self ascension meditation guide meditation life skills

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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Welcome, to the Journey Of A Lifetime... The metaphor of a journey is appropriate because this guide—in a very real sense—will be on a journey hand-in-hand with you. Its progression, to some degree, will correlate to your own because you are an active ingredient in its expansion and evolving purpose.


The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

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The author of this information and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this course. The authors make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this course. They disclaim any warranties (expressed or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The authors shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

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Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

Welcome, to the Journey Of A Lifetime...

The metaphor of a journey is appropriate because this guide—in a very real sense—will be on a journey hand-in-hand with you. Its progression, to some degree, will correlate to your own because you are an active ingredient in its expansion and evolving purpose.

As a registered member of Meditation Life Skills, you have been drawn to this experience with a sense of curiosity and hope, and regardless of the journey that has led you to this specific website and eBook, you are beginning a new journey into the wilderness of emotional self-mastery; energetic transfers; quantum communities; and evidence of the spiritual interconnectedness we all share with everyone and everything in the Universe.

The metaphors of journey and wilderness are fitting descriptions for what lies ahead of you. I use these terms because I want you to be aware that this journey departs from the comparatively smooth "pavement" of religion, science, and philosophy. By contrast, when one journeys into the wilderness, movements, by necessity, are more measured as there are no roads that define the path.

This is the way of the Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique Guide. The trails are barely visible, yet what draws us is our common recognition that our hearts are the key to navigating the unknown, and in order to truly activate what is within us, we need to step out of our familiar patterns and live from our hearts' sober and higher-dimensional intelligence.

This is the journey we are taking, together. I am committed to helping you and there will be others as well. An entire community will be developed in the years ahead and the vision no doubt will evolve a thousand times before we realize what we have created out of a wilderness; out of a simple journey of a collective heart.

Thank you for joining us. Practice the principles in the guide everyday as best as you can. In the course of your journey into the wilderness, for they are the only compass you will ever need.

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment

before starting to improve the world." —Anne Frank

Anne Frank became a remarkably resilient person who knew how to express her heart virtues regardless of circumstance because she connected the virtues of her heart to the purpose of her mission to improve the world. She understood that the virtues of the heart do not require a single coin, or physical skill, or intellectual keenness, or even freedom. All they require is practice.

I'm sure you are well aware of the sentiment that in order to change the world or improve it in any meaningful way, you, the individual, must first change yourself. As Mahatma Gandhi

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

said, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." This is very true and relates precisely to what we, as practitioners of living from the heart, have undertaken in our journey to emotional self-mastery.

In order for humanity to accept or embrace the new constructs of living from the heart and the interconnection of humanity and earth, we, who are drawn to this early on, are called to model this behavior. In effect, exemplify it in our world, and to do so without the accompanying judgment directed to those who do not.

As Anne Frank says, there is no need to wait a single moment. It is simply a shift from the murky sweetness of the idealistic heart to the sober-clean qualities of the energetic heart where clarity resides. In this clarity, intuition flows, and this is your higher intelligence connecting to your world.

When you bring this intelligence into your world, it appears not because of invitation, invocation, intention, prayer, or demand; it appears because you have shifted into your energetic heart, and you have made a commitment to live from this state.

If this shift is taken, your higher intelligence assists and guides you in your practice. The distinctions I make are subtle, but important. Move away from the over-sentimental, the over-caring patterns of the familiar heart. These are the old patterns. The new frequencies of the energetic heart—though hard to describe—are allied to concepts like clarity, coherence, precision, clear-headedness, efficiency of flow, intuitive presence, synchronicity, and the ever-present interconnectedness of life.

This is the shift in your own world that calls you; to improve yourself and the world in which we live, and to do so now. It is so easy in times of stress or pressure, lack of time or money, or family dysfunction to simply say, "I'll deal with it tomorrow or the weekend." But the nature of living from the heart is that it is only relevant in the now. Its power to transform and heal, to enliven and enlighten, is contained in the flow of emotions that share your now-time. Nobody needs to wait a single moment.

The Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique

Even after all this time, the Sun never says to the Earth, "You owe me." Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky. —Hafiz

As practitioners of the Self-Ascension Meditation Guide, our focus is on the expression of these six heart virtues: appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, valor, and understanding. Sometimes, though, the outflow is diminished or our attention wanders and we can find ourselves depleted and discouraged, unable to express or radiate the virtues within us with vitality and genuineness.

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

When you feel a bit drained or dispirited, often it is because you feel that the balance between the inflow of love, appreciation, understanding, and forgiveness does not measure up to your outflow. In other words, what we give out to our family, friends, work associates and strangers, seems to be more—in some cases, far more—than what we get in return.

This perception can rapidly lead to discouragement; a sense that life is not working or is even unfair and unresponsive to our practice of the six heart virtues. There is a technique called the Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique that is an excellent method to refresh and balance your energy system especially when the feelings of depletion and discouragement overtake your expression of the heart virtues in your daily life.

The First MeditationExperience: The 4,000 year old Zazen - Zen Meditation Technique.

Three Levels To Choose From.

Background of Zen Meditation Technique (Zazen):

This was the meditation technique of Lord Buddha – I should have to say no more in order to motivate you to try this meditation. It is one of the most widely used meditations in the world and is the heart of Zen Buddhist teachings. If one was to make a short list of the best meditation techniques, Zazen would most certainly make the top 10 list.

Tools required for Zen Meditation Technique (Zazen):

Zafu (traditional Zen Buddhist meditation cushion), Smile Cushion or other firm meditation cushion.

Loose comfortable clothing.

An alarm clock, stop watch or other time device.

Benefits of Zen Meditation Technique (Zazen):

Primary Benefits:

Builds Concentration and Focus.

Self Knowledge – both, the workings of little self (ego) and awareness of the Big Self (True Divine Nature).



Spontaneous Joy

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

Secondary Benefits:

Improves health and wellbeing.

Increases willpower and builds character.

Bestows psychic powers.

Cautions for Practicing Zen Meditation Technique (Zazen):

There are very few cautions with regard to Zazen practice, but the one I would like to point out has to do with emotional storms.

There can be periods of time, either during a single sitting or spanning across several weeks, when emotions you may have suppressed rise up to the surface and force you to deal with them. During these turbulent times, don’t exacerbate the issue by chewing on the emotion laden thoughts that come up. Traumatizing yourself in this way has no value. Instead, sit with the emotions and related thoughts without resistance, then let them go and return your awareness to your breath.

This emotional cleansing is due to the visibility of the subconscious mind once the conscious mind is quieted by the meditation. In the short term, this can be a difficult time to go though, but in the long term its a necessary and healthy cleansing that will promote greater peace, depth, joy and clarity in your life.

Guided Basic Zen Meditation Technique (Zazen):

1) Find a quiet place and sit in a comfortable cross legged position. If using a zafu or similar meditation cushion, sit on the forward third of the cushion. The objective is for your hips to be raised above your knees and to form a three point base with your knees and buttocks touching the floor/cushion. If this position is too difficult to preform, just sit or lie down in a confortable position, you will recieve the same benefits.

2) Set your alarm or other time device for 20 minutes.

3) Now elongate your spine upwards and to align it with the back of your head, subtly bring your chin back and in like a soldier at attention. There will be a slight inward arch in your lower back.

4) Now rock gently from side to side in big arcs, making them smaller and smaller till you drift to a stop. You should find yourself perpendicular to the floor with no tension or pull from either side.

5) Have your eyes half open with an unfocused gaze on the floor in front of you. You should be looking down at a 45 degree angle about 2 to 3 feet in front of you. You may also close your eyes if you prefer.

6) Bring your hands to your lap and place them in the cosmic mudra. To do this rest your right hand on your lap, then rest your left hand on top of it and have your

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

fingers overlap. Now bring the thumb tips together thus forming an oval frame. (Like you're making the "OK" sign)

7) Close your mouth, swallow your saliva creating a slight vacuum and place your tongue against the roof of your mouth. After this point there should be absolutely no more movement of the body. No fidgeting, scratching, shifting – nothing – be like you are frozen in time.

8) Take 5 deep, slow breaths though the nose. This will oxygenate your blood and relax you.

