september/october 2014 newsletter

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The Gatheringof the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina

September/October 2014 • Vol. 19 Issue 5 Bringing Baptists of North Carolina Together for Christ-Centered Ministry

See Susan Ellington’s story on page 3Empowering laity

2 • The Gathering – September/October 2014

From church members to missionaries

by Larry Hovis, CBFNC Executive Coordinator

In CBFNC’s 20th Anniversary vision statement, “The Road Ahead,” we’ve adopted four areas of focus for the next chapter in our life together. One of them is Empowering Laity for Missional Living. Inspired by Ephesians 3:16, it reads,

We will gratefully learn from and effectively nurture the lay people of every generation in our congregations to see their engagement with work, family, civic responsibilities, and recreation as arenas of mission, ministry, and sharing their faith. We will connect laity from our congregations to one another for experiences of spiritual growth, relationship-building, and ministry. Empowering lay people enriches their faith, deepens their identity as followers of Jesus, enhances the ministries of congregations and other partners, and fosters a fuller sense of community within CBFNC.

I have two confessions to make. First, in my pastoral ministry, I often exhibited a utilitarian attitude toward church members. Subconsciously, I saw them too often as tools to be used in the maintenance and operation of the institutional church, rather than as the front line of God’s mission in the world.

Second, in CBFNC life, we have focused so much on clergy, especially young clergy, we have not given sufficient attention to laity, except for training them in church leadership roles (e.g. Sunday School teachers, deacons).

Our vision for the future involves a different approach. We want to engage the laity of our congregations and empower them to be agents of God’s transformation in the world. We want to bring them together to learn from one another, to reflect on their efforts to be the presence of Christ in the world, to grow together as followers of Jesus in their workplace, their neighborhood, their social networks (physically and digitally) as well as in their congregations. Not only do ministers have much to teach laity (our traditional paradigm), but perhaps more than we’ve admitted in the past, laity have much to teach ministers about faithful participation in the mission of God, inside and outside the walls of the church. In a real sense, the time has come for us to make the shift from laity as church members to laity as missionaries in their daily lives.

We’re just starting this journey. Right now, we have no detailed plan, just a vision of what the destination might look like. What are your (especially the laity reading this article) ideas of how to make this vision a reality? What would be most helpful to you? Let’s start a conversation. For me, a beginning point is to ask, “WWDD?” What would Dad do?

My father was a service station dealer. He was also a church member, reared as a Presbyterian but became a Baptist (he literally “took the plunge”) when he married my mother. Because of the demanding schedule of his business, his church attendance was sporadic until he retired, when he became more active in the church. To my knowledge, he never served as a deacon, a Sunday School teacher, or on a committee.

Though he used pretty salty language at times, was short-tempered, and had many shortcomings, he had a sense of justice and fairness like no other person I’ve ever known. He treated all people with respect, had little patience for the self-righteous, and was particularly sensitive to the needs of “the least of these.” While these qualities didn’t always boost the bottom line of his business, I see now that he, more than most people I know (including many ministers and church leaders), in his own unconventional way, lived out the ways of Jesus day by day.

Until he retired and became an adult chaperone on youth mission trips, his church didn’t know what to do with him. Because he wasn’t an every-Sunday attender, held no church offices, and maintained few of the marks of traditional piety, some probably assumed he wasn’t a very good Christian. Yet, looking back, in ways that matter a great deal, he was a faithful and effective participant in the mission of Jesus in the world.

The Gathering – September/October 2014 • 3

On March 15, 2014, three families from Zebulon, consisting of six adults and eight children aged 4-13, boarded a plane and left for a week-long mission trip to Belize to participate in the missions and ministries of CBF missionaries Eric and Julie Maas. Although all three families are members of Zebulon Baptist Church, the church did not finance this trip. This was a trip organized and put together by the families, with help along the way from Eric and Julie.

One of our goals was for our kids to see the world outside of eastern North Carolina. We wanted our children to see that the same God that we love and worship in Zebulon is present and active in the country of Belize. We wanted our kids to see that there is a simpler way of living and being happy. We wanted them to see that they can survive without iPhones, iPads, TV and other technology. They were skeptical of this at first, but quickly caught on that what we were saying was true.

We were greeted at the airport by the Maas family, and as we traveled on the shuttle bus from the airport to a local restaurant for lunch, the kids quickly saw how different Belize looked from the United States. While the roads near the airport were paved, the majority of the roads were not paved, there were large potholes everywhere, and there were no traffic signals or stop signs. This was very different from what they were accustomed to seeing.

