shiksha bharati global school holiday … · how can you say that osmotic pressure is a colligative...

Post on 27-Aug-2018






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    ENGLISH NOTE: Holiday Home work is to be done in your Home Work note book. 1. Find ten difficult words daily from the lessons of your text books: Flamingo and Vistas. 2. Novel: The Invisible Man by HG Wells: Write summary of each chapter. 3. Write a notice, a letter, a report and an article. 4. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words each: a) What do you understand by linguistic chauvinism? b) What do you form about Franz? c) How does M Hamel end the class? d) What was the terrible with Alsace? e) What makes the poem 'My Mother at Sixty-six' an irony of human relationship? f) Why was mother's face compared with late winter's moon? g) Describe the significance of smile of the poet in the poem 'My Mother at Sixty-six'. h) What do you form about the Maharaja? i) What did the Maharaja do to complete the tally of 100 tigers? j) What happened when Maharaja was a 10-day old baby?

    1. - , , , -


    2. |

    3. ,


    4. |


    | ?

    6. ?

    7. ?

    8. ?

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    12. : |

    POLITICAL SCIENCE FOUR MARKS QUESTIONS 1. What were the western and eastern alliances? 2. Write a note on Cuban Missile Crisis. 3. What do you understand by challenge to bipolarity? 4. What was the Soviet System? 5. Why did the Soviet Union disintegrate?

  • 6. Mention any three features that distinguish the Soviet economy from that of a capitalist country like the U S. 7. Discuss the Clinton years? 8. How does hegemony be overcome? 9. What are the constraints on American hegemony today? 10. Evaluate Indias changing relationship with the USA. SIX MARKS QUESTIONS 1. What was Indias foreign policy towards the US and USSR during the cold war era? Do you think that this policy helped Indias interests? 2. Why did superpowers have military alliances with smaller countries? 3. Write a note on NIEO. 4. What was the Shock Therapy? Was this the best way to make a transition from communism to capitalism? 5. What were the consequences of disintegration of USSR? 6. Discuss Indo-Russian relationship. 7. Mention three ways in which US dominance since the cold war is different from its position as a superpower during the cold war. 8. If big and resourceful states cannot resist the US hegemony, it is unrealistic to expect much smaller and weaker non-state actors to offer the resistance . Give your opinion.

    GEOGRAPHY A- Question bank:- 1. Define human geography. 2. What do you mean by environmental determinism? 3. "Nature is extremely important to develop the technology and technology loosens the shackles of environment on human being". Discuss. 4. Explain 'possibilism' school of thought. 5. Discuss Neodeterminism or stop and go determinism school of thought. 6. What do you mean by density of population? How is it measured? 7. Discuss geographical and economic factors influencing the distribution of population. 8. Define the following terms:- a. Natural growth of population. b. Positive and Negative growth of population. 9. Discuss component of population change. 10. Differentiate between place of origin and place of destination and push and pull factors. 11. Explain three staged model of demographic transition theory. 12. What is sex ratio? 13. Discuss the factors responsible for imbalances in the sex age found in different parts of the world and occupational structure. 14. Describe the rural urban composition of population. 15. Describe the four pillars of human development. B- Map work: - (world) In the given outline map of the world five features are shown by A, B, C, D, and E. Identify the features with help of the information given below and write their correct names on the lines marked in the map. a- Major sea port. b- Major air port c- Mega city d- An important - industrial region of USA. e- Area of nomadic herding. C- Map work (India) Locate and label the following on the political map of India with appropriate symbols:- (1) State with lowest literacy rate (2) A sea port in Gujrat. (3) Iron and steel industry in Tamil Nadu.

  • (4) State with lowest sex ratio. (5) Tea producing state.

