science & technology 2009

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Science & Technology 2009

In this issue: Club page: Page 3Featured Article: Exploring CERN after the LHCs first beam circulation and the incident of September 19.


Page 4

Club Activities: Page 5 Environment: Page 20 Science: Page 27

Celebrating Charles Darwin's bicentenaryCharles Darwin is undoubtedly one of the most influential figures in human history. His theory of evolution by natural selection upended humanity's view of itself and of the world. In this issue of Science & Technology you will find a special feature on Charles Darwins life and work. You can find out how the science of evolution has advanced since Darwin's time, how Darwin came to his radical 2009 is both the 200th anniversary of his conclusions and much more birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his most famous and important book, On the Origin of Species.

TechnologyGadgets: Page 41 Last page: Page 68

The life and work of the British naturalist Charles Darwin

The life and work of the British naturalist Charles Darwin The life and work of the British naturalist Charles Darwin The life and work of the British naturalist Charles Darwin

Discover the Science & Technology Wiki the new wikia of our club. Online at: (Still under construction!)

Extended version online at:


Anatolia College 2008-2009

Now in our 13th year

Science & Technology 2009

Club Page


(Web Design) -- --

layout design: Cover design:

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Special thanks to: The Student Services Office and the Media Relations Office for their constant help


Anatolia College 2008-2009

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Science & Technology 2009

In the future, the year 2009 may very likely be regarded as the year in which two competing theories from different fields and of a different scope emerged dynamically together to capture human interest and draw scientific focus. It could justifiably be viewed as the year in which the dual fields of cosmology and biology met more than ever before in auditoriums, newspapers, magazines, the film industry and scientific articles, in order to challenge human faith and question scientific thought. A hundred and fifty years after Darwin claimed that all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor and fourteen (13.7 to be accurate) billion years after the birth of the universe, the Theory of the Darwinian Evolution and the Big Bang theory are reborn this year; the former due to the 150th anniversary after Charles Darwin wrote his book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection; the latter due to a long awaited experiment that is currently taking place (regardless of a slight delay in terms of a universe time) in CERN, Switzerland-France. At the same time it is a year in which never before in the past has it been so amazingly appealing and effortless to search for, locate, read, create and post information in digital form about either of these two theories or any other concept, theory or field that you may be interested in and view it in multiple forms online text, podcast, animation, video, depending on your own personal preferences. It is truly a time of information r/evolution and multiple media. We hope that this issue of S&T will offer you insight into both of the key topics of scientific interest that are being discussed widely around the world today. You may choose to read them in either traditional printed or online digital form (at and we hope that we will receive your feedback on these as well as on the other articles of this extraordinarily rich issue. The members of S&T have really tried hard to provide you with an issue that comprises many of the topics being focused on in the fields of Science and Technology today. We also hope that the topics of these articles will provide food for thought and perhaps become the reason for you to become interested in pursuing them further. Looking forward to seeing many of you at our club meetings this year and wishing you all a rich and rewarding school year! The advisors of S&T

Discover this year's issue online at:

At the same time this was a year during which our magazines entire interface changed. Throughout the year we managed to improve the quality of our work and create a rich and up-to-date issue. The advisors were open to applying ideas presented to them by the editor and some of the senior members of the club at the beginning of the year. Thus new working procedures and innovative organizational methods were adopted leading to a dynamic change in the way tasks are carried out by club members. We anticipate that these new procedures will also have an effect on the way our magazine appeals to its readers. So far the positive results that these changes have yielded were confirmed when The Science & Technology Wiki was launched (online at and when the magazine and the wikia were presented at the 1st Student Computing Conference (1 ). It seems that 13 is our lucky number and not the one that brings bad luck! The Editor


Anatolia College 2008-2009

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Science & Technology 2009

Club Activities

28 2009 1 NOESIS. . , poster. . posters , .


Science & Technology

: . , , , . , . - poster, - , Science and Technology, . The Science and Technology Wiki , , , .Richard Levin, Yale University, ., Dr. , . poster . , , , .5 Anatolia College 2008-2009 Now in our 13th year

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Science & Technology 2009

. poster , . . . Antiwar Project .

Anti-war project: ( ) . , . . . , , , .

Revolution - Pollution

, . . , , , , , , , .

Science & Technology T.V.


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Club Activities

FORMULA STUDENT9.9.2008: Science and Technology , , . , , ART . Formula, Formula Student, Silverstone . ART 20 78 . ART, . , . . , . . . , ART


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Science & Technology 2009

13.3.2009: , , ART . . . Formula Student !


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. 1. ; 2006 , , formula, . , , . , . . , , . 2. . , Formula S, , , . , . , .


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3. , 77 , 20 78 . . , . ; . . , , . , , . , (.. , , ) , . 4. . ; ( 2000), . , . , . . 5. ; ART , . , 600 , 1, . 85 283 , 0-100km/h 3,5 . 170 km/h .


