sda church history exercise

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SDA Church History


Hartland CollegeSDA Church History

RELB 314

Exercise # 29

Name: David Castellanos Date: Nov 19/2014

Email: MailBox: 57 Grade: / 9 = %

Questions Based on the Reading Assignment

Hindsight, pp. 272-2831. What recurring theme has been presented throughout the history of the

Seventh-day Adventist Church as a uniquely Adventist concept? (1 point)a. ‘The final generation of believers will perfect their characters, reflect

the image of Jesus fully, live without sin through to the time of trouble, and thus vindicate the character of God.’ In words of M. L. Andreasen the particularities of the Final Generation when the atonement had been finished.

2. According to Ellen White, what are the earmarks of the wine Babylon? (1 point)

a. (1) The natural immortality of the soul, (2) the eternal torment of the wicked, (3) the denial of the pre-existence of Christ prior to his Birth in Bethlehem, (4) and advocating and exalting the first day of the week above God’s Holy and Sanctified Day.

3. Who were the Essenes? What lessons may Seventh-day Adventists learn from their experience? (2 points)

a. The Essenes were a group of people from Israel that in an effort to separate themselves from the sinfulness of Israel they withdrew to their exclusive communes in the wilderness.

b. They did not meet Jesus when He came to the world. Thus, the last day ‘Essenes’ can withdraw to the caves of purity but they will not participate in the final work of God, neither can be used by God as his instruments to reach the people who are in darkness.

Critical Thinking

1. According to Ellen White, “Satan was not then [after Jesus’ death on the cross] destroyed…The angels did not even then understand all that was involved in the great controversy. The principles at stake were to be more fully revealed. And for the sake of man, Satan’s existence must be continued” (The Desire of Ages, p. 761). In the light of this statement, describe what God’s purpose is for the Seventh-day Adventist people. In other words, what does the raising up of this movement in 1844 have to do with “the great controversy,” and with revealing more fully the principles at stake in it being finished? (2 points)

a. The outright destruction of Satan would silence his voice, but would not remove his accusations. Vindication involves the answering of specific charges, and requires demonstration. Could the mankind overcoming the sin and to be obedient to the Law of God? ‘The Lord desires through His people to answer Satan’s charges by showing the results of obedience to right principles.’ Thus, God call a people after 1844, that was prophesied in revelation 10, like a people who lift up the Law and the obedience to the right principles and show in their life the results of believe in God. The Adventist church has the privilege to be the people in which God reveal his character and will be victorious over Satan, world and sin.

2. Some have concluded that, because it has failed to fulfill the Lord’s purpose for its existence, the true and faithful should voluntarily separate from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, meaning withdraw their membership from it. Do you agree with this conclusion? Defend your position. (3 points)

a. No, I do not. Because, if it possible that the church seem to fall, it will not fall. When we believe that we are best than other people we are judge the church and decide who are wheat and who are tares. And we cannot say that because we do not know the heart but God. The Adventist church is not Babylon, but we must search ourselves to stand in front of God being forgiven and working in favor to others. I think that the true sons and daughters of God work in favor to all the people, especially their own brothers and sisters, and instead to think that some are tares and do not have other opportunity, they can work and pray for all of them. But, if you, meanwhile do a work, are cast out from the church by your own brothers and sisters, you must follow the example of Jesus when he was rejected, he went to other places to continue working for his own people that are in dark, but, He never keep resentment to anybody. Not being overcoming by the evil, but overcoming the evil with good.

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