seeking his face

Post on 12-Apr-2022






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20/20 Vision

(Holy Ambition)

In his epistle to the Romans, the Apostle Paul wrote, “…I make it my ambition to preach the gos-pel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else's foundation” (v.20). Some translation read, I strive, aspire, or I make it my aim. In our world today, the word ambition often carries an egocentric connotation. However, ego or self-aggrandizement was not the moti-vation behind the Apostle Paul’s ambition. Paul’s ambition was not about making a name for him-self, but about making the name of Jesus much more famous in the world. His ambition was a

holy ambition.

So, to us who are part of the MBC family, it is critical to ask ourselves, what is my aim, what do I aspire to, what is my Holy ambition? As we examine the ambition of our hearts, it is vital that we

all have singular clarity about what God’s mission/vision is for MBC. The overarching mission is:

To glorify God by making disciples that spread the fame of Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20).

Like Paul, are all Christians called to be pioneer missionaries, to personally take the gospel to places like Japan where 99% of the population doesn’t know Christ? No. Praise God for our new global Partners, Kevin and Kaori Laverman, who are serving in Japan. While we may not be called to go to Japan, we are all called to be an integral part of God’s overarch-

ing mission at MBC to make disciples that spread the glory of Jesus.

So, because of this, a few months ago we challenged the church to embrace God’s mission for the church in a very basic, but essential way. We called this emphasis “Who’s Your One?” We appealed to every believer here at MBC to identify one person that you will pray for, and cultivate a relationship with, in order to share the hope of Christ with them. If “Your One” comes to Christ, to help them grow and reproduce. To do this effectively, it is important that we understand the pro-

cess of discipleship here at MBC.

At MBC, we believe that believers grow best when they are in community with other believers. To be a disciple that makes disciples a believer needs to be in committed and accountable relationships with other mature believers. In these relation-

ships, they must be guided through a biblical and systematic process of discipleship.

New believers should be encouraged to attend our new believer’s class (Growing in Christ), which meets in our prayer room at 9:30am. They should also be encouraged to sign up for one on one discipleship at the connection table. In ad-dition to our main Sunday Service, there are other classes and ministries available for youth and maturing believers (Next Level Women, Next Level Men, Sunday School, Life Groups, Men’s breakfast, Anchor Youth, Awana, Reformer Unanimous). To strengthen the faith of youth and families God has also blessed us with the ministries of MCA and Phan-

tom Ranch Bible Camp that have impacted countless lives for over 60 years.

Now in addition to the ministries offered at MBC, could God be calling individuals in our church to be pioneer missionaries, plant a church somewhere else in this city, or go into foster care to spread the glory of Christ? Absolutely! I pray that, like the apostle Paul, God is giving us holy ambitions. It could be reaching one person for Christ that God has put on our

hearts or serving in VBS this year.

Perhaps you may be asking, where does holy ambition come from? Where did Paul’s holy ambition come from? We know that Paul had spectacular encounters when God, spoke to him in ways that literally knocked him off his horse. However, when Paul writes to Christians in Rome about his holy ambition he doesn’t point to those experiences. Why? Because not

everyone is going to be called in the same way that, he was called. But what he does point to is the written Word of God.

Notice that after describing what his holy ambition was, namely to reach the unreached with the gospel of the glory of Christ, he quotes Isaiah 52:15 as the basis for his specific calling: “but as it is written, “Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand”. (Romans 15:20-21).

Seeking His Face


20/20 Vision

(Holy Ambition)

Writing about why Paul points to the scriptures as the basis for his Holy ambition, John Piper suggests: “I assume that what Paul is doing [and] saying is, “When I [had] a personal encountered [with] the living Christ,” — remember, he was a blasphemer and a murderer, and he met the living Christ and was being converted profoundly — “When that happened to me,” he said, “I went straight to my Bible. I immersed myself for three years in Arabia in my Bible. I had to re-read every-thing. I had to get so into that book and that book became part of me. What happened in the Bible is that Isaiah 52:15 took me! It became a confirmation. It became a hold on me. It was Christ’s hold. He had called me. He did tell me what

to do, but the grip that he used was the Bible.” That’s the way I think it’s going to happen for you” (John Piper).

Where does holy ambition come from? It comes from immersing yourself in the word and in prayer. Can you point to a time in your life when the Spirit of God got a hold of you through His Word and you knew that God was calling you to do

something specific? God has gotten a hold of me that way and He will do the same with you.

It’s important to note also that although Paul was clear about His mission and had holy ambition, he asked the church to pray (Romans 15:30). We too must pray so that what God is calling us to do is realized. If you have little holy ambition, ask the Lord through His word to give you a holy vision of Himself that will give you a holy ambition to spread the fame of Jesus. Blessings, Pastor Marco David

Seeking His Face


Dear Church family,

It's hard to believe that 2019 is over. As I reflect on 2019, I am reminded of the many joys and sor-rows, victories, and disappointments. Yet through it all, we saw God's faithfulness on full display.

As a church family, we baptized six people: Nereida Pabon, Areli Delgado, Jasmine Monterroza, Li-sie Roldan, Janeliz Rivera, and Cyrstal Reyes. We welcomed six new members to the MBC family: Bianca Ramos, Erol Senses, Adolfo & Desiree Alvarez, and Ira & Stephanie Milton.

We celebrated the births of five babies: Lourdes Carpenter, Christopher Sanchez, Evonnie Rose Solis, Naomi Solis, and Thalia Kivatsi. Also, the union of four new couples: Bert & Elizabeth Berrios, Vince & April Guerrero, Noel & Laura Munoz, and Daniel & Bianca Ramos. Our youth group, An-chor Youth, celebrated three youth making professions of faith. God did so many amazing things in our midst in 2019.

As I look forward, with high expectations, to 2020, I'm excited to see what God has in store for us as a church family. Our theme for 2020 is "Holy Ambition.” For me, Colossians 1:28-29 speaks to the ambition of my heart, "Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me."

My goal for 2020 is to spend all the energy God will give me proclaiming the goodness of God, warn-ing and teaching everyone the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's my prayer that as we see Jesus accurate-ly, our hearts would be motivated to tell others about Him. And when we see God transforming lives that we would assume responsibility for those individuals by committing to disciple them.