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6. ; . , . , . , , . 7. ; ; , . . , . . 8. ; , . , , 2010. 9. project ; , ; project 100.000, 15.000. , . [.: .]


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1900 . , , . . . . . ! . , . . 6 Microsoft, . 150 40 , . , .



Anatolia College 2008-2009

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Club Activities

THE EUROPEAN SPRING DAY 2009 PROGRAM AT ANATOLIAOn 08/05/2009 two distinguished individuals, Ms.Evaggelia Tzampazi, who is a Greek Member of the European Parliament, and Mr. Demetrios Dimitriadis, who is former president of the European Economic and Social Committee, visited our school in the framework of the "The European Spring Day 2009" program. They talked to 2nd and 3rd form students of the 2nd Gymnasium of Anatolia College about the European Union, its institutes and its functions. We learned new and interesting information and we had the opportunity to ask the speakers questions, all of which were thoroughly answered. The event was followed by a debate, organized by Ms. Alexia Seridou, on whether the European Union should expand or be expounded upon. I was a member of one of the two teams which debated and I have to say that we had a tremendous and quite a controversial debate. The other members of the two teams were Nestoras Dimitris, Stylianou Sophia, Akkas Orfeas, Drossos Odyseas and Karakioulaki Meropi. This oneday conference was a great opportunity for students to expand their knowledge on the EU and actually feel that they are part of it, through a fruitful debate. It was a great event and I have to warmly thank Ms.Evaggelia Tzampazi and Mr. Demetrios Dimitriadis for their valuable contribution to this fruitful conference.


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2008 JUNIOR MODEL UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE (JMUN), CONSTANTINOPLE, TURKEY 14 2008, 21 . Junior Model United Nations (JMUN) conference, Hisar schools , . , Holland. , , . Walled column . , , . , , , . . , . , , .

, (Top Kapi), , . . . , 1382 . .



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Club Activities

, 550 . , , , . , 4000 , , . , . MUN, , . committees , debate resolution, . debate, , ambassadors, ( 18 ). , ! , . 19 , , debate . , Robert College, , . , . : , , , MUN, .


Anatolia College 2008-2009

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Science & Technology 2009

SMS : smsofyouth , (.. , , , , .). youtube ( site (, 14 . , . :

Water pollution We are polluting water and we may not be able to find drinking water in the near future. Think about it and take action now! : , , Google the environment You ll be alarmed, if you google environmental issues with the hideous information that you will discover! Whether you look up water pollution, global warming, recycling, etc., the results will be shocking. Our planet is in danger! Maybe the sound of bells ringing, will help you to wake up! : , , , ime is up! (.. , , ..) . . /: , , , , , , ,


Anatolia College 2008-2009

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Science & Technology 2009

Club Activities

The ozone layer hole and its causes . /: , , , The Earth Our earth is unique. Its beautiful. But we are destroying it. Its future is in our hands. Look at how beautiful it could be. We must act now in order to maintain its beauty! /: , , Our environment is in danger! Water pollution Water shortage, radioactive threats, whats our world coming to? Think of our environment before we pay a heavy price. /: , , , Save our planet! Hazardous waste, air pollution, water pollution, gas pollution. : , 2012. . . , , . /: H , ,


Anatolia College 2008-2009

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Science & Technology 2009

Revolution - Pollution A rap song with Greek and English lyrics that discusses the tragic results of not taking care of the environment. /: , , , , Revolution-Pollution 1 28 29 2009 NOESIS.


Anatolia College 2008-2009

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Science & Technology 2009

Club Activities

FIFTH YEAR MANHATTAN THEATERLINK PROJECTIt was certainly an unforgettable experience, the greatest of all that we had during this school year! Not only did we have a lot of fun, but we also learned a couple of very important things about playwriting and producing. The first step was to write our own play, which would be performed by Ridley College in Ontario, Canada, based on the theme of Translations by Brian Friel. Time pressure didnt stop us from presenting a balanced script with humorous dialogue and characters with interesting personalities and clear behavior. Joe White, our Manhattan Theatre Teaching Artist, who kept advising us and making useful comments throughout the whole project via the TheatreLink website and through video conference, taught us a fundamental rule: A play should be character driven rather than the characters driven by the initial plot. Even though writing our own play was a really enjoyable activity, the most astonishing part of the whole project was obviously the performance. We were sent a play written by the students of Ashland school in Oregon, USA. A lot of hard work had to be done in about a month in order to present the play, MacB the Musical on May the 4th in Raphael Hall. We, the twenty two students who were participating in the project and our teacher, Ms Ralls, sacrificed many hours of our free time during Easter vacation in order to deal with what we love: theatre. The class was split into groups, such as actors, directors, stage managers, set designers, costume designers and musicians, which gave us the opportunity to understand how play production is organized, because in fact, we were all involved in more than one group and came to realize the importance of collaboration. Nobody thought or acted individually and that made us feel part of a team which had the same goals: FUN AND CREATIVITY! I hope that next years project will give a chance for creation and amusement, to another fifth year group!


