seventh-day adventists answer questions on doctrine

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine:

    The U-turn in Doctrine and Practice

    Colin D. Standish

    The words of Paul to the Galatian believers could well apply to the Seventh-day

    Adventist believers of the latter part of the twentieth century:

    I arvel that ye are so soon reoved fro hi that called you into the!race of Christ unto another !ospel: which is not another" but there be

    soe that trouble you# and would pervert the !ospel of Christ. $ut thou!h

    we# or an an!el fro heaven# preach any other !ospel unto you than thatwhich we have preached unto you# let hi be accursed. %Galatians &:'()*

    Tie alone can deterine the a!nitude of an historical event. +ifty years have providedsufficient tie to perit historians and $ible scholars to evaluate the enority of the ipact of

    the publication of Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine%QOD*&upon theSeventh-day Adventist Church.

    The availability of QODin Australia in &, was et by e with enthusiastic

    anticipation./0et I was disayed and confused as I too1 precious tie fro y full-tieteachin! load and full-tie university studies# to read this boo1.2

    3y perple4ity be!an with the early pa!es of the boo1. I believed the authors were !uilty

    of understatin! the God-!iven role of 5llen 6hite.70et subse8uently I found few who e4pressedconcerns in re!ard to the QODauthors9 treatent of the role of 5llen 6hite9s inistry.

    +urther readin! was encoura!in! until I read the section addressin! the atoneent. I

    could hardly believe y eyes when I read what I believed was the wholly unbiblical positione4pounded by the authorsthat the atoneent of Christ was copleted at the cross. I was!reatly sha1en by the fact that this position was published in an authoritative Seventh-day

    Adventist publication. This was the ain concern of 3.;. Andreasen#'thou!h he also challen!ed

    the boo19s clai that Christ too1 unfallen huan nature.3y final concern arose when I was confronted with Appendi4 $ and the bold headin!#

    erbert Dou!lass9 ain concern with QOD#)thou!h

    he also ac1nowled!ed the validity of Andreasen9s protest concernin! QOD9s treatent of theatoneent.,

    General Conference President ?euben +i!uhr sees to have disissed these vital

    differences fro lon!-held Seventh-day Adventist beliefs as siple seanticsa defense

    fre8uently eployed later by the erbert Dou!lass at the ?eview and >erald office.

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    It was durin! this dialo!ue that 5lder 6ood introduced a new concept to e and y then

    acadeic dean# Dr. Bac1 $lanco. >e had as1ed whether I would coe to his office to dialo!ue

    concernin! the any letters theReviewoffice was receivin! fro Australians# ainly pastors#hostile to the special ri!hteousness by faith issue of theReview and Herald. >is assertion durin!

    this dialo!ue was that the basis of the opposition to the essa!e of character perfection was

    rooted in their belief that Christ too1 unfallen huan nature. ntil that day# I had not lin1ed thetwo issues to!ether# even thou!h I had not wavered in y belief in the fallen huan nature of

    Christ on the one hand and the power of Christ to enable fallen huans to !ain victory over

    every teptation of Satan on the other hand.

    The Role of Sister Ellen White in the Seventh-day Adventist Church

    I was already aware that the prophetic role of Sister 6hite was not fully accepted aon!

    Seventh-day Adventists. I heard that any in 6estern 5urope were wea1 or s1eptical re!ardin!

    the divine ori!in of Sister 6hite9s writin!s.&&I had heard of owever# early in the pa!es of

    QODI was aroused by what appeared to be a casual coent" its inclusion# however# ade no

    little ipact upon e. The sentence# which introduced a 8uotation by Sister 6hite# siply stated#

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    &. In their 2-point suary answer# the writers of QODavoided the part of the first

    8uestion of the evan!elicals by not addressin! whether Sister 6hite9s writin!s were

    re!arded as on an ow could the

    authors of QODassert that Sister 6hite9s writin!s are not of universal application

    Certainly uch of the writin!s of 5llen 6hite have universal application &

    Certainlysoe of the $ible writin!s are not of !eneral universal application.&)The $ible and the

    Spirit of Prophecy each set forth both individualied counsel with liited application and

    also transcendent universal truths. Also# this second point in the response of the authorsof QODclearly iplied that Sister 6hite9s boo1s have little if any application to those

    not of our faith. 0es# any boo1s provide special counsel specifically to Seventh-day

    Adventists leaders and ebers# yet Sister 6hite wrote any boo1s especially preparedfor those not of our faith.&,

    2. Seventh-day Adventists certainly believe that the canon of Scripture is closed

    with the Hew Testaent and the $ible is our foundation of all faith and practice.

    >owever# we believe that Sister 6hite was inspired by the sae >oly Spirit which

    inspired the prophets and writers of the >oly $ible# includin! Isaiah# Bereiah# 5e1iel#and Daniel. This 8uestion was i!nored in the initial suary response. >owever# here is

    their later response:

    6e have never considered 5llen G. 6hite to be in the sae cate!ory

    as the writers of the canon of Scripture. >owever# apart fro the chosen

    writers of the canonical boo1s of Scripture# God used a line of prophets or

    essen!ers who lived conteporaneously with the writers of the twoTestaents# but whose utterances were never a part of Scripture canon.

    These prophets or essen!ers were called of God to !ive encoura!eent#

    counsel# and adonition to the ;ord9s ancient people. Aon! these were

    such fi!ures as Hathan# Gad# >ean# Asaph# Sheaiah# Aariah# 5lieer#AhiEah# Iddo# and Fbed in the Fld Testaent# and Sieon# Bohn the

    $aptist# A!abus# and Silas in the Hew. The line also included woen#such as 3iria# Deborah# and >uldah# who were called prophetesses# in

    ancient ties# as well as Anna in the tie of Christ# and Philip9s four


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    who spo1e throu!h those prophets whose writin!s were included in the

    Sacred Canon. . . .

    It is in this latter cate!ory of essen!ers that we consider 5llen G.6hite to be. . . .

    6hile Seventh-day Adventists reco!nie that the Scripture canon

    closed nearly two thousand years a!o and that there have been noadditions to this copilation of sacred boo1s# yet we believe that the Spirit

    of God# who inspired the Divine 6ord 1nown to us as the $ible# has

    pled!ed to reveal >iself to the church throu!h the different !ifts of theSpirit.

    Adventists believe that the closin! of the Scripture canon did not

    terinate >eaven9s counication with en throu!h the !ifts of the

    Spirit# but rather that Christ by the inistry of >is Spirit !uides >ispeople# edifyin! and stren!thenin! the# and especially so in these last

    challen!in! days of huan history. %QOD# pp. ,@-,*

    There is no doubt that the authors of QODiproved upon their earlier stateentsconcernin! the role of Sister 6hite. >owever# she is presented in a cate!ory inferior to the aEor

    prophets of the $ible. 5ven Bohn the $aptist9s prophetic role sees ar!inalied# no doubt

    because he did not contribute to the canon of Scripture. I believe wisdo dictates that we dare

    not see1 to cate!orie the !reatness of prophets. ;et us siply confir that the undoubtedprophetic utterances of 5llen 6hite are inspired by the >oly Spirit and are a !reat blessin! to the

    church and to the world.

    The authors of QODcorrectly pointed out that all the pillars of our faith are riveted in >olyScripture. 0et we believe Sister 6hite was !iven inspired truths which are of universal application for

    our tie. +or e4aple# that !ers cause cancer#/@that tobacco is a ali!nant poison#/&that

    asturbation can cause ental illness#//that pro!ressive dietary refor should be ade toward



    In each of these health warnin!s Sister 6hite was far ahead by any decades of scientificedical research# and this counsel has proven to be applicable to all huans worldwide.

    In other areas she presented broad principles for Seventh-day Adventists# such as thecounsel that we should not vote for political parties/7and that copetitive sports are not fit

    activities for Christians./It appears the authors tried to iniie the role of Sister 6hite.

    7. The QODauthors also leave uch abi!uity in their answer to the third 8uestionof the evan!elicals. >ave we ever ade belief in the Spirit of Prophecy a test of

    fellowship I have not found any authoritative stateent which declares that the

    acceptance of the Spirit of Prophecy is a test of continued fellowship in the Seventh-dayAdventist Church. >owever# we have ade belief in the Spirit of Prophecy a part of our

    baptisal vows which we affir before baptis and are accepted into church

    ebership. Indeed# in the &,& baptisal vows this was so. These were the currentvows when QODwas written# and this vow did not chan!e until &,) when it was

    ultiately odified at the General Conference session of that year and was presented in

    the revised Church 3anual of &,)' and has reained there to the tie of this

    presentation./'The &,& baptisal vow nuber ) stated#


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    Do you accept the doctrine of spiritual !ifts and do you believe that the

    Spirit of Prophecy is one of the identifyin! ar1s of the renant church

    There is a !reat difference between the ters e had correctly evaluated that the QODauthors9 stated position concernin! the huanity of Besus represented iself our fallen# sinful huan flesh %nature*.>owever I cannot support ni!ht9s assertion that i!h Priest# sprin1led >is blood on theercy seat in the >oly of >olies. The $ible was the foundation for this conclusion /,and was

    uniforly supported by the Spirit of Prophecy.2@

    I can attest that fro y earliest understandin!and without any recalled e4ceptionsthat I was consistently tau!ht by teachers# pastors# and evan!elists that the atoneent of Christ

    was not copleted on the cross. $eyond this# I had found the $ible and the Spirit of Prophecy to

    be roc1 solid on this teachin!.ni!ht appears not to have noticed that the authors of QODhad been careless# selective#

    or aybe not wholly transparent in their response to 8uestion 2@ proposed by the evan!elicals:

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    In response# +roo et al. referred to a stateent froEarly Writings:

    The !reat Sacrifice had been offered and had been accepted# and the >oly

    Spirit which descended on the day of Pentecost carried the inds of thedisciples fro the earthly sanctuary to the heavenly# where Besus had entered

    by >is own blood# to shed upon >is disciples the#enefits of >is atoneent.2/

    6hen ta1en in isolation# this stateent appears to support# at least partially# the clai of

    the QODauthors# that

    6hen# therefore# one hears an Adventist say# or reads in Adventist

    literatureeven in the writin!s of 5llen G. 6hitethat Christ is a1in!

