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Second Life The Life and Times of Second Presbyterian Church of Norfolk

A Monthly Newsletter NOVEMBER 2015


Sleep in an hour extra and join us for worship . . . still at 11:00 a.m.!

Daylight Saving Time Trivia: In November 2007, Laura Cirioli of North Carolina gave birth to Peter at 1:32 a.m. and, 34 minutes later, to Allison. However, because Daylight Saving Time reverted to Standard Time at 2:00 a.m., Allison was born at 1:06 a.m.


On November 22, the Sunday before thanksgiving, we will gather for worship and dedication of our stewardship pledges for 2016. Immediately after worship, we will join together for a potluck dinner, a time to enjoy fellowship, to remind ourselves of how we have been blessed, and to try the interesting, unusual, and tasty dishes that our members are known for. When we gather together in our church family, we bring an interesting amalgam of gifts. Our potlucks are equally interesting! The main dish will be provided (Chuck Bing’s fried chicken and BBQ); please bring a side dish, salad, or dessert.

Be in prayer before that day. In the next weeks you will receive in the mail a letter and a pledge card. Please consider the ways in which you have been blessed. Pray about your commitment for this coming year. Your contributions of money, time, or participation are important to Second Presbyterian Church and to the message we share.

Sometimes it takes us years to get perspective on life, on God’s call to us, and on our purpose. Hopefully we grow to increasingly see how our blessings make sense in terms of our service to others and to the church, so that the gospel will touch more and more lives, all to the glory of God.

Please do join us on Sunday, November 22, for a time of giving thanks.


November 1 is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. This is a global day of intercession for persecuted Christians worldwide. Pray for those Christians who are being persecuted, the souls of the oppressors, the nations that promote persecution, and those who ignore it.

In places like Iraq, Syria, and Nigeria, the degree to which Christians are being persecuted and killed is stunning. Many people share our faith, but many do not share our freedom. Please take time to be with them in prayer.

From the Pastor


A friend of mine used to say “I have so much on my plate that it’s hard to give grace.” During times when we’re busy, many of us may relate to that sentiment. That should be a pretty good sign that some things are out of whack in our lives. Thanksgiving—after Easter—is the holiday I appreciate and enjoy the most. It is not because of the food (although it is always tasty). It is not because of the company (although conversation and time together is enjoyable). I do think it is because the holiday is so focused on gratitude and thanksgiving, and those convictions seem to be at the heart of faith. They battle feelings of entitlement we may have. They remind us of our fundamental dependence on God.

When we talk about religious virtues, we may speak of faith, hope, and love. But frequently we don’t talk specifically about gratitude and thanksgiving. Maybe that is because we associate gratitude more with good manners. However much my children may not want to believe that they once loved Barney—the six and a half foot, singing, dancing, purple dinosaur—at one point in their lives they did. And I was always grateful when they sang along, in the words of Barney, with a song that went, “Please and Thank you! They’re called the magic words!”

But gratitude is so much more than manners. We see thanksgiving throughout the Bible. Almost every single one of Paul’s letters begins with a thanksgiving: Paul offers thanks to God for the people to whom he is writing. So many of the Psalms offer thanks to God for all that God has done. Jesus’ parables consistently remind us of the importance of responding to God’s grace by expressing our gratitude.

November ends with Thanksgiving, and—at Second—with Stewardship Sunday. Robert Bohl writes that “Everything a person does, once they confess that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior, is stewardship. It involves what we believe about our possessions and what we do with them and what we believe about life and how we live.” We give because we have been gifted. Life is about what we do with the gifts—time, talents, treasures, . . . –that we have received.

Some people are better than others at recognizing their giftedness. I was so impressed about a decade ago when Norfolk State University hired a new football coach. I personally don’t care much for football (George Will once said that football brings together America’s two favorite activities: violence and committee meetings). But two aspects of that new coach stood out to me. A reporter asked him how he could possibly field a winning team with the kind of players that NSU actually was able to attract. The coach responded by saying something like, “We will recruit whomever we can. And we will help them develop so much that three years later, when they are seniors, people will ask us, ‘How were you ever able to recruit them?’”