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This day in History , . , Science & Technology. , , , . Environment () .

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club This day in history , 22 , . , , , , , , . , , , . , , , .


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(24 ) 24 . . 1979, 17 . , . , . Animal Aid 22 , 450 . , 5000 . , . . , , . 1900 . , .


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. . 60-70% . . , , . ' ( ) . . . . , , , . , , , , , , .. 1992, 22 .


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(22 ) , , 22 , , . , . , , , , . , . , . 232 26 , , 18 , . , , 40% 20 , . , . ,


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3% . International Energy Association (IEA) 2006 2030. IEA, 53% 2030 70% . , . ( Thorium) Actinide Series . 1828 Jns Jakob Berzelius. , . 232,0381 90. : Th. 1750C (2023.15K) 4788C (5061.15K). , . , , 6-7% , 12%. -232.

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; . , (. Sellafield 1957 1986). , . ( , .) , . , , . -238 , -232 .

Egil Lillestl

Egil Lillestl, CERN Bergen, 40 , . ( , 5% , , 132.000 ), .


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, . , , . , , . -232. -232, , . , -232 -235, , -235. , . , , . . , .


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Carlo Rubbia, CERN. , , (ADS, Accelerated-Driven System), , . 30 . , , . , , .

, . . . , . . (Pa) 91, . -232, .


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. . : Thorium Power, Kurchatovin, , . , . . Greenpeace . .Jean McSorley, , : . , . , , Dr.Norman, . . , .


Anatolia College 2008-2009

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Science & Technology 2009

OH AND HOW WAS THAT CALLED SERN CERN1? AH, YES CERN. Do you remember how this laboratory in Geneva was called? I think it was CERN. Yes, it is CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research). But what happened to it? Werent they hosting one of the greatest experiments ever? Yes, they were. They were going to accelerate protons, in order to make them collide. They wanted to find the God Particle originally called the Higgs boson. But, still, what happened? I thought they created the LHC (Large Hadron Collider), which is the worlds largest and highest-energy particle accelerator, in order to run this experiment. Yes, they did. They were building this 27m ring, 100m under CERN for more than ten years. They, also, finished it and they attempted to fire the first beam on September 10th, 2008. It was a successful attempt and for some days everyone there was happy. Until Until? Until they found out that there was a helium leak into the tunnel because two magnets melted due to the electrical connection between them. And what about now? Now

This would be a conversation between two friends, both interested in science, about CERN. After the first beam that was steered around the accelerator, the majority of the scientific community was celebrating. CERN was in the news, in newspapers, even in magazines and TV shows that have nothing to do with science [!]. And thennothing. The whole CERN-story just vanished into thin air. What happened? Whats going on now? Will these experiments have any results? CERNs logo

Part of CERNs facilities in Switzerland


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The first beamThe CERN Press Center announced on August the 7th of 2008 that the first attempt to circulate a beam in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be made on 10 September. (The first attempt was set to be in May, 2008, but due to safety tests it was delayed.) And so, all things worked out leading to the first beam circulated in the LHC on 10 September 2008, at 10:28 in the morning. It was a historic moment for the Accelerating Science. After this first successful circulated beam, scientists in CERN started building up a schedule about the next beam circulation and the first collisions that were planned to take place over the next few weeks. Its a fantastic moment; we can now look forward to a new era of understanding about the origins and evolution of the universe, said LHC project leader Lyn Evans.

Scientists during the first beam injection-circulation process

As some might say: One short trip for a proton, but one giant leap for mankind! TRIUMF, and indeed all of Canada, is delighted to bear witness to this amazing feat, said Nigel S. Lockyer, Director of Canadas TRIUMF laboratory. Everyone has been involved, but CERN is to be especially congratulated for bringing the world together to embark on such an incredible adventure. The first beam into the LHC detected by special cameras

Many parties and press conferences were held right after this historic moment. Everyone believed that this was the beginning of a new era in particle physics. And they were right, until the first problems started to come up.


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Science & Technology 2009

According to the CERN scientific team these are the goals of the LHCs experiments:

Experiments at the LHC will allow physicists to complete a journey that started with Newton's description of gravity. Gravity acts on mass, but so far science is unable to explain the mechanism that generates mass. Experiments at the LHC will provide the answer. LHC experiments will also try to probe the mysterious dark matter of the universe visible matter seems to account for just 5% of what must exist, while about a quarter is believed to be dark matter.

The LHC tunnel

The incidentAccording to a brief Press Release (20.9.2008), on Friday the 19th of September, an incident occurred in the final LHC sector (sector 3-4) that created a large helium leak into the tunnel. The cause of the problem was probably an electrical connection failure between two magnets, which melted during a powering test. No one was actually sure about the real cause of this incident. An investigation had started, but the biggest problem was that the sector had to be warmed up to room temperature (about 25oC) from the 1,7K (-271oC) which is the sectors temperature while the experiments take place. This would last for at least two months. Still, not sure if those magnets were the main factors that made this incident take place, the CERN officially announced that the LHC will be restarted in 2009. It was the wisest thing to do, to delay the first collisions, until the accelerator is ready.