    atoneent now# it should be understood that we ean siply that Christ isnow a$ing a!!lication of the #enefits of the sacrificial atoneent Heade on the cross" that >e is a1in! it efficacious for us individually#

    accordin! to our needs and re8uests. 3rs. 6hite herself# as far bac1 as

    %&'(# clearly e4plained what she eans when she writes of Christ9sa1in! atoneent for us in >is inistry: ThenEarly Writings# p. /'@#

    was 8uoted as shown above.J 22

    0et it defies credibility to believe that the authors of QODhad overloo1ed the plainstateents a few pa!es earlier inEarly Writingsin which Sister 6hite tau!ht that the atoneent

    was copleted not on the cross but in the holy of holies of the heavenly sanctuary:

    As the priest entered the ost holy once a year to cleanse the earthly

    sanctuary# so Besus entered the ost holy of the heavenly# at the end of the/2@@ days of Daniel )# in &)77# to a1e a FINAL ATON!NTfor all

    who could be benefited by >is ediation# and thus to cleanse thesanctuary. 27

    The inds of all who ebrace this essa!e are directed to the ostholy place# where Besus stands before the ar1# a1in! HIS FINALINT"#SSION for all those for who ercy still lin!ers and for those

    who have i!norantly bro1en the law of God. This ATON!NT IS

    !ADfor the ri!hteous dead as well as for the ri!hteous livin!. It

    includes all who died trustin! in Christ# but who# not havin! received the

    li!ht upon God9s coandents# had sinned i!norantly in trans!ressin!its precepts.2

    ni!ht ar!ues that +roo9s stateent in his +ebruary &,)inistryarticle %

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    correction in a future)inistryissue I a not aware of such a correction or clarification. Surely

    Andreasen9s words were as1ell.2,The e4planation that sees ost credible toe is that the authors and their ain advisors# includin! the then General Conference President#

    5lder ?euben +i!uhr# were so consued in their desire to save the Seventh-day AdventistChurch fro the sti!a of the label

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    The first and fourth

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    If you would suffer e this little word of counsel as a friend# I would

    su!!est that you hold those thou!hts in your heart and not a1e an issue

    of the until we# as a people# coe to the place where we understand thedoctrine as clearly as we should# and as we do other points of our faith. . . .

    I a confident that the tie is near when the !reat ystery of !odliness

    will be understood better by us as a people. $ut until then it would seewise if we could confine ourselves to a prayerful discussion of it between

    us as wor1ers.2

    The Huanity of Christ

    The uni8uely divine-huan nature of the incarnate Christ was not in 8uestion in the

    issues raised in QOD. The issue was# Whathuan nature did Christ ta1e upon >iself 7Dr.

    ?alph ;arson9s onuental boo1# The Word Was )ade *lesh provides the definitive researchrevealin! how Seventh-day Adventist authors and writers in the 5n!lish-spea1in! world were

    unified upon the belief that Christ too1 upon >iself an9s fallen huan nature.

    Dr. ?alph ;arson was one of the ost perceptive scholars fro the &,@s# proinent inhis coura!eous stand a!ainst QODand its authors. ;arson9s articulate pen was e4ercised with

    forceful ipact# even late in his life. These e4tracts fro an article published in /@@7 reflected

    three decades of deep concern over the isrepresentations of the Seventh-day Adventist faith in


    ;arson presented about /@@ 8uotes fro periodicals and other sources in Horth

    Aerica# Great $ritain# South Africa and Australasia. About 7@@ of these 8uotes were fro

    5llen 6hite. This toe offers unchallen!eable evidence which supports Geor!e ni!ht9sassessent that QOD9s headin! uan Hature= e too1 upon >iself fallen# sufferin! huan nature# de!raded and

    defiled by sin.9 =

    ;arson uncovered not one Seventh-day Adventist writer before &,/ whowrote other than that Christ too1 upon >iself our fallen# sinful nature. )>e also deonstrated

    that# over a period of alost si4ty years# Sister 6hite did not waver in her position that Christtoo1 upon >iself our fallen# sinful nature. ,

    That bold QODheadin!# uan Hature= certainly reoves any

    credibility fro General Conference President ?euben +i!uhr9s assertion that# while QOD

    presented the Seventh-day Adventist beliefs in lan!ua!e understood by evan!elicals#

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    Fne of the ost disturbin! revelations is Dr. >erbert Dou!lass9 declaration that i!h Priest.')Hor could >e have

    stren!thened us when we are tepted.',Hor could >e have been tepted as we are.@Hor could>e have served as our 54aple.&The entire plan of salvation# the atoneent for our sins#

    andated that Christ too1 upon >iself our fallen huan nature.

    6hereas the debate aon! Seventh-day Adventists fro the late &,@s to the early &,)@swas focused upon the strai!htforward issue of whether Christ too1 fallen or unfallen huan

    nature# sensin! the $iblical and Spirit of Prophecy evidence overwhelin!ly supported the fallen

    nature of our Savior9s huan nature# a oveent in our post-secondary institutions be!an to

    ar!ue that Christ too1 fallen physical and ental huan nature but too1 unfallen spiritual huannature.

    The proponents of this view appear to be confused between the perfect sinless character

    of Christ and >is inherited nature. >owever there is a dan!erous flaw in this dichotoy. Thephysical# ental# and spiritual aspect of the huan nature are interdependent# and in the huan

    life of a Christian there is every !oal to brin! these powers into perfect harony. The

    introductory section of the boo1Educationfocuses upon this harony. The openin! para!raphintroduces this./+our other ties this three-fold developent is addressed.2


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    +ro Gree1 pa!an reli!ious philosophy uch of Christianity has accepted the concept

    that the soul is !ood and the body evil. This is the basis for the belief in the destructible body and

    the iortal soul so coon in Christianity today# but it has no foundation in $iblicalinstruction.

    The reason that $arnhouse and 3artin and other evan!elicals fiercely opposed the

    concept that Christ too1 upon hiself fallen huan nature results fro their acceptance of thefalse Au!ustinian-Calvinistic concept of ori!inal sin# which leads to the conclusion that sin is a

    state of bein! rather than iself fallen huan nature is tantaount to the blasphey ofsayin! that >e was a sinner. 0et Paul is so plain that Christ9s huan nature was identical with

    fallen an# yet that >e was wholly free fro sin.

    What Was +ained #y Conceding to the Evangelicals, n#i#lical Errors.

    This can be deterined by $arnhouse9s forward to 3artin9s boo1# The Truth A#out

    Seventh-day Adventis%Londervan# &,'@*:

    ;et it be understood that we ade only one clai" i.e.# that those

    Seventh-day Adventists who follow the ;ord in the sae way as their

    leaders who have interpreted for us the doctrinal position of their church#

    are to be considered true ebers of the body of Christ.'

    An analysis of this liited endorseent really e8uates

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    andate is what sets the Seventh-day Adventist Church apart fro all other churches of

    Christendo# and it is this callin! which precludes us fro ebracin! the coproises

    necessary to be participants in the ecuenical union. Fur callin! is to invite God9s faithful onesout of this ecuenical oveent.,This is our wor1 of love for those sincere brethren and

    sisters in these churches of other faiths. In this way we can show our love for all other earnest

    souls who are see1in! the way of salvation.

    The Conse/uences of Questions on Doctrine

    3any believe that two or three errors in QODare of little conse8uence to the powerful

    overall body of truth contained in the boo1. $ut such a conclusion is uninsi!htful. Fne error is

    sufficient to despoil the whole body of truth. 6ith !reat discernent Sister 6hite has observed:

    3en thin1 they are representin! the Eustice of God# but they do not

    represent >is tenderness and the !reat love wherewith >e has loved us.

    Their huan invention# ori!inatin! with the specious devices of Satan#appears fair enou!h to the blinded eyes of en# because it is inherent in

    their nature. A lie# believed# practiced# becoes a truth to the. Thus the

    purpose of the satanic a!encies is accoplished# that en should reach

    these conclusions throu!h the wor1in! of their own inventive inds.$ut how do en fall into such error $y startin! with false preises#

    and then brin!in! everythin! to bear to prove the error true. In soe cases

    the first principles have a easure of truth interwoven with the error# but itdoes not lead to any Eust action# and this is why en are isled. In order to

    rei!n and becoe a power# they eploy Satan9s ethods to Eustify their

    own principles. They e4alt theselves as en of superior Eud!ent# andthey have stood as representatives of God.)@

    It ta1es but one sall error to chan!e truth to falsehood. Fnce error is insinuated into the

    body of truth it becoes a cancerous !rowth which continues to etastasie# destroyin! other

    pillars of truth. This brin!s bitter division aon! God9s people# and it en!enders vilification ofthose who hold fast to the pillars of the faith. If leaders accept errors# history attests that they

    a1e inappropriate efforts to force upon ebers a false unity based upon

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    ntil perfect truth is established within the ran1s of Seventh-day Adventists# there can be

    no character perfection of the body of Christ" therefore# God9s saints cannot be sealed by the seal

    of the livin! God# and# therefore# they are unprepared to receive the latter rain# and the !ospelcoission cannot be copleted.)

    Paul fully confired the necessity of the unity of the faith that accopanies character


    >e then presented the tra!ic conse8uence of disunity which results in a life alienatedfro the character of our perfect Pattern.)

