script developing, commissioning and the writer’s role

Post on 12-May-2015






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Script Developing, Commissioning and the Writer’s role.

By Sam Hill

The BBC Writer’s Room Page 1 The BBC Writer’s Room is a web based submission site for script writers. The writers submit they’re scripts the writer’s room . The scripts are assessed and if accepted later on would be used in a BBC TV program. The BBC have a flow chart which tells the writers what happens to their script . These are the following steps;

‘Step 1 - Send script to writers room’ ‘Step 2 - Script logging’

‘Step 3 - Script sift’‘Step 4 - Script read’‘Step 5 - Invite Next / Second Read’‘Step 6 - Meet / Develop’

The website’s guideline have to be followed so that the Script can be accepted. When the BBC receive the script they ‘log’ it to their data base and the writer would receive an ‘Acknowledgement card’ to show that the script has been received safely. Next the script is ‘sifted’. This is where the first ten pages of a script is read to see if it is suitable. ‘If the script shows potential, it will be given a full read’. After the reader would give a full assessment to see if it needs improvements or changes. It is then returned to the writer. If when improved it shows real potential, the reader asks for second opinion from someone more advanced. Then even more improvements would be needed. When the script has found to be outstanding the readers and developer would employ the writer to write scripts for TV dramas and other types of programs.

The BBC Writer’s Room Page 2The BBC are very strict when it comes to accepting scripts . They look for the ones with most potential. The following is what BBC do and don’t accept...

‘What we accept Full unsolicited scripts (or episodes) for film, TV drama, radio drama, TV and radio sitcom. Also stage plays, but only as a calling card for a writer's talent.’

‘What we don't acceptSpec scripts for existing shows – we want to see your original work.Script samples, short stories, novels, sketches, or ideas/treatments for programmes.Scripts sent by email - we don't have the resources to print them or assess them on screen.Scripts for short films.Adaptations of other people's work.Work sent in from overseas.’

The BBC stress that only serious script writers should submit their work so that time is not wasted. Fresh, new, original work should be submitted for the script to be accepted. Scripts that are similar to previous scripts wouldn’t be accepted either. In my opinion the script writers have to be very careful and follow the guidelines accordingly so that they even have a chance of being accepted.

The BBC Writer’s Room Page 3‘The copyright of all scripts sent to the BBC rests with the writer – you do not need to formally copyright work before you send it in to us. Writers are often anxious that their work may be stolen or plagiarised’

The BBC make sure that all scripts are safe from copyright and make sure the writer is told about the acceptance. The BBC Writer’s room is a trusted website.

The Writer’s Vault ‘Pitching your concepts to executives in the industry will also build relationships regardless of whether or not your idea for a TV shows is purchased. It is creating and building those direct relations that enable the creator of concepts to better understand how to pitch a TV show, as well as what specifically the buyers are looking for. Most importantly, you will learn to refine your ideas into a language that the executive can sell because they better understand its potential.’

In this quote The Writer’s Vault talks about how a writer would submit a script to a group of people or judges. When selling your script to the executives a relationship would grow and this would show your ability to be confident, which shows you have passion about your writing. Talking to the buyer one to one helps you show that your script has potential in detail.

‘The TV Writers Vault is currently used by over 300 leading television production companies, networks, agencies and studios. To date, the TV Writers Vault has been responsible for providing thousands of official reviews of writers works by leaders in the Industry, along with hundreds of Writers making personal contact with Producers, resulting in numerous project sales to Network Studios and Production Companies.’

Unlike the BBC Writer’s Room, The Writer’s Vault find scripts for production companies to use. The BBC only use the scripts for themselves. This website can help new script writers to become well known.

Screenwriting Pages 4-5

A producer would give the writer notes on how to improve their script, this is so it is adapted for what the producer wants. Many people involved in the pre-production can have their input so that they can work around it. When it is being shot the script would be shaped so that the production could keep to it’s low budget. Scenes would possibly be cut if the film, short film or program is too long.

Screenwriting Pages 6-7 Part 1 When writing a script and then producing a film you would have to consider what makes a film entertaining for the viewer. You would have to consider this through out the process . You would have to consider how the audience can relate to the characters and you would have to make sure that they would understand the point you are trying to get across.

Screenwriting Pages 6-7 Part 2 There is a very common way of writing a script in which a character is introduced and then this person encounters a problem. They then try to solve or stop the problem. Usually the character is relatable so that audiences understand their characteristics.

Screenwriting Pages 204-205

This extract from ‘Screenwriting’ tells us how to tackle the writing of a script. When writing a script you would have to make sure that you ‘show, don’t tell’. The script must be able to paint a picture in the readers head. This is so when in production the producer can create a film in which the writer wanted.

Screenwriting Pages 238-239

This extract from ‘Screenwriting’ tells us about copywriting your work. Ideas that are not written down can be taken and you wouldn’t be able to claim its your idea. Written work can also be marked with ©. This means that the piece of work can not be copied and it would be against the law to take that idea. But not all the time this would guarantee your work to be safe. Copyright is usually a concern with most writers.

Screenwriting Pages 262-263

When you meet up with the person you are going to calibrate with, you would have to decide if this person understands your way off thinking and is open to discussion about your script, so that you can get the full potential out of your work.

This extract talks about when the producer offers you money for your script or work. The script writer has to consider if the money offered is appropriate for the script that has been made. The writer would receive a large amount of money when the project has started shooting and you would receive money when the project has been sold.

Screenwriting Pages 266-267

The book continues to tell us about how you would market yourself and how to present your self as a writer.

When writing a story you should know everything about your subject. You should also know what is going on in the news and around the world.‘What exactly is a script?’

Why would write a script? ‘Because film is a highly collaborative medium and the director, cast, editor, and production crew will, based on your "outline", interpret your story their way when it is filmed.’ The script is basically the core of a film and everyone involved in the project would work around it. Making your script clear and easy to understand would help the production team create a film that is exactly like your script. ‘So just write the pictures, sounds, and speeches, and leave the rest for the filmmakers.’ This quote means that the script is different from a story, the script tells the reader what is happening and doesn’t describe it like books.

How to Write a Script - Story Structure

The first 30 minutes of the script introduces the character/characters. This 30 minutes usually sets the scene as well.

The next hour reveals a problem or an inconvenience in which the character has to solve.

The problem is resolved after tackling it in a heroic way in the last 30 minutes.

Conclusion Script writing, Development and commissioning is a very complicated process.

Script writing is not only a hard task, getting the work commissioned is even harder. From my research I have learnt that when submitting a script to a writers room or presenting a script the writer must follow very many guide lines and rules.

Writers must make sure that their script is unique and is at professional standards. A basic script has a beginning, middle and end which introduces characters, introduces a problem and then at the end the problem is resolved. The Script has to be easy to understand and interpret, so that producers and directors can understand how to produce the script as a film or television program. When submitting the script to a website the script writer would have to follow the rules of the website such as; having the right amount of pages and not copying work that has already been made. When pitching the script, the writers must be confident and enthusiastic to keep the buyer interested.

When commissioned the script would under-go a few procedures that help the readers assess the script in a way that is fair and accurate. The script is read and then read again. If accepted the writer would be asked to have a meeting with the producer and the would discuss how the writer could improve and how the producer could work around the script. Then the script would go into production.

In my opinion this process would be stressful for a writer and takes a lot of time. Many people use websites so that there name can known by producers and their scripts could be used.

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