    ECONOMICS Unit 1: Introduction 1. What is economics about? 2. Can there be an economy without central economic problems? 3. How are the central economic problems solved? 4. What is meant by scarcity of resources? 5. What do all economies and similar central problems? 6. Although, water is useful it is cheap on the country a demand is not of much use but is very expensive. 7. Give an economic reason for this paradox. 7. Why it is that on one hand coal is found in plenty, yet it is scarce while on the other a rotten vegetable is rare other but not scarce? 8. What is the problem of what to produce? 9. What is the problem of how to produce? 10. What is the problem of for whom to produce? 11. Define a production possibility curve (PPC). 12. Define marginal opportunity cost along a PPC. 13. Define opportunity cost. 14. What does increasing marginal opportunity cost along a PPC mean? 15. If the marginal opportunity cost were decreasing, then what would be the shape of the PPC? 16. If the marginal opportunity cost were constant, then what would be the shape of the PPC? 17. What is micro economics? 18. What is macroeconomics? 19. Give to examples of underutilization of resources? 20. Give examples of growth of resources? 21. Why do technological advances of growth of resources shift the PPC to the right? 22. A lot of people die and many factories are destroyed because of severe earth quake in a country. How will it affect the countrys PPC? 23. Economics is about making choices in the presence of scarcity. Explain. 24. Explain the central problem of What with examples. 25. Explain the central problem of How with examples. 26. Explain the central problem of For whom with examples. 27. What is production possibility curve? 28. What is the slope of PCC? Show the slope against a PPC? Unit 2: Consumer Equilibrium 1. What will you say about MU when TU is maximum? 2. What is meant by consumer's equilibrium? 3. State the condition for consumer's equilibrium given by the utility approach (in case of one and two commodities). 4. Define Indifference curve 5. What do you mean by indifference map? 6. Define Budget Line. 7. What is meant by budget set? 8. State two commodities of consumers equilibrium attained through Indifference curve approach. 9. Give the reason behind a convex Indifference Curve. 10. Why two Indifference Curves cannot intersect each other. 11. Define Marginal Rate of Substitution of good X for Y.

  • 12. Give meaning of equilibrium. 13. Define demand by a consumer, 14. What is law of demand? 15. Define demand schedule. 16. What is demand function? 17. What do you mean by substitutes? Give example of two goods which are substitutes of each other. 18. What do you mean by complements? Give example of two goods which are complements of each other. 19. What is a good called inferior good? 20. What are normal goods? Give some example. 21. What is decrease in demand/increase in demand? 22. Define change in quantity demanded. 23. Define change in demand. 24. Define market demand of a commodity. 25. What causes a movement along the demand curve? 26. What cause upward movement along a demand curve? 27. What cause downward movement along a demand curve? 28. Mention one factor that causes a rightward shift of the demand curve. 29. Mention one factor that causes a leftward shift of the demand curve. 30. When does a demand curve shift? 31. Mention one determinant of demand for a commodity other than price.

    CHEMISTRY 1. Prepare a project report with the help of your laboratory practical book. 2. What is the nature of molecular interaction in ideal solutions? 3. Why do some solutions show positive and negative deviations from Raoults law? 4. Define molal elevation constant or ebullioscopy constant. 5. Define the following: (a)Osmosis (b)Osmotic pressure (c)Isotonic solutions (d)Hypotonic solutions (e)Hypertonic solutions (f) 6. Reverse osmosis (g)Endosmosis (h)Exosmosis (i)Semi-permeable membrane 6. How can you say that osmotic pressure is a colligative property? 7. What is normal saline solution? 8. What happens to RBC when it is placed in hypertonic and hypotonic solutions separately? 9. Give an example of reverse osmosis. 10. Give some examples of semi-permeable membrane. 11. Why do molecules of ethanoic acid dime rise in benzene but dissociate in water? 12. Give two examples of the compounds undergoing dimerization in solution. 13. Define abnormal mass and Vant Hoff factor? 14. What are the values of for molecule undergoing association and dissociation in solution? 15. What is the value of for K2So4 if it is completely dissociated in solution? 16. Two solutes X and Y are placed in two separate beakers. X undergoes association and Y undergoes dissociation .Which of them has higher molar mass than their actual molar mass? 17. The freezing point of the solution composed of 5.85g of NaCl in 100g of water is -3.348oC. Calculate the Vant Hoffs factor for this solution. Kf(water)=1.86KKg/mol [Ans.1.8] 18. An electrolyte is 50% ionized in aqueous solution .Calculate the freezing point of 1 molal aqueous solution. [Ans.270.21K] 19. The boiling point of solution of urea in water is 100.13oC. Calculate the freezing point of the solution. kf (water) =1.86K/m, kb (water) =0.52K/m. [Ans.272.535K] 20. The degree of dissociation of Ca (NO3) in a dilute solution containing 14g of salt per 200g of water at 100oC is 70%. If the vapor pressure of water is 760 mm of Hg, calculate the vapor pressure of solution. [Ans.746.1 mm Hg]