    I do not believe that the architects of the chan!es in Seventh-day Adventist doctrine in

    QODfully foresaw the terrible conse8uences of their coproises by which they thou!ht toplease the evan!elicals and to i void.),

    6as Andreasen divisive when he went public with his concerns Decidedly notM >e was

    followin! in the sae pathway as did 5noch# Hoah# 5liEah# 5lisha# Isaiah# Bereiah# 5e1iel# allthe is was

    the only valid response when the souls of huanity are in the balance.,@

    5lder Andreasen ade it clear that he understood that he would face conse8uences for his

    noble# lonely stand. >ere are his words#

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    I ac1nowled!e that both $arnhouse and 3artin had si!nificant fallout fro other

    evan!elicals by declarin! Seventh-day Adventists to be sincere Christians while in the sae

    article ali!nin! Behovah9s 6itnesses# 3orons# and Christian Scientists.,2>owever# theconse8uences of the -turn away fro pillar truths by the supporters and followers of QODhave

    had tra!ic e!a-conse8uences# !reatly ipedin! the copletion of the planet-wide proclaation

    of the everlastin! !ospel# and this has delayed the return of Christ. The daa!e to the reputationsof $arnhouse and 3artin was of inor conse8uences in contrast with the tra!edy of the delayin!

    of the return of our blessed ;ord by the adoption within the ran1s of our Seventh-day Adventist

    Church of lon!-held unbiblical concepts of the fallen churches of Christendo.How I will address in capsule for the ipact of these three errors in QOD. They have

    eroded any areas of our faith# a1in! our church wea1 and very vulnerable to the evan!elical

    errors and the dan!erous web of ecuenis whereby we do not a1e issues of those thin!s

    which divide but is saints to heaven to live for @@@ years the power of Christ to provide

    victory over every teptation and deception of Satan that Christ is now our heavenly >i!hPriest conductin! the Eud!ent of the huan race# blottin! out the sins of the repentant and

    copletin! >is atoneent for the salvation of >is saints The answers are in the 8uestions. 0et

    that is what QODdoes.

    ni!ht assi!ns the blae for the division QODen!endered in our church to both sides inthe controversy and the stron! personalities of +roo and Andreasen.,Ho doubt +roo and

    Andreasen were passionate concernin! their positions. 0et we ust never lose si!ht of the fact

    that it is the infiltration of error into God9s perfect truth which# without e4ception# hasen!endered division into God9s church. Personalities ay at ties e4acerbate the division# but

    no division can be assi!ned to those who uphold truth. 0et the upholders of truth are routinely

    labeled the

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    &. It has led any to scorn what they call the e4clusiveness of the identification of the

    Seventh-day Adventist Church as the renant church of $iblical prophecy. This

    identification does not iply that all Seventh-day Adventists are part of the renant butthat it is the church which contains those who replaced the ter oly Spirit.&/&

    7. 3any have accepted relational theolo!y. All we need for salvation# they say# is to have a

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    . 3any have accepted an ipotent !ospel.&/2Fne of our denoination9s ost influential

    scholars# 5n!lishan 5dward >eppenstall# tau!ht any students the new theolo!y. >e

    e4pressed anti-biblical concepts a!ainst the power of Christ to enable sinners to livevictorious lives.&/7>e influenced a !eneration of pastors at Andrews niversity to accept

    these errors. Fther professors in our tertiary institutions have followed suit.

    '. 3any believe that unforsa1en sin will not deprive the of their entrance into the1in!do of heaven.&/

    6hat a carna!e of lost souls is in our church today# lar!ely as a result of these threeaEor errors in QODM 3any conteporary Seventh-day Adventists# no doubt# have no

    1nowled!e of QOD. ;ar!e nubers will have ibibed the theolo!ical errors which can be traced

    to QOD. 3any Seventh-day Adventist scholars have no personal 1nowled!e of the pre-QODera

    of Adventis. Soe of us have. 6hat lessons can be learned

    &. The $ible ust be re-established as the basis of all faith and practice.

    /. Do not ar!inalie the God-!iven Spirit of Prophecy to help >is people navi!ate throu!h

    the treacherous inefield of doctrinal error and worldly practices which Satan see1s toinfiltrate into the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

    2. Do not iniie the conse8uence of even one deviation fro divine truth. Truth is onlytruth if it is free fro allerror.

    7. There are ties when leaders a1e serious ista1es which ust be corrected.

    . Do not see1 to silence the voices of warnin!.'. Do not see1 to discredit the one who raises his or her voice of warnin! a!ainst the

    intrusion of false views into the Seventh-day Adventist church. Such warnin!s are Eust as

    necessary as enli!htenin! essa!es and are essential in this end tie of earth9s history.&/'

    The 1nfluence of QOD u!on Seventh-day Adventists $elieve

    A eetin! of no sall si!nificance too1 place at the General Conference on Banuary /#

    &,)). The eetin! was initiated by the General Conference President# 5lder Heal 6ilson# after

    consultation with the forer General Conference President# 5lder ?obert >. Pierson. Theeetin! was between twenty-three General Conference leaders and forer leaders and ei!ht

    leaders of self-supportin! inistries. The eetin! was chaired by 5lder 6ilson.

    At this tie I can reeber seven of the ei!ht self-supportin! leaders: 5lder Boe Crews

    %Aain! +acts*" Dr. >erbert Dou!lass %6eiar Institute*" Pastor Bohn Fsborne %ProphecyCountdown*" 5lder ?on Spear %>ope International*" Dr. Colin Standish %>artland Institute*"

    5lder ;averne Tuc1er %The Ouiet >our*" and 5lder ?obert 6ieland %The &))) 3essa!e Study

    Coittee*.The twenty-three General Conference leaders included 5lder Heal 6ilson %General

    Conference President*" all but one of the ice-Presidents" 5lder Charles $radford %Horth

    Aerican Division President*" 5lder ?obert Pierson %retired General Conference President*" andDr. ;eo an Dolson %senior Sabbath School 8uarterly editor*.

    Durin! the eetin!s a dialo!ue ensued concernin! the upcoin! boo1 Seventh-day

    Adventists 2elieve 3 3 3 " A 2i#lical E4!osition of 5( *undaental Doctrines# which was about to

    be released to the Adventist $oo1 Centers.There was !reat apprehension e4pressed at this eetin! about the contents of this boo1.

    As I recall# those who led out in e4pressin! concerns were Dr. >erbert Dou!lass# Dr. ;eo an


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    Dolson# and I. The e4pressed concerns centered about the divisions caused by QOD. The

    thou!ht was e4pressed that# if Seventh-day Adventists 2elievewas no better than QOD# it would

    be wise not to publish it. Concern was also e4pressed that the ori!inal contributor to the boo1#Dr. Horal Gulley# was not theolo!ically sound concernin! the huan nature of Christ.

    6e were assured that Seventh-day Adventists 2elieve was uch different fro QOD. This

    was reinforced by the ephasis that the ori!inal anuscript had been thorou!hly revised by Dr.P. G. Dastee!t# a teacher in the church history departent of Andrews niversity. That

    stateent tended to cal our concerns# for# I believe# those who e4pressed concerns had

    confidence in the $iblical inte!rity of Dr. Dastee!t. >owever# when the boo1 becaeavailable# I was !reatly alared when the ac1nowled!eents %ibid# p. v*# which presented a lon!

    list of those uans are born with innate tendencies to sin# not ori!inal sin. %Ps. &:* &2

    . Salvation is conditional. %5e1. &):/@-/7* &2'

    ). Sin is not accounted to the unwillfully i!norant. %Bohn ,:7&" &://" Baes 7:&" Acts

    &:2@* &2

    ,. Sister 6hite9s writin!s are a fulfillent of the proise of the Spirit of prophecy9s!uidance of God9s end-tie people. %?ev. &/:&" &,:&@* &2)

    To y 1nowled!e# the first aEor challen!e in boo1 for too1 place when Dr. Bohn

    Clifford and y brother ?ussell wrote the boo1 Conflicting Conce!ts of Righteousness #y *aith


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    in the Seventh-day Adventist Church6 Australasian Division6published by the $urnside Press in

    &,'# which received encoura!in! reviews fro 5lders ?obert Pierson and enneth 6ood.

    The first direct addressin! of the new theolo!y in public eetin!s too1 place at isionalley# a cap near Sydney# Australia in &,,. The ain spea1ers were Dr. ?alph ;arson

    %pastor of the Capus >ill Church# ;oa ;inda# California*# two Hew LealandersPastor

    Geor!e $urnside %retired South Pacific Division evan!elist and forer division inisterialsecretary* and Pastor Austin Coo1e %retired South Pacific Division evan!elist*and I %Dean of

    6eiar Colle!e*. Ff course# the ri!hteousness by faith issue of theReview and Heraldin &,7

    was also see1in! to redress the concepts of the new theolo!y.Soon# cap eetin!s on every inhabited continent were convened. These cap eetin!s

    upheld precious Seventh-day Adventist truths which had been seriously coproised by the

    QODauthors. ;iterally thousands of such eetin!s have been held since then# and scores of

    boo1s have been written a!ainst the new theolo!y.I now address the 8uestion# yde# General +ield Secretary of the General Conference


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    Pastor Alf ;ohne# ice-President of the General Conference

    Dr. $ernard Seton# Associate Secretary of the General Conference

    %Secretary*5lder Arthur 6hite# Secretary of the 5llen G. 6hite 5state.&7&

    This list included soe en who were very faithful to the Seventh-day Adventist essa!e.

    In &,)@# however# the wor1 of the ad hocdraftin! coittee was

    virtually superseded# althou!h this was far fro the intention of theGeneral Conference. That the General Conference peritted the wor1 of

    its sub-coittee to be effectively hiEac1ed by the theolo!ians of

    Andrews niversity is a atter of the deepest concern.This unseely activity ust be born in ind as we evaluate the

    Twenty-Seven +undaentals. God never wor1s throu!h such eans. . . .

    In preparation for the &,)@ General Conference Session# the GeneralConference ad hoccoittee which was dele!ated to redraft our

    fundaental beliefs# had copleted its wor1 by Au!ust# &,,. Thisprovided a ere ei!ht onths for further consultations and evaluations. It

    was in this period that the conse8uences of the selection of the faultyebers to the ad hoccoittee becae evident.

