should the guy always initiate contact over text first

Post on 12-Jan-2017



Self Improvement



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Should the Guy Always Initiate Contact Over Text First

By: Frankie Cola

Leading, Acting Like a Man, and Getting a Girl to Text You Back

Should the guy always initiate contact over first text?

The answer is revealed in the next slide.

You should assume you're going to text the girl first and if she does it cool.

However, don't fool yourself into thinking she's not interested if she doesn't text you first...

How Men BS Themselves

One common mistake men will make is to rationalize in their head "If she really was interested... she would have texted me first"

But that's simply a BS excuse to avoid taking risks and avoiding rejection.

Why You Should Have the Balls to Text First

Having the courage to send the first text is important because you are displaying the character trait of being a LEADER.

Over the past several years, I've learned that there exist traits that attract men to women...
and traits that attract women to men.

While men are mainly attracted to the PHYSICAL traits a woman displays women, on the other hand, are mainly attracted to the CHARACTER traits men display.

How Women Get Attracted

While a woman with a nicely shaped body will TRIGGER ATTRACTION in you... a woman gets feelings for you when she intuitively senses very specific character qualities in

And there's no bigger character quality that turns women on than having the CONFIDENCE to lead and take the initiative.

Another interesting fact I learned is that women unconsciously TEST men to see how they REACT to things they do.

Why? Because the woman wants to make sure the guy stays STRONG and grounded when things go crazy...

She wants to make sure that he has the KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS to lead her smoothly through rough waters.

That's why, once you get her number, a girl will test you to see what you do. So she will wait for you to initiate the text conversation... (she does this even if she really likes you).

Your mindset should be: I'm the leader, so I text first... but if she texts first instead, cool.

A "text conversation" with a girl was going well until she suddenly and mysteriously stopped texting you back.

What went wrong??

Another Way Women Test You: By NOT TEXTING YOU BACK

Even if you're a super ninja texting expert,you will still run into situations when a girl mysteriously goes cold and disappears.

The reasons for this are endless.

Maybe your in-person interaction didn't go as well as you thought and you didn't trigger enough attraction.
Maybe she's busy. She might be at work... studying for school... out with friends... her phone might have drowned in the laundry, or flushed down the toilet...

Who knows.

There are things you can't control, but what you CAN control is how you react to her tests.

You see, an attractive, confident woman has had her share of guys all lined up to take her on a date hoping to impress her.

You also bet your butt she has had her share of creeps and stalkers who went crazy aftershe stopped showing interest.

She wants to make sure you're not one of those guys.

And it's a SMART thing that she does that.

She doesn't want to waste time getting annoyed by some guy who texts her all day... and she wants to feel SAFE. Remember that.

In her eyes, whether or not you act like one of these toxic needy guys depends on your behavior.

Will you get fearful, freak out, and show her you are an insecure, stage-five clinger?

Or will you remain calm, confident, and go on with your life as if nothing ever happened?

In particular, if you wait a few days, and then text her one of these 3 "hook" texts... she will feel an overwhelming curiosity to immediately text you back.

Those 3 texts are my secret weapon for girls who don't text back and they're revealed in this Girl Doesn't Text Back "Cheat Sheet"

How to Get a Girl to Text You Back

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