sharon dvoraweblinks

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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SHARON  DVORA:  Portfolio  Links    MFA  Collaborative  Design  



This is my online teaching portfolio. Check out the Artcar Derby, the Artist Collaborative &

the Power of Play Mural for a few examples of collaborative, community-based art projects.

Hyperlinks are indicated with italics!


The Healing Power of Water is a blog about my Aquatic Bodywork practice. I practice in a

dome-enclosed warm water therapy pool. My interest in movement and healing practices

includes teaching, working as a massage therapist and my current interest in re-patterning

developmental movements with young children to support them in moving through learning



I sell vinyl car decals on My not-so New Beetle is covered bumper to bumper with

daisies and yes!, peace signs. My vision to transform car culture through the joy of car art has

been well received {but has not yet captured market attention}. This provides one more

creative outlet for me to apply my graphic design skills.

SHARON  DVORA:  Project  Links  MFA  Collaborative  Design  


 Sir Ken Robinson and RSA Animate do a good job of painting a picture of the state of

education today.

These IDEO Boston animations, A Little Bit Dimmer and A Little Bit Brighter, walk character

Petunia through two very different, but parallel versions of the future of education. Well done!



SHARON  DVORA:  More  Project  Links  MFA  Collaborative  Design  



The Right Brain Initiative is a partnership of schools, local government, private donors, and

the cultural community of the Portland tri-county region. It’s manifesto and mission: “No

right brain left behind” is fun, graphically inspired and holds good intent. My concern is that

it may be a facelift for an old model of arts education programming that has been unsuccessful

in fully delivering creativity to our schools.



Here are links to a research study about the educational merits of balls vs. chairs as a seating

choice for students with ADHD, and an article by Gaiam Life: Your Guide to Better Living,

which relays the content of the research in consumer-friendly language. It’s possible that a

redesign of the metal desk and chair could be a first step towards creating a movement-

friendly learning environment.


SHARON  DVORA:  More  Project  Links  MFA  Collaborative  Design  



The Second Skin Project is an action research pilot project informed the work of Reggio

Emilia, a leading arts-based school movement that credits the learning environment for being

one of the student’s primary teachers. The teacher/artist collaboration is at the center of the

emergent curriculum.    



rechild is a Reggio Emilia newsletter. This particular edition describes a modular, flexible,

dialoguing exhibition. An interactive visual, kinesthetic dialogue is inherently designed to

engage children. I love the full-bodied way that kids engage in their learning process and I

appreciate the way natural light is brought into the exploration of what we see!


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