The Maas kids formed an immediate bond with our kids. They all played together as though they had known each other their whole lives. We knew this was the beginning of something good. We stayed at the Baptist Training Center – adults in three rooms downstairs and kids in two rooms upstairs. The kids felt like they were at summer camp, and, truth be known, I think the adults felt this way as well. While the accommodations were modest, all of our needs were met. We all had to be conservative about water and electricity usage, something we were not accustomed to doing back home. We brought breakfast items

and snacks with us from home and hired a wonderful local lady to cook all of our dinners for us. Each family took turns doing the dishes afterwards. When the kids finished eating every evening, they would all race out to the playground where sounds of laughing, talking, and squeals of delight were heard. No one even thought to ask about TV or their electronic device that takes up so much of their time back at home. Later in the evening, we

would all gather in the open-air chapel area, sit in a circle, and tell what our high and what our low was for the day. It was a wonderful time of open and honest sharing for both the kids and for the adults.

Our schedule for the week was a day of missions followed by a day of “fun.” Our mission work at the Belize Christian Academy included: construction work; painting picnic benches; setting up and cleaning a playground set; crafts and stories with the kids; and some gardening. In the afternoons, the ladies and younger kids went to a local children’s home, where we played with the kids and helped the older girls with their

homework. The men and some of the older kids went to the local church to work on building a stage and other light construction projects. Our “fun-day activities” included a visit to the Mayan Ruins, cave tubing, zip lining, and a day of snorkeling and swimming with stingrays. This combination of mission work and fun-day activities worked perfectly for our group.

While it was easy to get to Belize – a one-hour flight to Atlanta and then a three-hour flight to Belize City – it was hard to leave Belize. Belize is a beautiful country. Life in Belize is simple and peaceful. And, it was apparent that Jesus Christ is alive and well in Belize and that Eric and Julie Maas are doing their part to move the Kingdom forward. We were grateful that our families got to witness all of this and be a small part of this effort. As we were leaving, my son asked me if all of our trips could be like this one from now on. My answer was a resounding, “Yes!”

The families who went on this trip were: Matt and Susan Ellington, Noah and Taylor Grace; Todd and Wendy Faulkner, Emma, Isaiah and Luke; and Greg and Michelle Pait, Ryan, Matthew and Macy.

a world away

by Susan G. Ellington, member, Zebulon Baptist Church

“Steve, when did you become a lay person?” I asked. “About 50 years ago,” he laughed. Steve dates that to an experience he had as a young teenager. While his mother was dropping some-thing off at their church, First, Smithfield, Steve wandered into a Sunday School classroom where a teacher had written on the chalkboard: Salvation is a gift of God. There is nothing you can do to earn it. “If that had ever been told me, I never heard it until then.” Those words began stirring something within him that bore fruit at summer camp at Ridgecrest. “I saw the glory of God in the mountains and the woods. The counselors were tremendously influential in shaping my spiritual life.” Another significant influ-ence was George Mast, his high school Sunday School teacher. “He was an attorney, very active in the community. He taught the boys’ class – about 12 of us every Sunday. He has served as a role model for me.”

“To me, ‘empowering laity for missional living’ means ‘walking the walk, not just talking the talk.’” For Steve, a trial attorney and the mayor of Marion, this is demon-strated in a lifestyle of compassion, concern and respect. “Recently, a clerk pulled me aside and said, ‘I know you’re a Christian because of how you talk to people.’ Everyone de-serves respect and dignity. A person can earn my disrespect after three or four tries, [laughs] but my default is respect.” To Steve, this is missional living in the community. “I tell my Sunday School students, ‘People are looking to you, watching how you treat others, to learn what a true Christian is.”

Steve joined First, Marion, immediately after moving to town in 1977. Eventually, he dated and then married the pastor’s daughter, Alice Hobbs. He taught in the youth Sunday School class for 25 years, then was “promoted” to the 3rd-5th graders about 5 years ago. Last year, members of that class led a workshop at the CBFNC General Assembly! The children demonstrated how they built replicas of Herod’s Temple and the Ark of the Covenant. “You never know the impact you may be

having. But every once in a while, someone lets you know. About 15 years ago, Richard Seagle told me that the day I invited him to teach the class as a youth was the first time he realized he had a gift for teaching. ‘You started the fire that led me to the ministry,’ he told me.” Richard is now a minister at First, New Bern.

Steve sees three challenges for laity these days. First, “En-couraging others to be involved in a church. Younger people don’t seem to like organized groups, but a collective group can do so much more than working alone.” Second, “We really need to do all we can to develop relationships with our Hispanic Baptist family.

There is such potential for mutual encourage-ment and learning.” Third, connect-

ing leading lay persons of one church with another

“... may be the hard-est goal because

we do not really have models for doing it.”

CBFNC has been another avenue for ministry as

a lay person for Steve. “I re-

member the first General Assembly

I attended. On the way, we looked through

the program book. There were all these workshops of interest to lay

persons. I wanted to attend about a dozen of them, but of course could only attend three. Also, I got to reconnect with people I don’t see often, like Harry Poovey that year, who had been on staff at my home church.”