A goal we have for 2020 is to relaunch VBS. We are hoping to be able to make a significant impact with the kids in our community by inviting them to VBS 2020. We hope to see God move mightily in the lives of the children and use VBS to reach parents as well. There's so much to be excited for as we see God moving in MBC. My encouragement to you in 2020 is this; keep your eyes on Jesus. Remember, it's all about Jesus! Now go tell anyone who will listen to you how faithful God has been to you, and how hopeful you are when you look forward, knowing God is in control.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Lucas

Seeking His Face


Seeking His Face


Seeking His Face




Serving His Family


Lourdes Carpenter

Christopher Sanchez

Evonnie Rose Solis

Naomi Solis

Thalia Kivatsi


Bianca Ramos

Erol Senses

Desiree Alvarez

Adolfo Alvarez

Ira Milton

Stephanie Milton


Jasmine Monterroza

Janeliz Rivera

Lisie Roldan

Nereida Pabon

Crystal Reyes

Areli Delgado



Bert & Elizabeth Berrios

Vince & April Guerrero

Noel & Laura Munoz

Daniel & Bianca Ramos


Senior Pastor:

Marco David

Assistant Pastor:

Lucas Rivera

Worship Leaders:

Ovidiu Poenar

Office Manager:

Nereida Rivera

Church Custodian:

Brindusa Costiuc

Chairman of the Elder Board:

Ovidiu Poenar

Chairman of the Deacon Board:

Daniel Ramos

Chairman of the Trustee Board:

Cathy Sywulka

Chairwoman of the Deaconesses:

Sandra Gordon

Financial Secretary:

Daniela Poenar


Pamela Frenden

Church Clerk:

Rachel Solis

Youth Director:

Pastor Lucas Rivera

Midwestern Christian Academy


Lee Saunders

Phantom Ranch Bible Camp Director:

Olen Johnson


Serving His Family

Midwest Bible Church

2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

Ovi Poenar opened up the meeting in a word of prayer. He shared a portion of Scripture highlighting God’s faithfulness. He reminded us we are God’s church, His holy people and we should be excited about what God is going to do in 2019.

Rachel Solis reported there are 67 members present which constitutes a quorum.

Ministry Highlights

Midwestern Christian Academy – R. Lee Saunders Mr. Saunders shared a bit about the history/movement of Christian schools. In saying that, MCA is one of the oldest

Christian schools in the country still functioning from the modern Christian school movement! God is faithful! Mr. Saunders shared how MCA is one of 10 schools in Chicago that is a part of the Bright Promise fund that helps pro-

vide funds for families that can’t afford tuition. He stated how we started out the school year with 172 students but had a bit of a weaning out due to circumstances

that happened last year and God ultimately left us with the students that he wanted to be here. The staff has been wonderful! Forty percent of our teachers have a master’s degree! They are dedicated and commit-

ted not only to Christian education but ultimately dedicated to Jesus Christ. They have been through a lot in the past 2 years but even through it all they still want to come back…all but 2 of our teachers are coming back and 1 of them is because she’s having a baby. We also have 2 student teachers from Moody Bible Institute that want to teach at MCA for the next school year.

An anonymous donor from the Children’s fund from ACSI gave $40,000 to put towards financial aid for the 2019-2020 school year.

Re-enrollment began in March for the 2019-2020 and so far there are 96 students enrolled as of today Finances from last year are in the annual report…every penny has been limited, allocated, and distributed appropriate-

ly…a huge thank you to Daniela Poenar for getting the finances back in order. Mr. Saunders also praises the Lord and gives testimony in how in all of his years of Christian education he has never

been a part of a school that has been so supported by their “governing” church. He explained the many ways the church has supported the school but specifically financially.

Mr. Saunders is asking the church to pray for the school: Enrollment, Finances, current families, and staff Jaime Rivera asked what is the capacity of the school? – Mr. Saunders mentioned we can hold 280 students…as of

right now with the current staff we have we could get 200 students (without needing to add new staff). Saul Ayala prayed for the school Phantom Ranch – Olen Johnson Olen shared a testimony of a young man, Austin, who came to work at camp through the state. Even though he is not

a Christian (yet) he described his work experience as a piece of Heaven. It just goes to show how devoted the staff is and the faithfulness of God to bring people through our door. Olen shared other testimonies how God brought people through the doors because they were looking for work but ended up being touched by the Lord and put their faith and trust in Jesus.

This year is Phantom Ranch’s 65th anniversary. This fall there will be a banquet that everyone will be invited. Olen also shared that camp ended the year with $12,000. $160,000 is set aside for the new climbing center…the permit is there already they are just looking for the right con-

tractor to begin the project. Scholarship money is up to $11,000 so far this year. Olen would like to raise about $16,000 for children to come to camp from Lydia Home here in Chicago…this is a new

partnership for 2019. Tinaglia scholarship is still available specifically geared towards Midwest kids


Serving His Family

Memorial Day weekend is also set aside for the annual church picnic Olen also gives a praise that even though this winter was very cold there were no frozen pipes! Ovi asked how we can pray:

Olen asked to pray for more summer campers…at least 400. New staff person will be starting the end of May in the area of marketing…pray for his transition and for his

home in MN to sell quickly. Climbing Center project to get started and for the rest of the money to come in. Andrew Catrinta prayed for these requests and for Olen.

Business Meeting

Pam Frenden makes a motion to approve the minutes from the 2018 annual report. Daniela Poenar seconds the motion. Motion passes

Treasurer’s Report – Pam Frenden

Pam reminded us of our core values: Seeking His face, Serving our Family, Spreading His Fame. She reported that the tithes and offerings for 2018 was $423,065 which was a shortfall of over $640/week.

MCA Re-model the total for the remodel was $322,823 it was a total renovation that included: HVAC & plumbing, roof repairs, demolition, technology (security system, etc.)

Plant Expenses - $75,505

this includes: repairs and maintenance, building improvements, Insurance (over $20,000/yr.), and $25,000 towards the school renovation

General Ministry - $259,975

this includes worship, office, and staff (salaries, insurance, etc…) this came in under budget by almost $25,000 due to a change in our utilities (back to Com-Ed and People’s Gas) also new health insurance premiums didn’t start until November so this number will go up next year

Missions - $38,755

This includes support, conferences, & Christmas gifts.

Youth - $3,864

This includes Awana, Junior high, high school, scholarships.

Ministry - $31,079

Includes: men & women ministry, children’s church, deacons, family ministry.

Other income - $16,801

Raymond James interest and Christian Health Care Ministry reimbursement.

Balance sheet as of Dec 31, 2018

Building Hope Fund (New Gym) - $48,822 Bank of America acct - $23,178 Deacon Fund - $1,178 Raymond James - $159,686 We are still receiving monies from CHM (Christian Healthcare Ministries) in the amount of $29,824 MCA loan $171,000 (this is a loan and will be paid back over time) this was given to help the school make payroll.


