science presentation: fiction story

Post on 27-Jul-2015






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Scene 1: Can you imagine it; the first thing that a water drop can see is an eternal dark. Thousands of water drops appear in a very high place, no one of us know why but when the darkness arrive our creator is very angry. And it is the time to fall down.

Scene 2: The moment arrives and the temperature of the atmosphere seems to be like a fridge, there are too many drops of water inside the cloud. You feel like if the master cloud tries to expel you.

Scene 3: It is the moment to fall down, you are completely alone and your body feels so much heavy. You get separate from the only thing you know to an unknown giant world.

Scene 4: Earth below you drifting falling, is one of the worst experiences in the world. But not too much longer in only 45 seconds you are near the earth and finally you can see other water drops exactly like you. This is the moment were my story change from the others.

Scene 5: Look at the other drops is like look at a mirror, every one of them are exactly the same; it is like if there is any way to change it. There is only one cycle to complete and your life it is over.

Scene 6: I fall in a green thing at that moment I look at the sky and see a beautiful drop of water that for one reason is different from the others. I begin to slide from that green thing to the ground.

Scene 7 and 8: I am really scare is this the moment where my life ends, the strong ground will make me disappear from the earth, my body gets really flexible and without getting conscious. I am getting inside the ground.

Scene 9: Slide on the ground is a really slow; I do not know what happen with the other water drops. I feel really bad what will be my fade. Maybe an eternal fall this is all a boring fall in a really dark place.

Scene 10: I begin to hear a really loudly sound like another rain and it is really close to my feet, I begin to feel nervous what is it, finally I see it a lot of drops join in a current that go really fast I am really anxious, I fall and get deeply in that current that take all of us to another unknown place.

Scene 11: Finally the travel end, all the drops stop moving. We are in a really huge place surround by millions of us with a giant orange ball high in the sky. I finally found the drop that I see when I was falling, I talk to her and for one reason she also knows me. I ask she for his story before we get separate, she said that she fall in a beautiful flower and from that place she knows really strange creatures that speak a lot and have a lot of feelings like love, hate and others. She said that they talk about the predestination to love someone, that is what happened to us we get in love.

Scene 12: The temperature begin to get high, I took the hand of my love to not separate never more of she, but it is not successful little by little my body disappear and I feel like if I am returning to the sky I finally see the cloud but nothing more I do not see any of the other drops, I cannot make any sound and specially where is she.

Scene 13: I cannot found she on any place, I definitely cannot see anything. I feel alone but I know that probably the other drops are around me but I can feel them. I cannot understand if I am here again where the new drops are, is this all nothing more going to happen. I am dead. There is a really deep calm so I try to think what I do in the earth, and I get happy I live a great adventure and found the love of my life and that is something that inclusive many humans cannot do. The peace is over and the temperature get low, an intense move begins inside the cloud and then a flash light. Can you imagine it; the first thing that a water drop can see is an eternal dark.

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