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Post on 17-Jun-2018






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Dr. Roger J. Ward, Esq.

COURSE NUMBER: CEK 503.S30 COURSE TITLE: Leadership in Higher Education TERM/YEAR: Fall 2017 SEMESTER DATES: August 28 – November 5, 2017 CLASS MEETS: Online TIME: Course Available 24 Hours OFFICE HOURS: On Request INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: Faculty Name: Roger J. Ward, EdD, JD, MPA Email Address: Phone Number: Mobile: 718.809.7902 Work: 410.706.2477 COURSE DESCRIPTION Colleges and universities are unique institutions. Although they seem to increasingly resemble the complex organizations typically found in business and public


administration, their special missions of teaching, research and service put them in a singular category where collegiality and university traditions of academic freedom introduce powerful cross-currents of equality. This course explores collegiate leadership, from the lofty heights of the presidency to the more mundane challenges faced by managers at all levels, be they in academic or administrative units. Students will become familiar with the myths and realities of leadership, as presented in the literature, and conduct their own leadership studies. COURSE GOALS AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES Throughout this course students will:

1. Describe and discuss the traditional organizational and administrative structure of higher education institutions in the United States, and examine the roles and responsibilities of institutional leaders across the academic enterprise in discussion postings and individual written assignments.

2. Apply leadership and organizational theories as they discuss and evaluate case studies of leadership in higher education, identifying and illuminating key issues, terminology, and course concepts.

3. Research, identify, and discuss current articles related to contemporary and emerging leadership topics, and present them in the Discussion Board for class review and discussion as well as in written individual assignments.

4. Define and articulate in the discussion forums and in written individual assignments the differences between leadership and management.

5. Define and explain key terminology such as communication skills, leadership styles, leadership development, ethical practice, formative and summative feedback, and professionalism as they evaluate case studies, participate in the discussion forums, and produce written individual assignments.

6. Apply course concepts and terminology to describe and critique a significant “failure of leadership” event at a college or university in the United States.

7. Reflect on their own leadership skills, experiences, qualities and develop a professional and leadership development plan with a 10 year horizon.

8. Accept and offer feedback to classmates in a manner that sustains a collegial learning environment.

READINGS: Assigned Text Hendrickson, Robert M., Lane, Jason E., Harris, James T., & Dorman, Richard H. (2013). Academic leadership and governance of higher education: A guide for trustees, leaders,


and aspiring leaders of two- and four-year institutions. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC. (ISBN 9781579224813) Perry, James L. (2010). The Jossey-Bass reader on nonprofit and public leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. (ISBN 9780470479490) Additional Readings: Selected readings will be assigned each week and will be available electronically in Blackboard. GRADING POLICIES Grade Determination

Component Points % of Final Grade

8 – Discussion Board Graded Forum (5 pts. Each) 40 40% 1 – Higher Education Leadership Case Study 30 30% 1 – Leadership Theory Literature Review 20 20% 1 – Leadership Theory Presentation 10 10%

Total 100 100% Grading Component Descriptions Discussion Board Activity There are eight (8) discussion board activities. The discussion board will be evaluated on the following criteria: • Timeliness • Initial Posting • Follow-up Postings • Content Contribution • References & Support The expectation for students’ posts to the discussion board is that each post will reflect a solid understanding of the materials. Students should respond to all discussion questions and should make a strong effort to post frequently. Students should aim to post at least 2 to 3 messages (per discussion thread) of substance to the Discussion Board each week. At least 1 of these postings should be in response to other students’ messages on the


discussion board. Students should make an effort to cite their sources, such as cases, articles, and web site links in support of their statements. It is of utmost importance that all communications be conducted with the highest level of professionalism and civility. Careful use of phrases and tone is required to allow for the free exchange of viewpoints. This is not to suggest that you can’t and shouldn’t disagree with our fellow students; I simply ask that you do so in a respectful and thoughtful way. I suggest that you always re-read messages to check for tone, spelling, and grammar before posting them.

Term Project – Higher Education Leadership Case Study

The Higher Education Leadership Case Study is your culminating project in this course. Identify a college or university that has been impacted/affected by a major event or incident that may be attributable to failed leadership at some level of the organization. Examples may include the Penn State child abuse scandal, the failed attempt by the board of trustees at the University of Virginia to fire its president in 2012, the Virginia Tech shootings in 2007, the Rutgers University basketball coach scandal in 2012, etc.

