season 11 healing - jennifer mclean's healing with the masters · the opportunity is for each...

Post on 22-Aug-2020






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WORKBOOK 3weeks 5 & 6



Each of thEsE workbooks is EnErgizEd with thE highEst frEquEnciEs of hEaling and dEdication to your individual and collEctivE ongoing journEys of pErsonal Evolution.

Our powerful Healing With The Masters guest speakers deliver profoundly inspiring insights, enlightening tips, and empowering processes and techniques to guide you to your next stages of growth and mastery.

To maximize the benefit of self-healing, and, in turn, benefit everyone around you, this workbook has been created to assist you in applying and implementing just a few of the valuable teachings available to you from each of our speakers.

Enjoy your journey!


frEquEncy + intEnt = hEaling

Sound is a healing modality. It has been scientifically proven that just making sound produces healing.

The very simple, yet so very important, aspect of using sound for healing is the ability to project the correct resonant frequency into a part of the body that may be vibrating out of harmony.

99% of the sounds we make are beneficial unless they are constricted. Your own voice is actually one of best healing instruments. We can use our own self-created sounds like humming or elongated vowel sounds like an “ahhhh” or “om.”

There are, indeed, therapeutic physiological benefits from doing this, including increasing oxygen to cells, lowering blood pressure and heart rate, increasing melatonin, which helps you sleep better and treats depression, releasing endorphins which are opioids that function as natural pain relievers, and you get increased level of nitric oxide – a molecule associated with healing. Nitric oxide is a vascular dilator, allowing blood to go to all the different cells throughout the body. When you make sounds, you also get the release of oxytocin, which is the trust hormone.

Try this remarkable awareness exercise for resonating different sounds with different parts of your body.

[You can do this alone or with one or more partner(s). Depending on your preference, you may notice that, when joining others in this exercise, your body may connect to and resonate with the sound quicker than when doing it alone although the healing benefit is the same.]

the healing power of sound with Jonathan Goldman(april 9, 2013)



You are going to produce three different sounds and focus your attention on three different parts of the body:

1. hold your hand on the lower part of your belly or one inch away if you can feel the energy field. then inhale a deep breath and exhale a deep, elongated ‘ooooo’ sound, focusing on that area of your belly.

2. now, bring your hands to the heart area of your chest right in the center. inhale a deep breath and exhale a mid-range elongated ‘ahhhhhh’ sound, focusing on your heart center.

3. now, touch the top of your head or place your hands one inch away if you can feel the energy field. inhale a deep breath and exhale a highest pitch elongated ‘eeeee’ sound.

Did you notice how the pitches of these three different sounds resonated with different parts of your body? You can direct sound and frequencies to any part of the body you want. Part has to do with intention.

Sound carries our consciousness, so we encode intention on the sound that we make and it affects the outcome of the sound.


EnErgy EnlivEns and sustains you at thE cEllular lEvEl. wE arE Each EnErgEtic bEings with a fiEld EffEct and EnErgy transports its way to and through our bodiEs in a variEty of ways, including what wE Eat and drink.

There’s no limit to the amount of blessings and enhancements we can add to whatever we eat and drink. And, all of those energetic intentions will be carried forward into every cell in your body.

What messages can you start feeding your cellular body?

Use the space below to write down the blessings and enhancements that you will energize into each item in your next three meals. [Remember to include any beverages and sauces.] Notice how your body receives your blessings and enhancements and responds to the messages with which you are literally energizing it.

Meal 1:Food Item A holds the blessing/enhancement of:

Food Item B holds the blessing/enhancement of:

Food Item C holds the blessing/enhancement of:

Food Item D holds the blessing/enhancement of:

Everything is Energy with Clayton Nolte(april 10, 2013)2



Meal 2:Food Item A holds the blessing/enhancement of:

Food Item B holds the blessing/enhancement of:

Food Item C holds the blessing/enhancement of:

Food Item D holds the blessing/enhancement of:

Meal 3:Food Item A holds the blessing/enhancement of:

Food Item B holds the blessing/enhancement of:

Food Item C holds the blessing/enhancement of:

Food Item D holds the blessing/enhancement of:

how did you feel after this eating each of these energized meals?


whEn wE takE tiME to rEcEivE thE EnErgy of light, it allows EvEry aspEct of our bEing to flow in highEr awarEnEss, clarity, choicE and hEaling. When something comes up and is mirrored in a situation or something is happening to your emotional or physical body, there is opportunity to gracefully move everything not by judging, but by embracing through breath and allowing, so it can move out. “You have a choice to go to love and oneness or fight the reflection.” There is divine opportunity in our ability to allow. Just remember:1. Don’t judge what shows up2. Embrace it through breath3. Choose to hold the space of love, peace and oneness for what’s coming up so you can allow it to move out. When we breathe in and embody the frequency of light instead of density, we will automatically know the decisions to make in our lives although we may not necessarily know how to get from point A to point B. The opportunity is for each of us to move into the future through inner activation, tapping in at a deep, energetic, soul level. As you consciously hold a vibration in the body without losing it, you respond to a situation without reacting. Rather than coming from emotion or logic, you come from the voyage of spirit. And you’ll know because your response will be loving, embracing. Choose to be who you are beyond the physical dimensions and know that you are loved and supported always. You are as God created you… Happy, healthy, whole.

love & oneness with Kenji Kumara(april 11, 2013)3



whEthEr wE arE conscious of it or not, wE rEhEarsE our storiEs.

