serve the people

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  • 8/10/2019 Serve the People


    c o er

    Serve The people

    A critical editorial by experienced journalist, Allen Garr was published in the

    Saturday October 25, 2014 edition of the Courier News, challenging thenewsworthiness of two previous articles regarding Vancouver Mayor Robertson

    and Councillor Geoff Meggs. The first was written on October 14th in the Courier

    and the second was written in the Oct 20th Province news. Allen Garrs editorial

    was devoid of any disclosure which I will share.

    We begin with summary ofVision Vancouver wins union campaign funding

    by Bob Mackin.

    On October 14th 2014, with 4 weeks remaining in the upcoming Vancouver election an

    anonymous individual recorded a meeting between Union local 1004 and elected officials.

    Vision Vancouvers councillor, Geoff Meggs stood alongside two of his fellow Vision Party

    members as he promised a favorable contract commitment to the union which he could

    only deliver if he were to be elected. He thanked the union for considering to support him

    and his party. $34,000 was promised to Geoff Meggs and his Vision Party at the meetingfrom Union 1004 and matching donations from BC & National offices elevated the amount

    to $102,000. It should be noted that large donations were given by this Union to Vision in

    the last election as well. This is the first time a reporter has recorded and documented what

    looks like ruling Vancouver politicians accepting money and votes for what could be their

    indirect benefit in exchange for government promises which they can only grant if elected.

    Further assistance was pledged to two other parties but none of their representatives were

    found making any promises to the union.This investigative story was broken to the public byBob Mackin on October 16th and it was certainly newsworthy.


  • 8/10/2019 Serve the People


    c o er

    On October 20th, four days after the story broke, an (op-ed) was written by a political

    adversary (Kirk Lapointe) to Mayor Gregor Robertson and Councillor Geoff Meggs. It was

    published in the Vancouver Province newspaper and was Written by Kirk Lapointe.


    On October 24th 2014, eight days after Bob Mackin broke his story, journalist Allen Garr

    wrote an opinion piece in local newspaper, the Courier, without full disclosure of his

    relationship to those involved in the story. Allen Garr undermined the op-ed of October 20th

    as well as the article and research of fellow journalist Bob Mackin written on October 16th.

    The focus of Allen Garrs story was to undermine the previous two stories and the basis

    behind them. Mr. Mackins original story included full research to back up his writing,

    whereas Allen Garrs opinion piece did not. Allen Garr chose to ignore the journalistic

    requirement of full disclosure.

    Full Disclosure Lacking

    Allen Garr neglected to mention that he has another paid job as a board member at the

    local financial institution VanCity. Allen Garr neglected to mention this and the fact that his

    Board Chair at Vancity is Jan OBrien, who is married to the politician, Geoff Meggs, who

    Mr.Garr defended and was the original focus of Bob Mackins investigative article. Allen

    Garr trivialized what appears to be an serious situation. His article was based on the

    husband of his co worker / Board Chair without disclosing the relationship.

    It should also be noted that, in 2001 VanCity Credit Union purchased a partnership position

    in a political advisory company (Stratcom) which claims to be the contract fundraiser,

    pollster and strategist for the Vision Party. So in other words, Allen Garrs other employer

    could be seen to receive a small benefit in the continued business relationship between

    Stratcom/Vision and Vancity.

  • 8/10/2019 Serve the People


    c o er

    What am I hoping for ?

    Openness and fair journalism in Vancouver which is essential to our democratic process. I

    request the entire story to be re run with a full and open disclosure and a simple apology to

    the readers of the Courier, Kirk Lapointe and Bob Mackin for the lack of disclosure.

    Glen Chernen / October 26, 2014


    Journalist ethics from Society of Professional Journalists

    Select Transcripts of the Bob Mackin Tapes

    Select Criminal Code of Canada of interest

    A Definition of Journalistic Integrity and its importance. (Taken from

    Members of the Society of Professional Journalists believe that public enlightenment is the

    forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. Ethical journalism strives to ensure

    the free exchange of information that is accurate, fair and thorough. An ethical journalist

    acts with integrity.

    The Society of Professional Journalists encourages all media.

    Recognize a special obligation to serve as watchdogs over public affairs and

    government. Seek to ensure that the publics business is conducted in the open, and that

    public records are open to all.

    Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable. Give voice to

    the voiceless to serve the public.

    As taken from the Society of Professional Journalists

    Act Independently

    The highest and primary obligation of ethical journalism is to serve the public.

    Journalists should:

    Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. Disclose unavoidable conflicts.

  • 8/10/2019 Serve the People


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    Be Accountable and Transparent

    Respond quickly to questions about accuracy, clarity and fairness.

    Acknowledge mistakes and correct them promptly and prominently. Explain

    corrections and clarifications carefully and clearly. Expose unethical conduct in journalism, including within their organizations.

    Abide by the same high standards they expect of others.

    Select Union representatives statements made on Oct 14 2014:

    It is still early in the campaign, but we certainly will have to nail (Vision) in terms

    of protecting our jobs and try not to have any contracting-out happening. We looked at how much money we would have to spend to, and this is with the

    matching that comes from BC and from National, to curry favour with Vision in the

    next round of the negotiations which (?) mentioned are coming up.

    Our support is not unconditional

    and perhaps influence whoever the new government is.

    Select Geoff Meggs Statements as follows: We are very pleased that you are considering supporting Vision Vancouver


    Gregor Robertson, our Mayor has again recommitted to not expand contracting


    to make sure that wherever we can bring in new processes that members of 1004

    will be there delivering those services. Geoff Meggs

  • 8/10/2019 Serve the People


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    Please see criminal code of Canada 121-125 for more detail on laws of Canada

    which could be relevant to basis of Mr.Mackins original work.

    121. Frauds on the government

    122. Breach of trust by public officer

    123. Municipal corruption

    Influencing municipal official

    125. Everyone Who

    (a) receives, agrees to receive, gives or procures to be given, directly or indirectly, a

    reward, advantage or benefit of any kind as consideration for cooperation, assistance or

    exercise of influence to secure the appointment of any person to an office,

    (b) solicits, recommends or negotiates in any manner with respect to an appointment to or

    resignation from an office, in expectation of a direct or indirect reward, advantage or

    benefit, or

    (c) keeps without lawful authority, the proof of which lies on him, a place for transacting or

    negotiating any business relating to

    (i) the filling of vacancies in offices,

    (ii) the sale or purchase of offices, or

    (iii) appointments to or resignations from offices,

    is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five


    R.S., c. C-34, s. 114.

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