Serving His Family

2019 budget proposal - $450,000 Plant - $84,000 General - $293,850 this went up due to insurance premiums Missions - $36,300 (page 30) Youth - $6,650 Church - $29,200 Michael Poenar makes a motion to approve the 2019 budget, Eric David seconds the motion…motion passes. Keating Property – Eric David Eric stated that we had a deal but it fell through due to a community meeting that voted against the developer (it would

have been an 8 unit building). The property is back on the market as of a couple of weeks ago. Gym Renovation – Ovi Poenar Ovi reported how a team of church members got together to talk about how to raise money for the gym. project…they

met with an advisor from Moody who specializes in fund-raising. Ovi is asking the church to pray for people to learn about this need and desire to give. Pastor Marco Ovi reported that Pastor Marco has been recovering nicely during this mandatory sabbatical. Pastor Marco sent a text to encourage the church to keep growing in unity Brewer Family James and Gina will be leaving tomorrow for India for 10 days to adopt their new baby boy Jonah. This little boy is 19 months old and has optical damage/issues but the degree of this is unknown until doctors here can

see him. Lisa Osborn prayed for them Testimonies Many people shared testimonies of how God has worked in past year through: family loss, births, job changes, finan-

cial changes/difficulties, spiritual growth, etc. Elections Ovi Poenar read through the list of nominees and asked the committee to gather the votes and count them. The ballots were counted by the Nominating Committee (Sue Bowman, Andrew Catrinta, Cathy Sywulka) and all nomi-

nees were accepted by more than 2/3 of the vote. Cathy Sywulka makes a motion to adjourn. Saul Ayala seconds the motion…Motion passes. Andrew Catrinta closes in prayer Respectfully submitted by Rachel Solis Church Clerk


Serving His Family


Cathy Sywulka, Frankie Nguyen, James Brewer, Sandra Gordan


(NOTE: The date after the person's name is the year in which their term of office expires.)


Special Covenant Meeting for All Members

December 8, 2019


Section I - Nominating Committee

A. The church shall elect by ballot a Nominating Committee of five at a special Membership Meeting to be held on the first Wednesday in December of each year. These shall be active members of the church for at least two years, of which not less than three shall be members of the elected offices whose terms of office do not expire at the cur-

rent election.


Vince Guerrero Jr. Andrew Catrinta

April Guerrero Sue Bowman

Cathy Sywulka


Cathy Sywulka, 20 (Chrwmn.)

Frankie Nguyen, 20

James Brewer, 20

Scott Mayer, 21

Michael Poenar, 21

Caryl Zoladz, 21


Pam Frenden, 22 (Treasurer)

Daniela Poenar, 21 (Fin.Sec.)

Rachel Solis, 22 (Clerk)


Ovi Poenar, 21 (Chrmn)

Eric David, 21

Edison Kivatsi, 22

Saul Ayala, 22

Andrew Catrinta, 22


Danny Ramos, 21 (Chrmn.)

Vince Guerrero Jr, 21

Jose Roldan, 21

Bert Berrios, 21


Sajid Chohan,

Rosa Bolanos,

Maria Guerrero


Sandra Gordon, 20 Chrmn)

