sharrow today | april 2013

Post on 20-Feb-2016






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A new lease of life for Mount Pleasant Retirement village planned for Sharrow

Views expressed in Sharrow Today are not necessarily those of Sharrow Community Forum. Contact Sharrow Community Forum on 0114 250 8384.

Party in the Park

Page 7

Let go of Smoking

Page 8

Artist of the Month

Page 12

April - May 2013


A major Retirement Village project is being drawn up for this landmark site in Sharrow. Our proposals will preserve the character of this much admired building, breathing new life into it, and delivering value as an as-set for the local community.

Our vision is a safe, comfortable HQYLURQPHQW�ÀOOHG�ZLWK�VRFLDO�opportunities, offering retired people a socially active, inde-pendent lifestyle with as much, or as little, care as required.

A range of one and two-bed-room apartments will be avail-able as rented, assisted, or full ownership, purpose-built and SHULRG�FRQYHUVLRQ��DOO�ZLWK�ÀQH�architecture and grounds.

A range of facilities will be pro-YLGHG�IRU�WKH�EHQHÀW�RI�UHVLGHQWV�and the local community, in-cluding meeting places, activi-ties, clubs, a drop-in centre, hair salon and restaurant.

A Healthy Living theme will en-courage not just a social but a physically and mentally active lifestyle too, with space for Ship Shape on site and activities in the grounds such as croquet, tai chi, food growing and cooking, and then eating!

At the same time, there’s al-ready a wealth of facilities in this locale for the residents to enjoy, all within easy walking or scoot-ing distance, so the connec-tions with the wider community work both ways. The concept of ‘lifetime neighbourhood’ is given a golden opportunity, or as one local worker put it: “Putting the elderly at the heart of the com-munity”.

The main Mount Pleasant build-ing was built as an 18th century mansion by John Platt, a Rother-ham architect of Wentworth Castle fame, for Francis Hurt Sitwell. Over the last two centu-ries it has had a variety of uses,

What can a Doula do for you?

Page 11

Lantern Carnival

Page 6

Interna-tional Women’s Day

Page 5

3,000 copies distributed



By Mohammed Mahroof of Mark Jenkinson & Sons

UDQJLQJ�IURP�6KHIÀHOG·V�ÀUVW�OXQD-tic asylum to a Barrage balloon site.

As a listed building, its conver-sion into retirement apartments will be sympathetic to its pres-ervation and indeed allow cosmetic improvements to its façade and setting.

The Stables have a beam ceil-ing with a Grade two star listing, a feature we would like to see more on display, and the build-ing’s conversion into a restau-UDQW�DV�ZHOO�DV�RIÀFHV�ZLOO�IDFLOL-tate this.

7KH�+XE��RQFH�+LJKÀHOG�VFKRRO��is a more recent building and not listed, and will be demol-ished to allow for the new-build

extra care apartments and associated facilities. These have been designed in conjunction with a local housing association.

The grounds will be upgraded, with passive and active land-scaping.

We hope you like our ideas for this site, and that you think it is a good use of the buildings and grounds. We feel it would be an asset for the community and would improve the area, but we would like to hear your views.

There is more information on our dedicated website, where you ZLOO�DOVR�ÀQG�D�IDFLOLW\�IRU�VHQGLQJ�us any queries or comments you may have.

Developer Sevenhills Estates Bo KhanConsultant Mark Jenkinson & Sons Mohammed MahroofArchitect Wireframe Studio Jamie Tingle,Q�DVVRFLDWLRQ�ZLWK�6KHIÀHOG�&LW\�&RXQFLO�DQG�.LHU�$VVHW�3DUWQHUVKLS�6HUYLFHV

If, whilst taking a stroll down

Abbeydale Road, your senses

detect the appealing aroma of

freshly baked bread then you

are probably in the vicinity of the

recently established Forge Bake-


Our local, independent bakery

was set up by Ben and Martha

who met whilst studying together

at the School of Artisan Food,

near Nottingham.

