sheron news 2013/2

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  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2






    Rolex Oyster Perpetual GMT

    Master II

    2/2013 slo, No. 13

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Lska a ve. Aj v tomto duchusa niesla vstava Baselworld2013. Toto vrcholn podujatie,ktor predstavuje aktulne trendya novinky prestnych perkrskycha hodinrskych spolonost, sa tentorok zaalo o pr tdov neskr.Dvodom bola prestavba vstaviska,no poviem Vm, zdranie stloza to! Domce architektonick tdioHerzog & de Meuron odviedlo

    skvel prcu. Bazilejsk vstaviskodostalo nielen nov tvr, alei nov srdce. asnm prepojenmvetkch vstavnch priestorovdo jednho komplexu vzniklamodern hala, kde vystavovateliazaujali nielen hodinkami i perkami,ale aj kreatvnym prevedenmsvojich stnkov, dekorciamia nezabudnutenou atmosfrou.Poves pikovho vrobcu prestnych asomier potvrdilaznaka Ulysse Nardin. Jej modelElToro ma zaujal ohromujcoukrsou a nadasovm dizajnom. Najvm ahkom pre odborni laick verejnos boli hodinkyRolex GMT II v kombincii modreja iernej keramiky, ktor si uritezamilujete. Znaka Breitling si drsvoje postavenie technologickyvyspelm a so stikovanm dizajnom,model Emergency II predstavila ako

    technick klenot.Obe tieto znaky u niekoko sezn

    The reputation for being a cutting -edge manufacturer of prestigious brand timekeeping was reaf rmed byUlysse Nardin. The new ElToro modelimpressed me with its stunning beautyand timeless design. The biggest drawfor professionals and the general public were Rolex GMT II watcheswith a combined blue and black ceramicthat youll love for sure. Breitlingretains its position as a high-tech andsophisticated design company withthe model II Emergency introduced asa technical gem. Both of these brandshave not presented innovation forthese models for a few seasons, there-fore they were most eagerly anticipa-ted. Since in both prestigious brandsthese are iconic models, attention was paid to every detail and they werethoroughly redesigned technically,functionally and aesthetically.Chopard is known for its playfulnessand their new collection HappyDiamonds- Trilogy of Hearts presentsa symbol of eternal love, which nothingin this world could harm. This stunning piece of jewellery that combines the past and the present, promises the power of love for the future.Leaves of evergreen ivy which in the

    language of love embodies passionwere Pasquale Brunis inspirationfor the brand. Passion attracts two people to each other and constantlyencourages them to embrace and to beinseparable. Express your unrestraineddevotion and love with the Trilogy ofHerats by Chopard or the Ivy Leaffrom Pasquale Bruni ...Summer is already here and theholidays are in full swing. Enjoyyour time off with your family andfriends and do whatever makes youhappy. And if you want to please yoursweetheart or yourself with noveltiesfrom Baselworld or with inspirationfrom SHERON News, stop by in ourstore.

    Have a great summer!

    nepredstavili inovcie tchto mode-lov, preto sa s naptm oakvalo, ke-dy a s akmi vylepeniami buduveden. Kee sa u oboch prestn-ych znaiek jedn o ikonick modely,dali si vemi zlea a prepracovalikad detail po technickej, funknej iestetickej strnke.Hravos Chopardu je povestn a svo- jou novou kolekciou Happy Diamonds Trilgia sdc prezentovala znakanekonen lsku, ktorej ni na sveteneubli. Tento asn perk, ktorspja minulos a prtomnos subujesilu lsky aj do budcnosti.Listom stle zelenho bretana, ktorv rei lsky stelesuje ve, sa zaseinpirovala znaka Pasquale Bruni.Prve ve pta dvoch ud k sebea neustle ich nabda objma saa by nerozlunmi. Vyjadrite aj vysvoju oddanos a neutchajcu lskutrilgiou sdc od Chopardu i lstkom bretana od Pasquale Bruni...Leto je u tu, przdniny sv plnom prde. Uite si von chvleso svojou rodinou a priatemi, venujtesa vetkmu, z oho mte rados.A ak chcete potei svoju polovikualebo seba novinkami z Baselworldui inpirciami zo SHERON News,

    zastavte sa u ns. Krsne leto!

    Love and passion; that was the spiritof Baselworld 2013. This preeminentevent, which represents the currenttrends and novelties of prestigious jewelleery and watch companies, began a few weeks later this year. Thereason for this delay was due to thereconstruction of the exhibition hall, but I tell you, the wait really was worthit! Home architectonical studioHerzog & de Meuron did a wonderful job. The Basel exhibition centrereceived not only a new face, butalso a new heart. Linking all of theexhibition spaces into one complexcreated a modern hall where exhibi-tors attracted visitors not only withtheir watches or jewellery, but alsowith the creative construction of their

    stalls and decorations which forgedan unforgettable atmosphere.

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Baselworld v slach: 122 000 nvtevnkov zo 100 krajn 1450 vystavovateov z 40 krajn 3 610 novinrov z 70 krajn 141 000 m vstavnej plochy

    Baselworld in numbers: 122,000 visitors from 100 countries 1,450 exhibitors from 40 countries 3,610 journalists from 70 countries 141,000 m of exhibition space

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Kadorone sa s prchodom jari v Bazileji stretva viac ako1 450 spolonost zaoberajcichsa hodinrskym a perkrskym priemyslom alebo svisiacimiodvetviami. Svoje najnovie kreciea inovcie predstavuj renomovanspolonosti z celho sveta vhradnena vstave Baselworld. Asi 122 000nvtevnkov, z ktorch prevanas tvoria pecialisti zmaloobchodnho alebo veko-obchodnho sektora meriacestu do Bazileja, aby mohliobjavova a bliie spoznvaaktulne trendy a nov produktyz dieln najprestnejchhodinrskych a perkrskych

    vrobcov. Prezentcia na Bazilejskomvetrhu je vskutku uniktna, pretoe poskytuje monos stretn vetkyznaky najvyej kvality tak- povediac pod jednou strechou.Prijmite, prosm, nae pozvanie auite si so stikovan atmosfru,ktor panuje na tomto poprednom podujat vo svete luxusnchhodiniek a perkov.

    Every year with the arrival of springin Basel, over 1,450 companiesengaged in watchmaking and the jewellery or related industries cometogether. The latest creations andinnovations of reputable companiesfrom around the world are exclusive-

    ly shown at Baselworld. Approxima-tely 122,000 visitors, most ofwhom are specialists in the retailor wholesale sector, take a trip toBasel in order to discover the currenttrends and new products from theworkshops of the most prestigiouswatchmakers and jewellerymanufacturers. Presentation at theBasel fair is truly unique because it provides the opportunity to meet allof the top quality brands under oneroof. Please accept our invitationand enjoy the sophisticatedatmosphere that prevails at this prominent event in the world ofluxury watches and jewellery.

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Ke Americk leteck spolonosPan American uskutonila svoj prv non-stop interkontinentlnylet medzi New Yorkom a Moskvouv roku 1959, posdke pomhali pri navigcii hodinky Rolex OysterPerpetual GMT-Master chrono-meter. GMT-Master umoovalidokonal odtavanie asu v dvochrznych asovch psmach sasne.Vaka tomu sa sa stali o cilnymihodinkami spolonosti Pan Am,ktor bola povaovan za jednyz najreprezentatvnejch aerolnizlatho veku civilnho letectva.

    Model GMT-Master bol pilotmi povaovan za dleit nstrojv kokpite. Na Bazilejskom vetrhu Rolex predstavil nov verziu modeluGMT-Master II. Hodinky s vyrobe-n z uachtilej ocele 904L. Vbec po prv raz hodinky disponujotonou keramickou lunetou vdvojfarebnom vyhotoven. Lunetasa sklad z modrej a iernejkeramiky, ktor reprezentuje dea noc. Keramick luneta sa vyrbanronm procesom vyvinutma patentovanm spolonosouRolex. Poas vroby sa do jednhokeramickho kusu preczne spjajdve rzne farby. Keramick luneta predstaven spolonosou Rolexv roku 2005 m vhodu v tom, e jeodoln voi pokriabaniu, nepodlie-ha korzii a vynik farebnoustlosou. Vysokoleten povrch

    lunety zabezpeuje vnimon lesk a jej gravrovan stupnica je potiahnu-t tenkou vrstvou platiny nanesenej pomocou technolgie PVD.