Particle accelerators such as the LHC are unique machines, built at the cutting edge of technology. Each is its own prototype, and teething troubles at the start-up phase are therefore always possibleA graphic indicating the switch that caused the helium leak


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Science & Technology 2009


Finally, on 16 October 2008, after investigations in the LHC tunnel it was confirmed that the cause of the incident was a faulty electrical connection between two of the accelerators magnets. This resulted in mechanical damage and release of helium from the magnet cold mass into the tunnel2. The other seven sectors had already been tested to their nominal electrical currents (corresponding to beam energy of 5.5 TeV (about 5,500 times the electrons mass)) before the first beam injection. The dipoles in that level of energy had to be powered in stages up to 9.3kA. That day (it was September the 19th) the last sector (sector 3-4) was being tested exactly as all the other sectors. At a value of 8.7kA a resistive zone developed in the bus between a dipole and a quadrupole. A voltage of 300mV was detected, but this didnt affect the dipoles of the main circuit. When the voltage grew to 1V, the energy discharge switch opened and produced a fast power abort. An electrical arc (constant electrical spark) developed and punctured (made a whole) to the helium enclosure leading to release of superfluid helium of the cold mass to the insulation vacuum of the cryostat. The pressure started rising from the normal level (about 0.13MPa) reaching within 20 seconds the level of 1.7MPa where the pressure relief valves opened and held the pressure levels below 2.0MPa (except in subsector 19-21, where it reached 2.1MPa).

The sector where this incident took place

During the first 4 seconds the helium got in the beam pipes and the insulation vacuum of the two other neighboring subsectors started to degrade. The spring-loaded relief discs on the vacuum enclosure, then, opened releasing helium into the tunnel. About 2 tons of helium of subsectors 19-21, 23-25 and 27-29 were released into the tunnel producing a cloud which trigged the oxygen deficiency hazard detectors installed on the tunnel vault and tripped an emergency stop that switched off all electrical power and services from sector 3-4. Before the full restoration of electrical power that reenabled the valves of the cold mass, another 4 t of helium were lost. In total about 6 t were lost, out of 15 t at first in the sector.


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The safety relief valves on the cryostat vacuum enclosure had been designed for lower helium discharge rates than the encountered in this incident (considered beyond design). Also, the axial forces, resulting from over-pressurization of the vacuum enclosure, exceeded the yield point of magnet supports leading to their displacement and secondary damage, as put by an extended press release on 5 December 2008. In total 66 magnet interconnection were damaged and 53 magnet, 39 dipoles and 14 SSS (Short Straight Sections housing superconducting quadrupoles) had to be removed from the tunnel and brought to ground level in order to be inspected and repaired. A system to detect the appearance of irregular electrical resistance on the high current bus bars and magnet interconnection, in order to prevent other incidents like this one, had been designed and installed, while the replacement works took place. And this is how a long journey of repairing magnets begun.

Damage caused by the leak

The inauguration ceremonyHowever, this episode on September 19th (plus the delay of the experiments) wasnt enough to make scientists not to celebrate the success of their first beam circulation or the end of the works taking place in order to finish the LHC. So, on the 2nd of October, 2008, CERN published that the LHC would be officially inaugurated at CERN on 21 October 2008. Representatives of the governments of CERNs Member and Observer States and other participating nations had been invited. The program of that day was announced a day before (on October 20) and everything went as clockwork. Swiss President Pascal Couchepin and French Prime Minister Franois Fillon attended this event (the LHC fest as the people of CERN call it) along with science ministers from CERNs Member States.


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Science & Technology 2009


Picture of the ministers and scientists that attended the event

The ceremony consisted of speeches, exhibitions and a new audiovisual concert called ORIGINS, which is an adaptation of LIFE: A Journey Through Time, featuring the images of National Geographic photographer Frans Lanting and the music of Philip Glass, performed by the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande conducted by Carolyn Kuan. It was, also, followed by a buffet of molecular gastronomy presented by Chef Ettore Bocchia. Ettore Bocchias buffet was created especially for this ceremony and it brought together high gastronomy and physics. The many innovative dishes included strange tastes such as the famous ice creams cooled with liquid nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen ice cream


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Science & Technology 2009

The first dataSome weeks before the ceremony the scientific community of CERN celebrated the first data received from the first beam circulation in the LHC. It was the 3rd of October 2008 when the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid celebrated the start of its mission, the analysis and management of data to be produced from the hundreds of millions of subatomic collisions expected inside the LHC every second. The amount of data is expected to be more than 15 million Gigabytes every year. The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid has been made, in order to distribute data from CERN to eleven major computer centers in Europe, North America and Asia using optical fiber networks. Then data will be distributed again to more than 140 centers around the world. Together, these distributed computers will provide the power to manage the LHCs data.