After spotting the vacant premis-

es last year they used the op-

portunity to turn a course project

business idea into reality and start

making some real dough!

$IWHU�D�IHZ�PRQWKV�VSHQW�ÀWWLQJ�out the store they started selling


which has been a steep learning

curve in many ways. The growing

number of customers have been

positive and encouraging about

the business and often express

their gratitude for the fresh prod-

ucts they receive. Many are nos-

talgic and remember when fam-

ily members would bake bread

when they were younger!

There are now many regular

customers who live within walk-

ing distance of the shop and a

variety of products is offered to

try and accommodate different

tastes and budgets.

All of the produce is freshly made

on site and most of the bread is

sourdough which uses no com-

mercial yeast. It is called wild

yeast which is natural and grows

RQ�WKH�ÁRXU��7KLV�EUHDG�WDNHV�longer to make but has a lot

PRUH�ÁDYRXU�WR�LW�DV�D�UHVXOW��,W�LV�also a lot healthier as the gluten

is broken down more during the

SURFHVV�ZKLFK�FDQ�EH�RI�EHQHÀW�to people who are gluten sensi-


2UJDQLF�<RUNVKLUH�ÁRXU�LV�XVHG�LQ�many of the products and many

of the other ingredients are also

organic as Ben and Martha rec-

RJQLVH�WKH�EHQHÀWV�RI�SURGXFLQJ�products that are as natural as

possible. They also try to support

local producers and suppliers as

much as they can.

Their range includes plain, seed-

HG�DQG�ÁDYRXUHG�EUHDG�ZLWK�QXWV�and fruit. Also potato bread is

available which has become one

of their most popular products! In

addition, a small but varied selec-

tion of cakes and pastries are

also on offer as an extra reason

to pop in!

Ben and Martha now employ 3

more local people to help with

the business but they can’t be

sleeping late as baking starts

around 5.00 in the morning when


Sharrow Today is a free community newpaper, with 3000 copies

distributed to local services, libraries, & residents every 2 months.

News and Editorial Team

Jonathan Roberts, Steve Fryer,

Connie Chapman, Charlotte Brazier

Sharrow CommuNiTy Forum

The Old Junior School, South View Road, Sharrow, Sheffield S7 1DB

Tel : 0114 2508 384



Supported by Central Community assembly

Sharrow Today is printed by 08451300667

If you have something to say, or have a comment to make about anything you have seen in this edition, or if you have

an event you would like to advertise, please get in touch.

Views expressed in Sharrow Today are not necessarilly

those of Sharrow Community Forum.

Contact Sharrow Community Forum on 0114 250 8384.

2 Sharrow Today April - May 2013


Cllr Jillian Creasy �*UHHQ��� �������7HO�����������������RIÀFH�(PDLO��MLOOLDQ�FUHDV\#VKHIÀHOG�JRY�XN� � �����������������������PRELOH��Cllr Rob Murphy (Green) Tel: 0114 ��������Email: UREHUW�PXUSK\#VKHIÀHOG�JRY�XNThe regular monthly Green councillor surgeries are at


The Councillors for Nether Edge ward are:

Cllr Qurban Hussain��/DERXU�� ������7HO���7RZQ�+DOO���������������(PDLO��TXUEDQ�KXVVDLQ#VKHIÀHOG�JRY�XNCllr Anders Hanson��/LEHUDO�'HPRFUDW�� 7HO���KRPH���������������(PDLO��DQGHUV�KDQVRQ#VKHIÀHOG�JRY�XNCllr Nikki Bond��/DERXU�� � �� 7HO���PRELOH��������������(PDLO��QLNNL�ERQG#VKHIÀHOG�JRY�XN

Your local representativesin Sharrow and Nether Edge




Regular surgeries are held on: 4th Friday of each month between

4.00 -5.00pm and 2nd Saturday of each month (except April and

'HF��EHWZHHQ�����������DP��3OHDVH�WHO����������������IUVW�WR�FKHFN�the dates and book your appointment.

most of us are still snoozing away!