  • 21. A metal crystallizes in a face centered cubic unit cell with edge length 0.560nm.Calculate the density of the metal if it contains 0.1% schottky defect and 0.2% frenkel defect. Given atomic mass of metal=40g/mol . [Ans. 1.51g/cm3] 22. An element has a body centered structure with a cell edge length of 288 pm. The density of the element is 7.2 g/cm3 .How many atoms are present in 208 g of element? [24.16x 1023 atoms] 23. Silver crystallizes in face centered unit cell.Each side of this unit cell has edge length of 400pm. Calculate the radius of the silver atom. Assume the atom just touch each other on the diagonal across the face of the unit cell, that each face atom is touching the four corner atoms. [Ans. 141.4pm] 24. X-ray diffraction studies shows that copper crystallizes in FCC lattice with cell edge of 3.608x10-8 cm. In a separate experiment, copper is determined to have a density of 8.92g/cm3 .calculate the atomic mass of the copper. [Ans.63.1] 25. Calculate the number of unit cells present in 90 g of Al having fcc arrangement.

    ACCOUNTANCY I) Prepare project file and complete the following projects 1) Comprehensive project. 2) Specific Project a) Ratio Analysis II) Revise the following chapters (Book ---Financial Statement Analysis) Chapter Financial Statements of Company Chapter Analysis of Financial Statements Chapter Comparative and Common Size Statements Chapter Ratios III) Complete the given assignment a) Chapter - Comparative and Common Size Statement Evaluation Questions Q1, 2,3,4,5 (page no 3.42) b) Chapter--- Ratios Evaluation Questions Q1 to Q15 (page no 4.109)

    COMPUTER (I.P.) Write the answers of all the following questions. 1. What is networking? Why do we need it? 2. Write two advantages and disadvantages of i) Bus topology ii) Star topology. 3. What is modem? What are its functions? 4. What is a server? Explain. 5. What is communication channel? Explain different guided media with labeled diagram. 6. Define: i) Snooping ii) Eavesdropping 7. What is DoS? Explain different types of DoS. 8. What are repeaters? 9. What is the job of a switch? 10. What are bridges? How do they differ from repeaters? 11. How does communication take place in ring topology? 12. What are the components required for networking? 13. Explain various protection methods used for network security resources. 14. Differentiate between a) and tags b) Container and empty elements. 15. Write the uses of ROWSPAN and COLSPAN attributes? 16. Write the HTML code to produce these controls:

  • i. A text box ii. A text area with 10 rows and 30 columns iii. A password text box. 17. What is the use of TYPE (A,a,I,i,1) element in tag? 18. Differentiate tag with
    tag? 19. What is the HTML code for the following output?

    INDIA Economy Industry Agriculture Education

    20. What is tag? Explain all its attributes. 21. Write the suitable HTML code to get following output as given in the diagram by following the given instructions. Submit the soft copy in pen drive. a.)Title of the page should be Global Warming. b.)Background color should be yellow. c.)Text font should be Dauphin. d.)Image of pollution is warming.gif. e.)Pages are linked with:

    The main page is home.htm.

    Water pollution page is water.htm.

    Soil pollution page is soil.htm.

    Result page is result.htm.

  • COMPUTER (C++)

    Write the answers of the following questions. 1. Re-usability of classes is one of the major properties of OOP. How is it implemented in C++? 2. Distinguish between an object and a class. 3. Why is an array called a derived data type? 4. What is OOP? How Is it different from procedural programming? 5. What are the advantages offered by inheritance? 6. How are data and functions organized in an object-oriented program? 7. Differentiate Data Hiding and Encapsulation. 8. What is the difference between a keyword and an identifier? 9. What is the purpose of a header file in a program? 10. Why is main function special? Give two reasons. 11. Write two advantages of using # include compiler directive. 12. Differentiate between a run time error and syntax error. Also give suitable examples of each. 13. Differentiate between a logical error and syntax error with suitable examples. 14. Differentiate between the post increment operator and pre- increment operator with suitable examples. 15. How are the following two statements different?