    6e have been unable to obtain a copy of the ad hoccoittee9s draft

    fundaental beliefs. ntil this is ade available we cannot 1now whetheror not it ore stron!ly upheld our $ible and Spirit of Prophecy-based faith

    than the final subission. 6e feel convicted that en such as 5lders

    Dower# +ran# >ac1ett# >yde# ;ohne and 6hite would not have been of aind to leave loopholes in the fundaentals which would have opened the

    doors to the serious dilution of the faith. 0et the final Twenty-seven

    +undaentals were full of such loopholes.If# as we suspect# the ad hoccoittee9s recoendations werefirer than those of the final Twenty-seven +undaentals adopted# then

    the recoendations of Pastor 5va %chairan* and Seton %secretary* ay

    be evaluated by soe as a none-too-subtle attept to subvert the wishes ofthe full coittee. The liberal a!enda not infre8uently achieves its ais

    a!ainst the will of the aEority. . . .

    Pastors 5va9s and Seton9s recoendation ensured that any hope thata strai!htforward stateent of the principles of our faith would be

    produced# irrespective of the draft su!!estions of the &,)@ General

    Conference ad hoccoittee# would not be fulfilled. Their

    recoendations are docuented:

    Pastor 5va

    said that before the new stateent would be subitted to

    the full Church )anualCoittee# it would be presented to

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    approval# the stateent would proceed to the General

    ConferenceJ officers# the union conferenceJ presidents# the

    Annual Council# and finally to the General Conference sessionin Dallas the followin! AprilJ. %Dr. ;awrence Geraty#

    President# ;a Sierra niversity#

  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    of fundaental beliefs copletely overshadowed replacedJ the &,)@

    General Conference ad hoccoittee9s recoendations.&7/

    I can only wonder what would have been the response of the dele!ates to these twenty-seven fundaental beliefs if it had been 1nown that the recoendations of the officially

    appointed coittee had been hiEac1ed by an unauthoried !roup of Andrews niversityprofessors. 6ith this 1nowled!e not revealed to the dele!ates at the Dallas General ConferenceSession# the stateent of the authors of The Seventh-day Adventist Church and Certain 7rivateOrgani8ations# that ave the twenty-seven %now twenty-ei!ht* fundaental beliefs redressed the dan!erouserrors of QOD Sadly# I ust answer#

  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    Sister 6hite is introduced by the subheadin! /. The +inal Atoneent ( Consistent with the error of QOD# Seventh-day Adventists

    2elievesays# uan Hature of Christ ( Seventh-day Adventists 2elieve!ets closest to redress the

    issues on the nature of Christ but it sees to stop short of a clear and decisive stateent

    that Christ too1 upon >iself fallen# sinful huan nature. >ere is an e4aple: eclothed >is divinity with huanity# >e was ade in the Kli1eness of sinful flesh#9 or

    Ksinful huan nature#9 or Kfallen huan nature#9 %cf. ?o. ):2*.= &/>owever# Eust two

    para!raphs later# in the authors9 efforts to further clarify our position# they stopped short

    of inspiration.

    6hen >e too1 on huan nature the race had already deteriorated

    throu!h 7#@@@ years of sin on a sin-cursed planet. So that >e could save

    those in the utter depths of de!radation# Christ too1 a huan nature that#copared with Ada9s unfallen nature# had decreased in physical and

    ental stren!ththou!h >e did so without sinnin!.&2

    The followin! endnote is added to the end of the above para!raph:

    Christ too1 upon >i is conteporaries %6hite# i theinfirities of de!enerate huanity. Fnly thus could >e rescue an fro

    the lowest depths of de!radation.&

    nfortunately# in their own words# however# the authors state in the endnote above that

    Christ too1

  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    ;ayin! aside >is royal crown# >e condescended to step down# step by

    step# to the level of fallen huanity. &'

    The in! of !lory proposed to huble >iself to fallen huanityM >ewould place >is feet in Ada9s steps. >e would ta1e an9s fallen nature#

    and en!a!e to cope with the stron! foe who triuphed over Ada.&

    Clad in the vestents of huanity# the Son of God cae down to the

    level of those he wished to save. In hi was no !uile or sinfulness" he wasever pure and undefiled" yet he too1 upon hi our sinful nature. &)

    There is another concern re!ardin! the section in Seventh-day Adventists 2elieveon the

    huanity of Christ. I noticed the headin! on pa!e 7,:

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    end of his life# however# he becae stron! in followin! the Gree1 pa!an false concept of

    predestination.&'/>e thus accepted that by God9s predeterined edict# soe huans would be

    saved and others would be punished eternally.&'2>e reEected the truth that one9s personalacceptance of Christ9s free !race throu!h faith with its offer of salvation deterines his eternal

    destiny.&'7Au!ustine9s belief that soe were predestined by God to eternal burnin! hell# and

    others were predestined to eternal salvation fearfully defaes the character of our God of love.Au!ustine seeed unable to coprehend or failed to accept the clearest stateents of

    Scripture on the choice which God !ives to an. >e did not !ive due wei!ht to these te4ts.&'

    The concept of predestination led any ultiately to the conclusion that once we are saved#we are always saved# for God is constant. Fnce >e has saved us# >e cannot chan!eno atter what

    our subse8uent life history is# whether we possess holy or unholy characters. This false teachin!#

    tered by soe as the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints# set forth a train of false doctrines

    which included that once we are saved by Christ who chan!es not# we are always saved# irrespectiveof our conduct# whether virtuous or evil. $oth the Fld and Hew Testaents attest to the falsity of this

    concept.&''Thus was laid the foundation of the e does not count us !uilty.&',

    Au!ustinian theolo!y created a !reat dilea. It had been understood that Christ too1upon >iself our fallen nature and that# in the power of >is +ather# >e resisted Satan. >owever#

    the lo!ical iplication of Au!ustine9s theory of ori!inal sin was that Christ# too# was a sinner if

    >e possessed the sae fallen !enetic nature of huan bein!s. Therefore# the view was proposedthat Christ had a different inherited nature fro fallen huan bein!sthat >e had inherited the

    unfallen nature which Ada had before the +all. In this sense# >e could not be fully our

    e4aple" yet the $ible is plain on this point.&@

    >ere we see the developent of a body of doctrines which defies pure Scripture# but isboth lo!ical and consistent with the false preise upon which Au!ustine based his theolo!y.

    The Hew Testaent is ephatic that Christ did inherit the fallen nature of an1ind.

    There is no e4cuse for us to err on this atter.&&

    Christ could not have provided an e4aple to us who are born with fallen natures unless

    >e possessed the sae nature as us and was tepted as we are. >e could not have deonstrated

    that we# filled with the power of the >oly Spirit# have no e4cuse for sin. Thus# one error# thedoctrine of ori!inal sin# has led to another error and any ore.

    +or e4aple# Christians of that era be!an to as1 how the curse and the penalty of ori!inal

    sin was ta1en away. The answer eventually provided was that the curse of ori!inal sin is

    abro!ated by baptis. Fther 8uestions naturally followed# such as#

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    dies unbaptied= It was then declared that they would suffer eternal burnin! torent. 6e can

    only be!in to ia!ine the chillin! terror and an!uish which filled the hearts of parents who had

    lost their little ones and now were infored that their deceased babies were consi!ned to eternalburnin! fire because their little ones had died unbaptied. 5ven the ost heartless priests were

    surely troubled by this declaration. Thus# step by step# the wholly unbiblical concept of infant

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    Coonly presented in one for or another is the oly Spirit# to a1e sure that the tra!ic failures of the last fifty years be

    redressed. I do not har1 bac1 to the past history of our church. Fur !eneration should not have

    been born# for our forefathers failed to be ready for the sealin!# and God had to delay the returnof our Savior.&If in the last @ years we had oved coura!eously forward# we i!ht well now

    have reached the heavenly hoe# but we are far# far fro hoe. ;et us solenly vow to!ether to

    lead a reforation led by the >oly Spirit# which will !uide our people bac1 to

  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    O!!ortunity of the Century3Today# we ust !rasp the opportunity of this oent# for to perit

    it to pass without a decided# united thrust to rectify the failin!s of our spiritual forebears would

    lead to our own coplicit culpability.


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    & Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine%6ashin!ton# D.C.: ?eview and >erald Publishin!

    Assoc.# &,*# ,herea$ter re$erred to as ODwas written to answer 7@ 8uestions provided by 5van!elicalPastor 6alter 3artin. After any consultations# ainly with Dr. Donald Grey $arnhouse# pastor of the Tenth

    Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia# editor ofEternitya!aine and popular radio $ible e4positor# and

    6alter 3artin# founder and director of Christian ?esearch Institute in California# QODwas prepared for


    / I ea!erly drove to the Greater Sydney Conference A.$.C. to purchase y copy of QOD. I was then a /7-

    year-old under!raduate full-tie student at the niversity of Sydney. At the sae tie I was holdin! a full-tie tie Eob as a priary %eleentary* school teacher. The pre-publicity for the boo1 was the ost e4tensive

    fro a Seventh-day Adventist press that I can reeber in y lifetie.

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    truth before the Church of ChristendoJ and the world.= +roo9s conteporary# 3ilian ;aurit Andreasen# a

    forer colle!e and conference president# field secretary of the General Conference# and author# declared the

    boo1 to be erbert Dou!lass# O!!ortunity of the Century%>i!hland# CA: !reatcontroversy.or!# /@@'*# pp. &-/2.

    +roo aditted to the 5van!elicalsJ that soe Adventists had ade it into printephasiin! these ere are two of any diverse e4aples of stateents by 3rs. 6hite which have universal application:

    6hen the Spirit of God# with its arvelous awa1enin! power# touches the soul# it

    abases huan pride. 6orldly pleasure and position and power are seen to be worthless.

    %The Desire of Ages# p. &2*


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    The worship of ia!es and relics# the invocation of saints# and the e4altation of the

    pope are devices of Satan to attract the inds of the people fro God and fro >is Son.