Later, Steve was asked to serve within the CBFNC leadership. “At my first Coordinating Council meeting, I thought to myself, ‘What am I doing here? I am out of my element.’” He was seated by Roy Smith. “I knew who Roy Smith was and felt, ‘he is way up there and I am way down here.’ But Roy was so kind and gracious. By the end of that first meeting, I was no longer an outsider, but a new friend.” Eventually, Steve was selected to serve as Moderator for CBFNC. He now serves on the national CBF Governing Board.

Steve concludes, “What I would say to the typical Baptist lay person is, ‘Get to know CBF! You’ll find a treasure of opportuni-ties for relationships and resources. If I have any regret, it’s that I did not get involved earlier.”

Walking by Rick Jordan, CBFNC Church Resources Coordinator

the walk

4 • The Gathering – September/October 2014

If I have any regret, it’s that I did not get involved earlier.

Raising Awareness and Funds for CBFNC Collegiate Ministry

The Song Goes On ...

The Gathering – September/October 2014 • 5

CBFNC Collegiate Ministry asks you to join us for an evening of songs and stories featuring

Allen Shamblin and Steve SeskinSeptember 25, 2014, at First Baptist Church, AshevilleTickets are $50 ($30 of the ticket price is a donation to CBFNC Collegiate Ministry)

Visit for more information!

Developing, equipping and empower-ing Christian leadership in young adults is an integral part of CBFNC collegiate ministry. We think of our students as leaders today as well as tomorrow. Our challenge is to provide them with opportu-nities to grow into leadership and to give them the space to succeed and fail through guided experiences.

At the CBFNC General Assembly in Greensboro last spring, CBFNC campus minis-ter David Stone asked those present to stand if collegiate ministry had impacted their lives. It was stunning for some people to see well over 75% of the congregation stand, but I was not surprised.

For years I saw freshmen students enter their college years filled with trepidation and uncer-tainty, and four years later leave more confident in their faith and their abilities to lead and serve. I see those same students now as adults leading and serving throughout our Fellowship.

CBFNC has continued to offer students op-portunities to grow and develop as Christians as they make other life-altering decisions. As a Fellowship, we must embrace the reality that for young adults to balance out all of the other choices foisted upon them, we must provide them with a place of refuge and encouragement for their faith. They need people who will chal-lenge, inspire and discover within them qualities that will take root and strengthen them and the church, today and beyond.

Called to lead

by Wanda Kidd, College Ministry Coordinator

Opportunities that CBFNC provides for students include:• Leadership opportunities within their groups to plan and implement ideas

and callings that they want to explore.• Encouragement to find places to serve during semester breaks and during

the summer through Student.GO, Collegiate Congregational Internships (CCI) and a myriad of other mission group sending agencies.

• Opportunities to plan the annual CBFNC Mid-winter Retreat: choosing the theme, speaker, musicians and workshops.

• Engaging ongoing conversations about call to full-time Christian service, as well as how they can use their interests and giftedness to serve Christ and others as laity.

We partner with the excellent campus ministries at our historically Baptist colleges (HBCs) and universities to provide a rich history and continuity of collegiate ministry with this emerging ministry of CBFNC. One of the areas in which HBCs encourage investment is a student-led approach to student missions. NC Baptist students have long contributed in shaping summer missions for themselves and their peers, and we hope to continue that opportunity.

This coming year, we have pledges of $8,000 from student groups across the state, with a commitment to have a team of students decide on five mission placements for the summer of 2015. The students will help to shape the budget and select students who will serve in these positions. We want students to experience bringing a ministry/mission idea to fruition. That is leadership development, and we at CBFNC are committed to that call-ing for students and others.

Please pray and support the growth and development of young adults as they grow and serve Christ.

6 • The Gathering – September/October 2014

Earlier this year, we made history. At the 2014 CBFNC General Assembly in Greensboro, we celebrated our 20th anniversary as a Fellowship. We also recognized twenty-eight partner congregations who served as “pilot churches” for our first-ever Mission and Ministry Emphasis.

These congregations shared educational resources about CBFNC ministries with their members, led their members to pray for CBFNC ministries, collected an offering to support CBFNC ministries, and provided feedback on how to improve the resources.

