sermon: honoring our pastors - victory english fellowship

Post on 15-May-2022






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August 6-13—Japan STM—Team 2 August 14-16—VBS (Vacation Bible School) August 18—VBS Program and Potluck (no Cafe VEF at 1:30) September 1 — Sunday School Resumes September 8 — Epic of Eden Resumes October 20 — Adult & Teen class on Cults begins (tentative)

How to pay tithes by Wire Transfer You can transfer your offerings to Victory's Postal account , the bank code is 700, follow by the account number - 0061021 0478485. Contact Pastor John or Yu-Hwa at the first time you make a transfer to make sure the money goes into the VEF account.

Next Week: Pastor John Olson

Sermon: “Honoring our Pastors”

Jeff Case

Order of Service

Call To Praise / Opening

Blessed be Your Name

Call to Worship 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Worship in Song In Christ Alone

Scripture Reading Revelation 1:9-20

Worship in Song Whom Shall I Fear? The Love of God

How Great is our God

Welcome & Announcements Jeff Case

Message: Honoring our Pastors 1 Timothy 5:17


Jeff Case

Small Groups of VEF

Interested in starting a small group? Need assistance finding a group? Contact Pastor Darren Carter at 03-571-6803 ext:2224


Time Meeting Place Leader Contact Number & Email

TUE 17:30

NCTU Engineering Building 3 - EC543


On Break until Fall Semester

THU 07:00

Men’s Breakfast Ikari Coffee 738 Guangfu Road

Jeff 0987-378-323

FRI 11:00

Korean Women’s Group

Victory –B1-102

Hayoung Ko

0966 266 041

FRI 19:30

Youth Group

Victory –8F

Linus Lu 0989-543-486

On Break until Fall Semester

FRI 19:30

Indonesian Group

Victory –6F

Timothy William


FRI 20:00

Emmanuel Group I Puding 3rd Road

Bih Qui Tiang


FRI 20:00

Barnabas Group

Japie Kruger

FRI 20:30

Emmanuel Group II Longshan East Rd

Esther Chen


SUN 11:00

Epic of Eden Bible Study


Pastor Darren

SUN 11:00

Family Bible Study Victory—B104

Pastor John

On break until mid-August

SUN 11:00

Korean Group Victory - B102

Jonathan Eun


1:30 Service


VEF is searching for a new secretary. A successful candidate must have good com-munication skills, ability to communicate in English and Mandarin, and a servant’s heart. A more detailed job description is available at or talk to Pastor John or Pastor Darren.

Children’s Sunday School has been suspended for summer. Classes will resume in September.

VEF Needs you! We are always in need of musicians, keyboard players, drummers, vocalists, Sunday school teachers, youth group volunteer, etc. Register online at

Men’s prayer breakfast (Thursdays) will be suspended for the summer months. It will resume in mid-August.

There will Be a Church Potluck on August 18 at 11:00 following the morning service. Bring a food dish and a friend! There will be no afternoon service on August 18

There will be no afternoon service on August 18


This Week Volunteer Workers 9AM: Set-up and Greeters: Jonathan, Esther — Worship Team: Dora, Anne, MeiYin, Luke, Jan, Jessie, Ian — PPT: Sam L. — Sound: Steven Chiu 1:30PM: Set-up and Greeters: TBA— Worship Team: Tim W, Dennis, Sam P, Jack, Yohanes — PPT: TBA — Sound: Tim Y.

Next Week: 9AM: Set-up and Greeters: Kristy, Japie — Worship Team: Esther, Yi Ching, Acquah, Sam F — PPT: Bachir — Sound: Mario 1:30PM: Set-up and Greeters: Tim and Co. — Worship Team: Tim W, Lindi, Grace C — PPT: TBA — Sound: Tim W


Ages 4 to students in Grade 6 are welcome to attend, and for those older than that we need lots of volunteers

to help with the program. If you are willing to help volunteer, please contact David Dyck as soon as possible

at or 0966-086-635.

Last Sunday's (7/14) • Morning Worship attendance – 145 • Afternoon Worship attendance— 20 • Sunday School attendance – n/a • Offering - $19,400

• YTD Giving - $ 1,874,466

• Remaining amount needed to meet budget - $70,675 (weekly giving)

How to pay tithes by Wire Transfer You can transfer your offerings to Victory's Postal account , the bank code is 700, follow by the account number - 0061021 0478485. Contact Pastor John or Yu-Hwa at the first time you make a transfer to make sure the money goes into the VEF account.