    When Pan American World Airwaysmade its rst non-stop intercontinental

    ight between New York andMoscow in 1959, the watch used bythe crew for navigation was a RolexOyster Perpetual GMT-MASTERchronometer. The GMT-MASTER,which provided a perfectly legible

    reading of the time in two differenttime zones simultaneously, would become the of cial watch of Pan Am,one of the most emblematic airlinesof the Golden Age of civil aviation.

    And it would be recognized by pilotsas an essential tool in the cockpit.At BASELWORLD 2013, Rolexis introducing a new version of theOyster Perpetual GMT-MASTER IIin 904L steel, with a rotatable bezelfeaturing for the rst time a two-colour ceramic CERACHROM bezelinsert in blue and black representingday and night. A technologicaland aesthetic feat, the new CERA-CHROM bezel insert is obtained by a unique process developed and

    patented by Rolex which allows thisceramic component with two distinctcolours to be produced as a single piece. It echoes the traditional two-colour bezel of the original GMT-

    MASTER and GMT-MASTER IImodels. The CERACHROM insert,introduced in 2005, has the advan-tage of being virtually scratchproof,high-ly corrosion resistant, and itscolour is unaffected by ultravioletrays. Its diamond-polished surface presents an exceptional lustre. Theengraved 24-hour graduations arecoated with a thin layer of platinum viaa PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) process.

    Rolex Oyster PerpetualCosmograph Daytona

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Ke si Paul Newman so svojmtmom vybojoval prvenstvo v triedeGTS-1 na pretekoch Rolex 24na okruhu Daytona v roku 1995, bolodmenen hodinkami Rolex OysterPerpetual Cosmograph DaytonaChronograf. Idelna trofej pre mua,ktor nosil tento legendrny modelu od zaiatku sedemdesiatych rokovminulho storoia. Prve vtedy sazrodila jeho ve pre automobilovsvet. Model Cosmograph Daytona

    sprevdzal Paula Newmana poas jeho celej dvojakej kariry herca

    i automobilovho pretekra. Nakoniec zostal spojen s jehomenom aj so zvodnm okruhomDaytona.

    Na Bazilejskom vetrhu predstavilaspolonos Rolex nov prestnuverziu modelu Cosmograph Daytona,ktor bol pvodne uveden na trh vroku 1963, teda presne pred pdesiatimi rokmi. Tentolegendrny chronograf sa po

    prvkrt ponka vo vyhotovenz platiny, najuachtilejom

    zo vetkch vzcnych kovov.Luneta hodiniek je zhotovenz monobloku gatanovohnedejkeramiky a vnimonos modelu podiarkuje adovomodr selnkdostupn iba k platine. Kovousasou identity modelu je lunetas tachymetrickou stupnicou, ktor

    rob z hodiniek idelny nstroj nameranie priemernej rchlosti a do400 km/h. slice a indexy s v- borne itaten vaka tenkejvrstve platiny nanesenej pomocoutechnolgie PVD.

    When Paul Newman and his teamachieved the GTS1 class victoryat the Rolex 24 At Daytona in1995, the watch he was awardedat the end of the race was a RolexOyster Perpetual COSMOGRAPHDAYTONA chronograph. Anappropriate trophy for a man whohad worn this legendary Oystermodel since he developed a passionfor motor racing in the early 1970s.The COSMOGRAPH DAYTONAaccompanied him throughout hisdual career as an actor and racingdriver, becoming as durablyassociated with his name as with the

    Daytona race track.At BASELWORLD 2013, Rolexis introducing a new prestigiousversion of the Oyster PerpetualCOSMOGRAPH DAYTONA, theemblematic model launched in 1963,exactly 50 years ago this year. Thislegendary chronograph is proposed,for the rst time, entirely in 950 platinum, the noblest of preciousmetals. It is equipped with a chestnut brown monobloc CERACHROM bezel in ceramic and an ice blue dial.A key part of the COSMOGRAPHDAYTONAs identity is itsCERACHROM ceramic bezel with atachymetric scale, making the watchthe ideal instrument to measureaverage speeds of up to 400 miles orkilometres per hour. The numeralsand graduations are perfectly legiblethanks to the deposition of a thinlayer of platinum via a PVD (PhysicalVapour Deposition) process.

    Rolex Oyster Perpetual GMT Master II

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Kapitni jachtrskych posdok mu plne dverova priekopnckmumodelu Rolex Oyster PerpetualYacht Master II. Hodinky disponujpecilnym chronografoms mechanickm odpotom tartu

    regaty, vaka ktormu me skipper pretn tartovaciu lniu ihne po o cilnom tarte. Tentocerti kovan chronometera profesionlny regata chronografsymbolizuje prepojenie medzimodernmi technolgiamia tradciami. Presne ako samotn jachtrska regata.

    Nov verzia modelu bola predstavenna uplynulom Bazilejskom vetrhu.

    Tento revolun regata chronografuveden na trh v roku 2007, je po prvraz dostupn v preveden z uachtilejocele 904L a luneta zobrazujca previazanie s nmornm portom jevyroben z modrej keramiky. Vysoko

    inn asomern nstroj je uren pre profesionlnych kapitnov, alei pre jachtrskych nadencov. Yacht -Master II je idelnym prkladomznalost Rolexu v obore presnosti,spoahlivosti a funknosti. Model jevnimon exkluzvnou funkciouvyvinutou spolonosou Rolex odpotavanie je mon nastaviod jednej a do desiatich minta samozrejmosou je mechanick pam chronografu. Po vynulovan sa

    teda ruika vrti sp na nastavenhodnotu. Odpotavacia funkcia je idelna pre potreby presnhonaasovania pred samotnmtartom regaty. Aj ke sa jedno technicky nron mechanizmus,

    pre pouvatea je nastavovanievemi jednoduch programovanieodpotavania sa realizuje pomocouotonej keramickej lunety vyvinutejspolonosou Rolex.

    Skippers will be able to trust the pioneering mechanical countdown oftheir Rolex Oyster Perpetual YACHT -MASTER II regatta chronographin order to cross the line as soon as possible after the starting gun. Thischronometer-certi ed professionalregatta chronograph is a marriage ofstate-of-the-art technology and time -honoured tradition like the regattayachts themselves.At BASELWORLD 2013, Rolexis introducing a new version of theOyster Perpetual YACHT-MASTERII. Rolexs revolutionary regattachronograph, launched in 2007, isavailable for the rst time in 904Lsteel, tted with a CERACHROM bezel insert in blue ceramic. A high -performance timekeeping instrument,designed for professional skippersas well as yachting enthusiasts, thenew YACHT-MASTER II is a pureexample of Rolex expertise in termsof precision, functions and reliability.The YACHT-MASTER II featuresan exclusive function developed byRolex: a countdown which can be

    programmed from 1 to 10 minutes andincorporates a mechanical memory,allowing it to be reset to the samecountdown duration. The countdownfunction responds ideally to the needfor precise timing during the crucialstarting sequence of a regatta. Althoughtechnically complex, it is essentiallyvery simple to use: the countdown programming is accessed via therotatable RING COMMAND bezel,an innovative interface between bezeland movement developed by Rolex.

    Rolex Oyster Perpetual GMT Master II

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Model Planet Ocean 600MGoodplanet vznikol ako pocta nadciiGoodPlanet za ctyhodn prcu pre nae ivotn prostredie a najm podmorsk ekosystmy. Nadcia bolazaloen v roku 2005 a spolonosOmega s ou vytvorila partnerstvov roku 2011. Spolone sa snaiazvyova verejn povedomie o krsea vzneenosti ocenov, upozorovana nebezpeenstv, ktorm elia.Zdrazuj tak, e je dleit visi a zachova tieto prrodn zdroje.