9) Now bring you attention to your breath without trying to manipulate it further in any way, just become aware of its flow. Spend a few minutes just observing it intimately till it starts to become regular and relaxed.

10) At this point begin counting your breath. Count an inhalation as one, then the exhalation as 2 and continue to count your breaths until you reach 10. At which point return to 1 with the next inhalation. If at any point you get caught in a mental story line and loose your count, gently, without passing any judgment, return to 1 and start over. That’s it, continue for the duration of the meditation.

Guided Intermediate Zen Meditation Technique (Zazen):

Follow all the steps for the Basic Zen Meditation Technique, except for the last step a complete inhalation and exhalation cycle should be counted as 1. So you will do 10 full cycles of inhalation and exhalation before returning to 1. You can also increase the time to 30 – 40 minutes.

Guided Advanced Zen Meditation Technique (Zazen):

Follow all the steps for the Basic Zen Meditation Technique, except for the last step instead of counting the breaths, just "be the breath". Don’t try to jump to this step too soon, first build your concentration and focus. You can also increase the time to 1 hour.

Hints and Tips for Zen Meditation Technique (Zazen):

Do some stretching or Yoga before sitting in zazen. It will help your body adjust better.

Be regular, the benefits of this meditation are vast, but they take time to manifest.

Secret of Zen Meditation Technique (Zazen):

The secret of zazen does not lie in the awareness of the inhalation or the exhalation. It lies in the gap in between these breaths. It lies when the breath is spontaneously suspended. It is in this gap where the mysteries of the Universe are hidden. This gap and the gap between 2 thoughts are best friends, and in this silence between 2 thoughts the absolute is revealed. Don’t try to force this pause, just continue with your zazen, it will come about naturally.

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

The Opening Of Your New Energetic Heart

(Three Steps To Follow)

Within the energetic heart is a place of neutral feelings; a place where energy-draining perceptions can shift and transform with a gentle nudge. It may seem paradoxical, but neutrality is the pivot of transformation. It is here that you can take the stubborn, concretized energetic densities that have become rooted in your personality, and realign them with the advanced energetics of the six heart virtues.

While these densities are familiar to you, they can operate as obstacles to the new patterns and new energies that are coming to the planet and potentially to each of us individually, especially as practitioners of the six heart virtues. These densities are like plaque to the energetic grid that surrounds you, restricting the flow of intuition and creating a dissonance to the incoming cosmic rays, which makes it harder for you to operate in the state of Oneness and accelerated virtuous cycles that are the hallmark of these new energies.

Our solar system is undergoing a migratory orbit that will take it within a current of empowering rays or cosmic frequencies that issue from the center of the Milky Way galaxy. It is recommended that you devote a portion of your time to realign the blockages or densities within your energetic body during this time in order to align yourself to these new energies. Doing so will empower you to embody these frequencies and transmit them with greater potency.

This is why the Self-Ascension Meditation Guide has been developed, it is designed to assist you on your journey to enlightenment.

The Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique has three steps, which are designed to help you transform the stubborn energetic densities that have concretized in your energetic field and align them to the new energy-flow in which you are learning to live.

Step One: The Smiling Heart

The first step is to center yourself in your heart by imagining that your heart area is smiling. If you imagine it is smiling outward it opens the door of neutrality into which you can bring densities you wish to transform and realign.

It is essential that your heart-smile expresses the genuine quality of the neutral heart, which is contemplative, with deep chords of intuitive knowing and the soft hush of divine love. This is the attitude that you can hold in your heart area. When you settle into this attitude, you are ready for the second step.

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

Step Two: Invite the Densities Inside

In step two of the Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique you invite these stubborn energetic densities into your neutral heart. For example, suppose you are feeling discouraged, and you have identified its source as feeling unappreciated at work. The feeling of discouragement is only wearing a new face, the true energy of discouragement has been with you all of your life. When you were an infant you were discouraged when your mother went away from you. As a toddler, when you did not get your way. As a child, when you were scolded. As a teenager, when you were put down by your peers. As an adult, when you were unappreciated for your contributions.