7 Ways to Care for Your Pastor Shawn Wilhite

How do you care for your pastor? I started to understand this when I read an article that was later turned into a small pam-phlet titled Praying for Sunday: You, Your Pastor, and Your Next Sermon. It’s a practical resource that provides tremendous insight. After serving in pastoral ministry for six years, I know addressing pastoral care can be awkward. But it doesn’t always have to be. Here are seven simple ways church members can care for their pastor. 1. Pray for and with him. This one’s probably the most obvious. During my first year pastoring, the qualifications struck me to the core (1 Tim. 3:1–7; Titus 1:7–9). There is a vast difference between studying them and realizing your position depends on them. Pastors need prayer every day. Not only are they bombarded with menial administrative tasks that steal their time, they’re assaulted with temptations to pride, laziness, and lust, among other things. We ought to pray for their perseverance in remaining qualified—which includes being “above reproach” (1 Tim. 3:2). Further, pray with your pastors. Seek them out. Their hearts are as heavy as yours. And there is no greater joy than knowing the people of God are praying for you. 2. Talk to him about his sermon. On average a pastor will spend anywhere from 10 to 20 hours on sermon prep. If he preaches two to three messages a week, that means he’ll spend 20 to 45 hours on ser-mon prep alone. If your pastor is an expository preacher, come prepared to hear God’s Word. If he is preaching a topical series, contact the church office to acquire upcoming topics and passages. Study the text before coming to church and ponder thoughtful questions to ask. A faithful shepherd finds great joy in explaining the Word of God. Ask what he learned from his study. Ask a question you had while reading it. Ask what theological issues the passage relates to and how. Begin a conversation about the sermon. After 20-plus hours of preparation, you have a source of wisdom before you. 3. Tell him how God is growing you. When I was a pastor, one my greatest joys was hearing sheep tell me how they were being refined. It was so encouraging to hear what they were learning and how the Lord was growing them. Notice Paul’s response to hearing from a previous congregation: But now that Timothy has come to us from you, and has brought us the good news of your faith and love and reported that you always remember us kindly and long to see us, as we long to see you—for this reason, brothers, in all our distress and affliction we have been comforted about you through your faith. (1 Thess. 3:6–7) This report brought great comfort and strength to Paul. It put wind in his sails. And it will rejuvenate your pastors to hear about your growth in the Lord. 4. Care for him financially. Pastors typically make little money. Your pastor may even qualify for food stamps, though he’d never tell you. True, he ought not shepherd the flock of God for sordid gain (1 Pet. 5:1–4). But if your pastor isn’t being paid generously, his mind and heart are like-ly divided:

Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and “the laborer deserves his wages.” (1 Tim. 5:17–18) We ought to make sure our pastors are financially stable. The local body combines their financial resources; they give to their pastor to free him to shepherd without concern for his poverty. Watch his kids to give him and his wife a date night. Provide them with a family outing on your dime—perhaps anonymously. Be creative and generous with your financial care. 5. Care for his wife. The pastor’s wife has a difficult role. As a pastor, it always discouraged me when I heard about a problem in the church from my wife. “How’d you hear about that?” I’d ask. Someone in the church told her. Caring for your pastor means helping him protect his wife from much secret and ugly stuff in your church. I promise you, she doesn’t need to know everything. Moreover, have realistic expectations of her role. She’s exactly like you, a servant of Christ. She’s exactly like you, a wife trying to honor her husband. She’s exactly like you, a struggling and discouraged mother. She’s exactly like you, a woman trying to honor the Lord with her life. She’s exactly like you, an ordinary church member. Love and serve her, then, as you would others in the body. 6. Build his library. Your pastor’s library is one of his prized possessions. He loves his books and, he needs them. And he likely needs to acquire more. They will help him become a better pastor, theologian, Bible interpreter, counselor, husband, and father. Note the short list of items Paul desired as he neared the end of his life: “When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments” (2 Tim. 4:13). At the end of his life, the imprisoned apostle wanted the companionship of his closest ministerial friends and reading material. Don’t necessarily buy your pastor books you’re reading or think would help him. Do some digging. What’s he preaching on? What’s he studying? Does he love biblical lan-guages? Ask one of his trusted friends. Does he have an Amazon wish list? If not, ask him to create one. 7. Follow his leadership. I purposely saved this one for last. Submitting to your pastor may be difficult. But you’ll bring joy to his heart—and to yours—if you fall under his godly leadership: Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you. (Heb. 13:17) A direct correlation exists between your obedience and your elders’ joy. Work hard to submit—gladly, not begrudgingly—to their leadership. It’s your Savior’s means of providing spiritual oversight to your soul. It may be helpful to start a conversation with your senior pastor, elders, or others to de-termine what this might look like for you. If you struggle to submit, be honest about that with others in your life. There are times it’s wise to leave a church. Either way, initi-ate the conversation. How are you presently caring for your pastor? What are some other ways you could care for him? I pray you’ll be encouraged to do so and begin implementing some of these ideas.

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