They have future plans to start

serving loose leaf tea from the

shop for customers to take away.

They have also been getting

involved with the local farmers

markets and hope to increase

this and develop more within the


They appreciate the variety and

vibrancy of the Sharrow area

and the other local independent

shops and people they have met.

The support they’ve received so

far has been much appreciated.

So, next time we’re in the mood

for some top notch bread let’s

use our loaves and head down to

the Forge Bakehouse!

Use your loafBy Alex Barber

232 Abbeydale Road S7 1FL Tel: 07583269323

Your Local Bakery - Forge Bakehouse

Martha and Ben in the Forge Bakehouse

Au Revoir Jo By Steve FryerThis month we say goodbye to

local Sharrow resident, famous

actress, and stalwart member of

the Sharrow Today Editorial Team

– Jo Swain. Jo,with her husband

and son, are moving to France to

develop a cycling holiday enter-

prise in rural Burgundy.

Fourteen years ago Jo and her

husband Greg were house-

KXQWLQJ�LQ�6KHIÀHOG��,W�KDSSHQHG�to be the day of the Sharrow

Festival. They were so impressed

with the Festival and the atmos-

phere in Sharrow that they fell in

love with the area and bought a

house on South View Road.

They have been enthusiastic and

active residents of Sharrow ever

since and, for the past two years,

Jo has been one of the voluntary

editors of Sharrow Today – con-

tributing many articles and play-

ing a major role on the team.

Jo was brought up in Grenoside

and lived in Chapeltown as a

child. She lived in Scarborough for

several years, where her husband

worked, before moving to Shar-

row in 2000.

As an actress she has worked in

theatres up and down the coun-

try and in 2007 co-wrote a one

woman show – called Talking to

Space Hoppers - which she per-

April - May 2013 Sharrow Today 3

Sharrow People

formed at the Edinburgh Festival

to positive reviews. “Swain is en-

gaging to watch - weird, wacky,

outrageous and, most of all, a

lot of fun” ran one review. During

the festival the show was deserv-

edly nominated for an award.

Jo has had parts in many popular

TV shows including Coronation

Street, Waterloo Road, Emmerd-

ale Farm, Prisoners Wives, South

Riding, Shameless, The Royal,

Cold Feet, and Heartbeat. She

even played the part of Sheryl in


Jo and Greg have bought a

lovely old barn deep in the

French countryside – in a green

and pleasant part of Burgundy

FDOOHG�1LHYUH��,WV�D�EHDXWLIXO�DUHD�close to a canal and a number

of picturesque villages - an ideal

spot for cycling, boating, or walk-

ing. So they are busy converting

their barn into holiday accom-

modation for use as a base for

supported cycling holidays in the


,W�KDV�EHHQ�JUHDW�IXQ�ZRUNLQJ�ZLWK�Jo on the paper and we wish her

and Greg (and Solomon) much

success in their new venture. We

also hope that moving to France

won’t stop them from reading

Sharrow Today!

For more information please contact Jo or Greg by email or on Facebook.

7KH�FDPSDLJQ�WR�NHHS�+LJKÀHOG�Adventure Playground at the

heart of Sharrow community life


A petition to save the playground

raised 2,500 signatures in a matter

of days, politicians and Council

RIÀFHUV�ZHUH�OREELHG�DQG�XS�WR�D�hundred angry and upset parents

and children came to a pub-

OLF�PHHWLQJ�DW�0DGLQD�0RVTXH�Community Centre in late Febru-

ary to oppose the decision to cut

staff hours at the playground.

0DQ\�SDUHQWV�KDG�WKHLU�VD\��DV�did lots of youngsters, all regular

users of the playground, who

bravely conquered their nerves to

tell the meeting what Adventures

means to them and to urge the

Council to think again.

