september newsletter 2016 - semester...

Post on 13-Jun-2020






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3234 Mishicot Road

Two Rivers, WI 54241

(920) 793-1716

But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be

blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts

honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a

defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in

you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good

conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your

good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. 1 Peter 3:14-16

While the culture echoes messages of “it’s my life”, anger, death,

and division, Christianity offers a different message. Christ’s life

for you, love, and unity in and through Christ contrast the ugliness

we see in the news and so often on social media. Forgiveness of

our sins which offers true peace, is in contrast to a “peace & unity”

the world cannot give.

The above scripture passage encourages us to give a reason for the

hope that is in us. How many of us are prepared to do so? Can you

raise your hand and say, “yes, I’m ready?” With so many mixed

messages competing against the truth of the Gospel and God’s

Law, we really must make time to learn to articulate the true faith.

Our catechesis, the learning of the faith, must be ongoing.

As children go back to school, perhaps it is time we adults do too.

With so many choices of how we can spend our time, many of us

have forsaken our own church’s learning opportunities for other

things in life. It seems September has a way of giving us a renewal

in our routines - let’s commit to spending time together in God’s


While Good Shepherd marks its 50th Anniversary, another

anniversary is clearly on the horizon. 2017 will mark the 500th

Anniversary of the Reformation. In the months leading up to this

historic celebration we will be offering opportunities to better

understand the history and theology of the Reformation. Pastor

Kilps will guide us through the NEW Updated Small Catechism.

Numerous scriptures and explanations have been added to aid our

understanding. This is a don’t miss opportunity to understand

Scripture, especially as it applies to salvation and in view of

today’s culture. Plan to attend these sessions. Commit to this and

make this a priority on your calendar - truly.

Deaconess Eiden will lead a class for the women focusing on the

“Faces of the Reformation.” We will look into the lives of men and

women who were at the forefront during this period of history. The

study will examine the history of the Reformation and the shaping

of Lutheran theology’s focus of Christ at the center. History,

hymns, and scripture will round out this very interesting study.

Let us learn together. Let us be prepared to “give a reason for our


Blessings in Christ Jesus,

Deaconess Eiden

Pastor Kilps will be teaching at Concordia, in Mequon, for their

fall semester on Tuesdays & Thursdays during the afternoon.

Deaconess Eiden will begin a new Ladies Bible Study on

Wednesday, September 14th

, meeting at 6:00 pm, focusing on the

“Faces of the Reformation.” All ladies of the congregation are

invited to attend!

Sunday School will begin on Sunday, September 18th

at 10:30 am.

LADIES OF GOOD SHEPHERD Once are again collecting “Personal Care Kits” for Lutheran World

Relief (LWR). These kits will contain: 4 to 5 oz. bars of soap (1 or 2), a

pocket comb, a nail clipper (small), an adult size tooth brush, and a 27”

X 52” dark colored bath towel. The small items are all wrapped in the

towel before shipping. Please check out the display currently in the

display case by the front door. A teacher who works where these items

were sent has said that “it helps us teach about hygiene”.


th Anniversary celebration of Good Shepherd fast

approaching, we would like to take the opportunity to “spruce up” the

landscaping as you come through the doors from the parking lot. If you

wish to donate to have the gardens professionally landscaped, we are

accepting donations at this time. You may use the envelopes provided at

the back of the church or leave your donation in the collection plate,

marked “Landscaping”. Thank you!

GOOD SHEPHERD LIBRARY Books (if current and in good condition) may be donated to the library,

but donors should understand that if donations are not found appropriate

for Good Shepherd’s collection, or are duplicates, the library will dispose

of them as it sees fit. If you’d like a thank you note, please include your

name with the donation. No records of, or receipts for, the cash

equivalent of book donations will be provided.

MEALS ON WHEELS Good Shepherd has been assigned to deliver meals the week of

September 19th. A signup sheet is available on the Announcement

Board, or you may call the church office to volunteer.


With the school year beginning, the church office will be open

9:30 am – 1:30 pm Monday through Thursday.


Stephenie Hovland

A graduate of Concordia University Wisconsin with a degree in education and

music, Stephenie has taught students at nearly every grade level during her career as

a Lutheran school teacher. Stephenie loves to watch students grow in their studies

and Christian faith. She has continued to share her love of music with her

community as she has taught piano lessons, played piano and organ for her church,

and currently sings in the choir at St. John’s LCMS in Portage, Wisconsin.