One of LHCs big experiments

ChangesOn 12 December 2008 the CERN Council welcomed in the new DirectorGeneral, Rolf Heuer, who took Robert Aymars position. Heuer would officially start working in January 2009. According to sources from inside the council it was an occasion to take stock of the achievements of the past five years and to look forward to the next. Outgoing DirectorGeneral Robert Aymar, looked back on his five years at the helm, while new DirectorGeneral, Rolf Heuer, presented his vision for the future.

Robert Aymar (right) and Rolf Heuer


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The new programOn 9 February 2009 the restart schedule for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was confirmed after the recommendations from the previous weeks workshop that took place in Chamonix. According to the new schedule the first beams will be injected in the LHC at the end of September 2009, with collisions following in late October. A Christmas break was also scheduled. The LHC will then run through to autumn next year, ensuring that the experiments have adequate data to carry out their first new physics analyses and have results to announce in 2010. Lead ions collisions have been scheduled for 2010. This program was confirmed on June 19, 2009, at the 151th session of the CERN council.

Magnets being repaired

End of repair work (at last!)The 53rd magnet replaced was lowered into the LHC on April the 30th marking the end of repair work above ground taking place to fix all the damage caused by the incident in September. This magnet, a quadrupole designed to focus the beam, was lowered into the tunnel and began its long journey (many km) to sector 3-4, in order to be installed to its original position. So, we are looking forward to the experiments continuation: the rest may be the best


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Science & Technology 2009

Glossary (as put by CERNs Press Center and Scientific Community): 1. CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is the world's leading laboratory for particle physics. It has its headquarters in Geneva. At present, its Member States are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. India, Israel, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, Turkey, the European Commission and UNESCO have Observer status. 2. The arcs of the LHC, extending over most of the length of each 3.3 km long sector, are composed of a periodic lattice, the elementary cell of which (107 m long) is composed of a horizontally focusing quadrupole, three dipoles, a vertically focusing quadrupole and another three dipoles. In each family, the magnets are electrically powered in series throughout the sector. The magnets, equipped with their helium vessel and end covers, constitute the "cold masses", which, in normal operation, contain superfluid helium at 1.9 K and 0.13 MPa, and are thermally insulated from the vacuum enclosure. The neighboring cold masses are electrically and hydraulically interconnected. The weight of the cold mass is transmitted to the vacuum enclosure via cold support posts and is further transmitted to the tunnel floor by adjustable support jacks, anchored in the concrete. The lattice cell corresponds to the extent of the local cooling loops of the cryogenic system, fed from the cryogenic distribution line through a "jumper" connection every 107 m at the location of a quadrupole. Two subsequent cells constitute a vacuum subsector sharing a common insulation vacuum; the insulation vacuum enclosures of neighboring subsectors are separated by "vacuum barriers". The two beam pipes constitute two other separate vacuum systems, extending over the whole length of the continuous cryostat, and segmented at the arc ends.


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BURJ DUBAI . , , , ; Burj Dubai , 819 164 , 334.000 ! 21 2004 2009. Burj Dubai 720,1 141 . . : . Adrian Smith, 2006 ( , !). Burj Dubai $ , , , $37.500, !


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, , , . , drivers, , drivers . , , . , driver, . drivers . drivers . subwoofers, , woofers, , , , tweeters, , supertweeters, . . , woofer tweeter. tweeter , drivers , HF . drivers , , , . . woofer tweeter. woofer tweeter woofer, subwoofer tweeter.



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1876, 1877 (Ernst Siemens). 1881, . , . 1898 , 1910.

, Victor Talking Machine Company Pathe, . , , . , . .


Oliver Lodge (1898). 1924 Chester W. Rice Edward W. Kellogg. , , . , , . , , .


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Science & Technology 2009

1930, , . 1937, , Shearer Horn System for Theatres, , Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. drivers , 375 z . John Kenneth Hilliard, James Bullough Douglas Shearer . New York World's Fair 1939, Flushing Meadows. drivers Cinaudagraph. Western Electric. Altec driver 1943, woofer 12 . voice of the theatre Altec 1945, . .

1955 . , . , , , , , .



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driver , , , . , , . driver , , . . . , , . , , , , , . , driver .

O drivers


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, . : , , surround, / . , . , , , . , , , . , , .


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driver . , , , . , . . , . , , . 140.000 . drivers .



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drivers 3 . drivers , 3 . . , , , . public address systems hi-fi. hi-fi . , , , . . dome tweeter


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THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF FACEBOOKSocial networking is a prevailing feature of the recent decades. It offers the opportunity to millions of people to share photos, videos, or even chat with their friends no matter what the distance is. And it mainly appeals to the younger generations because of its zero cost. Facebook. Its the ultimate site of entertainment for everyone; even for adults. Facebook has become a whole community, it has become popular in almost every generation and thats not an exaggeration, believe me! Sticky notes, poking, fun-walls, Geo-Challenge, Friends for sale are only a few of a great plethora of applications and possibilities the site offers to its fans.