    %The +reat Controversy# p. ')*

    &) $elow are a few e4aples of coands in the $ible which do not have universal application:

    Then spa1e Boshua to the ;F?Din the day when the ;F?Ddelivered up the Aoritesbefore the children of Israel# and he said in the si!ht of Israel# Sun# stand thou still upon

    Gibeon" and thou# 3oon# in the valley of AEalon. %Boshua &@:&/*

    And 3oses said# ;et no an leave of it till the ornin!. Hotwithstandin! they

    hear1ened not unto 3oses" but soe of the left of it until the ornin!# and it bred

    wors# and stan1: and 3oses was wroth with the. And they !athered it every ornin!#

    every an accordin! to his eatin!: and when the sun wa4ed hot# it elted. And it cae topass# that on the si4th day they !athered twice as uch bread# two oers for one an:

    and all the rulers of the con!re!ation cae and told 3oses. And he said unto the# This

    is that which the ;F?Dhath said# To orrow is the rest of the holy sabbath unto the

    ;F?D: ba1e that which ye will ba1e to day# and seethe that ye will seethe" and that which

    reaineth over lay up for you to be 1ept until the ornin!. And they laid it up till the

    ornin!# as 3oses bade: and it did not stin1# neither was there any wor therein.

    %54odus &':&,(/7*And there went forth a wind fro the ;F?D# and brou!ht 8uails fro the sea# and let

    the fall by the cap# as it were a day9s Eourney on this side# and as it were a day9s

    Eourney on the other side# round about the cap# and as it were two cubits hi!h upon theface of the earth. %Hubers &&:2&*

    And the ;F?Dsent fiery serpents aon! the people# and they bit the people" and

    uch people of Israel died. Therefore the people cae to 3oses# and said# 6e have

    sinned# for we have spo1en a!ainst the ;F?D# and a!ainst thee" pray unto the ;F?D# that

    he ta1e away the serpents fro us. And 3oses prayed for the people. And the ;F?Dsaid

    unto 3oses# 3a1e thee a fiery serpent# and set it upon a pole: and it shall coe to pass#

    that every one that is bitten# when he loo1eth upon it# shall live. And 3oses ade a

    serpent of brass# and put it upon a pole# and it cae to pass# that if a serpent had bittenany an# when he beheld the serpent of brass# he lived. %Hubers /&:'(,*

    &, $oo1s written by Sister 6hite applicable to those not of our faith include7atriarchs and 7ro!hets"

    7ro!hets and :ings" The Desire of Ages"Acts of the A!ostles" The +reat Controversy" Ste!s to Christ"

    Thoughts *ro the )ount of 2lessing" Christ,s O#;ect 0essons" The )inistry of Healing" andEducation.

    /@ Those who use flesh foods little 1now what they are eatin!. Fften if they could see

    the anials when livin! and 1now the 8uality of the eat they eat# they would turn froit with loathin!. People are continually eatin! flesh that is filled with tuberculous and

    cancerous !ers. Tuberculosis# cancer# and other fatal diseases are thus counicated.

    %The )inistry of Healing# p. 2&2*

    /& Tobacco is a poison of the ost deceitful and ali!nant 1ind. %S!iritual +ifts# vol. 7#

    p. &/)*

    Tobacco is a slow# insidious# but ost ali!nant poison. %The )inistry of Healing# p.


    // . . . both ind and body were enfeebled throu!h the habit of self-abuse. %Testionies

    for the Church# olue # p. ,&*

    The effect of inc deficiency has particularly profound effects on the ale# because

    e4traordinary aounts of inc are found in the testicles and the prostate !land. . . . The

    aount of inc in seen is such that one eEaculation ay !et rid of all the inc that can

    be absorbed fro the intestines in one day. . . . In huans# aon! the ost consistent

    effects of inc deficiency are chan!es in ood an behavior. There is depression# e4treeirritability# apathy and even in soe circustances# behavior which loo1s li1e


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    schiophrenia. . . . It is even possible# !iven the iportance of inc for the brain# that

    &,th-century oralists were correct when they said that repeated asturbation could

    a1e one adM Siilarly# the hi!h livers were also correct when they said that a diet rich

    in oysters was necessary to copensate for e4cessive se4ual indul!ence. Fysters supply

    a hi!h level of incJ. %David >orrobin# 3.D.# Ph.D. F4ford niversityJ#arvard niversityJ#

    uan bein!s are sufferin! the results of their own course of action in departin!

    fro the coandents of God. The beasts also suffer under the curse. Disease in cattle

    is a1in! eat-eatin! a dan!erous atter. The ;ord9s curse is upon the earth# upon an#

    upon beasts# upon the fish# and as trans!ression becoes alost universal# the curse willbe peritted to becoe as broad and as deep as the trans!ression. Disease is contracted

    by the use of eat. The diseased flesh of these dead carcasses is sold in the ar1et-

    places# and disease aon! en is the sure result. The ;ord would brin! >is people into a

    position where they will not touch or taste the flesh of dead anials. There is no safety in

    eatin! of the flesh of dead anials# and in a short tie the il1 of the cows will also be

    e4cluded fro the diet of God9s coandent-1eepin! people. In a short tie it will notbe safe to use anythin! that coes fro the anial creation. %7acific nion Recorder#

    Hoveber # &,@&*

    /7 The ;ord would have >is people bury political 8uestions. Fn these thees silence is

    elo8uence. Christ calls upon >is followers to coe into unity on the pure !ospel

    principles which are plainly revealed in the word of God. 6e cannot with safety vote for

    political parties" for we do not 1now who we are votin! for. 6e cannot with safety ta1e

    part in any political schee. %+os!el Wor$ers# p. 2,&*

    / Soe of the ost popular auseents# such as football and bo4in!# have becoeschools of brutality. They are developin! the sae characteristics as did the !aes of

    ancient ?oe. The love of doination# the pride in ere brute force# the rec1less

    disre!ard of life# are e4ertin! upon the youth a power to deoralie that is appallin!.

    %Education# p. /&@*

    A view of thin!s was presented before e in which the students were playin! !aes

    of tennis and cric1et. Then I was !iven instruction re!ardin! the character of these

    auseents. They were presented to e as a species of idolatry# li1e the idols of the

    nations. %Counsels to 7arents6 Teachers6 and Students# p. 2@*

    /' The &,)' anual chan!ed the wordin! fro the the &,) General Conference Session held at Hew Frleans# ;ouisiana. This is how the vow now appears:

    Do you accept the $ible teachin!s of spiritual !ifts and do you believe that the !ift of

    prophecy in the renant church is one of the identifyin! ar1s of that church Seventh-

    day Adventist Church )anual# &,)' ed.# p. 77.

    / QODAE# p. 44i4

    /) Ibid.

    /, And there shall be no an in the tabernacle of the con!re!ation when he !oeth in to

    a1e an atoneent in the holy place# until he coe out# and have ade an atoneent for

    hiself# and for his household# and for all the con!re!ation of Israel. %;eviticus &':&*How of the thin!s which we have spo1en this is the su: 6e have such an hi!h

    priest# who is set on the ri!ht hand of the throne of the 3aEesty in the heavens" A inister

    of the sanctuary# and of the true tabernacle# which the ;ord pitched# and not an. +or

    every hi!h priest is ordained to offer !ifts and sacrifices: wherefore it is of necessity that


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    this an have soewhat also to offer. . . . $ut now hath he obtained a ore e4cellent

    inistry# by how uch also he is the ediator of a better covenant# which was

    established upon better proises. %>ebrews ):&(2# '*

    $ut Christ bein! coe an hi!h priest of !ood thin!s to coe# by a !reater and ore

    perfect tabernacle# not ade with hands# that is to say# not of this buildin!" neither by theblood of !oats and calves# but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place# havin!

    obtained eternal redeption for us. +or if the blood of bulls and of !oats# and the ashes of anheifer sprin1lin! the unclean# sanctifieth to the purifyin! of the flesh: how uch ore shall

    the blood of Christ# who throu!h the eternal Spirit offered hiself without spot to God# pur!e

    your conscience fro dead wor1s to serve the livin! God And for this cause he is the

    ediator of the new testaent# that by eans of death# for the redeption of the

    trans!ressions that were under the first testaent# they which are called i!ht receive the

    proise of eternal inheritance. . . . It was therefore necessary that the patterns of thin!s in theheavens should be purified with these" but the heavenly thin!s theselves with better

    sacrifices than these. +or Christ is not entered into the holy places ade with hands# which are

    the fi!ures of the true" but into heaven itself# now to appear in the presence of God for us: nor

    yet that he should offer hiself often# as the hi!h priest entereth into the holy place every year

    with blood of others" for then ust he often have suffered since the foundation of the world:

    but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of

    hiself. %>ebrews ,:&&( /2(/'*

    2@ Thus those who followed in the li!ht of the prophetic word saw that# instead ofcoin! to the earth at the terination of the /2@@ days in &)77# Christ then entered the

    ost holy place of the heavenly sanctuary to perfor the closin! wor1 of atoneent

    preparatory to >is coin!. %The +reat Controversy# p. 7//*

    It is those who by faith follow Besus in the !reat wor1 of the atoneent who receive

    the benefits of >is ediation in their behalf# while those who reEect the li!ht which brin!s

    to view this wor1 of inistration are not benefited thereby. %Ibid. p# 72@*

    2& QOD# p. 27,

    2/ Early Writings# p. /'@" ephasis by the QOD authors.

    22 QOD# pp. 27# 2" ephasis in the ori!inal.

    27 Early Writings# p. /2 %ephasis added*

    2 Ibid. p. /7 %ephasis added*

    2' ni!ht# QODAE# op. cit.# p. 4viii

    2 3.;. Andreasen letter to $ro. ?.?. +i!uhr" 8uoted in QODAE# p. 44i

    2) >ere is what +roo wrote#

  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    day there coes forth a new earth with every ar1 of the curse reoved. Then not only

    the subEects of Christ9s 1in!do# but the entire earth# will be at-one-ent with Christ and

    the +ather. %S.H. >as1ell# The Cross and its Shadow# ?eview and >erald Publishin!

    Association# &,&7# pp. /&-/&)*

    ?econciliation the church has all alon! received throu!h Christ" but we receive the

    atoneent only when it is ade as the closin! service of our ;ord in the sanctuary above.%riah Sith and Baes 6hite# The 2i#lical 1nstitute# Pacific S.D.A. Publishin! >ouse#

    &))# p. )&.*

    7@ QODAE# p. 4iv.

