showcasing student artifacts and professional growth in the 21 st century e-portfolio

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Benefits of E-Portfolio

Easily upload documents, resources, and student work at the click of a button.

Ability to upload movies and digital files allows transparency of creative lessons happening in your classroom.

Can easily be saved and updated the following year.

Serves as a great portfolio of your teaching career and can serve to show student growth

You’re already a member through Moodle!

Let’s stop for a minute and look at some other samples of ePortfolio.

Getting Started:

Go to

Sign in to the Moodle under your account (as you normally would).

On the right hand side of the screen you will see the subheading “Network Servers” and under that “ePortfolio.”

Click on “ePortfolio.”

Once you have clicked on e-portfolio and are in the program, you will see the following screen:

Next you will need to find our pages so that you can view and use our models. To do this, let’s become friends (aww):

Friend Search

To find us, type in “Keith Janelli” and “Steve Ammann”

Once you are friends with us, you will be able to view our pages and copy them.

View “Steve” as a model and use “Keith” as a sample

Copying Pages

Click on “portfolio” and then “copy a page”

Copying a Page

Once you find “Keith” and “Steve” you can copy our pages.

Uploading Content

Eportfolio is designed so that you can upload all of your work (pics, lesson plans, movies, etc) to one general spot. When you want the resources for your various pages it will be easy to access since it is already loaded on to your general portfolio.

The place where you will always upload your resources is the “Dashboard” section

If you try to upload work to one of your pages in another area, IT WILL NOT WORK. =(

Uploading Content

Click on the “Dashboard” tab at the top of the page

Uploading Content (Cont)

Click on “Upload your files”

Uploading Files (cont)

Before you can upload files, you will need to verify that you have the authority to upload files to the program. Do this by clicking the box. Now you can upload.

Then, you can browse through your files on your computer and upload any lesson plans, student samples, pics, movies, podcasts, powerpoints, etc.

It’s not a bad idea to create folders to store your uploaded work in so that it will stay organized for later use.

Maybe add a new folder for each different lesson.

Uploading Tips

The next step is to spend the next few weeks uploading content to the “Dashboard” page.

You cannot do too much with eportfolio until you have work to use on your pages.

At our next meeting, we will show you how to take your work and add it to the template pages so that you will have your very own custom eportfolio. You will make your other teacher friends JEALOUS!

Thanks for exploring this with us!!!



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