  • Char pcode= 75; short pcode= 75;

    16. What is the difference between Actual parameter and formal parameter in a function? Give simple suitable C++ code to illustrate both. 17. What is the difference between call by value and call by reference? Give a simple example or program in C++ to illustrate both. 18. What is wrong with this code:

    cout > n; if(n < 0) cout

  • 25. In C++, classes can be created using class keyword and struct keyword. Comment.

    HISTORY 1. Explain the strategies used by archaeologists to understand socio-economic difference amongst the Harappan. 2. What are the problems of archaeologist interpretation in reconstruction of the past? 3. Explain any two characteristics of the bricks used in the Harappan settlement. 4. Name a settlement of Harappan culture which was almost exclusively devoted to craft production. Name any five craft works of the place as well. 5. The culture of which region has been named as Gyaneshwar Jodhpur Culture by archaeologists? 6. Write two features of Harappan scripts. 7. Give any two features of the Harappan culture after 1900 BCE or Mention any two changes that were observed after 1900 BCE in Harappan civilization. 8."The most unique feature of Mohenjodaro was the plan urban Centre". Support the statement with example. 9. State any three features of Mahajanapadas. 10. Discuss the main features of Mauryan Administration 11. How do historians reconstruct the lives of ordinary people? 12. List some of the problems faced by epigraphists. 13. Discuss the notation of kinship that evolved in the post Mauryan period. 14. Briefly describe the earliest gold coins. 15. Why Capital Cities during Mahajanapadas were fortified? 16. Why was more an Empire regarded as a major landmark in the early Indian history? 17. Describe how according to Manu Smriti paternal estate was to be divided after the death of the parents with special reference to right of women. 18. What were the Dharmasutras and Dharam Shastra? 19. How are mothers important under the Satvahan rulers give examples? 20. Critically examine the duties as laid down in Manusmriti for Chandals. 21. What is Manusmriti when was it compiled? 22. According to Manu Smriti what was the six methods for women to acquire wealth? 23. Mention two ideal occupations of Brahmins according to Dharma Shastra. 24. What evidences do we get from the Brahmanical practice of Satavahanas lineage regarding the inheritance of gotra. Explain. 25. Explain why we call Mahabharata a dynamic text? 26. Explain the finding of the archaeologist B B Lall on excavation at the village named Hastinapur. 27. How are all families not identical? Explain the kind of variation that occurred in ancient time. PROJECT WORK Make a beautiful file on any one of the following topic for your board exam

    Gandhi ji

    Travelers:- Al Baruni Ibn. Battuta Francois Barrier

    BIOLOGY (A).Prepare a project report for practical examination. (B)Theory:- 1. The cell division involved in gamete formation is not of the same type in different organism Justify. 2. Mention a characteristic feature and a function of zoospores in some algae.