Our belief systems are built, created truths by what we have experienced in a very narrow way, learned from culture, parents, family, neighborhood, etc., so it’s real to us.

Our beings, our spirit, our ancestry, our cell membrane, and beliefs are actually based on symbols, pictures, and aspects that want to talk to us. It is these very developed landscapes within, from all of our different states of being, that want to show us that we are way more than what we think we are.

When we surrender all the things that keep us hostage: thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and stories and see ourselves through a different lens, that’s when life begins.

Engage in the symbolism exercise below to shift out of and change stress and/or overwhelm.

~ Go back to a place of feeling stressed and very overwhelmed.~ describe your physical feelings.

~ describe your emotional feelings.

invision with Colette Baron-Reid(april 16, 2013)4



~ Move into a receptive state of objective observation. You are completely safe here.~ Imagine yourself sitting outside on a bench, surrounded my thick fog.~ The fog lifts and you see surrounding you a place that resembles the emotions you just described.~ describe what you see.

~ Now, 30 feet around you, there is a circle and what you see is pushed away by 30 feet.~ how does that make you feel?

In every human being is a memory of our ancestors first sacred consideration that there was a relationship between themselves and the Gods. This relationship was symbolized by a bird and your bird represents your relationship to spirit.~ Summon your bird or winged creature, which represents your connection to spirit/the Divine.~ this winged creature shows up and lands right in front of you. describe what it looks like.


~ Get on back of your bird and ask it its name. write down your bird’s name.

~ Look at circus while sitting on the back of your bird.~ Now, completely and totally safe, your bird takes you into the sky until all you see is blue. The most beautiful blue you’ve ever seen. how do you feel when all you see is blue?

~ Observe over the side of your bird and spot the environment you just left. See how big or small it is.~ is there much more beyond/outside of what you just left? what do you see? is there anywhere else to go?

~ in this moment, on your bird’s back, looking down from the sky, do you feel anything different?


Congratulations, you’ve just created a spiritual opening by activating the most powerful part of your brain, which resonates with the life you wish to manifest. Every one of us has an oracle within us with the ability to create a new story...

You’re not in your story, you didn’t change it, you accepted that it was there and you just moved.

At the end of your journey, go ahead and research the symbolism of all that you experienced during this process...1. What you saw while sitting on the bench, feeling emotionally overwhelmed. (Do an internet search for some of the things you saw while in the place of stress and/or overwhelm and determine which meanings resonate with you when in this emotional state. Pay very close attention to the symbolism and metaphors.)2. What type of bird showed up to assist you, its color, its name? [Remember: The bird is your symbol of your connection to Source/Divinity. Its type, color and name reflects all the beautiful elements of your divine spirit, character and what’s important to you. This is who and what you are regardless of the story.]

You can find the meaning/symbolism for various birds here:

My bird:

Meanings that most resonate with my divine being:

You can find the meaning/symbolism for various colors here:

Color of my bird:

Meanings that most resonate with my divine being:


You can find the meaning/symbolism for various names here:

My bird’s name:

Meanings that most resonate with my divine being:

When you looked back at what happened, we didn’t change anything or talk about why the stress was there. Instead of telling your story, ask “Where am I?”

Whenever you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, return to this exercise to move past the story and into who you really are.


thE nuMbEr onE way spirits connEct with us is via thE drEaM statE.

Just as we do every night when we go to sleep, spiritual body leaves the physical body and travels to spiritual realms - often referred to as the astral world, summerland or heaven - and we often see our loved ones who’ve passed over.

For this reason, it is ideal to keep a journal and pen next to your bed and write down your request for your loved one(s) to come through in your dreams then note the experience you dreamed about.

Another way spirits come through is via electromagnetic fields and electricity - affecting frequencies of computers, radios, televisions, telephones, and flickering lights.

Loved ones can also come through via birds, dragonflies and butterflies. This doesn’t necessarily mean your loved one is this specific creature appearing before you, but rather using the creature as a means to communicate to you that their spirit is present.

Many times you may see someone in the distance or have someone walk past you who looks like your late loved one. This happens when spirit transposes their face in your mind so that you get a quick glimpse of them. It’s a signal from the other side, reminding you that they are present.

Spirit also comes through in various smells and scents, including tobacco, perfume, and floral aromas.

The biggest illusion in this three-dimensional world is the finality of death. There is no death, no ending. These are actually beginnings... We are spiritual beings having a physical experience, not the other way around.

signs from the other side with James Van Praagh (april 18, 2013)5



Angels are always around, trying to communicate with their loved ones to let them know they are not dead, they are not hurt, they have no pain, they didn’t and don’t feel anything.

Spirits never leave us alone and they are constantly trying to come through to us in a variety of ways. So, set the intention that you want to hear from your guides and loved ones. Ask them for a sign - write it down - and you’ll be able to know, sense and feel the signs when your loved one(s) come through.

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