 8.0

Module 5: EIM ProcessingModule 5: EIM Processing

Integrating Siebel ApplicationsIntegrating Siebel Applications

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 2

Siebel 8.0Module Objectives

After completing this module you will be able to: Populate interface (EIM) tables for inserts and deletes Modify configuration (.ifb) files for inserts and deletes Invoke an Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) server


Why you need to know: EIM uses Interface tables to move data between Siebel

and other applications

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 3

Siebel 8.0

Components prior to EIM processing: Data Mapping completed Job scripting completed

Components of EIM processing: Loading the EIM table Determine the processing order IFB (Configuration) files created EIM Task process created

EIM Processing

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 4

Siebel 8.0Load EIM Tables

Load source data into EIM tables using non-Siebel process Use database vendor utilities such as DTS, bcp or SQL Loader to

load data from flat files Use SELECT INTO to pull data from other SQL databases Write programs or stored procedures to cleanse or preprocess

and insert rows Use direct SQL insert, update, or delete statements to update

columns in EIM tables


External Data

Non-Siebel process

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 5

Siebel 8.0Sample EIM Table Load SQL

insert into SIEBEL.EIM_ACCOUNT (ROW_ID,IF_ROW_BATCH_NUM,IF_ROW_STAT,NAME,ADDR_ADDR,ADDR_CITY,ADDR_STATE,ADDR_ZIPCODE,ACCNT_BU,PROSPECT_FLG,PRTNR_FLG,DISA_CLEANSE_FLG,ADDR_DISACLEANSEFL,POSTN_DIVN,POSTN_NAME,ROW_STATUS,ACC_PR_POSTN) values (100,100,'FOR_IMPORT','Accenture','123 Williams St','Wellesley','MA','02184','Default Organization','N','N','N','N','Siebel Administration','Siebel Administrator','Y','Y');

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 6

Siebel 8.0Verify EIM Load

Use SQL to verify the EIM tables loaded correctly Update values using SQL if necessary

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 7

Siebel 8.0Processing Order

Determine the correct processing order for EIM tables When importing, tables referenced via foreign key must be

loaded first Refer to the default.ifb and Siebel Bookshelf – EIM Administration

Guide for recommended processing order


Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 8

Siebel 8.0

Once the data is populated in the EIM tables, then an EIM Task is used to load data into the base tables .

EIM Processing

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 9

Siebel 8.0Invoking EIM

Navigate to Administration - Server Management > Jobs

1. Create new request and select Enterprise Integration Manager

3. Click Start

2. Specify parameters

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 10

Siebel 8.0

There are various parameters used in executing an EIM Task. Config

This parameter indicates the name of the IFB file

Error Flags, SQL Flags, Trace Flags Error Flags : Setting the Error Flags parameter to 1 produces a detailed

explanation of rows that were not successfully processed SQL Flags : Setting the SQL Trace Flags parameter to 8 creates a log of all SQL

statements that make up the EIM task. Trace Flags : Trace flags contain logs of various EIM operations. Trace flags

are bit-based. Available trace flags include 1, 2, 4, 8, and 32. These parameters set the logging level for the EIM Log file.

Every flag parameter uses a binary system to determine which flags are turned on. These can be found on SupportWeb and / or the Enterprise Integration Administration Guide on Bookshelf.

The higher the number the more details in the log file

Lov Language This parameter indicates the language (3 character abbreviation) that should be used for

validating picklist values

Parameters in Executing EIM Task

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 11

Siebel 8.0Monitor EIM Task

Navigate to Administration - Server Management > Tasks Query to view progress Review Task Information Log

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 12

Siebel 8.0Running an EIM Server Task

Creates an operating system (OS) process that writes log entries, reads the .ifb file, loads the dictionary, and executes EIM steps





.ifb logOS process

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 13

Siebel 8.0

1. Query the IF_ROW_STAT values for the relevant EIM records in an EIM Table to verify the EIM process completed successfully. (this method #1 of examining IF_ROW_STAT column will be used most of the time)

2. Querying the T columns in each EIM table would provide us with more information, specifically as to which base table had records inserted vs. updated. Note that this would not be accurate if the same set of records in the EIM table

was processed more than once (i.e. perhaps an EIM task was executed twice). The first pass may have a record be inserted, but the second pass would simply indicate that a duplicate already exists in the base table.

Also, the queries may be different for every EIM table and interface item, based on the design of the EIM table as well as the design of the interface.

EIM Verification

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 14

Siebel 8.0IF_ROW_STAT Values

Once an EIM Task is completed, the affected records in the EIM table will have an updated value in the IF_ROW_STAT column.

IMPORTED The data in the EIM record was successfully imported into the base tables as

specified in the IFB file.

DUP_RECORD_EXISTS The data in the EIM record already exists in the base tables based on

parameters in the IFB file.

This status may be slightly misleading. In the case of setting primary address via EIM_ACCOUNT2, the records may indicate DUP_RECORD_EXISTS even though the primary was updated successfully. This situation occurs mostly with the setting of primaries.

PICKLIST_VALUE The data in one of the EIM columns could not be validated against the LOV

display values. As such, the record failed to be imported.

In looking at the EIM Log file, it will indicate which EIM column failed with this error.

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 15

Siebel 8.0

PARTIALLY_IMPORTED Data loading from the EIM record to base tables did NOT fail for the main targeted base

table. However, it did fail to load into one of the other base tables that were specified. Ex. When loading contacts, it may successfully load into S_PARTY but not into

S_CONTACT or S_CONTACT_BU. In looking at the EIM Log file, it will indicate which EIM base table caused the record to be


REQUIRED_COLS One or more of the required columns for loading data into the main targeted base table is

not populated in the EIM table. This error occurs for missing user key EIM columns or when inserting new rows.

IN_PROGRESS Data Loading from the EIM record is currently in progress (being executed by the EIM


The EIM Task initially updates the IF_ROW_STAT to this value at the beginning of its processing for this batch. When it is completed, it will update to the appropriate status.

IF_ROW_STAT Values cont’d

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 16

Siebel 8.0

Each EIM Table contains T columns (aka temporary columns) that is used during the processing of an EIM record. They are also known as EIM Processing columns. We should NEVER load data into these columns. Note that the T column names will be different from EIM to EIM table, but follow a similar

naming convention. EIM T columns are cleared out for a given batch in the EIM table at the beginning of every

EIM Task that processes that batch.

T Columns

Status of target table

Temporary values

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 17

Siebel 8.0Verify Tables

Run SQL SELECT statements to verify the table data

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 18

Siebel 8.0Verify Information in Application

Verify product information is in the application using appropriate views Example: Administration - Product

Verify products were imported successfully

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 19

Siebel 8.0Remove Data from EIM Tables

Once all records have been imported, You are responsible for removing records from the EIM tables Use SQL to delete EIM table records once they have been

successfully processed Since others may be also using the EIM tables, you may need to

add a filter to remove only the records you used in the EIM tables

Module i: Integrating Siebel Applications Training 20

Siebel 8.0Summary

This module showed you how to: Populate interface (EIM) tables for inserts and deletes Modify configuration (.ifb) files for inserts and deletes Invoke an Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) server


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