This energy signature of discouragement, within your energetic field, is calcified every time you feel it, regardless of what the temporary source may be. Most of us have a strong energetic density around this feeling of discouragement. This is what you invite into the neutral heart, not the temporary disguise that discouragement is wearing today or yesterday, but rather the collective of discouragement that is the foundational energy for this feeling.

Each of the emotions that cause depletion of energy, creativity, intuition, mental acuity, and sense of well being can become calcified to the point that they interfere with your energetic field and its connection to the Oneness we all share.

The negative emotions, like anger, envy, depression, chronic anxiety, and hopelessness, are like fundamental chords that we strike in our energetic field every time we feel them, and these chords resonate and activate other negative emotions, which can be our ruin.

Inviting these densities inside our neutral heart requires that we invite the fundamental chords. Here's what I mean. Imagine that anger is a chord that is played with three fingers. Each time you feel anger; these three fingers strike the chord. The chord resonates throughout your energetic field. It finds sympathetic chords that resonate with it and together they form a dissonance within your energetic field.

The fundamental chord is triggered by the three fingers, and what are the three fingers? They are the day-to-day events and experiences that strike the chord. And every time the chord is struck, it is welded tighter to your energetic field and your field becomes a little more rigid and less adaptive to the new energies of the six heart virtues.

Negative emotions, at their fundamental level, are packages of history like balls made out of rubber bands. It is to these "packages" that you extend the invitation, and by inviting them into the neutral heart, you are, in a sense, awakening them to their pointlessness in your present reality. In this step you are not trying to force them to change or remove them, but rather you are allowing them to feel the new perspective and energy field you are assembling.

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

You are creating a new discernment process with this approach, and this new process is "heard" by all parts of your system, including your energetic densities at their most fundamental level. You are accessing the intuitive guidance of your heart and asking it to realign the energetic blockages or stubborn energies that create the sense of imbalance, discouragement, and depletion that you feel. It is a gentle reminder to these old behaviors and stubborn energies that change is stirring and that they need to be aware of this change and either align to it or let go.

Step Three: Marinate with Conviction

The final step of the Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique is to let these negative emotions "marinate" in the neutral space of your heart. Imagine these obstinate energies are like rigid knots when they enter your heart, and as they soak in the wisdom of its neutrality, they loosen up and begin to relax as they begin to understand your new plan. They do not magically disappear, but rather as they relax they choose to realign to the energetic grid you are consciously engineering.

What is stubborn and unwanted within you is not something you want to evict like an unwanted tenant or exorcise like a demon; rather it is a part of you that has served you in the past, and once aligned to your new plan, can continue to serve you in the future. Nonetheless, your heart—within the wisdom of its neutrality—entrains these stubborn energies to its plan and you must feel the certainty of this plan. Step three is focused on this certainty because it is in the crucible of conviction that old energies can realign and entrain to your new energetic grid.

The six heart virtues of appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, valor, and understanding are the instruments we use to re-engineer the energy grid upon which we live. The old densities that exist in all of us are based on the history of our belief system and experiential world.

In a sense, they are the bridge we crossed over to get to where we are in this very moment, but our learning must be constantly realigning itself to our present comprehension—our present learning needs. The Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique helps our historical learning and the behaviors and attitudes that arise from them to have less resonance and therefore cause less dissonance within our energetic field.

The Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique can be used for any set of emotional disturbances or imbalances, and it is ideal as a method of discernment for decision making; regaining your sense of empowerment; rebalancing your energetic field, or rejuvenating your attitudinal buoyancy.

As with any technique, the Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique is a framework. You can experiment with it, add your own ideas to it, and modify it to your own personality. If you find a better way to perform the steps in the process that helps you dial-in to the core purpose of the technique, then feel free to utilize these adjustments.

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

The Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique is not a universal remedy for emotional ills. Everyone feels depleted and discouraged from time-to-time. I'm not suggesting that if you practice this technique you will be free of these feelings, but rather if you apply it when you do feel these negative emotions, it will accelerate your movement through them, and you will feel that your energetic system has been refreshed and is able to take on the next challenge of life with greater ease and grace.

You do not need to practice the Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique in private or in a quiet room free of distractions. When you become adept with the technique you can use it at any time and in any place.