    6hy did the evan!elicals confine theselves to Eust four ere is ni!ht9s interpretation: owever# in fairness to ni!ht# we cannot i!nore other stateents of +roo concernin! the atoneent inthe sae article which are in accord with the lon!-held Seventh-day Adventist belief on the atoneent. >ere

    are +roo9s words: i!h Priest in the sanctuary above# on the antitypical day of atoneentor hour

    of God9s Eud!entas soe of our forefathers first erroneously thou!ht and wrote. Instead# as attested by the

    Spirit of prophecy# it clearly ebraces bothone aspect bein! incoplete without the other# and each bein!

    the indispensable copleent of the other.= %+roo# ibid*

    I can only wonder why +roo did not e4plain that oly

    Place were essential eleents of the atoneent for the salvation of fallen huanity. This atoneent was not

    copleted at Calvary. This e4planation would not have pleased the evan!elicals. It ay have led to theirdesi!natin! the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a cult# but it would have presented the truth of the words ofScripture plainly.

    +roo was certainly !ivin! i4ed si!nals# aybe one essa!e for the ebers of the Seventh-day

    Adventist Church and one ore palatable for the 5van!elicals. Surely +roo could have redressed the

    situation when Andreasen drew the attention of leadership to the duplicity and inaccuracy of what was bein!

    placed in QOD. A!ain I can conclude only that the !oal to accoodate the evan!elicals was of such a

    priority that the writers of QODfelt copelled to satisfy the e4pectations of these evan!elicals to court favor

    with the.


  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    If 5lder +i!uhr and the authors of QODhad har1ened to the wise counsel and plea of 3. ;. Andreasen#

    they could have 8uic1ly brou!ht unity with ar!uably the best scholar in the Seventh-day Adventist ran1s

    rather than the infliction of terrible retribution upon 5lder Andreasen and !rief to his wife for his noble#

    coura!eous stand for the precious truth which God has entrusted to >is renant church.

    6hile ni!ht infers that +roo was to all intents and purposes supportin! the sae belief on thecoplete atoneent as was fervently cherished by Andreasen# the actions of the General Conference do not

    sustain this conclusion" neither do the coents in QODon what Sister 6hite eant by writin! is atonin! inistry now !oin!

    on in the heavenly Sanctuary ust by word and voice be clearly proclaied to the worldQ= %5lder ?.

    ?. +i!uhr address# Bune &,) at the General Conference Session# Cleveland# Fhio" published in

  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    Christ# and not by the wor1s of the law: for by the wor1s of the law shall no flesh be

    Eustified. %Galatians /:&'*

    +or therein is the ri!hteousness of God revealed fro faith to faith: as it is written#

    The Eust shall live by faith. %?oans &:&*

    72 6hile !ood wor1s will not save even one soul# yet it is ipossible for even one soul

    to be saved without !ood wor1s. %Selected )essages# vol. p. 2*

    Good wor1s can never purchase salvation# but they are an evidence of the faith thatacts by love and purifies the soul. And thou!h the eternal reward is not bestowed because

    of our erit# yet it will be in proportion to the wor1 that has been done throu!h the !race

    of Christ. %The Desire of Ages# p. 2&7*

    There is not a point that needs to be dwelt upon ore earnestly# repeated orefre8uently# or established ore firly in the inds of all than the ipossibility of fallen

    an eritin! anythin! by his own best !ood wor1s. Salvation is throu!h faith in Besus

    Christ alone. %*aith and Wor$s# p. &). See also ibid.# pp. &,-/'*

    77 ?ichard 6. Schwar# +loyd Greenleaf#0ight 2earers%$oise# ID: Pacific Press Publishin! Association#

    /@@@*# p. &'&

    7 In Christ is life# ori!inal# unborrowed# underived. %The Desire of Ages# p. 2@*Christ was God essentially# and in the hi!hest sense. >e was with God fro all

    eternity# God over all# blessed foreverore. The ;ord Besus Christ# the divine Son ofGod# e4isted fro eternity# a distinct person# yet one with the +ather. %Selected )essages#

    boo1 p. /7" see also p. //).*

    7' $efore the ountains were brou!ht forth# or ever thou hadst fored the earth and the

    world# even fro everlastin! to everlastin!# thou art God. %Psal ,@:/*+or unto us a child is born# unto us a son is !iven: and the !overnent shall be upon

    his shoulder: and his nae shall be called 6onderful# Counsellor# The i!hty God# The

    everlastin! +ather# The Prince of Peace. %Isaiah ,:'*

    In the be!innin! was the 6ord# and the 6ord was with God# and the 6ord was God.

    The sae was in the be!innin! with God. All thin!s were ade by hi" and without hi

    was not any thin! ade that was ade. In hi was life" and the life was the li!ht of en.

    %Bohn &:&(7*

    +or the life was anifested# and we have seen it# and bear witness# and shew unto

    you that eternal life# which was with the +ather# and was anifested unto us. %& Bohn &:/*

    7 And if Christ be not raised# your faith is vain" ye are yet in your sins. Then they also

    which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. & Corinthians &: &)

    7) Donald $arnhouse#Eternity# Septeber &,'.


  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    / Confired in a letter fro Sister Bane Pihl# dated 3ay & /@@. >ere is the relevant part of Sister Pihl9s


    There was a house eetin! in ;ia and we# the S.D.A. issionaries and otherdenoinations all et to!ether to hear this well 1nown spea1erM

    After the discourse 3r. $arnhouse opened the floor for 8uestionsM

    A youn! pastor SDA as1ed a 8uestion %I thin1* concernin! Bustification andsanctificationM

    $arnhouse e4plodedM >e turned livid red and with clenched fist he hit the pal of his

    other hand# and said this.

    artland Institute.

    2 ;etter to ?.?. Greive# President of the Horth Hew Lealand Conference# dated &, Banuary# &,' fro

    5lder ?oy Allan Anderson %Ouoted in Standish and Standish#Half a Century of A!ostasy# pp. 7)2# 7)7*

    7 This was a very iportant issue because $arnhouse and 3artin were Calvinistic-oriented in their beliefs.

    Bohn Calvin had learned the Au!ustinian theolo!y which was riveted upon the belief that fallen an inherited

    the !uilt of Ada9s ori!inal sin. Thus for Seventh-day Adventists to proclai that Christ too1 upon >iself

    sinful# fallen huan nature was perceived by $arnhouse and 3artin to be sayin! that Christ was born a sinner.

    0et Seventh-day Adventists believed the plain stateents of Paul that Besus was ebrews 7:&* Hever have Seventh-day Adventists tau!ht other than that Christ was

    free fro sin durin! >is life on earth. It would be vile blasphey to entertain the thou!ht that at any tie

    throu!hout >is life Besus had ever yielded in the sli!htest way to Satan9s teptations. ;i1ewise# Seventh-dayAdventists have always tau!ht that Christ9s character was perfectly sinless.

    Dr. ?alph ;arson# The Word Was )ade *lesh" One Hundred >ears of Seventh-day Adventist Christology6

    %&'5?%@'5# %Cherry alley# California: The Cherrystone Press# &,)'*. %Herea$ter re$erred to as /!F.*

    ' The produce a dou#le dece!tion#for two different audiences. They had to prove to the

    Calvinists that we had changed our doctrines# and at the sae tie prove to the

    Adventists that we had not changedour doctrines. . . .

    +act nuber one: There is no way6 a#solutely no way6that a trainedscholar with a

    Doctor,s degree6 li$e Dr3 0eroy Edwin *roo6 could !ut forth such a ass of angled6isre!resented and isstated aterialsas thiswithout $nowing what he was doing.9o

    7HD is that du#3This !resentation= could not have #een an accident3 1t had to #e a

    deli#erate and intentional dece!tion3

    +act nuber two: There is no way6 a#solutely no way6 that a trained scholar with a

    Doctor,s degree6 li$e Dr3 Walter )artin6 could acce!t such a ass of angled6isre!resented6 and isstated aterials as this without $nowing what he was doing3 9o

    7HD is that du#3 This acce!tance= could not have #een an accident3 1t had to #e a

    deli#erate and intentional dece!tion3%Our *ir *oundation# 3ay /@@7*

    Geor!e ni!ht# QODAE# p. 4vi.

    ) >ere are a few e4aples of the contribution of Seventh-day Adventist authors:


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    012345To say that God sent >is own Son e left that throne of !lory and of power and too1 upon >i the nature

    of fallen an. In >i were blended e united the ;aw!iver to the law-brea1erthe Creator to the creature. %B.>. 6a!!oner SignseditorJ# The Atoneent

    %&)/*# p. &'&. Ouoted in W)*# p. 2'# 2*

    012645 >e too1 on >i the nature of the seed of Abraha for the redeption of our

    fallen race. %Baes 6hite General Conference president#Review editor# etc.J# ST#

    'N@7N&)7. Ouoted in W)*# p. 2,*

    012895 It ust have been sinful an that >e was ade li1e# for it was sinful an that

    >e cae to redee. . . . 3oreover# the fact that Christ too1 upon >iself the flesh# not of

    a sinless bein!# but of sinful an# that is# that the flesh which >e assued had all the

    wea1nesses and sinful tendencies to which fallen huan nature is subEect# is shown by

    the stateent that >e iself sinful nature . . . havin! suffered all that sinful flesh is heir to# >e1nows all about it. %5.B. 6a!!oner Signs editorJ# Christ and His Righteousness later

    Christ Our RighteousnessJ# &),@# pp. /'# /# /)# 2@. Ouoted in W)*# p. 7'*

    01285 >e too1 upon >iself our sinful natures# yet without sin. %S.H. >as1ell6 +C2#

    &),2# p. /&7# col. &. Ouoted in W)*# p.&*

    012835 Althou!h Besus Christ too1 sinful flesh#flesh in which we sin# . . . God was

    able to 1eep >i fro sinnin! in that sinful flesh. So that althou!h >e was anifested in

    sinful flesh# God by >is Spirit and power dwellin! in >i# 1ept >i fro sinnin! in that

    sinful flesh. . . . %God* ade a perfect revelation of >is ind in that sinful flesh. %6.6.Prescott# +C2# &),# p. 2&,# col. /. Ouoted in W)*# p.&*

    0128;5 Do not for!et that the ystery of God is notGod anifest in sinless flesh but

    God anifest in sinful flesh. There could never be any ystery about God9s anifestin!