Write an analysis of the case that:

1. Describes in sufficient details the origins and nature of the event or incident. 2. Identifies and analyzes the factors in the organizational environment that might

have fostered or contributed to the development and/or occurrence of the event. 3. Identifies the individuals in leadership involved in the incident or event, and

evaluate how effectively they performed their leadership roles and responsibilities.

4. Discusses where the perceived failures in leadership occurred, and explains what accounted for the failure.

5. Recommends effective leadership strategies that could have been adopted or implemented to mitigate the incident or event.

6. Frames the discussion and analyzes the case in the context leadership structures and theories discussed and researched in the course.

This assignment will be evaluated on the following criteria: (a) demonstration of original/critical thinking in discussing and evaluating the case; (b) use of appropriate citations and good writing style (APA format only); and (c) correct word usage, spelling, and punctuation. Please note that papers that rely on a single source will not receive full points. Each paper should be at most twelve (12) pages in length (not including the cover page and references). Papers should be formatted using a 1” margin on all sides, double-spaced, and written using a standard 12-point font like Times New Roman.


Higher Education Leadership Theory Presentation You have been invited by the Association of Governing Boards ( to present a talk at its annual meeting. The organizers would like you to speak on the following topic: “Transforming Leadership Theory to Practice.” To prepare for your talk, create a PowerPoint presentation that does the following:

1. Identifies one of the major leadership theories in the research literature. 2. Discusses the essential elements and framework of the theory 3. Discusses the theory’s application and limitations and how the theory might be

applied by academic and administrative leaders in higher education. The presentation should be no more than thirty (30) slides. The presentation will be graded based on (a) visual appeal of the presentation (b) organization of the content (c) clarity and relevance of the content provided, and (d) use of presentation features and tools (e.g. audio, graphics, video, etc.) that enhance—but does not detract from—the presentation.

Literature Review

Conduct research to identify in peer reviewed and other primary sources articles pertaining to leadership theories and framework that may have applicability in enhancing and promoting the mentoring, growth, and development of emerging leaders in higher education. Write a brief literature review summarizing your research. Your literature review should be at most ten (10) pages in length (not including the cover page and references). Papers should be formatted using a 1” margin on all sides, double-spaced, written using a standard 12-point font like Times New Roman, and formatted using current APA guidelines. Grading Scale: The following scale will be used to assign final grades for the course:

A 94-100 A- 90-93 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 74-76 C- 71-73 F 0-70



Week Topics Assignments Week 1

- 8/28/17

Course Introductions Understanding the Academic Environment

Read Hendrickson, Robert M., Lane, Jason E., Harris, James T., & Dorman, Richard H. (2013): Chapter 1 & 2 Perry, James L. (2010): Chapter 1 & 2 Introductory Discussion Forum (Not graded but required) Please introduce yourself to your classmates by posting a brief bio-sketch.

Week 2 -


External Influences on Leadership in Higher Education

Read Hendrickson, Robert M., Lane, Jason E., Harris, James T., & Dorman, Richard H. (2013): Chapter 4 & 5 Perry, James L. (2010): Chapter 6 Discussion Board #1 (Graded) Please participate in the discussion and respond to the issue posted on the discussion board.

Class 3 -


Board and Presidential Leadership

Read Hendrickson, Robert M., Lane, Jason E., Harris, James T., & Dorman, Richard H. (2013): Chapter 9 & 10 Perry, James L. (2010): Chapter 3 & 5 Discussion Board #2 (Graded) Please participate in the discussion and respond to the issue posted on the discussion board.


Class 4 -


Shared Governance in Academic Leadership

Read Hendrickson, Robert M., Lane, Jason E., Harris, James T., & Dorman, Richard H. (2013): Chapter 11 Perry, James L. (2010): Chapter 18 Discussion Board #3 (Graded) Please participate in the discussion and respond to the issue posted on the discussion board.

