scrum gathering 2012...

Post on 21-May-2015






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讲师 :许晓斌 程序员,敏捷咨询师,技术作者,持续集成方面的专家。曾任职于Sonatype,是开源软件Nexus的核心团队成员,Maven中央仓库的主要维护者。著有《Maven实战》,译有《Maven权威指南》,有大量文章发表于InfoQ等技术杂志。目前受雇于OutSofting,从事敏捷方面的培训和咨询工作 话题介绍: 当大家都开始实践持续集成的时候,仅仅是做了表面功夫还是认识到了持续集成的本质?当团队规模变大后,实践持续集成会遇到哪些挑战?怎么去解决?如火如荼的云计算能给持续集成带来哪些增益,从而帮助我们去解决一些严峻的挑战?本话题旨在解答上述疑问,包括: •持续集成的核心:反馈&质量 • 常见的挑战:包括团队不愿面对改变,集成太慢,测试太少,开发团队和配置管理团队的沟通问题 • 应对上述挑战的一些方法 • “持续集成即服务”简介,作为PaaS的一部分,它有什么优势 • 一些现有的“持续集成即服务”实现介绍


Continuous Integration From Ground To Cloud

Juven Xu 许晓斌


Father, Programmer, Trainer, Coacher, and Author

I’m going to talk

1. Challenges of CI, and possible solutions.

2. What is CI in Cloud, and what we can benefit from it.


Fast Feedback

High Quality


1. People don’t want to change

2. Slow build

3. No/little tests

4. Communication gap between dev team and CI

People Don’t Want To Change

Find their pain point

Demonstrate the new idea

Support from management level

Slow Build

1. Optimize your machine

2. Optimize your code

3. Optimize your build

Optimize Your Build

Dedicated Build Farm

Build Stages

Parallel Build

Incremental Build

In Memory Build

No/Little Tests

1. Start with smoke test (best ROI)

2. Introduce TDD/ATDD

3. Use metrics to encourage people

4. Support from management level

Communication Gap between dev and CI team

Eat your own dog food

CI as a service

Where Is the Cloud?

Cloud Computing In a Nutshell

SaaS / PaaS / IaaS

Public / Private Cloud

CI in Cloud

Improve Resource Utilization

Reduce Maintenance Overhead

Benefits of CI in Cloud

Benefits of CI in Cloud

Multiple build environment is easy

Parallel build is easy

Multiple test environment is easy

Benefits of CI in Cloud

No communication gap between dev and CI team


Concerns of CI in Cloud

It might be slower

It might have technical constraints

It might not conform to your security policy


Q & A

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