Saturday Breakout Sessions:

Mission Trip Speakers Lydia Beasley and teen leader from the SOS Center in Milwaukee

Ingathering Recipient: Coats for Jefferson Elementary School-Manitowoc. Each year Jefferson Elementary provides winter clothing for children in need within Manitowoc County. We would be working with the LWML ladies of Redeemer Lutheran Manitowoc to gather children size boots (sizes 1-10), coats and snow pants (children’s sizes 8-16), mittens, hats scarves, sweaters and other winter gear. New or gently used & handmade will be accepted. Offering Recipient: Born to Lead because Christ Leads Us. This is a group of teens from urban LCMS churches formed by Lydia Beasley, a business owner and a member of Trinity in Downtown Milwaukee. The group is supported by Herman Strozier, business manager at SWD who is also a member of Mission of Christ in Milwaukee, and endorsed by Pastor Afam Ikanih, the SWD Chaplain at the Milwaukee House of Corrections and head of Free at Last Ministries. Meals: Friday** Note: Dinner on Friday is on your own. There is a restaurant inside hotel.

Saturday Meal: Breakfast: All American Buffet: Scrambled Eggs; Pancakes with Syrup; Bacon, Sausage, Hash Browns, Assorted Fresh Baked Danish, Juice, Coffee, Tea, & Milk Lunch Buffet: Roast Chicken, Lasagna, Potato, Mixed Salad Greens with

Dressings, Assorted Seasonal Salads, Seasonal Vegetables, Rolls, Coffee,

Milk and Tea

Friday Evening Entertainment includes:

Book Discussion: “Kitty, My Rib” by E. Jane Mall. Please read the book before the retreat and join us for our book discussion. Wine Tasting ($15 per person over 21) Wine sampling in the Hotel Lounge.

NOTE: To encourage our Deaf LWML sisters, a grant to assist in costs for Deaf

Interpreters has been applied for through Mill Neck Foundation for Deaf Ministry.

LWML SWD - Fall Retreat Schedule

September 30 and October 1, 2016

Friday, September 30th

Registration begins at 4 p.m. in the Convention hallway

Evening program will begin at 7 p.m.

The book discussion, wine tasting, and servant event

Saturday, October 1st

Breakfast 6:30-8 a.m.

Morning Music 7:45 a.m.

Morning Welcome and District President’s Address 8 a.m.

Bible Study – Pastor Peters

Hotel check-out 9-9:15 a.m.

Stephenie Hovland’s 1st Keynote Address 9:20 a.m.

Offering Recipient Address

1st Breakout Session or Free Time: 10:30-11:15 a.m.

Mid Morning Music 11:20 a.m.

Offering/Ingathering Litany/Prayers

Buffet Lunch in the Hotel Atrium at Noon:


Breakout Session or Free Time 1:00-1:45 p.m.

Afternoon Music 1:45 p.m.

Stephenie Hovland’s 2nd

Keynote Address

Prayers and Introduction of 2016 Fall Retreat Committee

The LWML Store Hours:

Friday Saturday

4 p.m.-7 p.m. 7:00-8:00 a.m.

8:15 p.m.-10:00 p.m. 12:00-1:45 p.m.


September 30

th- October 1

st, 2016

Holiday Inn-Manitowoc

I-43 & Hwy 151, Exit 149 4601 Calumet Avenue, Manitowoc, WI 54220

Katie Luther….

Heart of a Servant

Whoever serves me must follow me: and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. John 12:26 NIV

The Fall Retreat Committee would like to invite your Society members

to celebrate the Reformation with us, as we learn about the life of Katie

Luther. Our Keynote Speaker is Stephenie Hovland. Stephenie is an

experienced teacher, writer, and speaker from Portage, Wisconsin. She

loves everything Katie!