    Novinka od spolonosti Omega ponka odvny, modr lakovanselnk s aplikovanmi indexmi.Leten a rdiovan ruiky s

    potiahnut vrstvou superluminovy,ktor pri znenej viditenostivyaruje modr svetlo. Vnimkou je iba mintov ruika a bodna otonej lunete, ktor svietiana zeleno. Dtumov apertra jesituovan na pozcii sla 3. Sklkohodiniek je vyroben zo zafru a jeobojstranne potiahnut antire exnouvrstvou, oho vsledkom je eliminciasvetelnch odrazov a vborn

    itatenos. Oranov stupnica GMTna lunete a centrlna GMT ruika

    Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean 600M GoodPlanet

    umouje sledova as v dvochrznych asovch psmach, o isteocen kad cestovate. Priemerletenho a matovanho oceovho puzdra je 43,5 milimetra. Zadn vekos gravrovanm nadcie GoodPlanet je taktie zo zafrovho skla,vaka ktormu je mon sledovamechanick divadlo vo vntri.Srdcom modelu je manufaktrnykaliber spolonosti Omega 8650s automatickm nahom. Krokovmechanizmus strojeka je zhotovenz kremka a jeho kontrukciaCo-Axial je chrnen patentom.

    The Planet Ocean 600M GoodPlanet,an innovative wristwatch that serves

    as a tribute to the GoodPlanetFoundation and the positive workit does for our environment andunderwater ecosystems. GoodPlanetwas founded in 2005, and in 2011OMEGA and the environmentalfoundation formed their partnership;together we aim to raise awarenessof the beauty and majesty of theoceans, the dangers they face andthe importance of preserving and

    appreciating these natural resources.The Seamaster Planet Ocean 600M

    GoodPlanet features a bold bluelacquered dial with applied indexes.The polished and facetted rhodium- plated hands and aluminium-fashioned GMT hand are coated withwhite Super-LumiNova which emitsa blue light. The exception is theminute hand which emits a green light,as does the dot on the diving bezel.There is also a date window at the 3oclock position. A domed scratch -resistant sapphire crystal enhancedwith anti-re ective treatment on both sides protects the dial fromdamage above and below the waterssurface. The bright orange GMTscale on the bezel ring and centralGMT hand make it possible to track

    two separate time zones, ideal forthe frequent travellers. The brushedand polished 43.5 mm stainlesssteel case. The caseback, engravedwith GoodPlanet Foundation, alsofeatures a scratch-resistant sapphirecrystal, making it possible to seeOMEGAs revolutionary technologywithin. At its heart is the exclusiveOMEGA Co-Axial calibre 8605, aself-winding movement with a three

    -level Co-Axial escapement and Si14silicon balance spring.

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    BreitlingEmergency II

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Breitling op potvrdil svoje postavenie priekopnka v oblastitechnologicky vyspelch hodinieka nstrojov pre profesionlov.Vytvoril prv nramkov hodinkys integrovanm osobnmlokaliztorom. Model Emergency II je vysoko technick klenot vybavendulnym vysielaom frekvencie, ktor je kompatibiln s medzinrodnmsatelitnm systmom Cospas-Sarsat.Tento globlny systm zaznamenvandzov hlsenia alebo varovaniaa je npomocn pri zchranncha ptracch misich.

    Cospas-Sarsat systm je zaloen nasieti satelitov, ktor s rozmiestnenna nzkej obenej drhe Zeme(LEOSAR) a na geostacionrnejobenej drhe (GEOSAR). No zahatie pozemn stanice, ako aj kontrolna koordinan centr. Jeho poslanm je poskytova presn a spoahlivnavigan daje. Zabezpeenie tchtoinformci pomha zchrannmzlokm poskytn rchlu a inn pomoc osobm v tiesni. Od spusteniav roku 1985 sa vaka systmu Cospas-Sarsat podarilo zachrni viac ako26-tisc ivotov.

    Nmorn, leteck i pozemnzchrann opercie sa skladajz troch krokov: poplach, lokalizcia azchrana. Poplan a lokalizan fza pouvala a do roku 2009 rovnakanalgov frekvenciu 121,5 MHz.Vtedy sa v systme Cospas-Sarsatrozhodlo, e poplan fza bude pracova na digitlnej frekvencii406 MHz, oho vsledkom budkomplexnejie informcie, lepiezabezpeenie a zni sa poet falonch poplachov. Analgov signl 121,5MHz ale zostva najefektvnejm pri navdzan k obetiam neastia.Tiesov vysielaky musia preto byvybaven oboma frekvenciami, aby bolo zabezpeen odos lanie poplachua tie presn lokalizcia.

    Model Breitling Emergency II psob striedavo na obe samostatn

    ndzov frekvencie poas 24 hodn.Prv digitlny signl na frekvencii

    406 MHz uren pre satelity mdku 0,44 sekundy a je odosielankadch 50 seknd. Druh analgovsignl na frekvencii 121,5 MHz pre lokalizan a navdzaciu fzu mdku 0,75 sekundy a je odosielankadch 2,25 sekundy.

    Vyvinut v zkej spoluprcis poprednmi vedeckmi stavmi je model Emergency II vybaven poetnmi mikroelektronickmia mikrotechnologickmi inovciamivrtane revolunej dobjacej batrie,miniatrneho dulneho vysielaaa bezprecedentnho antnovhosystmu. To s tri peci k vyvinutiba pre tento model. SpolonosBreitling uvdza tento model

    s monosou vyui jeho potencil pri akejkovek krzovej situcii

    na si, na mori i vo vzduchu.Emergency II vak nie jeiba nekompromisn prstrojna preitie. Je to tie elektronickchronograf so vetkmi funkciami,ktor ocen kad profesionla dobrodruh: 12/24-hodinovanalgov a digitlny ukazovateasu, chronograf s presnosou 1/100sek., budk, asova, druh asov psmo, viacjazyn pln kalendra indiktor vybitej batrie. Vetky tietofunkcie zabezpeuje SuperQuartzstrojek, certi kovan chronometerC.O.S.C. Emergency II s scev jednom celku, no hodinky a vysielas kontruovan tak, aby pracovaliako dva odlin a na sebe plnenezvisl prvky z hadiska prevdzky

    a spotreby energie pre dosiahnutie onajvej bezpenosti.

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Breitling has reaf rmed its pioneeringrole in the eld of technical watchesand instruments for professionals by creating the very rst wristwatchwith a built-in personal locator beacon (PLB). The Emergency II is ahigh-tech gem equipped with a dualfrequency transmitter compliant withthe speci cations of the Cospas-Sarsatinternational satellite alert systemand serving both to issue alerts andto guide search and rescue missions.

    The international Cospas-Sarsatsystem is based on a network ofsatellites in low-altitude earth orbit(LEOSAR) and in geostationaryorbit (GEOSAR); it also comprisesground receiving stations as well ascontrol and coordination centers. Itsmission is to provide accurate andreliable distress alert and homingdata. Supplying this informationhelps search and rescue (SAR)authorities provide fast and ef cientassistance to persons in distress.Since its launch in 1985, the Cospas-Sarsat system has helped save morethan 26,000 lives.

    The maritime, aviation and land

    operations comprise three steps:

    Developed in conjunction with majorscienti c institutes, the EmergencyII is distinguished by numerousmicroelectronic and microtechnicalinnovations, including a revolutionaryrechargeable battery, a miniaturizeddual frequency transmitter and anunprecedented integrated antennasystem three features speci callydeveloped for this model. As the rst

    ever wristworn dual frequency PLB,it establishes itself as a safety andsurvival instrument in all distresssituations on land, at sea and in theair.

    The Emergency II is not only a perso-nal survival instrument. It is also anelectronic chronograph featuring allthe functions useful to professionalsand adventurers: 12/24-hour analogand digital display, 1/100th secondchronograph, alarm, timer, secondtimezone, multilingual calendar and battery end-of-life indication. It isequipped with a thermocompensatedSuperQuartz movement ten timesmore accurate than standard quartzand chronometer-certi ed by theCOSC. The watch and transmitter parts have been designed as twodistinct elements, totally independentin terms of both operation and energy

    source and thus ensuring enhancedsecurity.

    alert, homing and rescue. The alertand homing phases used the same121.5 MHz analog frequency up until2009, when Cospas-Sarsat decidedthat it would phase out satellite processing at 121.5 MHz frequencyand that alerts would be triggered onlyon 406 MHz a digital frequency ableto offer enhanced security, to providemore comprehensive information andto reduce the number of false alarms.

    The 121.5 MHz signal is nonethelessstill received on land, by ships at seaand by airborne aircraft, and remainsthe most ef cient and reliable systemfor homing in on victims. Distressradio beacons must thus be of the dualfrequency type in order to guaranteeaccurate homing.