We are pleased to announce that resource kits for our second emphasis, Stories of Transformation, will soon be shipped to all partner congregations. The theme is based on Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

If you are responsible for missions education in your congregation, please be on the lookout for this kit. It contains resources that staff and leaders have prepared to help your church with this emphasis, as well as general information about the mission and ministries of CBFNC. Please look over every item. Craft a strategy for promoting a Stories of Transformation mission and ministry emphasis in your church. Determine which resources will be most helpful to your congregation. You may order these items from the CBFNC office (888-822-1944) or download them from the CBFNC website (

The 2014-2015 CBFNC Mission and Ministry Emphasis has been designed so that a congregation may take two different approaches. First, you may use the materials to educate your congregation about, and lead them to pray for, CBFNC’s ministries. Second, in addition to the education and prayer emphasis, you may choose to lead the members of your congregation to contribute an offering beyond your regular budget gifts to support CBFNC ministries. Either approach is appreciated and will help CBFNC be faithful to its mission.

CBFNC is grateful for all gifts from partner churches. While undesignated gifts from church budgets support CBFNC ministries and administration, Mission and Ministry Emphasis gifts will be used one hundred percent for mission and ministry initiatives.

During worship on Friday night of our 2014 General Assembly, I was asked to give the 20th Anniversary Address. Near the end I stated (rather loudly), “We are not Independent Baptists. We are Cooperative Baptists!” Thank you for your partnership. Your congregation’s participation in this new Mission and Ministry Emphasis is another vital expression of that reality.

Going Crazy in Atlanta

One of the most memorable moments during the 2014 CBFNC General Assembly at First, Greensboro, occurred when Ken Medema, taking a cue from a line in my sermon, led us in singing together the refrain from an old Paul Simon song, “Still Crazy After All These Years.”

For our state meeting at the national CBF General Assembly in Atlanta in June, we decided to continue to build on that theme. Proclaiming that we are “Still Crazy,” the staff donned tangerine t-shirts, we bounced beach balls around the room, and we told stories of the “crazy” leaps of faith we took as a Fellowship during our first twenty years, reminding ourselves of Paul’s admonition to be “fools for Christ’s sake” (1 Corinthians 4:10).

We also provided “Still Crazy” cards to participants and asked them to write down their “crazy hopes and dreams” for CBFNC for the next twenty years. Seventy-nine cards were returned, with some of them containing more than one suggestion. Here is a summary of what folks shared:

18 persons expressed the hope that CBFNC would expand ministries with college students and young adults, with an emphasis on fully funding campus ministry personnel across the state

8 persons dream of the day when CBF organizations and congregations will be open to and affirming of all persons

6 dreams were related to missions, including the hope of fully funding all field personnel

5 dreams were related to theological education, young ministers and women ministers

4 persons expressed dreams of growth for CBFNC – ministries, partner churches, financial support and churches

4 hoped for increased resources for small &/or rural churches4 hopes were related to expanding prison ministries3 dreams involved church planting, including starting 200

churches the next 20 years3 hopes involved church resources including discipleship and

spiritual formation3 dreams were related to reconciliation with other Baptists3 dreams involved growth in poverty ministries2 hopes related to ministries with victims of human trafficking2 persons mentioned greater support for laity2 dreams involved Hispanic ministries2 dreams were related to outreach and evangelismAnother 17 dreams involved a variety of things including

perhaps the craziest one of all, that we invite Willie Nelson to sing, “Crazy” at the next CBFNC General Assembly!

Thanks to everyone for these wonderful ideas. They will be a great source of information and inspiration as we engage in strategic planning. Who knows what “crazy” things God will lead us to do together in the next twenty years!

Stories of transformation 2014-2015 CBFNC Mission and Ministry Emphasis by Larry Hovis, CBFNC Executive Coordinator

The Gathering – September/October 2014 • 7

Building by Rick Jordan, CBFNC Church Resources Coordinator

disciplesPastor Javier Benitez sits on the front porch of Primera Iglesia Bautista of Sanford, greeting persons as they register for the third annual family retreat. Children, young people, adults and senior adults seek him out, looking for a hug or a prayer or a blessing. As one person leaves, another is standing by, ready to receive a warm greeting from the kind, strong leader of CBFNC’s Hispanic network, “Companerismo Cristano Emanuel.” Pastor Javier began serving on the staff of CBFNC as the Hispanic Ministry Coach in 2009. Since that time, the Hispanic ministry has flourished with nine new churches, six annual retreats and a growing network of ministers.What makes Pastor Javier so special? Recently, I had an opportunity to speak with him about his style of ministry.

Pastor Javier, have you been traveling lately?

Yes, I have been in South Carolina recently. We went to help strengthen their Hispanic ministry, to make it as strong as Companerismo. I tell them what I tell the ministers in Florida or in Georgia or wherever I go – you must build disciples to work together with you.You work very hard and have seen the Lord do great things.

