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Notes – Manifest Destiny

After the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 during the Jefferson Presidency, America seemed to have its sights on moving west as far as it could go. With Mexico opening immigration to its Texas territory and other eastern lands (Mexico’s east is our west FYI) and many Americans deciding to settle in the Texas territory, America planted its seeds farther west than its borders were drawn.

Manifest Destiny – the idea that America believed it had a right, by God, to move east to West, or from the Atlantic to the Pacific spreading its way of life.

The term manifest destiny was first used by John O’Sullivan in 1845.

By the late 1830s and early 1840s America’s economy was booming and we looked west to find new land to grow

Was slavery going to be allowed in these new territories?


By 1836 Texas had gained its independence from Mexico and Sam Houston, their President had eagerly awaited joining with the U.S. as a new state. President of the U.S. at the time, John Tyler, supported Texas’s statehood, and Texas entrance as a slave state, because he was pro-slavery. However he could not get the annexation passed by Congress.

Election of 1844 in the U.S.

Henry Clay – Whig Party (used to be Federalist)

James K. Polk – Democratic Party (party of Jackson)

Polk’s Promises

Polk promised to annex Texas and acquire the Oregon Territory as a state as well. U.S. Congress was eager to get Texas as a U.S. state because Great Britain was very interested in acquiring Texas. Polk wins the election.

Acquiring Texas was at the top of the agenda as well as Oregon. Many in Congress (especially free states) feared Texas was a giant slave state and would greatly swing the balance of power in Congress to their side. Texas also had a large debt to pay off of their own.

Getting Texas and Oregon

Finally winning approval in Congress, Texas was annexed officially as a new state in 1845. The United States signed a treaty with Britain, splitting Oregon in half, with the Southern part of what is now the states of Washington and

Oregon going to the U.S. They would be free territories. The line was drawn establishing our northern border with Canada at 54’40°.

John Jacob Astor

Created a massive fur business in and around the Rocky Mountains. His company was called the American Fur Company. He founded an outpost at the mouth of the Columbia River in Astoria (Oregon Territory).

Mountain Men

These were western fur traders and trappers who lived in the mountains and trapped for a living. Jedidiah Smith, Manuel Lisa, Jim Bridger, Jim Beckworth.


Once a year, trappers from around the region would meet up with local company men to sell their furs and socialize. Trappers and their Indian wives (usually) would take all of their yearly roundup to the rendezvous which helped to

make fur trading more profitable.

Oregon Trail

2,000 mile long journey from places such as Independence, Missouri and Council Bluffs, Iowa which moved west into the Oregon Country which was claimed by Great Britain and the U.S. at that point.


Lasted about 6 months, cost about $600 for a family of four, oxen, mules, and horses would often get tired, people walked at times, shortage of food, supplies, and water, rough terrain, natural barriers (mountains and rivers), Indian attacks (possible)Disease/injuries

Santa Fe Trail

Went from Independence, Missouri to Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was harsh as well and experienced many of the same hardships as the Oregon Trail. Traders loaded their wagons with manufactured goods to trade with Natives. Some reported extremely high profits. The U.S. Government sent troops in the area to make sure no Natives were a threat.

Mormon Trail

This religious group traveled west in pursuit of religious freedom. Joseph Smith was their founder. The members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints were known as Mormons. Certain beliefs of theirs were looked at strangely and they began getting persecuted.

Joseph Smith Murdered in 1844 by an anti-Mormon mob.

Mormon Trail (cont.)

Brigham Young soon became head of the Mormon faith. He led his followers to the western lands in present-day Utah. His followers soon grew their communities and they flourished.

Texas Revolution

Americans moved to Texas because Santa Anna and Mexico (who gained independence from Spain in 1821) opened up immigration to gain more settlers in their eastern lands. Stephen F. Austin brought “The Old Three Hundred” to settle Texas.

By the 1830s Mexico was worried about the large numbers of Americans living in Texas and banned their immigration from continuing. American settlers were angry and thought about independence.

In 1835 Mexico tried to take a cannon back from Texas and a fight happened known as the Battle of Gonzalez. This was the first battle of the Texas Revolution

Battle of the Alamo – 1836 Massacre at Goliad – 1836 Battle of San Jacinto – April 21, 1836, Texas gains independence with Treaty of Velasco

Texas Independence

The Republic of Texas was independent as its own country for about 9 years until the U.S. feared that France and most definitely Britain would try to gain control of the territory. In 1845, Texas will be annexed by the U.S. as the 28 th state . Sam Houston was the first and third President of the Republic of Texas.

U.S. – Mexican War and Manifest Destiny

The U.S. Congress could not agree on annexing Texas under the John Tyler Presidency (10 th). Texas was a huge slave-holding territory, they owed about $7 Million in debt, and Mexico threatened war with the U.S. if we tried to annex Texas in as another state.

John Tyler’s party could not “make it happen” in regards to annexing Texas, so when James K. Polk was elected, he was able to fulfill the ultimate manifest destiny of the U.S. by acquiring all the land west of the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean.

Disputed Territory and War

Mexico and Texas never agreed on their territorial boundary, so when Texas was eventually annexed, the U.S. and Mexico also could not agree on the boundaries.

A disputed territory was claimed by both countries. When the U.S. and Mexico fired shots at each other in the disputed territory, the U.S. Congress declared war on Mexico.

After war broke out, the U.S. Army invaded Mexico under the leadership of General Zachary Taylor.

California also had Americans living there and they revolted against the Mexican government which became known as the Bear Flag Revolt.

U.S. Army Captain John C. Freemont joined American settlers in California in their revolt. He wanted to make California independent, much like Texas had been.

General Winfield Scott (the new Army commander) led U.S. forces to capture Mexico City. Once Mexico City fell, the Mexicans had no other hopes.

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo 1848 and Mexican Cession

This treaty officially ended the U.S.-Mexican War. The following things happened due to this treaty with Mexico:

U.S. would take most of Mexico’s northern territory such as Nevada, California, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming.

We paid Mexico $15 million in exchange for the huge amount of territory now claimed by the United States All Mexicans living in now U.S. territory

could become a part of the U.S. and be protected

All this new territory gained was called the Mexican Cession

Gadsden Purchase

After the war, some people wanted a railroad that stretched across our country from east to west, to the Pacific. They also wanted to make sure that it was all built on U.S. territory. Because the perfect piece of land was a part of Mexico still, the U.S. negotiated with Mexico.

We would pay Mexico $10 million for a tiny piece of land at the southern border of which is now Arizona and New Mexico

Our official national borders with Mexico are set in stone Manifest Destiny is FINALLY complete

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