    The Emergency II is equippedwith a microtransmitter alternatelyoperating on two separate frequenciesover a 24-hour period. It transmits a

    rst digital signal on the 406 MHzfrequency intended for satellites andlasting 0.44 seconds every 50 seconds;as well as a second analog signal onthe 121.5 MHz homing and rescuefrequency, lasting 0.75 seconds every

    2.25 seconds

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  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Hodinky pre biznismenov, alei pre vetkch s chuou po spechua tch, ktor ij a komunikuj v rmcivetkch zemepisnch dok. NovBentley B04 GMT vynikaj extrmnefunknm systmom dulnehoasu v kombincii s vkonnmchronografom. Pod mriekouchladia, ktor pripomna jemneskeletonizovan ierny alebo

    strieborn selnk sa nachdzasrdce tohto skvostu manufaktrnykaliber spolonosti Breitlingkompletne vyvinut a skontruovanin-house s vyuitm vetkchznalost a schopnost v hodinrskomobore. Samozrejmosou jeo cilna certi kcia vajiarskehochronomtera C.O.S.C. K nastaveniuhodinovej ruiky na miestny as,

    pouvate jednoducho povytiahnekorunku a otanm v oboch smerochnastavuje hodinov ruiku v skokoch po celch hodinch. Nastavovaniedulneho asu nijako neovplyvuje presnos chodu hodiniek a nastavenas, nakoko chod mintovejruiky nie je zastaven. Medzitmerven ruika ukazuje domcias v 24-hodinovom reime, oumouje nositeovi bezproblmovrozliovanie da a noci. Model budedostupn v preveden z ocele aleboruovho zlata s priehadnm zadnmvekom, cez ktor je viditen rotorautomatickho nahu pripomnajci

    hlinkov disk vozidiel Bentley.A watch for businessmen aswell as all those with a taste foraccomplishments who live andcommunicate across all longitudes,the new Bentley B04 GMT standsout for its extremely functional dualtimezone system, combined witha high-performance selfwindingchronograph. Beneath the radiatorgrille of its nely openworked blackor silver dial beats a ManufactureBreitling movement developedwith all the skill and knowledgelavished on the nest engines andof cially chronometer-certi ed bythe COSC. To adjust the main hourhand to local time, the user cansimply pull out the crown and turnit in either direction in one-hourincrements. This is achieved withoutany loss of precision in terms of the

    minutes, and with automatic forwardand backward date adjustment.Meanwhile, the red-tipped handcontinues to show home time in24-hour mode, thus enabling the userto distinguish between day and night.The Bentley B04 GMT expresses its powerful aesthetic in steel or red goldmodels, complete with a transparentcaseback revealing a sculpted wheelrim-shaped oscillating weight.

    Breitling for Bentley B06

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Idelny predstavite lozo eBreitling for Bentley, novchronograf Bentley B06,v sebe snbi so stikovan dizajna vysokotechnick manufaktrnykaliber B06. Model sa vyznauje

    jedinenm 30-sekundovmchronografom. Inpirciou mu bol patent spolonosti Breitling z roku1926, na zklade ktorho sa centrlnachronografov ruika otoila jedenkrt za pol minty. Zaistilo satm extrmne presn odtavanienameranej hodnoty s presnosou a1/8 sekundy. alou exkluzvnoufunkciou je variabiln tachometers otonou lunetou, ktor slina vpoet priemernej rchlosti bez ohadu na uplynut as, prejdenvzdialenos alebo maximlnudosiahnut rchlos. Ryhovanmotv na lunete pripomna exluzvnumrieku prednej masky automobilovBentley a iaston skeletonizciaselnka poodhauje vysokovkonn

    stroj uloen vo vntri puzdra.Pohadom na manufaktrny kalibersa me nosite pokocha aj cez zadnzafrov sklo. Dominantnm prvkom je rotor automatickho nahu, ktorm tvar disku kolesa automobilu

    Bentley. Model je k dispozciiv preveden z ocele alebo ruovhozlata a voliten je nramok aleborzne typy remienkov z aligtorai kauuku. Kauukov remienoksvojim prevedenm korepondujes ryhovanm motvom lunety.

    A perfect emblem of the Breitlingfor Bentley spirit, the new BentleyB06 chronograph weds sophisticatedaesthetics with Manufacture BreitlingCalibre B06. It is distinguished by itsingenious 30-second chronographsystem, inspired by a Breitling patent dating from 1926 and basedon a central hand sweeping aroundthe dial in half a minute therebyensuring extremely accurate

    1/8th second time readings. Anotherworld-exclusive feature is thevariable tachometer with a rotating bezel serving to calculate averagespeed whatever the time elapsed, thedistance covered or the speed reached

    contrary to standard tachometersthat measure only times of less than60 seconds. The knurled motif on the bezel, a nod to the famous Bentleyradiator grilles, is picked up in theopenworked dial revealing glimpsesof the high-performance engine.This decidedly original approachcontinues on the reverse side of thewatch that is tted with a transparentcaseback revealing a spectacular360 sculpted oscillating weightevoking the shape of a wheel rim.The Bentley B06 is available in steelor red gold, along with a choice ofa bracelet or a crocodile leather orrubber strap adorned with a centralraised motif matching that on the bezel.

    Breitling for Bentley B04 GTM

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Pre ud, ktor ber cestovanie akoivotn tl, vyvinula spolonosBreitling for Bentley model B05Unitime svetov chronograf

    pohan manufaktrnym kalibromz dieln Breitlingu s patentovanmmechanizmom. Vaka svojmudvojkotovmu systmu sa metento preczny asomern nstroj pochvli bezkonkurennmuvateskm komfortom, ktorumouje odtavanie asuvo vetkch 24 asovch psmach.Zmena asovho psma sa realizuje jednoduchm otanm korunkyv oboch smeroch. ierny alebo matn biely selnk je zdoben umeleckytvarovanm vzorom zemegule,ktor podiarkuje cestovateskhoducha tchto vnimonch hodiniek.Vysokovkonn chronograf jesasou stroja, ktor sa me picerti kciou chronometra C.O.S.C..Model bude dostupn v prevedenz ocele alebo ruovho zlatas priehadnm zadnm vekom,cez ktor je viditen rotor

    automatickho nahu pripomnajcihlinkov disk vozidiel Bentley.Hodinky bud dodvan s nramkom, prpadne koenm remienkomz aligtora alebo kauukovmremienkom.

    For those who view travel as an artof living, Breitling for Bentley hascreated the Bentley B05 Unitime, aworldtime chronograph powered byan innovative Manufacture Breitlingmovement with a patented mecha-nism. Thanks to its double-discsystem, this instrument boastingunprecedented user friendlinessenables instant reading at anygiven moment of the time in all 24timezones. Upon changing timezone,simply turning the crown forward or backward in one-hour incrementsenables the user to correct allindications in one smooth gesture

    The black or matt white dial isadorned with an artistically sculptedglobe accentuating the travel theme.The high-performance chronographmovement, chronometer-certi ed bythe COSC. It is driven by a highlyoriginal oscillating weight shaped

    like a wheel rim and visible throughthe transparent caseback. Available insteel as well as in red gold, the newBentley B05 Unitime is tted with a bracelet or with a rubber or crocodileleather strap.

    Breitling for BentleyB05 Unitime

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    U len z pohadu na Agartosod spolonosti Buben&Zrweg jezrejm, e bolo vytvoren nieofascinujce objekt sa zrodilna zklade lozo e spolonosti,ktor sa sna kombinova odvne

    inovcie, progresvny dizajn,majstrovsk remeseln spracovaniea vytvra tak trval hodnoty. Agartos je jedinenm prkladom spenejfzie tchto faktorov a rad sa medzinajprestnejie produkty v portfliuspolonosti.

    Oko kadho milovnka hodinieka vnivho zberatea exkluzvnychkskov sa rozjasn pri pohadena Tourbillon integrovan dovysoko presnch nemeckch hodn.Agartos je vak viac ako iba hodiny po jemnom dotyku prstovna hlinkovch astiach sa Agartosotvor a poodhal svoje vntro. V omsa skrva Time mover na 5 kusovhodiniek, ktor zabezpeuje ichnah poas asu, ke ich nenoste.Mete tak sledova, ako sa pohybujv dokonalej harmnii s asom.