Although the cuts to the Activity

6KHIÀHOG�EXGJHW��ZKLFK�IXQGV�WKH�playground) were voted through

LQ�0DUFK��WKH�HIIHFWLYHQHVV�RI�RXU�campaign has kept us in discus-

sions with the Council about staff-

LQJ�OHYHOV�IRU�WKLV�ÀQDQFLDO�\HDU��We remain hopeful these discus-

sions will result in opening hours

for 2013-14 which, though not as

high as in previous years, will at

least keep the playground viable

and allow us to put together a

plan for its long-term future.

0HPEHUV�RI�WKH�FDPSDLJQ�JURXS�are also attending meetings with

other agencies who could make

a contribution to the operation of

the playground as well as working

with other organisations, includ-

ing Sharrow Community Forum,

on short-term funding bids. We’re

also looking at how other ad-

venture playgrounds across the

country operate, particularly how

they keep themselves going in

the face of funding cuts.

The Council have made it clear

that with more government cuts

in the pipeline funding for Activity

6KHIÀHOG�LV�OLNHO\�WR�GHFUHDVH�HYHQ�further in future years and that

they think the only chance for

survival of the playground in the

long term is through some form of

community management.

This is something the group will

have to seriously consider in the

weeks and months to come, but

what a disgraceful state of affairs

that in 2013 much-needed public

facilities like our adventure play-

ground may have to rely on vol-

unteers’ time to keep them go-

ing. The scale of the cuts to come

makes it clear that we will need

wider, coordinated campaigns to

defend other vital public services

in the future.

,I�\RX�ZDQW�WR�NQRZ�PRUH�DERXW�the Friends of Adventures Group,

or want to be part of our cam-

paign you can email us or ring

Sharrow Community Forum on







4 Sharrow Today April - May 2013

Put your unused tools to good use By Andy Catling

Why I’m “Living below the line” By Jenny Collins










Andy Catling handing over a pack of saws to Miriam Dobson














April - May 2013 Sharrow Today 5


Here’s looking forward to the next one (probably In November) – watch this space!

6 Sharrow Today April - May 2013


April - May 2013 Sharrow Today 7

Party in the Park - 3rd March, 2013On Sunday, 3rd March, the Nether Edge Neighbourhood Group organised a Party in the Park. Hundreds of people got involved and came together at Common Ground on Machon Bank. Local residents, organisations and businesses all contributed to a brilliant afternoon. The many activities included: a children’s fashion show, a low cost café, den building, circus skills, massage, mini make-overs, henna and face painting, crafts and card making, book stalls, culture mapping, gardening, Alge-rian dance, music, lantern making, and bouncy castles.

If you would like to know more about Nether Edge Neighbourhood Group or would like to subscribe to their monthly newsletter, please go to Photographs by Jacqui Bellamy, Pixelwitch Pictures.

8 Sharrow Today April - May 2013


April - May 2013 Sharrow Today 9

Personal Trainer Bea Jefferson DQVZHUV�\RXU�ÀWQHVV�TXHVWLRQV


A: You can eat healthy and de-

licious food on a tight budget

– but it needs some basic cook-

ing skills, planning and careful



The key to inexpensive, healthy

eating is to avoid highly proc-

essed food, takeaways and

ready meals and to cook your

meals from scratch whenever

you can.

Improving your cooking skills will

mean that you can make full

use of cheap seasonal vegeta-

bles, leftovers and inexpensive

cuts of meat.

So, if you can’t cook, ask friends

and family who can cook to

demonstrate their favourite

recipes; or contact Shipshape

at Sharrow Community Forum to



Decide on your meals in ad-

vance and write a shopping list.

5HWDLQ�VRPH�ÁH[LELOLW\�WR�PDNH�use of special offers on items

such as seasonal vegetables –

but don’t be tempted by of-

fers on unhealthy ‘treats’ and

snacks – and never go shopping

when you’re hungry!

Don’t assume supermarkets are

the best value for money. We

have some great local shops in

6KDUURZ�ZKHUH�\RX�FDQ�ÀQG�ORWV�of bargains on basics such as

rice and pulses, as well as herbs

and spices and food from all

over the world.

Try to base you meals around

FKHDS�DQG�ÀOOLQJ�VWDSOHV�VXFK�as pasta, rice, lentils, beans,

greens and root vegetables.