At one point I talked with a person who was involved with the hire of this coach, and I asked what stood out the most about him. The person responded by saying, “The other candidates for the position came to the interview and told us everything we lacked, and everything we needed if we were to be successful. We knew fully well what we didn’t have before these candidates came and interviewed. This coach, however, looked around the athletic department and the campus, and he saw potential and opportunities everywhere he looked.”

The gospels share so many stories of talents being multiplied, of mustard seeds growing, of dry bones coming alive, and of potential that may develop slowly, but is part of God’s plan. Other than the resurrection, the only miracle that is in all four gospels is the story of the fishes and loaves that were multiplied to feed the 5000. What I so appreciate about Second is how we take the gifts that we have been given, and leverage them in all sorts of ways.

As you consider your tithes and pledges for the upcoming year, my prayer is that you see and imagine the possibilities for our various ministries at Second. Pledges reflect the conviction that what we are doing—and who we are--is significant in God’s plan for the kingdom: that we are growing in faith; that our ministry reaches out and will reach out more; that together—in the body of Christ—we can accomplish what would be unthinkable as individuals; that what we do glorifies God. Second is a unique community, filled with wonderful people, creative energy, and a sweet, sweet Spirit. In the modern world, Second offers good news. That is a message worth sharing.

Blessings, Pastor Craig

“The healthiest people I know are not the ones who delight in being the proverbial self-made man or woman. The healthiest people I know are those whose lives express a deep gratitude for everything and everyone that has reached across a boundary and border to enrich and embrace them. For them, dependence is not the dirty word we have sometimes made of it, but merely the simple pattern and the plain truth about life.” —John Thomas

Second Life

KINDERGARTENERS THROUGH 5TH GRADERS HOLY MOLY (Each Sunday at 9:45 a.m.!) In “Holy Moly,” each week children from kindergarten to 5th grade will have an interactive Bible story, an active learning experience, and a clear life application to today. And a pretty fun Bible video as well!

MIDDLE/SENIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUP RE:FORM (Each Sunday at 9:45 a.m.!) Sam and Philip will lead the middle and senior high youth as they create and lead their own study, a study focusing on the hard questions of faith . . . and the questions most important to them!

SUNDAY MORNING ADULT CLASS Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World, Bob Goff (Each Sunday, starting on Nov. 8, at 9:45 a.m.!) It is hard to describe this series, other than to say that it will involve a dynamic, funny, thoughtful speaker who will get you to understand that love “does.” No person is quoted more frequently in our bulletin sidebars than Bob Goff. Each week we will watch a very brief video (8-12 minutes each), connect the video to the Bible, discuss, and recognize daily opportunities that we can create. Goff challenges us to not be on the sidelines but to make a difference, and he leaves me feeling like I want to make a better world and have a deeper faith.


 We want to make a difference in the world.  One way we start to do so is to recognize what tools we have in our life to make a difference.  We each have time, and how we use it matters.  We have certain talents, and we have a choice on our perspective on life (or a testimony to what matters in life).  We each have a body and we each have been put on this earth, with resources all around us.  In addition to all of that, we have possessions.  Stewardship is not simply about giving stuff away.  It is about recognizing the source of all we have and then reflecting on how we can use what we have in ways that both reflect its intention and bring deeper meaning to our life. 

  Nov. 1  “Redeeming the Time”  

(Ephesians 5:15-16; Colossians 4:5)  

Nov. 8  “Managing God’s Talents and Your Testimony” (1 Peter 4:10-11; Ephesians 2:1-10)

  Nov. 15  “Caring for Gifts from the Temple to the Terrestrial” 

(Psalm 8:1-9; 1 Corinthians 6:9-20)  

Nov. 22  “Burying Treasure and Sowing Seeds” (1 Chronicles 29:10-14;  2 Corinthians 9:6-12)

WEDNESDAY NIGHT R&Rs: LIFE APPS TO ENHANCE & IMPROVE OUR LIVES "In repentance and rest you will be saved . . .” (Isaiah 30:15)

Dinner Begins 5:45 PM $5 per person, kids 6 & under FREE

On Wednesday evenings in November join us for a 20-minute video, and then for discussion afterwards on key aspects of faith. Whatever we may believe, “application” is so important to our faith. Although many people go to the Apple store to buy applications, this video series highlights apps, or applications, found in the Bible, to enhance and improve our lives.