The purpose of Facebook is to connect people from all around the world and that is the main reason for its creation. Facebook (or Fb) was founded initially in the USA and has spread all over the world. Some people dont even imagine how their lives would be without it. Its a social phenomenon! But be careful! Dont let all this excitement overwhelm you! And primarily pay attention where you reveal your identity and any personal information. Although Facebook is said to be much safer than other sites such as Hi-5 or MySpace, it remains dangerous.


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Anyone can in fact look through your photos taken during your last summer or photos from your graduation or any other significant event youd like to point out. There are always these burglars -lets not name them hackers- who seem to be eager to have a look at your intimate data. Dont be a fool! And, above all, NEVER add to your list of friends anybody whom you dont know. You should filter all of your friend requests and add only people you trust! Oh, and something else. NEVER upload photos with swim suits or anything like that, or else you may see it on another site you didnt even know it existed! Anyone can copy and paste your pictures elsewhere! So, in conclusion, you ought to consider the above facts really carefully; I dont think that anyone looks forward to being a victim. (The above advice is extremely useful in order to avoid any unexpected incidents!) Good luck!

Picture from a commercial campaign


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Science & Technology 2009

AN EASY WAY TO 3D MOVIESIts a rainy morning. You wake up and are in the mood for something creative on your computer. You open Windows Movie Maker, but it is not what you wanted You want to make something more advanced But how? There is a contemporary and easy way to create 3D animated videos, without the use of any special programs and the creation of 3D models which are difficult to animate. It is widely known as Machinima. Machinima is based on using the ready models of various computer games. All it requires is the game, a model and map-viewer of that game, a picture editing program, an in-computer recorder, and a video editing program. The preferred video editing program is Adobe Premiere. It has a special function, namely the ability to erase specific colors from the clip or image you add, leaving only the animation, or preferred piece of the image, in the clip. This function is known as keying. Apart from this kind of program, you need an in-computer recorder. I suggest the very well known Fraps. It can record anything you do on the computer, in a highly detailed and high quality video file. But, with great quality, comes great file size, which means that a 5 minute Frap recorded video, can be up to 500 megabytes. That can be a problem. There are other various programs of this kind on the internet you might prefer, and a lot of them freeware too. Fraps is not free; it requires payment. You can also download it illegally, that could be a solution too (oops thats illegal) Now, about the model-viewer: only some of these games have model-viewers. The most widely known Machinima-related game is the World of Warcraft, which has a model-viewer. Through model-viewers you can browse the model files of a game. They show up as a drop-down list. From that list, you can find a model that can match the object you want to use in your movie. Almost every model has its animation. In almost every game modelviewer there are walking and running animations.

World of Warcraft logo

As far as the game map-viewers are concerned we will be using World of Warcraft as a game example. Through a map viewer anyone, as long as the game files exist, can view the areas of the game and take clips or pictures of them, so that the video planned to be created has along with the 3D game models, areas that are related to them. To screenshot a spot, for example, just use the good and old fashioned Print Screen button of the keyboard and, if you are a Windows user, use the old but still effective Microsoft Paint, or any other picture editing program you want to edit the screenshot you took and pasted into it.60 Anatolia College 2008-2009 Now in our 13th year

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So we have a clip of the animation, the map-viewer shot area or a picture, inspiration and good ideas for a video and a good mood to be patient to use the best of our skills in order to make our first 3D animated movie Lets revise what we have mentioned, and start the creation!! First of all, we need an interesting idea for a movie. For now well just make a person walk. You can either find a picture of a road, or open the map-viewer of the game and find a place with a road. If you are using the map-viewer, push Print Screen after you press F4 to remove the numbers around the screen, and then go to Microsoft Paint, or any other picture editing program you use and paste the shot. Adjust the picture limits to the desired size. Save and close. Now its time to choose our animation. If you open WoW model-viewer, the second main dropdown list is named characters. That is the main one we will be using to find a model that looks like a living creature. If youve played World of Warcraft, you probably know the main races available. If not, allow me to explain. Normally there are 10 playable but in the model-viewer there is those 10, plus 6 that appear very often. Most of them have both a male and a female version. There are Humans, generally normal living beings, dwarves, you know short and beardy, gnomes, extremely short and cute little fellas with colorful hair and beards ranging from pink to green colors, night elves, blue skinned and very tall and sharp eared beings, and the weird draenei, somewhat aliens, who are big and blue with crystal horns and hair and hooves instead of feet. There are also the orcs, green and muscled with ugly sometimes dog faces, trolls, tall and green with funky hair and two toes in each foot, taurens, a creature that is probably a combination of a human and a cow (Im not telling you more about their looks, see for yourself and laugh). Undead, nightmarish skeleton-like beings with grey and rotting skin, having bones being shown (in the model-viewer the drop down list is named Scourge), and finally blood elves, with green glowing eyes, big and pointy ears, and normal human colored skin. Those are the main playable characters. There are also skeletons, which share animations with the undead; there are the broken, which share animations with the tauren and look like draenei, but are shorter and weaker. Forest-Trolls can also be found, which share animations with the trolls and are like them, but are still bigger and more massive. Fel-Orcs have the same animations as the Orcs, but are red and have weapons instead of hands (woooo!!).

