shared risk & ivf refund programs are failing

Post on 24-May-2015






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Shared Risk & IVF Refund Programs are Not Sustainable in Today's Fertility Market with the Current Economy. IVF Centers and Patients need better options...


Shared Risk & IVF Refund Programs are FAILING Today’s Fertility


FAILING to Benefit Patients… FAILING to Benefit Clinics…

Presented By: Tammie S. Poe, BBA

Fertility Clinics & Patients Need

A Better Option.


The C.A.R.E.S.© Financial Program ~

Real Benefits, Without the "Risk".....

Current Fertility Programs…

Most IVF clinics and fertility practices are familiar with companies that offer Shared Risk or Refund Programs for IVF and/or Donor Egg IVF.

Shared Risk/Refund Programs…

These “companies” sell a platform that allows clinics to offer these programs to patients, while the company assumes financial responsibility for refunds when a patient doesn’t get pregnant

during the term of their


Shared Risk/Refund Programs…

These companies promise to help clinics "grow faster and more profitable".

Shared Risk/Refund Programs…

In return: CLINIC services are discounted by ~20%-30%; payment is withheld for ~5-8 weeks, after completing treatment; penalty fees for unsuccessful cycles generally apply; and clinics routinely pay monthly partnership fees, even when no packages

sell and no cycles are


Shared Risk/Refund Programs…

Problem: Strict medical criteria set by the “company”, prevent many patients from qualifying for these programs.

Others, simply can't afford the high price tag.

A price tag that typically ranges from

~2.5 to 3X’s… the

cost of a single IVF cycle.

Shared Risk/ Refund Programs…

Problem: Today’s economy makes it difficult for the average patient to afford fertility treatment.

Patients unable to afford the cost of a single IVF cycle, certainly can’t afford to pay the

equivalent of

three cycles….

Shared Risk/Refund Programs…

Problem: Only ~5% of fertility patients in the

marketplace today actually seek IVF

treatment; leaving these programs with no

options for the majority of patients….

Shared Risk/Refund Programs…

So, what are clinics to do for the other 90-95% of their fertility patients?

And, what about the revenue these patients could…. represent for a clinic or practice?

With limited customers and no solutions to

capture others, these programs ability to

generate revenue is minimized.

Shared Risk/Refund Programs…

In the end, stiff monthly

partnership fees and

unfulfilled sales goals, have

many clinics realizing the

price, and their risk in

offering programs they

can’t sell.

A Better Option Exists….

The C.A.R.E.S.© Financial Program

“Cost Assistance for Reproductive & Endocrinology Services”

A Better Option Exists….

More Than An Option ~ It’s A Solution....

C.A.R.E.S.© was built on an innovative platform...

One that benefits both, the fertility clinic and its

patients, while offering viable treatment options

that address the needs of 85-90% of cash patients

in the market today.


Keep Reading…

The C.A.R.E.S.© Program

C.A.R.E.S.© starts by offering plans for IVF

and Donor Egg treatment, BUT… it also offers

plans for patients needing the basic infertility

work-up, and those

desiring Clomid/Femara

and/or Ovulation

Induction therapies

(if/when clinically indicated).

How Does C.A.R.E.S.© Work?

Well, C.A.R.E.S.© is not a shared risk or a

refund program; it’s a discount program.

One that requires patients to pay upfront,

but only for the services they intend to

receive now, not services they may, or may

not need until later,

if at all…..

The C.A.R.E.S.© Program

Program eligibility is determined by the clinic’s

MD (not a “company”). This increases the number

of eligible patients who qualify to participate.

While patients are assessed a fee to enroll,

membership affords them fixed discounts on

their fertility procedures, when performed by

the clinic, and during the term of their


The C.A.R.E.S.© Program

Since pricing is more in line with the cost of a

single cycle, C.A.R.E.S.© is a more affordable

option for patients than Shared Risk.

Affordability increases the likelihood that

patients will enroll, purchase a plan or

package, and proceed with


The C.A.R.E.S.© Program

To receive the maximum benefits afforded

C.A.R.E.S.© Program members, patients stay

with the clinic and enrolled in the program.

This, ensures the clinic

a high rate of customer

retention, and an

increase in business

through repeat cycles

or additional services.

The C.A.R.E.S.© Program

Clinics are safeguarded from open ended

discounts and prolonged treatment

obligations, as a result of C.A.R.E.S.© built in

“maximums & limitations”.

In addition, there’s no

need to worry about

penalty fees or package

refunds, because they

don’t exist!

The C.A.R.E.S.© Program


• Get the treatment they need, at prices they

can afford.

• If a cycle is unsuccessful, they can proceed

with further treatment, while earning

additional program discounts.

• Paying less for treatment + achieving a

pregnancy = Success X’s 2!!

The C.A.R.E.S.© Program


• Gain additional streams of revenue

• Paid direct (by the patient), and in advance of

performing services.

• High retention of patients and increased


• A reduction in A/R, long-term.

The C.A.R.E.S.© Program

So…. Does

Sound like something your practice could

benefit from?

The C.A.R.E.S.© Program

If so…..

The C.A.R.E.S.© Financial Program

is the solution you've been waiting


The C.A.R.E.S.© Program

For additional information about

The C.A.R.E.S.© Financial Program


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