Class 5 -


Academic Departmental Leadership

Read Hendrickson, Robert M., Lane, Jason E., Harris, James T., & Dorman, Richard H. (2013): Chapter 12 Perry, James L. (2010): Chapter 14 Discussion Board #4 (Graded) Please participate in the discussion and respond to the issue posted on the discussion board. Assignment Due:

Leadership Theory Literature Review (Due 10/1/17)

Class 6

- 10/2/17

Leadership as it Pertains to the Faculty

Read Hendrickson, Robert M., Lane, Jason E., Harris, James T., & Dorman, Richard H. (2013): Chapter 13 Perry, James L. (2010): Chapter 9 Discussion Board #5 (Graded) Please participate in the discussion and respond to the issue posted on the discussion board.

Class 7 -


Leadership as it Pertains to the Students

Read Hendrickson, Robert M., Lane, Jason E., Harris, James T., & Dorman, Richard H. (2013): Chapter 14


Perry, James L. (2010): Chapter 22 Discussion Board #6(Graded) Please participate in the discussion and respond to the issue posted on the discussion board. Assignment Due;

Leadership Theory Presentation (Due 10/15/17)

Class 8

- 10/16/17

The Courts and Leadership

Read Hendrickson, Robert M., Lane, Jason E., Harris, James T., & Dorman, Richard H. (2013): Chapter 6 Perry, James L. (2010): Chapter 19 Discussion Board #7(Graded) Please participate in the discussion and respond to the issue posted on the discussion board.

Class 9 -


The Role of Leadership in Institutional Planning, Assessment, and Budgeting

Read Hendrickson, Robert M., Lane, Jason E., Harris, James T., & Dorman, Richard H. (2013): Chapter 15 Perry, James L. (2010): Chapter 11 Discussion Board #8 (Graded) Please participate in the discussion and respond to the issue posted on the discussion board. Assignment Due;

Term Project – Leadership Case Study (Due 10/29/17)

Class 10

- Leading into the Future: The



10/30/17 Changing Landscape of Higher Education

Perry, James L. (2010): Chapter 25, 27 & 33 Concluding Discussion Board (Not graded but required) Please participate in the discussion by posting your reflections on the course

COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND EXPECTATIONS Readings and Viewings You are responsible for reading and viewing ALL of the assigned materials. You must read carefully and critically so that you can apply the materials to class discussions and written assignments. APA Style Unless otherwise noted, all written assignments should be prepared according to the style manual (6th edition) of the American Psychological Association. Adherence to the APA style will be considered in determining grades for assignments.

Late Assignments: I will accept late submissions of assignments, but please note that a penalty will apply. For assignments submitted 3 days past the due date, a 5% penalty will apply. For assignments submitted 4 or more days past the due date a 10% penalty will apply. My intention in applying the penalties is not to be punitive, but rather to provide a little “incentive” for you to stay on top of your assignments. The really good news is that penalties may be avoided if you alert me in advance of the due date that your assignment will be late. Note though, that you will be allowed only two late penalties waiver for the course.

Faculty Contact Information The best way to reach me is via e-mail. If you wish to make a phone appointment, please send an e-mail and we will arrange a mutually convenient time for a conversation. Academic Honesty You are responsible for understanding and maintaining the standards of academic and professional integrity. You must familiarize yourself with the University’s published policies on academic honesty. Any form of plagiarism will be grounds for failure of an assignment and may result in a failing grade for the course. See the section below for additional information. ACADEMIC POLICIES


University Academic Policies: Disability Support Services (DSS) Statement:

If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Disability Support Services, ECC (Educational Communications Center) Building, room 128, (631) 632-6748. They will determine with you what accommodations, if any, are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.

Academic Integrity Statement:

Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty are required to report any suspected instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the Stony Brook University Academic Integrity website.

Critical Incident Management Statement:

Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of Judicial Affairs any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn.

Course Content:

Course material accessed from Blackboard, SB Connect, SB Capture or a Stony Brook Course website is for the exclusive use of students who are currently enrolled in the course. Content from these systems cannot be reused or distributed without written permission of the instructor and/or the copyright holder. Duplication of materials protected by copyright, without permission of the copyright holder is a violation of the Federal copyright law, as well as a violation of Stony Brook's Academic Integrity and Student Conduct Codes. You can find out more at the Stony Brook University Student Conduct Code website.

This syllabus constitutes the agreement between the instructor and student. Any modifications to this syllabus will be identified during the course.

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