Use expensive ingredients such

as meat and cheese sparingly –

this will make your meals health-

ier as well as cheaper.


Always take a packed lunch to


For a change from sandwich-

es, make a hearty salad with

leftover pasta, rice or potatoes,

some tinned pulses, raw veg-

etables and a little olive oil.

Try to avoid buying drinks and

sugary snacks when out by car-

rying a reusable water bottle

and healthy snacks such as fruit

or nuts.


Avoid buying any processed

product marketed as ‘healthy’,

‘lite’, ‘reduced fat’ or ‘low

calorie’. These products may be

slightly better than the standard

product they aim to replace –

but the chances are that, com-

pared to home-cooked food,

they are not a good option in

terms of price or nutrition.

Likewise, be wary of expensive

‘super foods’ claiming health-

giving properties. There are a

number of very inexpensive

foods with proven health ben-

HÀWV�²�WKHVH�LQFOXGH�SRUULGJH�oats, leafy greens and broccoli,

garlic, tinned or fresh tomatoes,

tinned sardines, natural yoghurt

and tea – so choose these in-

stead of the goji berries.


When you are watching every

penny, it’s tempting to buy the

very cheapest food you see in

the supermarket. Many prod-

ucts in ‘value’ ranges are just

as good as the more expensive

alternatives. However, as the

recent scandal over horsemeat

has shown, some manufactur-

ers cut corners on quality and

nutritional value in an effort to

reduce prices.

So take a look at the ingredi-

ents before you buy a cut-price

product. Remember that the

ingredients are listed in order of

quantity with the main ingredi-


tains lots of ingredients you’ve

never heard of, it’s probably

best left on the shelf.

Eating well on a budget

By Bea Jefferson

Get Healthy



3DVWU\�0HWKRG����3XW�WKH�ÁRXU��VDOW�DQG�IDW�LQWR�D�ERZO��&UXPEOH�WKH�IDW�LQWR�WKH�ÁRXU�WLOO�LW�ORRNV�OLNH�EUHDG�FUXPEV��2. Add enough water to form a dough. Put to one side for 30 mins.




colouring them too much.

2. Add the gravy, the cooked meat, peas and mustard.



���&RRN�LQ�WKH�RYHQ�DW�JDV��������F�IRU����WR����PLQXWHV�RU�WKH��pastry is golden brown.

Chicken & Vegetable Pie

By Chris Hanson

Shipshape Health & Wellbeing Centre, the Stables, Sharrow Lane,



Healthy Recipe

ShipShape, a project run by Sharrow Community Forum, is funded

E\�1+6�6KHIÀHOG�DQG�6KHIÀHOG�:HOOEHLQJ�&RQVRUWLXP�WR�SURYLGH�D�holistic health service for everyone in the community, helping to

improve the quality of life.

10 Sharrow Today April - May 2013


Breathe! – Massage and Well-being Open Day, IXQGUDLVHU�IRU�+LJKÀHOG�Adventure Playground on Sunday 28th April, 10am – 5pm at Hagglers Corner, 586 Queen’s Road, S2 4DU.Breathe! is the second massage

and well-being open day or-

ganised by the Therapy Room

at Hagglers Corner. Building on

last year’s success, the second

edition of this relaxed event

will be used to raise funds for

QHZ�HTXLSPHQW�DW�WKH�+LJKÀHOG�Adventure Playground at Mount

Pleasant, under threat from

council funding cuts.

Therapy Room manager and lo-

cal mum Eva Weltermann says:

“It is the unique atmosphere that

has drawn me to Hagglers Cor-

ner, a relatively new community

space, which brings together

artists, therapists, local residents

and small creative businesses.