    >iself in sinless flesh# in one who had no connection whatever with sin. That would be

    plain enou!h. $ut that >e can anifest >iself in flesh laden with sin and with all the

    tendencies to sin# such as ours is#that isa ystery. %A.T. Bones#2E# &&N2@N&),'# p. 2@#

    col. 2" ephasis his. Ouoted in W)*# p. '@*

    018195 $ecause we dwell in flesh that is ortal# corruptible# teptable# havin! in itthe accuulated tendencies of centuries of sin# e also >iself li1ewise too1 part of the

    sae.= %C.3. Snow Reviewand Signsassociate editor#Australian Signs editorJ#RH

    'N@/N&,&@# p. &/# col. /. Ouoted in W)*# p. &@*

    018795 >e too1 the sae 1ind of flesh that you havesinful flesh. . . . >e cae

  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    018495 >e 1nows by e4perience all that an ust pass throu!h. . . . It was necessary

    for >i to be ade li1e >is brethren in all thin!s. %3.;. Andreasen conference

    president# colle!e president# seinary professorJ#RH# &@N&@N7@# p. # col. /. Ouoted in

    W)*# p. &,*

    018475Besus inherited . . . the nature of >is other. . . . A an naed Besus# ade of

    flesh and blood li1e other en# had actually lived in their idst. %A.. Flson conferencepresident# union president# division president# !eneral vice-presidentJ#RH# )N@'N7/# p. 7#

    col. p. # col. &. Ouoted in W)*# p. &,'*

    018445 3en see to for!et that Christ . . . divested >iself of >is 1in!liness and

    clothed >iself in sinful flesh. %S. Geor!e >yde#AST# 2N/N77# p. col. &. Ouoted in

    W)*# p. &,,*

    018435 To reach and redee fallen en the ?edeeer ust be one with the. >e

    ust share their wea1ness. . . . >e ust enEoy no privile!e that is not within the reach of

    the wea1est of >is fellows. . . . >e cae and too1 upon >iself the flesh >e had ade#

    not as it was when endowed with ori!inal stren!th# but after it had been wea1ened and

    corrupted by centuries of sin. %+.G. Clifford# Signs of the TiesSouth AfricaJ# Bune

    &,7# p. '# col. /. Ouoted in W)*# p. /@@*

    018435 Besus too1 upon >iself the nature of an. . . . As the son of David# the

    descendant of David# >e inherited all the frailties and wea1nesses of >is ancestralline . . . %>ebrews /:&7(& 8uoted*. . . . This scriptural doctrine of the incarnation is

    absolutely essential to a true conception of the atoneent. . . . ?oe teaches that Besus

    and even 3ary# >is other# were e would ta1e an9s fallen nature. %The Review

    and Herald# +ebruary /7# &)7*

    012285The divine Son of God# who had# with unprecedented self-denial and love for

    the creatures fored in his ia!e# coe fro heaven and assued their fallen nature. . . .

    >e too1 upon >i our nature that >e i!ht reach an in his fallen condition. . . . >ecae to brin! to an oral power# to unite the fallen race with >iself. %The Signs of

    the Ties# Septeber /2# &)),*


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    01285The Son of God . . . hubled >iself in ta1in! the nature of an in his fallen

    condition# but >e did not ta1e the taint of sin. %3s. ,2# &),2# p.2")anuscri!t Releases#

    vol. /@# p. 2/7*

    01895Christ assued our fallen nature# and was subEect to every teptation to

    which an is subEect. %3s. )@# &,@2# p. &/")anuscri!t Releases# vol. p. /,*

    018135>e ade >iself of no reputation# too1 upon >iself the for of a servant#

    and was ade in the li1eness of sinful flesh. . . . Sinless and e4alted by nature# the Son of

    God consented to ta1e the habilients of huanity# to becoe one with the fallen race.

    The eternal 6ord consented to be ade flesh. God becae an. %The Signs of the Ties#

    Banuary # &,&*

    '@ QODAE# p. 44i4

    '& &,@ General Conference $ulletin# p. &7.

    '/ >e was born as a babe in $ethlehe# subEect to li1e passions as we are. . . . If Christ

    had been e4ept fro teptation# without the power and responsibility to choose# or

    without the sin-filled inclinations and tendencies of our sinful nature# >e could not have

    lived our life without sin. %+enton 5dwin +roo# Our Ties# Deceber &,7,# p. 7# col. /.Ouoted in W)*# p. /@'*

    '2 >erbert Dou!lass# O!!ortunity of the Century%>i!hland# California: Great Controversy.or!# /@@'*# p. &2

    '7 Geor!e ni!ht# QODAE# pp. 4v# 4vi.

    ' See ibid.

    '' +or e4aple#

    And the 6ord was ade flesh# and dwelt aon! us# %and we beheld his !lory# the

    !lory as of the only be!otten of the +ather#* full of !race and truth. %Bohn &:&7*

    Concernin! his Son Besus Christ our ;ord# which was ade of the seed of David

    accordin! to the flesh. %?oans &:2*+or what the law could not do# in that it was wea1 throu!h the flesh# God sendin! his

    own Son in the li1eness of sinful flesh# and for sin# condened sin in the flesh. %?oans):2*

    $ut when the fulness of the tie was coe# God sent forth his Son# ade of a

    woan# ade under the law# to redee the that were under the law# that we i!ht

    receive the adoption of sons. %Galatians 7:7-*

    +orasuch then as the children are parta1ers of flesh and blood# he also hiself

    li1ewise too1 part of the sae" that throu!h death he i!ht destroy hi that had the

    power of death# that is# the devil" and deliver the who throu!h fear of death were all

    their lifetie subEect to bonda!e. +or verily he too1 not on hi the nature of an!els" buthe too1 on hi the seed of Abraha. 6herefore in all thin!s it behoved hi to be ade

    li1e unto his brethren# that he i!ht be a erciful and faithful hi!h priest in thin!s

    pertainin! to God# to a1e reconciliation for the sins of the people. +or in that he hiself

    hath suffered bein! tepted# he is able to succour the that are tepted. %>ebrews /:&7(

    &)* +or we have not an hi!h priest which cannot be touched with the feelin! of our

    infirities" but was in all points tepted li1e as we are# yet without sin. %>ebrews 7:&*

    ' $ut we see Besus# who was ade a little lower than the an!els for the sufferin! of

    death# crowned with !lory and honour" that he by the !race of God should taste death for

    every an. %>ebrews /:," see also ?oans ):2" Philippians /:-)*


  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    Soe Seventh-day Adventist scholars have concluded that a letter written by 5llen 6hite to an Aerican

    pastor servin! in Tasania# Australia in &),# 6.;.>. $a1er# supports their views that Christ too1 unfallen

    huan nature.

    Portions of this letter are reproduced in The Seventh-day Adventist 2i#le Coentary# vol. # pp. &&/)(

    &&/,. The full te4t of the letter is found in)anuscri!t Releases# vol. &2# pp. &2(/,.The first conclusion which can be drawn fro Sister 6hite9s letter is that nowhere is the huan nature

    Christ assued at >is incarnation addressed. Clearly# this was not the issue to which Sister 6hite wasaddressin! when she wrote#

    . . . let every huan bein! be warned fro the !round of a1in! Christ alto!ether

    huan# such an one as ourselves.

    In The Word Was )ade *lesh# author ?alph ;arson also reprinted the aEority of the $a1er letter %see pp.2&&-2/@*. In the followin! pa!es# ;arson analyed the focus of the letter very effectively:

    I find 5llen 6hite9s own stateent of the proble clear and satisfactory. She wrote:

    is earthly life# but becae

    the Son of God by ado!tion. . . .

    In this interestin! letter# we find %&* a warnin! to Pastor $a1er about spendin! too

    uch tie in readin!# %/* a caution a!ainst acceptin! the traditions of the +athers %a ter

    which# when capitalied as in the letter# is understood to refer to the church +athers*# and%2* a warnin! about teachin! speculative theories that would not be of benefit to the

    church ebers. She also presents a specific# point-by-point refutation of the errors ofAdoptionis. %Ibid.# pp. 2/7(2/.*

    The Desire of Ages# which 5llen 6hite was writin! at the tie of the $a1er letter# dispels any doubts

    concernin! her belief that Christ too1 upon >iself fallen# sinful huan nature:


  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    It would have been an alost infinite huiliation for the Son of God to ta1e an9s

    nature# even when Ada stood in his innocence in 5den. $ut Besus accepted huanitywhen

    the race had been wea$ened #y four thousand years of sin. ;i1e every child of Ada >e

    accepted the results of the wor1in! of the !reat law of heredity. 6hat these results were is

    shown in the history of >is earthly ancestors. >e cae with such a heredity to share oursorrows and teptations# and to !ive us the e4aple of a sinless life. %Pa!e 7,*

    Hotwithstandin! that the sins of a !uilty world were laid upon Christ# notwithstandin! thehuiliation of ta1in! upon >iself our fallen nature# the voice fro heaven declared >i to

    be the Son of the 5ternal. %Pa!e &&/*

    +or four thousand years the race had been decreasin! in physical stren!th# in ental

    power# and in oral worth" and Christ too$ u!on Hi the infirities of degenerate

    huanity. Fnly thus could >e rescue an fro the lowest depths of his de!radation. . . .

    If we have in any sense a ore tryin! conflict than had Christ# then >e would not be ableto succor us. $ut our Saviour too$ huanity6 with all its lia#ilities. >e too1 the nature of

    an# with the possibility of yieldin! to teptation. 6e have nothin! to bear which >e

    has not endured. %Pa!e &&*

    In our own stren!th it is ipossible for us to deny the claors of ourfallen nature.