Yes, we are small, but we have started two churches in Mexico and one in Costa Rica.What is it that makes your ministry so strong?I help people become disciples. We have many “believers” but not many “disciples.” A believer is always saying, “Oh, pastor, I need you to pray with me about this. Oh, pastor, why don’t you visit me more? Oh, pastor, I need your help!” A disciple asks, “Pastor, how can I help you? Pastor, who can I visit? Pastor, can I pray for you?”How do you move them from being a believer to a disciple?I choose someone and I say to them, “Travel with me for three or four weeks. Drive me around. Visit with me.” And we visit with people. When people see you around the community, they come to trust you. They find out you care about them, but you are not pushy. They sometimes say to me, “You don’t pressure me to listen to you preach or to read the Bible or to pray.” And I say, “No, but when you are ready, you know I am here for you.” So they trust me. And they invite me into their home. I visit with them and before I leave,

I ask, “May I say a prayer for you?” “Oh yes, Pastor!” And I pray a very short prayer, “Lord, bless this person. Bless this family.” Very short. The person who travels with me sees how to do this. I do not have the most head knowledge, but I know how to do this. After some weeks, I tell my companion, “Now you are ready. You are a disciple.” Then, I get a new driver.These are pastors in your network?

Oh, no – these are lay people.You are in a wheelchair, but that does not limit your ministry.

I tell people, the greatest gift I ever got was this wheelchair.What do you mean by that?

Having to be like this has given me a new perspective on life. I see miracles every day. Every day, I take a shower, I put my pants on, I brush my teeth. For me, that is three miracles I have experienced before I even leave my house. You don’t see things that way.No, I don’t even think about those things.

But to me, they are miracles. Sometimes I go visit, someone says, “Pastor, my throat is sore. My tooth aches.” I say, “Would you like to trade with me?” “No, no, pastor!” “I would trade with you for your healthy legs and hands. I would trade you my

wheelchair, and my van and my house – everything but my wife!” The wheelchair helps give a different perspective on life.What do you hope to see happen in the coming years within the Hispanic network?I would like to see the network grow - to grow spiritually and to grow in our leadership. As we find ways to make disciples, that will provide leadership and opportunity to start more churches.How has CBFNC been a support to the Hispanic network?For me, CBFNC is like our big brother who gives advice, support and resources. It is place of open hands and open hearts. Our people really do enjoy the fellowship – that is why our network is so strong.How can CBFNC churches give you more support?Pray for us. We do not ask for money. Sometimes, all we need is a place. We could start more new churches if we just had places to meet, to share the Bible in our community.

8 • The Gathering – September/October 2014

Life is filled with transitions. Transitions occur when ... a family moves from one place to another ... someone experiences a serious financial setback ... a recent graduate starts a new job ... someone retires after working a lifetime ... death occurs and a spouse is left alone

A church experiences transition when their pastor resigns, retires or is forced to leave. At the beginning of a transition, congregations will usually feel a sense of anxiety. They worry about who will provide spiritual leadership during this time. They are concerned if the church will lose ground before they can call another pastor. All these emotions are genuine and understandable. As a result, they feel they must move quickly to form a search committee to find a pastor as soon as possible. Unfortunately, this sometimes results in hasty and bad decisions. It

should be a time of reflection, which can take time. In an effort for a church to have a healthy and meaningful transition which leads to calling the right pastor, CBFNC offers

timely and effective resources. In addition to eight Regional Coordinators who seek to assist congregations, we recently

enlisted three other Transitions Facilitators who will work exclusively with churches in transition, as I have

been doing for seven years. While I will serve as a Transitions Facilitator in the central part of the state, I will also coordinate the efforts of Mike Queen in the southeast, Mike Cogdill in the northeast and Terry Hamrick in the west.

The initial tasks of these Transitions Facilitators will be to meet with the leadership of a church to help them determine what kind of interim they may need. If they decide that they can best be led through the interim with a traditional interim, we will assist them in finding

one appropriate for their congregation. Then the Transitions Facilitator will meet with the Pastor

Search Committee to train them for a healthy search process. Later we will offer the resumes of ministers

who seem to match up with the profile for their next pastor. These services are provided without cost to a church

because of their support of CBFNC.Because the search process is more difficult now than it was

20 years ago, the church might determine that it would benefit from having someone who is experienced and gifted in helping a congregation and

the search committee on a more personal and on-going basis. We now have trained coach/facilitators who, for a reasonable cost to any congregation, will lead in the following ways:

n Determine what issues the congregation needs to address in the interim including the development of a pastoral profile for the next minister

n Facilitate conversations with current staff, lay leaders and the congregation around these issuesn Offer a summary report that reflects the consensus of the congregationn Train the search committee in a healthy process that includes spiritual discernment, offering

and reviewing resumes, interviewing ministers, and presenting a minister to the church for a call

Over the past several years this coach/facilitator approach has proven to be extremely helpful and effective in a dozen or more congregations. When your church moves into a transition or interim period, its first step should be to contact the offices of CBFNC as a helpful resource.