    Just from looking atAgartos from Buben& Zrweg it is clear that somethingfascinating was created. The objectwas born under a philosophy whichseeks to combine bold innovation, progressive design and masterfulcraftsmanship, creating lasting value.Agartos is a unique example of asuccessful merger of these factorsand ranks among the most prestigious products in the company portfolio.

    The eyes of every watch lover and passionate collector of exclusive pieces will light up at the sight ofTourbillon integrated into a high precision German clock. Agartos ismore than just a clock - the gentletouch of a nger on the aluminum parts opens the Agartos and reveals itsinterior. In it is hidden a Time Moverfor ve pieces of the watch, which provides them with the ability to windwhile they are not being worn. You can

    see how they move in perfect harmonywith time.

    Buben & Zrweg Agartos

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Technologicky vyspel venkalendr s funkciou dulneho asua s legendrnym manufaktrnymkalibrom UN-32 disponuje

    uvatesky najpriaznivejoukontrukciou venho kalendra.Ohromujca krsa modelu El Torospova v kombincii modernchmaterilov a nadasovho dizajnuselnku, ktor bol inpirciou pri tvorbe jeho mena.

    Luneta a tlaidl dulneho asu sv preveden z keramiky. Skeletonovruiky umouj nositeovi ahkodtavanie vetkch dajov venhokalendra a vaka zafrovmu sklkuna zadnej strane puzdra je monkocha sa precznym spracovanmmechaniky asu.

    El Toro je jedin ven kalendr, ktordisponuje monosou korigovadaje kalendra dopredu aj dozadua to pomocou jedinho ovldacieho prvku korunky. Komplikciudulneho asu je mon obsluhova

    pomocou tlaidiel (+) alebo (-) beznutnosti zloi si hodinky z ruky.Hodinov ruika sa okamite nastavna poadovan miestny as a ruikaso pkou si zachovva informciuo domcom (vchodzom) ase.Dvojit ukazovate dtumu, dev tdni, mesiac a rok sa me zmenidopredu aj dozadu na zklade zmenyasovho psma pomocou tlaidiel(+) alebo (-). Rotor z bieleho zlatazabezpeuje automatick nahstrojeka, ktorho rezerva pri plnenatiahnutom pere in 45 hodn.Presnos chodu je podroben prsnymtestom vajiarskej organizcieC.O.S.C., hodinky sa teda mu picerti kciou chronometra.

    This high tech perpetual calendar witha dual time function and the legendaryin-house developed and manufactu-red self-winding movement is themost consumer friendly perpetualcalendar ever produced. The striking

    aesthetic of El Toro combines modernmaterials with a timeless dial designthat inspired its name.

    The bezel and pushers are made inceramic. The squeletted hands permiteasy reading of all calendar functionsand the sapphire caseback allows toobserve the mechanics of time.The only perpetual calendar thatadjusts forward and backward inseconds over the quick corrector position of a single crown. The hourhand is adjusted instantly to a newlocal time with pushers (+) or (-)without taking the watch off the wrist

    or interfering with its time keeping.The arrow keeps track of ones homeor reference time. The oversized date,the day, the month and the year changeinstantly forward or backward whenthe hour hand is moved to a new localtime across the dateline with pushers(+) or (-). The white gold rotor ensuresthat the watch is automatically woundwith a power reserve of 45 hours.Chronometer Certi cate C.O.S.C.- the Perpetual GMT undergoes therigorous tests of the Swiss Of cialChronometer Control, certifying tothe reliability and accuracy of thisexceptional timepiece.

    Ulysse NardinBlack El Toro

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    V roku 2012 predstavil nezvislvajiarsky vrobca hodiniekUlysse Nardin svoju vlajkovlo Marine ChronometerManufacture poha-n kalibromUN-118 skontruovanm in-house v dielach manufaktry.Kolekcia sa rozrstla o nov MarineChronograph Manufacture. Hodinky prevzali vetky charakteristickznaky preslvench nmornch prstrojov: vekoryso dimenzovan puzdro s idelnym priemerom43 milimetrov, excelentnitatenos, vysok presnos,

    vrbkovan lunetu, skrutkovaciukorunku zabezpeujcu absoltnuvodotesnos a pevn uchytenienramku pre o najlep komfortnositea. Nov model je navyeobohaten o preczny chronograf, pomocou ktorho me nositemera asov seky a do 12hodn. K dispozcii bud rznefarebn a materilov prevedenias nramkami, prpadne koenmialebo kauukovmi remienkami.

    In 2012, Ulysse Nardin had already presented its Marine Chronometer

    Manufacture equipped with thein-house movement UN-118. The newMarine Chronograph Manufacturehas now been added to this collection, bearing all the hallmarks of marineinstruments: a generously sized casewith a 43 mm diameter for excellentreadability, a uted bezel, a screw -locked crown guaranteeingcomplete water resistance, and solidlugs to ensure excellent stability onthe wrist. Available in steel as wellas in rose gold, the new MarineChronograph Manufacture is ttedwith a bracelet or with a rubber orcrocodile leather strap.

    Ulysse NardinMarine Chronograph Manufacture

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Ulysse Nardin odhauje novinkuv modelovom rade Black Sea.So svojm najnovm prrastkomv kolekcii Diver modelov sispolonos z LeLocle potvrdila po-ves pikovho vrobcu prestnychasomier. Model navrhnutna zvldanie extrmnych podmienokrozhodne zakotvil medzi portovoladenmi hodinkami. Svojm prevedenm dokonale spja svujufunkciu potpaskch hodinieka ndhernho hodinrskeho skvostu.Black Sea poha mechanickkaliber s automatickm nahoms rezervou chodu na 42 hodn, sasou

    strojeka je aj indiktor rezervy cho-du, decentrlne uloen sekundovruika a ukazovate dtumu.Puzdro vyroben z uachtilejocele m priemer 45,8mm a jeupraven so stikovanm procesomvulkanizcie, ktorm sa na hodinkynana vrstva ierneho kauuku.Ten dodva hodinkm pozoruhodna neopakovaten vzhad a pri nosenzabezpeuje skutone komfortn pocit.Model disponuje aj lunetou otonouv jednom smere a skrutkovacoukorunkou. T zabezpeuje vodo-tesnos a 200M. Celkov dojem zhodiniek je doplnen kauukovmremienkom s keramickmi aplikcia-mi a exkluzvnou preklpaciu sponou.

    Ulysse Nardin reveals for 2013 itslatest model in the Black Sea line ofwatches For over 166 years Ulysse Nardin has been creating some of the

    most reliable marine chronometers inexistence. With this latest addition tothe marine Diver collection,the Manufacture in Le Locle rmlyestablishes its reputation as a cutting-edge watchmaker. Resolutelyanchored in aquatic sports, the brand new Black Sea is designedto tackle extreme conditions. It perfectly combines its dual functionas a diving instrument and beautifulwatchmaking piece. Black Sea hasa self-winding movement featuring

    a 42-hour power reserve indicator,oversized small seconds and largedate display. Its stainless-steel case,45.8 millimetres in diameter, has beenspecially treated with a sophisticatedvulcanisation process giving it a blackrubber coating with a remarkableappearance and a truly comfortable

    feel. Fitted with a unidirectionalrotating bezel and screwed crown, itsindividually-numbered case is water -resistant to 200 metres. The reliabilityof the Black Sea is further strengthened by an exclusive black ceramic foldingclasp and a rubber strap with ceramiccomponents.

    Ulysse NardinMarine Diver Black Sea

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Kde bolo, tam bolo...bola raz jedna kolekcia Happy Diamonds.Diamantom dala uniktny priestorna von pohyb, aby sa mohli predvies v celej svojej iarivejkrse. perky z tejto kolekcie sastali symbolom pre vyjadrenienekonenej lsky.

    Chopard teraz predstavil nov prevedenie kolekcie HappyDiamonds trilgiu sdc. Kadsrdce s diamantom vo vntrireprezentuje minulos, sasnosa budcnos. Vyjadruje tm silulsky, ktorej neubli as a dokeaj hory prena. Ak d mu ene

    perk z novej kolekcie HappyDiamonds, subuje jej lskuna vera, dnes i zajtra. Na vdy.

    Kad perk spja tri presklensrdcia, ktor s typickmsymbolom Chopardu a vo vntriukrvaj vone ukotven diamant.

