scribble maps for explorers project

Post on 06-Jul-2015






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How to make yourExplorer’s Map using

created by Rhona Campbell for GDS 3rd grade

1. Open your web browser. Go to

2. Click on “Create Map.”

3. Close the pop-up “options” menu by clicking the X in the upper right corner.

4. Practice the navigation controls

To change the view screen, hold down the left button of your mouse as you move the hand icon.

To zoom in, “grab” the “-” bar and move it up. To zoom out, move it down.

5. Change your map so you can see all the places your explorer travelled on one screen.

6. Choose what color you’ll use to draw your explorer’s route.

7. Click the “scribble” icon on the tools menu.

8. Draw the route!

If you make a mistake, choose the eraser icon.

To erase, move your eraser over your mistake. Double-click to remove the whole thing, or choose only what you want to erase.

9. When you’re satisfied with your route, click on the button that says “Satellite” in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Whoa. Cool.

10. Now you should print your map. This is where it gets complicated.

1. Click on the button called

“Get Widget / Embed”

2. It will tell you…

… so click “Ok.”

10. Printing continued…

3. Click on the icon called “Save JPEG”

4. The screen will change to show a small version of the screen. Click on “Download JPG.”

It might take a minute to load…

… but eventually you’ll get this pop-up. Click “OK”.

Your computer will download it.

Double-click on it to open it in a program you know.

… and print it. (Be sure to ask if it’s OK to print from the printer first!)

11. Now you need to write in some things:

A Title for this Map

A key!

[ ]= My explorer’s route in 14??

Place namePlace name

Place name

Tip: if you keep your map on the ScribbleMapsscreen after printing, just click on “Map” view again so you can use it as a reference while you write in your place names.

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