It only takes a minute or two. Think of it like an energetic body maintenance program, not unlike the grooming you provide your physical body each time you take a shower or brush your teeth.

Your energetic (quantum) body is the connection you have to the universe of Oneness and the creative empowerment of virtuous cycles. Whatever care and maintenance you provide it returns a hundred-fold. It's truly one of your best investments.

The Quantum-Energetic Compassion Grid

It is not enough to be compassionate. You must act. There are two aspects to action. One is to

overcome the distortions and afflictions of your own mind, that is, in terms of calming and

eventually dispelling anger. This is action out of compassion. The other is more social, more

public. When something needs to be done in the world to rectify the wrongs, if one is really

concerned with benefiting others, one needs to be engaged, involved. — Dalai Lama

There are quantum-energetic grids that encompass sentient planets. These grids are generally toroidal in shape, but they are dynamically supple, and express themselves in states of flux that are influenced by many complex forces, including the components of the collective human emotional system, planetary geomagnetic fields, solar winds, and cosmic high-energy particle flows, to name some of the key influences.

These forces are orchestrated by the cosmic intelligence of First Source, which uses the planetary grids as a means to maintain balance, order and dampen the evolutionary momentums of disparate entities and forces, and to bring them into a collective harmony and synchronized rhythm.

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

Within the multiplicity of overlapping and interacting quantum-energetic grids, there are dominant grids that are ascending attractors of consciousness—not just human, but all sentient life forms in all timespace dimensions of experience that possess a connection—however vague—to the planet. Compassion is the strongest of these grids because it has frequencies of love, grace, understanding, humility, forgiveness, valor and appreciation intermixed.

Of the heart virtues, compassion is the one that is both multifaceted and cohesively integrated, and because of this it connects into the multiplicity of the human field better, providing a sense of stability and unity. It anchors the heart energy when the world appears turbulent or unpredictable. As grids go, the Compassion Grid has great potency and therefore influence. In the terminology of the animal world, it is the "alpha" grid.

You can think of the Compassion Grid as an energetic, relational mosaic of frequencies. The compassion, speaking energetically, that is generated by an individual is always distributed into the grid cells that have relational frequencies. When an individual, for example, contributes a prayer on behalf of a friend for healing, this prayer has an energetic frequency that is interlocked with the grid cells on the compassion grid that relate to others who have also used prayer as a tool of compassionate healing, and in this way the energetic is reinforcing and additive, making compassionate prayer more effective for anyone who applies it.

This type of grid cell is more abundant within the Compassion Grid, but also less potent in ratio when compared to the grid cells of Spirit-led compassion, which is the precise grid cell we are in resonance with as we apply ourselves in the initial stage of our Event Temple sessions. Each time you participate in a session, you are contributing further to this specific grid cell. There is no judgment that one grid cell is better than another, but there is a difference in potency between them, and it is this potency that defines the ability of the grid cell to stabilize and connect the human family with itself, as well as with the planet.

Each grid cell has a nucleus or dominant frequency and purpose, and those within the Spirit-led domain, are generally focused on the facilitation of humanity's collective intelligence—in effect, its awakening as the One Being inside the many. When we are aligned to this orientation, and allow Spirit to lead the distribution of our compassion, our heart-generated compassion will be attracted to these specific grid cells, and these grid cells will begin to inform the grid cells of the overall Compassion Grid. Over time, the Compassion Grid becomes more Spirit-led and aligned to its true purpose.

Remember that we live in a free-will universe and the quantum-energetic grids that pertain to the human emotional system are not produced, maintained, or even designed by Spirit Intelligence. They are indeed expressions and creations of humanity throughout time. In order for them to shift into new modalities of expression, humanity will need to change them, it will not be done by Spirit Intelligence alone. It is a co-creative practice to achieve these fundamental shifts.

In time, Meditation Life Skills will seek to support other grids, but for now,

the Compassion Grid is our focus.