    Throu!h this channel Satan will brin! teptation upon us. Christ 1new that the eney

    would coe to every huan bein!# to ta1e advanta!e of hereditary wea1ness# and by his

    false insinuations to ensnare all whose trust is not in God. And by!assing over the

    ground which an ust travel# our ;ord has prepared the way for us to overcoe. %Pa!es&//(&/2.*

    Also# in a ore recently discovered letter addressed to Dr. Bohn >arvey ello!!# Sister 6hite presented

    her stron! belief in the fallen nature of Besus ei!ht years after she wrote the letter to $a1er. >er interlineations#

    which she added in her own handwritin! %indicated by the 6hite 5state in brac1etsU as shown below*# is


    6hen the fullness of tie was coe# >e ChristJ stepped down fro >is throne of

    hi!hest coand# laid aside >is royal robe and 1in!ly crown# clothed >is divinity with

    huanity# and cae to this earth to e4eplify what huanity ust do and be in order toovercoe the eney and to sit with the +ather upon >is throne. Coin!# as >e did# as a

    an# to eet and be subEected toJU N with all the tendencies to which an is heir#wor1in! in every conceivable anner to destroy >is faith#U >e ade it possible for

    >iself to be buffeted by huan a!encies inspired by Satan. %;etter -2@2# &,@2*

    ') 6herefore in all thin!s it behoved hi to be ade li1e unto his brethren# that he

    i!ht be a erciful and faithful hi!h priest in thin!s pertainin! to God# to a1e

    reconciliation for the sins of the people. %>ebrews /:&*

    ', +or in that he hiself hath suffered bein! tepted# he is able to succour the that are

    tepted. %>ebrews /:&)*

    @ +or we have not an hi!h priest which cannot be touched with the feelin! of our

    infirities" but was in all points tepted li1e as we are# yet without sin. %>ebrew 7:&*

    & +or even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us# leavin! us an

    e4aple# that ye should follow his steps: 6ho did no sin# neither was !uile found in hisouth. %& Peter /:/ //*

    / Fur ideas of education ta1e too narrow and too low a ran!e. There is need of a

    broader scope# a hi!her ai. True education eans ore than the pursual of a certain

    course of study. It eans ore than a preparation for the life that now is. It has to do with

    the whole bein!# and with the whole period of e4istence possible to an. It is theharonious developent of the physical# the ental# and the spiritual powers. It prepares

    the student for the Eoy of service in this world and for the hi!her Eoy of wider service in

    the world to coe. %Education# p. &2*


  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    2 Ibid.# pp. &7# &'# /&

    7 & Bohn 2:7

    +or what the law could not do# in that it was wea1 throu!h the flesh# God sendin! his

    own Son in the li1eness of sinful flesh# and for sin# condened sin in the flesh. %?oans


    ' $arnhouse# Donald G.# +orward to 6alter ?. 3artin# The Truth A#out Seventh-day Adventists#Londervan# &,'@# p. %as 8uoted in

  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    will I re8uire at thine hand. 0et if thou warn the wic1ed# and he turn not fro his

    wic1edness# nor fro his wic1ed way# he shall die in his ini8uity" but thou hast delivered

    thy soul. A!ain# 6hen a ri!hteous an doth turn fro his ri!hteousness# and coit

    ini8uity# and I lay a stublin!bloc1 before hi# he shall die: because thou hast not !iven

    hi warnin!# he shall die in his sin# and his ri!hteousness which he hath done shall not bereebered" but his blood will I re8uire at thine hand. Hevertheless if thou warn the

    ri!hteous an# that the ri!hteous sin not# and he doth not sin# he shall surely live# becausehe is warned" also thou hast delivered thy soul. %5e1iel 2:&-/&*

    So thou# F son of an# I have set thee a watchan unto the house of Israel" therefore

    thou shalt hear the word at y outh# and warn the fro e. 6hen I say unto the

    wic1ed# F wic1ed an# thou shalt surely die" if thou dost not spea1 to warn the wic1ed

    fro his way# that wic1ed an shall die in his ini8uity" but his blood will I re8uire at

    thine hand. Hevertheless# if thou warn the wic1ed of his way to turn fro it" if he do notturn fro his way# he shall die in his ini8uity" but thou hast delivered thy soul. %5e1iel


    Cry aloud# spare not# lift up thy voice li1e a trupet# and show y people their

    trans!ression# and the house of Bacob their sins. %Isaiah ):&*

    +or Lion9s sa1e will I not hold y peace# and for Berusale9s sa1e I will not rest#

    until the ri!hteousness thereof !o forth as bri!htness# and the salvation thereof as a lap

    that burneth. And the Gentiles shall see thy ri!hteousness# and all 1in!s thy !lory: and

    thou shalt be called by a new nae# which the outh of the ;F?D shall nae. Thoushalt also be a crown of !lory in the hand of the ;F?D# and a royal diade in the hand of

    thy God. %Isaiah '/:&-2*

    ,& ;etter fro 3. ;. Andreasen to ?. ?. +i!uhr# 3ay ,# &,)

    ,/ QODAE# p. 44iii

    ,2 i as tryin! tooverthrow the established custos# thus causin! division aon! the people. . . . %The

    Desire of Ages# p. /@*

    , If God abhors one sin above another# of which >is people are !uilty# it is doin!

    nothin! in case of an eer!ency. Indifference and neutrality in a reli!ious crisis is

    re!arded of God as a !rievous crie and e8ual to the very worst type of hostility a!ainst

    God. %Testionies for the Church# ol. 2# p. /)@*

    ,) The Concerned $rethren %often called the C$9s* included a retired nion President# retired conference

    and ission presidents# retired departent leaders fro the local to the General Conference level who

    protested the rapa!in! apostasy which developed rapidly in Australia in the &,@s. It becae a ter of

    derision and led to the discreditin! of these an!uished retired leaders. Fne of the# a retired evan!elist and

    Division inisterial secretary# Pastor Geor!e $urnside# when warned by a inister friend that he was bein!

    classified with the C$9s# responded#

  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    &@@ ?evelation &/:&

    &@& ?evelation &,:&@

    &@/ Boel /:/)

    &@2 Do you believe the $ible doctrine of ear# F Israel: The ;F?Dour God is one ;F?D: and thou shalt love the ;F?DthyGod with all thine heart# and with all thy soul# and with all thy i!ht. And these words#

    which I coand thee this day# shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach thedili!ently unto thy children# and shalt tal1 of the when thou sittest in thine house# and

    when thou wal1est by the way# and when thou liest down# and when thou risest up. And


  • 8/12/2019 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine


    thou shalt bind the for a si!n upon thine hand# and they shall be as frontlets between

    thine eyes. And thou shalt write the upon the posts of thy house# and on thy !ates.

    %Deuteronoy ':7(,*

    All scripture is !iven by inspiration of God# and is profitable for doctrine# for

    reproof# for correction# for instruction in ri!hteousness. %/ Tiothy 2:&'*

    &&/ >usbands# love your wives# even as Christ also loved the church# and !ave hiself

    for it" that he i!ht sanctify and cleanse it with the washin! of water by the word# that hei!ht present it to hiself a !lorious church# not havin! spot# or wrin1le# or any such

    thin!" but that it should be holy and without bleish. So ou!ht en to love their wives as

    their own bodies. >e that loveth his wife loveth hiself. %5phesians :/(/)*

    6ives# subit yourselves unto your own husbands# as it is fit in the ;ord. >usbands#love your wives# and be not bitter a!ainst the. Children# obey your parents in all thin!s:

    for this is well pleasin! unto the ;ord. +athers# provo1e not your children to an!er# lest

    they be discoura!ed. Servants# obey in all thin!s your asters accordin! to the flesh" not

    with eyeservice# as enpleasers" but in sin!leness of heart# fearin! God. %Colossians


    &&2 6ho serve unto the e4aple and shadow of heavenly thin!s# as 3oses was

    adonished of God when he was about to a1e the tabernacle: for# See# saith he# that

    thou a1e all thin!s accordin! to the pattern shewed to thee in the ount. %>ebrews ):*

    &&7 And there shall be no an in the tabernacle of the con!re!ation when he !oeth in to

    a1e an atoneent in the holy place# until he coe out# and have ade an atoneent for

    hiself# and for his household# and for all the con!re!ation of Israel. %;eviticus &':&*

    && And he said unto e# nto two thousand and three hundred days" then shall thesanctuary be cleansed. %Daniel ):&7*

    &&' And as he reasoned of ri!hteousness# teperance# and Eud!ent to coe# +eli4

    trebled# and answered# Go thy way for this tie" when I have a convenient season# I

    will call for thee. %Acts /7:/*

    Sayin! with a loud voice# +ear God# and !ive !lory to hi" for the hour of his

    Eud!ent is coe: and worship hi that ade heaven# and earth# and the sea# and the

    fountains of waters. %?evelation &7:*

    && ?epent ye therefore# and be converted# that your sins ay be blotted out# when the

    ties of refreshin! shall coe fro the presence of the ;ord. %Acts 2:&,*

    &&) A inister of the sanctuary# and of the true tabernacle# which the ;ord pitched# and

    not an. %>ebrews ):/*

    +or Christ is not entered into the holy places ade with hands# which are the fi!ures

    of the true" but into heaven itself# now to appear in the presence of God for us. %>ebrews

    ,:/7*And if Christ be not raised# your faith is vain" ye are yet in your sins. Then they also

    which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. %& Corinthians &:&(&)*

    +or if# when we were eneies# we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son#

    uch ore# bein! reconciled# we shall be saved by his life. %?oans :&@*

    +or we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a an seeth#

    why doth he yet hope for %?oans ):/7*

    &&, How unto hi that is able to 1eep you fro fallin!# and to present you faultless

    before the presence of his !lory with e4ceedin! Eoy# %Bude &:/7*

    >avin! therefore these proises# dearly beloved# let us cleanse ourselves fro all

    filthiness of the flesh and spirit# perfectin! holiness in the fear of God. %/ Corinthians :&*

    And ye 1now that he was anifested to ta1e away our sins" and in hi is no sin.

    6hosoever abideth in hi sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen hi# neither

    1nown hi. ;ittle children# let no an deceive you: he that doeth ri!hteousness is

    ri!hteous# even as he is ri

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