A time of by Jack Causey, CBFNC Ministerial Resources Coordinator


The Gathering – September/October 2014 • 9

Engaging laity for sharing

by Linda Jones, CBFNC Missions Coordinator

I always referred to my 10 years at Winter Park, Wilmington, as a banquet. I was part of a collaborative staff and a motivated congregation working in their giftedness and passionate about ministry. This did not happen overnight, but rather was a step-by-step, onward journey of discovery and discernment. Andy Hale, pastor of Mosaic, a CBFNC new church start in Clayton, and Mike Womble, associate pastor of spiritual formation at Winter Park, share their perspectives about engaging the men, women, and children in meaningful ministry in their respective churches.

Mike Womble reflects that the foundation was already set when he arrived at Winter Park. The biblical mandate to love your neighbor was preached often. God’s heart for the poor, lonely, prisoner and widow was taught. A new-member class included discovering a person’s spiritual gifts, talents and skills. Multiple opportunities to minister were offered. Slowly the core values of the congregation matched God’s.

Mike finds that a coaching model is the most effective way to help people engage in ministry and function out of their spiritual giftedness and passions. This model offers small opportunities to those just getting started, helping them find what kind of ministry excites them, and walking beside them in larger endeavors.

Case in point: several teams from Winter Park went to Haiti to build rubble houses with Conscience International, which lit a passion for the people of Haiti. The Haitians needed more than simple housing, though; their greatest need was a sustainable livelihood. The team listened to their Haitian friends, asking them, “What are your dreams for the future?” “Education for children” was their answer. A strong, new ministry was born by the efforts of Renee and Wesley Hunter – scholarships for children to attend school and collaboration with a Haitian school

already in place. Now it has become a non-profit, with many churches across the country supporting this ministry.

Mosaic uses an assessment tool called Strengthsfinder 2.0, which identifies five strengths concerning personality and giftedness. Following the assessment, members engage in a small group, exploring “where do I go from here.” Trained spiritual mentors/elders follow up with each person. Andy states, “It is an ongoing process: mentoring, coaching, finding ways to empower others to do ministry.”

Mosaic has a charming community garden, right in the center of downtown Clayton. “It started off with a conversation. I coached Richard, who ran with it and gathered people around it,” Andy shares. “People are drawn to church through the garden.” One couple came by to work at the garden, and another family had their children attending summer VBS at the garden. Both families are a part of Mosaic now, finding community, love, a place of belonging and mission.

Reframing Spiritual Formation, authored by Eddie Hammett, presents “How to Find People Interested in Spiritual Things – Pre-Conversion Discipleship” (page 37). These same questions can be a method of coaching the people in our congregations, challenging them to use their gifts and talents for the Kingdom: Who are the people you naturally intersect with on a regular basis? For whom do you feel a burden? What people group pulls at your heartstrings?

Of course, step-by-step preaching and teaching what the Bible says about the mission of the church, working on the core values of the church (hoping that they infuse the lives of the congregation), and helping laity discover their spiritual gifts, personality, and skills are essential. Coaching, however, provides relationship, encouragement, and motivation. Doing ministry together, working in our giftedness and passion, provides real joy as we become aligned with God and more like Christ.

10 • The Gathering – September/October 2014

Ministers on the Move Compiled by Jack Causey, Ministerial Resources Coordinator

Our encouragement and support go to the following ministers who have recently moved:

Daniele Hicks has been called to First Baptist Church of Wilkesboro as Minister of Children and Administration

Michael Duncan has been called as Pastor of First Baptist Church of Drexel

First Baptist Church of Albemarle has called Andrew Jung as Pastor

Roger Thomas has been called as Pastor of First Baptist Church of Mount Gilead

Casey Callahan has been called to First Baptist Church of Asheville as their Minister with Students

When you make a move or know of someone who has changed places of ministry, let us know at For assistance to search committees and ministers seeking vocational discernment, visit our reference and referral page on our website at or call 336-759-3456 or 888-822-1944.

Ecclesia, Fairview

First, Biscoe

First, Carolina Beach

First, Elkin

First, Forest City

First, Mocksville

First, Winston-Salem

Hillsong, Chapel Hill

Memorial Baptist, Buies Creek

Coordinator Visits June-July 2014

CBFNC ministry coordinators are available to visit your church to speak, preach, teach, consult, lead and minister in ways appropriate to your context. Contact the CBFNC office for more information.

CBFNC Honorary and Memorial Gifts June-July 2014

Barbara Huggins, Raleigh; for College Ministry, In Memory of Kay Huggins.

Bob and Rhea Lamb, Shelby; for Belize Pastor’s School, In Memory of Graham Hall.

Your gifts to a CBFNC endowment fund can plant seeds of blessing, hope, and help. Designate a gift for scholarships, new church starts, or where it is most needed. Contact Jim Hylton at or (336) 759-3456 for more information.