    Happy Diamonds trilgia sdc

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Kolekcia Classic Racing zahamodely hodiniek inpirovan svetomautomobilovch zvodov. Tento roksa modelov rad rozrastie o trojicuvnimonch hodiniek, ktor hlsajnov ru v histrii spolonostiChopard. Superfast Automatic,Superfast Power Control a SuperfastChrono s plne prv modelyz tejto ikonickej kolekcie vybavenstrojekmi Chopard, dizajnovanmi,vyvinutmi a zostrojenmi in-house,v dielach manufaktry FleurierEbauches.

    Bliie si predstavme model

    Superfast Power Control. Hodinkydisponuj viacermi funkciami

    vrtane hodinovej, mintovejruiky a malej decentrlne uloenejsekundovej ruiky na pozcii sla6. Dtumov apertra je situovanna pozcii sla 3 a stav natiahnutiahlavnho hnacieho pera rezervachodu sa nachdza na pozcii sla9. Priemer oceovho puzdra oslovsvojimi 45mm kadho portovoladenho jedinca.

    The Classic Racing collection,encompassing models inspired by theworld of car racing, is now enrichedwith three superlative watchesheralding a new era for Chopard.

    The Superfast Automatic, SuperfastPower Control and Superfast Chrono

    are indeed the rst watches in thisiconic collection to be equippedwith Chopard movements entirelydesigned, developed and assembledin-house, in the Fleurier Ebauchesworkshops.

    Another variation on this exceptionalmovement also drives the SuperfastPower Control model. This versionoffers a range of functions compri-sing hours, minutes, small seconds at6 oclock, the date through a windowat 3 oclock, and a power-reserveindicator in a sector-type display at9 oclock. The even more imposing

    steel case boasts a generous 45 mmdiameter.

    Chopard Classic RacingSuperfast Power Control

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Krsa klasiky a luxusu zrove saspja u tradine v kolekcii Classic,ktor tento raz prichdzas novinkou Happy Day. Perlovluxus pre dmy je sprvnym vbe-rom pre celodenn nosenie, v kadejnlade, pri kadej prleitosti iemcii. Ako univerzlny perkv preveden s 18-kartovm zlatoma polodrahokamami rznychodtieov vhodn na kad de jeHappy Day ndhernm perkoms jedinenm dizajnom, ktor spja jednoduchos, luxus a pestros perlv asnej kompozcii.

    Vyskajte nov kolekciu vo formenunc i prsteov, ktor uchvtikad pohad pri akejkovek prleitosti i u pri benomnosen, pracovnej schdzke alebona chvatn veern prleitos.Konene mte perk, na ktor samete spoahn za kadchokolnost.

    Classic beauty and luxury issimultaneously joined with traditionin the Classic Collection, this timewith the novelties in the Happy

    Day line. Pearl luxury for ladiesis the right choice for every daywear, every mood, every occasionand emotion. As a versatile piece

    of jewellery with 18-carat gold andsemi-precious stones of differentcolors suitable for every day,Happy Day is a wonderful piece

    with a unique design that combinessimplicity, luxury and a variety of pearls in a stunning composition.Try the new collection in the

    form of earrings or rings that willimpress everyone at any occasion- whether for everyday wear, a workmeeting or a delightful evening

    occasion. Finally you have a pieceof jewellery on which you can relyon at all times.

    Happy DayClassic collection

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Najnov dizajn z Couture kolekcieukazuje perly ako nebesk perkys jedinenm vypracovanm. Najvyie estetick prevedeniev novom rade La Mystique jendhern samo osebe. ist osadeniev kombincii s bielym zlatoma briliantmi akoby zasaden v kvete je decentn a pritiahne kad pohad.Kolekcia Couture je u tradinehighlightom perlovch perkov.Jedinen a vyberan perly v rade

    La Mystique a tajomn perle tohtoperku spln vetky oakvaniaa najm zodpovie v vber pre rznespoloensk prleitosti.

    Latest designs from the Couturecollection show heavenly pearl jewellery with a unique craftsman-ship. The superb aesthetic re ne-ment in the new line La Mystiqueis spectacular. The luster of pearlsin combination with white gold and

    diamonds, as if planted in ower pe-tals, is digni ed and attracts admiringglances. The Couture Collection istraditionally the highlight of pearl jewelry. Spectacular selected pearlsin the La Mystique collection withtheir mysterious luster will exceed allof your expectations and ease yourchoice for various social occasions.

    Schoeffel La MystiqueCouture Collection

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    spen modelov rad GrandeSeconde Quantieme sa dokalsvojho rozrenia. Na tohtoronomBazilejskom vetrhu kolekciu predstavujcu samotn jadro identitymanufaktry Jaquet Droz obohatilidaie prrastky. Dizajnov prevede-nie selnkov sa dr historickhoodkazu manufaktry. Oba prekrvajce sa subselnky vytvrajslicu 8. Tto slica reprezentujesymbol venosti, prosperity,nekonena a je najvraznejmnumerologickm odkazommanufaktry pri vine modelov.V dominantnejom subselnku je

    vkusne zakomponovan ukazovateaktulneho dtumu, ktor nenara

    elegantn lniu modelu. selnky szdoben prvkom Ctes de Genve enevskmi pruhmi, ktor sa pouva aj pri zdoben zkladnhodinovch strojekov. Priemer puzdra z uachtilej ocele tejtonovinky in 43mm. Pohonzabezpeuje mechanick strojeks automatickm nahom s rezervouchodu a 68 hodn.

    The successful Grande SecondeQuantieme line has nally beenexpanded. At this years Baselexhibition, the collection representingthe core identity of the Jaquet Droz

    manufacturer was extended to includenew pieces. The design of the watch

    faces follows the historic message ofthe manufacturer. Two overlapping sub -faces form a gure 8. This numberrepresents the symbol of timelessness, prosperity, eternity, and is the most

    prominent numeric message of themanufacture in the majority of models.The more dominant sub-face includes anicely incorporated date display whichdoes not disturb the elegant lines of themodel. The faces are decorated withthe Ctes de Genve element, whichis also used in decorating the base ofwatch mechanisms. The diameter ofthe steel case of this new model is43mm. The gearing is provided by

    mechanical clockwork with a self

    -winding mechanism, with a powerreserve of 68 hours.

    Jaquet DrozGrande Seconde Quantieme

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Novinka venovan dmam, ktorsa radi odliuj. Tento dizajnov

    skvost na seba jednoducho pta pozornos. Jedinenosa eleganciu tohto modelovho radu podtrhuj rzne detaily akmi s brilianty umiestnen po obvode

    lunety. Ich osadenie sa tiahne od pozcie sla 3 a plynule nadvzuje

    na meniu as hodiniek, ktorejdominuje pohybliv kabonz aventurnu. selnk je vyrobentaktie z aventurnu, na ktorom savynmaj ruiky z 18-kartovho

    bieleho zlata. Priemer oceovho puzdra je rovnch 35mm a chod

    hodiniek zabezpeue mechanickkaliber s automatickm nahom.Rezerva chodu in 68 hodn.Ozdobou hodiniek zo zadnejstrany je bezpochyby precznespracovan stroj, ktor je monsledova pri prci skrz zafrovsklo a ktorho najkrajou asou je rotor automatickho nahuz 22-kartovho bieleho zlata.

    A new model dedicated to ladies wholike to be different. This designer jewel simply attracts attention.The uniqueness and elegance ofthis model is underlined by variousdetails such as diamonds placedaround the circumference of thelunette. They are fitted starting atnumber 3 and continue fluentlyto the smaller part of the watch,which is dominated by a movingaventurine cabochon. The watch

    face is also made of aventurinedominated by its hands made of18ct. white gold. The diameter ofthe steel case is exactly 35mm andthe watch movement is provided by a mechanical calliper with a self -winding mechanism. The powerreserve is 68 hours. The back of thewatch is adorned with a preciselymanufactured clockwork which can be seen at work through the sapphireglass, and the most beautiful partis the rotor for the self-windingmechanism which is made of 22ct.white gold.

    Jaquet Droz Lady 8

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Zmyseln. Tak je nov kolekciatalianskej klenotnckej znakyPasquale Bruni. Dizajnri PasqualeBruni sa pri tvorbe novej kolekcies nzvom SENSUELLE inpirovalilistom bretana. V rei lsky stelesujetto popnav a vene zelen rastlinave, ktor pta dvoch ud k sebea nti ich neustle sa objma a bynerozlunmi. Rovnako sa bretanovinie okolo budovy, lska a zrovechrni jej mry, a postupne zrastv jedno. Preto je bretan symbolomvernosti a nehyncej lsky.