After coming to England from

Germany 15 years ago, the

vibrant Sharrow area and the

communities around it have

always had a special appeal to


The team at the Therapy room

want the local community to

come and get involved, and

help save the nearby Adventure

Playground as a special place

to play and meet people. Part

of this is to buy new equipment,

to replace some of the man-

made structures like the big rope

swing, which has been a popu-

lar feature at the playground

for a many decades – and not

only with the kids! It has been

taken down in preparation for

UHGXFHG�OHYHOV�RI�VWDIÀQJ��DV�WKH�old wooden structure is consid-

ered too dangerous for an open

access playground.

We would like to see some-

thing equally good or better in

its place, perhaps a swing that

could easily be erected when

staff are available.”

$W�%UHDWKH��WKH�ÀYH�PDVVDJH�therapists who work in the Ther-

apy Room will be giving tasters

of personally tailored, thera-

peutic massage and donating

their takings to the equipment

fund administered by the local

group “Friends of Adventures”.

For them, the ethos of the

Therapy Room and the one of

the Adventure Playground go

hand in glove: providing room

to explore, breathe, raise body

DZDUHQHVV��UHGHÀQH�SHUVRQDO�limits and, ultimately, feel good

about yourself.

Introductory Hatha and Iyengar

Yoga classes for adults, and a

dedicated children’s yoga class,

will be held in the beautiful yoga

space. Visitors will enjoy stalls

and workshops run by the arti-

sans and craftspeople of Hag-

glers Corner, including crochet,

scrap craft for children, face

and hand painting. And the Kaf-

ÀK~V�FDIp�LQ�LWV�UHWUR�ERKHPLDQ�glory will be open for coffee and


Entry is free, but there may be

a small charge for workshops.

Massage tasters will be £10 for

a 25 minute table or chair mas-

sage. What’s even better is that

The Therapy Room manage-

ment will double what is taken

on the day, to send the Friends

of Adventures’ equipment fund

off to a good start. See www.

WKHUDS\URRPVKHIÀHOG�FR�XN�IRU�further details, and put the 28th

April in your diaries to Breathe!.

For further information, please

contact Lindsay Aitkenhead:

Phone 07784 468956

Email lindsay@therapyroomshef-



TRIANGLE 19th May 2013, 11am to 3pm


John Street, Hill Street and Bramall Lane make up the triangle, inside is a

KLYH�RI�DFWLYLW\��&UDIW�ZRUNVKRSV��DUWLVWV��PXVLFLDQV·�VWXGLRV��photographers, tattooists, the Edge Climbing Wall and a lot more. Here

stainless steel cutlery was first made, the Arctic Monkeys made their first

singles, and Def Leppard got their music together.

6WDJ�:RUNV��Family Portraits, T-shirt Printing, finger painting (Subliminal

Studios), live music from Death Rays of Ardilla and hand drumming workshops

(Bok Studios)

3RUWODQG�:RUNV��Demonstrations of engraving, knife making, forging tools,

artist Linda Brothwell installation, artist studios open up, live launch of 'The

6RXQG�RI�3RUWODQG�:RUNV�����·�$OEXP��1RZ�7KHQ�0DJD]LQH�6WDOO��%DU�ZLWK�launch of Portland Works Summer Ale brewed by Thornbridge, live concert from

4pm to 9pm

+DUODQG��&OLIWRQ�:RUNV��Workshop on guerrilla gardening, screening of film


0RUH�LQIRUPDWLRQ�RQ�WKH�GD\��PRVW�DFWLYLWLHV�IUHH��Children welcome, but must be supervised by


A gaping hole: The big swing swings no longer at +LJKÀHOG�$GYHQWXUH�3OD\JURXQG

April - May 2013 Sharrow Today 11

Lu’s Bit

Sharrow Art Exhibition By Luisa Golob


For more information contact: 6DUDK�2OGÀHOG���'RXOD�DQG�6KLDWVX�7KHUDSLVW


What can a Doula do for you? %\�6DUDK�2OGÀHOG


















Artistic ability can be learnt: 12 Sharrow Today April - May 2013

Artist of the month: Caroline GaytorCaroline Gaytor has come a long way from playing with buttons in her grandma’s tins. Since graduating from Leicester University in 2003, the com-munity arts practicioner has delivered a wide range of projects with children, teenagers, adults, families and disa-EOHG�SHRSOH�LQ�WKH�6KHIÀHOG�DUHD��

Caroline works with groups like Don-caster Community Arts (DARTS) and Art in the Park, across a variety of dif-ferent disciplines, including: mosaics, textiles, sculpture and printmaking, to make art accessible for everyone.