The Manitowoc Holiday Inn has a block of rooms available until

September 2nd

at the special rate of $99 single/double or $109

triple/quad, plus taxes. Please contact the hotel directly for hotel

registrations. You will find the information on the attached Fall Retreat

registration form and poster.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Cindi Gill at

(608) 666-2063 or

LWML SWD Fall Retreat Registration Name: _____________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________

City, State, Zip______________________________________________

Telephone: _________________________________________________

Zone: _____________________________________________________

E-mail: ____________________________________________________

Home Congregation, including


Emergency Contact


Arrival Day: Thurs.: ______ Fri.______ Sat._______

Age: □12-17 □18-24 □25-34 □35-44 □45-54 □55-64 □65-79 □80

Interpreter for hearing impaired needed _______

Participating in book discussion _______

Registration and Meals $70.00 $______

Friday evening Wine Tasting $15.00 $ ______

Total $_______

Please list any Dietary Needs or Allergy:


Please make your check payable to LWML SWD Fall Retreat and mail to

the register by Sept 2nd

, 2016

Dacia Reinke

507 Meadow Trace

Deerfield, WI 53531

Phone: (608)436-9601

Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like

confirmation. An email confirmation will be sent if email address is

listed above.

In order to take advantage of the special rate being offered to the LWML,

room reservations must be made by September 2nd

, 2016 by calling the

Holiday Inn Manitowoc at (920)682-6000 when making room

reservations, mention LWML to receive special room rate.

After Sept. 15th, refunds will be given only under extreme

circumstances and at the discretion of the Retreat Committee. After the

Retreat Treasurer closes the financial books, the request will have to be

made to the Executive Committee for approval.

No refunds can be given at the retreat

“STEWARDSHIP/WITNESS SENTENCES” SEPTEMBER 4 – Proper 18 Luke 14:33 “So therefore, anyone of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.” None of what we have is ours – it all belongs to God. That is the foundation of Christian stewardship. What we have been given is to be used for God’s purposes according to our callings in home, Church, and society. As we learn to live generously in these callings, we renounce our ownership of our wealth. It’s not “ours,” it’s His; God owns, we manage for the furtherance of His goals. Witness: Your labor in the Lord is not in vain. SEPTEMBER 11 – Proper 19 Luke 15:2 And the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled, saying, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.” Thanks be to God: Jesus receives us sinners! What the Pharisees can’t understand, we praise with all our being: the grace of God. We live by that grace and the more of it we receive, the more we will want to conform ourselves to the image of our generous and gracious Lord. Knowing the Lord and trusting Him come first…and the desire to imitate Him can’t help but follow! Witness: Satan subtracts and divides. God adds and multiplies. SEPTEMBER 18 - PROPER 20 Luke 16:8 “For the sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light.” The sons of this world know that they should use their wealth wisely to provide for their future. Shouldn’t we “sons of light” know that the wealth God has allowed us to manage should be managed for God’s purposes in roles He has given us to play in Church, home, and society? Witness: He who kneels before God can stand before anyone. SEPTEMBER 25 – Proper 21 Amos 6:1 “Woe to those who are at ease in Zion…” The Book of Amos is a warning to God’s people who have given great material wealth. As Jesus Himself mentions, material blessings can turn into temptations – chiefly the temptation to think of ourselves as self-sufficient and independent. What does Amos suggest as a way to combat this temptation? First off: faith in the Lord and dependence upon Him! And if our faith is right we will want to follow the rest of Amos’s instructions: to bless the poor with our alms and to make sure the Lord’s House is properly cared for. In other words: to align our actions with God’s priorities and put others ahead of ourselves. Witness: Christians keep the faith, but not from others!


4K and Preschool begin on

Tuesday, September 6th

Head Start begins on

Monday, September 12th

SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS Springstube, Aaron 9/2 Meisner, Ruth 9/3 Laurent, Audrey 9/6 Pahl, Betty 9/6 Williams, Lois 9/9 Engman, Robert 9/17 Engman, Zachery 9/17

Gottschalk, Ken 9/21 Shimulunas, Karl 9/21 Otto, Breccan 9/23 Plansky, Leo 9/23 Kleckner, Barbara 9/24 Malchek, Nevaeh 9/24 Anderberg, Peggy 9/25 Krizizke, Mary 9/25 Myers, James 9/27 Plansky, Dori 9/29


Monday, September 19th

, 2016


USHERS ALTAR GUILD 4th- Team #1 Lu Mielke 11th- Team #2 Sylvia Staff 18th- Team #3 25th- Team #4


4th- Whitehouse 11th- Williams 18th- Wordell 25th- Wochos

FLOWERS 4th- Fricke 11th- 18th- 25th- Krizizke

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