shivaswarodaya with hindi translation

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Shiva Swarodaya is one of the tantric texts belonging to Hinduism, also termed as Swara yoga by Satyananda Saraswati. It is also termed "Phonetical astrology": the "sound of one's own breath" and is written as a conversation between shiva and parvatiThe script starts with the conversation between Parvati and Shiva, where Shiva starts introducing the scripts and explaining about the need for maintaining secrecy and also stating astrological value of the text.[3] Its fundamental application is to realize the breath as being the medium of cosmic life force, through practising “Swara Yoga” (special mode of analysis & practising of breath). According to Mukti Bodhananda, the book enables us to understand nature of breath and its influence on the body as different modes of breathing leads to different types of actions; physical, mental and spiritual.A yogi says that I can not control my mind, my senses but can control my breath. Thus through control of breath, he controls every thing. This science of controlling the mind and the senses through control of breath was explained by Lord Shiva to mother Parvati.


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