“I love my job,” she grins as we meet at the Old Junior School’s cafe in Shar-URZ��7KH�ORFDWLRQ�LV�SDUWLFXODUO\�ÀWWLQJ�since, together with local artists, Caro-line is currently planning a weekend of creative art activites and an exhibi-tion as part of the Sharrow Community Creatives event, which will take place at the school in May.

“The Old Junior School is an important hub for the community and for crea-tive opportunities in Sharrow,” Caro-line explains. “What I love about the school is that people actually use it: they are taking part in all of the differ-ent activities, so there is a really excit-ing community vibe.

“There are so many amazing events in Sharrow, such as the recent Lantern Carnival, and it’s brilliant that some-where like the Old Junior School can help bring people of all ethnicities and abilities together. The exhibition will al-low everyone to get involved with the DUW�VFHQH�LQ�6KHIÀHOG�µ�

Whilst Caroline works across a range of disciplines, her specialism is mosa-ics – and it is this art form that inspires her the most. Citing playing with her JUDQGPD·V�EXWWRQV�DV�KHU�ÀUVW�UHDO�taste of art, she says that mosaics ap-peals to her because she “likes the concept of putting things together.”

In a recent project with Heatherwood Special School in Doncaster, Caroline worked with all the children in the school who have severe learning and physical disabilities. Each class cre-ated its own series of sensory inspired mosaics to form outdoor educational resources that provide stimulation and opportunties for creative play.

The concept of creating functional mosaics is something that Caroline is keen to explore and develop - she believes that it is important to select materials that people can respond to; a concept she also implemented when working with the Broomhall Visual Improvement Project and the

By Charlotte Brazier



British Stammering Association.

Caroline’s most recent mosaic work is based around incoporating mural work and mosaic, and tends to favour the direct method of mosaic as this tends to be the simplest method in a workshop setting. This involves creat-ing a paper based design which is then cut out as a template from ma-rine ply wood, and a colour scheme and materials are chosen. The base is sealed and scored and the tiles and materials are then glued. Once com-pletely dry, grout is applied over the top of the deisgn and then removed in layers with a damp cloth to reveal the piece beneath.

For Caroline, inspiration can be found in the simplest of places. “There is an endless source of inspiration that can be drawn from the things that we see every day, whether it’s freshly painted JUDIÀWL�RU�WKH�JUDSKLFV�RQ�WKH�EDFN�RI�a cereal packet,” she says.

“One of my favourite pieces is ‘Field for the British Isles’, by Anthony Gorm-ley. It’s made from thousands of tiny FOD\�ÀJXUHV�WKDW�VWDQG�WRJHWKHU�DQG�seem to be staring at the viewer. It’s such a clever idea. Strong design ideas appeal to me: I think that’s why I like mosaic art, as it is essentially made RI�LQGLYLGXDO�HOHPHQWV�WKDW�ÀW�WRJHWKHU�to make a complete design.”

“When I’m in a workshop, I know I’m in the right place when people say they can’t draw or they’re not creative enough. My work is all about offering a wide range of creative opportunities that think outside the box and don’t necessarily rely on drawing skills. I be-lieve that artistic ability can be learnt; it’s all about your perception of it.”

As part of the Sharrow Creatives project, Caroline will be installing a series of mosaics for an open art ex-hibition at the Old Junior School. The free event will showcase and promote artists of all backgrounds within the Sharrow community. There will be an opening night on the 18th May from 7.30 pm – 10pm where there will be entertainment, refreshments and the opportunity to meet the artists. The ex-hibition will be shown on Sunday 19th May from 11am to 3pm.

it’s all about your perception

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