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

Participating in the Self-Ascension Meditation: The Guide To Self Enlightenment and Meditation Life Skills

Ethics cannot be based upon our obligations toward people, but they are complete and natural only when we feel this reverence for life and the desire to have

compassion for and to help all creatures insofar as it is in our power. I think that this ethic will become more and more recognized because of its great naturalness and because it is the foundation of a true humanism toward which we must strive if our

culture is to become truly ethical. - ALBERT SCHWEITZER

Participating in this guide and Meditation Life Skills is an example of true humanism, but as the quote from Albert Schweitzer suggests, one is best served if they do not participate out of obligation or sense of duty. The practice of the Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique is stimulating because it's a new experience to be part of a quantum community, synchronizing your energy with others of like mind and spirit.

My only caution is to practice according to the persuasions of your

own heart, and not because you feel an obligation to do so.

The reason I suggest this is because you can practice something and over time it becomes a mechanical process — performed out of obligation or duty. Most of us who took music lessons as a child know this feeling very well.

Let me modify the quote from Mr. Schweitzer just a bit: The practice of participating in the Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique cannot be based upon our obligations toward people or the planet, but they are complete and natural only when we feel our participation is directed by the genuine nudge of our hearts and spirits.

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

There is a rhythm to the practice and for some this rhythm may be a daily event and for others once a month. There is no formula of right and wrong here. There is no judgment that more is better, less is worse. What is important is that you participate at the beckoning and call of your own heart and soul, and when you arrive at an place of peace and awareness of the world, it is because you feel the genuine desire of your heart and soul to radiate compassion.

It is the "great naturalness" of the act that empowers it, that connects you to the deeper reservoir of spirit fusion where you can radiate an energetic pulse of a magnitude you would otherwise believe impossible.

Vibrations of Coherence Using The Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique

The power of the meditation group using the Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique goes up much faster than the number of people. I’ve said elsewhere it can be compared to a laser. Ordinary light is called “incoherent,” which means that it is going in all sorts of directions, and the light waves are not in phase with each other so they don’t build up. But a laser produces a very intense beam which is coherent. The light waves build up strength because they are all going in the same direction.

Now, you could say that our ordinary thought in society is incoherent. It is going in all sorts of directions, with thoughts conflicting and canceling each other out. But if people were to

think together in a coherent way, it would have tremendous power. —DAVID BOHM

All that is existent in our universe is in motion—an intricate, interwoven web of vibrating energy, rising from the sub-quantum, high frequency levels to don the fabric of spacetime and wear the persona of matter. Whatever the mask, it remains energy, a vibration in dynamic motion, veering off in non-linear, fractal, holographic trajectories that remain un-plotted by our finest minds.

Here, each of us exists as a vibratory field connected to the One Field in which we dwell permanently. We are awakening to the simple fact that we exist as One Being with an infinite sensory perception and intelligence, and yet, we remain sovereign and unique within this meshwork of personalities. This uniqueness is found in our vibration just as our Oneness is found in the vibration, the tone of equality, the Symphony of Source.

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

The Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique is focused on the activation of our vibration as a source of coherent energy, emanating from our Spiritual Center and quantum community, and flowing amid the greater vibratory fields that interpenetrate all living forms in all spacetime. It is playing in a new field of consciousness—consciously.

You can think of the master field of vibration, which encompasses all vibratory expressions from the living to the non-living domains, as the coherence meshwork that unites all life in a single domain of expression, and this expression is the highest intelligence we normally confer to First Source, God, or Creator.

We are actually lifting our gaze to this new field and operating from this domain with a tacit, perhaps ill-defined sense of knowledge, but with our intentions in full command of our purpose. In other words, we each hold coherent intentions to become spiritual activists in our personal domains.

Thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and emanations of a more subtle kind, are each vibratory in their true nature. They flow in and around each of us, and it is this vibratory field that activates, co-creates, and transforms our world at its core reality, which then cascades outward to our local universe. If these emanations are coherent, they become powerful as facilitators, guides, and co-creators.

Does it mean that if you are coherent and hold only spiritually-minded thoughts that you will live in perfect health, possess wealth and abundance, and live in peace and harmony with others? This is a fallacy of human nature: To identify with the external results as the marker of success and efficacy of one’s spiritual application.

The human life, with its material expression, is not what we are. We are vibratory fields that coalesce and shape-shift in spacetime to play, love, guide, communicate, co-create, and learn. Whatever becomes of our materiality—our successes, our failures—these are perceptual artifacts of social norms of another time. What counts, what unfolds in vitality and splendor, is our vibratory field. This is our magic, and it always precedes, and indeed, supersedes, the past and future processes of cause and effect.