New Minister’s Luncheon October 21, 2014CBFNC offices, Winston-Salem

We want to officially welcome pastors and staff ministers who have recently come to the North State to serve or have moved to a uniquely different congregational staff position in our state. Join us to share lunch together, meet the staff, tour the offices and receive a general orientation to our CBFNC family of ministries. To register, call Rebekah Ayers at (336) 759-3456 or e-mail

November 1, 2014 at Zebulon, Zebulon

November 8, 2014 at Zion, Shelby

November 15, 2014 at Oakmont, Greenville

Visit for more information and to register.

Come and be refreshed with fellow ministers when we gather together for a time of fellowship and spiritual renewal. St. Francis Springs Retreat Center Stoneville

October 13-15, 2014

The idea of a retreat

specifically designed for

ministers was born out of

discussion among CBF pastors.

While workshops and other

training opportunities abound,

this retreat is designed to

address the isolation, spiri-

tual weariness, and non-stop

demands most in ministry deal

with on a routine basis. If your

first response to coming to a

retreat like this is, “I don’t

have the time!” you probably

need to come. This will be a

an opportunity to connect

with other CBF partners and

enjoy fellowship and support.

We think this could be the

start of something wonderful

for our ministers and your

participation and support are

highly desired.

Why a M in i s te r’s Ret reat ?

C o m e a n d b e r e f r e s h e d w i t h

y o u r f e l l o w m i n i s t e r s i n a s w e

g a t h e r t o g e t h e r f o r a t i m e o f

f e l l o w s h i p a n d s p i r i t u a l r e n e w a l

a t S t . F r a n c i s S p r i n g s R e t r e a t

C e n t e r o n O c t o b e r 1 3 - 1 5 .

M i n i s t e r ’ s R e t r e a t

From Winston-Salem: Go east on 421 to Exit 8 (Hwy 158 East). Con-tinue on Hwy 158 through Walkertown and after about 10 miles you will come to a light in Stokesdale. Continue straight through this light (the road changes to Hwy 65) and after about 1 mile you will come to Hwy 68. Turn left onto Hwy 68 and continue for about an-other 5 miles where the road merges with Hwy 220 and becomes a 4-lane divided high-way. Continue north on Hwy 220 ~ after you cross the Dan River take the next exit which will be for Hwy 135 / Mayodan-Eden. Turn right on to Hwy 135 towards Eden ~ go 3.3 miles to Stone Mountain Rd. Turn right on Stone Mountain Rd. and go .8 mile to your first left which is Grogan Rd. Turn left on Grogan Rd. and the entrance to the Prayer Center is .7 mile on your left. From Greensboro: Go north on Battleground Ave. and after about 15-20 minutes north of Greensboro, Hwy 220 merges with Hwy 68 and becomes a 4-lane divided highway. Continue north on Hwy 220 ~ after you cross the Dan River take the next exit which will be for Hwy 135 / Mayodan-Eden. Turn right on to Hwy 135 to-wards Eden ~ go 3.3 miles to Stone Mountain Rd. Turn right on Stone Mountain Rd. and go .8 mile to your first left which is Grogan Rd. Turn left on Grogan Rd. and the entrance to the Prayer Center is .7 mile on your left.

Travel Information

Ministers Retreat

Elevating Preaching — September 22, 2014 — Duke University Divinity School


September/October 2014

The Gathering – September/October 2014 • 11

phone: 336.759.3456 • phone: 888.822.1944 • fax: 336.759.3459 • •

The Gatheringof the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina

Larry Hovis ............. Executive Coordinator....................

Ka’thy Gore Chappell ... Leadership Development

Rick Jordan ............ Church Resources Coordinator .........

Linda Jones ............ Missions Coordinator .....................

Jim Hylton ............. Business Administration Coordinator ...

Jack Causey ............. Ministerial Resources Coordinator .....

Coordinating CouncilRay Ammons, Gastonia, ModeratorLisa Rust, Lumberton, Moderator-ElectMarion Horton, Knightdale, RecorderDonna Bissette, Winston-Salem, Past-ModeratorMike Eddinger, Cary, TreasurerKathy Driver, RaleighHeather Folliard, DurhamWayne Hill, Wake ForestJeff Matthis, SylvaRick Matthews, Winston-SalemDoug Murray, WilsonMike Queen, Winston-SalemSusan Taylor, Chapel Hill

Endowment Management BoardAndrew Barnhill, WilmingtonRon Cava, HendersonAustin Connors, RaleighScott Hudgins, Winston-SalemNorman Jameson, Winston-Salem