Nov. 4 Andy Stanley, “The Trust App” Nov. 18 Jeff Henderson, “The Encouragement App”


In the year 1223 St. Francis of Assisi created the crèche scene as a way to communicate the gospel story in a visual manner. Those with “reserved spaces” around the manger included the wise men, the shepherds, Joseph, and Mary. On Christmas Eve, of course, one other figure would join them. Through hymns, music, paintings, poetry, liturgy, and sermons, each Sunday of Advent will focus on one of these figures. How does their experience shape how we should experience Christmas some 2000 years later? Join us, starting Nov. 29, as our series starts with men from the east.


Decorating the church before the first Sunday of Advent has become a Second tradition. We need your help in transforming the sanctuary and the whole building. This year we will gather on Saturday, November 28, at 9 a.m. to dig into boxes of decorations. This is a great time for kids, seniors, and everyone in between. Please put this on your calendar and join us for an opportunity to let loose your creative energies.

Second Life


On Wednesday from 12:00-12:50 p.m., please bring a bag lunch and join us in the Fellowship Hall as we join in conversation and the are led by Ernest Rowe in a study of one of the most fascinating books of the Bible.


November 15 is Sam Bull’s last official work day with us, as she leaves for some months while studying for the bar exam. After worship, the Middle and Senior high youth will gather for a good-bye party. More information later, but please do put this on your calendar.


We are so fortunate to have Hallie Edwards serving in the nursery, Katie White serving as our new Director of Administration, and Philip Ndahi serving as our Youth Group Director. Please welcome them in their new roles in our church family.


Wearing My Religion: A Look at the Hijab, Kippah, and Accessories in American Life Monday, November 16, 2015, 7-8:30 PM Boyd Dining Center, Shafer Room

Dr. Kathleen Casey, Professor of History, Virginia Wesleyan College, and Teddy Wansink, Student Fellow at the Center for the Study of Religious Freedom

Clothing allows us to blend in with others, stand out in a group, and express a unique sense of ourselves.  But it can also speak volumes about our values and core beliefs. This program focuses on societal challenges resulting from such self-expression.

Second Life

AN UPDATE FROM ISAAC THOMASIt has been a blessing to be able to return to worship after being in and out of the hospital for over a month. I appreciate all of your prayers, calls, cards, visits, and food! Although I am feeling much better, I ask for your continued prayers as I still have quite a ways to go before I am completely healed.

GUEST MUSICIANS IN NOVEMBER In November, I have some wonderful guest musicians lined up to join us in worship. On November 8, we will have The Ambrosia Quartet which is comprised of four members of the Virginia Symphony Orchestra: Simon Lapointe, violin; Maya Kuroda Cipriano, violin; Beverly Kane Baker, viola; and Rebecca Gilmore, cello. Each of the quartet members have very distinguished careers with performances in some of the world’s most famous concert halls. On November 22, we will have jazz saxophonist Dr. Jason Squinobal as our guest musician. Dr. Squinobal is Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Instrumental Music at Virginia Wesleyan College. Dr. Squinobal has an album entitled “Horizon” available on iTunes and Amazon.

There is definitely a place for YOU at Second Presbyterian!


January 30 save the date for a half-day conference at Second! Music with Isaac, art with Roy Hershberger, meditation with Lisa Drago, and lunch. The cost is $20. Please see Peggy Troyer for more info.