Machinimas Interface


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The other two, the Goblins and the Naga, have their own animations. Goblins are short and green creatures with huge smiles and Naga are fish-faced creatures with tails instead of legs, and blue or green colored scales. Those are all the main models that are the most useful. You can freely browse through them. Now, lets choose a Human Male. Equip him with some clothes. Use the menu above the wardrobe to edit his physical characteristics, like eyes, skin color, and more. If you look under the space the model is shown you will notice a white space with an arrow next to it. Click on it and browse through the animations to find what you are looking for. For now, choose Walk. Our little friend will keep walking, so lets call him Johnny for now, until you press stop or pause or change the animation. Use the buttons at the right of the screen to dress him up. Now we have a wonderful Johnny. Press View from the toolbar above and then Load Background. Choose the image we took before from the map-viewer or the road picture, and it will be displayed as a background in which Johnny animates. Right-click and drag to move him around the picture, or left-click and drag to change the direction hes facing. Dont forget to have him loop the walking animation. Put him in the right place and right direction so that his size fits the picture we used as a background. When you are done, keep him there, dont move him, let him moon-walk, and remove the background picture. Make the background color blue, if it is not so already.

Now, open up Fraps. Its interface can be opened by clicking its icon at the right of the taskbar. Go to video options and choose to make the fps number invisible. Also, assign a recording start and stop button that is convenient to press and doesnt serve any other functions, for instance the ` button. Go to the model-viewer where Johnny keeps moon-walking. If we want to make it realistic, we need him to move while walking. Depending on the picture you used, move him while having him facing the right direction and, if you want, use the middle button to zoom in or out.

The Machinima Festival 2008 logo

So, do you believe you are ready to record? OK Press the button you assigned to Fraps and start recording. Move Johnny using the right-click. When you are done, press the assigned button to stop recording. Check the recorded video which is saved on the Fraps folder in either C:\ or Program Files. If you believe it was not good, delete it and record again. You should be able to start compiling the movie now First of all, open up Adobe Premiere. Go to File and Import and pick up the clip you just recorded and the picture of the road. Put each one in different time lines. Now go to the Effects tab. Go to the Video Effects list and then select Keying. Choose the Blue Screen Key. Drag it to the walking clip and watch the result! As you can see, the key effect removes the blue color from the clip and only Johnny stays in the video. If he is in the right position or if he doesnt have the right size, go to the Effect Controls tab and mess around with the Motion options.62 Anatolia College 2008-2009 Now in our 13th year

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Thats all! Your little example machinima movie is ready! You can of course add more clips and images and even music or sound to make your own 3D movie! But of course make sure you have the patience; its the most important ingredient Due to the release of the new expansion of the game World of Warcraft on which we are based along with the model-viewer and the map-viewer, the model and map-viewer have outdated versions and dont support the new model file types used by the game anymore. However, a new fan-updated version of the model-viewer can be found on the Internet. It has several bugs though. A lot of the models may crash the program at any time, and may have distorted skins and edges. Also, the particle system doesnt even work. Buggy, but still, its the only way to continue your machinima, and there are several new collections of models, both in the Creature and the Character drop-down menu. An official updated version should be released soon. That concludes the guide regarding the creation of machinima, and next time you want to make a movie, but not as lame as the plain Movie Maker ones, you know what to do

Adobe Premieres Interface

Heres a list of links to useful websites regarding machinima: (A database of World of Warcraft items, which can be used to find something good to equip your Johnny -or Jimmy or Jack or whatever- with.) (The official site of the World of Warcraft model and map-viewer. It contains the old versions of the programs though. Fan-updated version can be found on the forum.) (Video guides on Youtube by Ian Beckman, a professional machinima maker. His most known work is Azerothian Supervillains, which is strongly recommended to anyone that is looking forward to laugh with his heart!)


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. NASA . : . . . ( ). . : , . ' , . , , . . ' , , , . . . CASINO , ( ). $5.000 $10.000.