Faith Formation Ministry CouncilStella Perrin, Taylorsville, ChairKatie Fam Roscoe, Southern Pines, Chair-ElectGiles Blankenship, FayettevilleBeth Cockman-Wood, SanfordBrian Harrington, LibertyKerrie Clayton Jordan, SmithfieldBarbara Glasgow, ZebulonLouisa Monroe, FayettevilleTyler Roach, MorgantonScott Thrailkill, Goldsboro

Leadership Development Ministry CouncilLayne Rogerson, Greenville, ChairShane Nixon, Mocksville, Chair-ElectSarah Boberg, Red SpringsJerry Chiles, RaleighBuddy Corbin, AshevilleJeanell Cox, DurhamJohn Daniels, WaynesvilleKheresa Harmon, ShelbyMark Reece, Mount AiryNathan Rice, Southern Pines

Missions Ministry CouncilBlake Dempsey, Nashville, ChairPaula McCosh, Fayetteville, Chair-ElectElba Benitez, PittsboroGreg Burriss, Siler CityKent Cranford, GastoniaAllison Gallimore, OxfordSarah Lamkin, LouisburgMichael Lea, West JeffersonNate Leonard, Morehead CityChrista Warise, Winston-SalemMike Womble, WilmingtonTiffany Young, Bladenboro

Financial Report: June 2014 Contributions Undesignated - $107,900 Designated - $179,093July 2014 Contributions Undesignated - $132,866 Designated - $218,118

April 2014 - March 2015 Monthly Undesignated Goal: $123,657

Wanda Kidd ........ College Ministry Coordinator

Eddie Hammett ... Church and Clergy Coach

Javier Benitez .....Hispanic Network Leader Coach

Rebekah Ayers ... Programs Manager

Sarah Mitchell .... Communications Manager

Gail McAlister .... Financial Manager

Derek Wilhelm .. .. Administrative Assistant

Regional CoordinatorsRegion 1 – Western: Gail Coulter .............. coulterig@bellsouth.netRegion 2 – Foothills: David Smith ............ davsmith@charter.netRegion 3 – Triad: Bill Leathers ................ wleathers@triad.comRegion 4 – South Central: Drag Kimrey ......

Region 5 – North Central: Tom Jackson ..... Region 6 – Capital: Mack Thompson .......... mackthompson1@att.netRegion 7 – Southeast: Mike Johnson ........ mike_brenda2414@yahoo.comRegion 8 – Northeast: Jesse Croom ..........

CBFNC College MinistersAshley Mangrum ... UNC Chapel Hill ........................ amangrum@cbfnc.orgLawrence Powers .. East Carolina................................ lpowers@cbfnc.orgCurtis Privette ...... Appalachian .....................

Danny Steis ......... Duke University ..................... dannysteis@gmail.comDavid Stone ......... Western North Carolina ....................dstone@unca.eduChris Towles ........ Wake Forest .................................



8025 North Point Blvd., Suite 205Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North CarolinaBringing Baptists of North Carolina Together for Christ-Centered Ministry

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Youth Beach RetreatSeptember 12-14, 2014NC Baptist Assembly, Caswell

Elevating PreachingSeptember 22, 2014Duke University Divinity School

Understanding Adolescents in a Changing CultureYouth Ministry Team Conference on September 27, 2014ParenTeen Seminar on September 28, 2014Trinity, Raleigh

The Song Goes On ...September 25, 2014First, Asheville

Through the Door Documentary ScreeningsSeptember 29, 201410am - noon at Forest Hills, Raleigh7-9pm at Woodhaven, Apex

Youth Fall Retreat with CBF-VAOctober 3-5, 2014Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center, Lynchburg, VA

Deacon Ministry: Leadership Training for 21st Century WorldOctober 11, 2014United Baptist Church, Winston-SalemMobilizing Missional-Focused Deacons

Ministers RetreatOctober 13-15, 2014St. Francis Springs, Stoneville

Western North Carolina Baptist Fellowship Fall GatheringOctober 19, 2014

New Minister’s Luncheon October 21, 2014CBFNC offices, Winston-Salem

2014 Children’s Mission DaysNovember 1 - Zebulon, ZebulonNovember 8 - Zion, ShelbyNovember 15 - Oakmont, Greenville

Deacon Ministry: Leadership Training for 21st Century WorldNovember 8, 2014Viewmont Baptist Church, HickoryHow Deacons Function in an Inward-Focused Church & Model Missional-Focused Ministry

Youth Ski RetreatJanuary 9-11, 2015Beckley, WV

Youth Choir FestivalMarch 6-7, 2015Knollwood, Winston-Salem

Children’s Choir FestivalMarch 14, 2015First, Lumberton

CBFNC General AssemblyMarch 19-20, 2015 New date and schedule!Providence, Charlotte

Coaching opportunities:

n Coaching Cohorts conference call series

n Congregational Coach Certification

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