Lisa Osborn, 21

Lizette Reyes, 21

Betsy Abbey, 21

April Guerrero, 22

Deliz Rivera, 22


Jan - Dec 19

Ordinary Income/Expense



4080 · MBC Special Projects 600.00

6030 · Global Partners 548.00

4000 · TITHES & OFFERINGS - Other 418,811.95

Total 4000 · TITHES & OFFERINGS 419,959.95

4040 · Deacon Fund 8,897.53


Keating Property Sale 304,712.00

Total Income 734,925.48

Gross Profit 734,925.48


On Line Fee 1,493.17

Total Expense 1,493.17

Net Ordinary Income 733,432.31

Other Income/Expense

Other Income




4100 · BUILDING RENTAL 1,650.00


Total 4001 · OUTSIDE INCOME 7,595.00


2014 · Equipment Rental / Copy Machine 306.00

2020 · Medical Reimbursements 26,445.86



7002 · AWANA 1,192.34

7003 · ANCHOR. 800.00

Total 6070 · YOUTH MINISTRIES 1,992.34


8002 · Women Ministry


8002 · Women Ministry - Other 210.00

Total 8002 · Women Ministry 6,488.50

8003 · Sunday School Coffee 662.00

8004 · Children's Ministry 20.00

8005 · Men's Ministry

Next Level Men 240.00

Total 8005 · Men's Ministry 240.00

8006 · Church Ministry 693.00

8013 · Discipleship 126.00


6086 · MCA - REIMBURSMENTS 6,540.13

6087 · PHANTOM RANCH - Memorial Weekend 2,690.00

8087 · Phantom Ranch Banquet 1,991.22

Total Other Income 60,629.12

Net Other Income 60,629.12

Net Income 794,061.43

Serving His Family

Daniela Poenar Midwest Bible Church Tithes, offerings and other income

January 1—December 31, 2019


Serving His Family

Midwest Bible Church

Balance Sheet

As Of 12/31/2019 Pamela Frenden

Dec. 31, 19 Dec. 31, 18


Current Assets


1060 · BOA Operating 331,272 23,178

1070 · BOA Deacon Fund 5,764 1,178

1100 · Raymond James 81,426 159,686

Total Checking/Savings 418,462 184,042

Other Current Assets

1201 · CHM Receivable 0 29,824

1900 · MCA Loan 280,000 171,000

1980 · Accrued Income 0 1,651

Total Other Current Assets 280,000 202,475

Total Current Assets 698,462 386,517

TOTAL ASSETS 698,462 386,517



Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable

2000 · Accounts Payable 0 1,480

Total Accounts Payable 0 1,480

Credit Cards

2132 · Citibank 8,110 14,832

Total Credit Cards 8,110 14,832

Other Current Liabilities

2587 · Accrued Expense 26,262 6,289

2800 · Building Expansion

2801 · Donations 145,003 143,647

2802 · Project Expense -94,826 -94,826

Total 2800 · Building Expansion 50,177 48,821

Total Other Current Liabilities 76,439 55,110

Total Current Liabilities 84,549 71,422

Total Liabilities 84,549 71,422


30000 · Opening Balance Equity 315,095 315,095

Net Income 298,817 0

Total Equity 613,912 315,095



Serving His Family

Midwest Bible Church

Income & Expenses

For Year Ended 12/31/2019

Actual Jan - Dec 19 2019 Budget

Proposed 2020 Budget

Ordinary Income/Expense


4000 · Tithes & Offerings

4020 · General Ministries $ 423,143 $ 450,000 $ 563,000

4040 · Deacons $ 8,898

Total 4000 · Tithes & Offerings $ 432,040 $ 450,000 $ 563,000

4001 · Outside Income

4100 · Building Rental $ 1,650

4500 · Property Sale $ 304,712

4600 · Century Club Donations $ 5,945

Total 4001 · Outside Income $ 312,307

Total Income $ 744,347 $ 450,000 $ 563,000


6010 · Building Expense $ 79,742 $ 84,000 $ 85,000

6020 · General Expense $ 40,943 $ 51,150 $ 44,650

6030 · Missions $ 38,073 $ 36,300 $ 36,000

6040 · MCA Assistance $ 23,803 $ 5,000 $ 125,000

6050 · Pastoral & Administrative $ 237,720 $ 237,200 $ 237,200

6080 · Church Ministry $ 27,138 $ 36,350 $ 35,150

Total Expense $ 447,419 $ 450,000 $ 563,000

Net Ordinary Income Other Income/Expense Other Income 7000 · Interest Income

$ 296,928 $ - $ -

7010 · Raymond James $ 1,890 $ - $ -

Total 7000 · Interest Income $ 1,890 $ - $ -

Total Other Income $ 1,890 $ - $ -

Net Other Income $ 1,890 $ - $ -

Net Income $ 298,817 $ - $ -


Serving His Family



According to the Midwest Bible Church constitution, the purpose of the Deacons ministry is to serve and attend the needs of our local church body following the responsibilities that are listed in the constitution (see Section 3; Article B) in such a way that we present ourselves as faithful serv-ants of Christ Jesus by the grace of God and the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit, in accordance to the biblical qualifications of such office (1 Tim. 3: 8 – 13). This past year 2019, the Deacon board underwent some changes in regards to its members, some moved on to serve in other areas of the Church (like our brother Andrew Catrinta who was voted in as an Elder) and others thought best to step-down from serving on the Deacon Board and continue to

use their gifts in serving some other areas of the church.

In 2019 the Deacon board continued to work alongside other members of the church in areas like the men’s minis-try, organizing and serving communion, the review of mem-bership applications, baptism and membership classes. As well we continue to oversee (by receiving and maintaining) the Fellowship Fund, which shall be used to help those in needs or other worthy purposes (Section 3; Article B, num-

ber 11).

We humbly ask that as you pray for this ministry, that you may ask God to continue to give us His wisdom, guidance, strength and love to serve our family here at MBC. Your prayers are much appreciated! We count all of these re-sponsibilities as a privilege, in which we get to serve our Lord to the best of our abilities and love his people faithfully

and sacrificially.


Daniel Ramos

Vicent Guerrero Jr.

Jose Roldan

Bert Berrios



Our purpose is to serve the church in various service roles, purposefully showing Christ’s love and care to all we inter-act with. The Deaconess Board responsibilities range from helping with baptisms, interviewing female candidates for member-ship, preparing for Communion, assisting the Deacons, keeping welcome, and giving cards filled and organized along with other service jobs. Our current team strives to keep our church mission state-ment, Seeking His Face, Serving His Family and Spread-ing His Fame at the forefront of everything we do. We want to show the Love of Jesus to all those around us and es-pecially in this local body of believers! We all have been very excited about reaching out to the ladies of the church (teenagers up through the most sea-soned adults) in a new way. We are having gatherings on Saturday mornings approximately once a month, where we serve a continental breakfast along with a time for person-al Bible study followed by small group discussion and prayer time. The gathering event is called “Ladies Time of Renewal” and truly has been a time of refocusing and re-newal! Please pray for us, as we desire to continue to see God glorified in our Church! Deaconess:

Betsy Abbey

Sandra Gordon

April Guerrero

Lisa Osborn

Lizette Reyes

Deliz Rivera


Serving His Family

Next Level Men

Training men to be strong in body,

soul, and spirit in order to fulfill God’s

unique calling on their lives thus mak-

ing them powerful change agents in

their families, churches, and nations.

I Timothy 4:7b, 8 ….“Train yourself to be godly. For physical

training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things,

holding promise both for the present life and the life to come.”

Next Level Men is a three-year discipleship program to train

men to move more and more toward a Christ-centered life.

Starting the middle of January, we share our lives and encour-

age each other to live a God honoring life. Accountability and

transparency are two vital elements of our time together. The

internalization and application of the truth of scripture to our

lives is one of the principal ingredients in the renovation of the

heart and an important part of Next Level Men.

In 2019, Next Level 101 met on the first and third Monday

nights of each month through November as well as another

weekly group that met on Wednesday nights by internet. Next

Level 201 met on Tuesday nights with one group meeting at

Midwest and the other group meeting on the internet. Next Lev-

el 301 met on the second and forth Monday nights. In three

years we read and discuss questions from every chapter in the

Bible as well as reading books that relate to our Christian lives

in various ways.

The most powerful activity was the memorization scripture. All

those who attended felt that the combination spiritual disciplines

including transparent communication and the sharing of our

lives has helped each one move to a new level on their spiritual


In 2018 we started having some meetings online which has

allowed guys from Florida, Louisiana, or the Chicago suburbs to


There are a total of 14 men participated in Next Level Men last

year in all the groups.

Leaders: Gene Brush Vince Guerrero

Next Level Women


Next Level Women is a group of women who commit

to journey together in seeking God by following a struc-

tured program of spiritual practices, or disciplines. The core

spiritual disciplines included in the program are Bible read-

ing and meditation, Bible memory, reading Christian books

for spiritual growth and prayer.

Praying Persistently to Love Supernaturally:

Praying persistently has been a theme for the ladies of

next level over the year. Some of us had gone through tri-

als and we’ve prayed for each other fervently, seeking God

guidance for each other as well as discernment and wis-

dom from the Lord on how to handle trials and everyday


As a congregation you can pray for us the following..

That we will continually seek the Lord as we study the


Allow the Holy Spirit to guide and teach us as we read

books that will be edify and encouraging in our walk to

glorify the Lord.

Directors 2019:

Eligia David


Serving His Family

Trustee Ministry


The purpose of this ministry is to take general care, custody and stewardship of MBC property and physical ministries.

This past year we had 10 work days in which we refreshed the front office area, installed a baby changing station in the

men’s bathroom, installed an upgraded system for the Sanctuary projectors, and general repairs around the church.


Please pray for wisdom in what projects to work on. Also, that the Lord will provide for the skills needed at different times,

whether in-house or outside contractors (electrical, plumbing, carpentry, HVAC, etc.).


One of our goals is to work with other ministries to evaluate storage areas around the church to make the best use of the space we have. Anyone who desires to participate in any of our projects please contact the office. We always have something to do.

Cathy Sywaulka (Chair)

James Brewer Scott Mayer

Francis Nguyen Michael Poenar

Ray Rivera Caryl Zoladz


Serving His Family



The purpose of our ministry is to

physically nourish and spiritually

support people in our church. We

want to connect with the body of Christ and visitors and

make them feel welcomed by demonstrating the Love of

our Lord Jesus Christ. Our ministry creates an opportunity

for fellowship. We make people feel welcomed and we

offer encouragement through food and conversation.