    Tto symboliku klenotncki majstricitlivo pretavili do perkov novejkolekcie SENSUELLE. Zaoblenobrka prstea z ruovho zlataznzoruje kme bretana a jejvntorn strana je po celom obvodevyplnen drobnmi srdiekami najvstinejm symbolom lsky.Vonkajia strana obrky je vykladan bielymi diamantmi do tvaru halzok,ktor sa po nej vin smeromdo stredu, aby vytvorili puzdro pre mohutn kaboon zelenho prasiolitu vybrsen do tvarulistu bretana. Rovnak prste jedostupn aj v preveden zo zhnedy

    drahokamovej odrodytmavohnedho kremea.

    Pasquale Bruni k masvnemu prsteudoladila aj jemn visiace nunicea nhrdelnk. Symbolika kolekcieSENSUELLE je naozaj siln, setladen do zelena i hneda me by preto skvelm darekom pre vau poloviku ako vyjadrenie oddanostia neutchajcej lsky.Znaka Pasquale Bruni predstavilav Bazileji aj nov modely kolekcieBON TON CLORI, ktor oslavujechvatn eleganciu bohyne kvetovFlry. Talianski klenotnci toutokolekciou vzdali hold 50. rokomminulho storoia, ktor patrilik najoriginlnejm a najkrajmobdobiam v oblasti mdy. Novmodely znzorujce kvetyako talizmany lsky s zrovekomplikovan i jednoduch, jemn

    i presvediv, no s npadnou dvkouenskosti. strednm prvkom

    masvneho prstea i nunc jezhneda vybrsen do tvaru kvetus piatimi lupemi, doplnen bielymidiamantmi a slzou z bordovhorodolitu.

    Sensual. That is the new collectionfrom the Italian jewellery brand,

    Pasquale Bruni. It was presentedin all its glory at the internationalexhibition of watches and jewellery,Baselworld 2013, which took place between March and April in Basel,Switzerland. When creating the new

    SENSUELLE collection, PasqualeBruni designers were inspired by

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    ivy leaves. In the language of love,this climbing and evergreen plantrepresents the passion connectingtwo people, compelling them to hugforever and become inseparable, justas ivy wraps itself around a building,loves it and simultaneously protectsits walls until they become one.Therefore, ivy is a symbol of delityand eternal love.

    Jewellery masters sensitivelyembodied this symbol into the jewellery of the new SENSUELLEcollection. The round band of the ringmade of rose gold represents the stemof the ivy and its inner circumferenceis decorated with small hearts - thetruest symbol of love. The outerside of the band is decorated withwhite diamonds in the shape oftwigs which wrap around the bandtowards its centre, creating a sheathfor the grandiose cabochon of greenamethyst cut into the shape of an ivyleaf. The same ring is also availablein smoky quartz; a precious stone ofdark brown quartz.

    To accompany the large ring, PasqualeBruni has also designed delicate drop

    earrings and a necklace. The messageof the SENSUELLE collection isvery strong and the green or brownset could therefore be an excellentgift for your partner as an expressionof devotion and everlasting love.

    In Basel, the Pasquale Bruni brandalso introduced the new BON TON- CLORI collection which celebratesthe breath-taking elegance of Flora,the goddess of owers. With thiscollection, the Italian jewellerymakers pay tribute to the 1950swhich was one of the most originaland most beautiful eras in fashion.The new models, illustrating owersas talismans of love, are intricateand simple at the same time, neand compelling, with a clear hint offemininity. The main element of thering and earrings is smoky quartz inthe shape of a ower with ve petals,

    nished with white diamonds and a plum coloured rhodolite teardrop.

  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


  • 8/13/2019 Sheron News 2013/2


    Perlov perky SCHOEFFEL- rzne vekosti , tvary a farebn prevedenia od ldra na trhus kultivovanmi perlamiSCHOEFFEL

    Nramok POMELLATO TANGO,18-kartov ruov zlato,rdiovan striebro,13,60 ct brilianty, cena 59 900

    CARTIER CALIBRE DE CARTIERCHRONOGRAPH uachtil oce,42mm, oceov nramok,mechanick strojek s automatickmnahom, cena 9 150

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    Prvesok POMELLATO VICTORIA,18-kartov ruov zlato, biely acht,cena 1 900

    Nunice POMELLATO VICTORIA,18-kartov ruov zlato, biely acht,cena 3 710

    OMEGA CONSTELLATION - uachtil oce, 35mm, biely kauukov remienok,quartzov strojek, selnk s briliantmi, cena 3 250

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    prste CHOPARDIMPERIALE,18-kartov biele zlato,cena 1 580

    Nhrdelnk CHOPARDIMPERIALE, 18-kartov biele zlato, cena 1 850

    CARTIER TANK SOLO uachtil oce,koenremienok, quartzov strojek,cena 1 970

    Nechajte sa inpirovaosobnosou naich znaiek

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    MEISTER-manetov gombkys odtlakom prsta, titn, cena 460

    MEISTER amulet na krk s odtlakom prsta, titn, 18-kartov lt zlato,koa, cena 365

    BREITLING FOR BENTLEYSUPERSPORT LIGHTBODY titnov puzdro s 49mm,ierny kauukov remienok,mechanick strojek s automatickmnahom, cena 8 370

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    PIAGET LIMELIGHTnhrdelnk 18-kartovruov zlato, 2,08ct. brilianty, biely chalcedn, cena 17 500

    ULYSSE NARDIN LADY DIVER 18-kartov ruov zlato,40mm, luneta s briliantamia selnk, kauukov remienok, mechanick strojek s automatickmnahom, cena 23 600

    Nunice PASQUALE BRUNIBON TON, 18-kartov ruov zlato,tops, brilianty 0,5ct., cena 4 080

    ULYSSE NARDINMarine Chronometer 18-kartov ruov zlato, 41mm, briliantov luneta a perleov selnks briliantmi, koen biely remienok,mechanick strojek s automatickmnahom, cena 22 900

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    ULYSSE NARDIN LADY DIVER 18-kartov ruov zlato,

    40mm, briliantov lunetaa selnk, kauukov remienok,mechanick strojek s automatickmnahom, cena 23 600

    ULYSSE NARDIN EXECUTIVEDUAL TIME LADY 18-kartov ruov zlato, biela keramick luneta, 40mm,hned selnk s perleou a briliantmi,kauukov remienok, mechanickstrojek s automatickm nahom,cena 19 300

    Nhrdelnk POMELLATOCATENE 42cm, 18-kartovruov zlato, cena od 1 890

    Prvesky POMELLATO SABBIA,18-kartov ruov zlato, brilianty,cena od 1 600


    18-kartov ruov zlato, ametyst,0,88ct, cena 2 100

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    NhrdelnkPASQUALE BRUNI LIBERTY,18-kartov lt zlato, tops, brilianty3,99ct., cena 31 620

    TF1968 portov hodinky s 44mm,rzne farebn a materilov prevedenia, k dispozcii quartzovaj automatick strojeky,v kadom balen s dva

    remienky, ceny od 950

    MILUS manetov gombkys motvom automatickhostrojeka s otajcim sa

    rotorom, ceny od 294

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    CARTIER TANK ANGLAISE rzne farebn a materilov prevedenia a vekosti, k dispozciiquartzov aj automatick strojeky,ceny od 6 000

    ROLEX DATEJUST II uachtil oce, 41mm,oceov nramok, mechanickstrojek s automatickm nahom,cena 5 800

    Zsnubn prstene zo14-a 18-kartovho zlata,diamanty v rznych osadeniacha rznych vekost

    Nramok PIAGET POSSESSION 18-kartov biele zlato,1,91ct. briliant, cena 13 400

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    ULYSSE NARDIN CLASSICO 18-kartov ruov zlato,39mm, koa z aligtora,mechanick strojek s runmnahom, cena 11 900

    ALBERTI nhrdelnk 18-kartov ruovzlato, 0,06ct. brilianty,cena 2 255

    ALBERTI nramok 18-kartov ruov

    zlato, 0,02ct. briliant,cena 850

    MILUS manetov gombkys motvom automatickho

    strojeka s otajcimsa rotorom, ceny od 294

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    Nhrdelnk POMELLATO CAPRI,64cm, 18-kartov ruov zlato,kreme, cena 8 765