Our vibratory field can be understood as the essence of our Spiritual Center that diffuses into our local universe, but it is not limited to local space or time. We are emanating our vibratory field through our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual nature, and to the extent these are coherent expressions, our vibratory field is more effective as an activator and facilitator of Oneness across time and space.

This is the result we aspire to. It is not about achieving health, wealth, and happiness in this lifetime, though these are fine qualities to experience. But for those of you who are experiencing less than perfect health, flowing abundance, and utter bliss and happiness, do not fall victim to the attitude that you are somehow “doing it wrong.” Your identity is not material, nor is it bound to only this time and space.

You can be a shining example of virtue within yourself, coherent in your expressions, living from the heart with utter beauty, and yet your health can fail you, your money can flow into scarcity, or your happiness can fall prey to misery.

Are these permanent conditions? Do they prevail over you? Do they control you? No! You

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

are a vibratory field of energy living within the One Field that is eternal, free, united, and equal to all.

All material things are like wave forms with crests and valleys. Our human instrument is not a stable field that holds a position. We are dynamic and we are always moving with the life energy that animates us, and these movements, in spacetime, intermingle with higher and lower frequencies. They shift and fluctuate. There is a rhythm in the modulation, and when we are in the midst of the lower frequencies, we know it will soon change to the higher, and vice versa. These rhythms are fractal or harmonic in nature in both space and time.

The field of vibration that emanates from your Spiritual Center is not subject to the waveform encoding of our material domains. Its experience is pure intelligence unfettered by modulations in duality. This Presence is reaching out as you reach in, and through this process a new realization is born.

This realization will largely unfold from coherence between your inner and outer domains. In other words, your expressions of the human instrument become aligned to the Presence within you, and you begin to apply this Presence in your daily affairs. I will give but one small example.

Before you drink water, hold the glass or bottle in your hands, and allow your vibration to infuse the water from your entire being (remember, it is not your hands that are the only conduits of your vibration). You don’t need to cling to any particular intention, or impress a thought upon the water, simply infuse your vibration on the water.

Doing something as simple as this is a way to draw your Presence or Spiritual Center into the material domain, or, more precisely, it is a way for you to recognize that your Presence is a facilitator and co-creator within your local universe. You, and everything else around you, are vibratory energy, which is part of the symphony that we call the universe. When you share your vibration consciously to any person, animal, or object, you are instantly more coherent. Your vibrational consciousness emanates with greater potency, and the carrier signal is Oneness.

This is important to understand because as spiritual activists we are not trying to use our vibratory consciousness to make change or intervene in the affairs of our planet. It is simply a dance of vibratory Oneness. It is an exchange of co-creation. It is an intermingling of vibratory facilitation. It is a calling of guidance and insight. It is an observance of unity and its perfection. From these perspectives, the journey to Oneness is summoned through the vibratory equivalent of a bell beckoning each one of us to our shared home.

There will be things to fear in this world, whether it is the elite powers swinging their clubs of greed and power, Earth’s transformations, or the more personal fears of health and abundance. These can become your dark obsession, or your theater of learning. If it is the latter, then you can continue to flow from the inner to the outer realms of matter, aligned to your Spiritual Center and its perspectives. If it is the former, you will constrict this channel and reduce the guidance, facilitation, co-creation, and observance of your Spiritual Center flowing into and through your human instrument.

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

The Six Heart Virtues: Appreciation, Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Valor, and Understanding.

This is the essence of the Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique, begin you practice without judgement of yourself or others. Just start as there is not a right or wrong way to practice. Let Spirit lead you in your development and trust in your Higher Self. That is all that is required, nothing more than the compassion you feel for yourself and others as a learned trait and one that you already possess in your heart inspite of the life you may have experienced in the past. This is now and you are here drawn to this material, it is your quest to expand in Compassionate Love of your Heart virtues.

Don G. Weyant

Self-Ascension Neutral Heart Meditation Technique (Copyrights Reserved Worldwide 2012 and beyond)

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