setting up access ids and passwords - edl#!8!! ! ©pst#!parent!access!(sso).docx! powerschool tip...

Post on 09-May-2018






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In order for parents to attach their students to the accounts they create an Access ID and Access Password must be created. These can be created individually or in mass. INDIVIDUAL STUDENT CREATION To create and access ID and Access Password for an individual student

1. Select the individual student 2. Select Access Accounts (left-side menu) 3. Enter Access ID and Access Password

a. Note that the password will show as ***** once entered but will print on the parent letter and be visible in student lists

4. Check the box to Enable Parent/Guardian Access

5. Click Submit

MASS STUDENT CREATION To create and access ID and Access Password for an students without them

1. Select the students without Access IDs and/or Access Passwords a. From the Start Page enter Web_ID= in the student search box

this will find all the students without an Access ID.

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b. From the Student Selection screen, enter +Web_Password=

This will add any students who might have an Access ID but not an Access Password

2. From the Group Functions drop-down select ID/Password Assignment


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 3. From the Assign IDs and Passwords make sure it is set to assign for the selected students

and do not overwrite any existing IDs and Passwords. This screen is used to assign both parent and student account information. I would recommend doing them one at a time because you may want to have different requirements for each. You will need to set the length for the ID and Password as well as how you want them created. NOTE: If selecting Random Alphanumeric it is hard to determine between O and 0 as well as 1 and l depending on the fonts used.

4. Click Submit to create passwords


Once the Access IDs and Access Passwords have been assigned you can print the parent access letters. If parents already have an account they should not try to setup another account but they can use the access IDs and Passwords to attach additional children to an existing account. A letter will need to be printed for each student in a multi-student family.

1. Select the students to print the letter for. Sometimes letters are easier to distribute if printed by grade level so click on K to select all Kindergartners

2. From the group functions drop-down select Print Report

3. From the Print Reports screen select AOD-Parent Access Letter

This letter is set to pull information from the schools table for your principal

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4. Click Submit and the Report Queue will open. If the report says running you will need to hit the Refresh button to update the status of the report until it says Completed and has a View button

5. Click on View to Print the report.


Since parents create their own accounts with login information and passwords from time-to-time they will need to be reset. You may also want to help a parent by adding a student to their account for them. There are times that you want to turn the parent accounts off or disable an account. This section addresses these. FINDING A PARENT ACCOUNT

1. From the start page click on the Parent Tab or select Parent Search from the left-side menu

2. Enter the parents name or email address to search a. NOTE: since a parent can have students at multiple school this search will be

looking for parents district wide b. If a single parent is found you will be taken to that parents screen, if multiple

parents are found for the search criteria you will be presented with a list to select from

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1. From the start page Find the student that the parent wants to attach to. 2. Click on Access Accounts 3. At the bottom of the page there will be no parent accounts listed. Click Add to create the


4. Enter the parents last name in the search filter and search to make sure an account

doesn’t already exist for the parent.

5. If an account for the parent is found, click on the appropriate relationship, check the add

box and click on the add button to add this parent to the selected student. 6. If an account for this parent was NOT found, click on the New Parent Account button 7. For the New Account you will need to enter: First Name, Last Name, Email, Relationship,

Username, and a temp password entered twice. This password will need to be changed by

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the parent the first time they log in so make it simple like: “change” or “password”

8. Click Submit to create the account. 9. Notify the parent of the username and password and have them login by going to and entering the username and password provided. 10. At this point the student is already attached to the parent so they will not need to

perform that step.


1. From the start page use the steps above to select a parent 2. Enter the Edit Parent screen you will be able to see the Username set by the parent and

Change the Password. When changing the password use something simple like “aod2013” or “changeme” because this is a 1-time use password. Once this password is used the parents will be required to create a new password for themselves.

Note that the password entered will be listed with *******

3. Provide the parent with their Username and newly created password


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1. From the start page use the steps above to select a parent 2. At the bottom of the Edit Parent page will be a list of students currently attached to this


3. Click the Green to add additional students

4. From the Search for Student pop-up screen enter the last name or portion of the name to

get a list of students. For each student you wish to add choose the relation of the Parent to the Child and check the Add box. You can add multiple students at a time. When done click Add to complete the process and you will see the students added to the Edit Parent Screen.


1. From the start page use the steps above to select a parent 2. At the bottom of the Edit Parent page will be a list of students currently attached to this


3. Click on the Red to remove a student 4. A Remove Student message will appear letting you know that the student will be removed

from the parent account. Click Remove. 5. If a parent still has the students Access ID and Access Password they can re-connect to this

student. Because of this the next screen will ask you to change the students Access ID and Password. Make the changes and click Save Changes

6. Student will be removed from the list on the Edit Parent Screen

TURNING OFF PARENT ACCESS AND DISABLING A PARENT ACCOUNT There are times throughout the year that you might want to turn off parent access, during scheduling or over the summer. This will keep the parent from being able to access a student account. If they have students at multiple schools it will only affect the students at the schools that have turned the access off. Disabling a parent account on the other had will keep the parent from logging in all together Turning Parent Access OFF (All Students)

1. From the start page Click ALL to select all students 2. In the Group Functions drop-down select Student Field Value

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3. In the student field value screen you will set the Field AllowWebAccess to 0 (zero)

4. This will keep the parent from being able to access that student’s account but will not

stop the automated emails that they have set up. If you want to stop these as well you will need to change the filed Autosend_howoften to 0 (zero) as well.

5. Turn access back on by changing the field AllowWebAccess to 1. Parents will need to reestablish the automated email process

 Disabling a Parent Account

1. From the start page use the steps above to select a parent 2. At the top of the Edit Parent page check the box to Disable Account

3. Account can be turned back on by un-checking the box

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