October 2015

SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7305 Hampton Boulevard, Norfolk, VA 23505

(757) 423-2822

Church Office Hours: Monday 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM and

Tuesday - Wednesday 9:30AM to 1:30PM

Pastor Craig Wansink

(757) 412-7467 [cell]

Sunday, November 1 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Discipleship Classes - 9:45AM Choir Rehearsal - 10:30AM [Choir Room] Worship - 11:00AM [Sanctuary] Congregational Meeting - 12:00PM [Sanctuary]

Monday, November 2 Joyce Wooldridge’s Birthday Al-Anon - 7:30PM [Fellowship Hall]

Tuesday, November 3

Wednesday, November 4 Men’s Bible Study - 6:30AM [Fellowship Hall] Noon Bible Study - 12:00PM {Fellowship Hall] Wednesday Night R&R - 5:45PM [Fellowship Hall] Choir Rehearsal - 7:30PM [Sanctuary]

Thursday, November 5 Freeda Badkins’ Birthday Community Bible Fellowship - 8:00AM [Fellowship Hall]

Friday, November 6 Men’s Breakfast - 7:00AM [d’Egg]

Saturday, November 7 Chuck Monroe’s Birthday

Sunday, November 8 Discipleship Classes - 9:45AM Choir Rehearsal - 10:30AM [Choir Room] Worship - 11:00AM [Sanctuary]

Monday, November 9 Jeff Stark and BettyAnn Lingamfelter’s Birthday Al-Anon - 7:30PM [Fellowship Hall]

Tuesday, November 10 Jenn West’s Birthday Triple S Circle - 10:30AM [Fellowship Hall]

Wednesday, November 11 VETERAN’S DAY CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED Men’s Bible Study - 6:30AM [Fellowship Hall] Noon Bible Study - 12:00PM {Fellowship Hall] Choir Rehearsal - 7:30PM [Sanctuary]

Thursday, November 12 Kent Porter and Katrina Wansink’s Birthday Community Bible Fellowship - 8:00AM [Fellowship Hall]

Friday, November 13 Men’s Breakfast - 7:00AM [d’Egg]

Saturday, November 14 Betty Cheek’s Birthday Second Saturday: Park Place Soup Kitchen and PPCLC - 9:00AM [Park Place United Methodist and Second Presbyterian]

Sunday, November 15 Discipleship Classes - 9:45AM Choir Rehearsal - 10:30AM [Choir Room] Worship - 11:00AM [Sanctuary] PWSJC “Auf Wiedersehen” Party - 12:00PM [Fellowship Hall]

Monday, November 16 Men’s Evening Fellowship - 6:00PM Al-Anon - 7:30PM [Fellowship Hall]

Tuesday, November 17 Session Meeting - 6:00PM [Fellowship Hall]

Wednesday, November 18 Men’s Bible Study - 6:30AM [Fellowship Hall] Noon Bible Study - 12:00PM {Fellowship Hall] Wednesday Night R&R - 5:45PM [Fellowship Hall] Choir Rehearsal - 7:30PM [Sanctuary]

Thursday, November 19 Elizabeth Sherin’s Birthday Community Bible Fellowship - 8:00AM [Fellowship Hall]

Friday, November 20 Men’s Breakfast - 7:00AM [d’Egg]

Saturday, November 21

Sunday, November 22 STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY Discipleship Classes - 9:45AM Choir Rehearsal - 10:30AM [Choir Room] Worship - 11:00AM [Sanctuary] Congregational Meeting - 12:00PM [Sanctuary] Stewardship Meal - 12:00PM [Fellowship Hall]

Monday, November 23 Women’s Evening Fellowship - 6:00PM [Mermaid Winery] Al-Anon - 7:30PM [Fellowship Hall]

Tuesday, November 24

Wednesday, November 25 Jack Vellines and Vanessa Wagner’s Birthday Men’s Bible Study - 6:30AM [Fellowship Hall] Noon Bible Study - 12:00PM {Fellowship Hall] Choir Rehearsal - 7:30PM [Sanctuary]

Thursday, November 26 THANKSGIVING

Friday, November 27 Perry Clark’s Birthday Men’s Breakfast - 7:00AM [d’Egg]

Saturday, November 28 Greening of the Church - 9:00AM

Sunday, November 29

Monday, November 30 Al-Anon - 7:30PM [Fellowship Hall]

Isaac Thomas

(757) 286-6557 [cell]

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