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NANOTECHNOLOGY: DEFINITION AND BASIC FUNCTIONS IN SCIENCEThe term nanotechnology was established in 1975 in Japan and it is considered to be our future. The main use of nanoscale structures is enhanced sensing, treatment and remediation of environmental contaminants. Nanotechnology has contributed to experiments in chemistry, as well as to the designing of molecules, and other more complex structures. There are always those of course who suggest that nanotechnology will have serious impacts on the environment itself, as it is very likely to cause many harmful types of pollution. The size of a nanometer (nm) is 10-9 meter (a m or 10 ) the size of atoms and molecules. It takes about 3-10 atoms to span the length of a nanometer. In comparison, the diameter of a human hair is about 20,000 nm wide and a smoke particle is about 1,000 nm in diameter. It is interesting to examine the ways of the structures creating and the atoms order. A nanoparticle (a collection of tens to thousands of atoms measuring about 1-100 nanometers in diameter) namely is created atom by atom, and the size of the particle is controlled by experimental conditions. Nanocrystal is also used to describe these particles, because the atoms within the particle are highly ordered or crystalline. A synthesized nanoparticle however is often called colloidal or a colloidal crystal, because it is nanosized, and because it is typically dispersed or suspended in a stabilizing medium. Nanotubes are flexible cylindrical tubes made of flexible wires and a special type of glass. They have many uses especially when referring to the communications, via which safety is assured and none can enter any personal data. A synthesized nanoparticle however is often called colloidal or a colloidal crystal, because it is nanosized, and because it is typically dispersed or suspended in a stabilizing medium. Nanotubes are flexible cylindrical tubes made of flexible wires and a special type of glass. They have many uses especially when referring to the communications, via which safety is assured and none can enter any personal data. Nanoparticles can also be arranged or assembled into ordered layers, or nanolayers. Such self-assembly is due to forces such as hydrogen bonding, dipolar forces, hydrophilic or hydrophobic interactions, and surface tension, gravity, and other forces are involved in making such self-assembly happen. Many naturally occurring biological structures like membranes, vesicles, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are formed by self-assembly.


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QUIZ: HOW WELL CAN YOU HANDLE YOUR COMPUTER?So, thinking you know your computer well? That you can use it in the most productive way? Well, think again, because this will test your computer skills and its not an easy test, trust me! In order to complete this test correctly, you must unplug your mouse or turn your touchpad off, if you have a laptop. This test concerns only Windows XP and Windows Vista. So, after youve turned off your mouse or touchpad and have only the keyboard available, lets start! In order to complete this test, you have to time yourself while following these steps (after turning on your PC and logging in): 1. From the Start menu, go to All Programs, then find and open Microsoft Word. 2. Write something about yourself (e.g. a bio) of two lines maximum. 3. Format what youve written. Change letter color to red, use bold and underline what you wrote. 4. Open a new Word window. 5. Copy the text from the first window to the second one. 6. Close one of the two windows without saving. 7. Save the other one to your Desktop and close it. 8. Insert a flash drive or a CD. 9. Move the saved Word Document to your USB flash drive or CD. 10. Remove safely your USB stick or eject your CD. 11. Turn your computer off.


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After the shutdown process has started, stop your timer and check your time. If your time is: More than 6 minutes, youre unlucky. 5-4 minutes, youre a Bronze Medalist. 4-2 minutes, youre a Silver Medalist. 2 minutes or less, youre a Gold Medalist!

NOTE: Each competitor has 2 efforts. Someones third effort is disqualified. So, are you ready? On your marks, get set, GO!!!


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ANGELS AND DEMONS (ILLUMINATI) BOOK REVIEWAngels and Demons is a novel written by Dan Brown, best known for the 2003 bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code. The story, which takes place in Italy and in the Vatican City, begins when the Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon, who is also the main character of The Da Vinci Code, is summoned to CERN to analyze a mysterious symbol incised on the chest of a brilliant physicist who was found dead in his bedroom. The assassin, whos also the messenger of an ancient, anti-Christian brotherhood called Illuminati, steals a sample of the scientists secret project and a part of his body. This ancient brotherhood turns the stolen sample into a devastating and hazardous weapon, which threats to destroy the whole Vatican City, while the Holy Conclave takes place. The murderer informs the Vatican City that he had hidden an unstoppable bomb (the stolen sample of the dead scientists project) at the very heart of the Holy City. Four cardinals, candidates for the Pope Chair, are kidnapped by the messenger of this brotherhood. Will Robert Langdon, Vittoria Vetra -the dead physicists daughter- and the Swiss Guards accomplish to find the clock-bomb in time, save the four kidnapped cardinals and stop the evil plans of the ancient brotherhood? Whos the person with the nickname Ian? These are some of the questions which no one could answer until the very end of this amazing and full of surprises book.

As you may have already understood, the plot has many unexpected twists. I could fill a great number of pages writing about this novel, its content and its religious extensions, but it would be pointless and it would spoil the veil of mystery of the story. Demons and Angels keeps the reader wired right up until the final revelation. It combines religion with science, romance with action. The author raises the question whether technology will save or destroy us. Having read the book myself and I have to say its an amazing and extremely interesting book. P.S.: You should not forget that this book is a novel. Thus, it consists of some real facts, but the largest part of it is a product of Dan Browns imagination. Therefore you should try not to mistake imagination for true facts. Rating: (5/5)


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