  • 3. State the difference between meiocytes and gametes with respect to chromosome number. Why is a whiptail lizard referred to as parthenogenetic? 4. Cut pieces of bryophyllum leaf when put into wet soil produce new plants. How? 5. The flower of brinjal is referred to as chasmogamous, while that of beans is cleistogamous. How are they different from each other? 6. If you squeeze a seed of orange, you might observe many embryos of different sizes. How it possible? Explain. 7. How many haploid cells are present in a mature female gametophyte of a flowering plant? Name them. 8. Write the characteristic features of anther, pollen and stigma of wind pollinated flowers. 9. Explain the development of the zygote into an embryo and of the primary endosperm nucleus into endosperm in a fertilized embryo sac of a dicot plant. 10. Differentiate between geitonogamy and xenogamy in plants .Which one between the two, will lead to inbreeding depression and why? 11. Differentiate between albuminous and non-albuminous seeds, giving one example of each. 12. Differentiate between perisperm and pericarp. 13. Where is sporopollenin present in plants? Write its significance with reference to its chemical nature. 14. Banana produces fruits, but is propagated only by vegetative means. Why is it so? 15. Give a schematic representation of spermatogenesis in humans. At what stage of life does gametogenesis in human male and female begins? 16 Describe the formation and the function of corpus luteum. 17. Give a schematic representation of oogenesis in humans. 18. Explain the events occurs during menstrual cycle. 19. Placenta acts as an endocrine tissue. Justify. 20. How is milk production regulated by hormones in human female? 21. Explain the events taking place at the time of fertilization of an ovum in human female. Trace the development of the zygote up to its implantation in uterus. 22. Write a brief note on various methods of assisted reproductive technology that have helped childless couples to bear children. 23. Mention one positive and one negative application of amniocentesis. 24. Name any two copper releasing intrauterine devices. Mention two reasons that make them effective contraceptives. 25. Write in brief about different methods of birth control. 26. Mention the characteristics of good contraceptives. How saheli act as an conraceptives?


    Instructions: Attempt all the questions in your homework notebook. 1. Define Management. 2. Explain any five characteristics of Management. 3. Explain any Four Points of the importance of Management. 4. Explain any four functions of top management. 5. Explain organizational objectives of Management. 6. 'Management is a full-fledged profession. This is the reason that management education has become very popular throughout the world including India'. State whether you agree/disagree with this statement. Give reasons. 7. What is meant by coordination? 8. Discuss any five features of coordination. 9. What is the meaning of principles of management? 10. Explain the functional foremanship. 11. How is principle of unity of command useful to management? Explain briefly.

  • 12. Explain differential piece wage system of wage payment. 13. Explain any five features of principles of management. 14. Explain the following principles of management given by Taylor - a) Harmony, not discord b) Science, not rule of thumb c) cooperation, not individualism. 15. 'Mental Revolution involves the complete change in the mindset of all parties concerned.' Explain this statement along with showing the relevance of mental revolution in implementing scientific management. 16. What do you understand by business environment? 17. What is economic environment? 18. What is meant by globalization? 19. Explain any five features of the business environment. 20. Explain the impact of government policy changes on business and industry. (Any five) 21. In a country, people use cellular phones, E-Commerce and internet quite frequently. Which component of the business environment is highlighted by this statement? 22. Write short notes a) Economic environment b) Social environment c) Political environment d) Legal environment e) Technological environment. 23. What do you mean by demonetization? 24. Discuss any five features of demonetization.

    Project work: Prepare the project on marketing.

    PHYSICAL EDUCATION Q.1 What do you mean by planning? Elucidate the objectives of planning in sports in details. Q.2 What do you mean by tournament? Draw a fixture of 9 team using round robin method. Q.3 Discuss the objectives of extramural in details. Q.4 Elucidate the pre, during and post responsibilities of officials of various committees for organising a sports tournament smoothly. Q.5 What do you mean by knock- out tournament? Draw the fixture of 21team on knock-out basis. Q.6 What are the nutritive and non-nutritive components of diet? Explain Q.7 What is balanced diet? Explain the component of diet. Q.8 Elucidate about the various pitfalls of dieting in details. Q.9 What do you mean by food myth? Explain any six food myth prevailing in contemporary society. Q.10 Discuss the role of nutrition on the performance of a sports person. Q.11 What do you mean by asthma? Explain the procedure, benefits and contraindication of chakrasana. Q.12 Discuss asanas as preventive measure detail. Q.13 What is Hypertension? Discuss the benefits of Tadasana and Pawanmuktasana. Q.14 What do you mean by back pain? Discuss the procedure and benefits of shalabhasana. Q.15 Prepare a model on card board sheet showing the playground. Choose any one topic from the following list. 1. Football 2. Volleyball 3.Cricket 4.Basketball 5.Badminton 6.Tennis court 7.Hockey 8.Judo 9. Athletics track 10. Wrestling

  • HOME SCIENCE Q 1 Define Adolescence according to Jean Piaget? Q 2 How can adolescents spare them from pressure and tension of their friends? Give four ways. Q3 Fifteen year old Ramesh sits sad, he does not take interest in any work, nor does he talk to anyone. Which problem he is facing? Give four reasons for this problem. Give two methods of its treatment. Q 4 How will you apply knowledge of Home Science in getting employment. Q 5 The adulthood is divided into three stages: young, middle and old.