We ask that the congregation would pray for us to

serve with enthusiasm and please come along side

new visitors and invite them for coffee Sunday morn-


Pray we develop closer relationships with people by

praying with them and trying to spend time with them.

That both members and visitors will feel welcomed

and that the food & coffee would result in fellowship

opportunities that cultivate deeper, fruitful friendships.

That God would bring those in need to us so that we

can show them the love of Christ.

That our conversation would be guided by the Holy

Spirit and edifying to one another.

We would also like to thank Elsie Chohan who retired from

our team December 31, 2019 for her faithfulness & coming

to help so early every Sunday morning.


Caryl Zoladz — Organizer

Rosa Bolanos

Elsie Chohan

Lisa Osborn

Susie Sywulka

Nancy Pagan

Dan Holmquist

Women’s Morning Prayer


The purpose of this ministry is to gather together and go

before the Throne of Grace to thank and worship God,

take time for personal confession, and bring the needs and

prayer requests of our church before the Lord.


Please pray that God would give us the wisdom and love

for each person we pray for. This past year we faithfully

prayed every Tuesday morning for all prayer cards and

known needs of the church family.


We would love to see revival in all our hearts as we realize

our Mighty God answers prayers!


Lisa Chohan

Dolly Chuchan

Nadine Kuykendall

Dee Mikell

Ada Perez

Jenny Rasmussen

Susie Sywulka



Serving His Family

Youth Group:


To glorify God by making disciples of Jesus through the

power of the Gospel, teaching them to seek His face,

serve His family, and spread His fame.

2019 Theme: “Don’t Waste your Life”

2019 was exciting for us as a youth group. We had three youth make professions of faith. We baptized four youth, and four youth recommitted their lives to the Lord. We saw some growth in many students. Therefore, we cele-brate the work God has done in the lives of our teens. We spent a lot of 2019 teaching students how to walk with the Lord in this fallen world making the most of their time.

Our theme this year is, “Holy Ambition.”

We believe we can live out our 2020 theme by helping

students see how all of scripture points to Jesus (Luke

24:27). The Anchor team has made it our aim to teach our

student about the centrality of Jesus in their lives. We

want our current and future students to know Jesus cares

about every part of their life and has a plan for them now,

not when they get older, but now as teenagers.

Our goal for 2020 is to train our core group of teens in

how to share their faith with others. To disciple these stu-

dents, training them for the work of ministry at Anchor and

our Sunday gathering. So, when you see our youth serv-

ing, encourage them.


Please pray for the Holy Spirit to “open blind eyes so that

youth may recognized Jesus” (Luke 24:31a). We have

many students walk through our doors, our prayer is that

they would encounter the living God and never be the

same. Keep us in your prayers as the Lord bring us to your


Leaders / Volunteers: Deliz Rivera Vince Guerrero Jr. April Guerrero Sandra Poenar Julissa Rivera Taina Cabrera Josh Pagan


Serving His Family

Children’s Ministry:


The purpose of Sunday school/ Children’s Church shall be

the gathering of children, young people, and teenagers for

the study of God’s word, setting before them the plan of

salvation and the need of Christ as their personal Savior

and their responsibility to propagate the Word in their envi-

ronment as well as foreign lands (missionaries).


We prayed for our missionaries and had a summer ses-sion of teaching on Brinkman Adventures: which was a series of contemporary missionaries. As we reviewed each lesson we prayed for the missionary children and finally wrote letters of thanks and encouragement to them. Pray for us: Pray for our leaders to impart and help develop in the chil-dren and young people, a hunger for God’s word as their lives are being transformed through prayer, the teaching and modeling of his word; so that they can lead others to our Savior Jesus Christ. We are in need of volunteers who love the Lord and are willing to serve and teach chil-dren the word of God. Eligia David — Director

Betsy Abbey

Lisa Chohan

Chris Martin

Jenny Rasmussen



This ministry exists to allow Midwest Bible Church families as well as visiting families with young children time to re-fresh their spirits and strengthen their faith through worship and bible study, while knowing that their children are in a safe and caring environment Highlight:

We prayed for each other on regular basis and the families

that use the nursery, so that they can be enriched by the

word of God through the preaching of the word.

Pray for us: The Lord has blessed our church with the birth of children, many children; therefore, we are thankful that the parents have allowed us to care for their children as they hear the word of God and allow the Word to transform their lives Goal:

The main goal is to ensure a safe caring environment for

the children who enter the nursery by implementing train-

ing sessions and praying for each volunteer on a regular

basis. We are need of more volunteers to ensure that our

volunteers are being nourished by the Word of the Lord.

Eligia David — Director Sue Bowman Lisa Chohan April Guerrero Sandra Gordon Rosalia Lopez Elia Montes Lisa Osborn Evonnie Solis Dorcas Tsakiridis

Assistants: Trinity Garcia Veronica Gordon Olivia Laureano Daisy Monterroza Joshua Rivera Victoria Rodriguez


Serving His Family

Spreading His Fame



This ministry exists to celebrate the spiritual potential of preschoolers by helping them develop respect for God, His Son and His Word, to enhance the parent's biblical teachings of God, His word, and His Son Jesus Christ. Highlight: The children displayed various attributes of the Lord for example sharing their treats, crayons, and cleaning up without complaining. Learning to serve one another with-

out wanting nothing in return is another one. It Goal: Our goal is to celebrate the spiritual potential of preschool-ers by helping them develop respect for God, His Son and His Word. Love our great God and be filled with the Holy Spirit so that the children will see Jesus in us. Pray: Pray that the children will learn more about our Savior

through scripture, bible stories, and hands-on les-sons.

Pray that the Lord will lead you to come and serve with us and experience the blessings that are bestow on us weekly.

Eligia David—Director Missy Hawkins Jessica Rivera Minerva Rodriguez Tess (Moody Student)



The Awana Sparks Club is for boys and girls ages 5 to 7 or typically those in Kindergarten through Second Grade. Our purpose is to give the boys and the girls an exciting time of fun and games, but the most important reason for this min-istry is to lead boys and girls to Christ, help them to grow and learn God’s word. Highlight:

This ministry is all about praying continuously that the chil-

dren that attend will come to know God more and come to

the realization of what God has done for them.


Please pray that the boys and girls will be more aware of how awesome God is and all that He has done for us and that they will know Him as their Lord and Savior.

Pray that we will have the dedicated leaders that we need to be there for the kids.

Leaders: Sue Bowman - Director Betsy Abbey - Secretary/Leader Sharon Lichtenberger - Leader Rosetta Hawkins - Leader/Game Director Evonnie Solis - Leader Justin Griffin - Junior Leader


Spreading His Fame



To train children in the knowledge of the Lord, to be His disciples and spread His fame. The T & T curriculum teaches kids the truth of God’s Word, trains them to follow Him and prac-tice His grace.

