sdn presentation full lifecycle government cloud open ... · provides virtualized resources...

Post on 07-May-2018






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lessons learnt: large scale government OpenStack private cloud

Sardina Systems Proprietary. Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017. Sardina Systems. All rights reserved.

1. the client highly technical, critical operations

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the client

government x

disparate user groups, varying and competing needs, long-lived and short-lived workloads

technically astute organization

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challenges with energy consumption, system efficiency

need to squeeze more out of the IT investment

understands gross wastage within their traditional solution

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need to meet organizational mission

don’t throw money at the challenge

money does not grow on trees

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2. OpenStack

flexible, widely adopted

IaaS platform

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what is OpenStack?

at the most basic level: management layer for virtualized compute, networking, storage resources throughout a datacenter

modern web ui dashboard: gives administrators control while empowering self-service by users

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what does OpenStack offer?

flexible compute, storage, networking

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how do we turn this into a solution for the client?

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3. the solution system for production, not-a-toy

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route to solution

problem definition and solution design

system architecture

hardware specification

project management: what’s happening when, by who

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route to solution

plan for production from day 0

build for production from day 0

it’s not a toy: high availability is not optional

monkey-capable no-magic scaling up process

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route to solution

your client != your guinea pig

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4. deploy showtime: get solution design to work

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from design to deployment

the ingredients: what’s the configuration needed

ingredients ready: make sure hardware are available (servers, storage, networking)

system configuration: single source of truth at all times

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automate, automate, automate

system configuration = input for automation

deployment of entire system: fully automated

reduced project risk = increased operational confidence

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deploy: 1, 2, 3 … showtime

1. input: configuration and inventory files

2. run deployer

3. 1 or 2 cups of coffee

… done

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pre-tested and proven off-site

ci/cd process

no knowledge of OpenStack necessary: enable factory deployment, integration and testing

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5. upgrade reliable, interruption-free upgrade

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run at all times

n to n+1 upgrade every 6 months (releases eol in 12 months)

2n upgrades in n years: not an option

it’s not a toy: zero-downtime is not optional

system has to continue operation at all times

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get solution architecture right (from deploy phase) … else, find out problem 6 months later

monkey-capable fully automated upgrade process

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6. reliability dead is not an option: averting

service death

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new expectations

on demand

it should just work

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new roles

operator — vs — consumer

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operation of underlying infrastructure

provides virtualized resources (compute, networking, storage) … and stops at this!

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operation within the virtualized environment

not concerned about underlying infrastructure

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don’t care about what it takes to provide the cloud environment

it should just work

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responsibility to keep cloud environment running

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in event the service is dead: expectation no longer met

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dead is not an option

if it is dead, it is too late!

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when could there be risk of death?

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system is deployed, now … keep services running

high-availability is not a luxury

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risk of death

services encountering problems + impacting consumers

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death during operate phase

intrinsic — vs — extrinsic

death risks

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extrinsic death risk?

dealt with via highly available solution architecture

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what is OpenStack?

a series of intercommunicating services


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types of services

1. with data + configuration

2. configuration only

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safeguards: configuration

infrastructure-as-code operating model

must be able to re-deploy components by re-running deployer

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safeguards: data

replication, replication, replication

2-node model or quorum/odd-node model

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safeguards: data

traditional high availability operations model

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anything else?

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what else?

http: it’s a web server! let’s treat it as such!

high availability for web servers

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what else?

mq: put stuff in queue, take stuff from queue

replicate reader/writer

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extrinsic death risk

keep extra copy available at all times

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is that all?


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it’s in the solution architecture

get it right, else it can come back to bite you!

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intrinsic death risk

it’s intrinsic, not externally triggered

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intrinsic death risk

traditional operation model: monitor, alert, action

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look for dead or alive

if it looks like it is dead, check again x 3, to be sure

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… but it’s too late if it is dead!

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intrinsic death risk?

it’s intrinsic!

highly available solution architecture will not suffice

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need to detect sick states

sick: alive, not healthy

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correlation between x and y

not just causality (that’s easy!)

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OpenStack architecture

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causality? correlation?

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non-trivial computational task

plus, “sick” in one environment may not be “sick” in another

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2 types of data



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it needs to …

example: response time behavior of Web service + disk SMART errors

detect sick states that are otherwise below the radar

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logs ingest from OpenStack infrastructure

time series store for machine generated data

watch log data for anomalies

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take continuous x-ray pictures of patient

feed through decision engine

if detect certain dark spots, the patient may be “sick”

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if decision engine got it wrong, need to re-train

next time, dark spots will be classed as “sick”

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picture covers a certain configurable/variable time window

constituents of the picture: configurable

operator to trigger re-training on wrong decisions

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pre-condition: has to be alive to check for “sick”

causality relationships

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not a toy

highly available

no-polling, operate on pushed data streams

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not a toy

back pressure sensitive: not to overload data pipeline

horizontal scalable data store

load balancing across multiple backends

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not a toy

high availability for an evaluation system?

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massive volumes of data

how much: x00s metrics per data source

volume: potentially saturating x00 GbE network

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smart data ingest reduction

imbalanced I/O pattern: large volume of small writes, small number of large reads

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deal with risk of death and …

know imminent fault

deal with latent threat, before threat becomes patent

meet consumer expectations

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avert death

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7. efficiency reduce, optimize away wastage, raise

efficiency, increase utilization

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it’s about what you do with what you have

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what you asked for

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what is actually used

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… what’s your utilization level?

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traditional hpc sites: “90+% utilization according to scheduler” … but is that reservation or utilization?

the client: understands the wastage in their traditional environment

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a large public cloud operator: “90% memory reservation whilst average cpu was 6% and average max cpu was 15%; this is not unusual”

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leave lights on?

do you leave lights on at home for the whole week if you are home for a day?

… that’s 14% utilization!

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what to do?

need data, detailed data

what’s happening in each part of cpu operating unit, memory subsystem, i/o subsystem

form full picture of system utilization

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have data, then?

large scale n-dimensional jigsaw puzzle problem

each parameter = 1 dimension

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2 classes of problems

placement: where to place new VMs

rebalancing: how to optimally lay out VMs, optimal number of hosts

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2 classes of problems

placement: where to place new piece

rebalancing: dimensions have changed, re-do jigsaw puzzle

solve jigsaw puzzle with x00s of dimensions

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why do we need all these parameters?

answer: try packing parcels while having only height information, not having width nor depth?

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the impact

the client: raised utilization from 20% to 60% (leaving 40% head room)

3x utilization increase

66% energy reduction

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efficient resource management

operating system-based model, throughout entire facility

dynamic, efficient: lower OpEx + CapEx

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8. conditional

flexible, widely adopted

IaaS platform

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conditional engine

fast, scalable, highly available

handle large volumes of conditions to evaluate

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… topics for another day

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9. sardina systems

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this is Sardina Systems

full-lifecycle automated OpenStack: deploy, operate, upgrade

AI-driven smart, efficient, super-scalable automation technology

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enable organizations to rapidly experience the value of OpenStack cloud and maximize utility of their resources

sectors: finance, government, aerospace, research, academia

in 2015, Sardina FishOS won the IDC HPC Innovation Award

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top-10 trader on New York market

U of Edinburgh: top-5 UK academic and research site

150k VMs at classified government site

Sardina Systems Proprietary. Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017. Sardina Systems. All rights reserved.

lessons learnt: large scale government OpenStack private cloud

dr kenneth tan

+44 798 941 7838

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