    (a) What are the major differences in terms of developmental tasks? (b) How does career take shape from young adulthood to middle adulthood? Q 6 Write about any two adolescence education programme (AEP)?

    Q 7 What is nocturnal emission?

    Q 8 Project

    Take any food product Give detailed information about the product.

    Write Its Nutritional Value.

    Write good and adverse effect of particular food product based on its consumption.

    Collect data and make graph to check the maximum and minimum consumption of food product of ages:-

    5-10 years old

    10-15 years old

    15-20 years old


    1. Solve the following by using matrix method:

    (i) 2 + 3 +10 = 4 ; 4 - 6 + 5 = 1 and 6 + 3 20 = 2

    X Y Z X Y Z X Y Z

    (ii) 2x + y + z=5 ; 3x - y -z = 5; 2x + y - z=3

    2. If A = 8 - 4 1 , find A-1, Hence solve : 8x-4y+z=5;10 x +6z =4 and 8x +y+6z=5/2.

    10 0 6

    8 1 6

    3. If A= -1 2 -2 , show that A= A-1.

    4 -3 4

    4 -4 5

    4. Show that : 1 - tan x 1 tan -1 = Cos2 - Sin2

    tan 1 -tan 1 Sin2 Cos2

    5. If A= 3 1 , find x and y so that A2 + X I = yA.

    7 5

    6. Find the adjoint of a matrix A = 1 2 3 and verify that : A(adjA)= A . I3= (adjA)A

    2 3 2

    3 3 4

    7. Find equation of a line joining A (1, 3) and B ( 0, 0), using determinants and find k if D(k,0) is a point

    on x-axis such that area of ABC is 3 sq. units.

  • 1+a2 -b2 2ab -2b

    8. Prove that 2ab 1-a2+b2 2a = (1+a2+b2)3

    2b -2a 1+a2-b2

    (b+c)2 a2 a2 9. Prove that b2 (c+a)2 b2 = 2 abc (a+b+c)3

    c2 c2 (a+b)2

    b+c c+a a+b a b c

    10. Prove that q+r r+p p+q = 2 p q r

    Y+z z+x x+y x y z

    11. Using properties of determinant

    Prove that : a b c a-b b-c c-a = a3 + b3 + c3 -3abc.

    b+c c+a a+b

    12. Find inverse using elementary transformations:-

    1 2 -2 1 -1 0 2 0 -1

    (i) -1 3 0 (ii) 2 5 3 (iii) 5 1 0

    0 -2 1 0 2 1 0 1 3

    13. If A = a b then prove that : A2- A (a+d) + (ad-bc)I =0

    MATHEMATICS 1. Solve:

    1 1sin 6 sin 6 32

    x x

    2. Prove that 2

    1 1


    1cos[tan {sin(co )}]


    xt x


    3. If 1 1 1sin sin sinx y z prove that: 2 2 21 1 1 2x x y y z z xyz

    4. P.T. 1 1 11 5 2 12 tan sec 2 tan

    5 7 8 4

    5. P.T. 1 11 1 2tan ( cos ) tan ( cos )

    4 2 4 2

    a a b

    b b a

    6. If 2 2 2 2 1 1 1. .tan tan tan2

    xy yz zxx y z r PT

    zr xr yr

    7. If

    1 1 1tan tan tan . . 12

    a b c PT ab bc ca

    8. P.T. 1 1 1 1tan tan tan tan

    1 1

    a b b ca c

    ab bc

  • 9. Find the principal value of the followings:

    1 1 1 13 1

    ( ) sin cos (sin ) ( ) tan 1 sin2 2

    i ii

    1 1 1 12 2

    ( ) cos cos sin sin ( ) tan 3 cot 33 3

    iii iv

    1 1 1 1 11 1 5( ) tan (1) cos sin ( ) sin sin tan tan

    2 2 6 6v vi

    10. Prove that: 1 1 12 2

    1 1tan tan sin

    1 1 1 1

    x y y x

    x y x y

    11. If 1 1cot cos tan cosx x x then find the value of sin .x

    12. If 1 1 13

    sin sin sin2

    x y z then find the value of

    100 100 100

    101 101 101

    9x y z

    x y z

    13. Prove that: 1 1cos sin

    tan tan .cos sin

    a x b x ax

    b x a x b

    14. Solve: 1 11 1( ) tan tan

    2 2 4

    x xi

    x x

    1 1 18

    ( ) tan 1 tan ( 1) tan . ( 0)31

    ii x x x


    1 1 1

    2 2 2

    2 1 2( ) 3sin 4cos 2 tan

    31 1 1

    x x xiii

    x x x

    15. Prove that:


    1 1 1

    2 2

    6 8 4 1tan tan tan 2 ; (2 )

    1 12 1 4 3

    x x xx x

    x x

    16. If 2 2

    1 1 2

    2 2

    2cos cos , : cos sin

    x y x xy yprove that

    a b aba b

    17. If 1 1 2 2 2cos cos , :9 12 cos 4 36sin2 3

    x yprove that x xy y

    18. P.T. 2 2

    1 1 2

    2 2

    1 1 1tan cos

    4 21 1

    x xx

    x x

    19. Solve for x: 1 1sin [2cos (cot(2 tan ))] 0x

    20. P.T. 1 1 14 5 16sin sin sin

    5 13 65 2


    1. Two charges of magnitudes 2Q and +Q are located at points (a, 0) and (4a, 0) respectively. What is the

    electric flux due to these charges through a sphere of radius 3a with its centre at the origin?

    2. A charge q is placed at the centre of a cube of side l. What is the electric flux passing through each face

    of the cube?

  • 3. Force of attraction between two point charges places at a distance d is F. What distance apart should

    they be kept in the same medium so that the force between them is F/3?

    4. Two plane sheets of charge having charge densities 1 and 2 are normal to each other. What will be

    the magnitude of electric field at point O between the plates.


    5. Define electric field intensity. Write its S.I. unit. Write the magnitude and direction of electric field

    intensity due to an electric dipole of length 2a at the mid point of the line joining the two charges.

    6. Three point charges of 2 C, 3 C and 3 C are kept at the vertices A, B and C respectively of an

    equilateral triangle of side 20 cm as shown in figure given below. What should he the sign and

    magnitude of the charge to be placed at the mid-point (M) of side BC so that the charge at A remains

    in equilibrium?

    [Ans. C = 3.9 C ]

    7. Four charges + q, + q, q, q are placed respectively at the four corners A, B, C and D of a square of

    side a. Calculate the electric field at the centre of the square.

    8. S1 and S2 are two hollow concentric spheres enclosing chares Q and 2Q respectively as shown in figure

    given below.

    (i) What is the ratio of the electric flux through S1 and S2?

    (ii) How will the electric flux through the sphere S1 change, if a medium of dielectic constant 5 is

    introduced in the space inside S1 in place of air?

    9. A particle of mass 9 101 g is kept over a large horizontal sheet of charge density 5 105 Cm2. What

    charge should be given to the particle, so that if released, it does not fall?

  • 10. A cylinder is placed in a uniform electric field E with its axis parallel to the field. Show that the total

    electric flux through the cylinder is zero.

    11. If E 6i 3j 4k, calculate the electric flux through a surface of area 20 units in Y-Z plane.

    12. An electric dipole, when held at 30 with respect to a uniform electric field of 104 NC1 experiences a

    torque of 9 1026 Nm Calculate dipole moment of the dipole.

    13. A charged spherical conductor has a surface density of 0.7 Cm2. When its charge is increased by 0.44

    C, the charge density changes by

    0.14 Cm2. Find the radius of the sphere and initial charge on it.

    14. Calculate the number of electric lines of force originating from a charge of 1 C.

    15. Calculate the voltage needed to balance an oil drop carrying 10 electrons when located between the

    plates of a capacitor which are 5 mm

    apart. The mass of oil drop is 3 1016 kg. Take g = 10 ms2.

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