2019 Highlights:

We've seen the children really desire to know who God is and how He is involved in their everyday lives. They ask fantastic questions and we can see them grow. They're learning to encourage one another in memorizing verses and how to apply them to everyday life. Their walk with the Lord is growing and it's very encouraging to see it happen right in front of our eyes!

Pray: Pray that God empower the leaders and children to continue showing Christ’s love to one another and uplift each other as we teach and they learn to pray and mem-orize His Word. Pray that they may also continue reaching out to their friends and classmates to come and hear His Word.


Catherin Delgado—Director Scott Mayer

Vince Guerrero Sr. Jacob Gerry Alyssa Smith

Faith Mcknight


Spreading His Fame


The purpose of the Missions Committee is to provide a connection between our church and our church’s global partners who broaden

our vision as to how God is building His Kingdom here and around the world.


We benefited from visits from our global partners: Stan and Andrea, Phil Waters, Pablo & Rosa Gallego, and Huron Claus, and stood with Susie as she completed steps to return to South Asia in 2020. We launched a bi-monthly global prayer meeting in July, and recommended the Laverman family to the leadership for support as the Waters stepped down at the end of the year. They enthusiastically approved taking on the Laverman’s in 2020. Goal: Engaging more Midwest members in global partner prayer and connection through correspondence. Leaders: Kim & Jenny Rasmussen—Chairpersons Lisa Chohan Vince Guerrero Sr. Caryl Zoladz


Spreading His Fame


Individual Actual 2019 Proposed 2020

Claus, Alfreda $ 1,020.00 $ 1,020.00

C. W.B $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00

Deyneka, Anita $ 870.00 $ 870.00

Erdel, Ruth (Deyneka) $ 1,080.00 $ 1,080.00

Fasold, Jim & Carolyn $ 3,690.00 $ 3,690.00

Gallego, Pablo & Rosa $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00

Garland, Mary $ 600.00 $ 600.00

G.S.A ------* ------*

Hill, Jim & Roberta $ 3,840.00 $ 3,840.00

Hoffman, Tim & Vivian $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00

Laverman, Kevin & Kaori ———- $ 3,000.00

Petrut, Daniel & Rachel $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00

Scholz, Marge (Ret) $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00

Scott, Bruce & Janet $ 2,640.00 $ 2,640.00

Semenchuk, Andrew $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00

S.S $ 2,640.00 $ 2,640.00

Thompson, Bill & Betty (Ret) $ 400.00** $ —-

Tichy, Nancy $ 1,320.00 $ 1,320.00

Waters, Phil & Sharyn $ 3,000.00*** $ ————

Total Missionary Support $ 35,500.00 $ 35,1000.00

*Global Partners who have voluntarily given up Midwest’s support and asked that it be redirected to other Midwest Global Partners’ support.

** Salary reduced 50% beginning April 1, 2019 due to Bill’s death in Sept. 2018, per Mission policy, and support suspended May 10, 2019 after Betty’s death May

9th (Jan-Mar@$100/mo; Apr-May@$50/mo)

***Waters retired end of 2019. No longer need support from Midwest.


Spreading His Fame

Annual Report for Midwest Bible Church

To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive instruction in wise dealing, in right-eousness, justice and equity; to give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth. Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance, to understand a proverb and a say-ing, the words of the wise and their riddles.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:1-7, ESV

Midwestern Christian Academy is in its 63rd year of service as a ministry of Midwest Bible Church. During the current school year, we have served over a hundred families and a total of 140 students by providing them with an educational experience that is distinctively Christian, connecting all of the knowledge they learn in core subjects to a Biblical worldview. Being distinctively, Christian means that the school bases its educational philosophy on a Biblical model that includes the integration of both Biblical truth and the experiences of fellow members of the Biblical community. Our pedagogy is unique, not an imitation of public school philosophy, but a means of instruction based on sound principles, core values and experience with proven results. We have a staff that acknowledges their presence as a ministry calling requiring commitment to a growing and mature faith in Jesus as their Savior and Lord, serving in a ministry that is an extension of the local church. Success is measured in spiritual terms that go beyond the numbers, which represent grades earned in a classroom and operational budgets. MCA graduates are serving the Lord in many places, some as pastors, teachers and on the mission field, some in a career field where they are a testimony for Christ and serving in his church.

The school is currently going through a transition that has its purpose in the will of God. It is supported by staff who are willing to make personal sacrifices in order to serve the families and students that God has called here and by a church that understands one of the purposes to which it has been called is the support of this educational ministry. The school is currently in the process of acquiring full accreditation through the Association of Christian Schools Interna-tional (ACSI). Accreditation is a recognition of a school’s excellence through the thorough examination of its practices and instructional quality by a set of standards designed to measure its adherence to its mission and purpose and its core val-ues. ACSI’s accreditation is recognized for its rigor and excellence by most of the regional agencies who provide this ser-vice to both public and private schools. The accreditation team consists of four experienced educators from other schools who will be here for three days beginning November 15. They will examine the school’s compliance with over a hundred standards in ten different domains. MCA has maintained its candidacy status for the past three years. Our continuous school improvement plan has been

approved each year by the commission. We have two goals for commendation:

That the school would be commended for a distinctively Christian atmosphere that permeates everything we do, and

That the school would be commended for its academic excellence.

We are currently featuring posts on our electronic newsletter about recent MCA graduates who are enjoying a high level of success in their high school experience. We have a high number of recent graduates who are achieving academic honors and being recognized in their high school. It is always good to hear from parents that their children are doing well, and to hear them say, “It’s because of MCA.”


Spreading His Fame

We are planning an all-class reunion of alumni here on May 16. We are hearing from many of our alumni now and are hoping that to see several hundred come to enjoy the afternoon and the dinner. I have spent more than 30 years in Chris-tian school education and I have seen the blessings that it provides for the students and families who attend. The stu-dents who have graduated from here are part of the church’s legacy too, because the church was faithful to a vision from God to establish the school and continue to support it. May 16 will be a celebration of that legacy and a time to be in-spired by what he has done in this little school here in Northwest Chicago over the years. The ministry impact has been immeasurable. Please keep the school in your prayers. We are currently enrolling returning and new students and want to do all we can to make this opportunity available as God opens the doors. We are in a time of renewal and growth so please pray for us to keep our eyes on the Lord as we plan for the future and serve our students each day. SCHOOL BOARD Eligia David, Chair Leo Alcazar Saul Ayala Daniela Poenar Rachel Solis Lee Saunders Melvina Maisonet, PTF President

Lee Saunders



Spreading His Fame

Full List of Faculty and Staff:


Lee Saunders Libby Stack

Principal Student Services

Daniela Poenar Lucila Galvez

Business Manager, HR Custodian

Faculty and Staff:

Liz David Sonia Perez

Pre-K Instructor Pre-K Aide

Caryl Zoladz Sandra Poenar

Pre-K PT. Instructor Pre-K Aide

Jane Jordan Hanna Banura

Kindergarten 1st Grade

Joann Saunders Kalissa Waggoner

2nd Grade 3rd Grade

Annette Tapia Susan Michiels

4th Grade 5th Grade

Marlen Rodriguez Dana Almaguer

MS Social Studies, Science, Health MS English, Language Arts

Sajid Chohan

MS Mathematics, Bible

Melissa Tegeler Uriel Portillo

Music Band

Iesha Polk Joseph Bonilla

Art Physical Education

Jackie Perez Vicki Cuevas

Cafeteria Cafeteria


Spreading His Fame

Jul '18 - Jun 19 Budget

Ordinary Income/Expense


08000 · DONATIONS/GRANTS 24,858.91 0.00


401 · TUITION 707,204.41 758,200.00

403 · BUILDING MAINTENANCE 13,600.46 13,000.00

4100 · REGISTRATION FEES 76,744.00 47,100.00

4200 · EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 13,877.03 15,000.00

4300 · OTHER BUDGETED INCOME 122,775.19 124,000.00

4000 · SCHOOL INCOME - Other 50.00

Total 4000 · SCHOOL INCOME 934,251.09 957,300.00


4301 · SUMMER CAMP 5,425.00 0.00

43a · STUDENT ACTIVITIES 8,559.22 11,500.00

49900 · Uncategorized Income (Income not categorized elsewhere) 180.00

5000 · SCHOOL DISCOUNTS -85,274.28 -60,150.00

8020 · RETURNED CHECK CHARGES 25.00 0.00

Total Income 888,223.86 908,650.00

Gross Profit 888,223.86 908,650.00


6010 · PAYROLL EXPENSES (Payroll expenses)

6010S · Salaries 752,277.84 687,048.00

6010Z · Benefits/Employer Contribution 83,323.17 73,120.00

6010 · PAYROLL EXPENSES (Payroll expenses) - Other 429.25

Total 6010 · PAYROLL EXPENSES (Payroll expenses) 836,030.26 760,168.00

6030 · OPERATIONS 70,204.25 79,500.00

6040 · CURRICULUM EXPENSE 39,428.22 37,200.00

6050 · OTHER EXPENSE 53,883.49 44,150.00

66900 · Reconciliation Discrepancies 765.95

Total Expense 1,000,312.17 921,018.00

Net Ordinary Income -112,088.31 -12,368.00

Other Income/Expense

Other Income

07000 · Interest Income 4,812.03

11000 · PTF INCOME 8,613.26


Total Other Income 13,555.29

Other Expense

10000 · Raymond James Retirement Expense 5,205.33

3467 · PTF Expenses 11,612.76

Total Other Expense 16,818.09

Net Other Income -3,262.80

Net Income -115,351.11 -12,368.00


Spreading His Fame

Jul '19 - Feb.2020 19-20 Budget

Ordinary Income/Expense


08000 · DONATIONS/GRANTS 66,979.18 15,000.00

22 · Uncleared Checks -150.00


401 · TUITION 470,725.85 616,900.00


4100A · Registration Fees 11,750.00 10,050.00

Total 4100 · REGISTRATION FEES 11,750.00 10,050.00


42ab · Volleyball 1,500.00 0.00

42ag · Band Instrument Rental 1,472.50

4200 · EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Other 0.00 2,500.00

Total 4200 · EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 2,972.50 2,500.00

4300 · OTHER BUDGETED INCOME 70,580.10 94,300.00

4000 · SCHOOL INCOME - Other 5,000.05

Total 4000 · SCHOOL INCOME 561,028.50 723,750.00

43a · STUDENT ACTIVITIES 5,620.00 11,300.00

5000 · SCHOOL DISCOUNTS -55,271.18 -66,320.00

8020 · RETURNED CHECK CHARGES 37.00 0.00

Total Income 578,243.50 683,730.00

Gross Profit 578,243.50 683,730.00


21302 · Builiding Remodeling 12,851.01

6010 · PAYROLL EXPENSES (Payroll expenses)

6010S · Salaries 399,982.56 611,050.00

6010Z · Benefits/Employer Contribution 42,997.95 70,800.00

6600R · Job Posting (Recruiting) 0.00 100.00

Total 6010 · PAYROLL EXPENSES (Payroll expenses) 442,980.51 681,950.00

6030 · OPERATIONS 74,129.76 78,200.00

6040 · CURRICULUM EXPENSE 28,175.36 34,600.00

6050 · OTHER EXPENSE 30,534.28 41,600.00

Total Expense 588,670.92 836,350.00

Net Ordinary Income -10,427.42 -152,620.00

Other Income/Expense

Other Income

07000 · Interest Income 1,660.60

11000 · PTF INCOME 2,038.05

14000 · MCA ALUMNI 250.00

21000 · BAND/INSTRUMENT 21,980.00

Total Other Income 25,928.65

Other Expense

90000 · Class Reunion 328.72

10000 · Raymond James Retirement Expens 3,984.40

22000 · BAND/ORCHESTRA 15,524.98

3467 · PTF Expenses 4,099.18

Total Other Expense 23,937.28

Net Other Income 1,991.37

Net Income -8,436.05 -152,620.00


Spreading His Fame

Purpose and Mission

Our purpose is to be a year round Christian camp offering

retreats, summer camps, and outdoor education experi-

ences. Our mission is to help people draw closer to God

through great camp experiences.

65 th Anniversary

We are celebrating the 65th Anniversary year of camp.

The kick off was in October of 2019 with a fantastic dinner

hosted and provided by the church. This dinner celebrated

65 years since the camp was purchased by Midwest Bible

Church. The highlight of the evening was hearing from our

staff as they shared how God is working through them and

their programs. We continue to be thankful for everyone

who helped and who attended the dinner. We will continue

through the summer to celebrate the 65th summer, includ-

ing our 65th Anniversary Celebration Day at Camp on

June 20, 2020.


One of our key goals is to make sure that every child can

attend camp. We work very hard and with several partners

to raise funds to help bring kids to camp. In 2019 gener-

ous donors provided a record $67,993.85 in scholarship

aid. Helping more than 300 children and teens attend

summer camp, Urban Ministry Camp and Lydia Children’s

Home camp. The following partners joined us to provide

more than $47,000 of our scholarship aid: Tinaglia Fund,

Something From Jessie fund, and Plates of Hope.

Climbing Center

We started construction

of our Climbing Center,

finally. The foundation is

done, and (as of March 6) we are waiting for a company to

begin the erection of the steel building.