    POMELLATO nramok TANGO,18-kartov ruov zlato, brilianty 30,6ct., cena 38 050

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    Nhrdelnk PASQUALEBRUNI SISSI, 18-kartovruov zlato, mlieny kreme, brilianty 0,57ct., cena 11 750

    Nhrdelnk PASQUALE BRUNISISSI,18-kartov ruov zlato,obsidin, cena 8 460

    BARAKA nramok 18-kartov ruov zlato,ierna keramika, cena 1 127

    K nkupu nad 5000 Vm pribalme exkluzvnynaahova automatickch hodiniek

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    Nhrdelnk BARAKA 18-kartov ruov zlato,ierna keramika, cena 667

    nhrdelnk BARAKA 18-kartov ruov zlato,uachtil oce, cena 219

    CARTIER zapaova rozne druhy, ceny od 408 CARTIER CALIBRE DE CARTIER

    CHRONOGRAPH uachtil oce, 42mm, koaz aligtora, mechanick strojeks automatickm nahom,cena 8 600

    CARTIER pero plniace, roller, alebo gulikov ceny od 227

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    ROLEX GMT MASTER II- uachtil oce, 40mm, oceovnramok, keramick luneta,

    mechanick strojek s automatickmnahom, funkcia dulneho asu,cena 6 800

    ROLEX SUBMARINER - uachtil oce, 40mm, oceovnramok, keramick luneta, mechanick strojek s automatickmnahom, cena 7 300

    MILUS manetov gombkys motvom automatickhostrojeka s otajcim sarotorom, ceny od 294

    BARAKA nramok rznefarebn a materilov prevedenia,ceny od 368

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    U siedmy rok v rade potvrdzujevajiarska hodinrska znaka IWCSchaffhausen svoje odhodlanie pomha, a to limitovanouedciou hodiniek. Vnos z predajatchto pecilnych asomeraov putuje nadcii Laureus Sportfor Good, ktor vyuva silu portuna podporu socilnych zmiena pomoc deom v rozvojovchkrajinch. Tento rok znaka v rmcifilantropickej aktivity oivila svoju

    legendu Portuguese Yacht ClubChronograph. Hodinky zaodelado modrej farby nadcie Laureus,ktor m symbolizova ndejv lepiu budcnos pre znevhodnen deti po celomsvete.

    IWC Support for the Laureus Sportfor Good Foundation

    For the seventh year running,the Swiss timepiece maker, IWCSchaffhausen, has confirmed theircommitment to aid with a limitededition of watches. Income fromthe sale of these special timepieceswill be donated to the LaureusSport for Good Foundation, whichuses the power of sport to supportsocial change and to assist childrenin developing countries. Withintheir philanthropic activities thisyear, the brand has revived theirlegend - the Portuguese YachtClub Chronograph. They havedecorated the watch in blue, thecolour of the Laureus Foundation,which symbolises hope for a betterfuture for disadvantaged childrenworldwide.

    IWC pre nadciuLaureus Sport for Good

    Portuguese Yacht ClubChronograph



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    Alexei Nemov, Friend of IWCand Laureus Sports For GoodAcademy Member, Edwin Moses,Chairman of Laureus SportsFor Good Foundation, KarolineHuber, Director Marketingand Communications IWC, SirSteve Redgrave, Laureus SportsGood Academy Member, beforethe Laureus Spots Awards,Rio de Janeiro 10 March 2013(PHOTOPRESS/Marcos Pinto)

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    vajiarska manufaktra Ulysse

    Nardin m na konte almajstrovsk ksok vysokhohodinrstva. Model Strangernenesie meno znmeho muziklunhodou. Hodinky imituj hraciuskrinku a kad hodinu alebona poiadanie zahraj svetoznmyhit z tohto hudobnho dielaStrangers in the Night. Inovatvnydizajn modelu je inpirovanvajiarskym hudobnkoma konceptulnym umelcomDieterom Meierom, ktor je u20 rokov akcionrom Ulysse Nardin a bol osobnm priateomfa firmy Rolfa Schnydera. ModelStranger bol vyroben v limitovanejedcii 99 kusov.

    A Musical on the Wrist by Ulysse Nardin

    Swiss manufacturer, Ulysse Nardin,has created another masterpiecein timepiece production. It is noaccident that the Stranger modelis named after the famous musical.The watch imitates a music box andit plays the worldwide hit, Stran-gers in the Night every hour orupon request. (this should be everyhour or upon request because everyhour is not upon request, its justevery hour, so either every hour,or, every hour or upon request) Theinnovative design of the model isinspired by the Swiss musician andconceptual artist, Dieter Meier, whohas been a shareholder of Ulysse Nardin for twenty years and whowas a personal friend of the head ofthe company, Rolf Schnyder. TheStranger model was produced in aLimited Edition of 99 pieces.

    Muzikl na zpstz dielne Ulysse Nardin

    Dieter Meier & Chai Schnyder

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    2004 - Charlize Theron, Best Actress,Monster 2005 - Hilary Swank, Best Actress,Million Dollar Baby2006 - Rachel Weisz, Best SupportingActress, The Constant Gardener 2007 - Helen Mirren, Best Actress,The Queen

    2008 - Marion Cotillard, Best Actress,La Vie en Rose2009 - Kate Winslet, Best Actress,The Reader 2009 - Penelope Cruz, Best SupportingActress, Vicky Cristina Barcelona2010 - MoNique, Best SupportingActress, Precious

    2011 - Colin Firth, Best Actor, TheKings Speech2012 - Michel Hazanavicius, TheArtist2013 - Jennifer Lawrence, SilverLinings Playbook

    In the last years, the following nominated actors,sparkled in Chopard and won the Oscar:

    Michel Hazanavicius

    Colin Firth

    Penelope Cruz

    Kate Winslet

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    Prejs sa po ervenom koberci pred divadlom Dolby Theatrev ndhernej rbe a perkochz dielne vajiarskej klenotnckejznaky Chopard nie je sce zrukouzskania Oscara, no predzvesouurite. Za poslednch desa rokovsa stalo eleznm pravidlom, et nominovan herci, ktor predudeovanm najprestnejch

    lmovch cien zaiarilina ervenom koberci v modelochod Chopardu, napokon soku Oscaraaj zskali. Zaalo sa to v roku 2004,kedy si Charlize Theron prevzala

    Oscara za hlavn ensk lohuvo lme Monster. Naposledy v roku2013 bodovala v rovnakej kategriiJennifer Lawrence za inkovaniev romantickom lme SilverLinings Playbook. Pred kameramisa pritom predviedla v ndhernej bledoruovej rbe od Dioras dlhm nhrdelnkom z bielehozlata a 73 kartov diamantovchkorlikov, ktor zdobil ladn krivky jej chrbta. perky od Choparduv poslednom desaro priniesliastie aj Hilary Swank, RachelWeisz, Helen Mirren, MarionCotillard, Kate Winslet, PenelopeCruz, MoNique a dvom pnom Colinovi Firthovi a MicheloviHazanaviciusovi za hlavn lohuv iernobielom lme The Artist.

    Chopard is a Lucky Charm at the

    OscarsGoing down the red carpet outsidethe theater Dolby Theatre ingorgeous robes and jewels made bySwiss jeweller Chopard does notguarantee winning an Oscar, butit certainly guarantees a promise.Over the last ten years it has becomean iron rule that those nominatedactors, who before being presentedwith the most prestigious filmaward shined on the red carpet

    in pieces from Chopard, finallyreceived the Oscar. It started in2004, when Charlize Theron tookthe Oscar for the female lead in thefilm Monster. Recently in 2013,Jennifer Lawrence scored in thesame category for her performancein the romantic comedy SilverLinings Playbook. She dazzled theaudience in a beautiful pale pink Diorevening dress with a long necklace

    in white gold and 73 carat diamondthat adorned the graceful curve ofher back. Chopard jewellery fromthe past decade has brought luck forHilary Swank, Rachel Weisz, HelenMirren, Marion Cotillard, KateWinslet, Penelope Cruz, MoNiqueand also for two gentleman, ColinFirth and Michel Hazanaviciusfor his major role in the black-and -white film The Artist.

    Chopard talizmanomna Oscaroch

    Charlize Theron

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