In a recent meeting our staff shared how kids would enjoy

and benefit from this activity. Kids will be challenged, they

will push themselves, they will learn to try harder, they will

overcome fears, they will build points of conversation with

their counselors, and ultimately we know this building is

another great tool to help us draw people closer to God.

The Climbing Center will also help attract more groups

and increase our outreach to our local community.


We hope to finish the climbing center by the end of the

year. This will require approximately $80,000 more than

we have right now.

We are working on strengthening our retreat schedule for

this spring and next fall. Already our retreat group book-

ings show a good increase over last year. One point of

concern we continue to see is that our average size of

each group is shrinking. So while we have more groups,

we have less per group.

Salaried Staff

Olen Johnsen - Executive Director

Dan Mayer - Program Director

Krista Mayer - Horsemanship Director

Mike Doud - Maintenance and Facilities Director

Mark Green - Sales and Marketing Director

Kabryna Pfenning - Barn and Horsemanship

Tim Bast - Program Manager

Kelsey Klaus - Assistant to Executive Director


Spreading His Fame

Jan - Dec 19 Jan - Dec 18 $ Change

Ordinary Income/Expense


5375 · Services 5,309.61 4,937.21 372.40

5350 · Activities 24,432.50 27,032.50 -2,600.00

4000 · Contributed support 42,379.03 40,091.07 2,287.96

5100 · Camp Fees 170,895.50 158,824.00 12,071.50

5300 · Event Fees 27,566.29 16,655.55 10,910.74

5200 · Group Fees 546,680.40 540,561.69 6,118.71

5500 · Horsemanship Income 49,730.00 52,293.00 -2,563.00

5400 · Other Income 4,485.54 3,559.47 926.07

5441 · Canteen Sales 34,533.21 30,762.25 3,770.96

5700 · Sales Taxable Income 1,733.15 385.00 1,348.15

Total Income 907,745.23 875,101.74 32,643.49

Cost of Goods Sold 15,717.10 13,530.88 2,186.22

Gross Profit 892,028.13 861,570.86 30,457.27


7951 · Fuel Delivery-Gasoline and Dies 4,665.86 5,224.64 -558.78

8540 · Staff development 5,853.79 7,702.91 -1,849.12

7195 · Event Subsidies 315.00 540.00 -225.00

void 0.00 0.00 0.00

69800 · Uncategorized Expenses 0.00 498.77 -498.77

Square Fees 1,860.97 853.65 1,007.32

66900 · Reconciliation Discrepancies 0.00 266.69 -266.69

7100 · Program Expenses 29,133.29 26,299.75 2,833.54

7200 · Payroll & related expenses 460,645.82 451,689.71 8,956.11

7300 · Horsemanship 17,801.01 21,404.34 -3,603.33

7400 · Food Service 124,949.10 127,646.48 -2,697.38

7500 · Contracted services expenses 788.96 450.00 338.96

7600 · Facility expenses 60,641.97 32,304.40 28,337.57

7700 · Project Expenses 1,428.66 377.04 1,051.62

7800 · Operations Expenses 24,067.72 23,112.32 955.40

7900 · Vehicle Expenses 23,927.95 20,205.10 3,722.85

7950 · Local Auto Fuel 8,126.77 6,633.39 1,493.38

8010 · Canteen expense 639.82 807.95 -168.13

8050 · Adventure Trips Expenses 1,994.35 4,070.15 -2,075.80

8100 · Office expenses 26,869.67 24,662.16 2,207.51

8200 · Occupancy expenses 52,444.33 53,070.39 -626.06

8300 · Promotions expenses 6,988.92 9,143.65 -2,154.73

8350 · Fundraising Expenses 2,002.02 25.42 1,976.60

8500 · Misc expenses 0.00 139.78 -139.78

8600 · Business expenses 36,055.86 33,545.48 2,510.38

Total Expense 891,201.84 850,674.17 40,527.67

Net Ordinary Income 826.29 10,896.69 -10,070.40

Net Income 826.29 10,896.69 -10,070.40


Spreading His Fame

Statement of Financial Position

Dec 31, 19 Dec 31, 18 $ Change


Current Assets

Checking/Savings 277,081.50 246,135.60 30,945.90

Accounts Receivable -13,621.67 -15,262.00 1,640.33

Other Current Assets 30,496.92 44,514.25 -14,017.33

Total Current Assets 293,956.75 275,387.85 18,568.90

Fixed Assets 13,109.83 5,353.50 7,756.33

TOTAL ASSETS 307,066.58 280,741.35 26,325.23



Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable 11,500.88 12,697.33 -1,196.45

Credit Cards 6,008.26 3,022.86 2,985.40

Other Current Liabilities

2150 · Canteen Deposits 0.00 90.00 -90.00

2400 · Reimbursed Purchases 0.00 -208.79 208.79

2355 · Board Controlled Funds

2356 · MBC Elder Controlled Funds 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00

2358 · Edward Jones Account 29,548.55 29,548.55 0.00

2357 · Board Use 450.00 -539.00 989.00

Total 2355 · Board Controlled Funds 54,998.55 54,009.55 989.00

2300 · Restricted Funds

2359 · 65 Fund 11,551.23 0.00 11,551.23

2350 · General Improvement Fund 0.00 1,634.68 -1,634.68

2301 · Horsemanship Fund 75.00 1,075.00 -1,000.00

Other Restricted Funds 12,250.00 14,500.00 -2,250.00

Mike Hobbs Memorial Pavillion 498.35 498.35 0.00

Climbing Center

Dan Johnson Memorial Fund 98,957.51 98,792.51 165.00

Climbing Center Building 68,554.39 62,104.18 6,450.21

Total Climbing Center 167,511.90 160,896.69 6,615.21

Ski Boat Fund 1,800.00 1,800.00 0.00

Total 2300 · Restricted Funds 193,686.48 180,404.72 13,281.76

2200 · Scholarships

2221 · Lydia Children Home 6,661.00 0.00 6,661.00

2212 · Urban Ministry Fund 2,207.01 2,232.50 -25.49

2220 · Something From Jessie 520.00 7,634.00 -7,114.00

2215 · Camp Scholarships 0.00 1,968.79 -1,968.79

Total 2200 · Scholarships 9,388.01 11,835.29 -2,447.28

2100 · Retreat Deposits 3,370.00 470.00 2,900.00

24000 · Payroll Liabilities 9,623.44 475.61 9,147.83

Total Other Current Liabilities 271,066.48 247,076.38 23,990.10

Total Current Liabilities 288,575.62 262,796.57 25,779.05

Total Liabilities 288,575.62 262,796.57 25,779.05

Equity 18,490.96 17,944.78 546.18

TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 307,066.58 280,741.35 26,325.23

top related